Buzz Plan.docx

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    A Note on Using This PublicationWhat's in This for You?Why Are You in Business?What Business Are You In?


    Where Is YourMarket?Ad ertising!o"#etition$ales $trategy



    Personnel %e&uire"ents&ui#"ent %e&uire"ents



    Matching Money and (#ensesIs Additional Money Needed?






    A) Inco"e Pro*ection $tate"entB) !ash +lo, Pro*ection !onstruction +ir"s!) Balance $heet-) .o, to Write a Business Plan

    ) Infor"ation %esources


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    A business #lan can #ro ide you/ the o,ner0"anager or #ros#ecti e o,ner0"anager of a s"allconstruction fir"/ ,ith a #ath,ay to #rofit) This #ublication is designed to hel# you de elo# a

    business #lan)

    In building a #ath,ay to #rofit you need to consider the follo,ing &uestions1 What business a" Iin? What do I sell? Where is "y "arket? Who ,ill buy? Who is "y co"#etition? What is "ysales strategy? .o, "uch "oney is needed to o#erate "y fir"? .o, ,ill I get the ,ork done?What "anage"ent controls are needed? .o, can they be carried out? When should I re ise "y

    #lan? Where can I go for hel#?

    No one can ans,er such &uestions for you) As the o,ner0"anager/ you ha e to ans,er the" asyou dra, u# your business #lan) This #ublication is a co"bination of te(t and ,ork s#aces soyou can ,rite in the infor"ation you gather in de elo#ing your business #lan)

    A Note on Using T is P!"#i$%tion&

    It takes ti"e/ energy and #atience to dra, u# a satisfactory business #lan) Use this #ublication torecord your ideas and the su##orting facts) And/ abo e all/ "ake any needed changes in your

    #lan as it unfolds) 2ee# in "ind that anything you lea e out of the #icture ,ill create anadditional drain on your "oney ,hen it une(#ectedly cro#s u# later) If you lea e out or ignoretoo "any ite"s/ your business is headed for disaster)

    %e"e"ber/ your final goal is to #ut your #lan into action) More ,ill be said about this ste# later)

    W %t's in T is (o) Yo!?

    The ha""er/ tro,el/ #liers and ,rench are ,ell0kno,n tools of the construction industry)Manage"ent is another tool that you as the o,ner0"anager of a construction fir" "ust use) ach

    *ob "ust be #lanned and organi3ed if the fir" is to run s"oothly and efficiently) A business #lan,ill hel# you increase your "anage"ent skills)

    Because of the di ersification in the construction industry/ you "ay be engaged in residential/co""ercial or industrial construction) You "ay be either a general or a s#ecialty contractor)%egardless of ,hich field you're in/ the sa"e basic "anagerial skills are needed) This #lan is aguide to the arious areas that "anagers are concerned ,ith) As you ,ork through this #lan/ada#t it to your #articular needs)

    When co"#lete/ your business #lan ,ill hel# guide your daily business acti ities) When youkno, ,here you ,ant to go/ it is easier to #lan ho, to get there) Also/ the business #lan can hel#you co""unicate your goals and the s#ecifics of your o#erations to e"#loyees/ su##liers/

    bankers and others)

    Whether you are *ust thinking about starting your o,n fir" or ha e already started it/ the business #lan can be a great benefit) As your "anage"ent skills increase so ,ill the nu"ber of


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    *obs you can effecti ely control) The careful co"#letion of this #lan "ay #oint out #roble"s andli"itations of your o#eration) This is i"#ortant) To be a successful contractor you "ust not onlykno, your business thoroughly/ but also kno, your li"its and seek #rofessional ad ice in theseareas)

    W * A)e Yo! in B!siness?

    Most contractors are in business to "ake "oney and be their o,n boss 00 both ery i"#ortantreasons) But don't forget/ no one is likely to stay in business unless he or she also satisfies aconsu"er need at a co"#etiti e #rice 00 the re,ard of ,hich is #rofit)

    In the first years of business/ your #rofits "ay see" like a s"all return for the long hours/ hard,ork and res#onsibility of being the boss) But there are other re,ards associated ,ith ha ingyour o,n business) +or e(a"#le/ you "ay find satisfaction in hel#ing to #ut groceries on youre"#loyees' tables) 4r "aybe your satisfaction ,ill co"e fro" building a business you can #asson to your children)

    Why are you in business? 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555



    W %t B!siness A)e Yo! In?

    At first glance this "ay see" a rather silly &uestion) You "ay say/ If there is one thing I'" sureof/ it's ,hat business I'" in) But ,ait) 6ook further into the &uestion) $u##ose you say/ I build

    houses) Are you a s#eculati e or custo" builder? Are you a re"odeler? Are you a subcontractor?!an you schedule a co"#lete *ob and "ake "oney? -efining your business clearly and tailoringyour business #lan to your definition ,ill hel# increase your #rofits)

    !onsider this e(a"#le) +or "any years/ Bob %ogers had a construction business that s#eciali3edin designing and building co""ercial bars) .e had enough business to kee# hi" and his cre,

    busy until the early 789:s/ ,hen sales began to fall off) By "o ing his sho# to s"aller &uarters,ith less o erhead and by laying off half his cre,/ Mr) %ogers ,as able to "aintain his businessto his satisfaction for the rest of his life)

    After his death/ his son reali3ed that he ,as not in the business of building co""ercial bars but

    rather of custo" finishing) Today the son's business is #ros#ering) .e re"odels kitchens and builds cabinets in #ri ate ho"es and also does other ty#es of finish ,ork and car#entry) Theson's ability to redefine the nature of the father's business allo,ed hi" to gain greater benefits)

    In the s#ace belo,/ state ,hat business you're really in)



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    What are your reasons for this choice?






    When you ha e decided ,hat sort of construction business you're in/ you ha e "ade your first"arketing decision) No,/ in order to sell your ser ice or #roduct/ you "ust face other "arketing


    Your "arketing ob*ecti e is to find enough *obs at the right ti"es to #ro ide a steady flo, ofinco"e for your business) $tart by coordinating your *obs to eli"inate the do,n ti"e bet,eenthe") An indi idual ,ho cannot co"e u# ,ith enough ideas to kee# a cre, ,orking 7; "onths ayear "ay not be ready to run a construction business)

    W e)e Is Yo!) M%)+et?

    -escribe your "arket area in ter"s of custo"er #rofile

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    You ha e described ,hat you're "arketing

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    !o"#etition is largely based on #rices/ although &uality and efficiency are factors alsoconsidered by #otential custo"ers) Poor financial #lanners ha e a high failure rate) +or thisreason/ #lan carefully/ #articularly in the areas of esti"ating and bidding)

    In order to "easure your co"#etition/ ans,er the follo,ing &uestions)

    Who ,ill be your "a*or co"#etitors?


    .o, ,ill you co"#ete against the"?


    S%#es St)%teg*

    The "arket for the construction industry is uni&ue in "any ,ays) It de#ends on such ariables asthe state of the econo"y/ local e"#loy"ent stability/ the seasonal &uality of the ,ork/ laborrelations/ good subcontractors and interest rates)

    Also/ as a contractor/ you are una oidably de#endent on others/ such as custo"ers or financialinstitutions/ for #ay"ent/ and on other contractors for #erfor"ance of their ,ork) !onsider yourcash flo, ,hen you esti"ate and bid on a *ob) You "ust be #aid in ti"e to "eet your o,nobligations)


    Whether an o,ner0"anager in the construction business succeeds 00 i)e)/ "akes a #rofit 00de#ends to a great e(tent on bidding #ractices) Therefore/ you "ust "ake careful and co"#leteesti"ates)

    Many successful contractors attribute their success to their esti"ating #rocedures) Beforesub"itting a bid/ they calculate all *ob costs by di iding the *ob into ,ork units and #ieces of"aterial/ and then assigning a cost to each ite") The total of these costs ,ill be the directconstruction cost) They also esti"ate the indirect costs of a *ob/ such as o erhead e(#enses 00 thecosts of "aintaining the office/ trucks/ license fees/ etc) The esti"ate should also include anyinterest charges on borro,ed "oney/ insurance fees/ surety bond #re"iu"s/ tra el e(#enses/ad ertising costs/ office salaries/ la,yer's fees/ etc) These "ust also be #aid out of gross inco"e)

    Trade associations/ as one of their ser ices/ often #ro ide "e"bers ,ith a #ackage of businessfor"s) The cost esti"ate for" is usually included in this #ackage) The ob ious ad antage ofthese for"s is that they are s#ecifically designed for a #articular trade)

    %egardless of ,hat cost esti"ate for" you use/ it should include headings for acti ity/ "aterial/labor/ subcontracts and esti"ated cost) It also should ha e areas for direct construction costs/indirect construction costs/ o erhead and #rofit) In addition/ a colu"n for the actual cost


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    co"#ared to the esti"ated cost of a s#ecific ,ork ite" ,ill allo, you to e aluate the #rofitabilityof a *ob after it is co"#leted) This ,ill sho, you ,here your esti"ates ,ere high or lo,/ andenable you to ad*ust future bids on si"ilar #ro*ects) This colu"n ,ill also be necessary ,hen itco"es ti"e for your financial accounting)


    Your decision to bid or not to bid on a #articular *ob should be deter"ined by se eral factors)+irst/ do you ha e the ca#acity to co"#lete the *ob on schedule and according to thes#ecifications? Be,are of o ere(tending yourself out of business) You "ust o#erate ,ithin yourkno,n ca#abilities) 4n any *ob/ you "ust follo, all the details of the ,ork yourself/ or findco"#etent su#er ision)


    Bonding co"#anies ,ork ,ith construction co"#anies to ensure that the construction fir" fully

    co""its to the ter"s of its contract) Usually bonding co"#anies base their fees for bonds on a #ercentage of the contract #rice) +or e(a"#le/ if you ha e a >7::/::: and your bondingco"#any charges 7: #ercent of the contract #rice/ you ,ill #ay >7:/::: for bonds)

    There are three "ain ty#es of bonds) Bid bonds assure that the successful bidder is #re#ared to #erfor" the ,ork according to the ter"s of the contract) Perfor"ance bonds assure co"#letionof the *ob according to #lans and s#ecifications) Pay"ent bonds assure anyone dealing ,ith the

    bonded contractor that he or she ,ill be #aid)

    The effect of being a bonded contractor is e ident in the area of co"#etition) The custo"er/ byre&uiring that the contractor be bonded/ is "ore or less assured of ade&uate co"#letion of the

    *ob) Therefore/ custo"ers are "ore likely to co"#are contractors on the basis of #rice)With the ,ides#read use of bonding re&uire"ents/ the co"#etition generated often leads theine(#erienced contractor to sub"it bids that are unrealistically lo,) 4ne or t,o such "istakescan s#ell bankru#tcy)

    Being a bonded contractor is a good ad ertising #oint) Another ad antage is that banks are often"ore lenient to,ard bonded contractors)

    Will you need bonding1 55555555 often 55555555 occasionally/ or 55555555 seldo"?

    Where ,ill you get your bond? 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

    What ,ill the ter"s be?



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    Bond co"#anies usually re&uire the contractor to ha e #ro en e(#erience and the financialca#ability to co"#lete a #ro*ect) Meeting these re&uire"ents can be a real stu"bling block to ane, construction fir")

    The U)$) $"all Business Ad"inistration 7); "illion or 8: #ercent of losses incurred under bid/ #ay"entor #erfor"ance bonds) A##lications for this assistance are a ailable fro" any $BA field office)


    4nce your "arketing efforts result in *obs/ the #roble" beco"es one of #roduction) .o, ,illyou #lan the ,ork so that the *ob gets done on ti"e?

    No "atter ho, you #lan the ,ork/ your #lan should hel# you "aintain your #roduction scheduleand ad*ust #roduction to "eet changing conditions/ such as bad ,eather)

    As you #lan your ,ork schedule/ kee# in "ind the ti"ing of starts and the ti"ing of the ariousste#s in the construction of your #ro*ects) -on't forget to consider the si3e and nature of each *obalso) With sufficient hel# and su#er isory #ersonnel/ you can engage in your "a(i"u" nu"berof #ro*ects)

    The ,ork schedule should sho, the arious o#erations in se&uence and assign a ,orking dayand calendar day to each) $e eral o#erations "ay be in #rogress si"ultaneously) A glance at your ,ork schedule ,ill let you kno, if ,ork is #rogressing on ti"e) Many co"#anies offer

    co""ercial scheduling boards designed for this #ur#ose)Belo, is a #artial ,ork schedule to de"onstrate ho, yours "ay be set u#) Note that there is acolu"n that can be filled in ,ith either a solid "ark or an to indicate either #artial orco"#leted ,ork) When you look at a #articular calendar day/ an ne(t to it ,ould indicate thatyou're on schedule) An o#en s&uare indicates a delay) .ere/ then/ is a con enient ,ay to s#otdelays so you can take correcti e action)

    You should sa e your ,ork schedules as a basis for future esti"ates) +or e(a"#le/ if you areesti"ating a *ob si"ilar to one you' e done before/ you'll already ha e infor"ation on the ste#sof #roduction/ ,hat "aterials you'll need and ,hen/ ho, long the *ob ,ill take and any

    #eculiarities that "ay affect *ob co"#letion) When you consider all these things/ you'll be "orelikely to sub"it an accurate bid)


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    !areful records can also indicate ho, "any ,orkers you ,ill need) If the ,ork falls behindschedule/ you "ay need to bring "ore ,orkers to the *ob to co"#lete it on ti"e) In this ,ay/ you,ill a oid a #ossibly larger financial loss fro" #aying a #enalty for late ,ork

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    4ften/ #eo#le ,ith co"#le"entary e(#erience and skills/ such as ,ork e(#erience and officee(#erience/ ,ill for" a #artnershi#) The organi3ational chart ,ill look like !hart @)

    In the s#ace belo,/ dra, an organi3ational chart for your co"#any)

    C %)t 0


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    What ,ill fringe benefits cost? 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

    Will you su#er ise the ,ork yourself or hire a fore"an? 555555555555555555555555

    If you hire a fore"an/ ,hat ,ill his or her salary be?555555555555555555555555555

    Will you need clerical hel#? 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

    What ,ill it cost? 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

    E1!i/.ent Re1!i)e.ents

    What s#ecial e&ui#"ent ,ill you need

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    In your financial #lanning/ the first consideration is the source of inco"e) In dollars/ ho, "uch business 7::/::: ,orth of ,ork? And e en "ore i"#ortant/ ,hat ,ill be leftas #rofit at the end of the year?

    Profit is your #ay) en if you #ay yourself a salary for li ing e(#enses/ your business "ust"ake a #rofit if it is to continue and #ay back the "oney and ti"e you ha e in ested in it) Profithel#s your fir" to be strong and to ha e a financial reser e for any lean #eriods)

    The inco"e #ro*ection state"ent in A##endi( A is designed to hel# you figure your yearlye(#enses) To use this ,orksheet/ you need to get one set of figures 00 the o#erating ratios

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    handles your co"#any's account) It is ne er too early to build good relations ,ith your banker) Ati"e "ay co"e ,hen you "ay ha e to seek funds fro" your banker)


    To "ake your #lan ,ork you ,ill need feedback at the arious stages of your "anage"ent #rocess 00 i)e)/ ,hen #lanning/ directing and controlling the *ob as ,ell as ade&uate financing)The "anage"ent controls you set u# should su##ly the infor"ation you need to kee# youro#eration on the "oney)

    -uring the #lanning stage/ you ,ill need to calculate your bid carefully) To direct a *ob/ you ,illneed your *ob cost analysis to "ake sure that the *ob is going to "ake a #rofit) To control the *ob/you "ust organi3e your e"#loyees' ,ork schedules) Personal follo, u# ensures efficient

    #erfor"ance by your #ersonnel)


    No, that you' e #lanned this far/ ste# back and take a look at your #lan) Is it realistic? !an youdo enough business to "ake a li ing?

    If your #lan isn't ,orkable/ no, is the ti"e to re ise it/ not after you' e in ested your ti"e and"oney) If you feel that so"e re isions are needed before you start your o,n business/ then "akethe") Co back to the cash flo, #ro*ection and ad*ust the figures) $ho, your business #lan toso"eone not in ol ed in de elo#ing the #lan) Your banker/ contact #erson at $BA

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    hire co"#etent e"#loyees? Where and ho, ,ill you get ,hate er licenses you need to be acontractor?

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    The inco"e #ro*ection

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    cost e(#ense ite"s by total net sales ( 7::F

    These #ercentages can be obtained fro" arious sources/ such as trade associations/ accountantsor banks) The reference librarian in your nearest #ublic library can refer you to docu"ents thatcontain the #ercentage figures/ for e(a"#le/ %obert Morris Associates' Annual $tate"ent $tudies

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    E Outside services 00 Include costs of subcontracts/ o erflo, ,ork and s#ecial or one0ti"eser ices)

    E Supplies 00 $er ices and ite"s #urchase for use in the business)

    E Repairs and maintenance 00 %egular "aintenance and re#air/ including #eriodic largee(#enditures such as #ainting)

    E Advertising 00 Include desired sales olu"e and classified directory ad ertising e(#enses)

    E Car, delivery and travel 00 Include charges if #ersonal car is used in business/ including #arking/ tolls/ buying tri#s/ etc)

    E Accounting and legal 00 4utside #rofessional ser ices)

    Fi2e, E2/enses

    E Rent 00 6ist only real estate used in the business)

    E Depreciation 00 A"orti3ation of ca#ital assets)

    E Utilities 00 Water/ heat/ light/ etc)

    E Insurance 00 +ire or liability on #ro#erty or #roducts) Include ,orkers' co"#ensation)

    E Loan repayments 00 Interest on outstanding loans)

    E Miscellaneous 00 Uns#ecifiedG s"all e(#enditures ,ithout se#arate accounts)

    Net Profit(loss)(beforetaxes)

    | Subtract total expenses from gross profit

    Taxes | Include inventory and sales taxes, excise tax, real estate tax,etc.

    Net Profit

    (loss)(after taxes) | Subtract taxes from net profit (before taxes)

    nnual Total |!or eac" of t"e sales and expense items in your incomepro#ection statement, add all t"e mont"ly figures across t"etable and put t"e results in t"e annual total column.

    nnualPercentage |

    $alculate t"e percentage by dividing annual total by total netsales x %&&'


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    | $ompare t"is figure to t"e industry percentage in t"e firstcolumn



    7) P !T - AHAI6AB6 !A$.The total balance in all your business bank accounts)

    ;) !A$. BA6AN!

    The cash balance/ #ositi e or negati e/ in the business at the beginning of each "onth)


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    @) P !T - % ! IPT$

    $e#arate your inco"e by all of the *obs

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    +igures used to co"#ile the balance sheet are taken fro" the #re ious and current balance sheetas ,ell as the current inco"e state"ent) The inco"e state"ent is usually attached to the balancesheet) The follo,ing te(t co ers the essential ele"ents of the balance sheet)


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    At the to# of the #age fill in the legal na"e of the business/ the ty#e of state"ent and the day/"onth and year)


    6ist anything of alue that is o,ned or legally due the business) Total assets include all netalues) These are the a"ounts deri ed ,hen you subtract de#reciation and a"orti3ation fro" theoriginal costs of ac&uiring the assets)

    !urrent Assets

    E Cas 00 6ist cash and resources that can be con erted into cash ,ithin 7; "onths of the date of the balance sheet

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    E #uildings

    E Improvements

    E $%uipment

    E &urniture

    E Automo!iles've icles


    !urrent liabilities

    6ist all debts/ "onetary obligations and clai"s #ayable ,ithin 7; "onths or ,ithin one cycle ofo#erations) Ty#ically they include the follo,ing1

    E Accounts paya!le 00 A"ounts o,ed to su##liers for goods and ser ices #urchased inconnection ,ith business o#erations)

    E (otes paya!le 00 The balance of #rinci#al die to #ay off short0ter" debt for borro,ed funds)Also include the current a"ount due of total balance on notes ,hose ter"s e(ceed 7; "onths)

    E Interest paya!le 00 Any accrued fees due for use of both short0 and long0ter" borro,ed ca#italand credit e(tended to the business)

    E )axes paya!le 00 A"ounts esti"ated by an accountant to ha e been incurred during the

    accounting #eriod)

    E Payroll accrual 00 $alaries and ,ages currently o,ed)

    6ong0ter" 6iabilities

    Notes #ayable 00 6ist notes/ contract #ay"ents or "ortgage #ay"ents due o er a #eriode(ceeding 7; "onths or one cycle of o#erations) They are listed by outstanding balance less thecurrent #ortion due)

    Net Wo)t

    Also called o,ner's e&uity/ net ,orth is the clai" of the o,ner

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    The follo,ing #ages #ro ide a suggested outline of the "aterial that should be included in your

    business #lan) Your final #lan "ay ary according to your needs or because of the indi idualre&uire"ents of your lender)

    W %t A)e t e Bene(its?

    ery business can benefit fro" the #re#aration of a carefully ,ritten #lan) There are t,o "ain #ur#oses for ,riting that #lan1

    7) To ser e as a guide during the lifeti"e of the business) It is the blue#rint of your business and,ill #ro ide you ,ith the tools for analysis and change)

    ;) A business #lan is a re&uire"ent if you are #lanning to seek a loan) It ,ill #ro ide #otentiallenders ,ith detailed infor"ation on all as#ects of your co"#any's #ast and current o#erationsand #ro ide future #ro*ections)

    B!siness P#%n O!t#ine

    I) !o er sheet

    $er es as the title #age of your business #lan) It should contain the follo,ing1

    E !o"#any address

    E !o"#any #hone nu"ber

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    E What your ob*ecti es are)

    E If you need a loan ,hy you need it)

    E .o, "uch you need)

    E Why you ,ill be successful)

    E .o, and ,hen you #lan to re#ay your loan)

    III) Table of contents

    A #age listing the "a*or to#ics and references)

    IH) The business

    !o ers the details of your business) Include infor"ation about your industry in general/ and your business in #articular) Address the follo,ing1

    E 6egal structure 00 Tell ,hat legal structure you ha e chosen and state reasons for your choice)

    E -escri#tion of the business 00 -etail your business) Tell about your history #resent status andfuture #ro*ections) 4utline your #roduct or ser ice in ter"s of "arketability) Pro*ect a sense of,hat you e(#ect to acco"#lish in the ne(t fe, years)

    E Products or ser ices 00 Ci e a detailed descri#tion of your #roducts fro" ra, "aterials tofinished ite"s) Tell about your "anufacturing #rocess) If you #ro ide a ser ice tell ,hat it is ho,

    it is #ro ided and ,hy it is uni&ue) 6ist future #roducts or ser ices you #lan to #ro ide)

    E 6ocation 00 -escribe site and ,hy it ,as chosen)

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    H) Marketing

    !o ers the details of your "arketing #lan) Include infor"ation about the total "arket ,ithe"#hasis on your target "arket) Identify your custo"ers and tell about the "eans to "ake your

    #roduct or ser ice a ailable to the")

    E )arget mar*et 00 Identify characteristics of your custo"ers) Tell ho, you arri ed at yourresults) Back u# infor"ation ,ith de"ogra#hics &uestionnaires and sur eys) Pro*ect si3e of your"arket)

    E Competition 00 aluate indirect and direct co"#etition) $ho, ho, you can co"#ete)aluate co"#etition in ter"s of location "arket and business history)

    E Met ods o+ distri!ution 00 Tell about the "anner in ,hich #roducts and ser ices ,ill be "adea ailable to the custo"er) Back u# decisions ,ith statistical re#orts rate sheets etc)

    E Advertising 00 .o, ,ill your ad ertising be tailored to your target "arket? Include rate sheets #ro"otional "aterial and ti"e lines for your ad ertising ca"#aign)

    E Pricing 00 Pricing ,ill be deter"ined as a result of "arket research and costing your #roductor ser ice) Tell ho, you arri ed at your #ricing structure and back it u# ,ith "aterials fro" yourresearch)

    E Product design 00 Ans,er key &uestions regarding #roduct design and #ackaging) Includegra#hics and #ro#rietary rights infor"ation)

    E )iming o+ mar*et entry 00 Tell ,hen you #lan to enter the "arket and ho, you arri ed at your


    E Location 00 If your choice of location is related to target "arket co er it in this section of your business #lan)

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    E !ash flo, state"ent

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    E Credit reports 00 Business and #ersonal fro" su##liers or ,holesalers credit bureaus and banks)

    E Copies o+ leases 00 All agree"ents currently in force bet,een your co"#any and a leasingagency)

    E Letters o+ re+erence 00 6etters reco""ending you as being a re#utable and reliable business #erson ,orthy of being considered a good risk)

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    0SCOR$ Counselors to America2s Small #usiness / a national organi3ation s#onsored by $BA of o er 77/::: olunteer business e(ecuti es ,ho #ro ide free counseling/ ,orksho#s and se"inarsto #ros#ecti e and e(isting s"all business #eo#le) +ree online counseling and training at,,,)score)org)

    " Small #usiness Development Centers /S#DCs0, s#onsored by the $BA in #artnershi# ,ith statego ern"ents/ the educational co""unity and the #ri ate sector) They #ro ide assistance/counseling and training to #ros#ecti e and e(isting business #eo#le)

    " 3omen2s #usiness Centers /3#Cs0, s#onsored by the $BA in #artnershi# ,ith local non0go ern"ent organi3ations across the nation) !enters are geared s#ecifically to #ro ide trainingfor ,o"en in finance/ "anage"ent/ "arketing/ #rocure"ent and the Internet)

    +or "ore infor"ation about $BA business de elo#"ent #rogra"s and ser ices call the $BA$"all Business Ans,er -esk at 709::0U0A$20$BA

  • 8/9/2019 Buzz Plan.docx


    U&S& De/%)t.ent o( Co..e)$e 5DOC64ffice of Business 6iaison7 th $treet and !onstitution A enue/ NWWashington/ -! ;:;@:htt#1 ,,,)osec)doc)go obl

    -4!'s Business 6iaison !enter #ro ides listings of business o##ortunities a ailable in thefederal go ern"ent) This ser ice also ,ill refer businesses to different #rogra"s and ser ices inthe -4! and other federal agencies)

    U&S& De/%)t.ent o( He%#t %n, H!.%n Se)-i$es 5HHS6$ubstance Abuse and Mental .ealth $er ices Ad"inistration7 !hoke !herry %oad%ock ille/ M- ;:9 Khtt#1 ,,,),ork#lace)sa"hsa)go.el#line1 709::0,ork#lace) Pro ides infor"ation on "#loyee Assistance Progra"s -rug/Alcohol and other $ubstance Abuse)

    U&S& De/%)t.ent o( L%"o) 5DOL6"#loy"ent $tandards Ad"inistration

    ;:: !onstitution A enue/ NWWashington/ -! ;:;7:The -46 offers #ublications on co"#liance ,ith labor la,s)

    U&S& De/%)t.ent o( T)e%s!)*Internal %e enue $er ice

  • 8/9/2019 Buzz Plan.docx


    Fo) Mo)e In(o).%tion

    A librarian can hel# you locate the s#ecific infor"ation you need in reference books) Mostlibraries ha e a ariety of directories/ inde(es and encyclo#edias that co er "any businessto#ics) They also ha e other resources/ such as

    7 T)%,e %sso$i%tion in(o).%tion

    Ask the librarian to sho, you a directory of trade associations) Associations #ro ide a aluablenet,ork of resources to their "e"bers through #ublications and ser ices such as ne,sletters/conferences and se"inars)

    7 Boo+s

    Many guidebooks/ te(tbooks and "anuals on s"all business are #ublished annually) To find thena"es of books not in your local library check Books In Print/ a directory of books currently

    a ailable fro" #ublishers)

    7 M%g%8ine %n, ne9s/%/e) %)ti$#es

    Business and #rofessional "aga3ines #ro ide infor"ation that is "ore current than that found in books and te(tbooks) There are a nu"ber of inde(es to hel# you find s#ecific articles in #eriodicals)

    7 Inte)net Se%)$ Engines

    In addition to books and "aga3ines/ "any libraries offer free ,orksho#s/ free access to

    co"#uters and the Internet/ lend skill0building ta#es and ha e catalogues and brochuresdescribing continuing education o##ortunities)

    P!"#is e, 7 A!g!st :;