But cilvekam en_01.12 (1)

Hominem ex operibus eius cognoscere Being a Human: Understanding, Opportunities, Choice As painful as the truth wouldn’t be, we have to admit that the majority of us are still blindly fighting the problems, difficulties, and absurdities created and constantly reproduced by the ruling power in various ways. In order to survive, we put all of our efforts to adapt to the situation without paying attention to what is going on, without thinking about the cause, and without trying to find the root of the problems. 1

Transcript of But cilvekam en_01.12 (1)

Page 1: But cilvekam en_01.12 (1)

Hominem ex operibus eius cognoscere

Being a Human: Understanding, Opportunities, Choice

As painful as the truth wouldn’t be, we have to admit that the

majority of us are still blindly fighting the problems, difficulties, and

absurdities created and constantly reproduced by the ruling power in

various ways. In order to survive, we put all of our efforts to adapt to the

situation without paying attention to what is going on, without thinking

about the cause, and without trying to find the root of the problems.

Then we adapt to the situation and get used to living in conditions which

are not at all humane.

Seemingly normal people are turned into narrow-minded obscurants,

creatures who lose their ability to reason, analyse, and see the

difference between good and bad in educational systems staged in the

interest of the ruling power and as a result of sophisticated propaganda

becoming servants of amoral and cynical political engineers without


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even knowing it and becoming a subject which may be manipulated in

the social engineering schemes developed by these very persons.

Under such conditions the power elite starts to believe that they are

almighty super-humans who can pick their puppets by the principle of

cretinism (useful idiot), degrading the whole state administration

system, planting the seeds of ignorance, xenophobia, and mistrust in

society, encouraging to hate those who think differently, repressing the

human creativity, and strictly limiting chances of development and

expression. Such democracy becomes its own opposition, a self-

destruction tool which maintains its quality as the antinational

institutions established by the power have reached a state where the

majority of the people are considered the senseless crowd.

It is a body of people which may be easily manipulated by those in

the power trough supposedly democratic elections, by aggressively

denying and radically restricting other alternatives. The power system

which is established now is degrading a large portion of society by

massive propaganda and control over organisation and content of

education, making them simple-minded fools – controllable creatures.

The experience so far shows that such power methods are effective

enough so that those in the power would give them up by free will. As a

result, the formal democracy which works in the interests of politicians

is successfully turned into a fiction for the society.

The approach of the ruling power which has led the people to a state

of senseless crowd is clearly inhumane, harmful, and antinational as it is

degrading the personality and stopping individuals and the whole society

from creating an identity, as well as realising their abilities, talents, and


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skills. People who would otherwise naturally fit in the social life are now

turned into a blind tool controlled by groups and noblemen who have

boosted the power; democracy becomes a mean to oppress opinion of

the manipulated majority on the minority who still strive to think

differently. It really slows down the social development with all of the

negative consequences coming with it.

Isn't it now the time to finally become aware of the essential need to

create such social environment where every person would have the

opportunities to live to the fullest and realise the mission and essence of

being a human?! We have to find a way to cut off oppression of this

pseudo-democracy, we have to find an exit from the threats we all are

facing! By continuing this, destruction of the fundamentals of humanity

becomes an obvious perspective of the nearest future as the increasing

social problems due to intensified political, ideological, religious, and

ethnic disagreements are being tackled by violence causing tragic

consequences to the nations and humankind.

Ironically, this approach after all becomes suicidal to the members of

the power elite who consider themselves omnipotent, although in their

unquenchable desire for power they will keep forcing polarization of the

society, put out obstacles to any efforts of self-organisation, use all of

their powers to keep stupefying the majority and igniting the sordid

instincts, by letting the genie of evil out of its bottle and not being able

or knowing how to get it back in eventually becoming hostages of their

own created situation. Thus their arrogant, short-sighted, obscure, and

selfish approach ultimately leads to their own destruction and

unfortunately also a mass tragedy for the people.


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We all make mistakes. The most important though is how we

respond to these mistakes! Why do we repeat mistakes of the previous

generations even taking them to a whole new level and quality without

learning anything from all the harsh past experiences?! What would

have to be done for us to still become capable of avoiding this tragic

progression of events – changing this pessimistic vision of the future?

And at this point we have remember the age-old truth that we are

the ones who create our own happiness (and problems), our own lives.

We all come into this world with particular and individual set of genes:

our skills, talents, good and bad qualities, which are then either

developed and improved or slowed down and restricted after a young

person has adapted to life in the respective environment. Society and its

central element family play the largest role in formation of identity. This

social environment either provides an upcoming person with self-

development and self-realization opportunities or degrades to the level

of primitive reflexes and instincts necessary for existence. This depends

on the dominating values and needs, the individually adopted (often

oppressed and cultivated by the stat) system of interests and motives,

moral standards, and extent of humanity.

To get the necessary support from society in discovering, recognising,

and forming of one’s identity it is necessary to find socially effective

means – adequate scientific tools of education and upbringing. As one of

such possible means and socially effective tools I offer social identity

passports (SIP) – see the conceptual summary of the idea in articles

Improvement Possibilities for Democracy and On the Target Function of


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a Social Identity Passport: http://ceihners.blogspot.com/ =


In the view of the majority of society, especially of those reactionary,

cynical, and selfish persons in power, it is not only an extraordinary

initiative but also an unacceptable proposal directly threatening their

positions of power and destroying the base of their self-established

controllable democracy. From their point of view this initiative has to be

ignored, kept silent, or characterised as dangerous, naively ideological,

one which violates privacy of the members of society. Therefore,

unacceptable which is not worthy of a public discussion by evaluating it

critically and scrupulously. Of course, such attitude may for a while slow

down the progress of the SIP initiative and create obstacles for its

realisation. As a result of which the social crisis will become only deeper,

social problems will grow, causing even greater consequences and

brining to as new tragedies and ruined lives.

We may not say anything to those who have not understood the goal

of the social identity passport, caught the idea of the SIP, or studied its

potential as we all from the very birth are subjected to constant

ideological treatment which twists our perception, makes a pattern in

our worldview, and trains us to accept the very minimum and even that

is even hardly achievable under the current conditions.

Only by trying to find oneself in the social mirror and recognise

oneself as a social being, a person is capable of mobilising his/her

intellectual potential, creating preconditions to decline the stereotypes,

illusions, and prejudice oppressed by the ruling power as well as to filter

and clear your worldview from populism, ideologies, and demagogy. Just


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like that will stumble upon the truth which has been proven through the

history of our civilization that the basic criteria for activity of any public

person is the coherence between what has been said and what has been

done measuring the results only based on the amount and quality of

work not the volume of the pseudo-democratic slogans, manipulation of

statistical data, or number of various different excuses.

Until the society will not have gained understanding and perception

of the true content and expression of the human values, politicians will

keep producing their pathetic populist slogans without any substantial

results without putting end to demagogy and spreading of myths.

I believe and am convinced that self-realisation of every member of

the society is the key to the greatness both for individuals and society as

a whole!

Any society or state is based on people – individuals with all of the

characteristics making up their identities: both positive and negative.

While we are being the regular citizens our influence on the state power

structures is rather indirect - mostly through the democratic institutions

functioning in a given state. But once we get into the state structures

and become public persons with legislative, executive or judiciary

powers, our legal capability and influence on the social processes

increases significantly, but this awareness of power also boosts our

ambitions, develops a sense of superiority, arrogance, and vanity.

Consequences of decisions made by these public persons have an impact

on everyone in the hierarchy of the respective administration and

related to it. Therefore in any given democratic country today it is

becoming a requirement for anyone who is running for a positions of a


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public person to reveal to the people, i.e. voters, one’s individual

potential and characteristics which will eventually play a significant role

in the actions taken by the person representing the interests of the

people, quality of decisions made, compliance with the democratic

standards, and at the end – progress of society as a whole, living

standards and quality of every individual, and extent to which the

people trust the state power.

The barrier of fear has constantly made it difficult or even disallowed

to perceive and understand the truth that now the only how people may

get free from the worldview cultivated by the power structures, the

oppressed conceptions and moral norms and to avoid further

manipulations with the majority is by restricting their own selfishness,

eliminating prejudice, and reasonably evaluating the possibility to

maintain and ensure complete privacy in the modern society. Thus

stopping progress of the anti-humane processes and promoting real

democracy. Only by being aware of and following this guidance it is

possible to create the necessary preconditions for not repeating the

mistakes made by previous generations, so that the hard work would

not go to waste and opportunities would be created for being in

harmony with one's identity and using one’s abilities, skills and talents

for the sake of oneself and the whole society.

By stubbornly refusing to understand it and ignoring novelties will

make suffer all of us: including, the always-busy passive spectators and

persistent oppositionists as well as the political formations and leaders

who due to their narrow-mindedness, obscurantism, and crooked

worldview are still interested in maintaining the repressive system made


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for manipulation with human minds by creating a hypnotised

generation, guiding people into moral downfall, and discrediting


That is why over the course of a detailed evaluation and analysis of

the SIP initiative, its implementation in a well-considered and gradual

manner has become a requirement arising out of unbiased

circumstances. The most important is that the bright and altruistic minds

would perceive it as motivation for purposeful and immediate action so

that it would not be critically late for the society and the state!

Accumulation, systematisation, and use of personal data is a reality

of today which many of us are still not aware of or ignore just like an

ostrich putting his head in the sand. A good proof of that is the On-line

service developed by psychologists at the Cambridge University which

creates a psychological portrait of a person based exclusively on the

information available on his/her Facebook profile (see:

http://applymagicsauce.com/you.html). According to the mass media,

also a great amount of private information in respect to the

administrative staff of the US has been obtained during a cyber-attack,

disclosing 20 million data units and personal profiles of the employees

working for the state administration (see:


To maintain and ensure development of every citizen and the whole

state, it is necessary to have assurance that the current situation will not

go worse. There is also a need for guarantee of such assurance which

could be provided by the SIP initiative. We finally have to acknowledge

that the SIP is not a threat but rather a tool for discovering and using of


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the immense social and creative potential of humanity which would

allow us to open a new page in a full-fledged democratic development of

the society.

The risks of social disasters are increasing by leaving the adverse

processes without any control. Development of the social processes is

unpredictable if the state structures and their leaders form an

environment which may not be controlled by the society (by creating the

parallel political reality = mythical kingdom of distorting mirrors). The

development vector under such conditions motivates a significant

majority of the society to act based on sordid instincts, thus making

them to discredit their own humanness.

Ignorance of different opinions and solutions, complaining about

what is going on, adaptation, and giving up is taking us to the social dead

end, where the existing negativity become even more grotesque,

situation more disastrous, and demagogy more refined.

The author has proposed the idea of SIP with an aim to make the

society more humane and offered to approbate the SIP initiative as a

measure of the morality level and mental development of public persons

and as a tool for improving democracy so that at the end the state

administration would be based on strict principles in respect to the

people and with a real and strong feedback.

In this way the author is trying to activate the minds of reasonably

thinking people, offer a possible solution for the current problems, and

find an alternative for the current retrograde politics because it is we

who can recognise the need and dare to change the old power

institutions. The future is born today. And we are responsible for how


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this future will look like and what we will pass on to the next

generations! After all, each of us individually has to evaluate our

worldview and decide how to act as the great Latvian poet Rainis has

said the one who is going to last is the one who is willing to change.

The author has no intention of increasing fear about the future and

dramatizing the situation, but rather to open the eyes of his fellow

people about the painful truth and warn about the potential risks at the

same time offering the SIP as a tool for elimination (minimisation) of

these risks.

Has anyone ever thought that when the artificial intelligence, which

is still in its very initial phase, is improved to a certain point, it will come

to an argument and logical conclusion after analysing and evaluating

functioning of the society (if the new generation has not mobilized its

humane potential and changed to the good by crucially strengthening its

humane identity) that the majority people are destroying fundamentals

of the society and spreading infection which may be lethal to the

existence of the society. Therefore they have to be isolated, treated, or

maybe even modified. The artificial intelligence will dominate over the

potential of a human mind and its iron logic will beat the irrationality of

the narrow-minded people as it may be seen today.

Why would we keep playing the hypocrite, speculate with ideals, why

would we have to fix the mistakes made by others, spend enormous

resources, and put huge efforts to deal with the consequences caused by

contra-productive actions (or inactions) of the members of society if we

could have it all avoided and lived much more harmonious state system.


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Up until this day, I have not found a single convincing and logical

general solution for cutting off the negativity of the modern society and

the current problems of the state at their very root. Therefore, I am

offering the idea of the SIP as to today we are facing all the necessary

conditions, reasonable preconditions and have sufficient technical and

scientific resources as well as creative intellectual potential for its

implementation. We only have to overcome these large barriers of fear,

selfishness, disbelief, ruling power not being interested in

implementation of the SIP initiative, acceptance and adaptation to any

circumstances we are provided. Otherwise, we keep living in a socially

corrupted environment without attempting to change it (or unknowingly

not looking for the possibilities to do it).

The cause of the actual problems is not being eliminated by the

hopeless fight against difficulties created by ourselves and by others,

without trying to find alternatives, searching and finding the root of

these problems because a significant part of it may be found in

ourselves: we are not capable of admitting our narrow-mindedness,

short-term thinking, and selfishness; we don’t see it as necessary to

maintain unbiased reasoning, meaning, to critically analyse and

adequately perceive the information (propaganda) provided by mass

media; we don’t want to get rid of our prejudice; we build walls and dig

trenchless were instead we would have to build a bridge of

understanding. And this is how we get the awareness that our truth is

absolute which we keep deep inside of ourselves without risking of

getting involved into reasoned discussions and not taking into account

all of the facts which contradict the majority.


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By seeing what is going around us, doesn’t it prove that a significant

part of the society is really made of obsessed suicidal maniacs who

blindly keep moving forward towards the apocalypse under the leash of

the ruling power and unknowingly pulling the rest of us in with them?

By looking at how adequate the members of various layers of the

modern society perceive reality in respect to their social status, the

following initial structure was observed:

1. People who mostly in their lives are constantly fighting for survival

of themselves and their families, meaning, fighting for their

existence, by trying to adapt to reality in various ways and

expressing they protest against the state institutions and disbelief

of propaganda as well as actively opposing the ruling power only in

desperate situations. In different countries proportion of such

population varies from 20 to 80 per cent;

2. The corrupted part of the society who due to some certain reasons

have been forced to live a criminal life, practice deception, fraud,

blackmailing, prostitution, smuggling, illegal gambling, are fallen

into addiction of drugs and alcohol or influenced by mafia, radicals,

and extremists. Activity of this part of the society is tended to be in

a form of violent protests in situations when the state structures

are demonstrating complete incapability of changing environment

they are in and motivation they are driven. This layer accounts for

5 to even 25 percent of the population;

3. The prosperous part of the society (including most of the staff and

officials working in the state administration) who can afford good

education and adequate health care, entertainment, and trips as


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well as are able to find time for personal development. Thus, they

are not very anxious about the processes in the society, meaning,

they are willing to accept external evil if it does not apply directly

to them, often becoming conformists and philistines. Number of

such people varies from 20 to even 60 percent in highly developed


4. The elite of society: oligarchs, aristocrats, bankers, TOP managers,

high-level politicians and members of church, millionaires, and

billionaires as well as a part of excellent artists and sportsmen. All

together they add up to less than one tenth of a precent of the

whole population in any country in the world and almost all of

them are willing to maintain the current power system only not to

lose the privileges arising from their social statuses.

It is obvious that the greatest potential of protesting lays within the

members of the 1st social layer, but it is also harder to make them

perform constructive actions, while in desperate situations they are

easier convinced by revolutionaries and extremists. Those who make

evolutionary changes in the society mostly may be found in the 3rd layer.

Number of them have an adequate intellectual development and

required moral maturity to reform the structure of the state in the

interests of the nation, reorganise the state power system, and be aware

of the need for improving democracy (also to be prepared to discuss,

understand, and carefully evaluate use of the SIP for these reasons).

Here we need to find the necessary informative support for the idea of

the SIP and offer proper incentives for purposeful actions, including,

development of the action plan, suggestions of measures and methods


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for achievement of the goal which is a truly democratic state

administration system.

Many who are disappointed and have no other alternatives, not

being able of finding the good life in the motherland, are leave the

country and seeking for happiness abroad because today the power

institutions are rather passive and incapable in respect to its citizens,

sometimes even acting as a strange force instead of being the helping

hand, adviser, and support for the individuals striving for normal lives.

In this new historical situation, nation with a gene pool which

already has been impaired by wars, repressions, deportations, and

emigration is once again pulled into a very dangerous and risky

geopolitical game played between amoral leaders which is often

commanded by external forces. By just observing the ongoing, making

meaningless comments, without making any real and effective actions,

the society will simply run out of the time assigned to it in history to get

on the track with long-time mature reforms and change and to avoid the


The ones in power are willing to maintain the power system which

provides them opportunities to fool the people, produce blind obedient

puppets with no common sense, influence those thinking otherwise,

and blackmail the disobedient. The last thing they want to see is open

and truly free elections as well as effective control of the voters (nation),

which may be achieved through implementation of the SIP.

How can we complain about the hard life, apathy and disgrace of

fellow people, wickedness of the power, if we are still blindly trying to

fight the consequences and take only cosmetic actions, ignoring the


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roots of the current hardships and problems as we are not trying to

precept, comprehend, and analyse the SIP initiative and thus fearing it

instead of accepting it?! By not understanding and realising how this

fear like rust eats away our micro-world which was built on our own

efforts, our usual environment created as a result of our work is crushed

endangering the future of any given member of the society.

The power which is barely controlled by the nation cripples

democracy and inspire those in power to feel mighty, unpunishable, and

superior. By losing ties with the people, self-criticism is diminished and

cult of leadership ignited when the person who has obtained the

authorities conceive oneself as a centre of the world due to the strong

power vertical, when one's ideas, personal features, characteristics -

both positive and negative are projected onto the rest if the world, when

others are evaluated and judged by their appearance and resemblance,

forgetting that the judge himself is wicked.

Hiding behind noble slogans and words for great intentions which are

supposedly for the good of the people, the ones in power do amoral and

dirty affairs, kill personalities, play theatre of illusion with the society, by

spreading constant disinformation of different kinds, turning the

majority of people into a senseless crowd for which the power may paint

the reality both in white and dark shades, just as it wishes. Thus, the

credulous are deceived in respect to perception and understanding of

good and evil. Why do people have to be fooled? Why do we all have to

suffer because of that?

Therefore, as much as I can, I am trying to open the eyes of my

peers, break their habit of accepting demagogy, myths, and tales from


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the politicians about the absolute truth, provide an alternative way of

perception, thinking, and conduct so that everyone could start the

difficult and long road of conversion and moral development.

For the good to beat the evil, we must purify ourselves and restrict

our selfishness by understanding the role of solidarity, collaboration,

and tolerance, accepting the thought that all of the people are the same

social beings as you, that they suffer the wrongdoings just like you, that

by helping your kind you are making yourself happy It stimulates

cooperation of people, cultivates compassion, and spreads sincerity and

generosity, at the end making you realise the social need for strict and

legally regulated disclosure of the personal data of public persons for the

sake of common good.

An individual may not change the whole world, but one can create

an environment around oneself (his own circle) which stimulates and

helps the fellow people with their improvement step by step, make

changes for oneself and thus gradually also changing the whole system.

If we give up to fear, helplessness, and disbelief or if we cannot make

our own choices based on reasonable truth, then others will do it for us

by oppressing their worldview on us

Why would you adapt to controllable crowd and lose your mind

along with other puppets if you can remain being yourself and if you are

confident about your standpoint, truth you have found through the

hardship and exploration of life, need for balanced reforms, if you

already reflect the situation as close as possible to the truth after

analysis and critical evaluation of information obtain from various


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sources, thus being able to distinguish reality from lies as well as

recognising manipulation with facts and disinformation.

Maybe the author has exaggerated here and then by reflecting the

reality from its darkest side. But it is done for the purpose to highlight

the existing social problems and emphasise on the acute need for

tackling these problems.

Even though we all have common sense, ability to understand events,

find problem roots, and desire for fighting injustice, I am not sure

whether there will be any supporters of this opinion and whether I will

have convinced the brightest minds about the urgent need for

implementation of the SIP initiative. Yet I will be satisfied only by the fact

that I have been able to popularise my vision and opinion, formulate my

life credo, and bring to people the viewpoint which has been formed

over the course of my life. I am doing that to help our generation

avoiding critical mistakes, to extract the aggression, hate, and

intolerance from relationships of people, thus spreading love, respect

between on another, and mutual solidarity by providing guidance of how

to achieve it through the road of the social progress - how to be a


It is a road of moral development and strengthening of humanity, so

we all could live happily and in harmony with ourselves, one another,

and rest of the world in accordance with our conscious and heartfelt

humane identity.

By continuing to hide in our individual shell and seemingly locked

out micro-universe, muffling our conscience and trying to endure the

problems not being aware of our involvement in what is going on around


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us, fearing to be socially active, not trying to go deeper in the concept of

the idea of the SIP, and stubbornly not believing to the possibility of its

realisation, we only aggregate the current social problems and deepen

the crisis being turned into a puppet controlled by the power-thirsty


21.09.2015. Ervins Ceihners, Dr.oec