BUS 503 Business Communication Chapter 14 Business Writing 1.

BUS 503 Business Communication Chapter 14 Business Writing 1
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Transcript of BUS 503 Business Communication Chapter 14 Business Writing 1.

BUS 503Business Communication

Chapter 14

Business Writing


The Seven Components of Writing- Language- Sentence Structure- Paragraph Structure- Rhythm- Tone- Order of Information

Editing According to Principle of Plain EnglishThe Advantages of Writing in Plain English

• Efficiency• Equity• Effectiveness

Chapter Contents


Ten Secrets for everyday writing success1) Preparation2) Always use a sample ( a similar piece of

writing)3) Shorter is always is better4) Use concise and appropriate language5) Visualize your audience and write to meet

their needs6) Do the outline first even if its one page letter7) Write and then rewrite8) Format is important9) Read it load at the final stage writing10)Check spelling and grammar

The Seven Components of Writing


A plain English writing style-that is, a reader-friendly writing style-is good clear writing that considers the reader’s needs and gets the message across easily and quickly.

It reduces the chances of misunderstanding and ambiguity.

Good writing results from thoughtful planning.1) Planning stage: In planning stage take your

time to identify your purpose, receiver, what you want to say and put this in logical sequence.

2) Editing stage: check your work regarding (accuracy, completeness

3) Writing stage: make sure your tools are words, sentences, paragraphs, and layout work for you.

The Seven Components of Writing


Language: is the communication tool that expresses meaning and gives a form to ideas, feelings and events as you transmit to others.

-use simple language-Remove unnecessary words-Avoid Clichés (overused words and phrases that have lost

meaning and impact).-Use specific language (old vehicle).-Use technical terms carefully (motherboard, port,

pixel)-Use the active voice-Choose non-discriminatory, Inclusive language

(Male-dominated terms)-Use parallel language (Man and woman

compared to a the man and the

The Seven Components of Writing


Unnecessary Words


Poor or incorrect use Better use

Precedes before Goes before or precedes

Reverse backward Reverse

Possible benefit Benefit

Repeat again Repeat

Actual fact Fact

The majority of Most

Progress forward Progress

On the occasion of When

A number of different Various

I personally I

Wise words of wisdom Wise words

Completely eliminate Eliminate

End results results



Poor use Better use

Reside Live

Terminate End

Utilization of Use

Optimum Best

Finalize Finish

At this point in time Now

Sentence:A simple sentence: one clause + verb + subject James carried the baby.Compound sentence: James carried the baby and Mary pushed the

stoller.Complex sentence:James carried the baby who was carrying.

A sentence fragment does not make complete sense on it is own.

“Writing to the clients”“Writing to the clients was an important task for

the manager”

The Seven Components of Writing


Sentence:Short sentence is better than long.Use the following to join two sentences:Or and but so because unless although


Sentence Readability

The Seven Components of Writing


Number of words Readability

8 or less Very easy

11 Easy

14 Fairly easy

17 Standard

21 Fairly difficult

25 Difficult

29 or more Very difficult

Paragraph Structure: is a cluster of sentences built around one idea or point.


The Seven Components of Writing


Opening paragraph Closing paragraph

A statement of the subject Very easy

A statement of the intention of the piece writing


14 Fairly easy

17 Standard

21 Fairly difficult

25 Difficult

29 or more Very difficult

2. Structure, layout and style: general business 2. Structure, layout and style: general business writingwriting

Contact info: Yours followed by the receiver’s


• Dear Sir or Madam• Attention: Mr. Simon

Opening: State the purpose

• As you requested,• Per your request,• I am writing about…


2. Structure, layout and style: business 2. Structure, layout and style: business e-maile-mail

Subject: Use a meaningful key word


• Dear Sir or Madam• Dear John

Opening: State the purpose

• I am writing to ask about• I am interested in learning more about• I am afraid we have a small problem.


2. Structure, layout and style: all business 2. Structure, layout and style: all business writingwriting

Body : Give details

• With reference to your phone call this morning

• Use short paragraphs– Long paragraphs are not going to be read.

• Use blank lines between each paragraph• When making points, number them or mark each point as separate


2. Structure, layout and style: all business 2. Structure, layout and style: all business writingwriting

Body : Give details

• With reference to your phone call this morning

• Use short paragraphs– Long paragraphs are not going to be read.

• Use blank lines between each paragraph• When making points, number them or mark each point as separate


2. Structure, layout and style: general 2. Structure, layout and style: general business writingbusiness writing

Closing: Talk about future actions

• I look forward to hearing from you soon.• I look forward to discussing these issues further.


• Yours faithfully,• Sincerely yours,


2. Structure, layout and style: business e-mail2. Structure, layout and style: business e-mail

Closing: Talk about future actions

• Please contact me again if I can be of any assistance.• I look forward to hearing from you soon.


• Please find attached the report you requested.• Sorry, I forgot to attach the file(on my previous e-mail).


3. Sample e-mails: Saying no politely (1)3. Sample e-mails: Saying no politely (1)

Subject: Hi

To Hank,

What’s up? The weather is so nice. I hope your business will prosper.

You said I should work on a new project. I can’t do that. I have too much work to do.

Anyway, how is your wife doing?

Reply to me soon – Byong Min


3. Sample e-mails: Saying no politely (2)3. Sample e-mails: Saying no politely (2)

Subject: New project

Dear Simon,

Thank you for considering me for the new project. Unfortunately, my current workload is too high for me to start another project.

Again, thank you for your consideration and I hope I will be able to work with you on another occasion.

Best regards,Omer Ali


3. Sample e-mails: Meeting notice (1)3. Sample e-mails: Meeting notice (1)


You remember next week’s meeting. Everyone must be at the meeting. If you cannot go, let me know.

It will be on Monday, November 16th. Time is 1. Place is the conference room.

You have to come!Simon


3. Sample e-mails: Meeting notice (2)3. Sample e-mails: Meeting notice (2)

Deal all,

The next PR Meeting will be held in the Conference Room at 1300 hours on Monday, 16 November.

Follow-up items from our last meeting are: - New Brochure- Annual Dinner with Customers (Sunset)

If you wish to add any further items to the agenda, please let me know before 8 November.

Yours sincerely,George


3. Sample e-mails: Our of the office 3. Sample e-mails: Our of the office notice (1)notice (1)

Subject: Vacation


I am going on a vacation. But you can still contact Young Hee Kim.

If you want, you can send me e-mails. I will check them when I get back.



3. Sample e-mails: Our of the office 3. Sample e-mails: Our of the office notice (2)notice (2)

Subject: Out of the office: July 6 - 12

Hi Sam,

I hope everything is well with you. I’m writing to let you know that I’ll be out of town on a vacation from July 6 thru 12.

Young Hee Kim will sit in for me while I’m away. You can find her e-mail address on the CC line.

If you need to contact me directly, please call me on my cell at (000) XXX – XXXX.


3. Sample e-mails: Congratulations (1)3. Sample e-mails: Congratulations (1)

Subject: Congratulation

Dear Mohammed,

Congratulations on the promotion. Good job!

Treat me to lunch sometime!



3. Sample e-mails: Congratulations (2)3. Sample e-mails: Congratulations (2)

Subject: Congratulations

Dear Omer,

Congratulations on your promotion! It is a great accomplishment and I’m sure your team will totally benefit from your expertise.

Congratulations again and let me treat you to lunch or dinner sometime!

Take care,A


3. Sample e-mails: Setting up a meeting 3. Sample e-mails: Setting up a meeting (1)(1)

Subject: Meeting


I heard you wanted to have a meeting. Let’s make a schedule this Thursday.

Time is up to you but I prefer morning time.

Thank you.Simon


3. Sample e-mails: Setting up a meeting 3. Sample e-mails: Setting up a meeting (2)(2)

Subject: Meeting


Omer told me that you wanted to set up a 1 hour meeting with me. Would this Thursday (26th) work for you?

If so, please let me know what time would be convenient for you. I would personally prefer to have the meeting in the morning, but my schedule is quite flexible in the afternoon on that day, too.

Hope to hear from you soon,George 26

4. Sample business letters: Inquiry4. Sample business letters: Inquiry

Dear _______,

I am writing to inquire about your office furniture line. We are expanding our office in Seoul and we will need extra desks, chairs and filing cabinets. Could you please send me your catalog with prices, sizes and colors for those items? Yours faithfully,Simon 27

4. Sample business letters: Reply to the 4. Sample business letters: Reply to the inquiryinquiry

Dear _______,

Thank you for your inquiry. I am sending a catalog to you today which shows details of office supplies we offer. You can also see our entire products on our website at www.furnitureline.com. We offer a 5% discount for orders made through our website.  Please contact me if you have any questions. Yours sincerely,John SmithSales Executive


4. Sample business letters: Apology4. Sample business letters: Apology

Dear _______,

I am writing in regards to your order for office furniture. I regret to inform you that we are unable to deliver the desks on time. This is as a result of problems at our supplier’s factory. We have the desks on pages 37 and 38 of our catalog in stock, however, in three different colors (brown, black, and white).  With regard to the chairs and filing cabinets, we will deliver the goods before 13 November, as agreed. With apologies, Yours sincerely,John Sales Executive


5. Other business letters: Accepting an invitation5. Other business letters: Accepting an invitation

Dear _______,

Thank you for your invitation for the forthcoming event.The theme is certainly innovative and groundbreaking, and it would be an honor to be a part of this exciting event.

Please find my acceptance note enclosed. If any other information is required, do not hesitate to reach me at my office.

Thank you again for the invitation. Sincerely,


5. Other business letters: Thank you5. Other business letters: Thank you

Dear _______,

Thank you for all the assistance you have provided me during our recent project.

I appreciate the information and advice you have given, as well as the knowledge you have shared with me. Your expertise and help have been invaluable during this process.

Again, thank you so much. I sincerely appreciate your generosity.

Best Regards, 31

6. Proofreading6. Proofreading


• Times New Roman, 12 point or Arial, 11 point• Double space between paragraphs (press Enter twice)• No indentation necessary


• Subject: Is it brief and informational?• Tone: formal / informal• Salutation: Is it appropriate?• Purpose / details / future actions 32

6. Proofreading6. Proofreading


• Capitalization mr George’s visit Mr. George’s visit

• PunctuationBefore going to the airport I will stop by the office.Before going to the airport, I will stop by the office.

• Spelling: Spell names correctly!

• Articles: the, a/an I will have contract ready by the next week. 33