Burnout and Depression Uncensored

burnout & depression An uncomfortable session at MinneBar 2015 Led by Paul Prins - @PaulPrins uncensore d

Transcript of Burnout and Depression Uncensored

  1. 1. An uncomfortable session at MinneBar 2015 Led by Paul Prins - @PaulPrins
  2. 2. Dont be a Stranger
  3. 3. An uncomfortable session at MinneBar 2015 Led by Paul Prins - @PaulPrins
  4. 4. get ready to receive some knowledge also time to state some obvious things first
  5. 5. youre not alone
  6. 6. now lets be cathartic
  7. 7. now lets be cathartishisy?
  8. 8. why im passionate about talking on burnout and depression
  9. 9. we will change the world from where we are
  10. 10. disclaimer Im not a licensed therapist, psychologist, or analyst. Ive counseled many individuals and couples, but understand my limitations. Let me know if you want to talk to someone.
  11. 11. Tobias Fnke You're forgetting that as a psychiatrist, I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first "analrapist" disclaimer Arrested Development season 3 episode 3
  12. 12. who am I Founder of Fresh Vine Founder of Midwest Skier (exit 2005) Psychology/Business Major Masters of Divinity Proud to be part Dutch also part German (brats FTW) Full Stack/Engineer for 15ish Years
  13. 13. what words mean and how well use them
  14. 14. burnout Physical or Mental collapse caused by overwork or stress
  15. 15. burnout ever feel unable to process or deal with tasks in front of you?
  16. 16. burnout and me Happens several times a year More during the Winter and Spring I have a very hard time letting myself relax and recharge Often looks like me staring at my screen, or compulsively avoiding work on slack/twitter/reddit/etc.
  17. 17. depression A mood disorder causing a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest
  18. 18. depression leads to the non-sexy version of staying in bed all day, and/or loss of enjoyment in things that normally would.
  19. 19. depression and me Suicide Attempt #1 made at 16 Fixing Myself Suicide Attempt #2 at 18 Not Situational Therapy, Meds, and Coping Better Last Suicidal Episode at 20 A Decade living with it
  20. 20. Quick Cat Break
  21. 21. thats what words mean now lets use them
  22. 22. are you excited yet?
  23. 23. Sir. David Attenborough Just as the mighty GIF has come back to transform the world. So shall you also.* *um, not a real quote?
  24. 24. lets work on 2 key tools
  25. 25. lets work on 2 key tools Awareness Helps us anticipate low points, allow for coping early, & feelings of control/empowerment. Coping Helps mitigate low points by making them shorter, shallower, and brings us back to ourself.
  26. 26. Knowing Normal Mismatched Emotions Awareness Getting Started It will take a long time to hone this skill. Self awareness is difficult, but critical coping well and avoiding the worst.
  27. 27. Awareness Knowing Normal Receive Criticism Small Disappointments Simple Praises Mini-life milestones (Birthdays, etc) Meet a goal/deadline Meeting a new Person Getting invited out Relationship Ending or Beginning Death or Sickness Know how you would normally react, and pay attention when dont.
  28. 28. Awareness Mismatched Emotions Relieved instead of Excited Sad instead of happy Relieved instead of anxious Kind of sad instead of grieved When the emotions your experiencing dont match what you should be feeling in a given situation. Its OKAY to have this happen, but it can point to an upcoming rough patch.
  29. 29. Coping Getting Started The word is thrown around a lot, but the key to coping well it to do things that help you be yourself. Lifestyle Thinking Rightly Power Moves
  30. 30. 1) Get Sleep, and Sleep Well 2) Eat Well, and watch the sugars 3) Unplug and unwind Coping Top 3 If you do anything, do these three.
  31. 31. Get into Reading Listen to a Record sipping Bourbon Cook/Bake something delicious Meditation or Spiritual Focus Shave with a straight razor (men only) Let yourself be inaccessible everyday Sit and enjoy a drink Exercise and/or Yoga Have agenda-free time with Friends Limit Email Checking (I do twice daily) Play some Games on Board or Video Sex or some form of it. Coping Lifestyle Build simple things into your routine, best if they slow you down.
  32. 32. How accessible do you need to be? Your name is not Obama or Merkel My Downtime Philosophy Im not Medical, Banking or DoD Coping Thinking Rightly Were often our worst critic. Make sure you think rightly of what youre doing. Align what is important with what you think is important.
  33. 33. Go to your happy place Mine is the ski slope Short Vacations Do Culture! Theater, Museums, or Shows Do Sport. Hit the Lake, Slopes, Court Do Arts. Coloring/painting/print making Coping Power Moves These are the go-to when the lifestyle stuff isnt cutting it, or shit hits the fan.
  34. 34. lets review the 2 key tools Awareness Knowing Normal Mismatched Emotions Coping Lifestyle Thinking Rightly Power Moves
  35. 35. An uncomfortable session at MinneBar 2015 Led by Paul Prins - @PaulPrins
  36. 36. Thanks for Coming
  37. 37. An uncomfortable session at MinneBar 2015 Led by Paul Prins - @PaulPrins