Bureaucracy Student Learning Goals 2M-2Q. Bureaucracy Large, complex organization of appointed, not...

Bureaucracy Student Learning Goals 2M-2Q

Transcript of Bureaucracy Student Learning Goals 2M-2Q. Bureaucracy Large, complex organization of appointed, not...

Page 1: Bureaucracy Student Learning Goals 2M-2Q. Bureaucracy Large, complex organization of appointed, not elected, officials. “bureau” – French for small desks,


Student Learning Goals


Page 2: Bureaucracy Student Learning Goals 2M-2Q. Bureaucracy Large, complex organization of appointed, not elected, officials. “bureau” – French for small desks,


• Large, complex organization of appointed, not elected, officials.

• “bureau” – French for small desks, referring to the king’s traveling business men who set up small desks in town squares

• Bureaucracy = “government of small desks”

Page 3: Bureaucracy Student Learning Goals 2M-2Q. Bureaucracy Large, complex organization of appointed, not elected, officials. “bureau” – French for small desks,

Max Weber

• Famous early 20th century economist, German

• Bureaucracy – well organized, complex machine that is a “rational” way for society to organize its business

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• Hierarchical authority structure – chain of command

• Task specialization – individuals have unique jobs, division of labor

• Extensive rules – clear policies for the organization to follow

• Clear goals – clearly defined mission

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• Merit principle – hiring and promotion based on qualities, no jobs for favors

• Impersonality – performance judged on productivity

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Weber Quotes

• “Precision, speed, unambiguity, knowledge of files, continuity, discretion, unity, strict subordination, reduction of friction and of material and personal costs - these are raised to the optimum point in the strictly bureaucratic administration.” – Max Weber

• “Only by strict specialization can the scientific worker become fully conscious, for once and perhaps never again in his lifetime, that he has achieved something that will endure. A really definitive and good accomplishment is today always a specialized act.” – Max Weber

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Modern Bureaucracy

• 1932-1945 – New Deal, WWII, increase in programs and gov’t work

• 1950’s – 1970’s – 90% of all federal employees were chosen on merit

• Salaries also chosen on merit

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Who are bureaucrats?

• Approximately 1 out of 100 Americans work for the federal government bureaucracy

• A few examples– US Postal Service



– Amtrak

– Corporation for Public Broadcasting

– Interstate Commerce Commission

– Federal Trade Commission

– Securities and Exchange Commission

– National Aeronautics and Space Administration

– US Military

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The “Cabinet”

• 15 cabinet departments oversee specific areas of the bureaucracy

• Each department is organized somewhat differently

• Real work of a department usually is done in the bureaus (sometimes called services, offices, or administrations).

• All cabinet heads go by the title “Secretary” except the Dept. of Justice – “Attorney General”

• Many undersecretaries and assistants

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Independent Regulatory Agencies

• Regulate important parts of the economy, making rules for large industries and businesses that affect the interests of the public.

• Are “watchdogs” - need to operate independently & not part of a department

• Most not directly controlled by the President.• FCC (Federal Communications Commission);

SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission); The FED (Federal Reserve Board)

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Government Corporations

• Are a blend of private corporation and government agency.

• Created to allow more freedom and flexibility than exists in regular government agencies.

• Have more control over their budgets, and often have the right to decide how to use their own earnings.

• Corporation for Public Broadcasting, US Postal Service, Amtrak, Tennessee Valley Authority

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Independent Executive Agencies

• Agencies that do not fall into the first three categories are called independent executive agencies.

• Independent agencies closely resemble Cabinet departments, but they are smaller and less complex.

• Generally, they have narrower areas of responsibility than do cabinet departments.

• NASA, NSF (National Science Foundation)

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What do bureaucrats do?

• Discretionary action – have the power to execute laws and policies passed down by the president or congress – they make laws happen.

• Implementation – develop procedures and rules for reaching the goal of a new policy – they decide what or how the law will happen.

• Regulation – check or oversee private or corporate business activity– Munn v. Illinois (1877) – SCOTUS upheld that

government had the right to regulate business rates and services if it was for the “greater good”

– ADA compliancy – is your building handicapped accessible?

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• Bureaucracy is constrained and controlled by the US government numerous ways

• Congress– appropriates money (approves it - allocates it)– authorizes the spending of money (spends it)– oversees agency activity (investigates them

and holds them accountable for carrying out laws)

– advice and consent of presidential appointees (Senate approves nominations)

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• Bureaucracy is constrained and controlled by the US government numerous ways

• President– job appointments (WH staff– no senate

approval; outside WH – senate approval)– executive orders– budget control– Reorganize, merge or create agencies (Bush-

Homeland Security)

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Controlling the Bureaucracy

• Patronage - Rewarding supporters with jobs• “Spoils system” – created by Andrew Jackson, each

President turned over the bureaucracy• Pendleton Act (1883) - Created in response to

criticism of patronage, more jobs will be selected based on merit (Garfield Assassination)

• Hatch Act (1939) – gov’t agency employees can’t participate in political activities (elections, campaigns, fund raisers, etc.)– Softened in recent decades, 1st Amendment issues

(freedom of speech, assembly/association)

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Iron Triangles



Iron Triangle - three-way alliance among legislators, bureaucrats, and interest groups to make or preserve policies that benefit their respective interests

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Iron Triangles

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How it works?

• Everyone in the triangle has a similar interest

• Legislators get funding from interest groups and make laws reality with the help of the bureaucracy

• Interest groups provide valued information to bureaucracy and money to legislators

• Bureau chiefs & bureaucracy implement legislative policy and interest group goals

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Why are they “iron”?

• Strong – bond can’t be broken by President or Congress

• AKA - “sub governments,” all the real decisions are made among these 3 groups

• Might maintain interests that might not be publicly popular… like what?

• Let’s talk tobacco!

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Example – Why is tobacco not illegal?

Tobacco farmer interest groups (tobacco lobby)

And Big Tobacco companies

Department of Agriculture

ATF (Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms)

House and Senate agricultural subcommittees

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Why is tobacco legal?

• House and Senate representatives, sympathetic to tobacco, receive campaign funds and support from pro-tobacco interest groups

• Elected officials make sure that tobacco farmers and cigarette companies interests are defended through favorable laws

• Dept. of Ag. & ATF execute (translate/carry out) the legislation while relying on $ Congressional budget.

• Interest groups provide the Dept. of Ag. & ATF with valuable information to effectively execute laws.

• COMMON INTEREST – Keep tobacco alive = keep jobs alive!!!

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Other Iron Triangle Example

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Issue Network

• More complicated connection exists• Iron triangle too simple – there are IGs from

opposite sides of an issue who compete• Issue Network – complex group (includes media

and university/research institutions) that debates an issue and slows policy-making

• Policy-making is not as smooth with competing demands from IG’s (EX: pro vs. anti tobacco)

• President can appoint an agency head who steers policy, but can never smoothly control policy – think Pluralist theory here

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Issue Network

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Criticism of Bureaucracy

• “Red tape” – maze of gov. rules, regulations, and paperwork that makes gov. overwhelming to citizens

• Conflict – agencies that often work toward opposite goals (EPA vs. Department of Energy; FDA vs. Dept. of Ag./tobacco farmers)

• Duplication – multiple agencies appear to do the same thing (farm raised salmon vs. wild caught salmon)

• Unchecked growth – agencies expand unnecessarily at high costs• Waste – spending more than necessary (lots of September end of fiscal

year expenditures – use $ or lose it)• Lack of accountability – difficult in firing an incompetent bureaucrat• Contradictory hiring practices – Affirmative Action promotes the hiring

and promotion of people based on race/gender AND talent. Civil service system is solely based on merit/talent. Does the most talented person always get promoted?

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• Monty Python’s “Ministry of Silly Walks”

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqhlQfXUk7w

• Futurama’s Hermes “Bureaucrat Song”

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYQ4uV8NDJo

Page 28: Bureaucracy Student Learning Goals 2M-2Q. Bureaucracy Large, complex organization of appointed, not elected, officials. “bureau” – French for small desks,

One view of bureaucracy…

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Another view…

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And another…