Bullies- Obama Administration Summons NRA to White House

by BEN SHAPIRO (/COLUMNISTS/BEN-SHAPIRO) 8 Jan 2013, 12:17 PM PDT POST A COMMENT  Vice President Joe Biden, who is heading up the President’s task force on gun control pr oposals, announced (http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing- room/news/276077-biden-holding-meetings-  with-gun-groups-) Tuesd ay that he would be meeting this wee k  with the National Rifle Associ ation, among other groups .  And his timing is just a bit suspect; the day befor e meeting with the NRA, Biden will be meeting with gun control organizations and shooting victims. Presumably, his welcome for the NRA will be somewhat less hearty. The NRA, under heavy public pressure thanks to the White House’s bully tactics after the Sandy Hook massacre, said it would visit the White House to “hear what they have to say.” This is all a dog and pony show, of course. The Washington Post has already reported that the administration wants a broad swath of gun legislation; Democratic Congresspeople proposed eight separate gun bills on the first day of the term; and Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston, who co-chairs Mayors Against Illegal Guns with nanny Mayor Michael Bloomberg, said that Biden promised him action before the end of January. So why is the NRA visiting? Because the White House has given them no other public relations choice. President Obama has singled the group out for criticism. The White House’s media lackeys, including David Gregory of NBC News, have grilled the NRA, asking them to back off their organization’s stated mission. It remains inexplicable why the White House and the media focus so heavily on the NRA  when it is members of Congress who must make votes. Obama’s team and the media have BULLIES: OBAMA ADMINISTRATION SUMMONS NRA TO WHITE HOUSE MOST POPULAR Gawker Posts Full List of All 'A**hole' New York City License Gun Owners (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Journalism/2013/01/08/Gawker- Posts-Full-List-of-NYC-Gun-Owners) 658 comments 0 minutes ago Bullies: Obama Administration Summons NRA to White House (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Government/2013/01 /08/Bullies-Obama-Summons- NRA-to-White-House)  584 comments 0 minutes a go Meet the 'Bullies': Breitbart Editor Exposes Obama's Army of Thugs in New Book (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Government/2013/01/08/Meet- the-Bullies-Breitbart-Editor-Exposes- Obamas-Army-of-Thugs-in-New-Book) 972 comments 14 minutes ago Celebs Mangle Facts, Call for Wendy's Boycott Over ObamaCare Cutbacks (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Hollywood/2013/01/08/celebs-  boycott-wendys-obamacare) 220 comments 1 minute ago Planned Parenthood Touts over 333,000 Babies Aborted in 2011 (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Government/2013/01/08/A- Joyful-Planned-Parenthood-  We-Aborted-Over-333-000-Babies- In-2011) 232 comments 1 minute ago BREITBAR T VIDEO 586 SEND A TIP Bu ll ie s: Oba ma Ad mi ni stra ti on Summons NRA to Whit e Hou se ht tp:/ /www .b re it ba rt .c om/Big -Governmen t/ 20 13/0 1/ 08 /Bul li es -Oba ma-... 1 of 11 1/8/2013 8:47 PM

Transcript of Bullies- Obama Administration Summons NRA to White House

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 Vice President Joe Biden, who is heading up the

President’s task force on gun control proposals,announced (http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-


 with-gun-groups-) Tuesday that he would be meeting this week 

 with the National Rifle Association, among other groups.

 And his timing is just a bit suspect; the day before meeting with the NRA, Biden will be

meeting with gun control organizations and shooting victims. Presumably, his welcome for

the NRA will be somewhat less hearty.

The NRA, under heavy public pressure thanks to the White House’s bully tactics after the

Sandy Hook massacre, said it would visit the White House to “hear what they have to say.”

This is all a dog and pony show, of course. The Washington Post has already reported that

the administration wants a broad swath of gun legislation; Democratic Congresspeople

proposed eight separate gun bills on the first day of the term; and Mayor Thomas Menino

of Boston, who co-chairs Mayors Against Illegal Guns with nanny Mayor Michael

Bloomberg, said that Biden promised him action before the end of January.

So why is the NRA visiting? Because the White House has given them no other public

relations choice. President Obama has singled the group out for criticism. The White

House’s media lackeys, including David Gregory of NBC News, have grilled the NRA,

asking them to back off their organization’s stated mission.

It remains inexplicable why the White House and the media focus so heavily on the NRA 

 when it is members of Congress who must make votes. Obama’s team and the media have



Gawker Posts Full List of All 'A**hole'

New York City License Gun Owners



Posts-Full-List-of-NYC-Gun-Owners)658 comments 0 minutes ago

Bullies: Obama Administration

Summons NRA to White House





 584 comments 0 minutes ago

Meet the 'Bullies': Breitbart Editor

Exposes Obama's Army of Thugs in

New Book (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/01/08/Meet-



972 comments 14 minutes ago

Celebs Mangle Facts, Call for Wendy's

Boycott Over ObamaCare Cutbacks




220 comments 1 minute ago

Planned Parenthood Touts over

333,000 Babies Aborted in 2011






232 comments 1 minute ago




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targeted the NRA for fire over the NRA’s support for broad Second Amendment rights. But

 while Joe Biden is also inviting members of the entertainment community to the White

House to talk about violence in media, he isn’t inviting the American Civil Liberties Union

to bash them over their broad interpretation of the First Amendment.

It’s obvious that the White House sees the NRA – not actually saving lives in places like

Sandy Hook – as their fundamental target. If they can use Sandy Hook to break a major

piece of the conservative infrastructure, they will.

 Ben Shapiro is Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News, and author of the book “Bullies: How 

the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America (http://www.amazon.com/Bullies-Culture-Intimidation-Silences-Americans/dp/1476709998

/?tag=wwwbreitbartc-20)” (Threshold Editions, January 8, 2013).

REAL-TIME UPDATING IS paused. (Resume)

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 A  LIKE REPLY  7 minutes ago F

They need to publicly state over and over -- we have nothing to do with this.

Marilyn Manson sued when the media tied him to Columbine.

He won.

The NRA must do the same. They have nothing to do with this and need to protect their members.


 A  LIKE REPLY  12 minutes ago 1 Like F

Lets hope Wayne has larger stones than McConnell or Boehner.

I hope the NRA has a major press converence the day after meeting with Biden. Play it up as a major policy


Then just rip the White House and this president to shreds. Tell them this will be fought on every front.

Lambasting politicians and actively working against them with mass mailings.

Theatening them with the 2014 elections.

THen just whipping up the membership in general. I dare say the NRA and the Tea Party may get MORE than a

million marching on the mall this summer-I'll go.


 A  LIKE REPLY  14 minutes ago 1 Like F

What? Do we have a damn king in the White House? Don't go.

No self-respecting citizen would.


 A  LIKE REPLY  19 minutes ago F

What happened in Benghazi? On no, we're too busy taking guns away from honest American citizens.



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 A  LIKE REPLY  22 minutes ago F

Joe Biden?...NOW THAT IS FUNNY...

The jacka$$ has definitely proven to be the ideal mascot for the Demcrat party.

 A  LIKE REPLY   31 minutes ago F

Maybe to commemorate the event, they can show up with some special targets made up, for example, having

certain people's pictures on them. Just as an honorary thing, not for actual use of course. I think the WH might

appreciate being presented with this type o f momento.


 A  LIKE REPLY   31 minutes ago F

Those NRA guys will not be intimidated or impressed by these Democrat political hacks in the least. Hopefully

some GOP House members will invite them to lunch.


 A  LIKE REPLY   36 minutes ago F

Biden "saamatu" ja obummer, "abitu", tahame püüda anastada USA põhiseadus. Kui see ei ole riigireetmine,

mis on? Traitors - biden & obozo.

Semper Fidelis


 A  LIKE REPLY  42 minutes ago 1 Like F

I have never been a member of the NRA. I am now. I hope they give to Uncle Joe and Obummer with both

barrels..............................so to speak.


 A  LIKE REPLY  44 minutes ago 1 Like F

The Waco siege began in February, 1993, it ended in April, 1993, 76 men, women, and, children died at the

hands of government agents, until the government intervened, these innocents simply wanted to live a peaceful

life. Be forewarned.


 A  LIKE REPLY  43 minutes ago in reply to JLD F

Yep being a Religious Fanatic isnt a Capitol Offense Unless the Govt has a Prob with it


 A  LIKE REPLY   32 minutes ago in reply to GenJMosby F

You're a knucklehead. You misspelled, God, and, you must be a lib because, in your small

minded way, you make assumptions. Furthermore, your sentence structure is poor, the money

spent on your education was a waist.


 A  LIKE REPLY  45 minutes ago 1 Like F

I agree. Require that the meeting be recorded by 2 media outlets. Each can choose one.


I think the NRA should send a draft agenda in advance. Here are some suggestions:

1. Brief introduction of NRA and its safety and instructional programs.

2. Providing membership forms to WH staff, and asking a hand-count for how many are already

members--have the Secret Service and Security to join in

3. Passing out free samples of tokens of appreciation members get, and receiving feedback on whether they

prefer the nifty tote bag or the famous NRA mini-buck knife.

And to finish, a real treat:

4. Live demonstration of proper field stripping of AR15 rifle, of course starting with a proper safety check.


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 A  LIKE REPLY  46 minutes ago 1 Like F

I think that would be a nice day for everyone.

 A  LIKE REPLY  47 minutes ago 4 Likes F

Do not meet with them in private. Require that every meeting be taped. The NRA should take Constitutional

lawyers with them and treat every meeting as a legal meeting between opposing sides in a lawsuit - which is

exactly where we are headed -

The NRA should hold both the President and Vice President in contempt - and bring 50+ new bills to strengthen

the 2nd Amendment to counter the useful idiots efforts to void our 2nd Amendment rights. Take the battle away

from them and force the discussion and public attention to local towns, communities, and the states. These

idiots are always nervous when they have to be around real people, who have real jobs, living in real houses in

real communities where real crime and real murders by real criminals are happening 24/7.


 A  LIKE REPLY  48 minutes ago 1 Like F

Gotta go folks I have to drive to Knoxville in the AM Its a long drive. Gnight God Bless and God save the



 A  LIKE REPLY  46 minutes ago in reply to GenJMosby F

Drive safely, Fellow Patriot.


 A  LIKE REPLY  2 minutes ago 2 Likes F

'A well regulated militia' has just begun to arm itself.....

The politicians will soon learn the 'shall not be infringed' part.....

Not one stinking inch, are you listening NRA.....


 A  LIKE REPLY  49 minutes ago in reply to dlg1956 3 Likes F

The militia has been armed for a long time. We have heightened our awareness of late.


 A  LIKE REPLY  41 minutes ago in reply to JarheadJim59 F

All it would take is 100,000 marching to congress with shot guns to end this and stop the

treason. Just to note I am not insuating violence or this happening just an observation. No

animals or children were hurt while making this comment.


 A  LIKE REPLY  2 minutes ago F

Democrats have you fixated on "guns" instead of the deranged nuts who use them. The Marxist Alinsky tactic

here is to make the dialog about "guns". Obama said "the answer is not more guns in schools". Yet, this is

exactly the answer everywhere but elementary schools in gun-free zones. It is not the guns in schools, but the

good Americans carrying them to defend the children in the school from the criminals that Democrats want to

keep loose on our streets. Democrats have isolated "guns" as the enemy and all their marginal media swirls

around falsehoods perpetrated to maintain the dialog about "guns".

It looks like we fell for this Democrat trick again. And it is so inane and simple!

The answer is not more criminals loose on our schools.

How about that for a counter? Criminals are the problem, not whatever they turn into weapons against innocent

victims. Yet Democrats loose criminals on our streets at every opportunity. check "illegal alien drunk drivers" ,

repeat sex offenders, so many other categories of capital criminals who Democrats want loose on our

streets,..... all while Democrats deny exactly what they are doing.

One more thing is that Americans need to challenge Democrats and their marginal media at every single

opportunity. These fringers frame their questions so that you are guilty as soon as you answer because you are

in their context without even knowing it. Think before responding. The Democrat/marginal media questions and

statements are always superficial. Challenge Democrats on their lack of reality at every opportunity.


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 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 1 Like F

There are those of us that believe the sec/progs will bring us to armed conflict if not stopped. Those with the

desire to remain free must be ready to act when necessary.



 LIKEREPLY   58 minutes ago in reply to JarheadJim59


Sorry bout that its a little off Message


 A  LIKE REPLY   54 minutes ago in reply to GenJMosby F

Little foggy on that date. Sorry, refresh my memory.


 A  LIKE  52 minutes ago in reply to JarheadJim59 F

D Day it a decent Location


 A  LIKE  51 minutes ago in reply to GenJMosby F

The year threw me. I feel sheepish.


 A  LIKE 49 minutes ago in reply to JarheadJim59 F

Sorry my attempt at being Covert failed miserably LOL An Agent Provacateur I am not



 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to JarheadJim59 1 Like F

Locked and loaded


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to JarheadJim59 F

Jim I will give you a date that maybe folks could Rally behind June 6th 2001, Just a thought


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 1 Like F

The NRA should tell them how and what well be or not be, or a militia will be formed.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 1 Like F

We have a Govt run Amuck folks,Bent on Legislation greatly reducing our rights as free men and children of the

Creator.At Minimum call your Senators and Reps and tell them, Hell no! dont restrict Gun Rights.At Most

prepare for Persecution and eventual Conflict with the Progressives and thier Jackbooted Thugs.This isnt a

game folks, Liberty is at stake and we must defend it.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 2 Likes F

I wouldn't go to the White House to meet with that pinko. He may be my President, but he certainly doesn't

represent me. I'd only meet him on neutral territory - same as with any other enemy negotiations.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to lightray9a F

My thoughts exactly!


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 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 2 Likes F

Rile away!


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to JarheadJim59 2 Likes F

I will do so till the Black SUVs show up.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 1 Like F

The Weaklings of the Caponized NRA Leadership Should've of to ld the Communist

Monsters to Go to Hell. The Spy who's henchmen planned and directed the Mass Murder

of the Sandy Hook's White American School Children as an opening act of Fast an

Furious Part Two. The Murder of America's White School Children in schools

and hijacked school bus to terrorize the Spy's lifelong sworn enemy the white

american into willingly surrendering their Arms and surrendering into the

merciless hands of Communist Monsters.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to ispike 2 Likes F

Spike I admire your Zeal but man your scaring off the regular folks LOL


 A  LIKE REPLY   56 minutes ago in reply to GenJMosby 1 Like F


I don't know where ISPIKE is on this subject, but there are other gun rights groups, that

sometimes seem to lobby AGAINST the NRA. I admire their ultimate goal, but sometimes

question their tactics. That didn't stop me from joining them, though. Gun Owners of America,

National Association for Gun Rights, and The United States Concealed Carry Association are

all very noble and patriotic organizations, and I advocate joining as many of them as you can

afford. I did.


 A  LIKE 43 minutes ago in reply to aebjr F

I'm Going to Join GOA the Head and Founder is a Fighter.


 A  LIKE  53 minutes ago in reply to aebjr F

I am a Member of GOA and the NRA and a couple of local Gun Clubs with active

members burning up the Phone lines to Congress.We all must do what we can.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 4 Likes F

Hiya Patriots so whats it gonna take to say enough is enough?Whats your Trigger Point? We can all be Screen

Berets online,However what are you realy w illing to do? to Sacrifice? We need a Rally point and trigger Point

and men and women brave enough to give all for thier Country for Liberty. If you've No Heart for Conflict or

Spine to take a stand you need not apply.God save and Bless the Republic.



I feel that a large number of American firearms owners, will wait until "they" pull up in front of their

houses to confiscate their means of protecting their families, and their lives.

I don't think Congress or SCOTUS, has any faith, in the very documents that by which, the People

grant them power. Think about that. As WHYNOTT pointed out to me a couple of weeks ago, it's like a

group of spoiled, "entitled" children, expecting to preside over a "club" after they have burned down the



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 53 minutes ago in reply to GenJMosby F A  LIKE REPLY 

 A  LIKE REPLY  45 minutes ago in reply to aebjr F

If they are at the door Odds are your gonna be screwed.I hope Most Intelligent Gun Owners

have an Oh Shyte Bag packed and a Plan to leave town if this happens


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to GenJMosby 3 Likes F

Amen, Ghost!


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to JarheadJim59 F

Evening Jim, I figured I would rile up the masses before I retire for the evening.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 2 Likes F

The only reason the NRA will be in the White House is for a public dressing down by the administration. If they

had any sense they'd decline the invite as none of their suggestions will be considered.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to mark648 F

A hardheaded approach would suit me, how dare B.O. to demand an audience with the NRA!


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 2 Likes F

We are headed for an economic catastrophe. When that happens people are going to panic. The fascist

Obama government doesn't care about your "safety". They just consider it much more convenient for those

that prepared to lie down and be good little victims when those that did not prepare come to steal their stuff.

It's a lot easier to come pick up bodies after all of the shooting is done than to deal with riots that turn into

firefights. It's really just one more gimme for Obama supporters, if you stop and think about it. Criminals are a

special interest group that is without a doubt more aligned with the left than the right.


 A  LIKE REPLY  46 minutes ago in reply to JohnOttersai  F

Agreed. They want our guns so when their living off the dole voters no longer get their free phones,

food, rent, and spending cash they will come and take ours. They don't want a resistance just like the

don't want a resistance to immigration, more people coming over to take free stuff, so they have to take

our guns away to level the playing field and create some social justice.


 A  LIKE REPLY   51 minutes ago in reply to JohnOttersai  F


I believe it is referred to, as "thinning the herd".


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 3 Likes F

Who do these Democrats think they are? This is getting out of hand. Summoning the NRA to the White House

is nothing short of intimidation by the Obama administration.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to JoanieBaloney 1 Like F

We are no longer dealing with "Democrats", they are "hate America", socialists. The Obama

administration is Chicago "thuggery" brought to our nations' capital, in other words, vote his way, or, he

will "break" your legs.


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 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to JLD F

Democrats??? They are long gone as of the 2008 Red Chinese Espionage Coup

that installed the Spy they are Communist Loyal only to the Spy.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 1 Like F

No, if they'd like to meet they are welcome to meet at the NRA offices.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 2 Likes F

This just may be Obama's Waterloo.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to eewell  F

If enough men (and women) stand up in congress we may have chance, they should begin

impeachment proceedings against the pretender president. Here's hoping!


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 1 Like F

There are 3 times as many car related fatalities as there are gun related in the U.S.

More people own cars than guns. Many people have several cars.More people operate cars under the influence of drugs or alcohol than guns.

Think about this.

How many car accidents have you seen or been involved in?

How many car fatalities have you seen or been involved in?

Now... How many gun related fatalities have you seen? I mean actually been there.

Yep, car are dangerous weapons. Perhaps the idiot should ban cars.

It would solve his hatred of oil.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to arcaneradio F

Far too logical for a Progressive nihilist such as BHO to consider. Does NOT fit the narrative and does

not empower them to destroy individual liberty so it will not be considered.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 2 Likes F

The sec/progs will pull out all the stops to try to get the most onerous legislation bullied through. Remember



 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 2 Likes F

I hope the NRA (whoever they send) learned something when Boehner said he would never trust Obama (or

Biden) in any closed door talks.

They should realize that Biden will lie about and twist anything said.


 A  LIKE REPLY  42 minutes ago in reply to Jack76 F

They will probably send, Mr. Wayne LaPierre, Executive VP, Mr.Chris Cox, executive Director of the

NRA Institute for legislative Action, and Mr. David Keene, NRA President. All good men, who do good



Summon away progressives, a ban is never going to get past either House of Congress and Obama knows it.


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 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago F

 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago F

Tell those sunny beaches to kiss your arse.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 1 Like F

Because just like the house caving on taxes, obama the lawless is seeking an "admission" that guns are bad.

He's pushing the NRA to cave and give him what he wants, that admission, and in return, they can polish his

 jack boots and keep "some guns".

But it's the admission, like the "admission" that tax cuts caused the problems in America, that guns are the

problem, and almost all of them MUST be eliminated. All of it lies, of course, but we're talking about obama the

bully.(and liar).


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 3 Likes F

Not 1 stinking inch........


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 2 Likes F

"Summons???" Huh?


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 2 Likes F

I wouldn't go.


 A  LIKE REPLY  2 hours ago 5 Likes F

Keep eyes on this one. They will label the NRA as a terrorist org, along with the Tea Party. Just a matter of time.

Note to law enforcement: do not fail to uphold the Constitution, your job and federal laws do not trump that

contract limiting the legal powers of the government. You do not protect the people, their own firearms do.

The last time I called the cops, it took them 8 hours to respond. Next time I'm in trouble I'll grab my gun first,

then the phone, call for the cops, then call for a pizza and I'm betting the pizza dude will arrive first.


 A  LIKE REPLY   38 minutes ago in reply to Atlantean F

Websearch.... "Not On Our Watch".

It took my local police 45 minutes, to respond to a 911 call. I live in the "suburbs" to be away from city

life. By doing so, I accepted, and recognized my elevated level of self-reliance.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to Atlantean 4 Likes F

Perhaps it's time to join the NRA and kick in some dough.


 A  LIKE REPLY   39 minutes ago in reply to Scagsdale F


PLEASE DO! I (we) would love to have you as a (team) member! P.S. Bring as many friends

and relatives as you can. Firearms ownership is NOT required. Annual membership is

$25.00/yr. I think it's a small price to pay, to ask them to fight for our Liberty.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to Scagsdale 2 Likes F

Yes, our freedoms are in peril.


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 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to Atlantean F

We have been patient. You have been watching dancing with the stars. We appointed Chiefs Of Police,

D.A's, Judges, School Boards, members of the JCS, You were calling in your votes to American Idol, I

want to thank you for giving us this wonderful country. If you are quick learners there will be a place for

you in the New America.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to Seniorsquadldr F

It must be "computer hour" in the mental ward you live in. I prefer the old America.


 A  LIKE  31 minutes ago in reply to JLD F

I would tend to agree with SENIORSQUADLDR. Like it or not, we will be

"transformed" by the time Mr.quisling is done. Question is what kind of

"transformation" are WE going to fight for. Fabian Socialism, or a renewed allegiance

to our GREAT country?


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to Atlantean 1 Like F

I agree. We must be willing to fight back, no matter the cost.


 A  LIKE REPLY  2 hours ago 7 Likes F

After I make this post, I am writing the Executive Board of MY NRA, to demand that they NOT go to the White

House, without permission to record the meeting. The taping needs to be done by crew hired by the NRA, as

well. With the way the "media" has bastardized MY NRA, and Second Amendment supporters, it's the only way

WE will realize any transparency, or the truth.


 A  LIKE REPLY  2 hours ago in reply to aebjr 1 Like F

I agree. Tell them to get bent.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to forceofone11 1 Like F

You are being too polite. But what NEEDS said cannot be printed here.


 A  LIKE REPLY  2 hours ago 3 Likes F

Has everyone forgotten the little set-to Obama had out in the garden with his black professor friend and the

white policeman who arrested him? That policeman was "summoned" to the White House, too. I think NRA is

wholly underestimating gun owners in the United States. Just seeing the photo-op shots that will be highly

publicized after the meeting will serve only to anger gun owners nationwide. The same way that seeing

Boehner cow-tow to the President despite what the conservative base wanted. And now look what we've got.

Well anyway, NRA should have respectfully declined this meeting.


es: Obama Administration Summons NRA to White House http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/01/08/Bullies-

11 1/8/2013

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es: Obama Administration Summons NRA to White House http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/01/08/Bullies-