Building Use Policy

1 Building Use Policy Revised - December 2010 St. Luke’s United Methodist Church 3708 45th Street, Lubbock, Texas, 79413 (806) 797-4393 Fax (806) 797-4395 5805 98 th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79424 (806) 771-0555 Fax (806) 771-1912



Transcript of Building Use Policy


Building Use Policy

Revised - December 2010

St. Luke’s

United Methodist Church 3708 45th Street, Lubbock, Texas, 79413 (806) 797-4393 Fax (806) 797-4395

5805 98th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79424 (806) 771-0555 Fax (806) 771-1912



The primary purpose of St Luke's Lubbock is to carry out the ministries of the local church. St

Luke's has an active ministry to children, youth, adults, and senior adults. Our programs and our

people are the top priority when it comes to the use of our church facility. However, St Luke's has

a strong desire to expand its outreach into the community by offering the use of its facilities.

These policies are set forth for the use of St Luke's buildings and equipment to maintain the

function and beauty thereof and to protect those who use them from any unpleasant

occurrences. Use conditions not specified in this document will be evaluated on a case by case

basis and may include applicable fees. Items specifically dealing with weddings are explained

in our Policies & Guidelines for Weddings & Receptions.


All events taking place at church facilities are booked at the discretion of the pastors and

church staff and subject to approval. St Luke's may only host one event per weekend, with the

first priority given to church-related functions. Rental rates for personal, business, ministerial, or

religious use of church facilities are detailed within. In addition, non-member groups will be

required to pay $150.00 security deposit in form of a check made payable to "St Luke's United

Methodist Church." The deposit will be held by the church and voided after maintenance staff

has inspected the facilities to ensure that no damage has occurred and cleaned. In addition,

any group or individual (member or non-member) wishing to use the facilities after normal

business hours will be required to checkout a key to the building and provide a $150 key deposit

in the form of a check made payable to “St. Luke’s United Methodist Church” and will be

responsible for unlocking and locking the facility. The person responibile for the key is also

responsible for making sure all doors are locked and all lights are turned off before leaving the

premises. If all requirements are meet the key deposit will be returned.

St Luke's is not responsible for any injuries or accidents associated with any activity. St Luke's does

not accept any responsibility for any lost, damaged, or stolen personal property. It is the

responsibility of the party booking the facility to ensure that all personal belongings and/or gifts

are under a specific individual's control or that items are removed and to ensure the following

policies are adhered to by all guests. In the event that breakage or damage occurs, the

booking party will be responsible for paying to repair or replace the damaged article.

Building use activities fall under the Board of Trustees which manages the use of the building

facilities. No commitment of the building use is finalized until the Room Use Agreement has been

completed and executed by the Board of Trustees or its designee.

St Luke's has a number of long-standing relationships with several community organizations for

ongoing use of the facility. Other local organizations and individuals have a used our facilities for

one-time or short-term usage. Availability for ongoing usage is limited, but can be considered.

Our first priority is for the program and membership needs of St Luke's. Lesser use priorities are for

(1) nonprofit groups that are supported by the church, then (2) other nonprofit organizations and

finally (3) other for profit organizations.

Approval of the use of the grounds and facilities does not constitute or imply endorsement of


any group, their mission, or their positions. Groups approved to use the facilities must not

advertise the event in such a way as to imply endorsement by St Luke's. No activities or

advocacy may take place within our buildings or grounds that conflict with the policies and the

practices of St Luke's and the United Methodist Church.

Included in this guide are the following:

1. Steps to Facility Use Schedule

2. Rules & Regulations of the Board of Trustees

3. Fees for Facility Usage - Members/Non-members

4. Room Use Agreement Form

5. Release and Indemnity Agreement Form - Organization's/Individual's

6. Key Check Out Form

Steps to Facility Use Scheduling

1. Fill out a Room Use Agreement. One is included in this guide or you may obtain one from

the church office or at out website: under Contract Use tab.

2. Attach any additional information you feel might be useful in helping us determine if we

can accommodate your group.

3. Return the completed Room Use Agreement to the Church Office at least 3 weeks in

advance of the event. The Board of Trustees will then evaluate your request and you will

be notified it is approved or not approved. After approval, applicable fees are due at the Church Office at least 1 week prior to the event.

4. Key Checkout Form must be completed:

For meetings or activities held after normal business hours a key must be checked out by

completing the Key Checkout Form which requires a $150.00 security deposit before a key

may be given out to any individual or group wishing to use the St. Luke’s facilities if no one

in the group has a key to the buildings. The key can be picked up from the Central

Campus office between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm and from the SW Campus

office between the hours of 9:00 am and 1:00 pm the day of the function. If the function is

on a Saturday or Sunday, then the key needs to be picked up by 4:00 pm at the Central

Campus or by 1:00 pm at the SW Campus on Friday before the function. The key must be

returned to the office where it was checked out by 10:00 AM the following day or Monday

after a weekend function. The person responsible for the key is also responsible for making

sure all doors are locked and all lights have been turned off before leaving the premises. If any doors are found not to be locked and lights are not turned off, the key is not returned by the designated time and place or the key is lost, the security deposit is subject to forfeiture.

Fees For Facility Usage Please note the fee schedule included and be sure to review the Impact Fee schedule.

Impact Fee Guidelines:


# of people attending 0-20 21-75 76-100 over 100

Minimal Set-Up Fee:

Substantial Set-Up Fee: *Impact fees are charged at the discretion of the Board of Trustees taking into account factors such as setup requirements, number of participants, use of any special equipment, food and drink, etc. Based on these factors, impact fees may by in excess of these guideline amounts. Emergency Scheduling Conflicts

The church reserves the right to pre-empt any facility for its own in case of emergencies, such as

funerals. Notice will be given as early as possible. Final decisions

In case of doubt or uncertainty by any outside person or group about the application or

interpretation of these regulations, or in our customary practices not specifically mentioned here,

the Board of Trustees or the delegated representatives shall decide the matter and all individuals

and groups shall abide by the Board of Trustees' directions or forfeit immediately the use of any

part of the facility.



All persons and/or groups using our facilities are expected to exercise reasonable care and

judgment in such use in order to prevent defacement, damage, or breakage. The persons

signing the application for use shall be responsible for paying cost incurred by the church in

cleaning, repairing, or replacing any part of the building or its furnishings and equipment which

in the judgment of the Board of Trustees has been carelessly or irresponsible subjected to more

than normal wear and tear by the persons or group involved.

Room Setups

All rooms have been designated with a standard room setup. Any setup changes requested by

the group are subject to approval by the Board of Trustees and are considered in the

calculations of Impact Fee noted. After any non-member group use of the facilities, the

maintenance/custodial staff will be responsible for the original set up regardless of when the

function is over. After any member group use of the facilities, that group is responsible for the

original setup.

Musical Instruments

Permission to use the organ or any instruments must be granted by the Director of Music for St

Luke's. Instruments cannot be removed except by permission from the Director of Music or the

Board of Trustees.


Smoking Policy

All members of all groups using our facilities shall abide at all times by a "no smoking" rule on

church property. Violation of this rule is sufficient ground for a church staff member to withdraw

immediately any group’s use of the facilities and/or to deny use in the future. Non-member

groups will also forfeit their $150 security deposit.

Drink Policy

To reduce stains on carpet and tile flooring, red drinks, orange sodas, Kool-Aid, or any dark juices

except when used for communion purposes are not allowed.

Alcohol and Drug Policy

The serving, consumption, or use of alcoholic beverages, marijuana, or other controlled

substances shall not be permitted at any time on church property, including the outdoor area

and parking lots. Violation of this rule is sufficient ground for a church staff member to withdraw

immediately any group's use of the facilities and/or deny use in the future. Non-member groups

will also forfeit their $150 security deposit.

No Games of Chance

Church policy prohibits the use of games of chance or gambling on the church premises. This

would include such activities as raffles or lotteries.

Animals and Pets

In order to keep holy places holy, sacred and pleasing to God, pets and domesticated animals

will not be allowed inside any building unless they meet the following exceptions:

1. The animal is a service animal for an elderly, disabled, or sight impaired person

2. A police dog may be permitted inside for demonstration to Pre-school/PDO children or

other church sponsored activities, provided the activity is not held in the sanctuary or


The Trustees may review request for other sponsored activities and/or Pre-school/PDO events. It

is the Trustees intent with this policy to keep animals out of areas and apart from areas where the

sacraments are administered.


All decorations require prior approval of the Board of Trustees or their designee. Decorations

may only be attached to wooden trim and wooden doors with masking tape only. No

decorating is permitted in the hallways. All such decorations must be removed immediately and

completely following the event. Hay will never be used as a decoration anywhere in the

facilities. Storage

There is no excess storage available for organizations other than church groups and, as such, all

organizations using the facility will be responsible for the storing of their materials off site. Member

organizations, Sunday School classes, youth, etc must store all food, napkins, Styrofoam cups

and plates in sealed tote containers and they must be kept neat & in order.


Bicycles and Skateboards

No sport bicycling or skateboarding is allowed on church property. No bicycles or skateboards

are allowed inside the church facility.


Parking in the church parking lot or designated handicapped parking spaces is available only

during the period that a group has contracted to use the facility. Parking is available on

first-come, first-served basis and excludes certain spots that may be specifically reserved at all

times for staff of the church. Any damage to vehicles is at the owner's expense; the church is not

responsible for theft or damage to personal property.


Our church works to maintain a safe and secure environment within the facility. However, no

systems are foolproof. We ask that all users pay close attention to personal property and

valuables, not leaving them unattended. The church is not responsible for theft or damages to

personal property.


The lending of regular equipment for use other than church-sponsored functions is prohibited.

Prohibited items included but are not limited to the following: Mowers, edger’s, trimmers,

blowers, janitorial equipment and supplies, cameras, video equipment, stage lighting, musical

instruments, computers, printers, ceremonial equipment, candle lighters and snuffers. An

exception is allowed for portable furnishings such as folding chairs & tables. The renting of

portable furnishings is limited to church members only and is subject to a security deposit of


Information regarding the use of church vehicles can be found in the Vehicle Policies.



The sanctuary at St Luke's United Methodist Church Central Campus seats approximately 750

people, there are 11 rows of pews down the center aisles. The Worship area at St Luke's

Southwest Campus seats approximately 580.

1. Holiness of the altar is not to be overshadowed with decorations. No flowers or

decorations should be used which would hide from clear view the worship symbols, such

as the Cross, the Bible, the candles, the altar table or pulpit. During Easter and Christmas

seasons, the Sanctuary & Worship area will be decorated with Easter Lilies or Poinsettias

and a Christmas tree. These items cannot be moved.

2. Furniture in the sanctuary may not be removed. This includes the altar, pulpit & Sedalia

and baptism font. Items other than the altar may be moved to one side, but not off the

platform. It is the responsibility of the party to move and replace items to their proper

location. Musical instruments at Southwest Campus are moved only with permission from

Director of Music or the Board of Trustees.


3. Do not use pins, tacks, nails, tape, wire or glue with any sanctuary decorations.

4. No food or drinks are allowed in the sanctuary. Southwest Campus Worship Area allows

food & drink with certain restrictions.

Sanctuary Sound and/or video system

If the lighting and/or sound systems are required, they must be operated by a St Luke's Media

Technician and a fee of $75.00 for 3 hours use plus $25 for each additional hour is required. The

necessity of a Media Technician will be determined for each event at the discretion of church

staff. Group provided sound, recording, or video may not be attached to the church system

(including the electrical system) through cables or connectors without prior approval.

Nursery Use

The Nursery facility may be available by arrangement at least 2 weeks prior to the event by

contacting the Nursery director through the church office. Our safety standards require that two

nursery care providers must be present to operate the nursery. It must be staffed by St Luke's

Nursery staff and the user will be billed for the hours the staff is present.

Supervision of children and youth

This church has adopted the policy of Safe Sanctuaries for children and youth. All users of the

facility are expected to follow the guidelines of this policy including the following:

1. Adults must be present at all times during any program or event involving children or

youth. (Ratio of # Children - # be determined)

2. All adults must be 18 years of age or older and must be at least 5 years older than the

children with whom they are working.

3. At least one of the adults present must be currently certified in First Aid and CPR.

4. The adults involved with the children must receive annual training related to child abuse


5. Children must be carefully supervised and not allowed to roam.

Designated Area: Please stay in the area of the building which is reserved.

SW Gym

1. All non-church sponsored events or teams will be required to pay the appropriate rental

fee for use of the gym for practices or games.

2. Any group using the gym for a sporting event will make sure the partitions are put on the

stage to protect the altar and equipment and will be removed and stored after use as

well as making sure the sound booth is closed to prevent damage to the sound


3. No food or drinks may be taken out of the gym area unless they are in a spill proof

container except for a church sponsored dining event.

4. Balls will not be intentionally thrown against walls, windows, doors or ceiling tiles and balls

will not be thrown down hallways or in classrooms. Anyone caught doing so will be

removed from the building immediately. Kitchens


In order to comply with Health Code regulations, any individual or group using the kitchen for

any reason must make sure that:

Non-member requirements:

1. Kitchen orientation is required by the custodial staff before initial use.

2. Food preparation in the kitchen is limited to congregational functions.

3. Never pour grease into garbage disposal. If disposal is clogged an additional fee may be

applicable if a plumber is required to unclog sink.

4. Caterers may use the kitchen for warming and serving of food which has been prepared

off site.

5. Left over food must be removed immediately after the event, no exceptions.

6. Groups using the kitchen and fellowship hall or gym are expected to provide their own

paper goods.

7. Dishes and serving dishes may be used as well as any other item(s) and must be cleaned,

dried and returned to their original places at the end of the event. This is not the

responsibility of the custodial staff.

8. Ice and water are available to all groups using the kitchen/fellowship hall. Serving

receptacles must be cleaned and returned to their original places at the end of the


9. Ice machine must be closed immediately after removal of ice.

10. The hand washing sink must be used exclusively for hand washing. Nothing else may be

poured in the sink.

11. All food contact surfaces must be cleaned with appropriate cleaner.

12. After use of kitchen individuals and groups are responsible for cleaning up after

themselves. A broom, mop and mop bucket will be located in the storage/pantry room

next to the stoves.

13. You are responsible for throwing away trash and straightening up any tables and chairs

that might be used for the event.

14. Absolutely no liquids may be placed in trash receptacles. All trash (in the liner) should be

removed from the receptacle, tied shut, and placed in the dumpster on the west side of

the building at SW and located in the North parking lot at the Central Campus.

Custodians are responsible for other normal clean up (vacuuming, etc.). If special clean

up is required, an additional fee will be charged.

*Any person or group found not to be following these rules will be warned and any subsequent violation will result in loss of kitchen privileges.


Member requirements:

1. Kitchen orientation is required by the custodial staff before initial use.

2. Any item(s) used must be washed, dried and returned to its proper place. This is not the responsibility of the custodial staff.

3. Any dishes brought from the outside must be removed from the kitchen after use even if

the owner is not on the property.

4. Left over food may be left in the refrigerators for no longer than 5 days and must be

marked with the date it was placed in the refrigerator and by whom. Any food left over 5

days will be discarded and the container it is in will also be disposed of. All food not

consumed must be taken care of and not left on counters whether covered or not.

5. No food, cups, or plates may be stored on the floor in the pantry.

6. The door to the ice machine must be closed after use.

7. Never pour grease down the disposal.

8. Persons serving food must at all time use gloves and wear a hair net or cap.

9. The hand washing sink must be sued exclusively for hand washing. Nothing else may be

poured in the sink.

10. All food contact surfaces must be cleaned with appropriate cleaner.

11. Opened or Unopened food such cookies, crackers, chips, etc. must be sealed in plastic

totes and placed neatly in appropriate area to avoid contamination.

12. Any group using the kitchen to serve a meal other than during normal business hours (i.e.:

Sunday School class, youth group, Methodist Men, Methodist Women, funerals, etc. ) will

be responsible for sweeping and mopping the floor following the meal. Individuals will

also be responsible for cleaning the floor as well. A broom, mop and mop bucket will be

located in the janitor’s closet across from the kitchen at the Central Campus and in the

storage/pantry room at the SW campus. *Any person or group found not to be following these rules will be warned and any subsequent violation will result in loss of kitchen privileges. These guidelines are not intended to restrict the use of the kitchen but to offer better security and safety for those using our facility. Fees

For information concerning the required fee for use of the facilities, contact the church

office. *Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to the pastor or Board of Trustees.


St Luke's Lubbock

United Methodist Church

3708 45th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79413

(806) 797-4393 Fax (806) 797-4395

98th & Frankford, Lubbock, Texas 79423

(806) 771-0555 Fax (806) 771-1912

Office Use

Member Rates

Building Request Approved _______________________By _______________________________Date __________________

Building Request Denied ______________________________Explanation_________________________________________

Facility: Payment Requested:

Central Campus

Sanctuary $50/hr (Minimum of $200.00 each event)

Fellowship Hall Same as listed above

Parlor/classrooms $25/hr

Southwest Campus

Gathering Area $50/hr (minimum $200.00 each event)

Multi Purpose Area Same as listed above

Kitchen Same as listed above

Classrooms $25/hr

Conference/ youth $25/hr

*Anything over the three hour minimum will be an additional $50 per hour.

**Members who are coaching a non-church sponsored team wishing to use the gym for practice one hour prior to

the gym being used as scheduled on the church calendar may make a payment towards the use of utilities in lieu of

paying the required fee.

***Members wishing to use the Fellowship Hall or Gathering Area for a birthday party or reception lasting no more

than 2 hours on a day when the building is normally open, may make a payment towards the use of utilities in lieu of

paying the required fee.

Total payment requested and payable 1 week prior to the event. Make check payable to St Luke's UMC

Payment received: Payment waived :

Check #:


Cash :

The following are to be paid in cash at the beginning of the event directly to the Monitor/Technician:

Event Monitor $25/hr (2 hr minimum)

Kitchen Monitor Same as listed above

Media Technician $25/hr (3 hr minimum plus $25/hr for each additional)

No monitor needed

Security Deposit $150.00

Security Deposit Waived

Security Deposit Return date

Key Deposit $150.00

Key Pickup date

Key Return Date

Certificate of Insurance Received

Signed Release & Indemnity Agreement

Room Use Agreement completed

*Rates do not reflect rental prices for weddings or wedding receptions. See separate policies.


St Luke's Lubbock

United Methodist Church

3708 45th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79413

(806) 797-4393 Fax (806) 797-4395

98th & Frankford, Lubbock, Texas 79423

(806) 771-0555 Fax (806) 771-1912

Office Use

Non-Member Rates

Building Request Approved _______________________By _______________________________Date __________________

Building Request Denied ______________________________Explanation_________________________________________

Facility: Payment Requested:

Central Campus

Sanctuary $75/hr (Minimum of $350.00 each event)

Fellowship Hall Same as listed above

Parlor/classrooms $25/hr

Southwest Campus

Gathering Area $75/hr (minimum $350.00 each event)

Multi Purpose Area Same as listed above

Kitchen Same as listed above

Classrooms $25/hr

Conference/ youth $25/hr

*Anything over the three hour minimum will be an additional $75 per hour.

Total payment requested and payable 1 week prior to the event. Make check payable to St Luke's UMC

Payment received: Payment waived :

Check #:


Cash :

The following are to be paid in cash at the beginning of the event directly to the Monitor/Technician:

Event Monitor $25/hr (2 hr minimum)

Kitchen Monitor Same as listed above

Media Technician $25/hr (3 hr minimum plus $25/hr for each additional)

No monitor needed

Security Deposit $150.00

Security Deposit Waived

Security Deposit Return date

Key Deposit $150.00

Key Pickup date

Key Return Date

Certificate of Insurance Received

Signed Release & Indemnity Agreement

Room Use Agreement completed

*Rates do not reflect rental prices for weddings or wedding receptions. See separate policies.


St Luke's Lubbock

United Methodist Church

3708 45th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79413

(806) 797-4393 Fax (806) 797-4395

98th & Frankford, Lubbock, Texas 79423

(806) 771-9555 Fax (806) 771-1912


Please complete entire form:

Individual Room Use Agreement

Responsible Person(s):

Address: City: Zip:


Contact Person's Name:

Emergency Contact Number:

Event Name and Description:

Date of request:

Date requested: Start Time: End Time:

(Dates may not be scheduled more than nine months in advance, except with specific permission) St Luke's

reserves the right to pre-empt its facility for its own use in the case of emergencies, such as funerals. Notice will

be given as early as possible.

Will the event be recurring?

One time only Weekly

Monthly Multiple days

Which day of the week: (circle one)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Rooms Requested:

Nursery (Number of nursery staff needed...see requirement in building use policy)

Anticipated Number of Participants:

Will a participant fee be charged for the event? _____Yes _____No

Will food or drink be consumed? _____Yes _____No

(Refer to food & drink rules in building use policy)

Special Needs or Request:

Set Up Instructions:


St Luke's Lubbock

United Methodist Church

3708 45th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79413

(806) 797-4393 Fax (806) 797-4395

98th & Frankford, Lubbock, Texas 79423

(806) 771-005 Fax (806) 771-1912

Release and Indemnity

Organization Name:

Individual Name:

This Release and Indemnity Agreement is between the above named organization/individual and St Luke's

Lubbock a United Methodist Church, Lubbock, Texas.


The church is the owner of the real property and improvements located at 3708 45th Street and 98th &

Frankford, Lubbock, Texas.

The Organization/Individual desires to use the property described above for meetings and or other activities.


NOW THEREFORE in consideration of this church permitting the Organization/Individual to use the Property and

Improvements described above, the Organization/Individual agrees as follows:

1. The Organization/Individual hereby releases, discharges, and covenants not to sue the church or its Trustees,

administrators, directors, agents, officers, members, volunteers, and employees, from any and all liability,

claims, demands, losses, or damages arising out of the Organization's/Individual's use of the Property. If any

member, guest, invitee, or participant of the organization/Individual makes any claim against the church

or its Trustees, administrators, directors, agents. officers, members, volunteers, or employees, in connection

with the Organization's/Individual's use of the Property, the Organization/Individual will indemnify, defend,

and hold the church and its Trustees, administrators, directors, agents, officers, members, volunteers, or

employees harmless from any and all litigation expenses, attorney fees, losses, liability, damages, and costs

arising out of such claim.

2. The Organization represents that it carries standard general liability insurance coverage with a minimum of

$1,000,000 per occurrence. Upon request, Organization will provide the church with proof of liability

insurance, and if requested, will add the church as an additional insured under Organization's general

liability policy.

3. For Individual's represents that it carries standard liability insurance coverage with a minimum of $500,000

per once.

Signed by Organization's Representative:



Signed by Individual :



St Luke's Lubbock

United Methodist Church

3708 45th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79413

(806) 797-4393 Fax (806) 797-4395

98th & Frankford, Lubbock, Texas 79423

(806) 771-0551 Fax (806) 771-1912

Security Key Checkout Form

A $150.00 security deposit is required before a key may be given out to any individual or

group wishing to use the St. Luke’s facilities if no one in the group has a key to the buildings.

The key can be picked up from the Central Campus office between the hours of 8:30 am

and 4:00 pm or from the SW Campus office between the hours of 9:00 am and 1:00 pm the

day of the function. If the function is on a Saturday or Sunday, then the key needs to be

picked up by 4:00 pm at the Central Campus or by 1:00 pm at the SW Campus on Friday

before the function. The key must be returned to the office where it was checked out by

10:00 am the following day or Monday after a weekend function. The person responsible for

the key is also responsible for making sure all doors are locked and all lights have been

turned off before leaving the premises.

*If any doors are found to not be locked and lights are not turned off, or if the key is not returned by the

designated time and place, or in the event the key is lost, the security deposit is subject to forfeiture.

Name of individual or group:

Date and time of function:

Person Responsible for Key:

Contact Number:

Date key is checked out:

Staff member receiving deposit & issuing key:

Cash or Check Check Number:

Date key returned:

Staff member receiving key:

Security deposit forfeited: Yes No



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8 9 10

7rooms 3 years - K 1st/2nd Grade 3rd-5th Grade Toddlers Infants