Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun...Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun...

佛弟子 會訊 澳大利亞雲陽寺 Yun Yang Temple Australia 十一/ 十二月 May 2008 Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun 學佛須注意什麼問題 今天要介紹的是「學佛須要注意 什麼問題?」一般初學佛法的人, 應如何了解呢?我們在學佛的過 程當中,千萬不要把自己變成怪 物。在家學佛,不要把學佛當作 是專業,把事業當作是副業,尤 其在學佛的時候,不可以除了學 佛之外什麼事都不去做,怕浪費 時間。其實,把平常無形中浪費 的時間把握住,好好的利用這就 很驚人、很可觀了! 是要從色身當中修起,學佛是要求解 脫、求自在,所以不要只限制自己, 這個不行、那樣不行,這樣會被綁得 更緊。 學佛要注意三件事,多看、多聽、多 問,這樣可以吸收多方面的知識與經 驗,來做比較、選擇就會有比較圓滿 的結果。如果學了什麼樣的法門,先 不要一開始學就認定,不妨多問多接 觸,要先把基礎打好;就如同蓋房子 學佛要用平常的心去面對,一般在家學佛也可以一 樣的去郊遊,可以去露營。學佛不只是持齋,不可 把持齋的行為當做就是學佛法;吃素食並不是代表 學佛,你看牛、羊牠們也是吃素的呀!難道你可以 說牠們也是在學佛嗎?其實吃素食,是為了要培養 我們的慈悲心,並不表示學佛了以後就不可以吃肉。 佛陀曾說過三不淨肉的方便,在家學佛的人是最方 便,也最自在了。我們一般認為在家學佛就可以了, 不一定要出家呀!為什麼要出家呢?因為在家學佛 與出家學佛是不相同的。 出家的事業是專業的環境,是可以允許我們把所有 的時間,放在研究佛法當中;其實出家學佛是要全 心投入,身為人天師範必須擔負如來的家業,講解 佛陀的道理方法,有比較多的時間去幫助更多的人, 所以出家的要求當然就必須要更多。在家學佛,千 萬不可以把自己一個人孤立起來,一方面也不可以 只把時間放在跑寺院、做功德上面,否則接下來便 觸怒到家裏的人,那學佛就會走偏了,這樣是不行 的。 我們學佛是要學智慧,有了智慧才能化解問題,學 佛就是要學覺悟,要面對自己、改變自己,要懂得 道理才好修行;學佛是要修養我們自己,自己修的 自己得,不是去修理別人。自己改變多少,別人是 可以感受得到的,所以要以修養去影響人,不可以 個性去勉強人;若能修養自己,把修養表現出來, 表現得好別人自然也會受到你的影響。有人學佛只 看重法身,認為色身並不重要,這種觀念是不正確 的,色身必須要先照顧得好,為什麼呢?因為法身 學佛最強調的是相契相應,什麼是相契相應呢? 要起歡喜心,自己的條件也適合,環境條件也可 以配合。古時有人曾說:「無事不登三寶殿。」 到寺院找師傅,不是去找師傅談天說地,是要帶 著問題去請問法師?因為法師是佛法的專業人員, 是可以為眾人來傳道、授業及解惑的人。學佛是 一世的事情,不可能速得而成就的,只要把握住 每一個現在,過去的不去計較,未來的不要妄想 編織,不可以翻來覆去,這次做不好下次可以做 得好,一次一次的改進。我們看佛陀在成道的過 程中,從太子身到成道是經過多麼漫長的時間, 我們在日常生活當中,時時刻刻都可以修行辦道, 要隨時把握住每一個起心動念,即身、口、意的 調整,這樣就是修養了。 真正的成道,是在現實生活中去實行,做錯了事 不要一味懊惱,是要檢討,在下一次發生時少錯 一點,再下一次發生時錯得更少。修行辦道就是 如此,就像開車的技術一樣,是由生疏漸漸到熟 練,自我的訓練最要緊的是在時間、空間的累積 所得的覺悟。認識道理好修行,學佛就要依教如 法,如法就輕鬆愉快,不如法呢?累壞了,還是 得不到好處。總而言之,學佛就是要學佛陀的道 理與方法,來幫助我們達到了生脫死、成就道業 的目的,最後祝福各位道業早成,阿彌陀佛! Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun 白 雲老禪師 打地基一樣,要深而且堅固,學佛也是如此呀! 基礎打穩之後,再選擇較適合自己的,就可以一 門深入了。

Transcript of Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun...Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun...

Page 1: Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun...Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun 上白下雲老禪師 打地基一樣,要深而且堅固,學佛也是如此呀!基礎打穩之後,再選擇較適合自己的,就可以一

佛弟子 會訊

澳大利亞雲 陽 寺 Yun Yang Temple Australia十一/ 十二月May 2008

Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun










Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun

上 下白 雲老禪師


Page 2: Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun...Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun 上白下雲老禪師 打地基一樣,要深而且堅固,學佛也是如此呀!基礎打穩之後,再選擇較適合自己的,就可以一

What should a Buddhist Practitioner be aware of?

Today we are going to talk about what Buddhist

Practitioners should be aware of. But how should they

interpret this statement? It is crucial that while going about

it, one should be mindful that one does not turn oneself

into a weirdo. For a lay practitioner, Buddhist practice

should not be looked upon as one’s career while treating

one’s profession as a sideline. It is particularly important

that does not cease all other activities for fear of wasting

time. The fact is, if one is able to make good use of what

little spare time one has at hand, it would be a great

achievement in itself.

Buddhism should be approached with an open and easy

mind. A practising Buddhist can still participate in activities

such as taking a trip to the countryside, go camping, etc.

Neither is Buddhism vegetarianism and the two should not

be treated as synonymous. In other words, a vegetarian is

not necessarily a Buddhist. Sheep and cows are

vegetarians but they are no practising Buddhists.

Vegetarianism is about compassion and it does not mean

that once one takes up Buddhism one should refrain from

eating meat. To make life easier for lay Buddhists, the

Buddha talked about the three “unclean” meats. So, one

may ask why become a sangha when there are so many

exceptions to the rules? The fact is, there is a fundamental

difference between practising Buddhism at home and as a


Sanghahood is a vocation which require of us to devote

our time to the study of Buddhism full-time. As teachers of

the Buddha’s words, a sangha is expected to carry on the

task of spreading His message, promoting His ways, a

task that demands undivided attention in terms of our time

and efforts. As a lay Buddhist, it is important that one does

not isolate oneself from the society. Neither should one

volunteer all one’s time in gathering merits in the temple as

this may lead to discourse in the family. When this

happens, one would have gone “off track” in Buddhist


Buddhism is all about wisdom. Wisdom can help us to

resolve our problems. To put Buddhism into practice is to

be enlightened, to face up to oneself and change oneself.

To do this we need to know the way and the method.

Buddhism is about retrospection rather than looking for

faults in others. Any changes we make to ourselves are

always picked up by others. Therefore, we should exert

influence on others through our own cultivation rather than

through character. In other words, if we are able to refine

our character through cultivation, these positive qualities

will be rubbed off on others. Some Buddhists choose to

focus so much on cultivation that they underestimate the

importance of the physical body. This is a misconception

as cultivation cannot begin without a physical body. When

we take up Buddhism, we are seeking an end to

sufferings, a state of eternal bliss. This is why we should

allow ourselves to enjoy the process of cultivation. We

need to feel easy instead of binding ourselves with all sorts

of rigid restrictions.

When we take up Buddhism, we need to be mindful of

three things: do read more, ask more questions and

listen more. It is so that we are able to expand our

knowledge and increase our experience. With better

knowledge and experience, we will be able to make

better choices which lead to better outcomes. When we

are introduced a certain dharma way, do not lock oneself

in. Take time to learn about it, build a solid foundation for

it just like we do when building a house. It’s only with a

solid understanding that we are able to pick one way that

suits us best.

Buddhist practice is all about finding a way that we are

able to “connect”. Connection will lead to enjoyment. An

ancient saying has it that people will not visit a temple

unless they have a problem. This is to say, people will

not visit a monk in the temple just for a chat. They go

when they have a problem they cannot solve themselves.

Monks are professionals whose job is to show us the

way, rid us of our karma and clear our doubts. There is

no short cut to Buddhist cultivation. Therefore, it is

important that we seize the moment, make good use of

our current moments. What is past is gone. What is in the

future is but an illusion. To cry over spilt milk is a total

waste of time. Instead of revisiting the past, we should

focus on improving ourselves, making sure we do not

repeat the same mistakes. This is the process of

refinement. We should constantly remind ourselves the

process the Buddha went through, how he worked on

himself from being a prince to be the enlightened one.

We need to constantly remind ourselves what we say, do

and think so we may elevate ourselves in the ladder of


If we wish to get somewhere in cultivation, we need to

work on our daily activities. When we realize we have

done something wrong, waste not time on regrets, but on

righting it. With practice, we will gradually cut down on

future mistakes. Just like learning to drive a car, to

perfect our skills, we need to practise constantly. It is

hope that through time, we will gather sufficient wisdom

to lead us to enlightenment. Cultivation becomes so

much easier when we know the way. Not only we need to

follow the way as shown by the Buddha, we need to get

joy out of it. Otherwise, not only we wear ourselves out,

there is little to be gained. The bottom-line is, follow the

Buddha’s words and ways to get us out of the cycle of


Lastly, I wish you all success in cultivation.

O Mi To Fo!

Page 3: Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun...Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun 上白下雲老禪師 打地基一樣,要深而且堅固,學佛也是如此呀!基礎打穩之後,再選擇較適合自己的,就可以一








Solitude and Efforts with Ease

Solitude is not synonymous with isolation. It is a way

of setting aside more time for cultivation, to focus on

one’s speech, deeds and thoughts, a time to elevate

one on the ladder of wisdom so as to free one from

the earthly realm.

Isolation is depression in physical form, a behavior

that people adopt when they wish to run away from

something, a time to contemplate, a moment of

zeroness. The truth is, it will not come as a surprise

to find that people in such a situation may not even

know what they are seeking, leave alone finding an


Therefore, it is the question that exists in our doubts

and the knowledge in our answers are the elements

that give rise to our realization, without which there

will only be confusion and loss in our lives.

Allowing an event to happen with its natural course

is quite different from making something happen

with conscious efforts. The former takes place with

neither pressure nor undue efforts. As we practice

to end all rebirths, it is, therefore, our responsibility

to grant ourselves the opportunity to do all we can

to benefits all beings.

Benefiting others with clear objectives is meritorious.

To do it without undue efforts and pressure is to

carry out the task without discrimination. Thus,

merits should grow out of efforts without duress,

benefiting all beings as and when opportunities

arise. This is the job of anyone who chooses to take

on the legacy of the Buddha.

Merits come from cultivation. The goal of cultivation

is realization or enlightenment. If we wish to benefit

all beings with the teaching of the Buddha, it is

important that we must first master His teaching to

an extent that it becomes ours. That is to say, we

must first master His teachings, digest them, absorb

them, in order to apply them effectively. This can

only be achieved through unrelenting efforts on our

part in cultivation. Therefore, the two things a

Buddhist practitioner must uphold are time in

“solitude” so we grant ourselves the time to cultivate

the all-important wisdom and do what one can to

benefit others as and when the opportunity arises.

Be constantly mindful of how much good we have

performed, to ourselves or others so that no time

passes in vain.

Page 4: Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun...Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun 上白下雲老禪師 打地基一樣,要深而且堅固,學佛也是如此呀!基礎打穩之後,再選擇較適合自己的,就可以一

藥師法會 / Medicine Buddha Ceremony


On 30 November 2008, Yun Yang Temple celebrated the

birthday of Medicine Buddha. He is the Buddha of the Pure

Land of the Eastern Paradise. Medicine Buddha has made a

vow to help those who call upon him when ill or injured, and

to aid those who revere him to achieve a long and healthy

life. He made 12 vows upon attaining Enlightenment.

據藥師如來本願功德經,藥師佛願於來世得阿耨多羅三菩提時的十二大願為:The Twelve Vows of the Medicine Buddha, according to the Medicine Buddha Sutra are:

1. 自身光明,熾然照耀無量無數世界,資以三十二大丈夫相,八十隨形好,莊嚴其身,令一切有情,如我 無異。To illuminate countless realms with his radiance, enabling others to become a Buddha too.

2. 身如琉璃,內外明徹,淨無瑕穢,光明廣大,功德巍巍,身善莊嚴,過於日月,幽冥眾生,悉蒙開曉,隨意所趣,作諸事業。To awaken the minds of sentient beings through his light of lapis lazuli.

3. 以無量無邊智慧方便,令諸眾生皆得無盡所受用物,莫令眾生有所乏少。To provide the sentient beings with whatever material needs they require.

4. 若諸有情行邪道者,悉令安住菩提道中,若行聲聞獨覺乘者,皆以大乘而安立之。To correct heretical views and inspire beings toward the path of the Bodhisattva

5. 若有無量無邊有情,於我法中修行梵行,一切皆令得不缺戒,具三聚戒,設有毀犯,聞我名已,還得清淨,不隨惡趣。To help beings follow the Moral Precepts, even if they failed before.

6. 若諸有情其身下劣,諸根不具,醜陋頑愚, ,攣躄背僂,白癩顛狂,種種病苦,聞我名已,一切皆得端正黠慧,諸根完具,無諸疾苦。To heal beings born with deformities, illness or other physical sufferings.

7.若諸有情眾病逼切,無救無歸,無醫無藥,無親無家,貧窮多苦,我之名號一經其耳,眾病悉除,身心安樂,家屬資具,悉皆豐足,乃至証得無上菩提。To help relieve the destitute and the sick.

8. 若有女人為女百惡之所逼惱,極生厭離,願捨女身,聞我名已,一切皆得轉女成男,具丈夫相,乃至証得無上菩提。To help women who wish to be reborn as men achieve their desired rebirth.

9. 令諸有情出魔罥網,解脫一切外道纏縛,若墮種種惡見稠林,皆為引攝置於正見,漸令修習諸菩薩行,速證無上正等菩提。To help heal mental afflictions and delusions.


To help the oppressed be free from suffering.

11.若諸有情,饑渴所惱,為求食故,造諸惡業,得聞我名,專念受持,我當先以上妙飲食,飽足其身,後以法味,畢竟安樂而建立之。To relieve those who suffer from terrible hunger and thirst.

12 若諸有情貧無衣食,蚊蟲寒熱,晝夜逼惱,若聞我名,專念受持,如其所好,即得種種上妙衣服,亦得一切寶莊嚴具,華 鬘塗香,鼓樂眾伎,隨心所翫,皆令滿足。To help clothe those who are destitute and suffering from cold and mosquitoes.

Page 5: Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun...Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun 上白下雲老禪師 打地基一樣,要深而且堅固,學佛也是如此呀!基礎打穩之後,再選擇較適合自己的,就可以一

墨爾本東北區老人協會人數眾多 ,於11月分三批來訪雲揚寺。 In November 2008 visitors from the North

Eastern Melbourne Association spent a morning at the Temple. It was a large crowd and had to split into

three groups, coming on three different days. They were mainly Chinese elderly citizen.

來寺先誠心拜佛 First priority is to pay respect to Buddha when visiting Buddhist Temple

於觀音殿享受茶點 Enjoying a cuppa in Guan Yin Hall

熱烈贊助殿瓦簽名留念Busy writing their names

on the roof tiles they


Page 6: Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun...Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun 上白下雲老禪師 打地基一樣,要深而且堅固,學佛也是如此呀!基礎打穩之後,再選擇較適合自己的,就可以一

凱斯市政廳志工 Casey Council Volunteers

凱斯市政廳每年舉辦感恩志工活動。本寺有如山師父及20人参加送餐給老人之志工行列。Every year Casey Council host the Volunteers Recognition Function for all volunteers from different sectors.

There are about 20 volunteers including Master Ru Sun from Yun Yang Temple helping the Casey Council to

deliver meals to elderly citizen.

今年於11月 7日舉行志工之夜 每人均穫贈禮物。 This year Volunteers Recognition function was held on 7

November 2008. All volunteers received a gift from the Council.

本寺志工代表 Some of the volunteers from

Yun Yang Temple

市 長 Janet Halsall 致 詞 Speech and

presentation by Your Worship The Mayor Janet

Halsall, Mayor of Casey Council

餐點及餘興節目 Food and entertainment

Page 7: Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun...Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun 上白下雲老禪師 打地基一樣,要深而且堅固,學佛也是如此呀!基礎打穩之後,再選擇較適合自己的,就可以一

慶生會 Fortune Members Birthday Celebrations

頒壽星禮物 Presents for the birthday stars

生日祈願 Making birthday wishes

壽星 Birthday stars

Page 8: Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun...Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun 上白下雲老禪師 打地基一樣,要深而且堅固,學佛也是如此呀!基礎打穩之後,再選擇較適合自己的,就可以一

Thousand apologies to those who could not see their names in last edition October birthdays. It was a genuine mistake. Hope this

month publication will make up for it. On the whole, its an encouraging outcome. This shows that members are reading the


祝您生日快樂 / Wishing you all a Happy Birthday十月 會員生日 October Members’ Birthdays

黃燕心 / Ean Sim Nadarajah

張瓊心/ Lynette Chong

虞勁成 / Michael Loo

黃乃經/ Wong Nai King

簡瑞媚/ Rui Mei Ng

粱鐵海/ Harry Liang

李佩偉/ David Li

余三妹/ San Mei Yu

巫翠明/ Lucia Mu

彭褔明/ Peng Fu Ming

馬小雲/ Katie Ma

吳王麗芬/ Susan Wong Lai Fun

蔡明春/ David Chua

許秋菊/ Cookie Hua


李喜洋/ Winnie Li

阮惠芬/ Ruan

林志明/ C.L Lim

陸順好黃慧敏/ Tifanny Wong

葉群英/ Julie Ye

蔡榮珍/ Yuniasty

馮健康 / David Fong

藍青力白華/ Allen Bai

譚錦源/ Jimmy Tan

湯炳南蘇天利/ Soo Tion Lii

張吉安/ Tony Chong

張展榮/ Richard Chong

釋仁觀鄭憬霞/ T eh Kim Ha

王靜梅/ Kim Wong

陳亞倫江自朗/ Vincent Gang

Kay Morland

戴榮良/ John Tai

林高淑慧/ Judy Lim

洪嘉徽/ Tina Hung

凌達輝/ Billy Leng

張蔡美惠/ Amy Chang

愷真/ Chang Kai Chen

陳起豪/ William Chen

周燕玲/ Joyce

蕭琛瑛/ Tieu Tam Anh

十一月會員生日 November Members’ Birthdays

倫美珍 /Muoi Tran Phan

洪興梅 /Helen Hong

馬炎華鍾銘傑 /Freddy Chung

巫小蓮 /Vu Tieu Lien

陳金玉 /Kim Wong

周寶蓮 /Pauline Chow

陳德榮 /Quoc Hong Ngo

周成光 /Stephen Chew

鄭毅中 /Cheng Ngai Chung

季曉雲 /Miko Ji

陳文川 /Chan Xuyen

練祝霖 /Lean Chook Lin

蔡天滿 /Timonthy Tsai

嚴漢羽 /Yam Hunyi

蘇貴耀 /So Kwai Yuen

吳俊騫 /Ng Chun Hin

紀麗君 /Wendy Ji

陳煒成蘇美雲 /Cheng Su Mei Yun

何慈蘊 /Ho Ci Yun

章清偉 /Chang Ming

黃敬娣 /Wong King Tai

楊麗嬋 /Yong Long Khanh

李慶龍 /Ly

Elizabeth Kay

黃比得 /Peter Wong

孫芳遠陳銘基 /David Chan

徐智鴻劉安娜 /Anna Liu

陳凱量 /Chan

黎秀容 /Lucas

釋仁安釋仁平祁區鳳珍 /Shirley

洪清清 /Catherine Ang

洪安加 /Anke Hung

李清峰 /Ly Phong Thank

黃月枝 /Ng Guik Kee

邵月娥呂寶銓/ William Lui

呂冠杰 /Anthony Lui

黃玉蘭周耀華 /Chau Cuong

湯錫麟 /Annie

徐雯婷 /Neta

劉偉熞 /Liew Woei Tian

曾添福 /Truong

十二月會員生日 December Members’ Birthdays

戴維德/ Victor Tai

曾 文/ Albert Chang

許愛真/ Ai Chin Khor

周美鑫/ Chew Bee Shin

孫錦良/ Soon Gim Leong

翁關鎖/ Fred Yoong

陳水金/ Tan Swee Kim

錢秀舫/ Qian Fang

大衛保羅/ David Lo Blanc

李蕙如/ Elissa Ly

楊永寛/ Anthony Yang

謝蘭君/ Lanny Duong

Graeme Kay

Keyua Kay-Darts

Scott Darts

釋如山/ Shih Ru Sun

吳金興 /Goh Kim Heng

梁善吉 /Lieng Cat

符秀蓮 Foo Yong Lai

陳水金 /Tan Swee Kim

謝長美 /Cheong May Chai

Leong Yuk C.

覃春蓮 /Gina Hornabrook

曹洋 /Ocean

梁悠揚 /Liang You Yang

王瑞泰 /Eric Ong

黃月娟 /Shirley Wong

鍾碧梅 /Chong Peek Moi

陸秀珍 /Chan LokeSiew

盧威成 /Loo

江自榮 /Giang

劉偉能 /Liew

洪東嶽 /Horng

曾國之 /Tsang

姜玉娥馮順發 /Quang Trung Phung

梁漢君 /Oliver Leong

彭董霞輝 /Helen

劉彥春 /Gloria

呂熒熒 /Christine Lui

陳紀紅琴 /Kei Hung Kam

曾莉莉 /Lily Tsang

賴穎娟 /Lai Ying Chen

羅凱/ Luo Kai

周永健 / Andrew Nguyen

劉永明 /Mina Liu

Page 9: Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun...Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun 上白下雲老禪師 打地基一樣,要深而且堅固,學佛也是如此呀!基礎打穩之後,再選擇較適合自己的,就可以一

建寺進度 Progress of the new temple construction

2006年底開工整地到2008大殿封頂 按進度逐步完成。但尚有許多後續工程款需支付,請大眾熱烈支持,大小款項都能幫助大殿早日完成。From the foundation in 2006 till near completion of the roof in 2008, looks

like we are on schedule for the opening of the new temple in May 2009.

Although the construction is progressing well, the temple still needs every bit

of support it can get . There is still plenty of work to be done and lots of cash

needed. So, please put in your donation now. Don’t hesitate! There is no

donation that is too big or too small. All donations are well come! Contact:

03 9796 8079

善信熱烈贊助大殿瓦片 Tiles

with the donors’ names written

on ready to go on the roof

歡喜護持 Donation with a smile. 忙於瓦後寫下芳名 Busy writing their

names on the roof tiles

Page 10: Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun...Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun 上白下雲老禪師 打地基一樣,要深而且堅固,學佛也是如此呀!基礎打穩之後,再選擇較適合自己的,就可以一

Page 10

建寺護持計劃 / Temple Building Project

建寺之功德不可思議,佛陀於蓮花經云曾開示建寺之十大功德:The merits of building temple is enormous. Buddha talked

about the ten merits in the Lotus Flower Sutra:

一、無始以來諸惡業,得以減輕或消除。 The beginning less evils karma will

be decreased or evaded.

二、天人護佑,逢凶化吉。 Will be protected by Heavenly Guardians and

avoid misfortunes.

三、去除障礙,免夙仇報復之苦。 Evade all obstacles and away from the

suffering of revenge from old times enemies.

四、妖魔邪怪,不能侵犯。 All evil beings will not be able to inflict on ones.

五、 脫離煩惱和無明。 Break away from afflictions and illusion.

六、豐衣足食,福祿綿長。 Ample clothing and food and long lasting good

fortune and high position.

七、所言所行,人天歡喜。 Speech and action are well accepted by people and

Heavenly beings.

八、增加福慧二資糧。 Accumulate the merits of good fortune and wisdom.

九、往生善道,相貌端莊,天資福祿兼有。 Will be reborn in the good realms

with both good features and good fortune and wisdom.

十、往生能聞佛法之國土,速證佛果。 Will be reborn in places where there

are Buddhist teaching and attain Buddhahood quickly.

建寺功德項目Donation Selections

磚瓦 Roof Tiles

隨喜功德 Donation

每片A$15, 以個人計算,並請發心大德親自寫上姓名Write your name on the roof tiles, A$15 per roof tile

佛像 / 樑柱Buddha Statues, Beams/Posts.

請到雲水堂洽 Please contact Reception.

Tel : 9796 8079


Page 11: Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun...Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun 上白下雲老禪師 打地基一樣,要深而且堅固,學佛也是如此呀!基礎打穩之後,再選擇較適合自己的,就可以一

These are special floralceiling tiles for the centre ofthe Main Shrine. Only 1000pieces. $200 per piece. Sohurry! Do not let thisopportunity slipped by.

天王殿石彫 Heaven King Hall-- Stone Statues

雕塑佛像機會 An opportunity to donate Buddhist statues

彌勒菩薩Maitreya Bodhisattva ( height 1.8meters )


四大天王 The Four Heaven Kings ( 高 height 2.5 米 meters )


韋馱菩薩Weiduo Guardian ( height 2.0 meters )


Page 12: Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun...Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun 上白下雲老禪師 打地基一樣,要深而且堅固,學佛也是如此呀!基礎打穩之後,再選擇較適合自己的,就可以一



Donation for the New Main Shine Buddha Statues

Tables and accessories are welcome

(1)釋迦牟尼佛像Sakyamuni Buddha Statue 4.5公尺高 香樟木雕刻 貼真金 H4.5m 澳幣 $100,000

(2)舍利佛立像 Sariputra Statue 3.5公尺高 香樟木雕刻 貼真金 H3.5m 澳幣 $50,000

(3)目犍連立像 Maudgalyayana Statue 3.5公尺高 香樟木雕刻 貼真金 H3.5m 澳幣 $50,000

(4)大佛桌 Buddha Table 8公尺長3公尺寬1.08公尺高 前面樟木雕刻 8mx3mx1.08m 澳幣 $25,000

(5)大供桌 Buddha Offering Table 5公尺長1公尺寬0.85公尺高 樟木雕刻貼金 5mx1mx0.85m 澳幣$50,000

*歡迎雲陽寺各佛院弟子及社會大眾踴躍發心捐款,額滿為止,請把握機會!*Donations to any of the above items are welcome. Opportunities for this donation are very rare, so

please make the most use of it!


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Page 13: Buddhist teaching by Grandmaster Venerable Bai Yun...Zen Master Venerable Bai Yun 上白下雲老禪師 打地基一樣,要深而且堅固,學佛也是如此呀!基礎打穩之後,再選擇較適合自己的,就可以一

近期重要活動 Special Events




Special Events





(Thu- Sat)

短期岀家Short Term Monkhood

24/12/08 報 到6:30pm Check in for all participants




Shakyamuni Buddha attaining perfect wisdom.

9:30am 金剛般若會 Diamond Sutra Recitation10:30am 佛前大供 Grand Offering

11/1/09星期日(Sun) 歲末圍爐

Chinese New Year Celebrations Time: 7:00pm Venue: Kuan Yin Hall



除夕夜New Year Eve

10:30pm 金剛般若會 Diamond Sutra Recitation

2:00am 上頭柱香 Lighting1st Incense



彌勒佛聖誕Maitreya Buddha’s Birthday

9:30am 拜三千佛 3000 Buddhas


10:40am 佛前大供 Grand Offering

2:00pm 拜三千佛 3000 Buddhas




禮拜三千佛3000 Buddhas Recitation

9:30am 拜三千佛 3000 Buddhas


10:40am 佛前大供 Grand Offering

2:00pm 拜三千佛 3000 Buddhas




釋迦佛出家紀念日Shakyamuni Buddha

Ordination Day

9:30am 金剛般若會 Diamond Sutra


10:40am 佛前大供 Grand Offering



釋迦佛涅槃日Shakyamuni Buddha’s Nirvana

9:30am 金剛般若會 Diamond Sutra


10:40am 佛前大供 Grand Offering