Brown County, Minnesota

Note: The Brown County Board of Commissioners Meeting will be Held in the Law Enforcement Center Training Room until Further Notice Zoom Access is Available by Contacting Brown County Administration at 507-233-6600 BOARD OF BROWN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING – February 2, 2021 AGENDA: 9:00 AM 1. Approve County Board Official Proceedings and Synopsis of 01-26-21 9:01 AM Sheriff Jason Seidl Chief Deputy Steven Depew 2. Purchase of Squad Computers 9:05 AM Environmental Specialist Andy Meyer 3. Natural Resource Block Grant Financial Reports 4. Resolution – Watonwan River Watershed Comprehensive Management Plan 9:20 AM Emergency Manager Shawn Stoermann 5. Memorandum of Understanding-City of Comfrey and Springfield 9:25 AM I.T. Director Rich Meyer 6. Sell Excess Equipment on MinnBid 7. Avenue Tax and CAMA Support Extensions 9:30 AM Windom Wetland District Manager Todd Luke U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Realty Specialist Blake Knisley 8. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Certification 10:00 AM BREAK 10:05 AM HR Director Ruth Schaefer 9. PT Payroll Accountant Resignation 10:07 AM Highway Engineer Wayne Stevens Assistant Engineer Andrew Lang 10. Spring Road Restrictions 11. Highway Department Monthly Update 12. Other Business 13. Correspondence C-1 thru C-3 14. Coordinate Calendar Events 15. Adjournment Additional items may be added as Addenda and approved with Agenda or with a Suspension of Rules NEXT COUNTY BOARD MEETING DATES 02-09-21 02-23-21 03-02-21 03-16-21 County Administrator’s E-Mail Address: [email protected] Home Page Address: Brown County, Minnesota Board of Commissioners P.O. Box 248 Center & State Streets New Ulm, MN 56073 Telephone (507) 233-6600 District 1: David Borchert 405 South Broadway St. New Ulm, MN 56073 District 2: Anton Berg 20218 195 th Ave New Ulm, MN 56073 District 3: Scott Windschitl 10 Doris Drive New Ulm, MN 56073 District 4: Dean Simonsen 28711 310 th Ave. Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 District 5: Jeff Veerkamp 205 East George St. Comfrey, MN 56019

Transcript of Brown County, Minnesota

Note: The Brown County Board of Commissioners Meeting will be Held

in the Law Enforcement Center Training Room until Further Notice

Zoom Access is Available by Contacting Brown County Administration at 507-233-6600


REGULAR MEETING – February 2, 2021


9:00 AM 1. Approve County Board Official Proceedings and Synopsis of 01-26-21

9:01 AM Sheriff Jason Seidl

Chief Deputy Steven Depew

2. Purchase of Squad Computers

9:05 AM Environmental Specialist Andy Meyer

3. Natural Resource Block Grant Financial Reports

4. Resolution – Watonwan River Watershed Comprehensive Management Plan

9:20 AM Emergency Manager Shawn Stoermann

5. Memorandum of Understanding-City of Comfrey and Springfield

9:25 AM I.T. Director Rich Meyer

6. Sell Excess Equipment on MinnBid

7. Avenue Tax and CAMA Support Extensions

9:30 AM Windom Wetland District Manager Todd Luke

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Realty Specialist Blake Knisley

8. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Certification

10:00 AM BREAK

10:05 AM HR Director Ruth Schaefer

9. PT Payroll Accountant Resignation

10:07 AM Highway Engineer Wayne Stevens

Assistant Engineer Andrew Lang

10. Spring Road Restrictions

11. Highway Department Monthly Update

12. Other Business

13. Correspondence C-1 thru C-3

14. Coordinate Calendar Events

15. Adjournment

Additional items may be added as Addenda and approved with Agenda or with a

Suspension of Rules


02-09-21 02-23-21 03-02-21 03-16-21

County Administrator’s E-Mail Address: [email protected]

Home Page Address:

B r o w n C o u n t y , M i n n e s o t a B o a r d o f C o m m i s s i o n e r s

P.O. Box 248 Center & State Streets New Ulm, MN 56073 Telephone (507) 233-6600

District 1: David Borchert

405 South Broadway St. New Ulm, MN 56073

District 2: Anton Berg

20218 195th Ave New Ulm, MN 56073

District 3: Scott Windschitl 10 Doris Drive

New Ulm, MN 56073

District 4: Dean Simonsen 28711 310th Ave.

Sleepy Eye, MN 56085

District 5: Jeff Veerkamp

205 East George St. Comfrey, MN 56019

January 26, 2021


At 9:00 AM, on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, the Board of Brown County Commissioners met in Regular

Session in the Law Enforcement Center Training Room of the Brown County Courthouse/Law Enforcement

Center located in New Ulm, Minnesota 56073. Commissioners present were David Borchert, Anton Berg, Scott

Windschitl, Dean Simonsen, and Jeff Veerkamp, along with Lay Board Members Judy Kuster and DeeAnn

Gieseke (both via Zoom), County Administrator Sam Hansen, Human Services Director Barb Dietz, and

County Attorney Charles Hanson (via Zoom). NUCAT staff was present and Media Representative Fritz Busch

of the Journal was also present (via Zoom).


Chairman Berg convened the Regular Meeting at 9:00 AM, at which time the printed agenda was accepted

along with the following addenda: 18a. Brown County Economic Development Partners Appointment and

Clarification of At-Large Representative; 18b. Temporary Employee for Assistance with Public Health’s

COVID-19 Response Activities; 18c. Solid Waste Advisor Committee and Joint Law Enforcement Center

Management Committee Appointments; C-2. NACO Email on Legislative Conference; C-3. Commissioner

Veerkamp report on the Rural Energy meeting; C-4. Commissioner Windschitl report on the Highway

Committee and MCIT meeting; C-5. Commissioner Borchert report on the SC Workforce meeting and MVAC

meeting; C-6. Commissioner Berg report on the Highway meeting and G.B.E.R.B.A. meeting.


A motion was offered by Commissioner Borchert, and was seconded by Commissioner Veerkamp, to accept the

Minutes of 01-19-2021 and authorize publication of the Synopsis of same. This motion carried unanimously.


At 9:03 AM, Office Services Supervisor Laura Whittington and Office Support Specialist Stephanie Lingle met

with the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Windschitl, and was seconded by

Commissioner Simonsen, to accept and file the Holiday Projects Report for 2020 which noted the total value of

contributions for all 2020 projects in the estimated amount of $46,000 which benefited 390 households totaling

769 children, adults, disabled persons and/or the elderly served who are living in communities throughout

Brown County, with projects including Adopt-a-Family Project & Special Donations, Sertoma Santa’s Closet

(county-wide), and NU Kiwanis Coats for Kids Project (county-wide). The motion carried unanimously.


At 9:08 AM, Fiscal Supervisor Rose Fischer and Human Services Director Barb Dietz met with the County

Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Windschitl, and was seconded by Commissioner Berg, to

approve the purchase of services from OPG-3 in the amount of $3,300 to set up an automatic filing system

within the current County Laserfiche system for use by the Human Services Accounting Unit. This motion

carried on a roll-call vote 5-0. Additional quotes were received from CaseWorks Next Chapter system in the

amount of $53,738; AMI Imaging Systems, Inc. FileBound system in the amount of $7,800; and AMI Imaging

Systems, Inc. DocuWare system in the amount of $12,600.


At 9:27 AM, Human Services Director Barb Dietz and Social Service Supervisor Annie Braun met with the

County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and was seconded by Commissioner

Borchert, to accept with thanks the donations received in 2020 totaling $18,524.20 for Adopt-A-Family, Foster

Parents, Boys Group, Autism, Benevolence Fund, Mental Health Clubhouse, Client Needs and Transit. This

motion carried unanimously.


At 9:35 AM, Human Services Director Barb Dietz and Social Service Supervisor Julie Hogen met with the

County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and was seconded by Commissioner

Borchert, to approve the Placement Agreement with the House of Lights Inc. for board-and-lodge services for

adults who are in need of supervised housing at the rate of $934/month for board and lodge, and $482.84/month

for Supplementary Service from 1-1-2021 through 6-30-2021 utilizing non-county funding. This motion carried



A motion was offered by Commissioner Borchert, and was seconded by Commissioner Veerkamp, to approve

the submission of a Request for Proposal along with South Central Community Based Initiative for a new Board

and Lodge Provider. This motion carried unanimously.


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January 26, 2021


At 9:48 AM, Human Services Director Barb Dietz met with the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Borchert, and was seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve payment of Human Services administrative claims in the amount of $9,101.46. In accordance with MS 375.12 the following claims exceed $2,000: Verizon Wireless $3,030.49; Ten payments less than $2000 total $6,070.97. Final total is $9,101.46. This motion carried unanimously.

______________________________ A motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and was seconded by Commissioner Veerkamp, to accept and file the following Consent Agenda Items: Out of Home Placement Budget Summary for 2020; DHS Communication; Conference Reports; and Heartland Express Monthly Report. This motion carried unanimously.

______________________________ At 9:59 AM, Lay Board Member Judy Kuster and DeeAnn Gieseke were excused.

______________________________ At 10:05 AM, Auditor/Treasurer Jean Prochniak met with the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and was seconded by Commissioner Windschitl, to receive and order filed the Auditor/Treasurer’s Office report on the distribution of the 2020 interest income in the amount of $283,249.67 to the major funds of the county based upon average fund balance. This motion carried unanimously.

______________________________ A motion was offered by Commissioner Veerkamp, and was seconded by Commissioner Windschitl, to accept and file the End of Year Cash Management/Investment Report ending 12-31-2020 which reflects a total portfolio balance of $26,482,356.52 with an average overall interest rate for the portfolio of .28%. This motion carried unanimously.

______________________________ A motion was offered by Commissioner Borchert, and was seconded by Commissioner Berg, to accept and file the 2020 Percent Delinquent Report for property tax collections thru 12-31-2020 noting that the overall percentage of unpaid tax collections for 2020 being .3637%. This motion carried unanimously.

______________________________ A motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and was seconded by Commissioner Borchert, authorizing the Auditor-Treasurer to make a loan transfer from the Revenue Fund to JD 9 & JD 10 B&BE in the amount of $15,000 to cover a deficit that remains after the 2021 assessment billings; noting that interest would be billed at 4%. This motion carried unanimously.

______________________________ A motion was offered by Commissioner Borchert, and was seconded by Commissioner Veerkamp, to accept and file the 2020 Auditor/Treasurer Report of Annual Activity. This motion carried unanimously.

______________________________ At 10:37 AM, Assistant Highway Engineer Andrew Lang joined the proceedings. A motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and was seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve the following Drainage Repair request and the payment of said repair as follows:

System Repair # Order Branch Twp Section Repair Type Percentage Cost CD12 18-161 3 912 Eden 26 Slough 100 $460.00

This motion carried unanimously. ______________________________

At 10:38 AM, Highway Engineer Wayne Stevens met with the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Windschitl, and was seconded by Commissioner Veerkamp, to set a bid letting date for the SP 008-613-030 & SP 008-070-006 Concrete Overlay Projects on CSAH 13 for 10:00 AM on Wednesday 2-24-2021 in Commissioner Room 204 located in the Brown County Courthouse, 14 S. State, New Ulm, MN. This motion carried unanimously.

______________________________ At 10:39 AM, HR Director Ruth Schaefer met with the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Borchert, and was seconded by Commissioner Veerkamp, to approve the appointment of Jeffrey Schneider as

January 26, 2021


FT Adult Mental Health Social Worker at the Master’s level Grade XVI, Step 2, hourly rate of $29.19, with the effective hire date to be determined. This motion carried unanimously.

______________________________ A motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and was seconded by Commissioner Berg, to accept the resignation of Ann Steffl, IPT Public Health Nurse, effective 1-19-2021. This motion carried unanimously.

______________________________ A motion was offered by Commissioner Windschitl, and was seconded by Commissioner Borchert, to authorize to hire through Workforce Center and advertise for a temporary employee or contract with a Temporary Employment Agency to assist Public Health with COVID 19 response clerical duties for up to 6-months. This motion carried unanimously.

______________________________ At 10:43 AM, Fryberger Law Firm Attorney Christopher J. Virta representing Highland Manor, Inc., d/b/a Oak Hills Living Center and County Administrator Sam Hansen met with the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Windschitl, was seconded by Commissioner Borchert, to approve Brown County Resolution 2021-03 calling for a public hearing for refinancing of an original loan by Highland Manor, Inc., d/b/a Oak Hills Living Center under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469 as follows:

Resolution No. 2021-03 Brown County Resolution Calling for Public Hearing



The following Resolution was offered by Commissioner Windschitl and moved for adoption at a Regular Meeting held on January 26, 2021 at the Brown County Courthouse, New Ulm, MN: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners (the “Board”) of Brown County, Minnesota (the “Issuer”), as follows:

1. Authority. Minnesota Statutes Sections 469.152 through 469.165, as amended (the “Act”), authorizes a municipality or redevelopment agency to issue revenue obligations to finance a project consisting of any properties, real or personal, used or useful in connection with a revenue producing enterprise engaged in providing health care services, including hospitals, nursing homes, and related medical facilities.

2. The Project. a. Representatives of Highland Manor, Inc., d/b/a Oak Hills Living Center, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation and organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Corporation”), have advised the Issuer that the Corporation desires to (i) refinance the Issuer’s $6,000,000 Health Care Facilities Revenue Note, Series 2008 (Oak Hills Living Center Project) dated December 31, 2008 (the “2008 Note”), the payment of which the Corporation is obligated pursuant to a Loan Agreement dated December 31, 2008, between the Issuer and the Borrower; and (ii) undertake a project consisting of roof replacement at the Borrower’s existing facility (the “2021 Project”).

b. The 2008 Note was issued to finance a project consisting of improvements to the existing facility, Oak Hills Living Center, which is an approximately 76,144 square foot, 2-story, 94-bed skilled nursing facility and 16-bed assisted living facility located at 1314 8th Street North in New Ulm, Minnesota. Oak Hills Living Center is owned and operated by the Corporation. The activities to be refinanced consisted of the following improvements to the existing facilities: (i) constructing and equipping an approximately 13,500 square foot wing to provide 11 private rooms; (ii) renovating and equipping required to reconfigure the existing facility to provide kitchen facilities, dining areas and private rooms to allow for a new model of care; (iii) upgrading HVAC units; (iv) renovating and equipping existing resident rooms, bathrooms and common areas; (v) acquiring items of capital equipment, including but not limited to electric resident beds, a nurse call system and information technology; (vi) relocation of the entrance to the short-term care wing; (vii) constructing four-season porches; and (viii) constructing additional storage areas (the “2008 Project” and together with the 2021 Project, the “Project”).

c. The Project is located within the jurisdiction of the Issuer.

d. Fryberger, Buchanan, Smith & Frederick, P.A., bond counsel, has advised the Issuer that the proposed

January 26, 2021


Project is a “project” under Section 469.153, subdivision 2 and Section 469.155, subdivision 4 of the Act.

3. The Obligations. a. The Corporation has represented that the economic feasibility of the Project will be greatly enhanced through the issuance of revenue obligations by the Issuer and therefore requests that the Issuer declare its present intent to issue its revenue obligations to provide funds to finance a portion of the Project.

b. The Corporation has requested that the Issuer issue its obligations, in an amount not to exceed $6,400,000, in one or more series, pursuant to the Act in order to finance or refinance the cost of the Project (the “Obligations”).

4. Issuance of Obligations. a. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Issuer to issue the Obligations in the principal amount not to exceed $6,400,000 for the purpose of financing or refinancing the costs of the Project.

b. The Obligations shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the Issuer, and the Obligations, when, as and if issued, shall recite in substance that the Obligations, including interest thereon, are payable solely from the revenues received from the Corporation and the property pledged to the payment thereof and shall not constitute a debt of the Issuer within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation. c. All details of and conditions precedent to the issuance of the Obligations and the provisions for

payment thereof shall be subject to final approval of the Issuer. 5. Public Hearing. The Issuer will conduct a public hearing on the issuance of the Obligations and the proposal to undertake and finance the Project, pursuant to the requirements of Minnesota Statutes and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. 6. Authorization to Staff.

a. The County Administrator is authorized and directed to complete the public notice, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, and cause the notice to be published in the official newspaper of the Issuer and a newspaper of general circulation in the jurisdiction of the Issuer not less than 14 days nor more than 30 days prior to the date set for the public hearing; provided that if the official newspaper of the Issuer is a newspaper of general circulation in the jurisdiction of the Issuer, the notice may be published only once.

b. The administrative staff of the Issuer and their agents are hereby authorized to take such further action necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of this resolution and the requirements of the Act.

7. Conditions to Issuance. Issuance of the Obligations is subject to the following: a. consent to the issuance of the Obligations by the City of New Ulm, Minnesota; and

b. the agreement by the Corporation that it will pay the administrative fees of the Issuer and pay, or, upon demand, reimburse the Issuer for payment of, any and all costs incurred by the Issuer in connection with the Project and the issuance of the Obligations, whether or not the Project is carried to completion, or the Obligations are issued.

8. Rights Reserved. Nothing in this resolution shall be construed as an indication of an intent to approve this Project and issue the proposed Obligations. The Board specifically reserves the right to approve or disapprove the request after said public hearing. Seconded by Commissioner Borchert and the same being put to a vote was duly carried. This Resolution shall become effective immediately and without publication. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes 5 Nayes 0. Dated this 26th day of January, 2021. /s/ Anton Berg Chairman, Brown County ATTEST: /s/ Sam Hansen Administrator, Brown County

______________________________ At 10:45 AM, District 1 Commissioner David Borchert and County Administrator Sam Hansen presented and item to the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Veerkamp, and was seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve the appointment of Michelle Sellner for the District 1 Representative opening

January 26, 2021


left vacant from Greg Thomas on the Brown County Economic Development Partners Board of Directors Committee; and clarify that Linda Wallin currently serves as At Large Representative on same said committee, which was unrecorded on the current Brown County Committee Appointments listing and will be added to reflect a three term ending 12-31-2022. This motion carried unanimously.

______________________________ A motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and was seconded by Commissioner Windschitl, to approve the appointment of Eric Warmka to replace Lisa Fischer’s vacancy on the Solid Waste Advisory Committee; and approve the appointment of Andrea Boettger as the New Ulm representative on the Joint Law Enforcement Center Management Committee. This motion carried 4-0-1, with Commissioner Borchert abstaining.

______________________________ At 10:51 AM, Correspondence C-1 thru C-6 were accepted and filed. C-2. NACO Email on Legislative Conference; C-3. Commissioner Veerkamp reported on the Rural Energy meeting; C-4. Commissioner Windschitl reported on the Highway Committee and MCIT meeting; C-5. Commissioner Borchert reported on the SC Workforce meeting and MVAC meeting; C-6. Commissioner Berg reported on the Highway meeting and G.B.E.R.B.A. meeting.

______________________________ At 11:22 AM, Calendars were coordinated for the next two week period.

______________________________ There being no further business, Chairman Berg declared the Meeting adjourned at 11:29 AM.


___________________________ Anton Berg, Chair

Board of Brown County Commissioners Brown County, Minnesota

ATTEST: Sam Hansen Brown County Administrator Brown County, Minnesota



Members present: Borchert, Berg, Windschitl, Simonsen, Veerkamp, along with Lay Board Members Kuster and Gieseke (both via Zoom), County Administrator Hansen, Human Services Director Dietz, and County Attorney Hanson (via Zoom). NUCAT staff was present and Media Representative Busch of the Journal was also present (via Zoom).

M/Borchert, S/Veerkamp, to accept the Minutes of 01-19-2021 and authorize publication of the Synopsis of same; carried M/Windschitl, S/Simonsen, to accept and file the Holiday Projects Report for 2020 which noted the total value of contributions for all 2020 projects in the estimated amount of $46,000 which benefited 390 households totaling 769 children, adults, disabled persons and/or the elderly served who are living in communities throughout Brown County, with projects including Adopt-a-Family Project & Special Donations, Sertoma Santa’s Closet (county-wide), and NU Kiwanis Coats for Kids Project (county-wide); carried. M/Windschitl, S/Berg, to approve the purchase of services from OPG-3 in the amount of $3,300 to set up an automatic filing system within the current County Laserfiche system for use by the Human Services Accounting Unit; carried 5-0. Additional quotes were received from CaseWorks; AMI Imaging Systems, Inc. FileBound system; and AMI Imaging Systems, Inc. DocuWare System.

M/Simonsen, S/Borchert, to accept with thanks the donations received in 2020 totaling $18,524.20 for Adopt-A-Family, Foster Parents, Boys Group, Autism, Benevolence Fund, Mental Health Clubhouse, Client Needs and Transit; carried. M/Simonsen, S/Borchert, to approve the Placement Agreement with the House of Lights Inc. for board-and-lodge services for adults who are in need of supervised housing at the rate of $934/month for board and lodge, and $482.84/month for Supplementary Service from 1-1-2021 through 6-30-2021 utilizing non-county funding; carried. M/Borchert, S/Veerkamp, to approve the submission of a Request for Proposal along with South Central Community Based Initiative for a new Board and Lodge Provider; carried. M/Borchert, S/Berg, to approve payment of Human Services administrative claims in the amount of $9,101.46. In accordance with MS 375.12 the following claims exceed $2,000: Verizon Wireless $3,030.49; Ten payments less than $2000 total $6,070.97. Final total is $9,101.46; carried. M/Simonsen, S/Veerkamp, to accept and file the following Consent Agenda Items: Out of Home Placement Budget Summary for 2020; DHS Communication; Conference Reports; and Heartland Express Monthly Report; carried. Lay Board Member Judy Kuster and DeeAnn Gieseke were excused. M/Simonsen, S/Windschitl, to receive and order filed the Auditor/Treasurer’s Office report on the distribution of the 2020 interest income in the amount of $283,249.67 to the major funds of the county based upon average fund balance; carried. M/Veerkamp, S/Windschitl, to accept and file the End of Year Cash Management/Investment Report ending 12-31-2020 which reflects a total portfolio balance of $26,482,356.52 with an average overall interest rate for the portfolio of .28%; carried. M/Borchert, S/Berg, to accept and file the 2020 Percent Delinquent Report for property tax collections thru 12-31-2020 noting that the overall percentage of unpaid tax collections for 2020 being .3637%; carried. M/Simonsen, S/Borchert, authorizing the Auditor-Treasurer to make a loan transfer from the Revenue Fund to JD 9 & JD 10 B&BE in the amount of $15,000 to cover a deficit that remains after the 2021 assessment billings; noting that interest would be billed at 4%; carried. M/Borchert, S/Veerkamp, to accept and file the 2020 Auditor/Treasurer Report of Annual Activity; carried. M/Simonsen, S/Berg, to approve one (1) Drainage Repair request and the payment of said repair; carried. M/Windschitl, S/Veerkamp, to set a bid letting date for the SP 008-613-030 & SP 008-070-006 Concrete Overlay Projects on CSAH 13 for 10:00 AM on Wednesday 2-24-2021 in Commissioner Room 204 located in the Brown County Courthouse, 14 S. State, New Ulm, MN; carried. M/Borchert, S/Veerkamp, to approve the appointment of Jeffrey Schneider as FT Adult Mental Health Social Worker at the Master’s level Grade XVI, Step 2, hourly rate of $29.19, with the effective hire date to be determined; carried. M/Simonsen, S/Berg, to accept the resignation of Ann Steffl, IPT Public Health Nurse, effective 1-19-2021; carried. M/Windschitl, S/Borchert, to authorize to hire through Workforce Center and advertise for a temporary employee or contract with a Temporary Employment Agency to assist Public Health with COVID 19 response clerical duties for up to 6-months; carried.

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M/Windschitl, S/Borchert, and carried 5-0, to approve Brown County Resolution 2021-03 calling for a public hearing for refinancing of an original loan by Highland Manor, Inc., d/b/a Oak Hills Living Center under MN Statutes, Chapter 469. M/Veerkamp, S/Berg, to approve the appointment of Michelle Sellner for the District 1 Representative opening left vacant from Greg Thomas on the Brown County Economic Development Partners Board of Directors Committee; and clarify that Linda Wallin currently serves as At Large Representative on same said committee, which was unrecorded on the current Brown County Committee Appointments listing and will be added to reflect a three term ending 12-31-2022; carried. M/Simonsen, S/Windschitl, to approve the appointment of Eric Warmka to replace Lisa Fischer’s vacancy on the Solid Waste Advisory Committee; and approve the appointment of Andrea Boettger as the New Ulm representative on the Joint Law Enforcement Center Management Committee; carried 4-0-1, with Borchert abstaining. Correspondence C-1 thru C-6 were accepted and filed. NACO Email on Legislative Conference; Veerkamp reported on the Rural Energy meeting; Windschitl reported on the Highway Committee and MCIT meeting; Borchert reported on the SC Workforce meeting and MVAC meeting; and Berg reported on the Highway meeting and G.B.E.R.B.A. meeting. Calendars were coordinated for the next two week period. There being no further business, Chairman Berg declared the Meeting adjourned at 11:29 AM. The Official Minutes of the Regular Meeting of 1-26-2021 are on file in the County Administrator’s Office and may be viewed during normal business hours, M-F, 8AM-4:30PM. Correspondence and requests for additional information may be directed to the County Administrator’s E-Mail Address: [email protected] Home Page Address:


Requested Board Date: 2-2-2021 Flexibility:

Originating Department: Sheriff’s Office

Item: Purchase nine (9) Panasonic Toughbooks for in-squad computer use and declare the old Data911 in-squad computers excess property for disposal.

Presenter: Jason Seidl, Sheriff Steve Depew, Chief Deputy Estimated Time: 5 minutes

Board Action Requested: Authorize the Purchase of nine (9) Panasonic Toughbooks for a total of $32,373.00 to replace the current Data911 in-squad computers; and declare the old Data911 in-squad computers as excess property for disposal. Background: The Panasonic Toughbooks accommodate the CIS mobile package, GeoLynx mobile GPS and mapping, e-citation and e-charging. This pricing is under Minnesota State contract pricing. The purchase of the nine (9) new in-squad computers was approved by the Brown County Board for the 01-200-0000-6600 line item budget for 2021.

Supporting Documents: X Attached None Administrator’s Comments:

Board Action: | Motion Offered By _________________ Approved as Requested____ | Motion Seconded By _________________ Denied ____ | Vote By Acclamation __________ Tabled ____ | Roll Call Vote __________ Other ____ | District 1 . __________

| District 2 __________ | District 3 __________ | District 4 __________ | District 5 __________


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PHONE: 920-544-4311 NEW ULM, MN 56073

FAX: 920-468-8615 1/27/2021

[email protected] [email protected]

QUOTE NO. SC20210127A




Minnesota State Contract Number 179907

9 Panasonic Toughbook FZ-55 $2,658.00 $23,922.00

Intel Core i7-8665U 1.9GHz vPro Processor

Windows 10 Pro

USB-A 3.1 (x2), USB-C 3.1, MicroSD, HDMI, Audio In/Out

14" FHD 1000 nit Gloved Multi Touch Display


512GB Solid State Hard Drive


Ethernet NIC 10/100/1000


4G LTE Advanced Multi Carrier with Band 14, Nano SIM

Satellite GPS

Infrared Webcam

Emissive Backlit Keyboard

Standard Battery and AC Power Adapter

3 Year Parts & Labor Warranty

9 Vehicle Docking Station with Dual Pass Through Antenna $644.00 $5,796.00

9 Vehicle Docking Station Power Supply $125.00 $1,125.00

3 Cellular/LTE/GPS Antenna $105.00 $315.00


Extend Parts & Labor Warranty to 4 Years: $189.00 each

Extend Parts & Labor Warranty to 5 Years: $317.00 each

Upgrade Warranty to 3 Year Protection Plus (No Fault): $265.00 each

Upgrade Warranty to 4 Year Protection Plus (No Fault): $449.00 each

Upgrade Warranty to 5 Year Protection Plus (No Fault): $689.00 each

CD/DVD Super MULTI Drive: $85.00 each

Desktop Docking Station: $340.00 each

Dedicated GPS: $219.00 each

9 Add 8GB Additional Memory: $135.00 each $135.00 $1,215.00

EQUIPMENT COST: $32,373.00

Payment Terms: Net 30 Days SHIPPING: Included

Quotation Good for 90 Days TAX: Exempt

We impose a surcharge of 2% on credit card purchases over TOTAL: $32,373.00

$1,000.00 which is not greater than our cost of acceptance.

Your signature is an agreement to purchase and an acceptance of Baycom's Terms & Conditions


Approved By: ___________________________________________________ /_____________________AUTHORIZED CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE

All of the information listed on this proposal is confidential and proprietary information.

If You Have Any Questions, Please Contact Sam Colucci at 920-544-4311


Requested Board Date: 2-02-2021 Flexibility: No

Originating Department: Planning and Zoning

Item: Approval of NRBG Financial Reports

Presenter: Andy Meyer Estimated time: 15 min

Board Action Requested: The approval and signing the Financial Reports for the Natural Resource Block Grants. Background: Each year, Brown County receives Natural Resource Block Grant (NRBG) from the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR). Each grant may vary on activates that are performed, but the funds are mostly spent for staff time or supplies to administer each programs. The activities are particular to each program, but all include assisting residents with their related issues. Attachments: 1) 2018 - Septic Treatment Systems – Financial Report 2) 2018 - Septic Treatment Systems Upgrade - Financial Report 3) 2019 - Shoreland- Financial Report 4) 2019 - Wetland Conservation Act - Financial Report 5) 2020 - Local Water Management - Financial Report 6) 2020 - Septic Treatment Systems - Financial Report 7) 2020 - Shoreland- Financial Report 8) 2020 - Wetland Conservation Act - Financial Report

Supporting Documents: X Attached None Administrator’s Comments:

Board Action: | Motion Offered By _________________ Approved as Requested ______ | Motion Seconded By ________________ Denied _____ | Vote By Acclamation ________________ Tabled _____ | Roll Call Vote Other _____ | District 1 _____________

| District 2 _____________ | District 3 _____________ | District 4 _____________

| District 5 _____________ Notations:

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# 3

Report created on: 1/26/2021 Page 1 of 1

Financial Report


Grant Title: 2018 - Septic Treatment Systems - NRBG (Brown County) Grant ID: P18-9177 Organization: Brown County Grant Revenue Amount

Total Awarded $18,600.00

Grant Expenditures

Grant Activity Category Amount

Administration/Coordination $18,600.00

Total Spent $18,600.00

Returned Amount $0.00

Balance Remaining $0.00

Percent Spent 100%

This is to certify that the information is a true and accurate representation of the grant program accounts for the 2018 - Septic Treatment Systems - NRBG (Brown County)- Brown County. We believe our records are complete and subject to an audit. _____________________________________________ __________________________ SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE

Please complete and upload this form to the grant attachments tab in eLINK.

If returning program funds, please use the Returned Check form.

Make checks payable and mail to: Board of Water and Soil Resources

520 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55155

Attachment 1

Report created on: 1/26/2021 Page 1 of 1

Financial Report

Septic Treatment Systems Upgrade - NRBG 2018

Grant Title: 2018 - Septic Treatment Systems Upgrade - NRBG (Brown County) Grant ID: P18-5234 Organization: Brown County Grant Revenue Amount

Total Awarded $17,153.00

Grant Expenditures

Grant Activity Category Amount

Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems $17,153.00

Total Spent $17,153.00

Returned Amount $0.00

Balance Remaining $0.00

Percent Spent 100%

This is to certify that the information is a true and accurate representation of the grant program accounts for the 2018 - Septic Treatment Systems Upgrade - NRBG (Brown County)- Brown County. We believe our records are complete and subject to an audit. _____________________________________________ __________________________ SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE

Please complete and upload this form to the grant attachments tab in eLINK.

If returning program funds, please use the Returned Check form.

Make checks payable and mail to: Board of Water and Soil Resources

520 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55155

Attachment 2

Report created on: 1/26/2021 Page 1 of 1

Financial Report

Shoreland-NRBG 2019

Grant Title: 2019 - Shoreland-NRBG (Brown County) Grant ID: P19-7371 Organization: Brown County Grant Revenue Amount

Total Awarded $2,675.00

Grant Expenditures

Grant Activity Category Amount

Administration/Coordination $2,675.00

Total Spent $2,675.00

Returned Amount $0.00

Balance Remaining $0.00

Percent Spent 100%

This is to certify that the information is a true and accurate representation of the grant program accounts for the 2019 - Shoreland-NRBG (Brown County)- Brown County. We believe our records are complete and subject to an audit. _____________________________________________ __________________________ SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE

Please complete and upload this form to the grant attachments tab in eLINK.

If returning program funds, please use the Returned Check form.

Make checks payable and mail to: Board of Water and Soil Resources

520 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55155

Attachment 3

Report created on: 1/27/2021 Page 1 of 1

Financial Report


Grant Title: 2019 - Wetland Conservation Act - NRBG (Brown County) Grant ID: P19-5952 Organization: Brown County Grant Revenue Amount

Total Awarded $8,778.00

Grant Expenditures

Grant Activity Category Amount

Administration/Coordination $8,778.00

Total Spent $8,778.00

Returned Amount $0.00

Balance Remaining $0.00

Percent Spent 100%

This is to certify that the information is a true and accurate representation of the grant program accounts for the 2019 - Wetland Conservation Act - NRBG (Brown County)- Brown County. We believe our records are complete and subject to an audit. _____________________________________________ __________________________ SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE

Please complete and upload this form to the grant attachments tab in eLINK.

If returning program funds, please use the Returned Check form.

Make checks payable and mail to: Board of Water and Soil Resources

520 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55155

Attachment 4

Report created on: 1/27/2021 Page 1 of 1

Financial Report


Grant Title: 2020 - Local Water Management - NRBG (Brown County) Grant ID: P20-6451 Organization: Brown County Grant Revenue Amount

Total Awarded $13,633.00

Grant Expenditures

Grant Activity Category Amount

Administration/Coordination $13,633.00

Total Spent $13,633.00

Returned Amount $0.00

Balance Remaining $0.00

Percent Spent 100%

This is to certify that the information is a true and accurate representation of the grant program accounts for the 2020 - Local Water Management - NRBG (Brown County)- Brown County. We believe our records are complete and subject to an audit. _____________________________________________ __________________________ SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE

Please complete and upload this form to the grant attachments tab in eLINK.

If returning program funds, please use the Returned Check form.

Make checks payable and mail to: Board of Water and Soil Resources

520 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55155

Attachment 5

Report created on: 1/26/2021 Page 1 of 1

Financial Report


Grant Title: 2020 - Septic Treatment Systems - NRBG (Brown County) Grant ID: P20-6969 Organization: Brown County Grant Revenue Amount

Total Awarded $18,600.00

Grant Expenditures

Grant Activity Category Amount

Administration/Coordination $18,600.00

Total Spent $18,600.00

Returned Amount $0.00

Balance Remaining $0.00

Percent Spent 100%

This is to certify that the information is a true and accurate representation of the grant program accounts for the 2020 - Septic Treatment Systems - NRBG (Brown County)- Brown County. We believe our records are complete and subject to an audit. _____________________________________________ __________________________ SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE

Please complete and upload this form to the grant attachments tab in eLINK.

If returning program funds, please use the Returned Check form.

Make checks payable and mail to: Board of Water and Soil Resources

520 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55155

Attachment 6

Report created on: 1/27/2021 Page 1 of 1

Financial Report

Shoreland-NRBG 2020

Grant Title: 2020 - Shoreland-NRBG (Brown County) Grant ID: P20-6799 Organization: Brown County Grant Revenue Amount

Total Awarded $2,675.00

Grant Expenditures

Grant Activity Category Amount

Administration/Coordination $2,675.00

Total Spent $2,675.00

Returned Amount $0.00

Balance Remaining $0.00

Percent Spent 100%

This is to certify that the information is a true and accurate representation of the grant program accounts for the 2020 - Shoreland-NRBG (Brown County)- Brown County. We believe our records are complete and subject to an audit. _____________________________________________ __________________________ SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE

Please complete and upload this form to the grant attachments tab in eLINK.

If returning program funds, please use the Returned Check form.

Make checks payable and mail to: Board of Water and Soil Resources

520 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55155

Attachment 7

Report created on: 1/26/2021 Page 1 of 1

Financial Report


Grant Title: 2020 - Wetland Conservation Act - NRBG (Brown County) Grant ID: P20-6625 Organization: Brown County Grant Revenue Amount

Total Awarded $8,778.00

Grant Expenditures

Grant Activity Category Amount

Administration/Coordination $8,778.00

Total Spent $8,778.00

Returned Amount $0.00

Balance Remaining $0.00

Percent Spent 100%

This is to certify that the information is a true and accurate representation of the grant program accounts for the 2020 - Wetland Conservation Act - NRBG (Brown County)- Brown County. We believe our records are complete and subject to an audit. _____________________________________________ __________________________ SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE

Please complete and upload this form to the grant attachments tab in eLINK.

If returning program funds, please use the Returned Check form.

Make checks payable and mail to: Board of Water and Soil Resources

520 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55155

Attachment 8


Requested Board Date: 2-02-2021 Flexibility: No

Originating Department: Planning and Zoning

Item: Resolution for the Adoption of the Watonwan River Watershed Comprehensive Management Plan

Presenter: Andy Meyer Estimated time: 5 min

Board Action Requested: The approval and signing the Adoption and Implement of the Watonwan River Watershed Comprehensive Management Plan. Background: On December 17th, 2020 the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources approved the Watonwan River Watershed Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan. The next step for each of the County and SWCD boards to adopt the Plan. Once each of the boards adopt the Plan, the Watonwan Watershed Planning Partnership can being the Implementation Phase. Attachments: Resolution For Adopt and Implement BWSR Approval Letter BWSR Order Approving Management Plan

Supporting Documents: X Attached None Administrator’s Comments:

Board Action: | Motion Offered By _________________ Approved as Requested ______ | Motion Seconded By ________________ Denied _____ | Vote By Acclamation ________________ Tabled _____ | Roll Call Vote Other _____ | District 1 _____________

| District 2 _____________ | District 3 _____________ | District 4 _____________

| District 5 _____________ Notations: RBAFormat.DOC

Typewritten Text
# 4

Resolution No. 2021-04 Brown County Resolution

To Adopt and Implement The Watonwan River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan

The following Resolution was offered by Commissioner and moved for adoption at a Regular Meeting held on February 2, 2021 at the Brown County Courthouse, New Ulm, MN: WHEREAS, the County of Brown has been notified by the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources that the Watonwan River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan has been approved according to Minnesota Statutes §103B.801 and Board Resolution #18-14. WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes §103B.101, subd. 14 allows a local water management plan developed or amended, approved and adopted, according to chapter 103B to be replaced with a comprehensive watershed management plan but only to the geographic area of the Plan and consistent with the One Watershed, One Plan suggested boundary map. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the county hereby adopts and will begin implementation of the approved Plan for the area of the county identified within the Plan and the Plan replaces the local water management plan for that geographic area of the county within the Watonwan River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan for the duration of the state approved Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, after the adoption of the Plan, the county shall amend existing water and related land resources plans and official controls as necessary to conform them to Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, after the adoption of the Plan or amendments to the plan, County of Brown shall notify local units of government within the Watonwan River Watershed. The local units of government are required to submit existing water and related land resources plans and official controls within 90 days to the county for review as per Minnesota Statutes, Section 103B.321. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that within 180 days, the county shall review the submitted plans and official controls and identify any inconsistencies between the local plans and official controls and the Plan. The County of Brown shall specify applicable and necessary measures to bring the local plans and official controls into conformance with the Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, if a local unit of government disagrees with any changes to its plan, the local unit has 60 days after receiving the county’s recommendations to appeal the recommendations to the Board of Water and Soil Resources. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, after receiving the recommendations of the county, or a resolution of an appeal, a local unit of government has 180 days to initiate revisions to its plan or official controls. The new or revised plans and official controls must be submitted to the county for review and recommendations. Seconded by Commissioner and the same being put to a vote was duly carried. This Resolution shall become effective immediately and without publication. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes Nayes . Dated this 2nd day of February, 2021. ___________________________ Chairman, Brown County ATTEST: ____________________________ Administrator, Brown County M:\OFFICE\MYDOCS\PCADMN2021\Resolutions\Res_2021-04 PZ Adoption of the Watonwan River Watershed Comprehensive Management Plan.docx

Bemidji Brainerd Detroit Lakes Duluth Mankato Marshall Rochester St. Cloud St. Paul

Brainerd Office 1601 Minnesota Drive Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone: (218) 203-4470 TTY: (800) 627-3529 An equal opportunity employer

December 17, 2020 Watonwan Watershed Planning Partnership c/o David Haler, Land Management Director Watonwan County 108 8th Street South, Suite 2 St. James, MN 56081 RE: Approval of the Watonwan River Watershed Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan Dear Watonwan Watershed Planning Partnership (Partnership): The Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) is pleased to inform you the Watonwan River Watershed Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan (Plan) developed through the One Watershed, One Plan Program was approved at its regular meeting held on December 17, 2020. Attached is the signed Board Order that documents approval of the Plan and indicates the Plan meets all relevant requirements of law, rule, and policy. This Plan is effective for a ten-year period until December 17, 2030. Please be advised, the partners must adopt and begin implementing the Plan within 120 days of the date of the Order in accordance with Minnesota Statutes §103B.101, Subd. 14, and the One Watershed, One Plan Operating Procedures. The members of the Partnership and participants in the plan development process are to be commended for writing a plan that clearly presents water management goals, actions, and priorities of the Partnership, and for participating in the development of the One Watershed, One Plan Program. The BWSR looks forward to working with you as you implement this Plan and document its outcomes. Please contact Board Conservationist Jill Sackett Eberhart of our staff at 507-317-1680 or [email protected] for further assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Gerald Van Amburg, Chair Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources

Enclosure: BWSR Board Order CC: Listed on next page

Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources •

cc: Jeff Berg, MDA (via email)

Margaret Wagner, MDA (via email) Barbara Weisman, DNR (via email) Carrie Raber, MDH (via email) Amanda Strommer, MDH (via email) Robert Collett, DNR (via email) Barbara Weisman, DNR (via email) Katie Wigen, DNR (via email) Paul Davis, MPCA (via email) Juline Holleran, MPCA (via email) Jeff Risberg, MPCA (via email) Erik Dahl, EQB (via email) Ed Lenz, BWSR (via email) Jill Sackett Eberhart, BWSR (via email) Julie Westerlund, BWSR (via email) Shaina Keseley, BWSR (via email)

Equal Opportunity Employer


Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, Minnesota 55155

In the Matter of the review of the Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan for Watonwan Watershed Planning Partnership, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 103B.101, Subdivision 14 and 103B.801.




Whereas, the Policy Committee of the Watonwan Watershed Planning Partnership (Partnership) submitted a Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan (Plan) to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (Board) on October 14, 2020, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 103B.101, Subdivision 14 and 103B.801 and Board Resolution #16-17, and;

Whereas, the Board has completed its review of the Plan;

Now Therefore, the Board hereby makes the following Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Order:


1. Partnership Establishment. The Partnership was established in 2018 through adoption of aMemorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the purposes of developing a Comprehensive WatershedManagement Plan. The membership of the Partnership includes: Blue Earth County, Blue Earth CountySoil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), Brown County, Brown SWCD, Cottonwood County,Cottonwood SWCD, Jackson County, Jackson SWCD, Martin County, Martin SWCD, Watonwan County,and Watonwan SWCD.

2. Authority to Plan. Minnesota Statutes, Sections 103B.101, Subdivision 14 allows the Board to adoptresolutions, policies or orders that allow a comprehensive plan, local water management plan, orwatershed management plan, developed or amended, approved and adopted, according to Chapter103B, 103C, or 103D to serve as substitutes for one another or be replaced with a comprehensivewatershed management plan. Minnesota Statutes, Sections 103B.801 established the ComprehensiveWatershed Management Planning Program; also known as One Watershed, One Plan. And, BoardResolution #16-17 adopted the One Watershed, One Plan Operating Procedures and Plan ContentRequirements policies.

3. Nature of the Watershed. The Watonwan River Watershed is located in south central Minnesota andcovers 873 square miles (approximately 558,964 acres) within the counties of Blue Earth, Brown,Cottonwood, Jackson, Martin, and Watonwan. The landscape is level to gently rolling with soils thatare primarily loamy glacial till. Annual precipitation ranges between 28-32 inches. The WatonwanRiver begins in central Cottonwood County and flows east before reaching its confluence with the BlueEarth River one mile south of the Rapidan Dam near Garden City in central Blue Earth County. The

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Blue Earth River in turn flows north and outlets to the Minnesota River in the city of Mankato. The Watonwan River watershed has 367.9 stream miles and approximately 113 public drainage ditch miles. It also includes 36 named and 19 unnamed lakes. Four percent of the watershed is currently in wetlands, and according to the Minnesota National Wetland Inventory, 93% of the historic wetlands have been drained. Agriculture is the predominant land use at 87%. Groundwater accounts for 100% of the watershed’s drinking water with nitrate and/or arsenic being of concern in some areas. It is estimated that there are 8,443 individuals and 3,449 households in the watershed.

4. Plan Development. The Watonwan Watershed Planning Partnership initiated watershed plan

development on July 30, 2018, by notifying designated plan review authorities (State agencies, counties, cities, SWCDs, watershed districts, etc.) and other watershed stakeholders. The notification included an invitation to submit priority issues and plan expectations by September 28, 2018. Five letters were received. Additional public input and prioritization of issues was collected at the Public Kick-off Meeting held January 28, 2019, and via an online survey. Approximately 100 people attended the meeting and 22 completed the survey. Combined, the letters, comments, and survey answers were used to develop a list of resource concerns and priority issues. An Advisory Committee was established to assist in finalizing the priority issues and development of measurable goals for each. Measurable goals were based on the Watonwan River Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies (WRAPS), groundwater test results and other information from the Groundwater Restoration and Protection Strategies (GRAPS), Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), local water plans, other studies and reports, and local expertise. Rationale for goals was provided in part by results from modelling through the Prioritize, Target, and Measure Application (PTMApp) and spatial analysis. The PTMApp was used to identify the magnitude and distribution of potential pollution sources across the watershed and allowed for targeting of locations for implementing practices to address issues impacting the resources of concern based on cost effectiveness. This was completed for each of the six watershed planning regions. These regions follow the United States Geological Survey Hydrologic Unit Code 10 watershed boundaries. The reduction estimates from the planning region targeted implementation schedules, along with the measurable goals established for the watershed, provide an estimated pace of progress that can be expected through the 10-year planning period. Additionally, implementation categories and initiatives were used to identify where funds will be utilized to accomplish the strategies and actions from the targeted implementation schedule. The draft Plan was approved by the Policy Committee and then distributed to Plan Review Authorities and other watershed stakeholders on May 21, 2020, for the required 60-day review and comment period. Eight letters were received by July 20, 2020, and each comment was considered and addressed by the Partnership. On August 26, 2020, the Policy Committee approved the Draft Plan and moved to proceed to the public hearing process. Per the MOA, six public hearings were held, one in each county of the watershed (September 15, September 22, October 6, 2020). Three additional comments were brought forth by the public, were considered, and addressed by the Partnership. The final draft Plan and all required materials were submitted to the Board and other plan review agencies on October 14, 2020.

5. Plan Review. On October 14, 2020, the Board received the Plan, a record of the public hearing, and copies of all written comments pertaining to the Plan for final State review pursuant to Board #16-17. State agency representatives attended and provided input at both Advisory Committee and Steering Team meetings during development of the Plan. The following State review comments were received during the final comment period.

A. Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA): As entered into the record at the September 15, 2020, public hearing before the Watonwan County Board, MDA identified issues

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with wording and illustration in the “Groundwater Issues and Concerns” section and Figure 3-8. The information was satisfactorily edited and included in the submitted final draft Plan. No additional comments on the final draft Plan. MDA recommends Plan approval.

B. Minnesota Department of Health (MDH): MDH staff acknowledged receipt of the final draft Plan and had no further comments. MDH recommends Plan approval.

C. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR): DNR staff reviewed the responses to their comments submitted during the 60-Day review of the draft Plan. They are satisfied with the responses to issues raised during that review and offered no additional comments. DNR recommends Plan approval.

D. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA): MPCA staff requested that issues discussed during the 60-day comment period for the draft Plan be addressed in future Plan updates. These issues pertain to the use of the Prioritize, Target, and Measure Application (PTMApp) modeling tool and the responses to issues in the planning process that include:

a. Information on PTMApp work was provided late in the planning process; towards the final draft stage.

b. Concerns with how loading and reductions were calculated.

c. The response from the consultant regarding the previously mentioned concerns was a summary of the PTMApp process which did not provide what the data calculations were based on.

d. There was discussion on the use of existing flow and load data that was not considered in the calculations.

e. Time and funds would not allow a recalculation based on available data.

f. Statement that the Plan meets the Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies (WRAPS) reduction goals was changed and a future process will be considered to determine reductions achieved from implementation.

The MPCA expectation is that future local watershed planning efforts using PTMApp will utilize current flow and water quality information. It was stated that MPCA staff are willing to work with local partners earlier in the planning process to identify areas where information, data, or resources are available. MPCA is willing to recommend Plan approval.

E. Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB): No comments received.

F. Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) regional staff: Plan development followed Operating Procedures and the Plan meets Plan Content Requirements. No additional suggestions or required changes are needed. BWSR staff recommend Plan approval.

6. Plan Summary and Highlights. The highlights of the Plan include: • Section 1 – Executive Summary provides a high-level overview of the watershed and planning

partners, a summarization of the prioritization process along with a list of the resource concerns and issue statements, a description of the process used to develop the measurable goals, an overview of the Targeted Implementation Schedule programs and actions and the estimated funding needed, and the anticipated roles of Partnership members in the implementation process.

• Section 3 – Land and Water Resources Narrative provides a summary of watershed characteristics and issues. Information was included on geology, precipitation, surface water, groundwater, stormwater, drainage, recreation, habitat, land use, and socioeconomics.

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• Section 4 – Identification and Prioritization of Resource Categories, Concerns and Issues described the information and process used to develop watershed resource concerns and issues. Particularly important resources included the WRAPS, GRAPS, TMDLs, existing water plans, other management plans, studies and reports, and local expertise. Public input was utilized via invitation to comment, a public kick-off meeting, an online survey, and development of an Advisory Committee. Only Tier 1 priority issues will be addressed in this 10-year Plan: surface water (agricultural drainage systems, lakes, rivers and streams, wetlands, surface runoff and flooding), groundwater (quality, quantity), habitat and recreation (aquatic, terrestrial, recreation), local knowledge base (public awareness), and land stewardship (urban, rural, riparian and shoreland). Maps are included for resource concerns and issues where Geographic Information System (GIS) data was available. Emerging and ongoing issues such as extreme weather events, contaminants, local-State-Federal policies, and funding were all discussed. In addition, each watershed partner was allowed an opportunity to include local priorities not fully addressed by the Plan. Blue Earth, Brown, Cottonwood, and Martin each added a small number of local issues and actions.

• Section 5 – Measurable Goals explains how both short-term and long-term goals were developed for each of the Tier 1 priority issues. This was done primarily through WRAPS data, GRAPS information, PTMApp results, Advisory Committee and Policy Committee input, and local expertise provided by Steering Team members. Maps showing planning region priority ranking were also developed for the resource concerns of surface water, groundwater, and habitat and recreation

• Section 6 – Implementation Schedule begins with a discussion on the funding needed to implement the 10-year Plan. An estimated $18,048,500 is needed to fully fund the Plan; this would include current partner funding levels, Watershed Based Implementation Funding, and competitive grants and outside collaboration. Six planning region implementation schedules were developed to show cost-effectiveness focused practice cost, location, and pollution reductions. These actions are broken down into the PTMApp categories of management practices (e.g. cover crops, conservation tillage), structural practices (e.g. grassed waterways, denitrifying bioreactors), and easement practices. Watershed-wide actions are shown in a series of five additional implementation schedules based on the implementation programs discussed further in Section 7 (e.g. capital improvement projects, education and outreach). To aid in using the Implementation Schedule, a Measurable Goals Reference Guide was included in order to quickly find goal numbers and goal language referenced in the different schedules.

• Section 7 – Implementation Programs describes six implementation programs that will be used to fund and implement the Plan. These programs lay the foundation for how the partnership will provide cost-share funds to landowners, host education and outreach efforts, measure pace of progress of the Plan, and lays out partnership roles and responsibilities for such things as current regulatory administration and operations and maintenance.

• Section 8 – Plan Administration and Coordination provides some details into how the partnership will administer and fund the Plan. The partnership has decided to re-structure an existing joint powers agreement (Greater Blue Earth River Basin Alliance) for Plan implementation and administration.

7. Southern Regional Committee. On November 19, 2020, the Southern Regional Committee met to review and discuss the Plan. Those in attendance from the Board’s Committee were Chair Nathan Redalen (Township), Kathryn Kelly (SWCD), Tom Loveall (County), Jeff Berg (MDA), Harvey Kruger (Watershed District), Ted Winter (Citizen), Steve Robertson (MDH), and Scott Roemhildt (DNR). Board staff in attendance were Southern Region Manager Ed Lenz, 1W1P Coordinator Julie Westerlund, Clean Water Specialist Shaina Keseley, Board Conservationist Jill Sackett Eberhart, and Office and Administrative Specialist Carla Swanson-Cullen. The representatives from the Partnership were Brown

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County Environmental Specialist Andy Meyer, Brown SWCD District Manager Melanie Krueger, Cottonwood SWCD District Administrator Kay Gross, Cottonwood SWCD Senior Technician Dave Bucklin, Cottonwood SWCD Supervisor Clark Lingbeek, Cottonwood County Commissioner Tom Appel, Martin SWCD District Manager Ashley Brenke, Watonwan SWCD Assistant Manager Chad Hildebrand, Watonwan County Land Management Director Dave Haler, Watonwan SWCD Supervisor Rich Enger, Watonwan County Commissioner Ray Gustafson, Watonwan County Commissioner Bill Miller and Houston Engineering, Inc. Project Manager Drew Kessler. Board regional staff provided its recommendation of Plan approval to the Committee. After discussion, the Committee’s decision was to present a recommendation of approval of the Plan to the full Board.

8. This Plan will be in effect for a ten-year period until December 17, 2030.

CONCLUSIONS 1. All relevant substantive and procedural requirements of law have been fulfilled.

2. The Board has proper jurisdiction in the matter of approving a Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan for the Watonwan Watershed Planning Partnership pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 103B.101, Subd. 14 and 103B.801 and Board Resolution #16-17.

3. The Watonwan Watershed Planning Partnership Plan attached to this Order states water and water-related problems within the planning area; priority resource issues and possible solutions thereto; goals, objectives, and actions of the Partnership; and an implementation program.

4. The attached Plan is in conformance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes Section 103B.101, Subd. 14 and 103B.801 and Board Resolution #16-17.

5. The attached Plan when adopted through local resolution by the members of the Partnership will serve as a replacement for the comprehensive plan, local water management plan, or watershed management plan, developed or amended, approved and adopted, according to Chapter 103B, 103C, or 103D, but only to the geographic area of the Plan and consistent with the One Watershed, One Plan Suggested Boundary Map.

ORDER The Board hereby approves the attached Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan of the Watonwan Watershed Planning Partnership, dated December 17, 2020. Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, this 17th of December 2020. MINNESOTA BOARD OF WATER AND SOIL RESOURCES

BY: Gerald Van Amburg, Chair


Requested Board Date: 2-2-2021 Flexibility:

Originating Department: Emergency Management

Item: Authorize Board Chair to sign MOU between Brown County and City of Comfrey and City of Springfield

Presenter: Shawn Stoermann Estimated time: 5 Minutes

Board Action Requested: Authorize Board Chair to sign MOU between Brown County and the following: City of Comfrey and City of Springfield. Background: During the COVID-19 planning, Brown County Emergency Management and Public Health identified locations where mass testing and or vaccination could occur. It was realized that in some cases the MOU’s for the sites were outdated or not existent. The new MOU’s address use of facilities in any all-hazards event, versus establishing multiple MOU’s for separate events. Attachments 1-2 are the MOU’s for each location.

Supporting Documents: X Attached None Administrator’s Comments:

Board Action: | Motion Offered By _________________ Approved as Requested ______ | Motion Seconded By ________________ Denied _____ | Vote By Acclamation ________________ Tabled _____ | Roll Call Vote Other _____ | District 1 _____________

| District 2 _____________ | District 3 _____________ | District 4 _____________

| District 5 _____________ Notations: RBAFormat.DOC

Typewritten Text
# 5



Brown County Emergency Management


Comfrey Community Center

Typewritten Text
Attachment 1

This is an agreement between “Brown County Emergency Management”, hereinafter called BCEM and “Comfrey Community Center”, hereinafter called CCC. I. PURPOSE & SCOPE

The purpose of this MOU is to clearly identify the roles and responsibilities of each party as they relate to the use CCC facilities in response to local emergencies. This will include, but not limited to responses to needs during a Public Health Emergency. In particular, this MOU is intended to:

Establish that during or after an emergency event; BCEM may request use of any of CCC facilities. Use of the facilities, would be for direct support to the citizens in Brown County.

Emergency Events would include, but not be limited to the following: Natural disasters, Hazardous Material (Haz-Mat) event, Man-made event, biological (pandemic events).

This MOU will address the following: o Accessing use of CCC facilities by BCEM. o Define responsibilities of CCC and BCEM.


In the event of an emergent event, use of one of the CCC facilities to assist BCEM’s response to the emergency may occur. This MOU defines the responsibilities of both parties as well as agreed conditions. III. CCC - RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THIS MOU CCC shall undertake the following activities: • Provide – CCC will assist BCEM in determining which facilities would be able to support BCEM needs. Once that determination is made, and the facility or facilities are available: CCC will provide access to the building and a staff member to help BCEM with accessing the agreed upon areas of the facility or facilities. Examples: Kitchen, Cleaning/Janitorial Closet, Meeting rooms, etc. • Review – CCC will review a 24-7 call list by September 15th of each year. Any updates will be provided to BCEM as they occur. IV. BCEM - RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THIS MOU BCEM shall undertake the following activities: • Share – BCEM will share information that would give CCC advance warning of a potential need of any for its facilities as appropriate. (Example, mass testing/vaccination site needs)

• Provide – BCEM will provide CCC updated point of contact information as appropriate. • Evaluate – BCEM will evaluate if any changes need to be made with representative from CCC once every 3 years from date of signing. V. IT IS MUTUALLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED BY AND

BETWEEN THE PARTIES THAT: 1. Any damages above normal wear and tear, will be the responsibility of Brown

County. Known damages must be reported to CCC immediately. A post event walk-through to check for damages will occur. Any damages not found after the post event walk-through, will need to be identified to BCEM within 5 business days after the post event walk through.

2. Modification clause: Either party can request a modification by providing the other party written notification 60 days in advance with suggested recommended changes in the agreement.

3. Termination clause: Either party can terminate this MOU with a written notification to the other party 30 days in advance.


This MOU shall be in effect upon the signature of Party A’s and Party B’s authorized officials. It shall be in force until termination by either party. Parties A and B indicate agreement with this MOU by their signatures. Signatures and dates Anton Berg Date Brown County Board Chair

Gary Richter Date City of Comfrey



Brown County Emergency Management


City of Springfield (Springfield Medical Center)

Typewritten Text
Attachment 2

This is an agreement between “Brown County Emergency Management”, hereinafter called BCEM and “Springfield Medical Center”, hereinafter called SMC. I. PURPOSE & SCOPE

The purpose of this MOU is to clearly identify the roles and responsibilities of each party as they relate to the use SMC facilities in response to local emergencies. This will include, but not limited to responses to needs during a Public Health Emergency. In particular, this MOU is intended to:

Establish that during or after an emergency event; BCEM may request use of any of SMC facilities. Use of the facilities, would be for direct support to the citizens in Brown County.

Emergency Events would include, but not be limited to the following: Natural disasters, Hazardous Material (Haz-Mat) event, Man-made event, biological (pandemic events).

This MOU will address the following: o Accessing use of SMC facilities by BCEM. o Define responsibilities of SMC and BCEM.


In the event of an emergent event, use of one of the SMC facilities to assist BCEM’s response to the emergency may occur. This MOU defines the responsibilities of both parties as well as agreed conditions. III. SMC - RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THIS MOU SMC shall undertake the following activities: • Provide – SMC will assist BCEM in determining which facilities would be able to support BCEM needs. Once that determination is made, and the facility or facilities are available: SMC will provide access to the building and a staff member to help BCEM with accessing the agreed upon areas of the facility or facilities. Examples: Kitchen, Cleaning/Janitorial Closet, Meeting rooms, etc. • Review – SMC will review a 24-7 call list by September 15th of each year. Any updates will be provided to BCEM as they occur. IV. BCEM - RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THIS MOU BCEM shall undertake the following activities:

• Share – BCEM will share information that would give SMC advance warning of a potential need of any for its facilities as appropriate. (Example, mass testing/vaccination site needs) • Provide – BCEM will provide SMC updated point of contact information as appropriate. • Evaluate – BCEM will evaluate if any changes need to be made with representative from SMC once every 3 years from date of signing. V. IT IS MUTUALLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED BY AND

BETWEEN THE PARTIES THAT: 1. Any damages above normal wear and tear, will be the responsibility of Brown

County. Known damages must be reported to SMC immediately. A post event walk-through to check for damages will occur. Any damages not found after the post event walk-through, will need to be identified to BCEM within 5 business days after the post event walk through.

2. Modification clause: Either party can request a modification by providing the other party written notification 60 days in advance with suggested recommended changes in the agreement.

3. Termination clause: Either party can terminate this MOU with a written notification to the other party 30 days in advance.


This MOU shall be in effect upon the signature of Party A’s and Party B’s authorized officials. It shall be in force until termination by either party. Parties A and B indicate agreement with this MOU by their signatures. Signatures and dates Anton Berg Date Brown County Board Chair

Joe Stremcha Date City of Springfield

REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Request Board Date: 2-2-2021 Flexibility:

Originating Department: Information Technology

Item: Sell excess equipment on MinnBid Presenter: Rich Meyer

Estimated Time: 5 minutes

Board Action Requested: Declare list of equipment as excess. Background: The I.T. Department would like the attached list of equipment declared as excess so it can be sold on the State of MN website for auctions – This is used/old computer equipment that the county does not need anymore. By auctioning off the equipment, we will save on labor and keep some items out of the landfill. We have done this in the past with success. We plan to use MinnBid, the same online auction company that the Sheriff’s department uses for their auctions. The cost is $50 to put items up for auction; we will have a $100 reserve.

Supporting Documents: X Attached None Administrator’s Comments:

Board Action: Approved as Requested Denied Tabled Other

Motion Offered By ____________________________________________________ Motion Seconded By _____________________________________________________ Vote By Acclamation ____________________________________________________ Roll Call Vote District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5


Typewritten Text
# 6

Tag Date Purchased Cost Serial Number Model Description

NA NA NA 795BLKC Lexmark printer

18000407 2/26/2015 747.34 2JWW942 D13M DELL OPTIPLEX 9020 MINI TOWER

18001132 10/3/2013 755.10 7QM2CY1 DELL OPTIPLEX 9010 MINITOWER

18000531 12/9/2014 757.32 74KTQ22 OPTIPLEX 9020 MINITOWER COMPTR

18000123 1/21/2011 909.97 F69Q9P1 DCSM1F DELL OPTIPLEX 780 MINITOWER PC

18001352 3/17/2016 796.50 1YR6FB2 D13M OPTIPLEX 9020 MINITOWER COMPTR

18000016 9/12/2013 773.78 2R41BY1 D09M DELL OPTIPLEX 7010 MINITOWER

18000577 3/31/2016 1148.79 4CHLFB2 DELL PREC T5810 WORKSTATION

18000596 NA NA NA NA Dell Precision Tower 5810

18000560 2/9/2012 762.94 DMFNJS1 D09M DELL OPTIPLEX 790 MINITOWER PC

18001048 8/26/2013 835.90 10D99Y1 DELL OPTIPLEX 7010 MINITOWER

18000611 2/26/2015 747.34 2JX4B42 D13M DELL OPTIPLEX 9020 MINI TOWER

18000627 2/26/2015 747.34 2JX3B42 D13M DELL OPTIPLEX 9020 MINI TOWER

18000430 10/2/2013 830.24 9Z0XBY1 D09M003 DELL OPTIPLEX MINITOWER COMPUT

18000643 2/26/2015 747.34 2JX2B42 D13M DELL OPTIPLEX 9020 MINI TOWER

18000631 2/26/2015 747.34 2JXW942 D13M DELL OPTIPLEX 9020 MINI TOWER

18000459 2/28/2012 762.95 92CFKS1 D09M DELL OPTIPLEX 790 MINITOWER PC

18000639 3/27/2014 786.79 6HJYJ02 D13M DELL OPTIPLEX 9020

18000290 2/19/2013 845.24 DH80SW1 D09M DELL OPTIPLEX 7010 MINITOWER

18000267 1/23/2009 800.88 4YQ81J1 DCSM DELL OPTIPLEX 760 MINITWR PC

18000229 2/19/2013 845.24 DH71SW1 D09M DELL OPTIPLEX 7010 MINITOWER

18000438 2/28/2012 762.95 92PCKS1 D09M DELL OPTIPLEX 790 MINITOWER PC

18000432 2/28/2012 762.95 92QDKS1 D09M DELL OPTIPLEX 790 MINITOWER PC

18000606 3/27/2014 786.79 6HJ2K02 D13M DELL OPTIPLEX 9020

18000441 2/27/2012 762.95 H49FKS1 D09M DELL OPTIPLEX 790 MINITOWER PC

18000274 10/3/2004 403.63 CN0F50356418048H1UTS E173FP DELL 17"" FLAT PANEL MONITOR

18000238 2/19/2013 845.24 DH7YRW1 D09M DELL OPTIPLEX 7010 MINITOWER

18000398 2/26/2015 747.34 2JWZ942 D13M DELL OPTIPLEX 9020 MINI TOWER

18000623 10/2/2013 830.24 9Z00CY1 D09M003 DELL OPTIPLEX MINITOWER COMPUT

18000418 2/19/2013 845.24 DH8YRW1 D09M DELL OPTIPLEX 7010 MINITOWER

18000419 2/27/2012 762.95 H48HKS1 D09M DELL OPTIPLEX 790 MINITOWER PC

18000233 2/28/2012 762.95 92CHKS1 D09M DELL OPTIPLEX 790 MINITOWER PC

18000615 3/27/2014 786.79 63KYJ02 D13M DELL OPTIPLEX 9020

18001347 3/17/2016 796.50 1YR5FB2 D13M OPTIPLEX 9020 MINITOWER COMPTR

18000537 9/17/2014 787.75 36XMN22 DELL OPTIPLEX 9020 MINITOWER


18001315 3/17/2016 752.17 1YS0FB2 D13M OPTIPLEX 9020 MINITOWER COMPTR

18000565 3/29/2017 883.00 2X8FXH2 5040 OPTIPLEX 5040 COMPUTER

18000941 3/4/2011 747.1 8RKXCP1 DCNE1F DELL OPTIPLEX 780 MINITOWER PC

40319 03/04/2009 517.59 CN8436V2R4 J9020A HP PROCURVE SWITCH 2510‐48

18000168 3/4/2009 2725.33 SG851TF0BC J8692A HP PROCURVE SWITCH 3500YL‐24G

18000166 3/4/2009 1034.11 CN834DE2MK J9279A HP PROCURVE SWITCH 2510G‐24

18001057 6/20/2012 295.55 CN217FW0MT J9019B#ABHP PROCURVE SWITCH 2510‐24

18000186 8/10/2002 684.80 226CK64GJ458 CM870 COMPAQ 17"" FLAT PANEL MONITOR

18000183 12/27/2006 246.56 CN0WH319728726BO1TWME197FP DELL 19"" FLAT PANEL MONITOR

18000142 3/15/2012 762.95 2Z3KLS1 D09M DELL OPTIPLEX 790 MINITOWER PC

18000126 12/28/2012 820.07 7Z9TPW1 D09M DELL OPTIPLEX 7010 MINITOWER

18001293 5/10/2013 765.29 8GFWDX1 D09M DELL OPTIPLEX 7010 MINITOWER C

18000282 11/27/2002 497.00 MX084339476052B6AYD5 E171FP DELL 17"" FLAT PANEL MONITOR

18000722 12/18/2003 430.37 CN0J1806716183B7BBT7 DHS DELL 17"" FLAT PANEL MONITOR

18000268 1/23/2004 411.20 CN0J1806716183COCC5F E172FPT DELL 17"" FLAT PANEL MONITOR

18000269 11/27/2002 497.00 MX084339476052B6AYCV E171FP DELL 17"" FLAT PANEL MONITOR

18001113 7/31/2010 880.48 J4W2MML DELL OPTIPLEX 380 COMPUTER

18001308 1/14/2002 3622.00 109324541 PG‐C30XU SHARP NOTEVISION LCD PROJECTOR

18000499 12/20/2006 556.88 141K0929 GZ‐MG57UJVC EVERIO 30 GB HD CAMCORDER

18000501 12/22/2006 236.00 151Y5634 CU‐VD1OUJVC Everio DVD‐RW Share Station for camc

REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Request Board Date 2-2-2021 Flexibility:

Originating Department: Information Technology

Item: Avenue Tax and CAMA Support Extensions Presenter: Rich Meyer

Estimated Time: 5 minutes

Board Action Requested: Approve and sign ratifications for agreements extending support from year 2021 through end of year 2023 for the current Tax and CAMA systems.

Background: Recently the MnCCC Board approved the extended support for Tax and CAMA systems from Avenu. These are both systems we use currently. If we depart from the contract before the end of 2023 we would incur $38,525 early departure fees. It is not known at this time how long we will be on the current system before moving over to the new Tyler Tax system. We are moving along in that project and estimation is to be on the new system before the end of 2022. We would still want to keep the current system running parallel, but for how long is not known. I would recommend that the Board approve and sign the agreements as presented.

Supporting Documents: X Attached None Administrator’s Comments:

Board Action: Approved as Requested Denied Tabled Other

Motion Offered By ____________________________________________________ Motion Seconded By _____________________________________________________ Vote By Acclamation ____________________________________________________ Roll Call Vote District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5


Typewritten Text
# 7

TO: Avenu Tax and CAMA Counties

FROM: Lisa Meredith, MnCCC Executive Director

[email protected], 651-401-4201

DATE: January 14, 2021

RE: Avenu Tax and CAMA Support Contract Extensions

The Tax and CAMA User Groups, as well as the MnCCC Board, have met and approved the attached contract

amendments to extend support for both Tax and CAMA through December 31, 2023. Board Ratifications are

attached for each system. As the user groups have approved, counties are not required to participate for the full

term of the contract extension, however they are required to meet the notification requirements and pay the

approved early departure fees as set by the user groups.

Notification of cancellation shall be provided no less than 12 month prior and no later than May 15th of the prior

calendar year. Notification must be provided to MnCCC and Avenu.

Early departure fees are a discounted maintenance and support rate set to cover any costs incurred for providing

support for less than the minimum number of counties. The approved early departure fees for counties are $29,325

per year for Tax and $9200 per year for CAMA.

Please have Board Ratifications signed and returned to MnCCC no later than February 17th, 2021. Signed board

ratifications should be returned to [email protected] and [email protected]. And, please note that early departure

notification for 2022 will be due on May 15, 2021.

More information on the new Tax and CAMA system contracts and implementation will be coming soon.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me.

Thank you.

Attachments: Tax and CAMA Amendment 7 documents, Board Ratifications for both Tax and CAMA



This Amendment No.7 to Maintenance and Support Agreement (this "Amendment") is made and entered into by and between the Mitlllesota Counties Computer Cooperative ("MCCC") and Conduent State and Local Solutions, Inc. ("Conduent") successor in itlterest to Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc., referred to individually as "Party" or collectively as "Parties. n In consideration ofthe mutual obligations set forth herein, the Parties mutually agree to alDend the Agreement as follows:

J. This Amendment shall be effective on June _, 2020 (the "Amendment Effective Date").

2. Article 2, Term of Agreement, is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

The term of this Agreement shall commence on June --' 2020 (the "Effective Daten), and will continue through December 3], 2023. This Agreement can be extended for additional years based on mutually agreed to pricing terms negotiated by the Parties.

3. As of the Amendment Effective Date, Article 3, Maintenance and Support Services to be Provided by ACS is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

Beginning on June--, 2020, and continuing through the term of this Agreement, Conduent will furnish MCCC and the members of the CamaUSA User Group with the services set forth in Exhibit A - Statement of Work, attached hereto and made part hereof.

Withdrawal of Counties shall be addressed as follows: It is the intent of the parties that al1 of the Initial Participating Counties ("I PC's") will continue to receive maintenance and support hereunder for the three year term at the per County rates set forth in Table I, There are twenty-six (26) initial Participating Counties IPCs under this Agreement. The parties acknowledge and agree that Jlineteen fotll'teen (124) Counties is the "Minimum Participating Threshold" ("MPT") under this Agreement. To the extent the total number of participating Counties falls below the IPC but remains at or above the MPT, the quarterly rate will be adjusted on a per county basis for which the price will be subject to a pro rata reduction for each withdrawn county down to the MPT. If the total number of participating Counties falls below the MPT, the total price paid by MCCC shall remain equal to the MPT price. For the avoidance of doubt, the parties acknowledge and agree that under no circumstances will the per county rate comprising the total price paid by MCCC drop below the MPT. The price to MCCC upon the withdrawal, termination or removal, of any County or Counties between the IPC and MPT shall be adjusted per Table 1. The withdrawal, termination, or removal of an MCCC member County covered by this Agreement shaH be confirmed in writing and shall not be a basis for reduction 01' modification of the total three-year price payable by MCCC.

MCCC acknowledges and agrees that each member of the Conduent CamaUSA User Group who ratifies this Agreement will be bound by the general terms and conditions specified herein, including but not limited to the service provision terms contained in Exhibit A.

4. As of the Amendment Effective Date, in Exhibit B of the Agreement, Applicable Charges, the section titled "CamaUSA Support" is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

CamaUSA Support

For Scott and Chisago Counties MCCC shall pay Conduent the quarterly maintenance & support fees set forth below:

Table 1 l.lW! l!W. mz 1IW

quarterly price quarterly price quarterly price quarterly price per county per county per county per county (Scott & (Scott) (Scott) (Scott) Chisago)

$3,594 $3,702 $3,813 $3,927

For the MCCC member counties who are members of the Conduent CamaUSA User Group (which consists of the following counties: Beltrami, Benton, Brown, Faribault, Fillmore, Hubbard, Isanti, Jackson, Kanabec, Kittson, LeSueur, Martin, McLeod, Morrison, Otter Tail, Pennington, Pine, Sibley, Stearns, Wabasha, Waseca, Watonwan, Winona and Wright Counties), MCCC shall pay Conduent the quarterly maintenance & support fees set forth below.

Table 2 1(Wl ~ Z!!ll .z..uzJ

quarterly price quarterly price quarterly price quarterly price per county per county per county per county

$3,090 $3,214 $3,310 $3,409 ~.~~ ..... ~.---.---- -~ ---- - --

5. Notification of cancellation should be provided 12 months in advance pel' the original contract and should be done prior to May 15 of each year.

6. Avenu will continue to maintain a support staff to support this product and customers. 7. All terms and conditions of the Agreement, except as expressly amended herein, shall remain in

full force and effect.

Optional Services

Clearview Valuation Analytics (CV A) enables Assessors and Appraisal teams with instant insight to your property values and sales. This GIS-based analytics toolset is configurable with any Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) system and provides tools that will increase your decision-making efficiency.

Upon written request A venu will provide MnCCC customers under current maintenance for CamaUSA entry into the Avenu Early Adopter program for our Cleal'view Valuation Analytics solution which will extend Sales Ratio, Comparative Sales and other modules to the users at no additional cost.

Clearview Valuation Manager (CVM): With this solution you can manage your Computer-Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) workflows and choose from multiple appraisal methods, such as cost, income, and comparable sales, and enjoy seamless integration with tools like geographic infonnation systems (GIS), aerial photography, and more. Our full-featured valuation module enables your team to easily manage and value properties across your jurisdiction using various approaches. You can automate work processes with an embedded GIS module that integrates directly with any 3rd party tax, billing, or pennit software.

Upon written request, Avenu will proyide MnCCC pricing for upgrade path to our modem CAMA solution as part of this support and maintenance agreement. Our CVM (CAMA) may be purchased separately or as a fully integrated bundle with our Property Tax solutions. Our proposed pricing includes implementation and support services required for each of the solutions including project management, data conversion, and training.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned authorized representatives of MCCC and Conduent have executed this Amendment.


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CAM.A. e.~A~P..

:rASo",,) Mc.Clt(s~:t,.)

MfJ c.t.G n.,,,p, ~~ c..\-\p.. ~R..





This Amendment No.7 to Maintenance and Support Agreement (this "Amendment") is made and entered into by BIld between the Mlnnesota Counties Computer Cooperative C"MCCC") and Conduent State and Local Solutions, [nco ("'Conduent") successor in Interest 10 Conduent State & Local Solll1ions, Inc., referred to indiVidually as "Party" or collectively as "Parties," In consideration of the mutual ' obligations set forth herein, the Pruties mutually agree to amend the Agreement as follows:

1. This Aroendml.'lnt shall be effective on June -..J 2020 (the "Amendment Effective Date'').

2. Article 2, Tenn of Agreement, is delated in its entirety and replaced with tbefoUowmg:

The term ofthis Agreement shall commence on June -J 2020 (the "Effective Date"), and will continue through December 31,2023 , This Agreement can be extended for additional years based on mutun.11y agreed to pricing terms negotiated by the Parties.

3. As of the Amendment Bffective Dille, Arficle 3, Maintenance and Support Services to be Provided by ACS is deleted In Its entirety and replaced wnh the following;

Beglnniug on JlD1e --' 2020, and continuing througb the term of this Agreement, Condue.nt will furnish MCCC and the members of the Condu8nt Property Tax User Group with the services set forth in Exhibit A - Statement of Work, attlu::hed hereto and made pa.rt hereof.

Withdrawal of Counti~ shall be addressed as follows: It is the intent of the partie! that all of the Initial Participating Counties (UrpC' 5") will continue to recei vo maintenanoe and support hereunder for the three­year term at the per County retes set forth in Table 1. There are twenty-five (25) {PCs under this Agreement The parttes acknowledge and agree that nineteen (19) COWlties is the "Minimum P1lrticlpll.ting Thre!hold" C"MPT"} under thl! Agreement. To the extent the total number of participating Counties falls below the lPC but remains at or above the MPT, the quarterly rate will be adjusted on a per county busts for which the price will be subject to B pro rata reduction for each withdrawn county down to the MPT. If the total number ofparticipacing Counties tallB below the MPT, the total price paid by MCCC shall remale equal to the MPT price. For the avoidance of doubt, the parties acknowledge and agree that under no oircumstances will the per county rate comprising the total price paid by MCCC drop below the MPT. The prica to MCCC upon thb withdrawal. temlina1lon or removal, of any CoUIrty or Counties between the !PC and MPT shall be IIdjusterl at the quarterly price per Table 2. The w!thdrawa~ termination, or removal of an MCCC member County covered by thls Agreement shall ba confirmed in writing and shall not be Ii basis for reduction or modification ofthe toml three year prlce paYllble by MCCC.

MCCC Bcknowledges and agrees that each member of the Property Tax User GroUp who rstifies thls Agreement will be bound by the general terms and conditions specified herein, including but not limited to the service prOvision terms contained in Bxhlbit A.

4. As of the Amendment Effective Date, in Bxhibit B of the Agreement, Applicable Charges, the section titled NTax Support" Is deleted In Its entirety and repla.ced with thtfollowing:

For the MCCC member counties who are members of the Conduent Property Tax User Group (which consi8ts of the fonowing counties; Beltrami, Benton, Brown, Dodge, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Hubbard, Jackson, Kanabec, Kittson, LeSueur, Martin, McLeod. Ottar Tail, PeMington, Pine, Sibley, Wabesha, Waseca, Watonwan, Winona and Wright Countleli), MCCC shall PIIY Conduent the quarterly maintenance & support fees set forth below.


Table I ~ .~ lill. 4Q.2.l

quarterly quarterly que.rt.erly quarterly price price price price per county ]ler county per county per coun!y $8,360 $8,694 $8,955 $9,224

5. Notification of cauoeUation should be provldtd 12 months in advance per 1ha original oonlnct 81.Jd should be done prior to May 15 of each year.

6. Avenu will continue to maintain a support staff to support this product and customer!. 7. All terms and conditions of the Agreement, except 8S expressly amended herein. shall remain in full force

lind effect.

Optional Services

Upon written request, Avenu will provide MnCCC pricing for upgrade path to our legacy Tax solutions as part of this support and maintenance agreem ent A venu may propose anyone of several modules and features listed below to meet the desired objecdves for a property tax solution. Bach of these may be purchased separately or as 11 fully integrated bundle with our CAMA solutions. Our proposed pricing includes implementation and sup port services required for each ofthe solutions including project management, data conversion, and tralning.

Clea.rview Property Tax Managor (PTM): Property Tax Billing, Collection, and A!'sessrnent AdminIstration modules are intended to conform to eacb jurisdiction's business rules. The objectlvels 10 provide workflows aod calculations that adapt to a County's administrative requirements. The Property Tax Billing and Collections modules are designed to provide end to end management of the entire Tax cycle, and togBthar the 1ll0dules provide tools and admlnis1ar assassments for eaohJurlsdictlon.

Sill.' " (' i\ I ~.,,,,,,,,"-, ~,,,, <~- .~~~,~. ~'1

tE!l'~'t!\J "! r'd-}" ~., ~ :~. 'dllil: ~ '!~. !b: ....... <- J..-... ... ~E. ~.r\ I ~

Small $8,709 Medium $10 398

Large $12.765

[N WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned authorIzed representAtives ofMCCC and Conduent have OXe<JUted this Amandment.


'3'2\,~,.) M.c.l.", &4 ~

~l\lL.c.", 9ooAQ.b ~~




The Board of Commissioners of ____________________________ County has ratified the CamaUSA Maintenance and Support Agreement Amendment between Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative (MnCCC) and Avenu providing an extension for support for CamaUSA January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2023.

This Agreement will be effective January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2023. Ratification of this agreement commits this County to meet the agreed upon terms set by both the amendment and the user group regarding notification for early departure as well as early departure fees set and approved by the MnCCC CAMA User Group.

Signed: ______________________________________________________ County Board Chair

Date: _______________________________________________________

Attest: _______________________________________________________

Title: _______________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________

Please return signed statement to MnCCC no later than February 17, 2021. Thank you!


The Board of Commissioners of ____________________________ County has ratified the Property Tax System Maintenance and Support Agreement Amendment between Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative (MnCCC) and Avenu providing an extension for support for Property Tax System (PTS) January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2023.

This Agreement will be effective January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2023. Ratification of this agreement commits this County to meet the agreed upon terms set by both the amendment and the user group regarding notification for early departure as well as early departure fees set and approved by the MnCCC Property Tax User Group.

Signed: ______________________________________________________ County Board Chair

Date: _______________________________________________________

Attest: _______________________________________________________

Title: _______________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________

Please return signed statement to MnCCC no later than February 17, 2021. Thank you!

REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Requested Board Date: 2-2-2021 Flexibility: Yes

Originating Department: Administration

Item: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Certification

Presenter: Todd Luke/Blake Knisley Estimated time: 30 Minutes

Board Action Requested: Attached is a letter, maps, and the certification form for the tract of land the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be presenting for Certification. The Board will need to vote on the certification and the Chair will sign the form documenting the decision. Background: Todd Luke, Windom Wetland District Manager, and Blake Knisley plan to attend the meeting in person. The Fish and Wildlife Service recently secured an Agreement for the Purchase of Lands from Gregory Mikkelson, in Section 34, Sigel of Twp. This property will be managed as a Waterfowl Production Area, as part of the National Wildlife Refuge System. This tract will be open to the public.

Supporting Documents: X Attached None Administrator’s Comments:


Board Action: | Motion Offered By _________________ Approved as Requested ______ | Motion Seconded By _________________ Denied ______ | Vote By Acclamation _________________ Tabled ______ | Roll Call Vote Other ______ | District 1 _____________

| District 2 _____________ | District 3 _____________ | District 4 _____________

| District 5 _____________ Notations:

Typewritten Text
# 8

RE – Minnesota W.A. January 25, 2021 Brown County Mikkelson, Gregory Mr. Sam Hanson Brown County Board 14 S State St New Ulm, MN 56073 Dear Mr. Brown: The Fish and Wildlife Service recently secured an Agreement for the Purchase of Lands from Gregory Mikkelson, in Section 34, Sigel of Twp. This property will be managed as a Waterfowl Production Area, as part of the National Wildlife Refuge System. This tract will be open to the public. This letter confirms my intention to meet with the Board of Commissioners on February 2, 2021, to request certification of these easements. Please distribute this letter with the attachments to each of the County Commissioners. If you have any questions, please contact me at 218-770-6651. Sincerely, Blake Knisley Realty Specialist

Attached: Maps, Certifications.


United States Department of the Interior


18965 County Highway 82 Fergus Falls, Minnesota 56537


T-109-110-N SIGEL PLAT

SIGEl TOWNSHIP lliIIP.IIl 1. Reinhart, John etux 17 2. Brsulick., Don 81ull11 3. Berg, Manhew 14 .lliIl!l.II.a 1. Seifert, Thomas 12 2. Rolloff Jr, Elmer e 3. Schneider, Deniel atux

11 illIl!!.II.! 1. Berg, Randy etal 9 2. Btlmkenhagen, JaTemy

etuI5 3. Reinhart, Eugene .'UX

5 4. KLIck, Patrick 5 5. Andarson, Michael etal

5 6. Tauer, KenneU'l etux 5 7. Seifert, Thoma. 8 8. Gllard, Bred BtUa: 7 9. Gurl!, Bred e.ult '2 1 D. Portner, Michael 12 1' .Tauar, Ralend 8 12-SchnOOrlch, Gary IItlll 5


13. WurtzbergllT, Charills etuJ: 7

3. Wurtzoorger, Josh atal 12

14.Sctmobrtch, Gary etalS 4. IS. BU8g[er, DarTin elal7 5.

Hart,Joann B Zelg, Leo etux 5 Nelson, Paul etux 5 Domeier, Richaro etux 10

16. Baumann, RlcharO etal 6. 10 7.

17. G88rc1, Brad etux 13 IS.Sladlck. Brant IIlal 5 19. Gaard, Bred .'1.11: 14 illIlWl.l 1. Bray, Loren etuI 7 illIlWl.i 1. Lawrenz, Chrl111ne 5 2. He •• , DIIloras 15 3. Seifert, Jason 10 4. Guggllberg, Charles

12 lliIIQ!il 1. Crabtree Trust, Michael

10 2. Klinkner, Gregg etux 6 3. COlTMlllar, Sylvester stux

10 illIW!il 1. Hulraa, Pew 12 2. HoHmann, William elux

B. Grama, Mlchlel etux B 9. Schsuman, Jamel 6 .s.f.CI!..O..!t 1. Saf1ert, Kenneth 10 .s..E.CII..O..! 1. Zleg, Jeeae etux 10 2. WUrtzberger, Charles

etux 16 lli!Il!!Ul 1. Wilfahrt, Eugene 13 lli!lll!ill 1. Maurar, Eugene 14 2. Berenek Trust, Thomas

etal 7 3. FIscher, John etux 5 illI!lI!J.ll 1. Sigettown LLC 10 2. Wittscheck, Leeler 10 3. Beeemer. Terry 10 4. Guggisberg, Robert 6

5. Mertz, Robert elel B 6. Domeier, Gary etux 6 7. Hillesheim, Roneld Ii B. Schroep1er, Gerald etux

6 ~ 1. Lendt, Jamel etux 9 2. Bottln, Brien 7 3. Johns, Carl 11 4. GUggllberg, Mark etux

13 SEeTle", 211 1. Stadick, Kyle 10 2. Schneider, Brian etux

10 SECTION 21 1. Schneider, Bmdl8)' 10 SECTION ?2 1. Sigel Athletic Assn Inc

7 lli!Ill!ill 1. Schuur, Duene 9 !lliIlII!Zl 1. Forstner, David otux 5 2. Forstner, DaVid 15 3. Teuer, Eugene etux 5


~ 4 . ,. Schneider, Deen etux 9 S.

Forstner, Lee 11 Hotm, Charles elux B Portner J r, George etuJ: 23

~ B. 1. Klnleaon, William Ii .illill!I!1II 1. Schnalder, Perry atux

11 2. Stadtherr, Robert 10 lliIIl!Iil1 1. Domeier, Antttony etux

10 ~ 1. DIetz, John 10 illIIlIILU 1. Schneider, Daen elux ,. 2. Holm, Cn!.lg 7 illI!lI!I.1i 1. Schneider, Jlrftery 12 2. Flor, Alan 10 3. Haale, Michael et\Jx 10 SECDQN asH 1. Aschar, Joagph 12 2. Forstner, Mlch1lel etux

12 3. Ulrich, Ted etlll 11

7. Portner, Brandon etulI

" SfCDQ" as! 1. UlriCh, Daryl otux 10 SfCDQ" 36M 1. Seidl, MldtMI eluJ: 17 2. Schttte" Angela 5 3. Boetter, Troy etux 5 4. Wlge" Merk atux 12 S. Teuer, George etal 5 6. Koop, Anne elll! 5 7. Ulrich, Thomas Btux 37 B. Portner, Brandon etal ,.

Call Out
Subject property

1003 1002 1004













































































































999 1000











































Topographical MapMikkelson Fee ProposalSigel Township (109-31)

Section 34, SW 1/4Brown County, MN

LegendTract boundary

1_ft contourµ

0 0.075 0.150.0375Miles






Jackson Faribault Freeborn




")11T109-31-32 T109-31-33 T109-31-34

T108-31-5 T108-31-4









USGS Quadrangle MapMikkelson Fee ProposalSigel Township (109-31)

Section 34, SW 1/4Brown County, MNLegend

Tract boundaryµ

0 0.5 10.25Miles






Jackson Faribault Freeborn


RE-Minnesota W.A. Brown County Mikkelson, Gregory

CERTIFICATION OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS In accordance with a Procedural Agreement between the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, dated May 23, 1962, and subsequently amended, certification by the County Board of Commissioners for acquisition of lands by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is requested. Representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service met with the Board of Commissioners of Brown County, State of Minnesota, on February 2, 2021, and informed the Commissioners that an Agreement for the Purchase of Lands has been secured from Gregory and Ericka Mikkelson on the following described lands: See Exhibit A The County Board of Commissioners considered the above request for acquisition by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Board’s decision is as follows: CERTIFIED FOR ACQUISITION: ________________________________________ Date:_________________________ Chair County Board of Commissioners NOT CERTIFIED FOR ACQUISITION: _______________________________________ Date:_________________________ Chair County Board of Commissioners Reasons:


Mikkelson, Gregory ( )

Brown County Waterfowl Production Area Brown County, Minnesota

S½ of SW¼, Section 34, Township 109, Range 31, Brown County, Minnesota, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following two parcels:

1.Lot A of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 109 North, Range 31, Brown County, Minnesota; and, 2.Commencing at the Southwest corner of Section 34; thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes 53 seconds East bearings based on the Brown County Coordinate System NAD83(07) on the south line of Southwest Quarter, a distance of 1110.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 07 seconds East, a distance of 1200.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes 53 seconds East, a distance of 363.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 07 seconds West, a distance of 1200.00 feet to the south line of the Southwest Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 59 minutes 53 seconds West on said south line, a distance of 363.00 feet to point of beginning, excepting therefrom Lot A of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34.

AND S½ of N½ of SW¼, Section 34, Township 109, Range 31, Brown County, Minnesota. Final legal description to be determined by a survey.


Requested Board Date: February 2, 2020 Flexibility:

Originating Department: Human Resources

Item: PT Payroll Accountant Resignation Presenter: Ruth Schaefer

Estimated Time: 1 minute

Board Action Requested: Accept the resignation of Johanna Larson, Part-Time Payroll Accountant, in the Human Resources Department effective March 2, 2021, and authorize to post the vacancy for a Part-Time Payroll Accountant (up to 29 hours per week) in the Human Resources Department according to policy.

Background: Johanna Larson was hired for this position on September 25, 2019. On January 27, 2021, she gave her resignation. Cc:

Supporting Documents _ _ attached _X_none

Administrator’s Comments:

Board Action: Approved as Requested ________________ Denied ________________ Tabled ________________ Other ________________

Motion Offered By ___________________ Motion Seconded By ___________________ Vote By Acclamation ___________________ Roll Call Vote ___________________ District 1 _______ District 2 _______ District 3 _______ District 4 _______ District 5 _______


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# 9

REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Requested Board Date: 2-2-2021 Originating Department: Highway

Flexibility: Yes Presenter: Wayne Stevens

Estimated Time: #5 minutes Item: Spring Road Restrictions Board Action Requested: Set the spring road restrictions for 2021. Background: Spring road postings usually begin in late February or early March each year. The State gives everyone three days notice before road restrictions begin.

The work done in 2020 improved the strength of the road structure on several road segments. The proposed changes in spring road restrictions are as follows:

CSAH 7 from TH 14 in Cobden to CSAH 31 in Evan to 10 ton CSAH 8 from TH 68 to CSAH 29 to 10 ton CSAH 8 from CSAH 30 to CSAH 10 to 10 ton CSAH 10 from the South County Line to CSAH 20 to 10 ton CSAH 20 from CSAH 16 to CSAH 8 to 10 ton CSAH 21 from the West County Line to CSAH 3 to 10 ton CSAH 22 from CSAH 8 to TH 4 to 10 ton

No other changes are recommended. The Highway Committee discussed these spring road restrictions and agreed to recommend them to the Board.

The 2021 recommended spring road restrictions are shown on the attached map.

Supporting Documents: X attached none Administrator's Comments:

Board Action: Motion offered by

Motion seconded by Approved as Requested Vote by acclamation Denied Roll call vote Tabled District 1 Other District 2

District 3 District 4 District 5


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# 10


Brown County Weight Limits 2021

0 2 4 6 8 10




Interstate Highways

United States Highways

State Highways

GyWXCounty State Aid Highways

County Roads

Township Roads


Lakes and Streams

County Borders

Paved Gravel

Paved Gravel

Mn/DOT District 7 Date: September 25, 2013







SãSã Så Så


































































)o )o


)o)o )o








EyeNew Ulm

























Requested Board Date: 2-2-2021 Originating Department: Highway

Flexibility: Yes Presenter: Wayne Stevens/Andrew Lang

Estimated Time: #10 minutes Item: Highway Department Monthly Update Board Action Requested: Review and comment on update. Background: The Highway Department has been performing winter maintenance, 2021 construction project preparation and future project development.

1. Engineering Projects Update CSAH 13 Concrete Overlay CSAH 13 (Boundary Street) Project CSAH 34 & 35 Projects in Sleepy Eye CSAH 26 (10th South Street) Project in New Ulm Bridge 2110 (Hale Bridge) Project Ditch Work

2. Maintenance Projects Update Snow & Ice Control Hauling & Mixing Salt/Sand Cold Patching Cutting Trees & Brush Equipment Maintenance & Cleanup Miscellaneous Small Projects

3. Questions Supporting Documents: attached X none

Administrator's Comments:

Board Action: Motion offered by

Motion seconded by Approved as Requested Vote by acclamation Denied Roll call vote Tabled District 1 Other District 2

District 3 District 4 District 5


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# 11
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RBA #11 Handout


Requested Board Date: February 2, 2021


Originating Department: Human Resources/Sheriff

Item: FT Deputy Sheriff Presenter: Ruth Schaefer

Estimated Time: 1 minute

Board Action Requested: Withdraw approval for conditional appointment of William Pohlmann as

Full- Time Deputy Sheriff.

Background: This FT Deputy Sheriff position remains vacant; and the County will continue its

recruiting efforts to fill this position.

Cc: Jason Seidl

Steve Depew

Supporting Documents ___ attached _X_none

Administrator’s Comments:

Board Action:

Approved as Requested ________________

Denied ________________

Tabled ________________

Other ________________

Motion Offered By ___________________

Motion Seconded By ___________________

Vote By Acclamation ___________________

Roll Call Vote ___________________

District 1 _______

District 2 _______

District 3 _______

District 4 _______

District 5 _______


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# 12a

January 19, 2021 6

At 9:00 AM, on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, the Board of Brown County Commissioners met in Regular Session in the Law Enforcement Center Training Room of the Brown County Courthouse/Law Enforcement Center located in New Ulm, Minnesota 56073. Commissioners present were David Borchert, Anton Berg, Scott Windschitl, Dean Simonsen, and Jeff Veerkamp along with County Administrator Sam Hansen and County Attorney Charles Hanson (via Zoom). NUCAT staff was present and Media Representative Fritz Busch of the Journal was also present (via Zoom).

Chairman Berg convened the Regular Meeting at 9:00 AM, at which time the printed agenda was accepted along with the following addenda: C-3. Commissioner Veerkamp report on the Area 2 meeting; C-4 . Commissioner Windschitl report on the SCHA meeting, Enterprise North meeting, and Region 9 meeting; C-5. Commissioner Borchert report on Be Evaluation Center personnel meeting, JP Workforce meeting, BC Evaluation general meeting, and the Regional Advisory Committee meeting; C-6. Commissioner Berg report on the Planning and Zoning meeting.

A motion was offered by Commissioner Borchert, and was seconded by Commissioner Veerkamp, to accept the Minutes of 1-5-2021 and authorize pUblication of the Synopsis of same. This motion carried unanimously.

At 9:03 AM, Sheriff Jason Seidl and Chief Deputy Steve Depew met with the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Borchert, and was seconded by Commissioner Simonsen, to accept and order filed the 911 Report for 2020 for the Brown County Sheriffs Department. This motion carried unanimously.

A motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and was seconded by Commissioner Windschitl, to accept and order filed the December 2020 Monthly Report of Activity for the Brown County Sheriffs Department. This motion carried unanimously.

At 9:08 AM, Auditor/Treasurer Jean Prochniak met with the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Windschitl, and was seconded hy Commissioner Simonsen, to authorize payment of General Government claims in the amount of$564,497.27 as follows:

Revenue Road and Bridge Park Fund Landfill

$310,842.92 $135,945.41

$7,152.69 $7,906.00

Public Health Human Services Ditch Score

$24,121.26 $55,971.54

$8,485.33 $14,072 .12

In accordance with MS 375.12, the following claims exceeding $2,000 are included in the Fund totals above: Alpha Wireless Communications $2,427.65; Assn Of Mn Counties $20,556.00; Avenue Insights & Analytics $7,722.89; Bolton & Menk Inc $3,679.00; Brown Co, Editorial Assn $5,003.16; Bureau Of Criminal Apprehension $3,060.00; Chosen Valley Testing Inc $3,450.00; Clifton Larson Allen LLP $2,028.60; Consolidated Correctional Foods $11,851.07; Goat Dispatch $2,262.00; I & S Group Inc $7,405.33 ; Journal Inc/The $2,032.62; Liberty Tire Recycling LLC $12,684.99; Mn Co Attorneys Assn $4,135.00; Mn Counties Intergovernmental Trust $371,706.00; Mn Elevator Inc $15,517.80; Mn Sheriffs Association $8, Il1.l6; Mn Transportation Alliance $2,290.00; MnCCC Mi 33 $31,684.15; Prairie Lakes Juvenile Detention Center $2,214.00; Ron's Recycling $5,055.00; RTVision Inc $2,050.00; Southern Mn Initiative Foundation $3,000.00; Texas Refinery Corp $2,723.70; Tyler Technologies Inc $3,400.00; Us Highway 14 Partnership $2,000.00. 89 Payments Less Than $2,000.00 $26,447 .15; Final Totai: $564,497.27. This motion carried unanimously.

At 9:09 AM, Assistant Engineer Andrew Lang met with the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and was seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve the following drainage ditch re . d h f . d . ~ 11 ~u,,~ an t 'paym'nt 0 sa. repaIrs as 0 ows:

Repair S. stem Repair # Order Twp Section Type Percentage Cost

i 1009 B BE 20-189 I Clean Out 95 $23,660.94

I 1------

CD58 20-158 " Cottonwood 31 Beaver Dam 100 $90.00 "-

I CD63 20-153 2 Linden 17 Beaver Dam 100 $130.00

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January 19,2021 7

CD68 20-167 I 1 Sigel I 22 Trees I 100 $1,875.00

•. JDIOB BE 20-164 3 Linden 4 Beaver Dam 100 $90.00

CD13 19-184 2 I HOIne 17 I Slough 100 $1,545.00

JD05 B W 20-032 3 ! Albin 25 ~eplacement 100 $11,987.81

JDIO B BE 20-175 2 Lake Hanska II Beaver Dam 100 $90.00

JDIO B BE 20-178 3 Lake Hanska 24 Beaver Dam 100 $50.00

JD35 R B 20-168 I North Star 2 Trees 100 $600.00

JD36 R B 20-188 1 Leavenworth i 6 Slough, Tile

Outlet •

100 , ., .50 This motion carned unanimously.

At 9: 15 AM, Wayne Stevens joined the A motion was offered by Commissioner and was seconded by Commissioner to set the bid date for seal coat oil for 2021 for 2-17-2021 at 10:00 AM at the Department Office. This motion carried unanimously.

At 9: 16 AM, Public Health Director Karen Moritz met with the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner and was seconded Commissioner Veerkamp, to accept and order filed the COVID-19 This motion carried unanimously.

At 9:52 AM, Correspondence C-3 was ;:'('('PT,tpi1 and filed. C-3. Commissioner Veerkamp rpnortf't1 on the Area 2 meeting.

At 10:00 AM, Assistant Zoning Administrator Robert Santaella presented the Planning Commission recommendations of 1-12-2021. A motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and was seconded by Commissioner Veerkamp, to approve Conditional Use Pennit Application APP-C-0120 by Loran Sellner on property owned by Loran & Heidi Sellner described as the S Y:z of the SE Y4 , and in Govenunent Lots 5 and 6,Section 13, Township 109 North, Range 32 West, Stark Township, Brown COWlty, Minnesota. Application is to renew an existing Conditional Use Permit to continue to allow use of a 125' X 240' X 12' deep earthen dairy waste holding basin and a 40' X 120' X 6' deep earthen daily waste holding basin in a operation with up to AU, all located in the A-I Agricultmal Protection Zoning District, with the following conditions:

I. The feedlot operator must comply with MPCA standars and regulations feedlot facility construction and operation, including application of manure at the facility to cropland at rates which do not exceed the recommended crop nutrient requirements.

2. Liquid manure applied to fann fields must be injected into soil, may be spread on fields with mcon:)on~tJ(m into the when within 12 hours of The Brown CountyPlanning

Office will be infonned of any manure by the owner in emergency

3. of liquid amnure shall not exceed two (2) timer per year. The County & shall be informed prior to any field application of liquid manure in an would reuire application in excess of two (2) time per year.

4. Manure application soil· and manure analysis shall be retained on file for a period of at least three (3) years and shall be available to the Planning & Office upon

5. the tile line the earthen animal waste the feedlot·r"t/w

must: A. Perfonn tile waste once per year (between May I-I Provide a copy of water

analysis to Planning & Office for attachment to CUP record. B. Operator must retain certified lab at his expense to obtain water sample and to perfonn

C. water for: I) Ammonia nitrogen 2) TKN Total KjeJdahl Nitrogen

O. Perfoml tile water to basn used for waste storage. E. Take tile water sample from the tile line access port between basin ans connection to other tile


January 19,2021 8

6. of ownership of this site, at any time, the new owner must contact the County all necessary information to update CUP file. CFO contact must be made

within 30 of official property transfer. 7. C-00233 is null & void.

This motion carried on a roll call vote of 5-0.

A motion was offered by Commissioner Windschitl, and was seconded by Commissioner to approve Preliminary Plat Application APP-P-0075 by Wayne Augustin on the property owned by Bernice Augustin know as Augustin Farms (5.00 Acres) on the property described as the NW \/4 of the NE \/4 and E Y2 the NW EXC S 200' & W 130' of the NW \/4 of the NE \/4, Section 30, Township 109 North, Range 32 West, all in Stark Brown County, Minnesota. Application is to split site from tillable land, ail located in the A-l Protection District. This motion carried on a roll call vote of 5-0.

Commissioner and was seconded by Commissioner n"vu,.y,,~U APP-P-0076 by Scott Vogel on the owned Marie

Seventh Subdivision on the property described as the NW North, 34 all in Burnstown Brown Minnesota. from tiled all located in the A-I carried on a roll call vote of 5-0.

A motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and was seconded Commissioner to approve Preliminary Plat APP-P-0077 by Richard Trebesch on the owned Lee Sellner known as Trebesch Bin Site Subdivision (5.74 Acres) on the property described as the NW \/4 of the NW \/4 Section 3 Township 109 33 West, all in Leavenworth Township, Brown Minnesota. Application is to split off land from tiled ground for a bin site, all located in the A-I Protection Zoning District. This motion carried on a roll call vote of 5-0.

A motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and was seconded by Commissioner Borchert, to approve the GEl dated 1-6-2021 for assistance as needed in the of the 2020 Brown County Sanitary Landfill Annual and continued 2020 Environmental Monitoring support as required by Minnesota Pollution Control along with the Groundwater Database This motion carried unanimously.

At 10: 14 Assessor Anne Grunert and Deputy Assessor Diane Dunn met with the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Borchert, and seconded by Commissioner to set the date for County Board of Review for 6-21-2021 at 7:00 PM and to continue the Board of Review meeting on

6-22-2021 at I :00 PM This motion carried

At 10: 16 AM, Assessor Anne Grunert and Property Tax Resa Harris met with the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and seconded Commissioner to accept and ordered filed the update of the Tyler conversion for tax and CAMA programs. This motion carried unanimously.

At 10:23 AM, HR Director Ruth Schaefer met with the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner and was seconded by Commissioner Windschitl, to the of Kathryn Nietfeld, FT in the Sheriff's Office effective 1-21-2021, and authorize to the vacancy for a FT Dispatcher

according to policy and union contract. TIlis motion carried unanimously.

A motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and was seconded by Commissioner Borchert, to accept the of Losinski as Intermittent Part Time Deputy Sherif£'Court effective 1-6-2021 and

for a vacant Intermittent Part Time Deputy Sheriff/Court according to policy. This

January 19,2021 9

A motion was offered by Commissioner Windschitl, and was seconded by Commissioner Borchert, to approve the employment status change of Heartland Express Bus Driver Steve Messerli from Part-Time (10-20 hours per week) to Intermittent Part-Time effective 1-19-2021. This motion carried unanimously.

A motion was offered by Commissioner Borchert, and was seconded by Commissioner Berg, to accept the resignation of Brian Smith, Human Services Adult Mental Health Social Worker, effective 2-28-2021, and authorize to post a vacancy for a FT Adult Mental Health Social Worker according to policy. This motion carried unanimously

At 10:28 AM, County Administrator Sam Hansen presented an item to the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Veerkamp, and was seconded by Commissioner Windschitl, to approve the Brown County COVID-19 Business and Nonprofit State Assistance Grant Eligibility and Program Guidelines as presented . This motion carried unanimously.

At 10:39 AM, Correspondence C-I thru C-2 and C-4 thru C-6 were accepted and filed . C-4. Commissioner Windschitl reported on the SCHA meeting, Enterprise North meeting, and Region 9 meeting; C-5. Commissioner Borchert reported on BC Evaluation Center personnel meeting, lP Workforce meeting, BC Evaluation general meeting, and the Regional Advisory Committee meeting; C-6. Commissioner Berg reported on the Planning and Zoning meeting.

At II : II AM, Calendars were coordinated for the next two week period.

At II : 16 AM, Human Services Director Barb Dietz met with the County Board. A motion was offered by Commissioner Windschitl, and was seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve payment of Human Services administrative claims in the amount of $317,367.63. In accordance with MS 375.12 the following claims exceed $2,000: Assn of MN Counties $2,670.00; Brown Co Human Services $11 ,682.13; Confidential Client $5,552.25; Confidential Client $3,837.49; Confidential Client $2,610.00; Healthy Community Healthy Youth Brown Co $3 ,500.00; Mankato Mortuary $4,159.25; MN Human Services $98,137.41 ; MN Valley Funeral Home $5,633 .00; MNCCC MI $5,767.00; Next Chapter Technology Inc $81 ,684.00; Pro Kinship For Kids $3,250.00; Public Utilities Commission $2,810.11; River Bend Education District $20,988.02; Stu .... m Funeral Home $4,502.00; Superior Mobility $2,741.24; One hundred seventy three payments less than $2000 total $57,843 .73 . Final total is $317,367.63. This motion carried unanimously.

At II :22 AM, a motion was offered by Commissioner Veerkamp, and was seconded by Commissioner Simonsen, to convene into closed session to consider Social Service Payments. This motion carried unanimously.

A motion was offered by Commissioner Windschitl, and was seconded by Commissioner Borchert, to authorize the payment of Social Services payments in the amount of $202,052.31. This motion carried unanimously. In accordance with MS 375.12 the following claims exceed $2,000: Brown County Evaluation Center $6,049.41; Dept. of Human Services AR Unit $6,774.00; DHS - Anoka Metro RTC $43,276.00; DHS MNSOP $4,264.05; DHS St. Peter RTC - 472 $12,700.70; Forensic Nursing Home $2,638.10; GehringlEmily or Joseph $2,572.86; Confidential $3,040.13; Greater MN Family Services $6,630.00; Lutheran Social Services of MN $5,822.95; MBW Company SILS Program $2,646.65; McCrossan Boys Ranch $4,319.82; MRCI Inc. $7,800.10; Nexus­Mille Lacs Family Healing $9,358.00; North Homes Inc. $5,415 .34; Prairie Lakes Youth Programs $23,020.50; RieslDeana $2,440.94; Second Chances $8,120.00; Showalter/Brandon & Sarahi $2,070.88; Sioux Trails Mental Health Center $4,025.14; Spurgin/Gerane $4,107.43; The Loft/Life House Inc. $6,028.23; Village Ranch Inc. $5,650.18; 27 payments less than $2,000 total $23,280.90; Final Total $202,052.31.

At II :41 AM, a motion was offered by Commissioner Simonsen, and was seconded by Commissioner Veerkamp, to cease the closed session and reconvene the open session. This motion carried unanimously.

January 19,2021 10

There being no further business, Chainnan Berg declared the Meeting adjourned at II:

ATTEST: ..-::2/ ~~.-~ Sam Hansen Brown County Administrator Brown County, Minnesota

.. Al}ton Berg Chair Board of Brown CountY Commi ioners

Brown County, Mjnnesota

This page intentionally left blank

Brown County Highway Department 1901 North Jefferson Street New Ulm, MN 56073

Phone (507) 233-5700 Fax (507) 354-6857

Highway Committee Meeting Minutes January 19, 2021

Tony Berg, Fred Gareis, Sam Hansen, Andrew Lang, Wayne Stevens and Scott Windschitl were present.

1. No Engine Breaking Signs Sam and Wayne reviewed a meeting with the County Sheriff and County Attorney on this issue. A city ordinance was reviewed. The difficulty in enforcement was also discussed. Another request for the signs and the potential for additional requests were mentioned. It was reminded that the requester wanted to come to the Board meeting to discuss this issue. Possible options were suggested. Should the requester pay for the sign and/or the installation? Who pays for the maintenance /replacement of the sign if it gets hit or damaged?

After considerable discussion it was agreed for Sam and Wayne to bring this item to the Board with possible options for consideration and invite the requester.

2. Covid 19 Snowplowing The possibility of a number of maintenance workers out at the same time because of Covid 19 was examined. The possibility of asking retired maintenance workers to return to plow snow was suggested. Sam, Ruth and Wayne debated what an hourly rate would be if they did return to plow snow. It was suggested that the top step of the Maintenance Worker III rate would be best to entice them out of retirement. It was reviewed that no benefits would be paid and these people would be highly experienced.

The Highway Committee recommended Sam and Wayne bring this item to the Board for consideration. 3. 2021 Equipment A skid steer pickup broom, survey truck and trailer are on the 2021 budget equipment list. It was requested that the Highway Department be allowed to get quotes for these three items and bring them to the Board for consideration. The Highway Committee agreed to have quotes brought to the Board for consideration.

It was also mentioned that tandem trucks are 6 months out and the equipment is more than 6 months out. It would take more than one year to get a new snowplow truck. There would be a snowplow truck considered for 2022 based on normal trade in timing. Future large equipment needs were reviewed. Since the mileage probably won’t be that high on the tandem due to be traded it was recommended to consider replacing a motorgrader that has concerns in 2022.

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4. Spring Load Restrictions A map of the recommended spring load restriction was reviewed. With the 2020 construction seven road segments can be upgraded to a 10 ton rating based on the traffic that they carry. The road segments are as follows:

• CSAH 7 from TH 14 in Cobden to CSAH 31 in Evan • CSAH 8 from TH 68 to CSAH 29 • CSAH 8 from CSAH 30 to CSAH 10 • CSAH 10 from the South County Line to CSAH 20 • CSAH 20 from CSAH 16 to CSAH 8 • CSAH 21 from the West County Line to CSAH 3 • CSAH 22 from CSAH 8 to TH 4

The Highway Committee recommended bringing this item to the Board for consideration. 5. Monarch Update The US Fish & Wildlife decided that the listing of the Monarch Butterfly was warranted but since they did not have sufficient staff other priorities were higher and they will not list the Monarch at this time. There will be an update to the County Engineers in February. Templates are being developed for counties to follow if they want to join the Monarch CCAA in the future. The US Fish & Wildlife will review this issue in the future. 6. Stately Township LRIP Projects Stately Township has requested help on applying for LRIP funds for a culvert replacement project and two flood mitigation projects. The County would need to sponsor these projects. The Highway Committee agreed that the Highway Department should help the Township as time allows since this year is very full with the projects scheduled. 7. Miscellaneous Stark Township has requested help on applying for LRIP funds for the realignment of 220th Street. This road runs between the County’s Alfred’s and Wolford gravel pits and by the Hoffmann Demolition site. The road is being threatened by erosion along the Cottonwood River. The County would need to sponsor this project. The Highway Committee agreed that the Highway Department should help the Township as time allows since this year is very full with the projects scheduled.

Wayne Stevens Brown County Engineer

January 22, 2021

Sam Hansen

Brown County

14 State St S

New Ulm, IVIN 56073


a campaign for southern Minnesota


Dear Mr . Hansen and County Board,

Vibrant communities are where entrepreneurs launch and grow their businesses, children are prepared for

their future and communities build the resources and networks needed to susta in their quality of life.

Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF) invests in communities through its Affiliate

Fund program which consists of over 80 donor supported funds that grant dollars to local


The St. Charles Area Community Foundation (SCACF) was established in 2015 and is one

of 30 community foundations that SMIF supports. Community Foundations

empower residents to make change by investing in their community and

addressing their unique needs.

" The foundation opened up the opportunity for residents of not only st. Charles , but the surrounding area, an alternative way to support a program or project. We connect people with resources that eventually help to foster the ir ideas into reality."

- Nick Koverman , St. Charles Area Community Foundation

St. Charles community members saw the need for a community gathering space and with the support of SCACF, they created the "Green Space Initiative" utilizing vacant land behind City Hall to create a town square. The community foundation raised dollars to support this effort and secured a matching grant from SMIF. The green space is now being used fo r events and progra ms that bring the community together.

Thank you for your gift of $3,000 to SMIF's General Endowment Fund! This fund aLLows SMIF to support and sustain our overaLL work and invest in our communities through programs like our Affiliate

Funds. You are making a difference in southern Minnesota!

~A---­~e: President & CEO

cc: Carisa Buegler, Board Member

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