BROOKLYN ITEMS. L. · ThehoacnooutUniecveral fatni'ie*. Tie arenaS etery la ceeapted by ea a*-d...

" Uveut Tom*« Cabin" m again brought oat tt£ fw Harum.l Twravr* wnh Little Oeaor.tu Howiaa lVaat a renh there will be To-Misht. jAcreorÜiinaat ) Boots awt» Rhokh-. ExEct-roR's Sale to .. »» IrraTt.-A large lot of Calf aad Patent UsBhw Ta >»a Si0>rro< *ty>e* uf Fatejat Loathe* äiiot» will ha a-V. aaath below aaat, i%: Um month of Jane, at Ni a**'* [Ad i »nieia*.!. { Little Cordeiia Howard, with h«r parent*. ¦t. and Mra O. C. Howard are to appear To-Nlfcur «a4 tab werk at the Xatwral Thbatkb to das great. " Ubclr leaari Cabir." _ lA4faanaaaaaeat| Ooodwiw «*t Cort, No. ä>8 Water-si, aar« faaOreced a aaJqna Rvmmbb Raecc, intended iwerlaiiy for awtaata funlrW. lu keenly of deeign, tomaaet. fcrm, many ewBeary c»b'r n>et»cee, and aatail aval, eoxatatrtd it aa tha rone* mmfal at>4 raon< tr.toal Range «tot doTiaaal far '-he oomfort end a««aaae«;«ra dorreg 'ha Baaaaaaer aeaaoa. Adverti i.'. That charming child, little C«3ROEr.i\ Howarp, tote af paar to ociit and »Utk* we«k at the favorite. NanoMai, Ta»ataa,aa the g/.-at Cacti Tom* Cabot. I Advertieenaent. J Pi A IN AKD DroORATI» K P.ajper-TrT AROlNfiS..- ""aatt k HtaMtaaaacn. Maaooirtorera and Importer.. No. BBS bieadwaj. belween beooard and F'ankl-.o-ete invit* et- anntlent* noaetvc atoek, wbtrk U uo«an>aee'.d by any hi acta eoeantiy. FaiUifnl and ereomplaabed workmen *eat >o B| part of tka ait j or cematrv at abort aotice, and the* work a [Advertisement-] .* TJBTI.K Tom'h Cabin," with Little Contiri.M BewiiD aad Iba Howard Familv To Night and a iai« week .else on Satvboat A» Pirdy'* Natioral Taa.Taa. (Advrrtiaetuaat.) Blake'n Patent Fire-Proof Pitst, No. 119 Eeerl at.Bee and. r bead of feinte. BROOKLYN ITEMS. 8brjoos Arprat.An affray of a serious nature areaaiad t> a aoaae earner of Tillary änd Jey-et*. y teterdey ai BaevmtBB. which it u f ared may reau t in eeri ma eojeeqwjncee Be east ad the pert<ee. The hoacn ooutUni ecveral fatni'ie*. T ie arenaS etery la ceeapted by ea a*-d woman earn -d Kri.laet MeXfroy aad the low*r Boor by the fem Iy of 11onry (iroae. 1 he noaiJOU ware frequent bet wen the wo ftmillee, and v «trrrUy lire, Mcavbvy. erandtaf at the bead of the ataira. nude e«eof aeane lei guage to tha wife of (Iroae down etair* which iin u -Ji- ate>« Btadara eqaarrel between tlicio. The hi «band effM «. o-e ibn rfe. int. if !a alieied. took a dab tr.i etrn-k Me. MeFhaj apoa the head, hanking a danremus won rl. Mr*. BlcKlroy'* mo, a »mall boy, came to her aid wiiii en at, hat di 1 etat *arce«d in ikflci ing any laiarlea,tha wapon being 'ak a baa* Inaa. tiaTteere Andrew* aad Hyde of ike Fir.t !>i«mot I'o- Baa hsaag eitreeied by the noiae went In and *rrett»d i>ro< and hla wife, who ware tokra before .Itutire Rtn th and ro nmi'ied So Jail to await the reealt of the injurloe inflicted. Washim.tos Park..Washington Park in begin- Dtrg to e*a«ma as agreeable «rpeot The »nun.!» are being hwehid acd the walk* are rooetiy araded. Tree* hard been eat eat ia the bigbta end pltnted elona the "lope toward DckaJhav., 1 this aide already pieeeuf* * fine appearane«. Workman are the email mound* and leveling the plot and Cant'>n-*t.; aud from the muiner i he pert .riue the whole Park will be aaady Brr the pablic tue by neat Hammer at the fartheat, pro- aiSrt.g the epproprlation I* not exhaoaied In the mean time. mwmi tiur airrio; pirm aaaaageat aa aaovii g the i irfica ac* Styrt r-av. and She werk aow "ere ma to be BtraoLsnr..On W'ednosday morning about 4 o'clock the grvery cf Sir. Clepp corner erf rkro'h Flrat and Taoth-*t*., araa feloniouely entered. The harglei wa* eog eed ranMrking She aaoney dr» wer whi n th» rlerk awoke and attempted to ar- reat the talaf, bat he aueeeaded In effecting In- eacape. Taa Courts..Ttie Court of Over and Terminer eaBaaaawaeed yeeterday mom ng before Jndgo Rockwell and Jostles* Hiryker end Emmona, fir Iba parpoae of ree iviug 'he peatiatment of the Grand Jury, now in »ee.ion. hut t'u'. body aas baUt ready to report, tha Court edjonrncd natii neat Moa- *»7- _____________ NE W-JEIiSEY ITEMS. Militauv Visit..Is previously announood, tho sVsw-Baven Blues, < apt. Bristol, arriveii in tho New- Haven boat yesterday morning, on their visit to Ho- bsken. The Highwood Guard, Cspt Hatrleld, of Hoboken, whose guests the Blues are, were at Pock- B*ip, New-York, at P o'clock, and received the Blues with a military welcome. The Blues number forty- two muskets, and altogether arc over fifty stroug. Ao- axtnipanying them are Genoral Holenbock, M^jor Hansfield, Colonel Arnold, and Captain Bissel, of New- Haven. The Highwood Guard mustered U muskets. The Companies marched through Poerl-et. and the Bowery to Bond ft.; through Bond-et.t Broadway aud Canal si. to the Ferry to Hoboken, over «7Il'oh tbey nrotscd and were received with a salute of 13 gnus. Tb*v were then reviewed bv hi* Houor Major Cliok- atesr, upon the greeu in front of the Mayor's residence, after which they marched to Odd-Fellows' Hsll, where they partook of an excellent collation. Toasts were given and responses were mode by several geutlcmen present. Capt. Hat bold in a few complimentary re¬ marks proposed the health of an honorary member of the llkhwood Guard.Mr. Clickener, the first Mayor of Hoboken. This was ceived with oheers. Mayor Clickener in responding cordially welcomed the Bines to the City of Hoboken. He said that, It being a touthful oi y, I.o could not invite their insuec tiob of those public buildings aud institutions which ka the course of years spring into existence in cities To the naiarsl as well as the artificial licautie* of the atty, however, he could refer wi'h pride, lb- would atom t their steps through the lino streets, the quiet ax.d beautiful walks aud the shady grovea of the oity, or he would turn their attention to the noble river on ore side of them and to the mairnificeut eceoery of Weehawken on the other; to the famous Eiysiau Fir-Ida above the city; or to the bay itnniodiiitcly be¬ low ii, upon whi. h floats the fleet of beautiful >aehte. Be bored that tbey would enjoy themselves while SB their visit while they remained and haveooce- long to remember the event Col. bhsler of the First ltegiment of the Hiuison Biiajsrie, Col. Arnold of the Second sWhnent of the Bat ond Bri*tade of the Conueoticut Milb ia, Copt Hria- ÄCorporal Crane, Mr. S. H. Jeaaup and others were rd out at.d respouded to toasts. TLia ei.teitaiutnent passed off with much hilarity. Bad when it was concluded the companies parades! through the principal streets of Ho!>okon, stopping at their headquarter a, the Atlantic Hotel. Iu the evening Hey viaitad Burtou'a Theau-r. To day tlioy will visit Brooklyn, accompanied by ÜioHighwood tlnarel', aud seiwrn home iu the oveuing. LA W INTELLIGENCE oi1cuit COUBT-Jinta 15-Brfjre Jndge Roo«r.vrtT. suits roH ItSI HAM 1 . Harper 4 Breakere *gt, The Poaghkecpeio Intnrauce Co. Tn recover on a poucy of f. ,e o ou enuablialuueut of ¦SafariS* Jadgnient tor a^autlS«, principal and interact. mib- Jaat io aadaiua of toon. Birallac euile ageinei the National Pro aQBrfaa aad tho KD.pire State lnaoranca Companiea were di«- l el ka a stadial manner B SriT os M a I! I \ f ISSCRAItCS. Depey«ter * Whitniareli agt. The S m Mataal Ins Co. That case was first commenced in November, 1 -11 Baaarly twelve yeare tgo.) I U to rrrovet abjnt OI1.000 inear- aae* vn tha eaigo of tha brig Alfred Hauiaiond, ronaiatln* of Taedr. and auet-eline. from the >panlih Main to New-York. Ta* vreiel iseruag e leak and pat into Havana, a aortioa ef tha eaigo katiig j.n < been throwu orerboara, aud the bvl- whack was ia a deaal||irt atate, aold et Havana, and rbe eaSe at prvpnated fur tepaire to the vieeal, aad a total loae elaejeedfar. Cm the pen of plaiailfe it wee coatended akat Waa hldra anet aku.» had become eo mack ii.jured by the ection of tha tali-water mat they were oCeneive to the eenare aud dan naroae ta life, aad coaid not be bionght to New-York with aa*rty io tha U>ae of the paeeeatere aad craw, and that See QB*i iiiaa had already died ju board troai the effect of the bad air Ortaiaa fn so tbe hidea. Tkl», lu defeuae, U denied, it b ut con asea> d that ike hl.'.ee eoald have been brought to Seer-York t wae alto allegtd in dclooa* that there had bees a deviation in "ta w; age. The eaaa was flrat triad at tha old Circuit before Judg Ed _jaaoB tn OeSx ber I8i5, and a aaaaalt ei..<wed. but tha ajoeui. aatavwoid art aalde aud a a-cvud trial bad Jaaa S, tSV», when a aaaSfai wo* rraSrnd tut pleintlffe of *>S,61Ö if. rirejptliee were taken, end la Dt-ceaibri, IRAS the preeeut new trial graat- ed> To be rAMittaned. For KaiuiIff*, ateaere. O.-org- Bowman anal F. B. ( ell tag; fas eUfoudaate, Meear*. Uirau Ketches* and Ogdaa U^ffuan. BCPEBIOB COURT.Jcar 14.Betöre Judge t>Loe«o>. CLAIM as to att achims a VBSSKI . Feirbaak* 0 a .lieooa agt Nvdth Blooioneld and another. ris.ii.tirp are o .¦.chants at Halifax, K. B\ Ihev 4L1 to have held a monjage on the brig Bioomiie;d, of N at. S,. aivca by John O. l>. Wobei an for 0d.»«, beuag for aaoBeva awhg to ibem by *>id MeL and that SSSa bn*. wk'la at Hridgrpori.CvMn., to which aha bad broagtit cargo, w hoottaciimeai at tbe -ui' at Maaara Bljocaaaid ol New To»k. on a eiaini for abou' ö40u agaluat eaid McL. for I ^rdage. dbe., and vrcaagtaily. It b all god, cowered by them F. V. A. hrkg mS to recover ea«i JCO and 0 l.ea*} da-nagee fjr detsn faeej ef the voeeel la dafraee it le dauied that the mjrtgaae wa* baaa ada, Oe. Taatimony waa takea Verdict for plain ¦SB osm H, eebo. et to the opinion of the Cea't F >r p.aiutiff', . ¦.'ckarel S. Emmet; for cefeu..ltn: Ueaara. Cbariee Jonoe and H. B. Bowles. _ «0»t FOR INS "RAvcx. 1* ilB»"_H- age. Iha Ha uil'oei K re Iaaaraace Co. Plaintiff aavs Oi«t Maik Bran kept a ret til drv nsed* rtoie tt No. TH Rowery, which w»* banted v Hh .u eon- twu'ttmiC Jalv li-vt aeKlOJ.SBUworthel' propertv dee»rjyaJ. eatwakheaid ei hrten bad an laaaranra of avS.Ont). indailuc Ska Bt ttS oa tide elaiaa aud that eeld O Boea aeetgn-d to r-laia- SbT, wbo htias* *ait. The Company refaae to jwy oa 'ha grouod Shew theaaamed. Mr. O I>"n. iu vWlatiua ol taa leres.« ef hta aaeUy. ami oat the know. .,»* ol awfendaate.iaaared o SSd Ja»e, ISM. eo adbiuooal BljSSS ei tha St. Ntchola* lo-urance Caaupeay and that u wea an aaceae ef the ve'aa, he. aad that Ska Mil* t la votd. They alao dewy other potata of -he eom- aSaint. It appeared that lh* .t had beaa ua Sre eeaae time liters ss thaasaas window where this oaagM aad eaartawni W>**w aaheaej ta raarard la it wttboat any ailegauou ot fraod. Tha met* af anasefaeatan waa el-jaetael ta, a though Mi. Brady, tor SOS *aM they were ready to aaawer aay ajoeaairaie. eSoa'd a isle atWree be made The are waa oocatoaied to have been lealat T* ha continued. For piaintifl, Meavea. Jamee T Bvaetv aadBarray, Hamphrey k Bauer; let defondenu, Maua eVrmOX COWt-lvn Id-rJessre Jedes ."»»"" Jnl a Munal egt. Jobs rar»*- To recover dams* es for SH^JjJ of LMsMftSJa TWtrr already referred to. v'erdVt feg ptam tiff «M .'4 9mmm\ ß» et>re Judge SLOtt©». J. k R M»lh*nk * Co. age Alex. Denm-toon *- '<). Bv i>'. w Yurk firm a+re» ist a housei at .TTT." i__ -r.r« unaMe to agree and wre r*** ; »Wt *14W«J. ^ fVTfTtT OF COMMO!* FLEdi.Jvev. 14~l»eBw» Jedge Daly. -I IT TOR ALlEOKI) EVICTIOJI. fclomou Werdell «od leaeal M. P*a*o *4l- Joho, aW.Jvan, I laintifJ* allege that tbey hir«-l from lot If vch. 1 "S4 to l»l Mat. I85Ö aportmn of premises No. öl Eli*v»beth-eL. »od ¦ <iv*d in with 'he aeceisary reakv, he. of thetr rxcupiticn. btin* in the **I'Itjc or peiktsg bu*h»e*»; hot the d»f-nde. it wilt oat etvae eoos »fterwsid .rieled r±' m end p w,*\ tueir .tr»licr, Sor plods mo. for defendant, Mr. F. "myth. UNITED eTATES < IBCLIT COURT-Jcts: 14-Botor* Judge Ntuot, i¦> .. on APFF.AL. Frarei* Vn«e and other* igt fbe Ownert of the bark Majestic. Plaintiffs sued to recover they value of about 50 tune rig Iron, belog part of sqnatiity which had been laa-ie-l tr n the Maj»» ir (Iron Belfast)on 3 pier a- Iba North BiTor. bat lost cv. in» to the .ink.1 s of the pier. The captain bad been nrified Itra or three nun* by tl.e A slatant Dockmaster 'btl there ditger in placing to ran h iron u he did m 'be pier, bet he e <n- timed laidror it and abtni: 159 tuns bed been plveel on th- pi -r. v. Li n its weight censed the pier o tlv- way and the iron tu thn wn int., the water, and «>ma 5" tan*, as «Idn-.Jfir h-re, en H -*-ly bast. Juelge Intersol; in the D**tV*BtOo*JT*, cuoai brrea that . ; i. g the iron w»« not sa.-h a deliver; as wa* rilled fir by * MM of laoltg, and entered I decree for libe ant w th a re1"- eiaoc* to ascertain amount- Appeal was made to this Court. Drerre tfitined UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT.Jtrat U-Before Jadg* Betts. rilARf. s: op cointerkf.itiko. A young man name'! .lohn O Donnell was trie, 1 on tn Im l<im»nt for tr.abing connierfeit cdn in th- slra ltodt of /m<rii*u «,u rter dollar* ll" wa* arrested at the tarn- tine that a venmg man named *\ illlams teonvicted a few days «nrei was. The coin f..und 1 ein« very poor linila, tie Jury did i>ot consider the edn to be In the slmi i n to ef Americui qnar- tete, and lelnmed a verdict of N««t OoJty, and he wasdisebsrged. Mr. tipenoer appeared in his d> feu»>. iv claim ai to tr.lZED c->ods. f)rernway St Co. agt 1'be Bark Oriffin. I'laintiff daims to have ahipj>e«l 011 bo >r l the hark a large jutntiry of ftoo: and that they were aeir.'.d by the Cos- t i. House at Rio Jaueito, tbningh the a g ig»nce (.f the partie* on boarr net en'eting them on the manliest, a though 'he reqnl*- h>* of the )»w were in other r< spec's aaamBea wl'B. The ( resent mil i* to recover *>5.0Pej. Tho claim is d^ii-d. Ar- foment was presented. Me--:«. Week* and Oe Kore-t i->r iL* laut*, and .Meesrs. Howiand. Chase and dtoighton tm da- fense. COi-RT OK CF.NERAL SESSIONS.Jcvt 14 Before Jndge ^Tt'aat. John Smith, alias Win. Jarres < :r i- - indietei] for tnrglaiyin the first regree. pleaded guilty to burglary Is the third degree, In bating foreiby entered the room et Chaa Bats- ford at the Etgle Hotel, comer of Frankfort and William-tt*., with lrtrnt to steal, and wa* aentenced to three years'confine¬ ment in 'be State Ptisoa. John Brown, indieted for bnrclarv in the f}-*t rle- gree was eoavieted of grand lareeay.lo laving ttatsaa let i f valuable prtperly from the house of MamL ISea* of No. 19 Dttane st. 1 lie Court seUeuceu him to two year*' confinement In ibe State Pii*od. , Mary lywia, convicted of a felonions assault and battery, In ha.iig «tabbed Mrs. Mary fjal agher of Doane-ie. with a knife In the wrist and Inflicting upon her a mterecat, was sentenced to two year*' confinetnentin the ei'ate Pri*oo. Win. llalleu was trietl and acquitted of bur/lary In the fiist degree, in having burg'trionily entered the h rase of EligaUth haker ot No. 17 ATeuue A on tbe 2id alt. 11 was therefore discharged. L*?oj old Williams and John Van Gestel were tried rnd srqnltted of gtaad larceny, in having, it was alleged, felo- Morsly >Iol»n two pieces of silk, rained at *>S". fiom the store of W streu N. Herrick of No*. ^1 and J3 Btrnsvit. Tho ac¬ cused wir» diacbaiged. Tbe Court then adjonrnetL 'COURT CALENDAR-Tiih Dav. SUPIRIOB Court.Nos. 1,495, I4A, 98, 395, 8«6J, 1' 17, 1024. irifi, 1C0M, 348, S00, 3«. 108, 1029, 1002. 'OA, 191, »97.8,0,3,711, «M.W1, 691, S30, W7, 795, Bot, 26V>, 17S3, 940, S4I, 214. 15. .'141.1*. &22, 169, 388, 11, 235,184, 9, bl>, 900, 170 832, 581. Common 1'i.eas.Part I..Nos. 9r>o to tad, »H7 to ".¦i n to 964 , 740. Part II..Nue. 819, 850, 983 to »72, 975 to 970. Circuit Coi rt.Port I..Xos. 5n, 3«, S3, 95, I2fl to 136. Part II..So*. 1476,1479,1521, 1537, 15j8, I5J9, 101,743,750, 942. 1(81', l.'.i. |.'»». 1287, 12>8. Uf.». 13G2, \iC. lfH, liSd, U(o, iM,eu U. 8. District Court..Nos. 17, 20 to 08. Brooki.T« Circi it Cot kt Calendar, for This Day, June 15.-No*. 86, 91, 9i,98, »t 95 96,97,90,99, 100,101, l«2j 1*3, 1C4. 10A. 108, 107, ICS. 119 and 110. Brooklyn City Court Calendar, for This Day, J sue 15. -Nos. 45,17,28. 9 and 12. MAKIUKI). BPLtir.v.Moonv.On Wedneaday, Jone 13, at the resident* ff lho* VV, tarpenter, H*q.,in Rye, We* ehester County,by tbe Rev. 8. II i on.-.D. D-,1' C. Bl'lklev of Brooklyn, to Mirs Msav Mount of New floe!.."!!a. EaSLS.<NtLLia.On Thursday, Jane 14, at the residence of the bride, by the Bcv. E. H. Cbapin, Elisa C, eaotbter of h. 0. Nt-iiis, Esq., of Ntw-loik, to Aasotp Es6LE,£sq. of Mu-fTepi.rt, L*. Ni « < n leans, Madison and Montgomery paper* ptaase eopv. Sliltris.bEttisa.On Wednesday. June 13, by'.he Rev. J. Morris Prase, Hamuel E. laWTSS to Sabah 11., caagbter of Auiusins r. herrian, all of this city. L< V.Kes bis.On Thursday, Jon« 14, at Trinity the Ri v. S. h Wrston, J. Calvin L*r to Mr*. Elieabsth E. Keibis, all ef this city. Philadelphia, on 4lh d*y, the 13th u.»t.. according to the oidcr ot tbe Society of Friends, at the reneriee of Jesse W, Newport, Jo**thaw TaavioLs of Wrstrbestei, Penn., to Mabtha E. Newsobt of Pbiiadel- rbia. Wfe»u he*ter papers please copy. ToLLis. HiJNTisuTos.At Ouondaga Village, N. Y., on Tbnrs. dav morning June 7, by the R< v. Mr. R-.seurranu, RiBtsr I.Toi.Ltsol llu'chki' \ille,Cot>n.,to MsaaicT E. ttuMTiBb- tor-, dsnsh'er of Henrv nun'lngton Esq. of the former place. Thomson.SJmith.Oo U ednacdav, June 13, by the Her. Mt. Buchanan of Pens., J. Em; «*. Thomson of fhlladclphia to LaVtkLa F., dsugtiter of Abijsh Smilh. VrtB1 a.KicHsanso»).On Tnesday. Jon* 12, hy the R-v. J. S. Holme, Mr. Ssmuel Vbbbov to Mabtha A., daughter ot CtpL Edward Kiehsrdaos, all of Brooklyn, Long Island. DIED. Cv tin 11.On Tbnndsy aftornoon, Juna II, John Cvvbbll, agrd 73 year*. HI* relative* «ad tri t.rls are invited to attend tie ftmeral on Saturday at 1 o'clock, from No. 215 W est 2!s -s OtOESBtcB.On Sunday. Jnne 10. N. Oaotitrca of N. J. 11,« remains were interied in ilia C-emaieiv of ma Kverareeo*. No vi s.At Ortskauy, Ouetds County, on Wednaadsy. Jnue IS, Or OKI.» Novr*,tmta*i of Win. Anrtl* Noye*,la tbe 71th year of I I* age. Otiot. In Shrewatury Ma»«.. on We.'m-m'av. June 6, Claba AaTtiltBTTB, oniy elii.d of Wm. H. and Marie A. Onion of New-York, *g*d 10 months. Claba 't was bard from thee to pert, And leave thee in that dreary tomb, We a<ed to clasp thee to the heart, And never even dream of gloom; Our home wss sweet a* borne can be. "1 is gloomy bow, but well with the*. How strangely thoo art tatertwiaed With everything we see be ow And every taoaght that thri Is the mind. Is tinged wi b thee where'er we ge. And ail we do, or keur, or see. Appear* a* if it spoke of thee. The little relic* ibou bast left, No bsed shell scatter or testrov. They 'II be to us, of thee aeref/l, Memento* i f onr day«of>>t, Wbtn we. each moment, used to find New tokens ot the openii g mind 'T was . lino*' morn.with aageiab a rung. U e beat shove thy unking rlay, \\ hi d, lo be bit da of morning sang, And ap tby iphit winged lu way Were tboee sweet bird* tbe ang.-l* given To fly and sing thee into bestes > They tell as, Clara. I' was bett So sweet a union should be riven. For tboa did'al n at e both so bleat, Wc did sot tbhik enongh of Heaven. O! now our guardian angel he Till we are safe in t-aavea with thee. (OMMRtHCIAL MATTERS. UrnXmrn mt the atot Is SCaehaaswa Jcne 14 ,f0f Indiana Mute .**.U»0 E5 <Ce Nicaragua Traseit Co.aS 16 6 Ott Louuiaaa r*..»ISO do. «SO IS 1 OO Vrrgtuia«*..tun 100 do......a**! s Mi Notth t aro.n.a 6*... SDJ SCO Pens. Coal Cs. . aS lit s,«0 do.100 j100 do.b30 112 ».(tOMLwomie*.B-M 200 dev..ot 90 113 *.t'0 de.BM I(0 Cantb. Coal Co..«3 29, ces co.a5il2at do.bso x> I WS do. >5] Ii« N. T.Cen. R. R. ..bSO 911 15 It* do. »541100 do.*S0 Ml 5,(44) do. a^J 100 do..hi »5 S.HOCIty 5*.'5S.M 1511 do.. & I' id lisneo- titmu. Stda. 50 do..s30 95 K.'.tC-N Y Cer. k!R Bds 904/ in do.^ eg d.t0S Erie Cnnvt. Bda. 11. 84 M as..bta Mi *H0M' 35 CL* R. Island R. R.. 93i K.reo Erie bd*. of T5..h3S »11 5 Erie Railroad. 49] .see do.bis rat) de.44 5c.0 sic.sS 90 IVO do.*J0 4-4 s.ers »> io» do.ass 4M ,sa»Hsd. Riv.adMts.*^ 72{ to de.\7. *V> 7,t»0N Is. lsiMig. Q.LbS 92 50 do.b t'i 1.CC0 de. s., 100 de.»45 49) 1,00 do. »3 100 Harlem Kann a I.. .s» 2S( Sf'O do. 851: 40 do. fjl i'.ffO de. »ij 540 Reading kUU >*J...boV) s. «50 C. k lo. Dit. Rds..J tt 108 da.*3tf »11 eft Erie Bonds rf "83.. M *.) de..19 , »reo de.»44 ass do.....bsosil 5 (. 0 IU. Ces. R R. Bond« Sis JO do.*5» »l{ 5,00» do.hM It] S Holiana Rhrer Rei'road Ssi ».rsa Asa ,esa A4« do.bsv a.'| a 97 5,««« de.Sl|: 35 Mich. SoatVs. kNorta- c<« Sc.ha»82l era ludkas* ktaihoad_»841 Mrohasm. Bask.119 do.MA* 82 38 Mlernten CeitUaj KK.. 97 de.«3 811 IM do.«SO «Sa do.seS Si 108 do.attV 87 V. S. Tra*t Company..110 18 da.U<; 5f Broadway Bank. ug 13 Del. * Had Casal Ca.lSt, 10 da. .1841 8 Clev. C. k Cis. R.A....M8 de.118 IST-Cleve. A Toledo LR... 881 O.,dm«r 0old Mtea. .. 15» as.b* 8»? PanamaRaJJreed...*aÜSj| BJ «>.mu Ummi»festral Jt. *... »7 '«Mi 4»..-8*817 UM «Mi ..>»»[>. MMl^lW^vM'IM' SC N. T. Central R. R..»30 95| 5S»\r^*#»r.'V0..M io.*S0'>% lCttlr«»***.«*-.:5 on. B»l 1 (). Hnd B. 2d Mtl. B>. »S |C0 io. M »M t Ctt K 1* l't Mtl. ff. L rt! ¦ M'-rhkj«B Central H. R. 17 % HO !'!». C-n. R R-. Ftw JO üarl.-m Railr ied...B6«> St| Und Bd». »hVttihUft«! 75 da..NM 9j 1 HG Kite t urW Bd«. Tl. S4l »0 do. JI J MOKrht BteMiof;*.... tsJ'^O do.b->7 ft" !S.p: Mir». f> p R R_bd*..*li .:«> Readln*, l.I. 3f< CuioWtLd Ccel Co.*3 »' |H> d«.- ill «0 «u.V» ». VO do .h3 91 100 «Io..b3 2üJ, V) Ck-v. it To . ft. R...M0 86J OB) d-.V. SM' » io. .IS JOB do.»30 2*1 10 io.i.l. »¦tViTtruTrunilfo-i 1«1 U do.«*l 3" trie Railroerl. 4*t IM di .U 04 M io.bSB 494 140 «.Tu«. *- Bock 1.1. R. K. 94 00 do.M «94 M *».$*{ Total.#Ö51,0B4 ad 0*1.111 45 »Ki.lla OJ Tb«- receipts ol the five months uf the year compare with those of the corresponding time in 1854 as follows: -ISM.-.-ISM_ Faee« rre.iku ra.«ern*,erv Kr-i«lr. J-noary....O*S.r5 40 #21 ^.#5 74 »65, lew 12 *>*); £ti r, Febinary.. H> »74 aS 284,104 24 3.\574 S7 1S4JBB Match. 7S -o» 1.' ili.997 41 ti.un iwms*. AptU. 6»,»tl -3 411,545 7* Si^Ol SB til Su5 23 Maj. 79J.9B 77 Su! 375 S3 K.670 49 3C5.I4J SO Total...BOSJ '41 (4 lH,Ui»t 9S OSSI «5 01 »1 145 «1 BB441 .* JBI Aii Bf Total 5 mo*. 1 £5«... 01,759,560 OS lotai 5 du ICiX... l.TU.iTO Sj 1 7U.SSS SS Dceieaae. 048.07» It This shows that there was an icerv«.«*» from (>osnen- gcrs in the f.\e motith* ending with May, 1855, as ci nopared with the corresponding months of J.954, of .99,084 81, and a tailing off of #7i.i...j »3 from freights; making tbe total decrease B4S,079 IS.a result att rib u t ablo to the short crop of last year. The receipts of tbe Chicago and Mississippi Road in May were aboat *)M,ooo. Tho first week in Jane shows considerable increase, being fctt,oou. SeJee of Storks nt PTBlladelptaln..JOBS 11. ItU-purted BH T*a M. T. Taiat ae, by J. R k H H. »*».] Ajtrr Hoard.I «0 Kntdlr,f Railroad a*. 'Ol, BS. H| t.OOS <li. do. . aey. M ; 1 (CC Cemdm and Amboy Rmr Jid 6«, SJ. 84i; 2C«C I nunCeueJrU.K'rern, SO: 2,(0 do, k«. ft) 100 UrjS*, ( k P. ».J; ..¦CCdo ea.b,C. A P.. Kl; ICO Sc lay . Ntv. oa, .», * ; 10 (HO Pet o R. R, *., l< "3; da iWn, |02»; l/XO >1.« Co M. C. DDill»vil e.Vd; 2,00 do. k V If| 4t Pena. It. H.. '4; 43 1 <hitb Scilp S6;4-do. «|; ( L«hi»!i Bar. b> 6iJ; 34 do. ;. cay«,b9,: 4 Little Sciiuyi. R. R BSah, 5it; 0 R aims R. R. W. 4«; «0 d. b5. 45'; 10» < bewr Val>» 0. R. S3 l| BSVadUvSntgl. B.. Si; 5.. Lot>B R. R. i7J; 2Vl lo. by I7|; U.I Nor h Aiuetlr it «"oal. St t^enineteial Han*. 56; .$ F^iuo re' »' .. M' rhtnl'C I'.auk. b5. «3; ti Uirard Flunk, li *ra l.«jfrf»-2,«XC. W'ilu.fai*tna R. R. ö*. 9r.|; MS .1«., 90> Kt e«ht.T]. N»v. HeTd, c»»h. ait. Sacra / at rat.01 I CItj R. R. V. P. R. R. r. 4. P S.Ki io.,C. k P. 91; -.'.'.i .!".. tr* C Sc P.,91; I Penaa. R. ILTobI ; U> co., 44; 7 c omtneicial .1 t, '. h oil Iha'd. !,(ff Ci y «>. C. * P. 9* ?0 R»a<lina R. R.. i'»l t'|: 4V «"o., 4M; !». dn., a5wa. 4Vi; 1<*J do., b5 45t; MS Canal at, 1 tj IVO do., 4:; 5" Lebu'i Naf.,b^.i KiS l.^hltb Scntu 5tVj ; 50 peana. R. R 14; X) Lju« lalaod IL I;.. kB, <i-_ Tm r."D>t, June U.1 P. M. There was again a very large bueines* done at the f-'tock Bor>rd, with a very string market io tV> better clnss 01 »tocks.those m which the trnosrietio'is aro not usually speculative. The dividend-paying I ul- roarl Stocks and Railroad Bon'ls ap[K?ar to he tho ft- Mitins. Hie bosinc«is is slso large la S'atc, V'ry sn l County Bonds, with s strong upward nvivoin nt. The transactions which are not made at the Itoaid ara unatually Inrne. The public appear at length to have been imlnc^d by the ease in money matters to hat e come into the Steck market to some extent, and wc of more outaide ordeuthau for a long timo past iSime parties who have reontly sold out t iotBsa and made large pr.dits arc now turning their attention to Stocks. Reading, which has beta of lato the great speculative stock, is meisurnhly neglected, and fell off nt the Second B i«rd to 91. This is probably, however, only a rise to innuce short sali s. Kric has been firm to-day, and c lowed at 4'.'] bid. Central has been very buoyant nnderthe rumored large business of May, #620,00<J. Tl e stock sold at B&J, a further advance of 1 9 cent. Harlem fell oft to BJ, Panama was firm at 102J. In the Western shores the business wa« large at still ad¬ vancing prices; Michigan .<soutiiern advanced SOlBJj Cleveland, C'lumbm nnd Cincinnati to IlBj (' BvObBl 1 and Toledo to 8«j; Chi« ago and Rock Island to Jlj, Arc , all showing 1 to'.' ¥ cent improvement. Michigan Central and Illinois Central were firm at IT. Ohio Tnirt was 103 bid, and I'niti-d States Trust sold as high as 110J. Delaware advanced to 1 to; Pennsylvania Coal 111', showing 11 very buoyant maikct. Cumberland was heavy, but DaSOai with¬ out much change fiom yesterday. Tlio sales of Railroad Bonds publicly and privately exceed #100,000, the principal movement being in Illinois Centrals and Kries. Of tho former, 1300,000 were 3old closing at ItJ for Constructicn, and la fa Preeland Bonds withoi.t tLe Stock privilege. Erics IMS sold at 94^94j, with considiruble transactioos at pnvate bargain. Eries 1871, 8tJ; l^;.",, 90. Kew York Cen¬ trals 90J; Hudson River vds 9."), 3ds Tff^l Terrc Haute nnd A ton I 9 cents 81 bid. The largest advance was in Oosbcn Line, which advanced from '.ij[ the las' stle to clusingat 9JJ. tstate Stocks were active and buoyant, the salts reaching 1100,000; North Carolina advanced to loo; Virginia HXIJ; Tcnnos«ee 96; Indiana 5*1 r.'>; Iyotdsiana 9:ij; Miasouri fl I9|. At theclcne tbe market was strong with considerable inquiry for Htate, City, and County bouds. About 30,000 tlovt. IM sold j rivately at 116. In Exchange there is nothing of importance doing and rates are hea>y. (Jrain Freights to Liverpool are better. About C0,000 bushels Corn were taken at" latter In slip's begs. Some cotton was taken at J a 3/c ?> bale. Tbo amount received at the Sub-Treasury was #67,c:9; paid, tlB0,4M| balsnce, *l,M,2;j. Paid from Assay Office, #9,470. Paid from disbursing eflices, 131,340. The following sales of Bonds and Stocks were made at auction by A. H. Nicolay: ? 6,lt0 rittaturih C'ty 6*, 1S83, int aslded. II 6,100 Siaramtnto Ci y *>, lftirlnt. ad ieu . OS 5.1 tl Cbiitii. and Miwi«*lppi RR. 2d Hurt.. Int. a l.i-d.. 62 i.CIt Ci.\e in.! and Pitnd.nrah rh. Ucimea. lut. added. 61 H.Mi rnr: Wayne end So. Real F..tet llomla. int. edded. 53 7,'ir ( ert ü ate rTt.-ttnndie Cani e] Coal Co.»1,4.0 ltd »hm. i ktaniwa, \\«/porl and K.:leRR. V> B .bete* \ ir<lt.le Sieamal.ip Co. . 10 »bar. e Cit *. l* Bank. IWi 4 »bau. Chatham Bank. »2 Mi tnaoa if Owans. N. Y. »0 l'lfbarea Leni.a Fire InMiraoee Co. . S't It sbarea Par.fie Fire InearaarsCo. IBM 50 »heia* Kolton Fire lnaurance Co. 90 - > r 1, I, r 11 r-i r . 91 5,(11 »bare* Late* ter Zinc Co. 85 «. thaiee llrmpnnire Coal and Iron Js. "1 S. Draper's semi-weekly auction stle of Stocks and Bonds takes place at the Merchants' Kxehange to¬ morrow at 11J o clock. Among tne St ck is a crablc parcel of Bioadway Bank Stook. An iasue of #350 000 City of Detroit 7 9 cents made for municipal purjioses was taken yesterday by Messrs. Dum ai, M.. hi an .V Co. at about 101. Tbe Wabash Valley road will be opened N miles fiom Toledo to Foit Wayne on tho 1st July and IS miles fuitbtr in about ten days afterward. This en¬ terprise being pushed with great Vigor. M E. C. Litchfield has been elected a Director to fill a vacancy. At the election of Directors (f the Broadway Bank a day or two since some tire or six of the old Board who neOO among the originators of the institution were lelt out. We bear some reasons given for this action, but as the parties interested w ill probably pub¬ lish a card in regard to the matter we refrain from stating them. Mr. Draper we notice advertises 350 thai is at auction, which sale we presume grew out of tie cucumstauces of thru election. An Extra fiom the office of Themptoht Bank .Ye: Rej ( rter ssye: '. We have dashed the Adrian Insurance Company, Mid ican. It will Inesk, we think. We have* also dsiked the Bank of Maeomb County, i n s Bank ai) or may not be able 10 redeem ita notes There are several (ieorgia Banks that have no business to rireniaht hero, As a ordads, we D (Doubtfjl the Mtihsoica' Pank, Memphis, ienn." The receipU of tho Smuington Railroa 1 for May »m: re>'et;aer».013JE7 1C Paeeencere.S'-5,6I'. "7 liennnV. 9,»4 tC Krcaibt. J.29I 65 Total..fU.S'l 3.1 Total.Ht.r,. U Decaeaoa at 1U6.0i,4ui BX Tho revenue of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for May was as follows: M*i» »fem. Weak. Br. Total*. Frr pauecger*.054,742 SB OJM 1 IS OS.'.670 41 ikrtrcifkl.Jm\J*2 3d tJSi J6 s& 144 61 At Iba Kanal mooting of the »teckholoert of tbe Chicago, Alton and St. Looio Railroad Company, (late Chicago and Mismseippi Railroad Company) be.d Hk> mington, Illinois, on theintb day of Jtne, IWe, il« to lo« it gpptitlem« n were elected Dire-tors for the ensuing yeai: Seabury Breweter, Now-York; Henry Hoicbk'ss, New-Haven. Conn.; Samuel M. BUtch- ford, New-York; Ham'l'on Spencer, Bi rd i. 111.; Henry Young, X w-York; William H. S nith, New-Yoik; James Wiight, Owego, N. Y.; I ri th J. rrri'h. XewYe-rk; Jansen Ijow, New-York. At an a< jonn ed n,c< Lbnj af tLo Board of Directors of this ( < mpanv, In Id at their (ffice asj the 3d inst, tho fo!- V wieg preamble and resolution wore unonimo inly adopted: IlJkrrrci. Clerte« Ooold, Vmy hv tkle .lay tender* .1 I.' this Poetd Mi reiiaaa ito Preaideut an I Director of to* < on- iu<; »t< rei not it I.'ih ii'i. 11 it the backs of 'hie Board be tendered to Mr. (ji a d 1.1 the nlcblr »»rriee« ren4*red be bim tothiaCom- I it j ar wLen *i:ek «et»we* were em BeBSBB, and tti i ESSBB refJSaa ihet the iSaM of h « bealib ;>rerenu but eon- uanasjoe as a Daracaeeaa h.-i ooipeay. Tbc Bank of Lfi ith America, ha* declared a aemi- atnnal dividend tefSJ P cent, payable on the Bi July. We pub isht d on Wedne-duy the annexed telegraph dm} Mob f't m >t. Lou:-: ¦flOXtBuinfO are now lie-inf irs'itnted hy 'he City ( >it Bti Louis to res'r.'.io the m gati ition of r BOOS in* favor of Puje A Btcon for lbs -<i ¦ of |lfMf MB, dstcd June,', lOBS, pay at de live .lavs BffeBf date, I uij ortii g to BB executed l»y tmt < l'iio an I M i-- strati pi Railroad Co, ami to be ee'ened by tocir dee I of Ti e legality and validity of these instru- BB i hi tire- ei .. We tow harn that an injunction was obtained against tie i <.'O.t n of the above note, and that it Luebieu served by teletrniph upon the parties in- tert «ted l ere. 1 he action of the Director- of the Hood in this n atter wss as follows: '. At a n u tire of tin Ilourd of Director* of the Ohio aid Mirhoupii Lu Iroad Co npany. held o the 5:h it.sf.. piCi-cnt Sierers Bncon, Alexander, tiarriaon an I Itlcttr, PacB at Bncon s a. « ount wr a r*>eajSBBaL Bad a role tiatirg date June 5, IBBB. w us irivet. *i_'ne J I'm i< IL Oarransn, Vmm l^enbloiit, for *i,i s8,t*t ol, nyetdc t redout from stsBs to tho order ol Page »\ ' n, aad a deed of tro>t on all and abafalar tie prrnJeee ai d pra ei ty and all the ¦ppartoaaaaoa of 11*0 Ohio and HissaMlppi Rnilr<»«d Company, to J. H. AN x«i err, 1 rusne, i OtfllbasOd ihat in ilcfaulf of pat neat Of raid aota n d ino-rest at maturitv, the -iid Tn>ot*o ibaiL wbaa rafabad La writing ny l'.ige a 1 ai o- enter in and BBM ai d take pOeeJOOneOO of tin- j n ;i i/is ami proj . My of said road, und ; the a id re- c. rot and rc< over the camii ^a, isKitr«, proti's and pro- c. ai s, and aUBfJ them on the debt for which road 800*1 ot in st is unit.; und tum nquirivl it shnll !>«> th" duty of tl e 11 Uftee to tiisj>oa« of DM who'e or a part of MM j roj ci\\ by giving twenty <la\ s' noii>-r> in a BOfOf i in Sr. Louis, at the north door of the t eirt- Botw fret pi yinjr he cxi ensca of the sale, the bal BBCf la he f aid to Pi er A Bacon. '. The Bord of is signe.1 by onlcr of tlie Board, the above Ilirn tors lu ing present, bv Daniel P.(inniion, Yice-1'nsideiit Ohio and Mu-eissinpi Rail- rornl Con-psny." The previous arrangement to issne to Messr8. P ige & Bacon ffl.POO.OOO of Stock was cancelled by the EaCCattve Committee of the Roa L We do not sup j N that atraonu PagB «b Bac m intend to take any action »I h will prejudice the imerests of the stock¬ holders, but the above arrangement appears to give tb« in the power hi sell out the whole concern at once, and cut off the stockb dders entirely. As Mcesr*. P. A B. have jm-t paid off tbeir creditors to considcr- slde eit< nt in this Stock at M it Is not probable that they n ill now take any steps to annihilate its value. The btirinf-fs nt tj.c Clearing House was 111,201.079. The Cotton niaiket is inactive, buyers being unwil¬ ling to submit to the advanced prices demanded. Tiic r.ccouiif» from the Sou'b in regard to tho rivers are contradictory. We understand 'hat tho scarcity and 11, piices of Corn ntthe South <iuringthui season Vave induted planteis to turn their attention moie to raiding food for their neirroes, and ss to Cot'on It is sup p<ird tLis»i I hove a mateiial effect upon the product if lie growing crop. Flour is rather better to-day. but Cfrn, with large business, closes heavy. Provia- ioi s sre buojant. Ti c Chicago snd Wilwoukce Road is doing a lar^o business, quite (itual to the capacity of their present equipage. It is one of tho most successful of the now roads tot med at the Went. The stock, wo believe, hss never appeared in this maiket. A comparison of the footings ef the weekly Rank StnB meet of the Boston Banks with th se of the State¬ ment for the previous week exhibits the following it suit; Jooe June tl. Capital Stock.f ii,7tr,rf0 aii.710,000 Nochen»-». I err std Dircoinfi.. 51.99".' UM .W, 111 .'II Iner..OJ2t.lVfl Brectt in Ituak. 3,171.1*3 3,4<sj ISI In r... St,S S I ue iron, o ber Bauka l,l<6 5 0 IfBAJSi Iucr.. .6, l.ntjl DM IS ther Bank.... 6,'.5«,34 f.,l5j,.'IM Iacr... 99,e«0 llepcelti. U,.SJ;i.^ 1> 31.125 Iu.-r. ..S'iO.l"« tiiculaooa. 7,113.978 7/05,795 In^r.. .481,817 Ihe Yeimoiit and Massachusi'tts Rail oad Bond¬ holders hnvoecci pti d the Committee's Report, re otn- nding the receipt of Bl.ioo.eoo in <i ?> cent new mort¬ gage boncis at 9'.' 9 cent, in exchange for tbe old bonds which will become due on the 1st of July next, pro- ridofitho arrangeiient shall be assented toby the Meckho deis and the I>-gislatu'c. The amount of about f too,CCO was subscrihod to tbe written agree¬ ment on the s|Ot. 7 he Lahcatter Dai!» states that the Trustees of tho Lsncsster Saving Institution have di-t'\min. d upon % p'an of action which, if agreed to hy the atockholders, id i nable tLe Trustees to continue the bu-Tim-a ot ti e institution. The plan proposed involvie the relin- quislnient on the part of the creditors of M *' cent of their derosit*, v hieb would equalize the gro*s liabili¬ ties with the sen t*. The. Trustees make the following exhibit of liabilities snd M tlMlllllls flWaseii o/ .'up,ui st*k, O'-O.or'.) f-recia! I'cp. n:e le oa iniertet.*>4j3,5S3 «7 111- ei.: ... (.. .,!.. 77,4 ¦ I 39 Kalatka en July 1. 55c CO Total liaaiUties.054I.SU PS AStCTf. Pille reteiral ie.a25SjaO 52 Muifff. 19.80) St Jci'tmin. 00*0 0> ( enhVatti I «... tiJBt On Biaels. . i too oo Beaintaif. SiJfOCO .arfria.ctpceiii.ra, w: . JOSH 43 ial. on hanu. 4 «38 «0 -03t'».983 14 Deficit. 0148,1571) 32 Tho hol btiiiis oirfaMio of cm am Coal Comjouy end oticr stocks I.BMsSfj OTC1 l.y Mr. BoakghtOr un I fa tl bnroban of »lieh hran amounts of money have t«en c\j < ndrd. but upon which stocks we OS M »-t u a t d \ a!ue. We j roposc to spe< ial dc;iosirois to n 11 w tl tl i (r'irjeates at 70 ?* cent of th*> priocip«l ctoieyc-rr, lieaiinif inti rest at 4 cut from July ! Li xt. ai d to be renewed from year to vear for thr.-e vests; a no m trana.eut depositor* we propose to pay at the pan c ratt in in three equal monthly pay- ¦ ei ts. As Mr. ritvfor the future safety of deposing tins erraugcd it is m signed to a>k the sroekbold> rs to rrßll tl e stock rod thus n rx-w the capital, amountin to f .*o,ooo. This being done tbe statement would stain! II'BS: UaMlbies.0-741J43 14 Aeaeti. ...»./ 'it Ce| iUi i a,d in. 50,0uS 00 M culd tins |*aH ral idea be approved by tbe partiea nti i* rU d we and tbe follow Bbg conditio.** a< part ot le i loroeed srningement: All nrofits, from whatever cuue di lived, alter payn.eut ot inten st due deposit SSO, (XnetOM aad a d.v idend upon eto» k not exc*e?<iing t 4' et in, or 3 P < eut semi annual, »hall b< set apart for tl icesui letsive voaie for the bei.« lit of all speei^] H'SUoit wLo may relinquish rbc 30 t> ceut as above . ;*'<<!. All spic-!al i.cpoei'ors shall !». at li'^ rtv to aitidisw thirty-three and a third 33ji cenr of his or 11 r«i j ot-it anmady, baviug riaonM days'previ¬ ous m ti< .- of sin h intention and thereby relinquiahinif r II . »tit in lie fund abora named, which shall be 11 Ui for tl.e exclusive use of such only as shall renew tl eir det oeifs entire from year to year'dnring tho b-r.u . jeeinee.that ia to say, to July 1, lese. Mo>ratslB.CiaxrcLLT RxroBTED roa Thb Taisr*ic. Tncasaat Jana 14 laSS, Affil'-Tte merket a »ery Bran for bach kurds. r«a!ee uf £ö IIet +6 <..i T t. .-. I'.aria tCHt^.lb* aaarketia decidedly quiet the adranoed pre. tena i te il loida-te letyera arc uaenlutg i, LaeeL ITieaalee are rc'crted ai l .ttC bc*r». tbe) foil, a it.« ate ibe rataa at wbick the laat ¦ n were enadc. At the cluea phcee are barely loeciine ] atw-Toaa «.aaeiricariua 1 > "wie t -Oa. Mobile. N. O * Tax II 11 11 n BrtÄv*:::^ !ii If 9 Few.It| lij iu COntl: B)0BBB rally qa'erf, aad price* rale ocifaraa; ei-, f are. bar. K,o at 1- *. H Jc, SOS kereja Ta« iy ra at |i^ aOJbi« St. Uma |a et M aad SttVai^eraeaibo n^ u lit nets S5D ».r.-.!.-TWra Mbibb aoW of State aid W«a.ra Blow.- And ach liebt arnaala tk*> aäarkrt ietiimar. ?Aa aa. Bant ana batter BnafOS are ia food rooe^ef tar ike Lerne Dada and 'be » «et at Kaady p Icaa. tXJZu Z' SM ttctiaai-a to i aickaee (jt Mrw,rd eafiaary and^SaV^a mu star srlksa btta stBsaas sf Cm tan trfCMoTeaTlaeia f-rm. TW tale* of Wf*.r« Canal ere 4.386 k-b>V ,. 8»*8* 50 fcr tot» ordkBOry to good 8»ate, *9 699*9 »I aaised «>»<*« Mkbigw, Instate ud com« m to good Obi 4l «ad «11 .->« til fi r extra Genesre. CanedLn float ia » rlbeat change. I d. ro*nd U net very %s We. Tbe etlea ere*, i hhla. at »l«» #11 for cntrtssa to Wat brands. Sondern F'wnr i* wi'b>e' Bt'.tb rang*. 1W a>a«W i* rsod«'ata. Sales of 73 bbls. »t «VI i.'o »il s'2» tor con man to (Osri standard brand* A'-t a- Jrit. Bat incr* tad Oee> ge'rwn, and * II 611 if * 2 i.'t f r fa- rrti te fate* «rd *»»r* b. ;-nd« Rve Floor quiet. Sale* of tl b\ at *7 SCtf-fo» 1*1 t'o'b M*al i* onrbaeged. dale* of 9 III« J ra-y at #Sia9»j412i. GRAIN.'Ibe demand Bat Wheat i* moderate, and com Boa oo« littet are loa-rr «nd rery »low of Tb *al . are l+« bush, wbi'e at ti 46. and 2,7»» buah. Cptier I-ske r -d. «arpc.ed at ** «:of #2 '«. Rye i* qetet: tale* of 50» bath, in lot* at *M 7*)«*1 8". Oat* are » seh Icrw.-r, and ar- aa«*ttl«d[ rale* of Slate .cd Vv e* eis at 68d*85o.. and Jersey at Mia. Corn riuher e«»i« r p"r»icn!*rlT anrn'rebarlt ble; tW ml .. iro lfPMO lu.h. at im.>. lor asebaige,!; <Hi/#l rrtf.rfair M rV««ters|t)l (73*1 08 f'.n-SoatWrn yellow, and #1 112 for Seothetn write. _ GLUM CL01B.-a..-* have been made at sWtoTwfro I tab* at I. 12},. 6 mo*. . RTDFF.TW man.I still ihoet ttgn* of wea-oet*. though there h> .< me inqul y at prevtou* r.f .«- Sale* of 1 999 r* arl > ('« bei o,.'. 16. at |.'}e rc.iietmg war-r dam.g-d; 1.'» 0 or 2. harms Ayrea. 21 D, ii;2r., usual sele. c-iu, 6 m st.; 241 Sou B> eri.l7ft.«t lie rum. and 1 0 A-sociattoi S.eng-tir at *K cub r M'-»Tt > idd e* en 1 Uaht W«tgt,t*. TV slock I Vi.-o .. ir.GN-P'g i»he«ty; P e ea are more active, asd preis are betirr. e,ih sales ot 1,408 böte« id X CitareoeJ at *174*»J M| . moot ha. IB ON.A trod d-m md for Sc tch Fit In part to arrlTe; teles mm »r. '25 ea'h. a- + '' ¦¦' A U AI-lb- uojtk-t betvv trith etrirliiif bo-loree dotii*; ml. tS laag bV .>. Eu»>ish ly.sterdavj at *>6 £> 4 mo*, inter I tatasUed. U ITKEaV-Ko new features present them-eitr»; th- tap¬ pt Ii «lüLdani t r present want*. The aalet are m m ly of uil- d!<' w. (his atnl dam-ged. I'pper in rough t* ( ill s< ar< e. The it rk tei ers,.y it a»ei meUtii g. Ll.V I k ..radr. tho demand fs.randtapp'yrn; sal's of 11 am. n R. rlland at lulc, and Lamp at 121. Ml v" 1-S 1 he deu has ireatfj I uproved; pri-e. - da l-m; tW taiea bersda -on hhd*. t are4 Caha at Hi <A-; 15 Loo.. < aha Sioscotado okek load) at 36tc; IM tea. and .'80 hi ¦ 7 tu I.->i de Cuba on term, we <ild nut learn. NAVII, ST ftThe n arlrt for Spirit* l-nrp-n'ine U w th j'to Ii sale, of Kl bbU. ttl ttllji.-. and IWbblt si t- Ic. 'osh. with hide doing at *M 12} f ir Wil- n.iisi-ti srd 13 25 for North Counts. Comm-m K«* u I* hsr I y a- lini.theo n n.. is fai : sal s of 2 200 bot«. Wumlngtou a? el Mtitfl !-'.j|>1|i tb delivered, nothing dose n 'he oth M g Tsr .'¦ i--ldbl»'nr arl h score order* he-efur eipurt; Ri pa Wl iild ii.u-suo *3 15. II.S.Tb- n-aiket lor 1 nglish L a»»e<l i< sti'l Intetit? anl ll um. ins I a' Itcf r whole lols; snles from atorestitta. Thi stick in speinJatot*' and Impo t. r ban i. |. est mite I at 250 tm . whin- is »Wut one half that of last y-ar tbia tu-. Ca .e Whale Is fi-m >ud tbe demand tair at "lid73 i.r g i-i narc-la k'tiu hqovnnt at for Spruig bleached as 1 814*8«. for tVlater. Lraat. HptlBI is nuiei bu liroi at #1 80 e >sh. Mao i- l**seWS(>dl the >i I n'> fur at previous atoa. Ltrd (Iii I* «-< *i:v int vrr> u"t-'at 85d87)c. e«*b and f Bf mon ns. Gl >e n n ales dull *' »>a37} fur quart* and bv ih- g II. *? «1 20. BO\ I > IONS.lbe in arte- is again bet'erfu I' -ar¬ rival, if nn ill me (gaj ih. deuiai.d lair; -ale* of 1.4)0 bb a at #1' »>i7 S7J for w Mess; *)! > fur d i. Krim ., an I *> 8 f * 18 ¦ to: K late Mate. B*e? is In inol-r 88 re.pi -«t be' It r ther Bta tue anii lit err light; tale* of SOU bbla. at *>ll fur \irmiiit Ml»; »l'i j. "a »>12 5.- for Country M***; 12)^ 8s IS fcr «V Fr ti.. and *I5 .'5iz* 6 for r pacxei Watte tj 1'iime Mess is firm a 8>£298)SS. Be. t Ha ns are dull at * 1 > r th.i I i gioh la. on iu f ii demand and It liiovaut; tiles of 181 boaraBStsrt Mlcdlet,rihIS,at8fMfs, Cut Mes-a ,r 8^-n and in ri-id demand; >air* of 7c0 bl N., tea. and bhd*. a* 7»« 7ic (>r Bhoeidrrti tad i-iiiWe. for H ms. Luit ..reedjaada. bh) n ,,i;e»i; «tlet ifl-l) hbiv. and tcs. at 10} tx 10 jc. for Co mnou to Priii f. I olt rai d heea. are unchanged. KIC1.An Incinatloo to heavines* elearly ohaervabl- lu the msrki t io-day; the demand i. but trivial) small tJotunly bare tram afaad at 'A a 6jc. Tbe receipt* are about -¦i|aal to the Irsi ucioi s. ¦ALTPC1 FR.At Boston tale* bate tTantplred of 1.20" baa* Crada at 8<t6ic. 6 mo*. SLGARS. the maiket is well sapported, with a good In* 1-,'iirv tu m n fil er*, also a fair daman f tW trade. The »I ecnlatlte jm-ihare ye-ier ay of t.O 0 bhda. moatly Cabe Mui roi ado, wts insiteru ut.y rmilted by the pilnter in onr Its' re- I ort. I hi « embrace 28' hh 'j. Korto Rleu at h<*6c, slid .'.X bhds. ( ul a 5.useovs.lo si 5ju8{c. .SF1 I S.A mixlerate demac-l ior ( lover at ld}»)lle. Timo¬ thy is talti et at for reiped. Linsee Is rather lower; sales at Bei ti n f t' I I m tnd i,500 poek-ti Oattalta at *2 5 cash. SI'S LTV R is well held; we learn of-ales oft' tuns K.ate* to strive st f5 75 cash. TA LOW.i he demand it fair for borne consumption, the su|plytot large; tales of 10.COO th at 12c. cash for but. hers' AsveeWb n. W lil*ihV.The market kt heavy, tW demand light; aale« of .'I belt, at Sic. for Ohm and 35'U\>5!c. for Prisen; Drudge is i.i inn..I st He. IVrolly Ma.t.,(liig. The) folUwtDif -abls- srivee the Kcfeil Prloa a/ tho priiicipal a-tn lea of Pa'in Produce ia tha City of tk w-York on TJiuredav, Jano 11: ¦bbaj Hind Hoert, f IB. i?tai k'-re quart's, A. 10 81 131 Poi. H. 8'.aa..f » 13} * , ri»H. Salmon «'<t D. ;N CHtAsh dry .> IB. -* Clam* round, hen. ;(". >' 8t Oysters In shetl. #> hon-ired. 62132 08 R i. piece* each. 16 C \%\ Klug Kl*h sj> B)... us, ¦» Con ed »-7,. in ,1 12s Lohstors 4* IB. 8 » - Tartie *? ft. _ 124» - Rump 8tka..«J> tfi. 14 t) Baal d Beef, ft. 12 s> Tougae*. each.... 76 W Mutton car. A? ft 9 d> Mutton fore quar*! 10 t Mntton.blnd do... 1219 Mottunt bops, r 71 III8) Vea..b d qia. f fr 10 d) v- v v. a. !..; V a 1..-u. I i Se« Utas t> ft.... 8*1« Terrapin, dot..9 80 9 . . ri.srstLBS 4BD rtUlTt. Strswhemel (J*r- teyi, bask. 1 9 6 Orten Corn, dot.. 75 . l herriet, ft. 15 d> . ( h. rne«, bulk.1 25 9 . roKB. Po.»barri*i, t> qt.. i5i4> Careaaw* «J> ban..8 80 *T» 48 'Cu-rantt, «J> qt.... 25 d> . Ai retail 4> ft_ II 9 11 |Pot«loe* (new fin Ham. 4-7 1.4 3 14 Sbuu den d b 8* ft 11 9 Bermuda 1 peel 50 . ?.,<,-> L.f. bhl.4 ¦«' 9 Po*aloe* L. I. h«al 40 . Red Onion* (Ber- mudaa) beak.3 24 t) Lettuce.?*Wad... 2 k9 Hidea. do t> ft .... i'' Pickled. ft. 11 . Sausste* *f ID-- 124« HeadCh*e*e 4)> ft U\* fig*. -i if i. ea 1 25 Si 40 Beet«, new, bunch. 124<9 roilTBT. Water Creao* qt. 4 # . Tnrteyt t> ft_ 16 9 It I.Jersey Pntat'a Bse.l W a? Kon'/p-lt. V. ul 50 App e*. f bN.5 or 4M 08 Slriiig Oee.e.e*..! 50 31 75 App M 4* baa.2 00 9 Ducks IBi a is t OV dl 0 Dried Peache* qt. 18 ¦ - Spring Duct* ptu.l 50 9\ 75 Dried Appiee fff 121» - Chickens,.pr'g. pi. 871 ä 1 00* ba*k.l6t)a> . 6i)usa* pair. 824* Turnip*,new bnch. I 9 - Robius do*. 7 c Oukias »> huueh. 8 » . «. .4 Plseoo* dot.3 00 «3 ICahbaee. aew each 24 o> a* Spinach 1 peck... 9 . . Plover, dog..2 50 »3 00 'Tb-p C«br?« Jror . Yellow Leg«, d i .2 50 if9 00 Cranberrfet. f> qt. J*d*> . Dowi'cber, doa_2l0'a3v0 Garliek q>hanch.. 16 . Rktg Nceka,4aa... 75 dl i0 Ptrwnpt 2fot.... 2 9 6 i-urt Ba i e dot. . , 37. o> 40 Leeg« sP bench... 8 . 18 ...tL'l --nlpe. dot... 37ju> . Swee' Cera. et. 25 . . hocslholo eiooecTB Raiiiahe*. bsnca... I «9 . Touhvosj,ftn. Bar- made qt. 37jr9 . Bhabarb bnnch... I 4 lt| Rgg* bbi. 10310s L24e) Re'ail freab trat») 12} d) State Bo- si 4> ft 22 « Oraog- Co. do new 55 9 28 Oreen ".««» p-ick 15 9 En« Ch -eee f ft 25 9 Strg.Beans 4*} pk. Siia Cheese It hss. f> ft 10 9 ii, A*u*/a«4s bunch.. 12}* 184 By'be punnd. !.t* 14 'Cutomlx-rl. each.. 8 * 6 P'nesp . Cb'e ea.l l?}» tqusshea, each. 62}91 St, 8. Sato ( ^ee*e ft. Ml *> Psmpkln, (W ] ) Lard by >nb «J> ft. 14 9 -ach.I 00 * . run. fiat. Potato Yam* Shad Conn. River Sit * 37} 4/} peck. «8}* Kenn k Sum in lb 17} * . n ,>>m itain en.Canada, ft 9 30 'Bowgua dau*** ft 31}* - Hal'bn f ft. 8 9 BeefTuugoe* es., m.-i 76 Raas f ft. 8 * 10 Tripe ft. 6 * 8 ( odh*b »ft. « 9 Do. pickled, . ft. | * restPft. 1/}* _ Map. sugar .nets 16 12 » IS Bin» Pish ft. 8 * . Do. wboleaae ft. IB 9 11 Black Fish, ft. I * 10 Honey strained .n.andert e- ft... 6 8) - (new),4» ft. 12}* 181 Pet« e* e* ft. 6 * Tomaroea qt. ease. Preal Macs if lea 10 ar 15' | it .S >*> 33 M San Ms. t f ft. Id Ifj Hli-kory Nate de.J 2ft 32 SC Ptl» Sb.d 4? »... ») "«sehe« 3c-SU. u-U.S N <v - SWepahead, ft. 24 * . Apple Battar gal.. »8 9 ~ The above market* are carefully revised by tbe fol¬ low in»; dealers at Waahin^toc Market: J. M. flLLta.Stand No 101 Battei, Cbeeae and Lard. E. PacatB * Sot.Stand Nn. 6. Poultry and Oam*. Baser * Hvso.ataost* No*. 27 asd 28 Beef Mattos. Veal and Lamb. FtiLLAB a Raas.Stand* No*. 2 and I, City Slacked Hams. Bacuo. Beef. Tungoe*. it J. H. Bso.-, a Co..Biacd No. 4 fnrlrs of all kkada. J. D. Iilsc01.Stands No*. 17 and IS FVsb dealer. C. B. Haatls.Stand No. 30 Etn Cbeeae S. L. Kite a Co..N,.. g mil 9 Folton-tc, Orten and Dried Fn .t«. v««».»s.<a "«-h* »e Wm. J. Black.Stand No. 60. Vetetahlo*. Cembrldcre CatUe KatrkaC Reported for Tut N. T. Wbbklt Tbibvbb ay lout Batob. 'VRoetgoal, Jane U. 116%. At Merket. 2Jß Carte.about 270 leave* and 22 ttor"«, cen- Ikatmg of Working Oaen. Cow* asd Ca tea, Vassr m*Ta, 9 and 3 year* osd MaBKCT fto r lira f> ewe.. *9 48; ant .OoJty * I ¦reood qaaTny, SM 48**8 74. 'bird ouaoiy 8)8 48; k uns r f> 5T; >ide., » cwt. t* 25, Tai aw. 883 88 «; .*;!* rji. to 81 50-, Catf-Skina 12s. d> ft; Veal Calve* 85, 86. 88-628 st market. Stobbb.Working Oiea-ai24, 8140 8K>8, »174 #192, mto to 8:25. Crwaand Calvea. 8J«' *3t, 8od 893. 840, to 8 <e. Two Oars Old, * i- -HI. 8332. * A 838, 8-14. *41 to *52. Tktee Old. *44 84S, 848, av. 842'o 8)82. .-Htrf *an LsMi.s- i, 34 at narket. fx're 8V»i 86 9 by lot 81 5C. 82, 81 "»5 82 25, 82 50, +2 75, 88 to 86 25. ."wieg. Mno«. RtMtiK'. The mppW la »hört of the demand oa all kind of itrtk, tnd Betf wad Wve told 5Cc per handrnd higher, were it not that there la t larg- number of Wereru Beeve. r,n the way for Brigh ob. Meaar*. K. |e, Jr.. k Ca paid 816 per ban red Bar 47 head of ex¬ tra Wewe.n Beete* yesOrd**. With the exeeption of afew eat-le which owner* be d't i high the yard* were *U 8*8888 i before 11 u'e'oek. 72 can came over the Pitchbarg RaUroad and 29 over tbe Boston aid Lowell Railroad loaded with Cattle, Sheep, Bwfeat, Horte« «nd S.w. BirwBCB raow aaea trsra. Cattle. Sheep. Caltea. Horte«. V ¦:.». . 78 . . New Hampshire .... »0 1«- 8 Verasuai.184 70» . 12 Mtmaehneert*. 96 37$ . . N*w-Yot*. 12 . . 19 Canada. . . 15 Total..~m 1844 ~*m ~46* Philadelphia Market*.Thcr.4D*T, Job* 14, QtlBBClTaCB Babk No. Milt at *)«*)r« *9> 58; Cut v qt'et en «croost of high taking price*; aalppertof Floob h«v« wltbdrtt-n orn tW market and rate« are from 8)10 62to *lt S> ii r ban e use Cobi Mi.iL tnd Rearacky Flocb inactive at prevkci qao'siiors: Wheat eontiirefn limited maseti taleitn Vnt«at82Mf.Tgoodnd.*adwbi'ebeidat 828rr*s)'6i) tales 1.0(8 In.Uls \5eaters at eneeeot pnhlie; Cobb ra mil- ertte eemtsdi >t a* »U*j ta*Wl* yati w at 81 07 for Sott'S. aCcat, ard 81 d for Pennsylvania la Care, Rye l. »earr i with light .ale. ti 81 673*1 88: Oty» have farther decUrse-l, with «s)esst84'«*Sc. for r-oetb. asd Pens.; Oboccbicb an^ P*u v^tiooaaahaBfad; Wauar sail* tleartyet «na. f> kbL aad36c. ttaUtlButrw l^ftU-Watdkst. Bu r.^ott, J me lt.-Alonr ( attlc MaBsUT t*vday975 bead cf beef leitle were ob*, red, 75 of which were driv-B Kaf- ward, and 538 sold at srVsaa laagm* from 6*10**, set, the C«t- eo getierally beia| ef goo.'. s«i Sty, Hay*were brktk M *7489 Ua«»i Jos» 14. ttttoP. M.-Ki 01» t.» i a thele ea a aiieneneei haaate OB T"** aa an t^mmJ>mu 02ae «?"*». '''¦«; Hta»e at a eoronaou brande Of Bo OS* rra Mixed in keta flc. 11 '-I .. and t Wir jT-rMce ebne: «obittb. ('.irüui Whu- utIliiN a v > .alee Hat t aW*ip'» hy r«n« . 3,TU tta a^»* «I». »..*. "-k-^-^'%tiT AIT 11alii »7 "^l* lirfio. Jai.e H, t:3n r. W--ri.oi-aUaaoW.-^ wi'h < wnwerd reeVefccieat to!fx SCO bh . at *B^ ,, ,d v ItrireiD II to- taaaJ iajeWeSJOSU^ «,. + i3for fa v.,rite nm Cenaitian. Wiit.» 4^"Sst«, l eke Kr»1»« ottered at Ol S«f and refneavd, t'oaa eeSaVal-!?* and a ark»t eceJer; a re 45.C«*> bash, at fro. Oare kara.'?!??*1*' reqv r.t t Fair. IO,r P been, at »efSOr. with mx aana-TaaaS* in itrr ereo three bguee. V\ fllsar mot* ac iva faVn^*j*H f»Ti rii ipt rchaarn j aaJea 173 hb'e. at 3-"at r'o. Ca a atHi55** a. re < rn. I H<- '.. A eany and Troa «. d ille t)e BW*5*W ecd Flour rfr. RrrcirT* for tho tw. aty-t «r h«^lT7g*e two to- ay: f.:» bb!e roar; U.MS b> ab. »W|7a?,'l fore: M 7'lR So, Data. Iu «tore bat«: 3SJ0O wmVteL**- 'i',U. dr. Co/b»3f?<K do. Oat*. "*..«{ Mwt BLrjva June M.-TTi-naw* ay t*ja SCe/»«. er«,«., inlet) tsooi« papers and e*ue»d an advan.* l, Z? ( ii \ v r1 tat b»lcg now anted at HOllatt *Ca?*' i.! -ourf...! to d,**- rare. NVmto t on he« enaha^Li** 9-{uk.. Karl'.HTs to Liverpool a.-.- tary 0r«aadUataava * war. t * Fr» nice abip haa bean chartered at Jd. ^^"'¦a* Vih ( ii.l i»! June M Coit .n Arm; aalen aeaa . rniddlinf at Ultt lil«. Floi b »»58. YSLLew CssOaU&T Receipts of Prodrsr« Py S'rtM ffirer fioatt. 5,i Tn bbl*. Floor. 1'» plea A*naa d... Li. I I' A- \\ :.-*ky. 3JW pig*. ProrMirant«JwiJfi Oat* es.WS do. Cora / v *>*> Lcilttxtd. (for two daye).2.0S3 bVa. PVaat ii «pa rd. . I. n'h.r, 1.-10 pkgs. Butter, \t) do. Proiaaaae' (' 4 A ihre, »0 Hogs. ¦B* Orewa >.?*.» me ra to ocraar. Frkaeon.Prom N*. Y >ri....Jan« IS....Bar Heat*. W a>! it (rori.Kiora N. York-Jaa« K....F0; Braataj rtaaeei t Ci'y...r*.oro N. Y< rk....Jnae 18....Por Harena.W IllaroW.Fn.*a N. Yoik....Jat «SO....For Aipaaenal hot'hrin Li>bt..From N. Yoik.... June'JO... .For Baa Jaaa. A .) . From Boa'on.June to... For Lieereoal. S «. 1.1 the S- utb.Fiom N.\ork....Juar .0. ...For 'traeel Cr»>er City.... Fum N. Y.)tk....JuneO ...For Ht»r«. t ah. aba.Kn m N. York.... luae 5.. ..For Hneae, / t<act...r n m N. Y011.lone 2}_For ' *toi aeaL Ari.1.Fr.mX. Vo a....JuoeSi... .F<w Harra, I'l!. d.Krom York....Jane 90....But Haara. efiaiarva* aLttieac .run oaf. Öt »-Blaea....4:2S I Beta.7:3J alooa-S tt... fcM Mica a art r..TNI* ['.»». Mady tlook.. .. | t.o« leland... «:JJI Hall UatO....MlS:14 MAM IN E J u UR NA L. TORT OF NEW-YORK.Jvwc 14 Cleared. H ,rw.Anderer, Beery. New-Otieana, Waa. Nataoa a Saat II tn.oe.r, D< ane, Olargow, I'unham A Irwioai D. Il aliaj M^uie At. we'p, Poet, 8mkk A Co. j Wm. Tapeaott, BdE 1. ti ri oo\ Taj rro't 4 Co. Bark- Kdaa (irot'n, RIoGrand*, Hrer .Van Brunt * Si aaat R. a.Hraier, Mckeraoa, BaDfor. PtlUbury 4 Haa ford 1 4. Tay o 8m h. JaekrooviJl*. Pillibary 4 SaiJ ordi Kite Hea u, Ci ete, Cer. enaa; O. S. Bexk ian, v\ .«'r f .^iaieiuaie, 'HcBip.011 4 Hanrer; Helte. (Irl Beetuai. Ram Bar, C. scktr y; H. A. Stephenaoa. Hoont, New-Orlein*. Po«, .4a|rk 4 i o. Si l.i mir*-E izabeth, SaJger, Newbera, Der i 4 HolaieaiT. P. t nri», I hi line Ac .ii. er. ma-let; IL Halloa, Poe, Wil¬ li ii r'i.'i D. C. Matr»y. Bat ' Aiiun. I rake. PMltdelphla. J. SV N. Bruee, PtopeLet.lacoay, J*ne*. Philadelphia, W. VV. Tkitmaaoo, aa Arrived. 8tram*hip Jamrrtowa. Var i.h. Hi. hm .1,1, Peterabtxrf eaaT Noif. lk. 1 x. ai «vd etznile niih i*.eaui*hip Riaaoke, Tbaredaf motl.iL* at 4 '/click. J. milea S m Ca|ie iferJopea. Ship > moire Siata. rinaae Liverpool Mart, nadee. nad ttZ pa>a. to U. k A Kinghletni A Su'tcu. May it, let, 41 ll.l.ea. 5i'15, >aw tl ip City of Mobile, from Liv rpool for New-lark, .lone 1, lit CS, on. IS, pawrd ehip Aehbojtoa, ete« ri:i« F. I lb. at 5 P.M.,2l5mUe* E. of rtandy liook, paa«d «teaaaahi» W a hug'iin, hence t' .r Soutbaoipton *nd Brenieu. Tbe K s. Lad 01 f Ai nth on K< aid dutln* thr paaiaae. fc Very F.. Wh ttier.(of Bath) Cate, New CrrWiane Mvy 30, reetOB Ai., to Biet leedy.Mott 4 Co. Jnae S, let 31 *», loa. 714' >t tkc ibip Larmia Adame, from New-Orlean* for Boa'ua. Ah. let- 3113 loo. 77, *poks bark Oem. all, Ootdoa, from New- Driitn* li t MarreiUee. Ship klattaian, (>¦{ Boeton) Collier, NewOricane May S, (o'ti n. Ac, to meater. 7th Inet., off Caryefort Root, aaw tatae St. Patiick, Normandy end Loiubard, alf from New-Orl.tana Mr. Llafiaaak liatk m< niaia* (Br *>) liombeer, Antwap, 42 da>, io ballaat ad M BaBj to ordei. Deik Ainu, Sherwood, Oejveeton Mar 20, cotton, 4«., to WakiKian Ditm nkC". 4 fmaa May », lat. Ai 07, 00. M, rpoki erbr. Weeenau*. White, JS da. froaa Laaruoafar Naw-Yatki ef.oit if trovitlone; ntipp.K'd with bread, flour, 4c. Hri* S.»ln*w. Jackton, Boeton. Icbr. A.raiado (of sarenil.a) Joy, Tampioo, 50 da., aaaalaa f. F. A A. Brnxlere. June li let. 3S, Ion. 1% .50, .pok> eejjr. Johi Jonee hence for Cbialeeton. S<hi. c citet, (Br.) Cook, Porto Cabcllo, IS da,, coffee, F. H. V. hüu.en. Si l.r At n I). Oliver, Oeorgetown, D.C., -i is., floor to Mott 4 Hier IL. Sehr. Howard. Da\i*. Newbern, N.C., I da., naral itore* to 8. L. klitibiil. Sid. In 1 ompaoy with eckr. Oregoa, tor New-York. £cLr. Ralph Poet, CoaUlas, SaTanoali, 6 da., cettou ta Ralph Put. 8cbr. .1. 11 Randolph. Nickerton, Anipvta, Me., S da, lamber to Smith 4 It..v.ri. S, br. Siotkern Belle, Powell, VVUrnliurten, N.C, D. C Money. Sekt. D'idcmooa, (Br.) lugraharu, Eletkeura, S da.fralt to En< "a 4 Co. Sehr. New-York, Ooodiell, Boetou. inda«. Daytos 4 8piaaae. .-< br. I oi«a, Cbeee Boeton. nidae. to 8. W. Lewka. Bear. 1 Ute, Oiaat, Rock end, lime. trbi. Ie ar Arhoto banebman Roekland, lime. Srhr. -iiu.on Dean I In er Roekland, lima. Kr Li. Pii ».!¦<¦ t I ouine, New-H. d ord, it Albany. S. br. J. I one.-, Puttiand. Ct., etvae. 8d r. M Taylor, Joiea, Detini*. fi.h. s,r,r M. ( *;.i le-, New Haren. ,-ihi. i regon. F.t *ii*h. W' Sibr. A ..f) Rot bine, Newbern. N.C. Ih I LI 1>. <hi > Ann Maria, for Penan/. I1 Li.W-.-hip Mal'iman, Colliae, from New-Orleaai; barer Lam wn-i > r, (<> den.) fnnn nn meo for th 1 puat; llth aeC, ha, lat. e 41. Ion. aS,.(Dj pilot-boat J. A. Weelerrelt. WIND.Dariui the day, W.8. W. Dissusters, aVe. Ship Williim A. Coorca, llaeely (trended on selt..*i» Brach) A45 tone, teari y copper-la tciieJ, dec, waa ea'.d at eae- tionot W.'ay fm »1.150,. a-b. \*chi DotriiiN at rnn into, he ow Newbnryport, 00 Mon- irj by »cbt. Airola from New-l ork <- rrrlaa aaray b«r aaaia- meit, a'aving quarter hoe1 de, e>ck-p>ank, and SOIm ether 4aaa e,e. Sir. Thonav A.aen, a paaeengtr in thaO.,a«aiie Bear Ii an 1 I ia life iu atteiii)'icg to jump on board the A-co a Krv Wut. June 7.Tbe ecbr. Eü/abetb llea£ey, Ce'kkart nerter, tYi m Mat«(' rda, pat In leaky, harinc. rnrang a leak oa the'ih ill Doub * Head Shot Kaya. 8be waa bouud ta New* \ k at d lai et. v»i h cottou, eager and molaeaoe, and ie sew ObhBS BBBBI «ad'pinbably be banjed on the ware. She leak* vii) n.u<li and r»quiree to be eonatantly pumped to keep bar flee. It I* feared a portion of her ground-tier may be damage! 1 lie c»e ol the Ellen Flood haa been t le I to-day, bet no deereav n tde. 1 he talvorr made oat a atrong caae for aal rag J. . i. Llslim, Petciaoa, from CieBfi'goe for l'liiladalpble, Ii. ioie letorted eabore OB Colorado Rtef, atill remakoed there on tbe .tit 1 alt., wi h Ualtad Statea itaamer Princeton aMlatiax her. 8cna. I'iTALOC.*, Prlgge. wi nt aahore on Pond lalaod Her. Maker, Seaoay nialit at 12 o'clock, wind blowing rory keaTilr lioni 8SE drtigai'g both aachora. and Monday moro'Bg at S o'cli ck wae a 'otal wreck. Ail hands eaeed. Tho I 'ef «löge bed. e 1. ige cargo of oak for Tntfent, HmramondA. Ca of Bath. Sc hb. V\ m. U bn a v, with 77S eacke of ground alum and eait oa BBBsOj in ti e Po'omac. abore th brUga, on Monday, bt otiA t om Beli imore to Oeorgetown. The veseel will b aaret, lot the cargo ia a total loee. Laic Boame btan (ret See Bird) of HlneMlI. waa the <eeeel are. ki a near Kaaaaa, Florida, 3d inn. The Florida K«|.ul»!icia se>a anr wae tun aeborr before bring abandoned. Partite had Iril Jerk oariile it. the eteemer Mount Fleaeant. for the p irp-iaa ol d ak in a a anrvay of the vessel, lat had out r. tarried Bp ta Üaa Stb ii St tcm*. Cut Mills. Smith, from W ilmireton, N. C. booad to Naw-York, wi nt aebori on Fryingpao Hhoal on Setarday n ,b-; had to throw overboard part of deek-load: reaael gottaai oO.Uakir a; retained to port,and will bare, tn dUeharge n> repait. Ihs stnr OattaT RrrtSLic on her lace royeoa from Loödoa to .Mar>' Ulea ran 34J milea on the third day oat with royal acad- dii a-.aile art. On tbe e'.evmtb day eha only made SO miles, having bad rtry hgb' ami baRling winde. ¦tut Wabbem, aa before reported anon tbe City Railway, Ni u I.e.'ford, waaaold at eoction llth mat. fir »90S 8hip CoLoaano of Portemoa'h, Haliy. from MibBs for Havre, pet into the lower harbor of P. ou Monday ceetog » .and tbe ('apt. in be being flck. Schr. JakB Fa*ejcE» of Bt. George, lumber ladrn, with teat of u ainmaet, waaeeen cn Saturday oll 80W and Pig*, ateeriag; for ilaxtha'e Vkaeyard. To Marinere. Cept. Carwen of ahip (lolden Weet report* that on tha BeaMtO from Mat ilia to New-York the ahip Krück a poo a rock not laid down in any ebett. We make cii'- f .lowing extracts treats letter to hie owt ete. I -ft Man.::« Feb. 7, end en the IT ft, at 2 PM, aaaMd Ibra "iL tbe Streite ol Oeapar. and at .V is P.M. had the aaaajsf- Itaat o etrka on a coral paten a hieb, la not laid dowa oa af th rra, or mrritiameii in Horebcrgb't Directory, aad I haef (BS e'e-t et iiloi . f bo'h. The laet I eew of Pulto Lent, et 4:-» P M., It I ore N. by E , which le the proper bearing as sweat at by Hcnabuifh who tlao reromaienda a 8. by VV. eontea to b' nc« irr in tur.tti,g out 1 f the Strafe: but a* 1 had BaaB4 StaB» aaa'eny carr»8i, I ateeted A.8.W. after J P.M., aad yat SMlast alii w e'ciagbfoi the enrren': etill, had I made my oeaatsa aoc be;t> r then 8. 1 F. it would hare carried ma dear «fall dangers laid da-wo, and I med* It better than 8. W. " At i-'tl. ck v e had her afloat ««a n. We then ran a efcert <!'..!ante from the ahoal, end anchored far tbe porpoaa of taking kv < i a Ld ehln. and elej of aeccrtniuing the ***** 1«ait Ion of the ahoal. There can be no doobc that tssijs >tn « nil* ..ew, a* Mutf leaving Manilla I hare madeJ*T** :a!ae<'(, and only elghr b«ur» before (trikteg paaeed ^V^f mile of Oeepar, ai.d wben eloae to It got two good at*lat aw- ttce era tcatd oo;b ck/>motnrt«rrac.irrr-1 to a mile) ca Ih* aboai. atd af er g. tting off got good oheerve'ioae, »j* placed I' ia leu 3 a 8., Ion. IBS ME. I «1 tmined it tker <U»ty atV. found if to le a email patch of no* more than eitty 7***. «.xi»nt; eboeleet water oa it three fathome, and froaa "«*J wrtl<nt kcowing the danger Bear, ue are aaw aotbCBg t*l i 1 ai ip'utg tor the apace of aU-m. an hoar, when ea "SSy SOr rttil i»B»rd a alight hptiie. The nettrrat danger to it, *ij~L row r on the rh»it- and gi7ao by Horaborgh. 1* Fairtle/l aaaar erMek Ue»r» from it S.E. by F... dietiaea 7 miJea. Ysat«H«yi I ue d witbic a mile of tbe)' Two Brothera,' and fooad a^eare- l. meiefk both rlee'ly correct, aad there cannot be a S-J"" ly ail any ha ring aarack ou 1 atria*'* Rock, a* there Is BrB **mm diterince f iatltoc' it Feu:iv. Rock le leid .old be no mietake In ray la*i*aaMle*B«J " T* X correct i aad baeldn, Feirlie'a Baae!"*"" bar foar feat oa it, while ea date «haal las*» - rrclly. There coo It rtrade were not Killed at String BWktBQ Iraa ihaa thiaa fathom* Lire from hu dey. fiaathlaaiaL haarte^ afbl^lnOlaa-fif, yttatTsesS JwA> A. »ssfefveit

Transcript of BROOKLYN ITEMS. L. · ThehoacnooutUniecveral fatni'ie*. Tie arenaS etery la ceeapted by ea a*-d...

Page 1: BROOKLYN ITEMS. L. · ThehoacnooutUniecveral fatni'ie*. Tie arenaS etery la ceeapted by ea a*-d woman earn-d Kri.laet MeXfroyaadthelow*rBoor bythefemIyof11onry(iroae. 1 he noaiJOU

" Uveut Tom*« Cabin" m again brought oat tt£fw Harum.l Twravr* wnh Little Oeaor.tu HowiaalVaat a renh there will be To-Misht.

jAcreorÜiinaat )Boots awt» Rhokh-.ExEct-roR's Sale to.. »» IrraTt.-A large lot of Calf aad Patent UsBhwTa >»a Si0>rro< *ty>e* uf Fatejat Loathe* äiiot» will ha a-V.

aaath below aaat, i%: Um month of Jane, at 7» Nia**'*[Ad i »nieia*.!. {

Little Cordeiia Howard, with h«r parent*.¦t. and Mra O. C. Howard are to appear To-Nlfcur «a4 aütab werk at the Xatwral Thbatkb to das great. " Ubclrleaari Cabir."


lA4faanaaaaaeat|Ooodwiw «*t Cort, No. ä>8 Water-si, aar«

faaOreced a aaJqna Rvmmbb Raecc, intended iwerlaiiy forawtaata funlrW. lu keenly of deeign, tomaaet. fcrm, manyewBeary c»b'r n>et»cee, and aatail aval, eoxatatrtd it aa tha rone*mmfal at>4 raon< tr.toal Range «tot doTiaaal far '-he oomfort end a««aaae«;«ra dorreg 'ha Baaaaaaer aeaaoa.

Adverti i.'.

That charming child, little C«3ROEr.i\ Howarp,tote af paar to ociit and »Utk* we«k at the favorite. NanoMai,Ta»ataa,aa the g/.-at Cacti Tom* Cabot.

I Advertieenaent. JPiA IN AKD DroORATI» K P.ajper-TrT AROlNfiS..-

""aatt k HtaMtaaaacn. Maaooirtorera and Importer.. No.BBS bieadwaj. belween beooard and F'ankl-.o-ete invit* et-

anntlent* noaetvc atoek, wbtrk U uo«an>aee'.d by anyhi acta eoeantiy. FaiUifnl and ereomplaabed workmen *eat >o

B| part of tka ait j or cematrv at abort aotice, and the* work

a [Advertisement-].* TJBTI.K Tom'h Cabin," with Little Contiri.M

BewiiD aad Iba Howard Familv To Night and a iai« week.else on Satvboat A» Pirdy'* NatioralTaa.Taa.

(Advrrtiaetuaat.)Blake'n Patent Fire-Proof Pitst, No. 119

Eeerl at.Bee and. r bead of feinte.

BROOKLYN ITEMS.8brjoos Arprat.An affray of a serious nature

areaaiad t> a aoaae earner of Tillary änd Jey-et*. y teterdey ai

BaevmtBB. which it u f ared may reau t in eeri ma eojeeqwjnceeBe east ad the pert<ee. The hoacn ooutUni ecveral fatni'ie*. T ie

arenaS etery la ceeapted by ea a*-d woman earn -d Kri.laetMeXfroy aad the low*r Boor by the fem Iy of 11onry (iroae. 1 henoaiJOU ware frequent betwen the wo ftmillee, and v «trrrUylire, Mcavbvy. erandtaf at the bead of the ataira. nude e«eofaeane lei guage to tha wife of (Iroae down etair* which iin u -Ji-ate>« Btadara eqaarrel between tlicio. The hi«band effM «.

<» o-e ibn rfe. int. if !a alieied. took a dab tr.i etrn-k Me.MeFhaj apoa the head, hanking a danremus won rl. Mr*.BlcKlroy'* mo, a »mall boy, came to her aid wiiii en at, hat di 1etat *arce«d in ikflci ing any laiarlea,tha wapon being 'ak a

baa* Inaa. tiaTteere Andrew* aad Hyde of ike Fir.t !>i«mot I'o-Baa hsaag eitreeied by the noiae went In and *rrett»d i>ro< andhla wife, who ware tokra before .Itutire Rtn th and ro nmi'iedSo Jail to await the reealt of the injurloe inflicted.

Washim.tos Park..Washington Park in begin-Dtrg to e*a«ma as agreeable «rpeot The »nun.!» are beinghwehid acd the walk* are rooetiy araded. Tree* hard been eateat ia the bigbta end pltnted elona the "lope toward DckaJhav.,

1 this aide already pieeeuf* * fine appearane«. Workman arethe email mound* and leveling the plotand Cant'>n-*t.; aud from the muiner

i he pert .riue the whole Park will beaaady Brr the pablic tue by neat Hammer at the fartheat, pro-aiSrt.g the epproprlation I* not exhaoaied In the mean time.

mwmi tiur airrio; pirmaaaaageat aa r« aaovii g the i

irfica ac* Styrt r-av. andShe werk aow "erema to be

BtraoLsnr..On W'ednosday morning about 4 o'clockthe grvery cf Sir. Clepp corner erf rkro'h Flrat and Taoth-*t*.,araa feloniouely entered. The harglei wa* eog eed ranMrkingShe aaoney dr» wer whi n th» rlerk awoke and attempted to ar-reat the talaf, bat he aueeeaded In effecting In- eacape.

Taa Courts..Ttie Court of Over and TerminereaBaaaawaeed yeeterday mom ng before Jndgo Rockwell andJostles* Hiryker end Emmona, fir Iba parpoae of ree iviug 'hepeatiatment of the Grand Jury, now in »ee.ion. hut t'u'. bodyaas baUt ready to report, tha Court edjonrncd natii neat Moa-*»7- _____________

NEW-JEIiSEY ITEMS.Militauv Visit..Is previously announood, tho

sVsw-Baven Blues, < apt. Bristol, arriveii in tho New-Haven boat yesterday morning, on their visit to Ho-bsken. The Highwood Guard, Cspt Hatrleld, ofHoboken, whose guests the Blues are, were at Pock-B*ip, New-York, at P o'clock, and received the Blueswith a military welcome. The Blues number forty-two muskets, and altogether arc over fifty stroug. Ao-axtnipanying them are Genoral Holenbock, M^jorHansfield, Colonel Arnold, and Captain Bissel, of New-Haven. The Highwood Guard mustered U muskets.The Companies marched through Poerl-et. and theBowery to Bond ft.; through Bond-et.t Broadway audCanal si. to the Ferry to Hoboken, over «7Il'oh tbeynrotscd and were received with a salute of 13 gnus.Tb*v were then reviewed bv hi* Houor Major Cliok-atesr, upon the greeu in front of the Mayor's residence,after which they marched to Odd-Fellows' Hsll, wherethey partook of an excellent collation. Toasts were

given and responses were mode by several geutlcmenpresent. Capt. Hatbold in a few complimentary re¬

marks proposed the health of an honorary member ofthe llkhwood Guard.Mr. Clickener, the first Mayorof Hoboken. This was r» ceived with oheers.Mayor Clickener in responding cordially welcomed

the Bines to the City of Hoboken. He said that, Itbeing a touthful oi y, I.o could not invite their insuectiob of those public buildings aud institutions whichka the course of years spring into existence in citiesTo the naiarsl as well as the artificial licautie* of theatty, however, he could refer wi'h pride, lb- wouldatom t their steps through the lino streets, the quietax.d beautiful walks aud the shady grovea of the oity,or he would turn their attention to the noble river onore side of them and to the mairnificeut eceoery ofWeehawken on the other; to the famous EiysiauFir-Ida above the city; or to the bay itnniodiiitcly be¬low ii, upon whi. h floats the fleet of beautiful >aehte.Be bored that tbey would enjoy themselves while

SB their visit while they remained and haveooce-long to remember the event

Col. bhsler of the First ltegiment of the HiuisonBiiajsrie, Col. Arnold of the Second sWhnent of theBat ond Bri*tade of the Conueoticut Milb ia, Copt Hria-

ÄCorporal Crane, Mr. S. H. Jeaaup and others wererd out at.d respouded to toasts.

TLia ei.teitaiutnent passed off with much hilarity.Bad when it was concluded the companies parades!through the principal streets of Ho!>okon, stopping attheir headquarter a, the Atlantic Hotel. Iu the eveningHey viaitad Burtou'a Theau-r. To day tlioy will visitBrooklyn, accompanied by ÜioHighwood tlnarel', audseiwrn home iu the oveuing.

LA W INTELLIGENCEoi1cuit COUBT-Jinta 15-Brfjre Jndge Roo«r.vrtT.

suits roH ItSI HAM 1 .

Harper 4 Breakere *gt, The Poaghkecpeio Intnrauce Co.Tn recover on a poucy of f. ,e o ou enuablialuueut of

¦SafariS* Jadgnient tor a^autlS«, principal and interact. mib-Jaat io aadaiua of toon. Birallac euile ageinei the National ProaQBrfaa aad tho KD.pire State lnaoranca Companiea were di«-

l el ka a stadial manner


SriT os M a I! I \ f ISSCRAItCS.Depey«ter * Whitniareli agt. The S m Mataal Ins Co.

That case was first commenced in November, 1 -11Baaarly twelve yeare tgo.) I U to rrrovet abjnt OI1.000 inear-aae* vn tha eaigo of tha brig Alfred Hauiaiond, ronaiatln* ofTaedr. and auet-eline. from the >panlih Main to New-York.Ta* vreiel iseruag e leak and pat into Havana, a aortioa ef thaeaigo katiig j.n < been throwu orerboara, aud the bvl-

whack was ia a deaal||irt atate, aold et Havana, and rbeeaSe at prvpnated fur tepaire to the vieeal, aad a total loae

elaejeedfar. Cm the pen of plaiailfe it wee coatended akatWaa hldra anet aku.» had become eo mack ii.jured by the ection oftha tali-water mat they were oCeneive to the eenare aud dannaroae ta life, aad coaid not be bionght to New-York withaa*rty io tha U>ae of the paeeeatere aad craw, and that SeeQB*i iiiaa had already died ju board troai the effect of the bad airOrtaiaa fn so tbe hidea. Tkl», lu defeuae, U denied, it b ut conasea> d that ike hl.'.ee eoald have been brought to Seer-Yorkt wae alto allegtd in dclooa* that there had bees a deviation in"ta w; age.The eaaa was flrat triad at tha old Circuit before Judg Ed

_jaaoB tn OeSx ber I8i5, and a aaaaalt ei..<wed. but tha ajoeui.aatavwoid art aalde aud a a-cvud trial bad Jaaa S, tSV», when aaaaSfai wo* rraSrnd tut pleintlffe of *>S,61Ö if. rirejptlieewere taken, end la Dt-ceaibri, IRAS the preeeut new trial graat-ed> To be rAMittaned. For KaiuiIff*, ateaere. O.-org- Bowmananal F. B. ( ell tag; fas eUfoudaate, Meear*. Uirau Ketches* andOgdaa U^ffuan.

BCPEBIOB COURT.Jcar 14.Betöre Judge t>Loe«o>.CLAIM as to att achims a VBSSKI .

Feirbaak* 0 a .lieooa agt Nvdth Blooioneld and another.ris.ii.tirp are o .¦.chants at Halifax, K. B\ Ihev


to have held a monjage on the brig Bioomiie;d, of Nat. S,. aivca by John O. l>. Wobei an for 0d.»«, beuag foraaoBeva awhg to ibem by *>id MeL and that SSSa bn*.wk'la at Hridgrpori.CvMn., to which aha bad broagtit cargo,w

hoottaciimeai at tbe -ui' at Maaara Bljocaaaid ol NewTo»k. on a eiaini for abou' ö40u agaluat eaid McL. for I ^rdage.dbe., and vrcaagtaily. It b all god, cowered by them F. V. A.hrkg mS to recover ea«i JCO and 0 l.ea*} da-nagee fjr detsnfaeej ef the voeeel la dafraee it le dauied that the mjrtgaaewa* baaa ada, Oe. Taatimony waa takea Verdict for plain¦SB osm H, eebo. et to the opinion of the Cea't F >r p.aiutiff',

. ¦.'ckarel S. Emmet; for cefeu..ltn: Ueaara. Cbariee Jonoeand H. B. Bowles.

_«0»t FOR INS "RAvcx.

1* ilB»"_H- age. Iha Ha uil'oei K re Iaaaraace Co.Plaintiff aavs Oi«t Maik e» Bran kept a ret til drv

nsed* rtoie tt No. TH Rowery, which w»* banted v Hh .u eon-twu'ttmiC Jalv li-vt aeKlOJ.SBUworthel' propertv dee»rjyaJ.eatwakheaid ei hrten bad an laaaranra of avS.Ont). indailucSka Bt ttS oa tide elaiaa aud that eeld O Boea aeetgn-d to r-laia-SbT, wbo htias* *ait. The Company refaae to jwy oa 'ha grouodShew theaaamed. Mr. O I>"n. iu vWlatiua ol taa leres.« ef htaaaeUy. ami oat the know. .,»* ol awfendaate.iaaared o SSdJa»e, ISM. eo adbiuooal BljSSS ei tha St. Ntchola* lo-uranceCaaupeay and that u wea an aaceae ef the ve'aa, he. aad thatSka Mil* t la votd. They alao dewy other potata of -he eom-aSaint. It appeared that lh* .t r« had beaa ua Sre eeaae timeliters ss thaasaas window where this oaagM aad eaartawniW>**w aaheaej ta raarard la it wttboat any ailegauou ot fraod. Thamet* af anasefaeatan waa el-jaetael ta, a though Mi. Brady, torSOS *aM they were ready to aaawer aay ajoeaairaie. eSoa'd a

isle atWree be made The are waa oocatoaied to have beenlealat T* ha continued. For piaintifl, Meavea. Jamee T

Bvaetv aadBarray, Hamphrey k Bauer; let defondenu, Maua

eVrmOX COWt-lvn Id-rJessre Jedes ."»»""Jnl a Munal egt. Jobs L« rar»*-

To recover dams*es for SH^JjJof LMsMftSJa TWtrr already referred to. v'erdVt feg ptamtiff «M .'49mmm\ ß» et>re Judge SLOtt©».

J. k R M»lh*nk * Co. age Alex. Denm-toon *- '<).

Bv i>'. w Yurk firm a+re» ist a housei at

.TTT." i__ -r.r« unaMe to agree and wre l» r*** ;

»Wt *14W«J. ^

fVTfTtT OF COMMO!* FLEdi.Jvev. 14~l»eBw» JedgeDaly.

-I IT TOR ALlEOKI) EVICTIOJI.fclomou Werdell «od leaeal M. P*a*o *4l- Joho, aW.Jvan,I laintifJ* allege that tbey hir«-l from lot If vch. 1 "S4

to l»l Mat. I85Ö aportmn of premises No. öl Eli*v»beth-eL. »od¦ <iv*d in with 'he aeceisary reakv, he. of thetr rxcupiticn.btin* in the **I'Itjc or peiktsg bu*h»e*»; hot the d»f-nde. it

wilt oat etvae eoos »fterwsid .rieled r±' m end p w,*\ tueir

.tr»licr, Sor plodsmo. for defendant, Mr. F. "myth.

UNITED eTATES < IBCLIT COURT-Jcts: 14-Botor*Judge Ntuot,

i¦> .. on APFF.AL.Frarei* Vn«e and other* igt fbe Ownert of the bark Majestic.

Plaintiffs sued to recover they value of about 50 tune

rig Iron, belog part of sqnatiity which had been laa-ie-l tr n

the Maj»» ir (Iron Belfast)on 3 pier a- Iba North BiTor. bat lostcv. in» to the .ink.1 s of the pier. The captain bad been nrifiedItra or three nun* by tl.e A slatant Dockmaster 'btl there r»ditger in placing to ran h iron u he did m 'be pier, bet he e <n-

timed laidror it and abtni: 159 tuns bed been plveel on th- pi -r.

v. Li n its weight censed the pier o tlv- way and the iron tuthn wn int., the water, and «>ma 5" tan*, as «Idn-.Jfir h-re,en H -*-ly bast. Juelge Intersol; in the D**tV*BtOo*JT*, cuoai brreathat . ; i. g the iron w»« not sa.-h a deliver; as wa* rilled fir

by * MM of laoltg, and entered I decree for libe ant w th a re1"-eiaoc* to ascertain amount- Appeal was made to this Court.Drerre tfitined


rilARf. s: op cointerkf.itiko.A young man name'! .lohn O Donnell was trie, 1 on

tn Im l<im»nt for tr.abing connierfeit cdn in th- slra ltodt of/m<rii*u «,u rter dollar* ll" wa* arrested at the tarn- tinethat a venmg man named *\ illlams teonvicted a few days «nreiwas. The coin f..und 1 ein« very poor linila, tie Jury didi>ot consider the edn to be In the slmi i n to ef Americui qnar-tete, and lelnmed a verdict of N««t OoJty, and he wasdisebsrged.Mr. tipenoer appeared in his d> feu»>.

iv ai to tr.lZED c->ods.

f)rernway St Co. agt 1'be Bark Oriffin.I'laintiff daims to have ahipj>e«l 011 bo >r l the hark

a large jutntiry offtoo: and that they were aeir.'.d by the Cos-t i. House at Rio Jaueito, tbningh the a g ig»nce (.f the partie*on boarr net en'eting them on the manliest, a though 'he reqnl*-h>* of the )»w were in other r< spec's aaamBea wl'B. The( resent mil i* to recover *>5.0Pej. Tho claim is d^ii-d. Ar-

foment was presented. Me--:«. Week* and Oe Kore-t i->r

iL* laut*, and .Meesrs. Howiand. Chase and dtoighton tm da-fense.

COi-RT OK CF.NERAL SESSIONS.Jcvt 14Before Jndge ^Tt'aat.

John Smith, alias Win. Jarres < :r i- - indietei] fortnrglaiyin the first regree. pleaded guilty to burglary Is thethird degree, In bating foreiby entered the room et Chaa Bats-ford at the Etgle Hotel, comer of Frankfort and William-tt*.,with lrtrnt to steal, and wa* aentenced to three years'confine¬ment in 'be State Ptisoa.John Brown, indieted for bnrclarv in the f}-*t rle-

gree was eoavieted of grand lareeay.lo laving ttatsaa leti f valuable prtperly from the house of MamL ISea* of No. 19Dttane st. 1 lie Court seUeuceu him to two year*' confinementIn ibe State Pii*od. ,

Mary lywia, convicted of a felonions assault andbattery, In ha.iig «tabbed Mrs. Mary fjal agher of Doane-ie.with a knife In the wrist and Inflicting upon her a mterecat,was sentenced to two year*' confinetnentin the ei'ate Pri*oo.

Win. llalleu was trietl and acquitted of bur/laryIn the fiist degree, in having burg'trionily entered the h rase ofEligaUth haker ot No. 17 ATeuue A on tbe 2id alt. 11 wastherefore discharged.

L*?oj old Williams and John Van Gestel were triedrnd srqnltted of gtaad larceny, in having, it was alleged, felo-Morsly >Iol»n two pieces of silk, rained at *>S". fiom the storeof W streu N. Herrick of No*. ^1 and J3 Btrnsvit. Tho ac¬cused wir» diacbaiged. Tbe Court then adjonrnetL

'COURT CALENDAR-Tiih Dav.SUPIRIOB Court.Nos. 1,495, I4A, 98, 395, 8«6J,

1' 17, 1024. irifi, 1C0M, 348, S00, 3«. 9« 108, 1029, 1002. 'OA, 191,»97.8,0,3,711, «M.W1, 691, S30, W7, 795, Bot, 26V>, 17S3, 940,S4I, 214. I« 15. .'141.1*. &22, 169, 388, 11, 235,184, 9, bl>, 900,

170 832, 581.Common 1'i.eas.Part I..Nos. 9r>o to tad, »H7 to

".¦i n to 964 , 740. Part II..Nue. 819, 850, 983 to »72, 975to 970.Circuit Coi rt.Port I..Xos. 5n, 3«, S3, 95, I2fl to

136. Part II..So*. 1476,1479,1521, 1537, 15j8, I5J9, 101,743,750,942. 1(81', l.'.i. |.'»». 1287, 12>8. Uf.». 13G2, \iC. lfH, liSd, U(o,iM,euU. 8. District Court..Nos. 17, 20 to 08.

Brooki.T« Circi it Cot kt Calendar, for ThisDay, June 15.-No*. 86, 91, 9i,98, »t 95 96,97,90,99, 100,101,l«2j 1*3, 1C4. 10A. 108, 107, ICS. 119 and 110.Brooklyn City Court Calendar, for This Day,

Jsue 15. -Nos. 45,17,28. 9 and 12.

MAKIUKI).BPLtir.v.Moonv.On Wedneaday, Jone 13, at the resident*ff lho* VV, tarpenter, H*q.,in Rye, We* ehester County,bytbe Rev. 8. II i on.-.D. D-,1' C. Bl'lklev of Brooklyn, toMirs Msav Mount of New floe!.."!!a.

EaSLS.<NtLLia.On Thursday, Jane 14, at the residence ofthe bride, by the Bcv. E. H. Cbapin, Elisa C, eaotbter ofh. 0. Nt-iiis, Esq., of Ntw-loik, to Aasotp Es6LE,£sq. ofMu-fTepi.rt, L*.

Ni « < n leans, Madison and Montgomery paper* ptaase eopv.Sliltris.bEttisa.On Wednesday. June 13, by'.he Rev. J.Morris Prase, Hamuel E. laWTSS to Sabah 11., caagbter ofAuiusins r. herrian, all of this city.

L< V.Kes bis.On Thursday, Jon« 14, at Trinity theRi v. S. h Wrston, J. Calvin L*r to Mr*. Elieabsth E.Keibis, all ef this city. Philadelphia, on 4lh d*y, the 13thu.»t.. according to the oidcr ot tbe Society of Friends, at thereneriee of Jesse W, Newport, Jo**thaw TaavioLs ofWrstrbestei, Penn., to Mabtha E. Newsobt of Pbiiadel-rbia.

Wfe»u he*ter papers please copy.ToLLis.HiJNTisuTos.At Ouondaga Village, N. Y., on Tbnrs.dav morning June 7, by the R< v. Mr. R-.seurranu, RiBtsrI.Toi.Ltsol llu'chki' \ille,Cot>n.,to MsaaicT E. ttuMTiBb-tor-, dsnsh'er of Henrv nun'lngton Esq. of the former place.

Thomson.SJmith.Oo U ednacdav, June 13, by the Her. Mt.Buchanan of Pens., J. Em; «*. Thomson of fhlladclphia toLaVtkLa F., dsugtiter of Abijsh Smilh.

VrtB1 a.KicHsanso»).On Tnesday. Jon* 12, hy the R-v. J. S.Holme, Mr. Ssmuel Vbbbov to Mabtha A., daughter otCtpL Edward Kiehsrdaos, all of Brooklyn, Long Island.

DIED.Cv tin 11.On Tbnndsy aftornoon, Juna II, John Cvvbbll,agrd 73 year*.

HI* relative* «ad tri t.rls are invited to attend tie ftmeral on

Saturday at 1 o'clock, from No. 215 W est 2!s -s

OtOESBtcB.On Sunday. Jnne 10. N. Oaotitrca of N. J.11,« remains were interied in ilia C-emaieiv of ma Kverareeo*.No vi s.At Ortskauy, Ouetds County, on Wednaadsy. Jnue IS,Or OKI.» Novr*,tmta*i of Win. Anrtl* Noye*,la tbe 71th yearof I I* age.

Otiot. In Shrewatury Ma»«.. on We.'m-m'av. June 6, ClabaAaTtiltBTTB, oniy elii.d of Wm. H. and Marie A. Onion ofNew-York, *g*d 10 months.

Claba 't was bard from thee to pert,And leave thee in that dreary tomb,

We a<ed to clasp thee to the heart,And never even dream of gloom;

Our home wss sweet a* borne can be."1 is gloomy bow, but well with the*.

How strangely thoo art tatertwiaedWith everything we see be ow

And every taoaght that thri Is the mind.Is tinged wi b thee where'er we ge.

And ail we do, or keur, or see.Appear* a* if it spoke of thee.

The little relic* ibou bast left,No bsed shell scatter or testrov.

They 'II be to us, of thee aeref/l,Memento* i f onr day«of>>t,

Wbtn we. each moment, used to findNew tokens ot the openii g mind'T was . lino*' morn.with aageiab a rung.U e beat shove thy unking rlay,

\\ hi d, lo be bit da of morning sang,And ap tby iphit winged lu way

Were tboee sweet bird* tbe ang.-l* givenTo fly and sing thee into bestes >

They tell as, Clara. I' was bettSo sweet a union should be riven.

For tboa did'al n at e a« both so bleat,Wc did sot tbhik enongh of Heaven.

O! now our guardian angel heTill we are safe in t-aavea with thee.

(OMMRtHCIAL MATTERS.UrnXmrn mt the atot Is SCaehaaswa Jcne 14

,f0f Indiana Mute .**.U»0 E5 <Ce Nicaragua Traseit Co.aS 166 Ott Louuiaaar*..»ISO do. «SO IS1 OO Vrrgtuia«*..tun 100 do......a**!s Mi Notth t aro.n.a 6*... SDJ SCO Pens. Coal Cs. . aS lits,«0 do.100 j100 do.b30 112».(tOMLwomie*.B-M 200 dev..ot 90 113*.t'0 de.BM I(0 Cantb. Coal Co..«3 29,ces co.a5il2at do.bso x>

I WS do. >5] Ii« N. T.Cen. R. R. ..bSO 91115 It* do. »541100 do.*S0 Ml5,(44) do. a^J 100 do..hi »5S.HOCIty 5*.'5S.M 1511 do.. &

I' id lisneo- titmu. Stda. f« 50 do..s30 95K.'.tC-N Y Cer. k!R Bds 904/ in do.^ egd.t0S Erie Cnnvt. Bda. 11. 84 M as..bta Mi

*H0M' 35 CL* R. Island R. R.. 93iK.reo Erie bd*. of T5..h3S »11 5 Erie Railroad. 49]

.see do.bis 9» rat) de.445c.0 sic.sS 90 IVO do.*J0 4-4s.ers »> io» do.ass 4M,sa»Hsd. Riv.adMts.*^ 72{ to de.\7. *V>7,t»0N Is. lsiMig. Q.LbS 92 50 do.b t'i1.CC0 de. s., 100 de.»45 49)1,00 do. »3 100 Harlem Kann a I.. .s» 2S(Sf'O do. 851: 40 do. fjli'.ffO de. »ij 540 Reading kUU >*J...boV) s.«50 C. k lo. Dit. Rds..J tt 108 da.*3tf »11eft Erie Bonds rf "83.. M *.) de..19 ,

»reo de.»44 ass do.....bsosil5 (. 0 IU. Ces. R R. Bond« Sis JO do.*5» »l{5,00» do.hM It] S Holiana Rhrer Rei'road Ssi».rsaAsa,esaA4« do.bsv a.'| 1» a 97

5,««« de.Sl|: 35 Mich. SoatVs. kNorta-c<« Sc.ha»82l era ludkas* ktaihoad_»841Mrohasm. Bask.119 1« do.MA* 82 38 Mlernten CeitUaj KK.. 97de.«3 811 IM do.«SO «Sa

do.seS Si 108 do.attV 87

V. S. Tra*t Company..11018 da.U<;5f Broadway Bank. ug13 Del. * Had Casal Ca.lSt,

10 da. .18418 Clev. C. k Cis. R.A....M8

1« de.118IST-Cleve. A Toledo LR... 881

O.,dm«r 0old Mtea. .. 15» as.b* 8»?PanamaRaJJreed...*aÜSj| BJ «>.muUmmi»festral Jt. *... »7 '«Mi 4»..-8*817

UM «Mi ..>»»[>.MMl^lW^vM'IM' SC N. T. Central R. R..»30 95|5S»\r^*#»r.'V0..M io.*S0'>%

lCttlr«»***.«*-.:5 on. B»l1 (). Hnd B. 2d Mtl. B>. »S |C0 io. M »Mt Ctt K 1* l't Mtl. ff. L rt! ¦ M'-rhkj«B Central H. R. 17% HO !'!». C-n. R R-. Ftw JO üarl.-m Railr ied...B6«> St|Und Bd». »hVttihUft«! 75 da..NM 9j

1 HG Kite t urW Bd«. Tl. S4l »0 do. JIJ MOKrht BteMiof;*.... tsJ'^O do.b->7 ft"

!S.p: Mir». f> p R R_bd*..*li .:«> Readln*, l.I.3f< CuioWtLd Ccel Co.*3 »' |H> d«.- ill«0 «u.V» ». VO do .h3 91100 «Io..b3 2üJ, V) Ck-v. it To . ft. R...M0 86JOB) d-.V. SM' » io. .ISJOB do.»30 2*1 10 io.i.l.»¦tViTtruTrunilfo-i 1«1 U do.«*l3" trie Railroerl. 4*t IM di .U 04

M io.bSB 494 140 «.Tu«. *- Bock 1.1. R. K. 9400 do.M «94 M *».$*{

Total.#Ö51,0B4 ad 0*1.111 45 »Ki.lla OJTb«- receipts ol the five months uf the year compare

with those of the corresponding time in 1854 as follows:-ISM.-.-ISM_Faee« rre.iku ra.«ern*,erv Kr-i«lr.

J-noary....O*S.r5 40 #21 ^.#5 74 »65, lew 12 *>*); £ti r,Febinary.. H> »74 aS 284,104 24 3.\574 S7 1S4JBB 1«Match. 7S -o» 1.' ili.997 41 ti.un iwms*.AptU. 6»,»tl -3 411,545 7* Si^Ol SB til Su5 23Maj. 79J.9B 77 Su! 375 S3 K.670 49 3C5.I4J SO

Total...BOSJ '41 (4 lH,Ui»t 9S OSSI Aü «5 01 »1 145 «1BB441 .* JBI Aii Bf

Total 5 mo*. 1 £5«... 01,759,560 OSlotai 5 du ICiX... l.TU.iTO Sj 1 7U.SSS SS

Dceieaae. 048.07» It

This shows that there was an icerv«.«*» from (>osnen-gcrs in the f.\e motith* ending with May, 1855, asci nopared with the corresponding months of J.954, of.99,084 81, and a tailing off of #7i.i...j »3 fromfreights; making tbe total decrease B4S,079 IS.aresult att rib u t ablo to the short crop of last year.The receipts of tbe Chicago and Mississippi Road in

May were aboat *)M,ooo. Tho first week in Janeshows considerable increase, being fctt,oou.

SeJee of Storks nt PTBlladelptaln..JOBS 11.ItU-purted BH T*a M. T. Taiat ae, by J. R k H H. »*».]Ajtrr Hoard.I «0 Kntdlr,f Railroad a*. 'Ol, BS. H| t.OOS <li.

do. . aey. M ; 1 (CC Cemdm and Amboy Rmr Jid 6«, SJ. 84i;2C«C I nunCeueJrU.K'rern, SO: 2,(0 do, k«. ft) 100 UrjS*,( k P. ».J; ..¦CCdo ea.b,C. A P.. Kl; ICO Sclay . Ntv. oa,.», * ; 10 (HO Pet o R. R, *., l< "3; da iWn, |02»; l/XO>1.« Co M. C. DDill»vil e.Vd; 2,00 do. k V If| 4t Pena.It. H.. '4; 43 1 <hitb Scilp S6;4-do. «|; ( L«hi»!i Bar. b> 6iJ;34 do. ;. cay«,b9,: 4 Little Sciiuyi. R. R BSah, 5it; 0 R aimsR. R. W. 4«; «0 d. b5. 45'; 10» < bewr Val>» 0. R. S3 l|BSVadUvSntgl. B.. Si; 5.. Lot>B R. R. i7J; 2Vl lo. byI7|; U.I Nor h Aiuetlr it «"oal. St t^enineteial Han*. 56; .$F^iuo re' »' .. M' rhtnl'C I'.auk. b5. «3; ti Uirard Flunk, li

*ra l.«jfrf»-2,«XC. W'ilu.fai*tna R. R. ö*. 9r.|; MS .1«., 90>Kt e«ht.T]. N»v. HeTd, c»»h. ait.Sacra / at rat.01 I CItj R. R. 6« V. P. R. R. r. 4. P

S.Ki io.,C. k P. 91; -.'.'.i .!".. tr* C Sc P.,91; I Penaa. R.ILTobI ; U> co., 44; 7 c omtneicial .1 t, '.

h oil Iha'd. !,(ff Ci y «>. C. * P. 9* ?0 R»a<lina R. R..i'»l t'|: 4V «"o., 4M; !». dn., a5wa. 4Vi; 1<*J do., b5 45t; MS

Canal at, 1 tj IVO do., 4:; 5" Lebu'i Naf.,b^.iKiS l.^hltb Scntu 5tVj ; 50 peana. R. R 14; X) Lju« lalaod ILI;.. kB, <i-_

Tm r."D>t, June U.1 P. M.There was again a very large bueines* done at the

f-'tock Bor>rd, with a very string market io tV> betterclnss 01 »tocks.those m which the trnosrietio'is aro

not usually speculative. The dividend-paying I ul-roarl Stocks and Railroad Bon'ls ap[K?ar to he tho ft-Mitins. Hie bosinc«is is slso large la S'atc, V'ry sn lCounty Bonds, with s strong upward nvivoin nt. Thetransactions which are not made at the Itoaid araunatually Inrne. The public appear at length to havebeen imlnc^d by the ease in money matters to hat e

come into the Steck market to some extent, and wc of more outaide ordeuthau for a long timo pastiSime parties who have reontly sold out t iotBsa andmade large pr.dits arc now turning their attention to

Stocks. Reading, which has beta of latothe great speculative stock, is meisurnhlyneglected, and fell off nt the Second B i«rdto 91. This is probably, however, only a rise

to innuce short sali s. Kric has been firm to-day, andc lowed at 4'.'] bid. Central has been very buoyantnnderthe rumored large business of May, #620,00<J.Tl e stock sold at B&J, a further advance of 1 9 cent.Harlem fell oft to BJ, Panama was firm at 102J. Inthe Western shores the business wa« large at still ad¬vancing prices; Michigan .<soutiiern advanced SOlBJjCleveland, C'lumbm nnd Cincinnati to IlBj (' BvObBl 1and Toledo to 8«j; Chi« ago and Rock Island to Jlj,Arc , all showing 1 to'.' ¥ cent improvement. MichiganCentral and Illinois Central were firm at IT. OhioTnirt was 103 bid, and I'niti-d States Trust soldas high as 110J. Delaware advanced to 1 to;Pennsylvania Coal 111', showing 11 very buoyantmaikct. Cumberland was heavy, but DaSOai with¬out much change fiom yesterday. Tlio sales ofRailroad Bonds publicly and privately exceed#100,000, the principal movement being in IllinoisCentrals and Kries. Of tho former, 1300,000 were 3oldclosing at ItJ for Constructicn, and la fa PreelandBonds withoi.t tLe Stock privilege. Erics IMS sold at

94^94j, with considiruble transactioos at pnvatebargain. Eries 1871, 8tJ; l^;.",, 90. Kew York Cen¬trals 90J; Hudson River vds 9."), 3ds Tff^l Terrc Hautennd A ton I 9 cents 81 bid. The largest advance was

in Oosbcn Line, which advanced from '.ij[ the las' stleto clusingat 9JJ. tstate Stocks were active andbuoyant, the salts reaching 1100,000; North Carolinaadvanced to loo; Virginia HXIJ; Tcnnos«ee 96; Indiana5*1 r.'>; Iyotdsiana 9:ij; Miasouri fl I9|. At theclcnetbe market was strong with considerable inquiry forHtate, City, and County bouds. About 30,000 tlovt.IM sold j rivately at 116.

In Exchange there is nothing of importance doingand rates are hea>y.

(Jrain Freights to Liverpool are better. AboutC0,000 bushels Corn were taken at" latterIn slip's begs. Some cotton was taken at J a 3/c ?>bale.Tbo amount received at the Sub-Treasury was

#67,c:9; paid, tlB0,4M| balsnce, *l,M,2;j. Paidfrom Assay Office, #9,470. Paid from disbursingeflices, 131,340.The following sales of Bonds and Stocks were made

at auction by A. H. Nicolay:? 6,lt0 rittaturih C'ty 6*, 1S83, int aslded. II6,100 Siaramtnto Ci y *>, lftirlnt. ad ieu . OS5.1 tl Cbiitii. and Miwi«*lppi RR. 2d Hurt.. Int. a l.i-d.. 62i.CIt Ci.\e in.! and Pitnd.nrah rh. Ucimea. lut. added. 61H.Mi rnr: Wayne end So. Real F..tet llomla. int. edded. 537,'ir ( ert ü ate rTt.-ttnndie Cani e] Coal Co.»1,4.0ltd »hm. i ktaniwa, \\«/porl and K.:leRR. V>B .bete* \ ir<lt.le Sieamal.ip Co. .10 »bar. e Cit *. l* Bank. IWi4 »bau. Chatham Bank. »2Mi tnaoa if Owans. N. Y. »0l'lfbarea Leni.a Fire InMiraoee Co. . S'tIt sbarea Par.fie Fire InearaarsCo. IBM50 »heia* Kolton Fire lnaurance Co. 90- > r 1, I, r 11 r-i r . 91

5,(11 »bare* Late* ter Zinc Co. 85«. thaiee llrmpnnire Coal and Iron Js. "1S. Draper's semi-weekly auction stle of Stocks and

Bonds takes place at the Merchants' Kxehange to¬

morrow at 11J o clock. Among tne St ck is a parcel of Bioadway Bank Stook.An iasue of #350 000 City of Detroit 7 9 cents made

for municipal purjioses was taken yesterday by Messrs.Dum ai, M.. hi an .V Co. at about 101.Tbe Wabash Valley road will be opened N miles

fiom Toledo to Foit Wayne on tho 1st July and ISmiles fuitbtr in about ten days afterward. This en¬

terprise i« being pushed with great Vigor. M E.C. Litchfield has been elected a Director to fill a

vacancy.At the election of Directors (f the Broadway Bank

a day or two since some tire or six of the old Boardwho neOO among the originators of the institutionwere lelt out. We bear some reasons given for thisaction, but as the parties interested w ill probably pub¬lish a card in regard to the matter we refrain fromstating them. Mr. Draper we notice advertises 350thai is at auction, which sale we presume grew out oftie cucumstauces of thru election.An Extra fiom the office of Themptoht Bank .Ye:

Rej ( rter ssye:'. We have dashed the Adrian Insurance Company,

Mid ican. It will Inesk, we think. We have* alsodsiked the Bank of Maeomb County, i n s Bankai) or may not be able 10 redeem ita notes Thereare several (ieorgia Banks that have no business torireniaht hero, As a ordads, we D (Doubtfjl theMtihsoica' Pank, Memphis, ienn."The receipU of tho Smuington Railroa 1 for May


re>'et;aer».013JE7 1C Paeeencere.S'-5,6I'. "7liennnV. 9,»4 tC Krcaibt. J.29I 65

Total..fU.S'l 3.1 Total.Ht.r,. UDecaeaoa at 1U6.0i,4ui BX

Tho revenue of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroadfor May was as follows:

M*i» »fem. Weak. Br. Total*.Frr pauecger*.054,742 SB OJM 1 IS OS.'.670 41ikrtrcifkl.Jm\J*2 3d tJSi J6 s& 144 61

At Iba Kanal mooting of the »teckholoert of tbe

Chicago, Alton and St. Looio Railroad Company,(late Chicago and Mismseippi Railroad Company) be.da» Hk> mington, Illinois, on theintb day of Jtne, IWe,il« to lo« it gpptitlem« n were elected Dire-tors for theensuing yeai: Seabury Breweter, Now-York; HenryHoicbk'ss, New-Haven. Conn.; Samuel M. BUtch-ford, New-York; Ham'l'on Spencer, Bi rd i.

111.; Henry Young, X w-York; William H. S nith,New-Yoik; James Wiight, Owego, N. Y.; I ri th J.rrri'h. XewYe-rk; Jansen Ijow, New-York. At an

a< jonn ed n,c< Lbnj af tLo Board of Directors of this

( < mpanv, In Id at their (ffice asj the 3d inst, tho fo!-V wieg preamble and resolution wore unonimo inlyadopted:

IlJkrrrci. Clerte« Ooold, Vmy hv tkle .lay tender* .1 I.' thisPoetd Mi reiiaaa ito a» Preaideut an I Director of to* < on-

iu<; »t< rei not it i«I.'ih ii'i. 11 it the backs of 'hie Board be tendered to Mr.

(ji a d 1.1 the nlcblr »»rriee« ren4*red be bim tothiaCom-I it j ar wLen *i:ek «et»we* were em BeBSBB, andtti i ESSBB refJSaa ihet the iSaM of h « bealib ;>rerenu but eon-

uanasjoe as a Daracaeeaa h.-i ooipeay.Tbc Bank of Lfi ith America, ha* declared a aemi-

atnnal dividend tefSJ P cent, payable on the Bi July.We pub isht d on Wedne-duy the annexed telegraph

dm} Mob f't m >t. Lou:-:¦flOXtBuinfO are now lie-inf irs'itnted hy 'he City

( >it Bti Louis to res'r.'.io the m gati ition ofr BOOS in* favor of Puje A Btcon for lbs -<i ¦ of|lfMf MB, dstcd June,', lOBS, pay at de live .lavs BffeBfdate, I uij ortii g to BB executed l»y tmt < l'iio an I M i--

strati pi Railroad Co, ami to be ee'ened by tocir dee Iof Ti e legality and validity of these instru-BB i hi tire- ei ..

We tow harn that an injunction was obtainedagainst tie i <.'O.t n of the above note, and that itLuebieu served by teletrniph upon the parties in-tert «ted l ere. 1 he action of the Director- of the Hoodin this n atter wss as follows:

'. At a n u tire of tin Ilourd of Director* of the Ohioaid Mirhoupii Lu Iroad Co npany. held o the 5:hit.sf.. piCi-cnt Sierers Bncon, Alexander, tiarriaon an IItlcttr, PacB at Bncon s a. « ount wr a r*>eajSBBaL Bada role tiatirg date June 5, IBBB. w us irivet. *i_'ne JI'm i< IL Oarransn, Vmm l^enbloiit, for *i,i s8,t*t ol,nyetdc t redout from stsBs to tho order ol Page »\


n, aad a deed of tro>t on all and abafalar tie

prrnJeee ai d pra ei ty and all the ¦ppartoaaaaoa of11*0 Ohio and HissaMlppi Rnilr<»«d Company, to J. H.AN x«i err, 1 rusne, i OtfllbasOd ihat in ilcfaulf of patneat Of raid aota n d ino-rest at maturitv, the -iidTn>ot*o ibaiL wbaa rafabad La writing ny l'.ige a1 ai o- enter in and BBM ai d take pOeeJOOneOO of tin-j n ;i i/is ami proj . My of said road, und ; the a id re-

c. rot and rc< over the camii ^a, isKitr«, proti's and pro-c. ai s, and aUBfJ them on the debt for which road 800*1ot in st is unit.; und tum nquirivl it shnll !>«> th"duty of tl e 11 Uftee to tiisj>oa« of DM who'e or a part ofMM j roj ci\\ by giving twenty <la\ s' noii>-r> in a BOfOfi in Sr. Louis, at the north door of the t eirt-

Botw fret pi yinjr he cxi ensca of the sale, the balBBCf la he f aid to Pi er A Bacon.

'. The Bord of is signe.1 by onlcr of tlie Board,the above Ilirn tors lu ing present, bv DanielP.(inniion, Yice-1'nsideiit Ohio and Mu-eissinpi Rail-rornl Con-psny."The previous arrangement to issne to Messr8. P ige

& Bacon ffl.POO.OOO of Stock was cancelled by theEaCCattve Committee of the Roa L We do not supj N that atraonu PagB «b Bac m intend to take anyaction »I i« h will prejudice the imerests of the stock¬holders, but the above arrangement appears to givetb« in the power hi sell out the whole concern at once,and cut off the stockb dders entirely. As Mcesr*.P. A B. have jm-t paid off tbeir creditors to considcr-slde eit< nt in this Stock at M it Is not probable thatthey n ill now take any steps to annihilate its value.The btirinf-fs nt tj.c Clearing House was 111,201.079.The Cotton niaiket is inactive, buyers being unwil¬

ling to submit to the advanced prices demanded. Tiicr.ccouiif» from the Sou'b in regard to tho rivers are

contradictory. We understand 'hat tho scarcity and11, piices of Corn ntthe South <iuringthui season Vave

induted planteis to turn their attention moie to raidingfood for their neirroes, and .» ss to Cot'on It is supp<ird tLis»i I hove a mateiial effect upon the productif lie growing crop. Flour is rather better to-day.but Cfrn, with large business, closes heavy. Provia-ioi s sre buojant.Ti c Chicago snd Wilwoukce Road is doing a lar^o

business, quite (itual to the capacity of their presentequipage. It is one of tho most successful of the now

roads tot med at the Went. The stock, wo believe, hssnever appeared in this maiket.A comparison of the footings ef the weekly Rank

StnB meet of the Boston Banks with th se of the State¬ment for the previous week exhibits the followingit suit;

Jooe June tl.Capital Stock.f ii,7tr,rf0 aii.710,000 Nochen»-».I err std Dircoinfi.. 51.99".' UM .W, 111 .'II Iner..OJ2t.lVflBrectt in Ituak. 3,171.1*3 3,4<sj ISI In r... St,S SI ue iron, o ber Bauka l,l<6 5 0 IfBAJSi Iucr.. .6, l.ntjlDM IS ther Bank.... 6,'.5«,34 f.,l5j,.'IM Iacr... 99,e«0llepcelti. U,.SJ;i.^ 1> 31.125 Iu.-r. ..S'iO.l"«tiiculaooa. 7,113.978 7/05,795 In^r.. .481,817Ihe Yeimoiit and Massachusi'tts Rail oad Bond¬

holders hnvoecci pti d the Committee's Report, re otn-

m« nding the receipt of Bl.ioo.eoo in <i ?> cent new mort¬

gage boncis at 9'.' 9 cent, in exchange for tbe old bondswhich will become due on the 1st of July next, pro-ridofitho arrangeiient shall be assented toby theMeckho deis and the I>-gislatu'c. The amount ofabout f too,CCO was subscrihod to tbe written agree¬ment on the s|Ot.

7 he Lahcatter Dai!» states that the Trustees of thoLsncsster Saving Institution have di-t'\min. d upon %

p'an of action which, if agreed to hy the atockholders,v» id i nable tLe Trustees to continue the bu-Tim-a ot

ti e institution. The plan proposed involvie the relin-quislnient on the part of the creditors of M *' cent oftheir derosit*, v hieb would equalize the gro*s liabili¬ties with the sen t*. The. Trustees make the followingexhibit of liabilities snd M

tlMlllllls flWaseii o/ .'up,ui st*k, O'-O.or'.)f-recia! I'cp. n:e le oa iniertet.*>4j3,5S3 «7111- ei.: ... (.. .,!.. 77,4 ¦ I 39Kalatka en July 1. 55c CO

Total liaaiUties.054I.SU PSAStCTf.

Pille reteiralie.a25SjaO 52Muifff. 19.80) St

Jci'tmin. 00*0 0>( enhVatti I «... tiJBt OnBiaels. . i too ooBeaintaif. SiJfOCO.arfria.ctpceiii.ra, w: . JOSH 43ial. on hanu. 4 «38 «0

-03t'».983 14

Deficit. 0148,1571) 32Tho hol btiiiis oirfaMio of cm am Coal Comjouy

end oticr stocks I.BMsSfj OTC1 l.y Mr. BoakghtOr un Ifa tl bnroban of »lieh hran amounts of money havet«en c\j < ndrd. but upon which stocks we OSM »-t u a t d \ a!ue. We j roposc to spe< ial dc;iosiroisto n 11 w tl tl i (r'irjeates at 70 ?* cent of th*> priocip«lctoieyc-rr, lieaiinif inti rest at 4 cut from July !Li xt. ai d to be renewed from year to vear for thr.-evests; a no m trana.eut depositor* we propose to payat the pan c ratt in in three equal monthly pay-¦ ei ts. As Mr. ritvfor the future safety of deposingtins erraugcd it is m signed to a>k the sroekbold> rs to

rrßll tl e stock rod thus n rx-w the capital, amountinto f .*o,ooo. This being done tbe statement wouldstain! II'BS:

UaMlbies.0-741J43 14Aeaeti. ...»./ 'it

Ce| iUi i a,din. 50,0uS 00M culd tins |*aH ral idea be approved by tbe partiea

nti i* rU d we and tbe follow Bbg conditio.** a< part otle i loroeed srningement: All nrofits, from whatevercuue di lived, alter payn.eut ot inten st due depositSSO, (XnetOM aad a d.v idend upon eto» k not exc*e?<iingt 4' et in, or 3 P < eut semi annual, »hall b< set apart fortl icesui letsive voaie for the bei.« lit of all speei^]H'SUoit wLo may relinquish rbc 30 t> ceut as above. ;*'<<!. All spic-!al i.cpoei'ors shall !». at li'^ rtv toaitidisw thirty-three and a third 33ji cenr of hisor 11 r«i j ot-it anmady, baviug riaonM days'previ¬ous m ti< .- of sin h intention and thereby relinquiahinifr II . »tit in lie fund abora named, which shall be11 Ui for tl.e exclusive use of such only as shall renewtl eir det oeifs entire from year to year'dnring tho b-r.u. jeeinee.that ia to say, to July 1, lese.

Mo>ratslB.CiaxrcLLT RxroBTED roa Thb Taisr*ic.Tncasaat Jana 14 laSS,

Affil'-Tte merket a »ery Bran for bach kurds. r«a!ee uf£ö IIet +6 <..i T t. .-. I'.ariatCHt^.lb* aaarketia decidedly quiet the adranoed pre.

tena i te il loida-te letyera arc uaenlutg i, LaeeL ITieaalee arerc'crted ai l .ttC bc*r». tbe) foil, a it.« ate ibe rataa at wbick thelaat ¦ n were enadc. At the cluea phcee are barely loeciine ]

atw-Toaa «.aaeiricariua1> "wie t -Oa. Mobile. N. O * TaxII 11 11 n

BrtÄv*:::^ !ii If9Few.It| lij iuCOntl: B)0BBB rally qa'erf, aad price* rale ocifaraa; ei-, f

are. bar. K,o at 1- *. H Jc, SOS kereja Ta« iyra at |i^ aOJbi«St. Uma |a et M aad SttVai^eraeaibo n^ u litnets S5D ».r.-.!.-TWra Mbibb aoW

of State aid W«a.ra Blow.- And ach liebt arnaala tk*> aäarkrtietiimar. ?Aa aa. Bant ana batter BnafOS are ia food rooe^eftar ike Lerne Dada and 'be » «et at Kaady p Icaa. tXJZu Z'SM ttctiaai-a to i aickaee (jt Mrw,rd eafiaary and^SaV^amu star srlksa btta stBsaas sf Cm tan trfCMoTeaTlaeia

f-rm. TW tale* of Wf*.r« Canal ere 4.386 k-b>V ,. 8»*8* 50fcr tot» ordkBOry to good 8»ate, *9 699*9 »I fÄ aaised .« «>»<*«Mkbigw, Instate ud com« m to good Obi 4l «ad «11 .->« tilfi r extra Genesre. CanedLn float ia » rlbeat change. I h»

d. ro*nd U net very %s We. Tbe etlea ere*, i hhla. at »l«»#11 for cntrtssa to Wat brands. Sondern F'wnr i* wi'b>e'Bt'.tb rang*. 1W a>a«W i* rsod«'ata. Sales of 73 bbls. »t

«VI i.'o »il s'2» tor con man to (Osri standard brand* A'-t a-

Jrit. Bat incr* tad Oee> ge'rwn, and * II 611 if * 2 i.'t f r fa-rrti te fate* «rd *»»r* b. ;-nd« Rve Floor I« quiet. Sale* of

tl b\ at *7 SCtf-fo» 1*1 t'o'b M*al i* onrbaeged. dale* of9 III« J ra-y at #Sia9»j412i.GRAIN.'Ibe demand Bat Wheat i* moderate, and com Boa

oo« littet are loa-rr «nd rery »low of Tb *al . are l+«bush, wbi'e at ti 46. and 2,7»» buah. Cptier I-ske r -d.«arpc.ed at ** «:of#2 '«. Rye i* qetet: tale* of 50» bath, inlot* at *M 7*)«*1 8". Oat* are » seh Icrw.-r, and ar- aa«*ttl«d[rale* of Slate .cd Vv e* eis at 68d*85o.. and Jersey at Mia.Corn i« riuher e«»i« r p"r»icn!*rlT anrn'rebarlt ble; tW ml .. iro

lfPMO lu.h. at im.>. lor asebaige,!; <Hi/#l rrtf.rfair MrV««ters|t)l (73*1 08 f'.n-SoatWrn yellow, and #1 1»

112 for Seothetn write. _

GLUM CL01B.-a..-* have been made at sWtoTwfroI tab* at I. (« 12},. 6 mo*. .

RTDFF.TW man.I still ihoet ttgn* of wea-oet*. thoughthere h> .< me inqul y at prevtou* r.f .«- Sale* of 1 999 r* arl > ('«bei o,.'. 16. at |.'}e rc.iietmg war-r dam.g-d; 1.'» 0 or 2.harms Ayrea. 21 D, ii;2r., usual sele. c-iu, 6 m st.; 241 Sou B>eri.l7ft.«t lie rum. and 1 0 A-sociattoi S.eng-tir at *Kcub r M'-»Tt > idd e* en 1 Uaht W«tgt,t*. TV slock I Vi.-o ..

ir.GN-P'g i»he«ty; P e ea are more active, asd preis are

betirr. e,ih sales ot 1,408 böte« id X CitareoeJ at *174*»J M|. moot ha.IBON.A trod d-m md for Sc tch Fit In part to arrlTe; teles

mm »r. '25 ea'h. a- + '' ¦¦' A

U AI-lb- uojtk-t i« betvv trith etrirliiif bo-loree dotii*;ml. tS laag bV .>. Eu»>ish ly.sterdavj at *>6 £> 4 mo*, inter

I tatasUed.U ITKEaV-Ko new features present them-eitr»; th- tap¬

pt Ii «lüLdani t r present want*. The aalet are m m ly of uil-d!<' w. (his atnl dam-ged. I'pper in rough t* ( ill s< ar< e. Theit rk tei ers,.y it a»ei meUtii g.

Ll.V I k ..radr. tho demand fs.randtapp'yrn; sal'sof 11 am. n R. rlland at lulc, and Lamp at 121.

Ml v" 1-S 1 he deu has ireatfj I uproved; pri-e. - dal-m; tW taiea bersda -on hhd*. t are4 Caha at Hi <A-; 15Loo.. < aha Sioscotado okek load) at 36tc; IM tea. and .'80hi ¦ 7 tu I.->i de Cuba on term, we <ild nut learn.NAVII, ST ftThe n arlrt for Spirit* l-nrp-n'ine U w th

j'to Ii sale, of Kl bbU. ttl ttllji.-. and IWbbltsi t- Ic. 'osh. with hide doing at *M 12} f ir Wil-n.iisi-ti srd 13 25 for North Counts. Comm-m K«* u I* hsr I ya- lini.theo n n.. is fai : sal s of 2 200 bot«. Wumlngtou a?el Mtitfl !-'.j|>1|i tb delivered, nothing I« dose n 'he oth Mg Tsr .'¦ i--ldbl»'nr arl h score order* he-efur eipurt;Ri pa Wl iild c» ii.u-suo *3 15.

II.S.Tb- n-aiket lor 1 nglish L a»»e<l i< sti'l Intetit? anl llum. ins I a' Itcf r whole lols; snles from atorestitta. Thistick in speinJatot*' and Impo t. r ban i. |. est mite I at 250tm . whin- is »Wut one half that of last y-ar tbia tu-. Ca .e

Whale Is fi-m >ud tbe demand tair at "lid73 i.r g i-i narc-lak'tiu i« hqovnnt at for Spruig bleached as 1 814*8«. fortVlater. Lraat. HptlBI is nuiei bu liroi at #1 80 e >sh. Mao i-

l**seWS(>dl the >i I n'> fur at previous atoa. Ltrd(Iii I* «-< *i:v int vrr> u"t-'at 85d87)c. e«*b and f Bf mon ns.

Gl >e n n ales dull *' »>a37} fur quart* and bv ih- g II. *? «1 20.BO\ I >IONS.lbe in arte- is again bet'erfu I' -ar¬

rival, if nn ill me (gaj ih. deuiai.d lair; -ale* of 1.4)0 bb a at#1' »>i7 S7J for n« w Mess; *)! > fur d i. Krim ., an I *> 8 f* 18 ¦ to: K late Mate. B*e? is In inol-r 88 re.pi -«t be' Itr ther Bta tue anii lit err light; tale* of SOU bbla. at *>ll fur\irmiiit Ml»; »l'i j. "a »>12 5.- for Country M***; *» 12)^8s IS fcr «V Fr ti.. and *I5 .'5iz* 6 for r pacxei Watte tj1'iime Mess is firm a 8>£298)SS. Be. t Ha ns are dull at * 1 > rth.i I i gioh la. on i» iu f ii demand and It liiovaut; tiles of181 boaraBStsrt Mlcdlet,rihIS,at8fMfs, Cut Mes-a ,r 8^-nand in ri-id demand; >air* of 7c0 bl N., tea. and bhd*. a* 7»« 7ic(>r Bhoeidrrti tad i-iiiWe. for H ms. Luit n ,,i;e»i; «tlet ifl-l) hbiv. and tcs. at 10} tx 10 jc. for Comnouto Priii f. I olt rai d heea. are unchanged.KIC1.An Incinatloo to heavines* t« elearly ohaervabl- lu

the msrki t io-day; the demand i. but trivial) small tJotunlybare tram afaad at 'A a 6jc. Tbe receipt* are about -¦i|aal to theIrsi ucioi s.¦ALTPC1 FR.At Boston tale* bate tTantplred of 1.20" baa*

Crada at 8<t6ic. 6 mo*.SLGARS. the maiket is well sapported, with a good In*

1-,'iirv tu m n fil er*, also a fair daman f tW trade. The»I ecnlatlte jm-ihare ye-ier ay of t.O 0 bhda. moatly Cabe Muiroi ado, wts insiteru ut.y rmilted by the pilnter in onr Its' re-

I ort. I hi « embrace 28' hh 'j. Korto Rleu at h<*6c,slid .'.X bhds. ( ul a 5.useovs.lo si 5ju8{c.

.SF1 I S.A mixlerate demac-l ior ( lover at ld}»)lle. Timo¬thy is talti et at for reiped. Linsee Is rather lower; sales atBei ti n f t' I Im tnd i,500 poek-ti Oattalta at *2 5 cash.

SI'S LTV R is well held; we learn of-ales oft' tuns K.ate* tostrive st f5 75 cash.TA LOW.i he demand it fair for borne consumption, the

su|plytot large; tales of 10.COO th at 12c. cash for but. hers'AsveeWb n.W lil*ihV.The market kt heavy, tW demand light; aale« of

.'I belt, at Sic. for Ohm and 35'U\>5!c. for Prisen; Drudge isi.i inn..I st He.

IVrolly Ma.t.,(liig.The) folUwtDif -abls- srivee the Kcfeil Prloa a/ tho

priiicipal a-tn lea of Pa'in Produce ia tha City oftk w-York on TJiuredav, Jano 11:

¦bbajHind Hoert, f IB. i?taik'-re quart's, 1» A. 10 81 131Poi. H. 8'.aa..f » 13} *

, ri»H.Salmon «'<t D. ;NCHtAsh dry .> IB. -*Clam* round, hen. ;(". >' 8tOysters In shetl. #>hon-ired. 62132 08

R i. piece* each. 16 C \%\ Klug Kl*h sj> B)... us, ¦»Con ed »-7,. in ,1 12s Lohstors 4* IB. 8 » -

Tartie *? ft. _ 124» -

Rump 8tka..«J> tfi. 14 t)

Baal d Beef, 8» ft. 12 s>Tougae*. each.... 76 WMutton car. A? ft 9 d>Mutton fore quar*! 10 tMntton.blnd do... 1219Mottunt bops, r 71 III8)Vea..b d qia. f fr 10 d)v- v :¦ v. a. !..;V a 1..-u. I i

Se« Utas t> ft.... 8*1«Terrapin, dot..9 80 9 .

. ri.srstLBS 4BD rtUlTt.Strswhemel (J*r-teyi, bask. 1 9 6

Orten Corn, dot.. 75 hü .

l herriet, ft. 15 d> .

( h. rne«, bulk.1 25 9 .

roKB. Po.»barri*i, t> qt.. i5i4>Careaaw* «J> ban..8 80 *T» 48 'Cu-rantt, «J> qt.... 25 d> .

Ai retail 4> ft_ II 9 11 |Pot«loe* (new finHam. 4-7 1.4 3 14Sbuu den d b 8* ft 11 9

Bermuda 1 peel 50 .?.,<,-> L.f. bhl.4 ¦«' 9Po*aloe* L. I. h«al 40 .Red Onion* (Ber-mudaa) beak.3 24 t)

Lettuce.?*Wad... 2 k9

Hidea. do t> ft .... i''Pickled. 4» ft. 11 .Sausste* *f ID-- 124«HeadCh*e*e 4)> ft U\*fig*. -i if i. ea 1 25 Si 40 Beet«, new, bunch. 124<9

roilTBT. Water Creao* qt. 4 # .

Tnrteyt t> ft_ 16 9 It I.Jersey Pntat'a Bse.l W a?Kon'/p-lt. V. ul 50 App e*. f bN.5 or 4M 08Slriiig Oee.e.e*..! 50 31 75 App M 4* baa.2 00 9Ducks IBi a is t OV dl 0 Dried Peache* qt. 18 ¦ -

Spring Duct* ptu.l 50 9\ 75 Dried Appiee fff 121» -

Chickens,.pr'g. pi. 871 ä 1 00* ba*k.l6t)a> .

6i)usa* pair. 824* Turnip*,new bnch. I 9 -

Robius do*. 7 c Oukias »> huueh. 8 » .

«. .4 Plseoo* dot.3 00 «3 4» ICahbaee. aew each 24 o> a* Spinach 1 peck... 9 . .

Plover, dog..2 50 »3 00 'Tb-p C«br?« Jror 6» .

Yellow Leg«, d i .2 50 if9 00 Cranberrfet. f> qt. J*d*> .

Dowi'cber, doa_2l0'a3v0 Garliek q>hanch.. 16 .Rktg Nceka,4aa... 75 dl i0 Ptrwnpt 2fot.... 2 9 6i-urt Ba i e dot. . , 37. o> 40 Leeg« sP bench... 8 . 18...tL'l --nlpe. dot... 37ju> . Swee' Cera. et. 25 . .

hocslholo eiooecTB Raiiiahe*. bsnca... I «9 .

Touhvosj,ftn. Bar-made qt. 37jr9 .

Bhabarb bnnch... I 4 lt|Rgg* bbi. 10310s L24e)Re'ail freab trat») 12} d)State Bo- si 4> ft 22 «Oraog- Co. do new 55 9 28 Oreen ".««» p-ick 15 9En« Ch -eee f ft 25 9 Strg.Beans 4*} pk. SiiaCheese It hss. f> ft 10 9 ii, A*u*/a«4s bunch.. 12}* 184By'be punnd. !.t* 14 'Cutomlx-rl. each.. 8 * 6P'nesp . Cb'e ea.l l?}» tqusshea, each. 62}91 St,8. Sato ( ^ee*e ft. Ml *> Psmpkln, (W ] )Lard by >nb «J> ft. 14 9 -ach.I 00 * .

run. fiat. Potato Yam*Shad Conn. River Sit * 37} 4/} peck. «8}*Kenn k Sum in lb 17} * . m» n ,>>mitain en.Canada, ft 9 30 'Bowgua dau*** ft 31}* -

Hal'bn f ft. 8 9 BeefTuugoe* es., m.-i 76Raas fft. 8 * 10 Tripe 4»ft. 6 * 8( odh*b »ft. « 9 Do. pickled, . ft. | *restPft. 1/}* _ Map. sugar .nets 16 12 » ISBin» Pish ft. 8 * . Do. wboleaae ft. IB 9 11Black Fish, ft. I * 10 Honey strained.n.andert e- ft... 6 8) - (new),4» ft. 12}* 181Pet« e* e* ft. 6 * Tomaroea qt. ease.Preal Macs if lea 10 ar 15' | it .S >*> 33 MSan Ms. t f ft. Id Ifj Hli-kory Nate de.J 2ft 32 SCPtl» Sb.d 4? »... I» ») "«sehe« 3c-SU. u-U.S N <v -

SWepahead, ft. 24 * . Apple Battar gal.. »8 9 ~

The above market* are carefully revised by tbe fol¬lowin»; dealers at Waahin^toc Market:

J. M. flLLta.Stand No 101 Battei, Cbeeae and Lard.E. PacatB * Sot.Stand Nn. 6. Poultry and Oam*.Baser * Hvso.ataost* No*. 27 asd 28 Beef Mattos. Veal

and Lamb.FtiLLAB a Raas.Stand* No*. 2 and I, City Slacked Hams.

Bacuo. Beef. Tungoe*. itJ. H. Bso.-, a Co..Biacd No. 4 fnrlrs of all kkada.J. D. Iilsc01.Stands No*. 17 and IS FVsb dealer.C. B. Haatls.Stand No. 30 Etn CbeeaeS. L. Kite a Co..N,.. g mil 9 Folton-tc, Orten and Dried

Fn .t«. v««».»s.<a "«-h* »eWm. J. Black.Stand No. 60. Vetetahlo*.

Cembrldcre CatUe KatrkaCReported for Tut N. T. Wbbklt Tbibvbb ay lout Batob.

'VRoetgoal, Jane U. 116%.At Merket. 2Jß Carte.about 270 leave* and 22 ttor"«, cen-

Ikatmg of Working Oaen. Cow* asd Ca tea, Vassr m*Ta, 9 and 3year* osdMaBKCT fto r lira f> ewe.. *9 48; ant .OoJty * I

¦reood qaaTny, SM 48**8 74. 'bird ouaoiy 8)8 48; k uns rf> 5T; >ide., » cwt. t* 25, Tai aw. 883 88 «; .*;!* 81 50-, Catf-Skina 12s. d> ft; Veal Calve* 85, 86. 88-628 stmarket.Stobbb.Working Oiea-ai24, 8140 8K>8, »174 #192, mto

to 8:25. Crwaand Calvea. 8J«' *3t, 8od 893. 840, to 8 <e.Two Oars Old, * i- -HI. 8332. * A 838, 8-14. *41 to *52.Tktee Old. *44 84S, 848, av. 842'o 8)82.

.-Htrf *an LsMi.s- i, 34 at narket. fx're 8V»i 86 9 bylot 81 5C. 82, 81 "»5 82 25, 82 50, +2 75, 88 to 86 25.."wieg. Mno«.RtMtiK'. The mppW la »hört of the demand oa all kind of

itrtk, tnd Betf wad Wve told 5Cc per handrnd higher,were it not that there la t larg- number of WereruBeeve. r,n the way for Brigh ob. Meaar*. K. |e,Jr.. k Ca paid 816 per ban red Bar 47 head of ex¬tra Wewe.n Beete* yesOrd**. With the exeeption of afeweat-le which owner* be d't i high the yard* were *U 8*8888 ibefore 11 u'e'oek. 72 can came over the Pitchbarg RaUroad and29 over tbe Boston aid Lowell Railroad loaded with Cattle,Sheep, Bwfeat, Horte« «nd S.w.

BirwBCB raow aaea trsra.Cattle. Sheep. Caltea. Horte«.

V ¦:.». . 78 . .

New Hampshire .... »0 1«-8Verasuai.184 70» . 12Mtmaehneert*. 96 37$ . .

N*w-Yot*. 12 . . 19Canada. . . 15

Total..~m 1844 ~*m ~46*Philadelphia Market*.Thcr.4D*T, Job* 14,QtlBBClTaCB Babk No. Milt at *)«*)r« *9> 58; Cut v

qt'et en «croost of high taking price*; aalppertof Floob h«v«wltbdrtt-n orn tW market and rate« are from 8)10 62to *ltS> ii r ban e use Cobi Mi.iL tnd Rearacky Flocb inactive atprevkci qao'siiors: Wheat eontiirefn limited masetitaleitn Vnt«at82Mf.Tgoodnd.*adwbi'ebeidat 828rr*s)'6i)tales 1.0(8 In.Uls \5eaters at eneeeot pnhlie; Cobb ra mil-ertte eemtsdi >t a* »U*j ta*Wl* yati w at 81 07 for Sott'S.aCcat, ard 81 d for Pennsylvania la Care, Rye l. »earr i withlight .ale. ti 81 673*1 88: Oty» have farther decUrse-l, with«s)esst84'«*Sc. for r-oetb. asd Pens.; Oboccbicb an^ P*u

v^tiooaaahaBfad; Wauar sail* tleartyet «na. f> kbL aad36c.

ttaUtlButrw l^ftU-Watdkst.Bu r.^ott, J me lt.-Alonr ( attlc MaBsUT t*vday975

bead cf beef leitle were ob*, red, 75 of which were driv-B Kaf-ward, and 538 sold at srVsaa laagm* from 6*10**, set, the C«t-eo getierally beia| ef goo.'. s«i Sty, Hay*were brktk M *7489

Ua«»i Jos» 14. ttttoP. M.-Ki 01» 1« t.»i a thele ea a aiieneneei haaate OB T"** aa an t^mmJ>mu

02ae «?"*».

'''¦«; Hta»e at a eoronaou brande Of Bo OS*rra Mixed in keta flc. o» 11 '-I .. and tWir jT-rMce ebne: «obittb. ('.irüui Whu- utIliiNa v > .alee Hat t aW*ip'» hy r«n« . 3,TU tta a^»*«I». »..*. "-k-^-^'%tiT AIT 11alii »7 "^l*lirfio. Jai.e H, t:3n r. W--ri.oi-aUaaoW.-^wi'h < wnwerd reeVefccieat to!fx SCO bh . at *B^

,, ,d v ItrireiD II to- taaaJ iajeWeSJOSU^«,. + i3for fa v.,rite nm Cenaitian. Wiit.» 4^"Sst«,l eke Kr»1»« ottered at Ol S«f and refneavd, t'oaa eeSaVal-!?*and a ark»t eceJer; a re 45.C«*> bash, at fro. Oare kara.'?!??*1*'reqv r.t t Fair. IO,r P been, at »efSOr. with mx aana-TaaaS*in itrr ereo three bguee. V\ fllsar mot* ac iva faVn^*j*Hf»Ti rii ipt rchaarn j aaJea 173 hb'e. at 3-"at r'o. Ca aatHi55**a. re < rn. I H<- '.. A eany and Troa «. d ille t)e BW*5*Wecd Flour rfr. RrrcirT* for tho tw. aty-t «r h«^lT7g*etwo to- ay: f.:» bb!e roar; U.MS b> ab. »W|7a?,'lfore: M 7'lR So, Data. Iu «tore bat«: 3SJ0O wmVteL**-'i',U. dr. Co/b»3f?<K do. Oat*. "*..«{Mwt BLrjva June M.-TTi-naw* ay t*ja SCe/»«. er«,«.,inlet) tsooi« papers and e*ue»d an advan.* l, Z?

( ii \ v r1 tat b»lcg now anted at HOllatt *Ca?*'i.! -ourf...! to d,**- rare. NVmto t on he« enaha^Li**9-{uk.. Karl'.HTs to Liverpool a.-.- tary 0r«aadUataava *war. t * Fr» nice abip haa bean chartered at Jd. ^^"'¦a*Vih ( ii.l i»! June M Coit .n Arm; aalen aeaa .

rniddlinf at Ultt lil«. Floi b »»58. YSLLew CssOaU&TReceipts of Prodrsr«

Py S'rtM ffirer fioatt. 5,i Tn bbl*. Floor. 1'» plea A*naad... Li. I I' A- \\ :.-*ky. 3JW pig*. ProrMirant«JwiJfiOat* es.WS do. Cora

/ v *>*> Lcilttxtd. (for two daye).2.0S3 bVa. PVaat ii «pard. . I. n'h.r, 1.-10 pkgs. Butter, \t) do. Proiaaaae' (' 4A ihre, »0 Hogs. ¦B*

Orewa >.?*.»me rato ocraar.

Frkaeon.Prom N*. Y >ri....Jan« IS....Bar Heat*.W a>! it (rori.Kiora N. York-Jaa« K....F0; Braatajrtaaeei t Ci'y...r*.oro N. Y< rk....Jnae 18....Por Harena.WIllaroW.Fn.*a N. Yoik....Jat «SO....For Aipaaenalhot'hrin Li>bt..From N. Yoik.... June'JO... .For Baa Jaaa.

A .) .From Boa'on.June to... For Lieereoal.S «. 1.1 the S- utb.Fiom N.\ork....Juar .0. ...For 'traeelCr»>er City.... Fum N. Y.)tk....JuneO ...For Ht»r«.t ah. aba.Kn m N. York.... luae 5.. ..For Hneae,/ t<act...r n m N. Y011.lone 2}_For ' *toi aeaLAri.1.Fr.mX. Vo a....JuoeSi... .F<w Harra,I'l!.d.Krom York....Jane 90....But Haara.

efiaiarva* aLttieac .run oaf.Öt »-Blaea....4:2S I Beta.7:3J alooa-S tt... fcM

Mica a art r..TNI* ['.»».

Mady tlook.. .. | t.o« leland... «:JJI Hall UatO....MlS:14


Cleared.H ,rw.Anderer, Beery. New-Otieana, Waa. Nataoa a Saat

II tn.oe.r, D< ane, Olargow, I'unham A Irwioai D. Il aliajM^uie At. we'p, Poet, 8mkk A Co. j Wm. Tapeaott, BdE1. ti ri oo\ Taj rro't 4 Co.Bark- Kdaa (irot'n, RIoGrand*, Hrer .Van Brunt * SiaaatR. a.Hraier, Mckeraoa, BaDfor. PtlUbury 4 Haa ford 1 4.

Tay o 8m h. JaekrooviJl*. Pillibary 4 SaiJ ordi KiteHea u, Ci ete, Cer. enaa; O. S. Bexk ian, v\ .«'r f .^iaieiuaie,'HcBip.011 4 Hanrer; Helte. (Irl Beetuai. Ram Bar, C.scktr y; H. A. Stephenaoa. Hoont, New-Orlein*. Po«, .4a|rk4 i o.

Si l.i mir*-E izabeth, SaJger, Newbera, Der i 4 HolaieaiT.P. t nri», I hi line Ac .ii. er. ma-let; IL Halloa, Poe, Wil¬li ii r'i.'i D. C. Matr»y.Bat ' Aiiun. I rake. PMltdelphla. J. SV N. Bruee,PtopeLet.lacoay, J*ne*. Philadelphia, W. VV. Tkitmaaoo,


8tram*hip Jamrrtowa. Var i.h. Hi. hm .1,1, Peterabtxrf eaaTNoif. lk. 1 x. ai «vd etznile niih i*.eaui*hip Riaaoke, Tbaredafmotl.iL* at 4 '/click. J. milea S m Ca|ie iferJopea.Ship > moire Siata. rinaae Liverpool Mart, nadee. nad ttZ

pa>a. to U. k A Kinghletni A Su'tcu. May it, let, 41 ll.l.ea.5i'15, >aw tl ip City of Mobile, from Liv rpool for New-lark,.lone 1, lit 3» CS, on. IS, pawrd ehip Aehbojtoa, ete« ri:i« F.I lb. at 5 P.M.,2l5mUe* E. of rtandy liook, paa«d «teaaaahi»W a hug'iin, hence t' .r Soutbaoipton *nd Brenieu. Tbe K s.Lad 01 f Ai nth on K< aid dutln* thr paaiaae.

fc Very F.. Wh ttier.(of Bath) Cate, New CrrWiane Mvy 30,reetOB Ai., to Biet leedy.Mott 4 Co. Jnae S, let 31 *», loa.714' >t tkc ibip Larmia Adame, from New-Orlean* for Boa'ua.Ah. let- 3113 loo. 77, *poks bark Oem. all, Ootdoa, from New-Driitn* li t MarreiUee.Ship klattaian, (>¦{ Boeton) Collier, NewOricane May S,

(o'ti n. Ac, to meater. 7th Inet., off Caryefort Root, aaw tataeSt. Patiick, Normandy end Loiubard, alf from New-Orl.tana Mr.Llafiaaak

liatk m< niaia* (Br *>) liombeer, Antwap, 42 da>, io ballaatad M BaBj to ordei.Deik Ainu, Sherwood, Oejveeton Mar 20, cotton, 4«., to

WakiKian Ditm nkC". 4 fmaa May », lat. Ai 07, 00. M,rpoki erbr. Weeenau*. White, JS da. froaa Laaruoafar Naw-Yatkief.oit if trovitlone; ntipp.K'd with bread, flour, 4c.

Hri* S.»ln*w. Jackton, Boeton.Icbr. A.raiado (of sarenil.a) Joy, Tampioo, 50 da., aaaalaa

f. F. A A. Brnxlere. June li let. 3S, Ion. 1% .50, .pok> eejjr.Johi Jonee hence for Cbialeeton.

S<hi. c citet, (Br.) Cook, Porto Cabcllo, IS da,, coffee, F. H.V. hüu.en.

Si l.r At n I). Oliver, Oeorgetown, D.C., -i is., floor to Mott 4Hier IL.Sehr. Howard. Da\i*. Newbern, N.C., I da., naral itore* to 8.

L. klitibiil. Sid. In 1 ompaoy with eckr. Oregoa, tor New-York.£cLr. Ralph Poet, CoaUlas, SaTanoali, 6 da., cettou ta Ralph

Put.8cbr. .1. 11 Randolph. Nickerton, Anipvta, Me., S da, lamber

to Smith 4 It..v.ri.S, br. Siotkern Belle, Powell, VVUrnliurten, N.C, D. C

Money.Sekt. D'idcmooa, (Br.) lugraharu, Eletkeura, S da.fralt to

En< "a 4 Co.Sehr. New-York, Ooodiell, Boetou. inda«. t« Daytos 4

8piaaae..-< br. I oi«a, Cbeee Boeton. nidae. to 8. W. Lewka.Bear. 1 Ute, Oiaat, Rock end, lime.trbi. Ie ar Arhoto banebman Roekland, lime.Srhr. -iiu.on Dean I In er Roekland, lima.Kr Li. Pii ».!¦<¦ t I ouine, New-H. d ord, it Albany.S. br. J. I one.-, Puttiand. Ct., etvae.8d r. M Taylor, Joiea, Detini*. fi.h.s,r,r M. ( *;.i le-, New Haren.,-ihi. i regon. F.t *ii*h. W' A ..f) Rot bine, Newbern. N.C.Ih I LI 1>. <hi > Ann Maria, for Penan/.I 1 Li.W-.-hip Mal'iman, Colliae, from New-Orleaai; barer

Lam wn-i > r, (<> den.) fnnn nn meo for th 1 puat; llth aeC, ha,lat. e 41. Ion. aS,.(Dj pilot-boat J. A. Weelerrelt.WIND.Dariui the day, W.8. W.

Dissusters, aVe.Ship Williim A. Coorca, llaeely (trended on selt..*i»

Brach) A45 tone, teari y copper-la tciieJ, dec, waa ea'.d at eae-tionot W.'ay fm »1.150,. a-b.\*chi DotriiiN at rnn into, he ow Newbnryport, 00 Mon-

irj by »cbt. Airola from New-l ork <- rrrlaa aaray b«r aaaia-meit, a'aving quarter hoe1 de, e>ck-p>ank, and SOIm ether 4aaae,e. Sir. Thonav A.aen, a paaeengtr in thaO.,a«aiie BearIi an 1 I ia life iu atteiii)'icg to jump on board the A-co aKrv Wut. June 7.Tbe ecbr. Eü/abetb llea£ey, Ce'kkart

nerter, tYi m Mat«(' rda, pat In leaky, harinc. rnrang a leak oathe'ih ill Doub * Head Shot Kaya. 8be waa bouud ta New*\ k at d lai et. v»i h cottou, eager and molaeaoe, and ie sewObhBS BBBBI «ad'pinbably be banjed on the ware. She leak*vii) n.u<li and r»quiree to be eonatantly pumped to keep barflee. It I* feared a portion of her ground-tier may be damage!1 lie c»e ol the Ellen Flood haa been t le I to-day, bet no deereavn tde. 1 he talvorr made oat a atrong caae for aalrag J.

. i. Llslim, Petciaoa, from CieBfi'goe for l'liiladalpble,Ii. ioie letorted eabore OB Colorado Rtef, atill remakoed thereon tbe .tit 1 alt., wi h Ualtad Statea itaamer Princeton aMlatiaxher.8cna. I'iTALOC.*, Prlgge. wi nt aahore on Pond lalaod Her.

Maker, Seaoay nialit at 12 o'clock, wind blowing rory keaTilrlioni 8SE drtigai'g both aachora. and Monday moro'Bg at So'cli ck wae a 'otal wreck. Ail hands eaeed. Tho I 'ef «löge bed.e 1. ige cargo of oak for Tntfent, HmramondA. Ca of Bath.Sc hb. V\ m. U bn a v, with 77S eacke of ground alum and eait oa

BBBsOj in ti e Po'omac. abore th brUga, on Monday,bt otiA t om Beli imore to Oeorgetown. The veseel will b aaret,lot the cargo ia a total loee.Laic Boame btan (ret See Bird) of HlneMlI. waa the <eeeel

are. ki a near Kaaaaa, Florida, 3d inn. The Florida K«|.ul»!iciase>a anr wae tun aeborr before bring abandoned. Partite hadIril Jerk oariile it. the eteemer Mount Fleaeant. for the p irp-iaaol d ak in a a anrvay of the vessel, lat had out r. tarried Bp ta ÜaaStb ii Sttcm*. Cut Mills. Smith, from W ilmireton, N. C. booad

to Naw-York, wi nt aebori on Fryingpao Hhoal on Setardayn ,b-; had to throw overboard part of deek-load: reaael gottaaioO.Uakir a; retained to port,and will bare, tn dUeharge n> repait.Ihs stnr OattaT RrrtSLic on her lace royeoa from Loödoa

to .Mar>' Ulea ran 34J milea on the third day oat with royal acad-dii a-.aile art. On tbe e'.evmtb day eha only made SO miles,having bad rtry hgb' ami baRling winde.¦tut Wabbem, aa before reported anon tbe City Railway,

Ni u I.e.'ford, waaaold at eoction llth mat. fir »90S8hip CoLoaano of Portemoa'h, Haliy. from MibBs for

Havre, pet into the lower harbor of P. ou Monday ceetog ».and tbe ('apt. in be being flck.Schr. JakB Fa*ejcE» of Bt. George, lumber ladrn, with teat

of u ainmaet, waaeeen cn Saturday oll 80W and Pig*, ateeriag;for ilaxtha'e Vkaeyard.

To Marinere.Cept. Carwen of ahip (lolden Weet report* that on tha BeaMtO

from Mat ilia to New-York the ahip Krück apoo a rock not laiddown in any ebett. We make cii'- f .lowing extracts treatsletter to hie owt ete.

I -ft Man.::« Feb. 7, end en the IT ft, at 2 PM, aaaMdIbra "iL tbe Streite ol Oeapar. and at .V is P.M. had the aaaajsf-Itaat o etrka on a coral paten a hieb, la not laid dowa oa afth rra, or mrritiameii in Horebcrgb't Directory, aad I haef (BSe'e-t et iiloi . f bo'h. The laet I eew of Pulto Lent, et 4:-»P M., It I ore N. by E , which le the proper bearing as sweat at

by Hcnabuifh who tlao reromaienda a 8. by VV. eontea to b'nc« irr in tur.tti,g out 1 f the Strafe: but a* 1 had BaaB4 StaB»aaa'eny carr»8i, I ateeted A.8.W. after J P.M., aad yat SMlastalii w e'ciagbfoi the enrren': etill, had I made my oeaatsa aocbe;t> r then 8. 1 F. it would hare carried ma dear «fall dangerslaid da-wo, and I med* It better than 8. W." At 1« i-'tl. ck v e had her afloat ««a n. We then ran a efcert

<!'..!ante from the ahoal, end anchored far tbe porpoaa of takingkv < i a Ld ehln. and elej of aeccrtniuing the *****1«ait Ion of the ahoal. There can be no doobc that tssijs>tn « nil* ..ew, a* Mutf leaving Manilla I hare madeJ*T**:a!ae<'(, and only elghr b«ur» before (trikteg paaeed ^V^fmile of Oeepar, ai.d wben eloae to It got two good at*lat aw-

ttce era tcatd oo;b ck/>motnrt«rrac.irrr-1 to a mile)ca Ih* aboai. atd af er g. tting off got good oheerve'ioae, »j*placed I' ia leu 3 a 8., Ion. IBS ME. I «1 tmined it tker <U»tyatV. found if to le a email patch of no* more than eitty 7***.«.xi»nt; eboeleet water oa it three fathome, and froaa "«*J

wrtl<nt kcowing the danger Bear, ue are aaw aotbCBg t*li 1 ai ip'utg tor the apace of aU-m. an hoar, when ea "SSy SOrrttil i»B»rd a alight hptiie. The nettrrat danger to it, *ij~Lrow r on the rh»it- and gi7ao by Horaborgh. 1* Fairtle/l aaaarerMek Ue»r» from it S.E. by F... dietiaea 7 miJea. Ysat«H«yiI ue d witbic a mile of tbe)' Two Brothera,' and fooad a^eare-l. meiefk both p« rlee'ly correct, aad there cannot be a S-J""ly ail any ha ring aarack ou 1 atria*'* Rock, a* there Is BrB **mmditerince f iatltoc' it Feu:iv. Rock le leid

.old be no mietake In ray la*i*aaMle*B«J " T*X correct i aad baeldn, Feirlie'a Baae!"*""bar foar feat oa it, while ea date «haal las*» -

rrclly. There cooIt rtrade were notKilled at StringBWktBQ Iraa ihaa thiaa fathom*

Lirefromhudey. fiaathlaaiaL haarte^afbl^lnOlaa-fif, yttatTsesS JwA> A. »ssfefveit