Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life...

Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten

Transcript of Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life...

Page 1: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Bronze Mythology Study Guide

Unit Ten

Page 2: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

A legend is a story that

often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Page 3: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The action in “Popocatepetl and Ixtlaccihuatl” takes place

before the Spaniards arrived in Mexico.

Page 4: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The name Ixtlaccihuatl means

the White Woman.

Page 5: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The Emperor’s prohibition of marriage for Ixtla is a result of his


Page 6: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The Emperor changes his mind about Ixtla’s marriage when he

is besieged by his enemies.

Page 7: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Some of the warriors tell the Emperor that Popo has been killed in battle because

they are jealous of Popo and want to spoil his triumphant return.

Page 8: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

According to the legend, Ixtla dies of

a broken heart.

Page 9: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The legend says that Popo punishes his enemies with the army of warriors watching, and no one tries to stop him. This description reveals

the Aztec concept of justice.

Page 10: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The link between the two pyramids and the two volcanoes in the story is a detail that is typical of


Page 11: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The character that says the magic words in “The People Could Fly” is


Page 12: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In “The People Could Fly” the slaves flying away actually represent

living a free life.

Page 13: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In “The People Could Fly” Sarah wants to leave soon because

she and her baby are being whipped.

Page 14: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In “All Stories Are Anansi’s,” Anansi takes advantage of his victims’


Page 15: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In “All Stories Are Anansi’s,” Anansi captures Osebo, the leapard, using

a deep pit.

Page 16: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In trickster folk tales such as “All Stories Are Anansi’s,” the hero relies on


Page 17: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The high price for stories in All Stories Are Anasasi’s”” suggests that the Ashanti culture

honors the practice of storytelling.

Page 18: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The word that best describes the character of the crow in “The Fox and the Crow” is


Page 19: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Myths make sense to us because

they explain the world in human terms.

Page 20: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In “Phaëthon, Son of Apollo,” the quarrel between Phaëthon and Epaphos results from

the two boys’ pride.

Page 21: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In Greek mythology, the god Apollo was linked to

poetry, music, and the sun.

Page 22: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In “Phaëthon, Son of Apollo,” when Apollo urges Phaëthon to be wise and make some other choice, we can predict that

the chariot ride will turn out badly.

Page 23: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

When Pluto first sees Persephone in “Demeter and Persephone,” she is

gathering flowers.

Page 24: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

When Zeus intervenes in “Demeter and Persephone,” his actions show that he is

concerned with the preservation of the human race.

Page 25: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The impact of the pomegranate in “Demeter and Persephone” is

Persephone tasted this food of the underworld, so she cannot stay on Earth all year.

Page 26: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In “Icarus and Daedalus,” the relationship between the two main characters is

they are son and father.

Page 27: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In “Icarus and Daedalus,” Daedalus associates sea gulls with liberty because

sea gulls are independent and can fly freely to and from the island.

Page 28: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

From Daedalus’s reputation for cunning in “Icarus and Daedalus,” the reader can predict that after he is shut up in the tower he will probably

attempt to escape.

Page 29: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

One lesson contained in “Icarus and Daedalus” is that

People should steer a middle course.

Page 30: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The cultural context of “Popocatepetl and Ixtlaccihuatl” is


Page 31: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In “The People Could Fly,” Toby speaks words from

ancient Africa.

Page 32: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

A folk tale is a story that

was composed orally.

Page 33: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In “All Stories Are Anansi’s,” the gourd, the calabash, the vines, the bamboo pole, and the forest are part of the tale’s

cultural context.

Page 34: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The best explanation for the fact that many folk tales are very short is that

short tales are more easily memorized.

Page 35: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In “All Stories Are Anansi’s,” Nyame is

the Sky God.

Page 36: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

According to Aesop’s fable “The Lion and the Statue,” the statue was made by

a man.

Page 37: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In order to trick the crow in Aesop’s fable “The Fox and the Crow,” the fox appeals to the bird’s


Page 38: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The myth of Phaethon helps to explain

the sun’s daily travel across the sky.

Page 39: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

A story such as “Demeter and Persephone,” which contains supernatural characters and explains basic features of the natural world, is best classified as

a myth.

Page 40: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The immediate cause for the disaster that befalls Icarus is

the heat of the sun.

Page 41: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

When the titans ruled the world, life for both the gods and human beings

was ______________________

Simple and happy

Page 42: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

After Zeus became ruler of the humans and the gods, what made

life for human beings painful?_______

Harsh winters

Page 43: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

 Why were the gods comfortable on

Mount Olympus? ______________

They wore clothes and had fire

Page 44: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Why did Prometheus choose to remain on Mount Olympus?


To guide Zeus and control his anger

Page 45: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

According to “The Origin of the Seasons,” the people who would be most likely to worship Demeter were



Page 46: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Persephone’s duty or role was that of a_________________________

Spring maiden

Page 47: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The only person who knew immediately what had happened to

Persephone was _______________


Page 48: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

During the seven months each year that Persephone must return to her husband, the weather is __________

Cold and bleak

Page 49: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Arachne’s skill brings with it something dangerous-- ________________________

Too-great pride

Page 50: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Minerva disguises herself as an old woman and calls of Arachne to


Overhear Arachne’s boasting

Page 51: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In striking Arachne over the head, Minerva is _________________

Punishing her insolence

Page 52: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Why does Arachne hang herself? __________________________________

Because of her injured pride

Page 53: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In “The Reward of Baucis and Philemon,” Jupiter and Mercury

journey to the land of Phrygia. What is the purpose of their journey?


We are not told

Page 54: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The pair disguise themselves in order to better ___________________

Hide their divinity

Page 55: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The Phrygians refuse the two hospitality because they are


Unfriendly and indifferent

Page 56: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In deciding to punish the village, the gods view its inhabitants’ lack of

hospitality as ____________

A major crime

Page 57: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In his life, Hercules was opposed by ____________________

His father’s wife

Page 58: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Why did Hercules undertake the twelve labors? ______________

As a slave, he did what he was told

Page 59: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Hercules served as a slave for one year to Queen Omphale? __________________________

As a punishment by his father

Page 60: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

What is Hercules said to be doing now? ____________________________

He is enjoying peace and rest

Page 61: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Short Answer

What natural phenomenon does Popocatepetl’s torch attempt to explain?

In “The People Could Fly,” the reader learns that after Toby flies off, the Overseer tells the story. The Master says it was a trick of the light and the Driver keeps his mouth shut. Why does the Driver do that?

Page 62: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

In “All Stories are Anansi’f,” what is the meaning of this statement?Anasi, the spider, yearned to be the owner

of all the stories in the world…”

In “The Fox and the Crow,” why does the Fox want to hear the Crow’s voice?

How does the myth of Phaethon explain the origin of the Sahara desert in North America.

Page 63: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

What conflict does Zeus face in “Demeter and Persephone”? How does he resolve the conflict?Identify two clues in “Icarus and Daedalus” that help the reader predict what will happen to Icarus.What explanation is given in “Phaethon, Son of Apollo” for the movement of the sun?In “Icarus and Daedalus,” what does the myth convey to readers?

Page 64: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Important Names in Greek Mythology

Greek goddess of love and beautyAphrodite--

Greek and Roman god of the sunApollo--

An arrogant young woman who boasted of her skill in weaving to Minerva


Page 65: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Greek goddess of wisdom, arts, crafts,and war


Titan whom Zeus punished by makingHim hold up the sky on his shoulders


Greek god of wine, fertility, and drama


Page 66: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

The Titan who ruled the universe until he was overthrown by Zeus, his son.


An Athenian inventor and architect who built the Labyrinth for King Minos ofCrete


Greek goddess of agriculture and fertility.


Page 67: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Greek god of love, Aphrodite’s son.Eros--

Three goddesses who controlled humandestiny and life


Greek god of the underworldHades--

Zeus’ wife and queen of the godsHera--

Page 68: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

A Greek hero, the son of Zeus and Alcheme


Messenger of the godsHermes--

The son of DaedalusIcarus--

Page 69: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

Greek goddess of spring and the underworld. Demeter’s daughter


Helios’ son. He was killed when he tried to drive the chariot of the Sun.


Greek god of the seaPoseidon--

The Titan who gave fire to mortals against the wishes of Zeus


Page 70: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.

A family of gods who ruled the universe before the Olympians


Greek god of the sky and the weather, and king Of the gods of Olympus.


Page 71: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.
Page 72: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.
Page 73: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.
Page 74: Bronze Mythology Study Guide Unit Ten. A legend is a story that often contains larger-than-life characters and fantastic details.