Brochures Published Madurai

Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM) An update on projects (as of 15.10.2009) MADURAI CORPORATION


Madurai and treatment plants

Transcript of Brochures Published Madurai

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Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM) An update on projects (as of 15.10.2009)


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Madurai known as the “Temple City” is one of the oldest cities in India. This city is situated

about 500 Km South West of Chennai, spread over an area of 51.96 Sq. Km. It is the second

largest city in Tamil Nadu, having a population of 1.15 million. This city is famous for Arulmigu

Meenakshi Amman Temple. The City Municipal Corporation was formed in 1971.


The Government of India launched the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission

(JnNURM) on 03.12.2005.The objectives of the Mission is to fast track the development of

cities and to ensure integrated development of urban infrastructure and services, secure effective

linkage between asset creation and management and to ensure adequate investment of funds to

address the deficiencies in the urban infrastructure.

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The Madurai city is one among the 63 Mission cities under the JnNURM. According to the

population the Mission cities are categorized into Mega cities, Million plus cities and Heritage

cities. The Madurai city comes under the category of heritage city. The Ministry of Urban

Development, Government of India, has approved the “City Development Plan” prepared by the

Madurai Corporation on 26.06.2006. The Memorandum of Agreement was signed by the

Government of India, the Government of Tamil Nadu and the Madurai Corporation on


The Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee of the Ministry of Urban Development and

the Ministry of Housing and Poverty Alleviation, Government of India have approved five

projects under the Urban Infrastructure & Governance and three projects under the Basic

Services to the Urban Poor respectively. The details are as follows:

Sl No. Name of the Project Project cost

(Rs. In lakhs) I Urban Infrastructure & Governance 1. Second Vaigai Water Supply Scheme 5931.00 2. Construction of Check Dams 477.00 3. Solid Waste Management Project 7429.00 4. Storm Water Drainage 25156.00 5. Under Ground Sewage Scheme 22936.00 Sub Total 61929.00 II Basic Service to the Urban Poor Phase I 2685.94 Phase II 10357.82 Phase III 17675.00 Sub Total 30718.76 Grand Total 92647.76

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The drinking water requirement of Madurai city is 155 MLD (as per norms 135 litres per capita

per day prescribed by the Central Public Health and Environment Engineering Organization

(CPHEEO)). The city is currently getting 83 MLD of water from the First Vaigai Water Supply

Scheme and the existing head works located in and around the Madurai City.


The First Vaigai Water Supply Scheme was commissioned in 1996 with the Vaigai Dam as

source and under this scheme 900 MCF of water is drawn annually. Presently 68 MLD of water is

being distributed through the existing distribution system, while the balance 600 MCF of water is

released through the river Vaigai of which 15 MLD of water is being drawn from the existing

head works (Infiltration galleries) located at Melakkal, Kochadai and Manaloor.

The above mentioned 600MCF of water has been considerably reduced over the years due to

seepage and evaporation. Therefore to meet the demand for the increasing population and

corresponding water demand, a proposal was formulated to draw this quantity through pipeline to

minimize the water loss.

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The City Development Plan prepared for the Madurai Corporation highlighted the inadequacy of

the water supply and hence a comprehensive water supply scheme was proposed under the

JnNURM. Based on the proposal of the Corporation, the State Level Steering Committee

recommended the project and the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee of the Ministry

of Urban Development, Government of India, sanctioned the project at a cost of Rs.59.316 crore

under the Urban Infrastructure and Governance component of the Jawaharlal Nehru National

Urban Renewal Mission in May 2006.

This project comprises of drawl of 600 MCF of water (out of total allocation of 1500 MCF

allotted for Madurai Corporation) through the intake well located at 1500m from the Vaigai Dam,

laying of 16.60 km of Raw Water Main from intake well to the water treatment plant,

construction of Aerator, Stilling basin, Raw Water - Channel and Flash Mixture, clarifier and

filter bed, clear water transmission main from the water treatment plant to the Madurai City, and

construction of five over head water tanks. The work order was issued on 12.02.2007 and the

project was completed on 31.03.2009.

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• The Government has allotted 1500 MCF of water per year for Madurai Corporation of

which 900 MCF of water per year is being released through pipe line (through the First

Vaigai Water Supply Scheme) and 68 MLD of water is being supplied through the

existing system. Currently 60 lpcd of water is supplied to the public through the existing

distribution system.

• Out of 1500 MCF of water sanctioned for Madurai Corporation, the remaining

600 MCF of water per year is being released through the River Vaigai of which only 15

MLD of water is drawn from the existing three head works (Infiltration galleries) located

at Melakkal, Kochadai and Manaloor. Utilization of this quantity has considerably been

reduced over the years due to seepage and evaporation loss.

• Therefore to meet the growing water need of the increasing population a proposal was

formulated to draw 600 MCF of water per year through pipeline (to draw an additional

47 MLD of water). Consequently, with the commissioning of the project, the water

supply to the city will increase to 115 MLD and the per capita water supply is expected to

increase from 60 lpcd to 100 lpcd.


• 4.00 meter diameter intake well and 4.50 meter diameter collection wells have been constructed in the river bed.

• Laying of 16.60 km of raw water pipe

• The existing water treatment plant has been upgraded from 71.6 MLD to 118.6 MLD by introducing tube settler in clarifiers and dual media in the filter bed.

• Laying of 65.00 km length of treated water pipe

• Construction of five reservoirs having a total capacity of 31 lakhs litres.

• The project has two innovative technologies :

o A tube settler in the clarifier which will increase the capacity of the clarifier by 100 %.

o A dual media filtering system in the filter bed which will increase the capacity of filtration by 100%.

• The treated water from the water treatment plant at Pannaipatty reaches the city by gravity resulting in considerable savings in the operation and maintenance.

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• The Second Vaigai Water Supply Scheme was sanctioned by the Central Sanctioning

and Monitoring Committee of the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India

on 08.05.2006. The Corporation Council passed a resolution on 19.07.2006 for

implementing this project. The Government of Tamil Nadu issued the Administrative

Sanction on 12.08.2006. The project components were divided into three packages.

Components of the project

Package I

This package comprises of laying of raw water main, clear water main, break pressure

tank, intake well, pipe carrying bridge, collection well and feeder main.

Estimated cost : Rs. 48.87 crore Tender cost : Rs. 49.27 crore Execution period : 18 Months

Work completed on : 31.01.2009

Intake Well Collection Well

Pipe carrying bridge Brake pressure Tank

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Trenchless cutting

Package II

This package comprises of construction of stilling basin, flash mixture, aerator, chemical

house, chlorination plant and up-gradation of clariflocculator & filter bed.

Estimated cost : Rs. 5.10 crore Tender cost : Rs. 5.23 crore Execution period : 12 Months

Work completed on : 31.12.2008

Aerator Clariflocculator

Chemical house Filter House

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Stillng basin

Package III

This package comprises of construction of three service reservoirs of 16 lakh litres

capacity, one reservoir of 10 lakh litres capacity and one reservoir of 5 lakh litres capacity

and laying of water mains for 139 km.

Estimated cost : Rs. 13.57 crore Tender cost : Rs. 16.69 crore Execution period : 15 Months Work completed on : 31.03.2009 The State Level Nodal Agency appointed an Independent Review and Monitoring

Agency (IRMA) under the Guidelines of the Govt. of India. The team has inspected the

project and has certified the completion of the project.

16 .00 L.L capacity Service Reservoir at HMS Colony and Sundarrajapuram

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16.00 LL - Villapuram 10.00 LL - P & T Nagar

16.00 LL - Maruthankulam

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Govt. of India (50 % share) Rs. 29.66 crore

Govt. of Tamil Nadu (20% share) Rs. 11.86 crore

Madurai Corporation (30% share) Rs. 17.80 crore

--------------- TOTAL Rs. 59.32 crore ---------------

The technical sanction was accorded for Rs. 67.14 crore. Due to the increase in the schedule

of rates (Rs.7.82 crore) and higher bid premium, the project cost increased to Rs.71.21 crore.


• Augmentation of drinking water supply from 68 MLD to 115 MLD

• Increase in per capita water supply from 60 lpcd to 100 lpcd

• Increase in water supply distribution network from 80% to 100%

• Withdrawal of water supply through lorries to hitherto unserved areas will reduce the cost

of Operation and Maintenance.

• The revenue from deposits and user charges will increase due to the addition of service


• Waiver of deposit (upto Rs.3000/-) and subsidised tariff Rs. 275/- (against the normal

tariff of Rs. 550/- per year) has been proposed for the urban poor. This is expected to

benefit about 50,000 urban poor families.

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The drinking water requirement of Madurai city is 155 MLD (as per the norms 135 litres per

capita per day prescribed by the Central Public Health and Environment Engineering

Organization (CPHEEO)). The city is currently getting 83 MLD of water from the First Vaigai

Water Supply Scheme and the existing head works located in and around Madurai City.

The First Vaigai Water Supply Scheme was commissioned in 1996 with the Vaigai Dam as

source and under this scheme 900 MCF of water is drawn annually. Presently 68 MLD of water is

being distributed through the existing distribution system, while the balance 600 MCF of water is

released through the River Vaigai of which 15 MLD of water is being drawn from the existing

head works (Infiltration galleries) located at Melakkal, Kochadai and Manaloor.

The Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC)of the Ministry of Urban

Development, Government of India has sanctioned the project for the construction of three check

dams across the River Vaigai at Kochadai, Mellakkal and Manaloor at a cost of Rs. 477.00 lakh,

under the Urban Infrastructure and Governance (UI & G) component of the Jawaharlal Nehru

National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM)during February 2007.


• The River Vaigai is not a perennial river. Consequently the yield of the head works


• To augment the water supply from the existing head works, three check dams at

Kochadai, Mellakkal and Manaloor across the River Vaigai were planned.

• The Corporation of Madurai has water supply head works at Kochadai, Mellakkal

and Manaloor across the River Vaigai (around 17.00 Km from the Madurai City)


The check dams have been designed to hold 80000 cusecs of water.

• Length of wall : 240.00 m

• Upstream side cutoff wall : 2.20 m

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• Crust level : 1.20 m (from existing bed level)

• Top width of the body wall : 2.00 m

• Down stream side cutoff wall : 3.30 m

• Floor length : 15.00 m

The side abutment wall, wing wall and retaining wall have been constructed with RR masonry.


The construction of the check dams across the River Vaigai was sanctioned by the Ministry of

Urban Development, Government of India on 22.02.2007 at a cost of Rs. 477.00 lakh. The

Corporation Council passed a resolution to take up the work on 25.04.2007. The Government of

Tamil Nadu approved the project in G.O No. (2D) 57, MA &WS Department, Dated 30.03.2007.

The State Public Works Department executed the work as a deposit work.

This project comprised of the construction of upstream cutoff wall, crust wall, side abutment

wall, wing wall and retaining wall

Tender was invited on : 17.12.2007

Estimated cost : Rs. 915.00 lakh

Tender cost : Rs. 915.80 lakh

Execution period : 12 Months

Work commenced on : 14.02.2008

Work completed on : 02.09.2009

Construction of Check Dam at Kochadai

Before Completion After Completion

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Construction of Check Dam at Melakkal

Before Completion After Completion

Construction of Check Dam at Manaloor

Before Completion After Completion


Govt. of India (50 % share) Rs. 238.50 lakh

Govt. of Tamil Nadu (20 % share) Rs. 95.40 lakh

Madurai Corporation (30 % share) Rs. 143.10 lakh

--------------- TOTAL Rs. 477.00 lakh


The structural design was revised which resulted in additional cost of Rs. 438.00 lakh. The cost

escalation was shared by the Government of Tamil Nadu and the Madurai Corporation in the

ratio of 75: 25.

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OUTCOME OF THE PROJECT: • The water availability is expected to increase by 20 MLD from the three head works.

• Per capita water supply will increase to 115 lpcd

• The three check dams are expected to augment the ground water recharge in and around

the dams.

• Erosion of sand beds will be minimized.

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Presently 400 tonnes of solid waste is generated per day in the Madurai Corporation area. All

these wastes are collected by sanitary workers through pushcarts, tri cycles, autos and bins of

various sizes. The collected wastes are transported to the dump yard through the tipper lorries

and tractors. The dumping of waste in open causes pollution around the existing dump yard. The

capacity of the vehicle used for the secondary collection was not sufficient. Hence this project

was proposed to create sufficient infrastructure for primary & secondary collection and facilities

for processing of waste in compliance with the Municipal Solid Waste (Handling and

Management) Rules, 2000.

Under this project, it is proposed to ensure the segregation of waste at source by providing house

hold bins and daily clearance of waste by procuring sufficient bins and vehicles. The

establishment of 350 TPD waste processing unit is underway. The construction of sanitary

landfills for the accumulated waste and the present and the future non- recyclable waste has been

completed. The organic waste will be converted into bio manure and the recycled waste will be

sent for reuse.

The Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India has sanctioned the Solid Waste

Management Project on 02.02.2007 at a cost of Rs. 74.29 crore. The Government of Tamil Nadu

has accorded the Administrative Sanction for this project on 17.04.2007. This project has been

divided into VII packages.

SCOPE OF THE PROJECT: In this project, it has been proposed to procure materials and

machineries to implement the segregation at source, door to door collection and treatment &

disposal of the waste in compliance with the rules. Sanitary landfills for the accumulated waste

and the residual waste and the construction of the waste processing unit have been proposed

under the Public Private Partnership (PPP) Mode. The Waste processing unit has been designed

for 350 tonnes per day capacity.


• The procurement of safety equipment for the sanitary workers to create better working


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• The procurement of household bins in green and red colour for the individual

households to ensure segregation at the source.

• The procurement of Tricycles and Tricycle bins to mitigate the inadequacy in primary


• The procurement of the dumper placer bins and the compactor bins to supplement the

secondary collection.

• The procurement of tipper lorries, mini loaders, MSW mobile compactor and the

dumper placer vehicles to create adequate capacity to clear the waste on daily basis.

• The development of waste processing facility with a handling capacity of 350 tonnes

per day to process the garbage into manure and to remove the recyclable and the

reusable materials.

• The development of landfills for the disposal of the accumulated waste and the residual

waste that will arise out of composting.

• The development of auxiliary facilities viz. roads, administrative building etc.


This project was divided into seven packages.

Package - I: The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 168.77 lakh. This package provided

for the procurement of household bins (522645 nos.) to collect the garbage at the source level,

tricycle bins (10272 nos.) to collect the garbage from door to door, the compactor bins (96 nos.)

to collect the garbage from the roadsides and the tricycles.

Present Status: The works have been completed.

House Hold Bins Garbage collection- Door step

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Package - II: The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 65.09 lakh. This package comprised

of the procurement of Safety Equipments such as face masks (2827 nos.), gloves (2827 nos.), cap

(2827 nos.) and handling equipments (2906 nos.) for the sanitary workers.

Present Status: The works have been completed.

Safety equipments

Package - III : The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 275.86 lakh. This package was

meant for the procurement of mobile compactors (4 nos.), mini loaders (4 nos.) and tipper

lorries(4 nos.) for scrapping, collecting & conveying the garbage to the waste treatment plant.

Present Status: The works have been completed.

Mini Loader MSW Mobile COmpactor

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Package - IV : The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 279.30 lakh. This package provided

for the procurement of Stainless Steel Dumper Bins (570 nos.) to store the garbage collected

through the tricycles.

Present Status: The works have been completed.

Dumper Bin

Package - V : The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 116.17 lakh. This package was for

the procurement of tricycles (920 nos.) for collecting the garbage at the door step.

Present Status: The works have been completed.


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Package - VI : The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 400.00 lakh. This package was for

the procurement of dumper placer vehicles (47 nos.) to collect the dumber bins located in each

wards and then the bins are conveyed to the waste processing unit.

Present Status: The works have been completed.

Dumper Placer

Package - VII : The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 5730.43 lakh. This package

consisted of the construction of Landfill & Waste processing Unit.

Present Status: Developer contribution (share) works under progress.

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Accumulated garbage before closure Heap of garbage after compaction

Gravel over heap of garbage (Gas Collection Layer) HDPE & Geo Textile over gravel

            View of accumulated garbage                                           Excavation & Bund Formation   for Sanitary landfill

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Blending of Bentonite to increase the clay  property                    Installing HDPE Liner      


• The regulations under the Municipal Solid Waste (Handling and Management) Rules

2000 and the State Pollution Control Board viz. source segregation, door to door

collection, reducing multiple handling of garbage are being strictly followed.

• The wayside littering of garbage has been reduced. The fly menace has been controlled

and stench has come down.

• One kilometer radius around the internationally renowned Arulmigu Meenakshi Amman

Temple has been declared as a litter free zone.

• With the new infrastructure in place, 100% garbage clearance is undertaken in each ward

every day.

• The health and hygiene of the sanitary workers have improved.

• User charges are being levied on the generators of the solid waste. This will reduce the

financial burden of Madurai Corporation.

• The citizens will be benefitted after the implementation of the scheme, and may not show

reluctance in paying the user charges.

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The Storm Water drainage system in Madurai Corporation area is inadequate and does not

effectively drain the flood water during heavy rains resulting in the stagnation of rain water in

many low laying areas of the city. The flooding of rain water causes unhygienic condition. The

stagnation of water during rains also causes damage to the bitumen roads, besides causing

hindrance to the transportation which affects the normal life. To eliminate these problems it is

proposed to provide an integrated drainage system covering all the areas in the 72 wards of the

Madurai Corporation.

The Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India has sanctioned the Storm Water

Drainage Project on 20.04.2007 at a cost of Rs. 256.87 crore. The Government of Tamil Nadu

has given the Administrative Sanction for this project on 02.05.2007.

SCOPE OF THE PROJECT: The road side drains are proposed to be constructed covering

every street ultimately linking all the drains to the major channels. All the major channels are

also proposed to be linked to receive the flood water from primary, secondary and tertiary drains

constructed along the roadside. Thus the entire rain water collected will be disposed efficiently

through the integrated system of roadside drains and the major drains.


• The narrow streets will be constructed with one side drain.

• The wider roads will be provided with the side drains

• The cover slabs will be provided over the drains

• The major channels will be constructed with retaining walls on both the sides.

• The floor of the channels will also be lined with cement concrete and the rain water harvesting arrangements will be provided at 50m intervals.

• The culverts and the bridges will be constructed or re-constructed wherever necessary.

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This project has been divided into 7 Packages.

Package – I : The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 3698.00 lakh. The Storm Water

Drainage Zones – 5,6,9,10,11A,11B & 12 (Major Drains – 4.42 Km, Lateral Drains –


Present Status: The works are under progress.

Before completion After completion

Package – II : The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 4849.00 lakh. The Storm Water

Drainage Zone Nos. 1A,1B,1C,1D,2,3,4,7 & 8 (Major Drains – 7.36 Km, Lateral Drains –

203.30 Km. )

Present Status: The works are under progress.

Before Completion After Completion

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Package – III : The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 5009.00 lakh. The Storm Water

Drainage in Girudhuammal Channel, Avaniapuram Channel & Chintamani Channel will be

upgraded with Civil works (Major Drains – 19.80 Km).

Present Status: The works are under progress.

Before completion

After completion

Package – IV : The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 5640.00 lakh. This package

consists of constructing the Storm Water Drainage in Zone Nos. 13,14,15,16,17,18 & 19 (Lateral

Drains – 265.82 Km).

Present Status: The works are under progress.

Before completion After completion

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Package – V : The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 3247.00 lakh. This package consists

of constructing the Storm Water Drainage in Zone Nos. 20,25,26,27,28 & 29 (Major Drains –

1.74 Km, Lateral Drains – 159.13 Km.)

Present Status: The works are under progress.

Before completion After completion

Package – VI : The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 5118.00 lakh. This package

consists of the construction of the Storm Water Drainage in Zones 21,22,23 &24, Major Storm

Water Drains and culverts in Anupanadi Channel, Panaiyur Channel & Suttathati Channel are

being upgraded (Major Drains – 12.86 Km, Lateral Drains – 116.88 Km).

Present Status: The works are under progress.

Before completion After Completion

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Package – VII : The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 70.70 lakh. This package consists

of the construction of Storm Water Drainage around Arulmigu Meenakshi Amman Temple

Chithirai Streets.

Present Status: The works have been completed.

Before completion After Completion

After Completion (around Meenkshi Amman Temple)

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• The existing defunct irrigation channels are proposed to be used as major drains during


• The rain water collected from the roadside drains will ultimately drain thorough these

major channels.

• The flooding of rain water in the city area and the stagnation of rain water and sullage in

the channel will be prevented, there by reducing the mosquito menace.

• Most of the city roads are not having roadside drains, and the stagnation of rain water

over the bituminous surface causes heavy damage to the urban roads. These will be

minimized after the construction of roadside drains.

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The sewerage system was first established by the British in Madurai to cover the core city area

(30% of the present city area) of the town between 1924 and 1959. It was further expanded in

1983. Subsequently, the National River Conservation Project (NRCP) was implemented in

Madurai to give 100% underground sewage. The extension and the newly developed areas are

not covered by the underground sewage system. The old underground sewers are insufficient.

Due to the inadequacy of pumping stations, the raw sewage is being pumped into the channels

which ultimately reaches the River Vaigai. Un-covered areas within the Corporation limits suffer

the potential risk of open discharge of sewage.

The Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India has sanctioned the Under Ground

Sewerage Scheme to Madurai Corporation on 20.07.2007 for implementation at a cost of Rs.

229.34 crore. The Government of Tamil Nadu has issued Administrative Sanction for this

project on 24.10.2007.


In this project, it is envisaged to cover the uncovered areas of 72 km, renovation of the existing

pumping stations and the pressure pipes, construction of two sewage treatment plants at

Avaniapuram (125 MLD) and Sakkimangalam (45.7 MLD) on DBOT basis to bring down the

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) level to 10 mg per litre.


• Development of sewage system in uncovered areas.

• Renovation of existing sewage system.

• Renovation of old main pumping station and sub pumping station.

• Construction of two new sewage treatment plants.

PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: This project was taken up for implementation in 3


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Package - I : The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 7200.00 lakh. This package is for the

construction of the sewage treatment plant at Avaniapuram

Present Status: The works are under progress.

C- Tech Basin Under progress Admin Building under progress

Package - II : The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 3500.00 lakh. This package is for

the construction of the sewage treatment plant at Sakkimangalam.

Present Status: The works are under progress.

Work under progress

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Package - III: The estimated cost of this package was Rs. 12248.00 lakh. This package is for

the construction of Sewer Collection System in the uncovered area and renovation of the existing

Sewerage System.

Present Status: The works are under progress.

Work under progress


• After the implementation of this project, the coverage area will increase from 90% to

100% resulting in the prevention of open drainage flow.

• After implementation of this project, the problem of over flow of sewage due to

inadequacy of pumping station will not arise.

• After the operation of sewage treatment plants the effluent characteristics will be as

per the pollution control norms.