Brochure DUNGS Automatic Gas Burner Control

1 … 4 Automatic gas burner control for gas burners without fan, with intermit- tent ignition burner and exhaust gas monitoring DGAI. 69F 1.32  P  r  i  n  t  e  d   i  n   G  e  r  m  a  n  y   ·  R  ö  s  l  e  r  D  r  u  c  k   E  d  i  t  i  o  n   0  6  .  0  4    N  r  .  2  2  5   7  5  5 Technical description The D G A I. 69F is an autom atic gas burner c on tr ol a s p er E N 2 98 w ith t h e f ol l ow i ng f ea t ur e s: •Ion i sa t i on f l a m e m o ni t o r •Ig ni t ion fl am e b ur n s co nt i nuo usly du r - ing heat req ue st •R e st ar t a t t em p t i n c a se of f l am e fail u r e in op e r a t i on E xhaustg as m oni t or b y m eans of N TC sensor Pr og ram sequ ence control by m eans of e l ec t r o ni c t i m e r s •Burner i g ni t ion b y m eans of ex t er na l i g ni t i o n f a ci l i t i es •I g ni t ion g as so l e noid val ve •M ai n g as solenoid val ve •LP g as solenoid val ve •C om plet e c i r cuit on one PC B •C onnecti ons f or op er at i on and f aul t d is- p l ay as w ell a s rem ot e unl o ck f acili t y •R a st 5 c on nec t ivi t y Application Th e autom atic gas burner co nt r ol D G A I.69F i s sui t a b le forigni t i n g a nd m o n- i t ori n g g a s bu r ne rs w i thout b lo w e r as p e r E N 2 97 f or i nt er m i t t ent o p er at i on . Th e D G A I. 69 F o perates during he at re- q uest w i t h p erm anen t ly bur n in g i g n i t ion b urne r at a he at ca p ac i t y o f < 25 0 W an d i s t h eref ore sp eciall y su i t ed f or gas burners w hose m ai n f lam es n eed no t b e m o ni t ored cons t a nt ly accor d ing to t h e i o ni sa t ion p r i n ci p l e. Approvals E C type test app r oval as per E C G as A p p liance D irec t i ve : D G AI.69F CE - 0085 A R 0403 E C t ype testap p rovalas per E C P r essure E q ui p m ent D irec t ive: D G A I.69F C E 00 36

Transcript of Brochure DUNGS Automatic Gas Burner Control

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Automatic gas burnercontrol for gas burnerswithout fan, with intermit-tent ignition burner andexhaust gas monitoring



P r i n t e d

i n


e r m

a n y

· R

ö s l e r D r u c k

E d

i t i o n

0 6 . 0 4

N r . 2 2 5

7 5 5

Technical description

The D G A I.69F is an autom atic g as burner

control as p er EN 298 w ith the follow ing


•Ionisation flam e m onitor

•Ignition flam e b urns continuously dur-

ing heat req uest

•Restart attem pt in case of flam e failure

in operation

•Exhaust gas m onitor by m eans of N TC


•Program sequence control by m eans

of electronic tim ers

•Burner ignition by m eans of external

ignition facilities

•Ignition gas solenoid valve

•M ain g as solenoid valve

•LP gas solenoid valve

•C om plete circuit on one P C B

•Connections for operation and fault dis-

play as w ell as rem ote unlock facility

•Rast 5 connectivity


Th e a utom atic g as b urne r co ntrol

D G A I.69F is suitable for igniting and m on-

itoring gas burners w ithout blow er as per

EN 297 for interm ittent operation.

The D G A I.69F operates d uring heat re-

quest w ith perm anently burning ignition

burner at a heat capacity of

< 250 W and is therefore sp ecially suited

for gas b urners w hose m ain flam es need

not be m onitored constantly according to

the ionisation principle.


EC type test ap proval as per EC G as

A ppliance D irective:

D G AI.69F C E-0085 A R 0403

EC type test ap proval as p er EC Pressure

Equipm ent D irective:

D G A I.69F C E0036

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Automatic gas burner controlDGAI.69FThe autom atic g as b urner control

m ounted on a PC B operates w ith elec-

tronic tim ers.

Therefore exact sw itching tim es are

ensured during voltag e and tem pera-

ture fluctuations or very short sw itch-

ing cycles.

The D G A I.69F com prises:

•controller for program flow

•flam e m onitoring op erating accord-

ing to the ionisation principle

•exhaust gas m onitor and exhaust gas

sensor (N TC resistor) or 1 M Ω resistor

instead of exhaust gas sensor.

Functional descriptionO n receipt of a heat req uest from the

regulator, the LP G pre-valve opens.

A fter a startup delay p eriod of ab out

10 s during w hich startup self-m onitor-

ing is p erform ed internally, the ignitionstarts and the ignition gas valve opens.

The ignition is sw itched off by the igni-

tion flam e signal, and sw itches over to

the so-called stabilising period during

w hich the ignition flam e m ust burn


Functional / circuit diagram DGAI.69F

Wiring diagram DGAI. 69F

A W Exhaust gas sw itch

A S Exhaust gas sensor

B O peration

FE Rem ote unlock facility

G D W G as p ressure sw itch

St 2 External fault

Y1 Ignition gas solenoid valve

Y 2 M ain g as solenoid valve

ZT Ignition facility

ZE Ignition electrode

IE onisation electrode

LPG LP gas valve

P E-B B urner g round

R R egulator

St Fault


L 1

St 6 , 3

A ,

t r

~ ( A C ) 5 0 H z 2 3 0 V








BSt 2



1 2


41 34 111 41a

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


50 35 36 54 11

1 2 3 4 5


6 7


8 9




If the ignition flam e goes out w ithin the

stabilising period, the ignition cuts in

ag ain im m ediately.

A fter the stabilising period, the m ain

gas valve is opened provided that the

flam e is present.

The ignition flam e rem ains connected

during the com plete burner op eration

period .

In the case of flam e failure during

op eration, the m ain gas valve is closed

w ithin 1 s and a re-ignition attem pt is

perform ed im m ed iately.

W hen the regulator is sw itched off, the

LP G , ignition and m ain g as valves are

sw itched off.

O n receipt of a flam e signal before fuel

release, startup is b locked.

W hen exhaust gas flow s from the flow

p rotection relay, the e q uip m ent

sw itches off and this is follow ed by anexhaust gas d elay p eriod .

Exhaust gas switch as per EN 297/VP100A heat sensor (N TC resistor) m onitors

the tem perature at the draft interrupt-

er. In case of irregular exhaust gas

outlet the exhaust gas m onitor sw itch-

es off at approx. 65°C . A fter sw itch-off

by the exhaust gas m onitor, a tim er is

activated. Its tim e sequence starts

w hen the exhaust gas sensor cools

dow n to below 55°C .

The tim e sequence is approx. 15 m in.,

the burner rem ains blocked even after

the exhaust gas sensor has cooled

dow n until the tim e sequence is term i-


The exhaust gas sensor and its lines

are m onitored for interruption. A short

circuit also leads to sw itch-off in the

sam e w ay as excessive tem perature.

The D G AI.69F therefore operates only

w ith the exhaust gas sensor connected

or an appropriate spare resistor (1Ω).

50 Hz 230 V ACRemoteunlock


F a u l t l a m p

L1 N




Y 2






PE L P - G a s -

v a l v e







Y 1

Gas solenoid valvesIgnition gas Main gas

H e a t r e q u e s t s i g n a l

N E x t e r n a l o p e r a t i o n




Main burner

E x t e r n a l f a u l t l a m p







X3/1 X3/2 X1/6 X1/3 X1/4X1/5 X2/3 X1/1 X1/2 X2/2 X2/1 X2/10 X1/7X2/9 X2/8 X2/5 X2/4 X2/7 X2/6 X1/8

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