Broadcast 200912

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Transcript of Broadcast 200912

  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast 200912


    Pastor Patricks Pen Page 3

    Reenas Writing... Page 5LWML. Page 7Joy Circle/Missions & Ministry. Page 8TAG.. Page 9Youth News...... Page 10Marilyns Memo...... Page 11Dates to Remember.. Page 12Financial Update .. Page 14

    Anniversaries .. Page 14Birthdays. ..... Page 15

    News for Gods people at Peace With Christ Lutheran Church

    December 2009

    For to us a Child is born,

    to us a Son is given.Isaiah 9:6

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    1412 West Swallow Road Pastor: Ralph Patrick

    Fort Collins, CO 80526 Parish Worker: Reena LinkePhone: (970) 226-4721 Ministers: MembersFax: (970) 204-1570 Editor: Marcy PetagoEmail:[email protected] Youth Coordinator: Marilyn LasichOn the Prayer Chain Coordinator: Cheryl HarsenPrayer Chain: 229-1459

    Radio Broadcast: KCOL (600 AM), at 9:00 AM Sundays

    Church Elders:

    Wes Nierman, Head Elder.. ....226-5936Ray Kaiser, Worship Elder......223-0987Dan Krueckeberg, Staff Elder... ..482-9545Art Pforr, Elder . .223-8533Dan Prevedel, Elder.....204-4008Michael Rohlfs, Elder......482-2663

    Church Council:President, Chad Hamilton

    Vice President, Larry SiegfriedSecretary, Ernestine MunseyTreasurer, Lisa BernhardtEducation Chairman, Eric PetagoEducation Co-Chair, Jane PenningtonEvangelism Chairman, Rhonda KaiserFellowship Co-Chairman, Kerri Fagan/Linda SiegfriedYouth Ministry Chairman, Amy HoyMissions & Ministry Chairman, Jerry BuchleiterHead Trustee, Fred Kropp

    Hands in Harmony Chairman, Betty Keeney

    Next months articles are due Sunday, December 20!



    Members are invited to sign up to place flowers on our altarfor special occasions: in memory or honor of a loved one ora special event. Please sign up on the flower chart located

    in the Sunshine Hall and see posted guidelines for flowers.

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    Pastor Patricks PenPastor Patricks PenPastor Patricks PenPastor Patricks Pen

    Fear not, for behold I bring you good news of a great joy that will

    be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of

    David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10-11

    Dear Children of God,

    Its the most wonderful time of the year. Those are thewords from the familiar Christmas carol. In many ways, and for

    many people, it is. For Christmas is a magical, marvelous, mag-

    nificent time of giving and receiving, seeing and believing. But

    for others Christmas is a time of heartache and hardship. Pov-

    erty, sickness and death do not take a Christmas break. Why

    just today I already received a phone call from a single mother

    inquiring as to whether the church would be helping families

    during this holy season.Perhaps something or someone has put a damper on your

    holiday spirit. Perhaps you have little or no hope that next

    year will be better than this. Perhaps you are wondering how the

    mortgage will get paid, or whether you will ever find another job.

    If that is the case, then fear not, for I bring you good news of

    great joy. Today is born to you in the city of David a savior who is

    Christ the Lord!This joy of Christ Jesus is based not on temporal events, but eternal

    realities. Jesus is THE Savior! He has saved us from the effects of sin,

    from the grasp of the devil, and from eternal death. These are gifts

    that truly do keep on giving!

    This joy of Christ Jesus is not seasonal, but the lasts the year, yes,

    all your life long! We celebrated the gifts of Christ every Sunday when

    we gather in His presence to receive His grace and mercy, to enter into

    His presence in order to partake of His presents.


    Continued on page 4

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    Continued from page 3

    This joy of Christ Jesus springs not from stockings filled with

    gifts, but from hearts filled with faith and love. Think of all that you

    have been given that can NEVER be taken from you! The gifts of

    the Spirit cannot be lost with the loss of a loved one or a job; they do

    not grow old or need thrown out like trees and wrappings; they

    never lose their luster like this years toys or jewelry. Peace, pa-tience, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness, and gentleness all come

    with a lifetime guaranty, signed by Jesus Christ Himself!

    This joy of Christ Jesus is seen not in manger scenes or Christ-

    mas movies, but in Gods Holy Word and His life-giving sacrament.

    It is white of Christs body and the red of His blood that reflect the

    real colors of Christmas.

    This joy of Christ Jesus bursts forth in song. Think of the

    lives of the main characters of the Christmas story: Mary, Eliza-beth, Zechariah, the angels, Simeon. They all break forth in joyous

    song. Not because the Lord has sent them great earthly gifts, but

    because He has sent the gift of His Son. They rejoice in song not be-

    cause God has delivered them from their earthly troubles, but be-

    cause He has delivered them from their sins. Listen again to what

    Zechariah sings:

    Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,For He has visited and redeemed his people

    And has raised up a horn of salvation for us . . .

    To give light to those who sit in darkness and in

    the shadow of death,

    And to guide our feet into the way of peace.

    The darkness of this life and the shadows of death will always be

    part of this life. But the light of Christ dispels those shadows and

    darkness. The Peace of God that surpasses all understanding, which

    is seen in the manger and on the tree, comes to us not only at Christ-

    mas, but throughout the year.

    This is the Good News of great joy that God brings to you

    both now and forever.


    Pastor Patrick


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    Reenas Writings

    After writing about the sign of the cross and In the name ofthe Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, last

    month, I thought it would be appropriate to share a bit aboutreverencing and Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, andto the Holy Spirit or the Gloria Patri. The Gloria Patri,also known as the lesser doxology, (the Gloria in Excelsisas the greater doxology) is a hymn of praise and is tradi-tionally associated with the Psalms, though it can also befound at the end of theNunc Dimittis and other liturgical

    texts, as the final verse of some hymns, and at the end ofprayers. You will notice at the end of the Introit, we singthe Gloria Patri, praising God for His giving us salvationthrough His Word.

    While we praise God with our mouths, we can also worshipwith our whole bodies. Bowing is one way in which Chris-tians have shown reverence before God in worship, hence

    why it is sometimes referred to as reverencing. We read inPsalm 95:6-7, Oh come, let us worship and bow down; letus kneel before the Lord our maker. For He is our God, andwe are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of Hishand. Through the act of bowing, we are physically re-membering our relationship to God as the Almighty King onHis throne, who has forgiven our sins and the sins of theworld through His Son. It reminds us to humble ourselvesbefore God. Luther wrote,

    [Worship] is not a function of the mouth but ofthe whole body. It is to bow the head, bend thebody, fall on the knees, prostrate oneself, and soforth, and to do such things as a sign and acknowl-edgment of an authority and powerWhere worship

    Continued on page 6


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    Continued from page 5

    is offered from the heart, there follows quite prop-erly also that outward bowing, bending, kneeling,and adoration with the body. (from The Adorationof the Sacrament)

    While the pews in the church may inhibit full prostration,we certainly are able to bow. The Gloria Patri is one suchtime when bowing is appropriate in honor of the Holy Trin-ity. We also can bow when the crucifix passes us during theprocession, when we approach the altar, during the Sanctus(Holy, Holy, Holy), and at many other times, which I could

    share with those that are interested in knowing. Of course,just as with making the sign of the cross, bowing is not re-quired and should not be looked at as a test of piety. It is yetanother way that we can praise and worship God throughour whole body, joining those in heaven who fall down be-fore him who sits on the throne, and worship him who livesfor ever and ever. (Rev. 4:10).

    In Christ,Reena

    Music for Advent and ChristmasMusic for Advent and ChristmasMusic for Advent and ChristmasMusic for Advent and Christmas

    The music sign-up sheets have moved! They are now lo-

    cated outside of Marilyn and Reenas offices. With ser-vices also on Wednesday evenings in Advent, we wel-

    come pianists and/or organists to sign-up to play those

    Evening Prayer services. Also, begin thinking about what

    special music you might want to play during Advent or

    Christmas, so we can plan the schedule in advance and

    coordinate with the other musicians. Please talk to either

    Marilyn or Reena about selections.


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    LWML will meet Sunday, December 13th at 2pm in the home

    of Norma Thaemert for our Annual Christmas Party! Wellcarpool from the church at 1:30pm. Remember to bring your

    Christmas Dime Stocking money, your mites, and a plate of

    cookies. Dime stocking money will support Crossroads Safe-

    house. Extra cookies will be used to make up holiday plates

    for shut-ins (so bring plenty!) Linda Siegfried will lead our

    program and have devotions and mites. All ladies of the con-

    gregation are invited for this special afternoon.

    LWML will be hosting the December 2nd Advent Soup Sup-per. Proceeds will benefit the Heiligers work in Turkey.

    There is no LWML Executive Board meeting in December.

    Our next meeting will be Monday, January 4th beginning at

    6pm in the home of Bev Russman. All ladies are welcome!

    Merry Christmas

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    continued from pageSunday School for 2-3 years olds

    A new class is beginning for the 2-3 yearolds during Sunday School hour calledGrowing in Christ for Parents & Twos. Theclass, which began with the new church year,

    November 29, will meet in the nursery after attendingSunday School opening in the sanctuary at 9:30am. If youhave questions or would like to help teach , please contactReena, [email protected]

    MISSIONS & MINISTRY COMMITTEEOur annual Christmas Party for the Good ShepherdHome residents will be at the Church on December6th at 6pm. Everyone is invited to join the fun andsee the happy faces!

    Joy CircleJoy CircleJoy CircleJoy CircleOur annual Christmas meeting will beOur annual Christmas meeting will beOur annual Christmas meeting will beOur annual Christmas meeting will be

    Thursday, December 3, at 1pm at CherylThursday, December 3, at 1pm at CherylThursday, December 3, at 1pm at CherylThursday, December 3, at 1pm at CherylHarsens home. We will have a shortHarsens home. We will have a shortHarsens home. We will have a shortHarsens home. We will have a shortbusiness meeting and program. Cherylbusiness meeting and program. Cherylbusiness meeting and program. Cherylbusiness meeting and program. Cherylwill provide treats and Marge Westhoffwill provide treats and Marge Westhoffwill provide treats and Marge Westhoffwill provide treats and Marge Westhoffwill have devotions. All women are wel-will have devotions. All women are wel-will have devotions. All women are wel-will have devotions. All women are wel-

    come to come and join us!come to come and join us!come to come and join us!come to come and join us!

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    Poinsettia OrdersA sign-up sheet is in the Narthex, $9.00 each,

    make check payable to PWC write poinset-

    tia on memo line and give to Lu Buchholz by Dec. 13th.

    Please indicate which color you would like, Red orWhite. You may pick up your plant after Christmas Day

    service. If youd like your plant to go to a shut-in ornursing home resident, please let me know. Thanks,


    Tuesday Afternoon Group

    All older adults are welcome to attend the various activi-

    ties and Bible studies of this Older Adult Ministry

    Group. Our Bible study and meal are on the 1st Tues-

    day of the month. Some months there will be an addi-

    tional activity. Come and enjoy the fellowship.

    December 1st at Noon

    The meal will be catered so there isnt a need for anyone

    to do any cooking during this busy time of the year.

    Please sign up for the meal so there will be enough for

    everyone. Bible study will follow at 1pm led by Pastor

    Caspersen. All older adults are welcome to attend.

    December 15th at 1:00pm

    Its a Christmas Party! For a fun and relaxing afternoon

    lets enjoy Christmas music and play Dubs Bridge. Itseasy and everyone can play. Bring cookies or snacks to


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    Seasons Opener Helpers Needed! If you would like to help deco-rate cookies, please sign-up to help at the Seasons Opener on De-cember 5 at 4:00pm. Your help is needed to assist children withdecorating sugar cookies for dessert that night.

    Senior High Christmas Party - Sunday, December 6th 4:00 -7:30pm. Corrie Kaiser and her parents are hosting the party, 2643Antelope Rd. Senior High Youth and their parents are invited.Please sign-up to attend and bring a food item. We will have a giftexchange ($5 limit, please). Hope to see you there!

    Confirmation Age Christmas Party - Immediately following theChildrens Christmas Service Rehearsal on Saturday, December

    12th, we will have a party! We will make lunch together, have somefun and exchange gifts! Please sign-up to bring a snack and let usknow if you plan to be there. Please bring a gift ($5 limit, please)for the gift exchange. Hope to see you there!

    Childrens Christmas Service - Plan to sign up to help, sing, read,or play your instrument at the Service December 16. Rehearsal isSaturday, December 12 at 10:00am.

    Christmas Caroling - December 19 at 2:00pm. We will be visitingnursing homes, shut-ins and other members of the congregation. Itshould be a great time - sign-up so we can plan rides! Driversneeded!

    Senior High Lock-In - Plan to come to a lock-in on December 28

    at 5pm here at PWC. We will begin the evening with a surpriseouting (cost $8 - dinner included), then have Bible study, food,games, activities, movies, and sleep??? Sign-up!

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    Dear PWC Family,

    Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas, at least a lot like

    winter with another storm bringing us snow. In the stores, you willhear Christmas music and see all the Christmas decorations, gifts,

    etc. for sale. We are already being reminded that Christmas is

    quickly coming. For Christians, the time before Christmas is the

    season of Advent. It is the time to be preparing and looking forward

    to the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is time to contemplate what

    this world would be like without Christ ever having come to earth asan infant. What a terrible, sinful, scary place this world would be as

    we would have no hope of forgiveness!

    Burdened and bowed down by all our sins, we would still be under

    the Law because we would not know the sweetness of the Gospel.

    Jesus Christ came to earth as an infant to live among us and then

    went to the cross to take the burden of our sins away and give us

    forgiveness. Just as a winter snowstorm covers everything with a

    beautiful blanket of pure, white snow, Christs blood covers us and

    makes us as pure as snow, too. Psalm 51:7 Cleanse me with hyssop,

    and I will be clean; wash me and I will be whiter than snow and

    Isaiah 1:18 Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as

    white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be likewool.

    May each new snow remind us to rejoice in this wondrous gift we

    have received through Christs death and resurrection: Forgiveness!

    What a wonderful Christmas gift!

    Have a blessed month preparing for the birth of Christ.

    In Christ, Marilyn


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    Dates to Remember

    December 2 & 9 at 4:30pm and 7:15pm -Advent Services

    December 12 at 10:00am -Youth & Childrens Christmas Service Rehearsal

    December 16 at 6:30pm -

    Youth and Childrens Christmas Service

    December 19 at 2:00pm -Christmas Caroling to nursing homes & shut-ins

    December 24 at 4:00pm, 7:00pm & 10:00pm -Christmas Eve Services

    December 25 at 9:00am -Christmas Day Service

    Christmas Choir Rehearsal

    December 2 at 8:00pm

    December 9 at 8:00pm

    December 20 at Noon

    December 23 at 6:00pm


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    Everyone is invited to join the Youth onSaturday, December 19 at 2:00pm forcaroling. We will be visiting the nursinghomes, shut-ins and other members of the

    congregation. It should be a great time - sign up so wecan plan rides! Drivers are needed.

    Shopping with the Youth!!Now is the perfect time with Christmas rightaround the corner.

    The Scrip Program continues to help raise funds for YouthEvents. The program offers many gift cards for purchase.You receive the FULL value of the card and the youth groupreceives a percentage of the value. Please check out thecards available for immediate purchase as well as thoseavailable by ordering. Thank you for your support!


    Thank You

    On behalf of myself and my family I would like to thank

    all of the wonderful members of Gods family at Peace

    with Christ for your caring words spoken, the

    compassionate notes written, and the kind e-mails that I

    have received during this difficult time. I greatly

    appreciate your thoughts and prayers both for me and my

    family. God bless you! Pastor Patrick


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    Gene & Julie Frank December 7, 1969

    Dennis & Susan Vanatta December 11, 1999Karen & Mel Carlson December 14, 1990Doug & Martha Scheiwe December 16, 1972Rueben & Rosalee Blumenshine December 16, 1956Stony & Jan Achziger December 18, 1965Bill & Fran Watson December 19, 1948Ed & Connie Jurischk December 19, 1970

    Marv & June Grueber December 21, 1952Ron & Norma Thaemert December 27, 1964Marcus & Jennifer Mueller December 28, 1991

    We apologize if we missed your anniversary. Please notifythe church office to update.

    Financial UpdateAs of September 2009

    2009 budget: $359,000.00

    Year-to-date total PWC income: $274,469.17

    Year-to-date total PWC expenses: $282,691.23

    Net Income: -$8,222.06

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    Patsy Cribbs 1st

    Bernice Nansel 3rdChristoppher Derby 4thCorrin Derby 4thScott French 4thLori Carillo 5thKim Molzer 5thMarcy Petago 5thChar Carlson 6th

    Jaxon Boehnke 7thSharon Wiesner 8thNaomi Pennington 9thRandy Bernhardt 10thLewanda Fields 10thKaden Bauder 11thPaul Carlson 12thMelissa Mueller 12thChance Lacey 13thGail Neben 13thLillian Fischer 16thAnn Caspersen 18thTanla Maiorka 18thAnthony Johannsen 19thTrevor Kropp 23rd

    Josh Daugherty 25thMadeline Johannsen 26thLarissa Parke 26thJennifer Saboy 27thRobin Hamilton 28thSarah Krueckeberg 28thLydia Pennington 31st

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