British in India

British in India


British in India. East India Company. Joint-stock company Cotton, tea, opium, silk, indigo dye Controlled large parts of India 1757 – 1858 Special relationship with British government Gave it a monopoly Fought with other countries – wanted permanent ports in India. Treaty with Jahangir . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of British in India

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British in India

Page 2: British in India

East India CompanyJoint-stock companyCotton, tea, opium, silk, indigo dyeControlled large parts of India 1757 – 1858Special relationship with British government

Gave it a monopolyFought with other countries – wanted permanent

ports in India

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Treaty with Jahangir 1615 – arranged with

Emperor Jahangir (Akbar’s son) for permanent trading posts

Sarat, Madras, Calcutta However, things were not

always so peaceful…

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Sir Robert CliveBorn in Shropshire, EnglandExpelled from 3 schoolsHowever, excellent soldierLargely credited with

having established British supremacy in India

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Clive goes to India…India had become divided after Aurangzeb’s

deathBlack Hole of Calcutta

Alleged 123 out of 146 diedBattle of Plassey

Clive defeats Mughal-ledarmy

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To the victor goes the spoils

East India Company receives 2.5 million pounds and the power to tax

Clive becomes Governor of BengalClive given 30,000 pounds

Clive tries to steal as much local wealth as possible – eventually gets put on trial:

“"A great prince was dependent on my pleasure, an opulent city lay at my mercy; its richest bankers bid against each other for my smiles; I walked through vaults which were thrown open to me alone, piled on either hand with gold and jewels! Mr. Chairman, at this moment I stand astonished at my own moderation”- Clive at his impeachment trial

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Bengal Famine 17701772 – Company established

capital in Calcutta and becomes directly involved in governance

Famine estimated to have killed 1/3 of the population – about 10-15 million people

Increased taxes by 3-4 timesFood brought out of the country

Also enacted policies to prevent reserve supplies

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Not all bad…Railroads Universities CitiesDemocracy English Language

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Aftermath1858 – Company rule handed over to Britain –

India becomes part of British empire1916 – Gandhi leads struggle for independence1947 – independence granted

Partition (divided) India and Pakistan250,000 – 500,00 deaths

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