Brierley Hill Local Sustainable Transport Fund successful bid

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  • 8/2/2019 Brierley Hill Local Sustainable Transport Fund successful bid


    Local Sustainable Transport Fund - Application Form

    Guidance on the Application Process is available

    Bids for both small projects and initial proposals for large projects should beno more than 20 pages long.

    Applicant Information

    Local transport authority name(s)*:

    Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council

    Senior Responsible Owner name and position:

    Martyn Holloway Head of Traffic & TransportationDirectorate of the Urban Environment

    Bid Manager name and position:

    Neil Lissimore Principal Engineer TransportationDirectorate of the Urban Environment

    Contact telephone number: 01384 814686

    Email address: [email protected]

    Postal address: Dudley Metropolitan Borough CouncilDirectorate of the Urban EnvironmentEconomic Regeneration and Transportation ServicesCouncil HouseMary Stevens Park
  • 8/2/2019 Brierley Hill Local Sustainable Transport Fund successful bid


    SECTION A - Project description and funding profile

    A1. Project name: Brierley Hill Active Travel Partnership (BHATP)

    A2. Headline description:

    The BHATP project seeks to promote and improve active travel accessibilityto and within the new centre of Brierley Hill and its surrounding hinterland tosupport the economic growth aspirations of the Brierley Hill Area Action Plan.

    The project will deliver a wide range of smarter choice initiatives deliveredthrough the formation of community, school and business based partnerships.The development of new and improved active travel corridors for walking andcycling linking the surrounding communities with the centres retail andemployment sectors will provide the enhanced sustainable connectivity vital toallow Brierley Hill to realise its economic potential.

    A3. Geographical area:

    The project is focussed on active travel to the new strategic town centre ofBrierley Hill located centrally within the borough of Dudley which sits on thewestern edge of the West Midlands conurbation. The A4036 Primary Routeruns along the eastern boundary of the town centre.

    The Brierley Hill Area Action Plan (AAP) boundary is shown on Plan 1

    attached to this document, and this defines the town centre boundary inplanning terms. A cordon representing the 15 minute walk distance from thesurrounding hinterland is also shown on Plan 1, and this represents thegeographical area to be targeted for the purposes of the bid.

    The 15 minute walk cordon contains a population of approximately 70,000people, the majority of which are resident within 8 key residential catchments;namely; Withymoor Village, Hawbush Estate, Brockmoor Estate, Pensnett,Russells Hall Estate, Woodside, Netherton and Lodge Farm, and Caledonia,Thorns and Quarry Bank. This represents 23% of the boroughs populationand demonstrates the massive potential for active modes of travel, and inparticular walking and cycling to Brierley Hill Centre.

    A4 T f bid ( l ti k l t b )

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    A5. Total package cost (m): 0.512

    A6. Total DfT funding contribution sought (m): 0.362

    A7. Spend profile:

    K 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 TotalRevenuefunding


    88 126 38 252


    25 45 40 110


    150 150

    Total 113 321 78 512

    A8. Local contribution

    The Council secure Section 106 funding from developers for transportpurposes. As defined in the Councils Planning Obligations SupplementaryPlanning Document, monies secured can be used in the wards within whichthe developments are situated. The projects catchment area covers a numberof wards within the borough and a sum of 63,000 has been identified as aprivate sector contribution to the BHATP project.

    In addition, a sum of 87,000 from the Councils Integrated Transport Blockallocation for 2012/13 has been identified to support the capital elements ofthe proposed infrastructure improvements. These combined provide a capital

    contribution of 150,000 as indicated in the spend profile above as a specificlocal contribution to the project.

    A commitment from the NHS Dudley Public Health, a key partner, to supportthe programme philosophy will manifest itself through in kind staff timecontributions to the development, implementation and subsequent use of the

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    A9. Partnership bodies

    The Council will lead and co-ordinate the design and delivery of the projectwith support from a number of key partners, namely; Dudley Primary CareTrust, Living Streets and Sustrans. These partners will form part of the projectco-ordination group and they have all provided written confirmation of theirsupport to the project. Indeed the LSTF project provides the opportunity toextend and build on existing successful partnerships in Dudley; namely the

    Healthy Towns Programme with NHS Dudley and the Fitter for WalkingProject with Living Streets.

    Given the obvious physical activity and health related benefits associated withactive travel NHS Dudley will be involved in supporting the walking andcycling elements of the community partnership events. Living Streets maininput will be through the organisation of community street audits on key linksto strengthen community engagement and identify key issues and barriers to

    the walking environment, together with providing support to expanding theWalk once a Week initiative into all schools within the cordon. Sustrans willassist in developing new links to the National Cycle Network and SustransRangers will support the development of the new cycle infrastructureproposals. Further opportunities through the Sustrans Links to SchoolsProgramme are currently being explored, and if successful these will enablean expansion of the physical cycle networks beyond the cordon boundary.

    A number of other organisations will provide assistance with the delivery ofthe project in different ways. West Midlands Police and West Midlands FireService will assist in the delivery of the important road safety educationaspects of active travel, whilst Eco and Sustainable Schools initiatives willassist other school related active travel elements of the EducationPartnership.

    SECTION B The local challenge

    B1. The local context

    Brierley Hill was designated a new strategic town centre by the Secretary ofState in January 2008 and following a successful examination in public in

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    Given the surrounding highway network is already operating at capacity atpeak times of the day, in order to support this growth a comprehensive Public

    Transport Strategy has been developed. It will be delivered and fundedprimarily through private sector Section 106 planning obligations.Furthermore, a network of primary and secondary thoroughfares providingquality walking and cycling will also be secured through the developmentprocess. The key objective is to achieve a high level of sustainableconnectivity between and within the three key areas of the centre; thetraditional Brierley Hill High Street District Centre, Waterfront Business Park

    and Merry Hill Shopping Centre.

    Dudley Boroughs economy has a large degree of self containment in thatthe majority (70.6%) of economically active people both live and work in theborough. In terms of retail and leisure, Merry Hill is the second most importantretail centre in the West Midlands region, attracting 12% of the regionsshoppers. Merry Hill is 68% self contained in terms of the loyalty of its localresidential customer base.

    The proposed geographical catchment area for the project has long been atarget area for lots of services particularly those relating to public health. Thismeans that the BHATP programme will be working in a supportiveenvironment. The area has high levels of deprivation, coronary heart disease(CHD), unemployment, crime and on 2009 Lifestyle survey data, asignificantly higher than the Dudley and national averages for obesity.

    B2. Evidence

    As mentioned previously the surrounding highway network is alreadyoperating at capacity at peak times of the day, and therefore future growth,and in particular new trips in the peak hours need to be accommodated bypublic transport and active travel modes. Congestion in the area, in particularthe High Street District Centre, lead to the declaration of the boroughs first Air

    Quality Management Area (AQMA) in 2008.

    Local Transport Plan Town Centre cordon monitoring surveys are undertakenevery two years for the 9 West Midlands LTP centres. For Brierley Hill the lastsurvey was carried out in 2009 and the 12 hour (7:00-19:00) typical in-boundvehicle split was as follows; Cars & light vans 94% HGVs 3 5% Buses 2%

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    Whilst this data provides a valuable level of baseline information, it is theintention to undertake further monitoring in the early stages of the programme.

    The extensive distribution of simple travel survey questionnaires will beundertaken, to better understand peoples travel choices for short journeys toand within the town centre area will provide more robust baseline information.This exercise will be repeated later in the programme to inform the overallevaluation process.

    B3. Objectives

    Within the West Midlands Local Transport Plan (LTP3), smarter choices areoutlined as one of the key strategic principles. The BHATP contains abalanced package of measures that will provide a broad range of benefits forBrierley Hill town centre, and will play a significant role in delivering againstthe key LTP objectives; Economy, Climate Change, Health, Personal safetyand security, Equality of opportunity, and Quality of life and local environment.The evidence, as set out in Section B2, demonstrates that a package of

    measures as outlined in Section C will deliver the following important benefits;

    - Increase the modal share of active travel modes- Playing a role in addressing the school run- Enhanced accessibility for walking and cycling- Reduced road accidents from transport in urban areas- Reduction in the overall number of car trips

    This in itself will deliver benefits for the congested highway network in termsof reduced congestion and hence improvements in journey times and journeytime reliability, which is a key element of improving the local bus service offer.In addition to the direct transport benefits BHATP will also generate widerenvironmental, economic and societal benefits, including;- Improved local environment and air quality through a reduction in carbonemissions

    - Physical health benefits from an increase in active travel modes- Improved accessibility to workplaces, schools and community servicesleading to reduced social exclusion- Improved safety and security

    The first Implementation Plan (2011-2016) for LTP3 identifies the transport

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    The key project target is; To achieve an overall increase in the activetravel mode share of short journeys to and within Brierley Hill Centre

    and its surrounding catchment by 50%.(the 2001 census baseline is12.6% but a more accurate baseline will be determined through thedistribution of simple travel survey questionnaires at the beginning of theproject)

    SECTION C The package bid

    C1. Package description

    The BHATP seeks to promote and improve active travel accessibility to andwithin Brierley Hill town centre and its surrounding hinterland. The project willdeliver a tailored package of targeted smarter choices based initiatives,together with complimentary capital infrastructure improvements. The bid isbased on the delivery of 5 key elements over a 2 year period, commencing inSeptember 2011.

    1 Marketing & CommunicationsThis element underpins the entire project as all the smarter choice initiativesare reliant on a varied and flexible approach to marketing andcommunications. A wide range of measures will be employed throughout theproject with the aim being to engage with the majority of the wider Brierley Hillpopulation. This will be achieved with the assistance and expertise of the

    Councils Marcomms Team. Measures will include;

    - Distribution of Active Travel packs- BHATP website on (including facebook & twitter)- Distribution of newsletters (hardcopy and e-format) to all businesses,community groups, residential units and schools within the catchment- Nomination of Active Travel Choice Rep in each school, businessorganisation and community group

    - Accreditation Scheme- Flyers, posters and leaflets for libraries, G.Ps, health centres and clinics- Journey Planning using and cycle journey planner

    2 Community PartnershipsIn order to maximise the engagement of the local communities 8 Local Active

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    - Training support riders to lead guided rides ensuring sustainability beyond

    the LSTF period- Cycle training will be offered for all ages- At the event there will be Doctor Bike surgeries- Cycle skills competition- Cycle treasure hunt- Advice on personal travel planning- An opportunity to engage with Living Streets to carry out Community Street

    Audits to encourage active travel to Brierley Hill Centre- Eco driver training and alternative travel mode sessions

    3 Education PartnershipsThe project catchment area includes 15 primary schools, 4 secondary schoolsand 2 Special Education Needs (SEN) schools which combined support over8000 students. In addition the catchment includes college annexes for bothDudley and Stourbridge colleges. Various school smarter choice and active

    travel initiatives are proposed within the project. They aim to encourage modalshift by actively encouraging parents and students to walk and cycle, therebyreducing carbon emissions and reducing congestion. Active travelpartnerships developed with each school will involve a range of initiatives tosupport the existing road safety and education programmes, including;

    - active travel Carbon Reduction Projects- pedestrian and Bikeability training for pupils- enhanced Walk once a week (WoW) schemes involving Living Streets- Identification of Park & Stride opportunities- transition resource for Year 6 & 7- school parking awareness raising exercises- development of school Travelwise websites- Car free challenges- Cycle training for staff and post 16

    - Eco Driver training- Parent focus groups to promote walking groups- cycle purchase salary sacrifice scheme- small match funding grants for cycle storage

    4 Business Partnerships

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    - Travel awareness days- Cycle and walking challenges

    - Walk to work week promotions- Eco driver training

    5 Infrastructure ImprovementsPlan 1 illustrates the BHATP catchment area and how the Sustrans NationalCycle Network Route 54 traverses through the heart of Brierley Hill linking thetown centres of Stourbridge and Dudley. A number of active travel corridors

    have been identified (shown in red on the Plan 1) that link the 8 keyresidential catchments with the centre. These routes focus on the use of offroad routes and quieter residential streets aiming to avoid busy heavilytrafficked roads wherever possible. Small scale infrastructure improvements,including time and distance based signage along these corridors will bedeveloped and implemented as part of the project to improve the walk andcycle experience and provide safe and convenient opportunities forsustainable connectivity to and within Brierley Hill Centre. Further minor

    infrastructure improvements will be identified through the community streetaudits, which will also be used to assess those corridors identified on Plan 1in order to secure community engagement and ownership of the networkbeing developed.

    C2. Package costs

    Scheme element 1 K 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 TotalMarketing & Revenue 16 23 7 46

    Communications Capital 0

    Scheme element 2 K 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Total

    Community Revenue 26 37 11 74

    Partherships Capital 0

    Scheme element 3 K 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Total

    Education Revenue 22 32 10 64

    Partnerships Capital 0

    Scheme element 4 K 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 TotalBusiness Revenue 24 34 10 68

    Partnerships Capital 0

    Scheme element 5 K 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Total

    Infrastructure Revenue 0

    Improvements Capital 25 45 40 110


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    At a strategic level, the economic development of the Black Country is beingdriven by the newly established Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) focused

    on three themes and six priorities. A key theme is Land use and transportchange, and a priority in Transport. The adopted Black Country Joint CoreStrategy (BCJCS) will shape regeneration, investment and growth to 2026.The Core Strategy identifies 6 key regeneration corridors which includeDudley to Brierley Hill. Brierley Hill is one of the 4 Strategic Centres asdefined in the BCJCS and is also identified as an Impact Investment locationwithin the Black Country Gowth Point area designation. The Dudley Borough

    Economic Development Strategy (2011/12 - 2013/14) sets out the overallaims for economic development. As part of its economic developmentstrategy, Dudley Council will be increasing its focus on attracting investmentinto the Borough based on the development of key sites and the creation ofemployment opportunities, linked to wider cultural, housing and retailopportunities that are planned for the Borough, much of which is planned forthe Brierley Hill area. Clearly economic growth for Dudley is focused onBrierley Hill and therefore sustainable travel choices are crucial to support this

    growth. The BHATP project will provide the enhanced sustainable connectivityvital to allow Brierley Hill to realise its economic potential.

    The capital infrastructure works will improve access to and routes throughsome of the boroughs Nature Reserves and Public Open Space andtherefore provide a significant contribution to the aims of the Councils Parksand Green Space Strategy.

    The proposal will complement and contribute to the Boroughs ObesityStrategy, the main strategic target for the Primary Care Trust and the Council,the inequality strategy, the Healthy Towns programme, the CommunityStrategy, the Air Quality Action Plan and the Physical Activity in CommunityEnvironments (PAiCE) plan. There are also links with wider determinanthealth programmes around the prevention elements of diabetes, stroke andmental health and wellbeing.

    The successful implementation of the project will deliver a more sustainabletransport network and hence an improved environment in and around BrierleyHill centre, that will not only benefit those living and working within thetargeted catchment, but also residents elsewhere in the borough who need toaccess the town for employment, educational, leisure and shopping trips.

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    The Council has also been discussing the project with Westfield

    Shoppingtowns Ltd, the current owners of the Merry Hill Shopping Centre,who have confirmed in writing they are keen to be involved and assist theCouncil in working with the centres main retail employers and their staff. Manyof these employees are within the 70,000 population that makes up theproject catchment.

    The community partnerships will involve a Community Travel Awarenessevent held at a central venue within each of the 8 surrounding residentialcatchments. Having already made contact with the relevant communityorganisations, the first event will take place at the Thorns School who alongwith the local community groups are keen to support the initiatives proposed.

    SECTION D Value for money

    D1. Outcomes and value for money

    Specific outputs from the project are listed in Section E2 of this applicationform. The combined impact of these outputs is expected to generate asignificant increase in the use of active travel modes, in particular for short journeys to and within the centre of Brierley Hill and the surroundingcatchment area as identified on Plan 1.

    Given the wide range of initiatives contained within the proposal, it is difficultto quantify the overall combined impact and outcomes however, some specificexamples are given below;

    Community PartnershipsThe index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2007 shows that 6 neighbourhoods inthe Brierley Hill area fall within the top 10% most deprived in the country; thisis a third of all neighbourhoods in the Borough identified as being in the top

    10% most deprived in the country. This leads to health and social exclusionissues.

    Promotion of Sustainable travel through proposed initiatives such as Familycycle training, Active travel packs, setting up a community travelwise websiteand employing an Active Travel Choice Representative and personal journey

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    Active Travel information Packs are another initiative Dudley MBC are

    proposing within the LSTF bid. These packs are designed to include localwalking and cycling information. Inactive people will be targeted via GPsurgeries, and libraries with an alternative pack for pupils at schools toincrease cycling and walking to school.

    Initially an audience of 6000 people will be targeted through the Active Travelpacks. Average cost of a pack will be approx 2 at 2010 prices. Distributioncan be targeted with no ongoing cost.

    Research has shown 41% of people doing more everyday walking as a resultof using the packs. A carbon saving of 13kg per person per year wasaveraged across all participants. (Vernon. D 2002 Sustainability and evidenceof success: An 18-month follow up study of the Doorstep Walks initiative)Dudley is aiming for a similar success rate by specifically helping approx 6000people walk more everyday and thereby saving 78,000kg of carbon per


    By increasing the active travel options of 6000 people, it is hoped that short journeys of a 1 mile or 2mile round trip to the local shopping centre can bereduced on average 2 times per week. That is a potential saving of 6000 x1.5miles x 2 per week x 52pa = 936,800 vehicle miles per annum saved.

    There is a projected spend of 65,000 on the community scheme part of theLSTF proposal. It is realistic for Dudley to deliver substantial benefit to helptowards sustainable and active travel, improve health and obesity, reduce cartravel and increase carbon savings within the local Brierley Hill community.

    Education PartnershipsPrevious initiatives undertaken by Dudley MBC in promoting sustainable andactive travel amongst parents and children travelling to school has shown

    successful returns in modal shift.

    WalkingFollowing consultation as part the schools Travel Plan Glynne PrimarySchools parent, pupils and staff identified that a large percentage of pupilswould walk to school if the school site had an entrance at the rear. Using their

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    Walk Once a Week (WoW)In partnership with the Department of Health and Living Streets borough

    schools with high numbers of pupils travelling to school by car have beentargeted to take part in the Walk Once a Week (WoW) campaign. DuringJanuary 2011 WoW was launched at Ham Dingle Primary School and thenumber of pupils walkingto school was raised from 33% (January 2010)to 71%.

    Dudley MBC aim to target 15 primary, 4 secondary schools and 2 SENswhich combined support over 8000 students in total. The Dudley MBC 2010School Travel surveys show the current children travel to school modal split isas follows; car 34.8%, car share 2.6%, public transport 6.5%, walking 53.9%,cycling 1.4% and other 0.8%

    The carbon savings per young person based on a 1 mile return journey toschool over the year would be 190x0.3kg* (average small/large car averagefigure for 1 mile from carbon calculator)= 57kg per

    young person per year.

    Based on previous results of active travel to school measures in Dudley, thefollowing carbon savings can be assumed:

    Walking 8676 x 12% x 57kg = 59,344kg carbon saved.Cycling 8676 x 13% x 57kg = 64,289kg carbon saved.Total carbon saved through Active Travel to Sch initiatives = 123,633kg.

    From a value for money aspect, school active travel initiatives have shown incase studies to achieve on average 7.5% reduction in car trips, 4.5% increasein walking, and 3.4% - 6% increase in cycling.

    With an overall projected spend of 64,000 on the educational scheme part ofthe LSTF proposal, it is realistic for Dudley to achieve similar targets that will

    deliver substantial benefit to help towards sustainable and active travel withinthe Dudley educational and school communities.

    Business PartnershipsThere are approximately 2,500 businesses within the Brierley Hill projectcatchment area accounting for 23% of all businesses in the Dudley
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    The study by Cairns S, Sloman L, Newson C, Anable J, Kirkbride A &Goodwin P (2004) Smarter Choices Changing the Way We Travel showed

    a 3% change to car share based on 20 organisations car share schemes inthe first year and between 8% and 18% in the following years.

    The Brierley Hill Travel Cordon Survey undertaken for Local Transport Plan(LTP) monitoring in 2010 shows approximately 60,000 vehicles travellingwithin the area on a given week day.2,500 businesses x 10 staff (minimum average) = 25,000 employees.

    Census 2001 data shows 60% travel to work by car within the Brierley Hillarea averaging 8km. Therefore 15,000 business employees within Brierley Hilltravel by car. The car share scheme will aim to attract 450 motorists (3%)within the 1

    styear of operation. Assume employees will car share 50% of their

    journeys throughout the year 50% of cars will still be on the roads.

    225 employees x 8km saved x 232/2 working days pa = 208,800 vehicle

    km saved pa.

    Carbon saving is calculated at 204kg of carbon per person per year based oncar sharing alone. (Cairns S, Newson C, Davis A, 2010 Understandingsuccessful travel plan initiatives in the UK)

    Therefore Dudley MBC proposed Car share scheme carbon saving is equalto: 450 people x 204kg carbon saved = 91,800 kg carbon saved. Theestimated set up cost of the scheme is set at 16,000.

    Dudley MBC also propose initiatives such as Work Place challenges andWalking to Work initiatives, cycle training and cycle challenge days.

    Work place challenges on average cost 25 per employee. Dudley aim totarget 200 staff at 5000 overall cost with a view to achieving 3,400kg of

    carbon saving and 83,200 vehicle km saving per annum based on reducedcar use for work at least once a week.

    It is estimated that an overall spend of 68,000 on sustainable transportmeasures for businesses and the workplace within Brierley Hill will show asubstantial return through an increase in walking and cycling, vehicle miles

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    D2. Financial sustainability

    The basis of the approach to the smarter choices elements of the project is toempower the local residents and communities within the Brierley Hillcatchment to continue and expand the active travel opportunities introducedas part of the BHATP project. The key to the projects longer termsustainability will be giving local people and community representatives theskills to lead walks, cycle rides and community street audits themselves.Given the importance of sustainable travel to Brierley Hills future growth, andits importance in the LTP longer term strategy, the Council will seek to supportthis agenda beyond the life of the LSTF. Further funding opportunities throughSection 106 developer contributions may also support this initiative.

    SECTION E Deliverability

    E1. Implementation

    Project Implementation will be managed and co-ordinated by a newly formedBrierley Hill Active Travel Partnership Group. This group, being chaired bythe Bid Manager, will comprise a lead officer for each of the 5 elements of theproject as set out in Section C, a representative from the Councils financesection and representatives from all key partners, namely; NHS Dudley, LivingStreets and Sustrans. Other key stakeholders including a representative fromthe well established Brierley Hill Town Centre Partnership will be encouragedto join the group. This group will manage and co-ordinate the overall deliveryof the project and report quarterly to a BHATP Project Board chaired by theSenior Responsible Officer for the bid.

    The majority of the smarter choices initiatives will be delivered on the groundthrough the Councils Road Safety and Travel Awareness Team who employcasual Road Safety Assistants. This provides a flexible resource of trainedsupport staff who can respond to the changing demands of the project.

    This model is based on the project management structure successfullyemployed for the delivery of Dudleys Healthy Towns Programme.

    E2. Output milestones

    The table below shows the key outputs for the project by year;

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    Completion of Cycle Training for pupils 1200 1200Enhanced WoW implemented in schools ongoing 15Transition Training delivered to Year 6 pupils 600 200Development of School Travelwise websites ongoing 21Parent focus groups to promote walking/street audits ongoing 15Business Active Travel Workshops 2 2Company Cycle & Walking Challenges 2 2Company Travel to Work surveys 100 100Implementation of Company Travelwise website 100 100Company Eco Driving Training Sessions (15-20delegates)

    3 3

    Companies signed up to Car Share Scheme 3 3Doctor Bike sessions 8 4Active travel corridor developed and implemented 5km 10km

    E3. Summary of key risks

    Key Risk LikelihoodH/M/L



    1 - GovernanceReduction in Politicalsupport from the Council

    L L

    Submission of LSTF bid and LTP3approved by Cabinet and Council.Strong cross party support forsustainable travel initiatives to supportgrowth. Regular reports to Cabinetmember for transportation.

    Reduction in support fromkey partners L L

    Formal support received from all keypartners. Key partners form part of theBHATP Co-ordination group.

    2 - LeadershipProject Director unable tolead effectively L L

    Project SRO is senior manager withinthe Council and Chair of the BHATPProject Board.

    3 - EngagementFailure to engage with

    communities, schools andbusinesses

    L M

    Marketing and Communications is a

    key element of the bid and will becarried out through a range ofinitiatives. Good contacts andcommunication channels with schoolsand community groups already exist.

    4 - DeliveryLack of capacit to deli er Capital design and implementation

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    PLAN 1 Brierley Hill Active Travel Partnership Area

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    Letters of Endorsement and Support.

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