Bridgeland and Region Missing Links Cycling Proposal

Bridgeland and R egion Missing Links Cycling Proposal  August 8, 2011 Presented by: Dustin Jones Email: [email protected] Cell: (403) 921-3878

Transcript of Bridgeland and Region Missing Links Cycling Proposal

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Bridgeland and Region Missing

Links Cycling Proposal August 8, 2011

Presented by: Dustin JonesEmail: [email protected]

Cell: (403) 921-3878

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The Opportunity• High current active mode (pedestrian & cycling) rates

▫ Bridgeland\Riverside and two neighboring communities

(Renfrew & Crescent Heights) are among the top ten activemode communities in Calgary with a population over 5,000

• Currently zero North\South & East\West cyclingdesignated routes in Bridgeland. This has a negativeimpact on regional cycling connectivity and mobility as

alternate routes are several kilometers longer.• Designation of on street routes and infrastructure for

Bridgeland is an excellent fit with recently adoptedCalgary Cycling Strategy and would extend regionalcycling network 

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0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

   %    A  c   t   i  v  e   M  o   d  e   C  o  m  m  u   t  e  r  s

% Active Mode Commuters

Active Mode Areas in Calgary


Downtown Commercial CoreHillhurst

Crescent Heights






West Hillhurst

Cycling routes would further support three of top 10 active mode communities(Renfrew, Bridgeland\Riverside, and Crescent Heights) with population over 5,000.Compelling opportunity is to create north\south and west\east cycling corridors tofurther expand these strengths for regional area.

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Issues:No complete North\South “regional” cycling connectionsNo West\East “collector” cycling connectionsLittle continuity to major activity centers or regional network 

Current BridgelandRegional Network 

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Route Design Consideration• Selected routes have lower traffic volumes

▫ Cycling safety is most common concern with Calgarians▫ No negative impact to traffic flow during rush hour as compared to

installation of on street routes on high traffic volume streets▫ Traffic calming generally desired in residential areas to reduce risk of accidents to pedestrians and children

• Locate cycling routes near to mixed used retail and officedevelopment

• Tie-in regional cycling route to City Centre (major activity centre)

• Connect cycling routes to all schools in Bridgeland and LRT• Choose less complex options that are capital efficient and enhancethe utility of roads

• Prefer routes that do not have a steep incline• On street bike inter-route spacing ~ 500 meters

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Bridgeland Cycling Template

• “Sharrow ” lane marking• Roundabout for traffic

calming also reduce bikeacceleration & deceleration• Signage indicating distances

to major destinations• Speed bumps

• Roundabouts and speed bumps sizing to beengineered with respect totravelling speeds and trafficcalming

Important to design key routes as cycling friendly and

safe for all ages

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Implementation Phases• Phase A 

▫  Approve on street bike routes▫ Paint street bike markings at major intersections

▫ Install signage for bikeways at major intersections (improve legibility of network)• Phase B

▫ Install traffic calming (speed bumps)▫ Remove stop signs where appropriate and replace with yield signs

• Phase “C”arra

▫ Edmonton Trail\McDougall connections at grade▫ Fix 10 ST NE & 4th Ave NE connection at grade▫ Install roundabouts at key intersections for traffic calming and cycling

route optimization▫ Install at grade pass-thru at Edmonton Trail\Memorial and fix timing of 

lights▫ Review bike parking at LRT station

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Phase A -Approve onstreet bike route-Paint street bike markings at majorintersections-Install Signage for bikeways at majorintersections (improve legibility of network)

LegendRed Circles: Current stop signs

Blue Line: Proposed onstreet cycling route

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Phase B-Install traffic calming (speed bumps)-Remove stop signs where appropriate andreplace with yield signs

LegendRed Circles: Stop signs Yellow Triangles: Yield signsBlue Line: Proposed onstreet cycling route

Blue Waves: Speed bumps

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Phase “C”arra-Edmonton Trail\McDougall connection atgrade-Fix 10 ST NE & 4th Ave NE connection at grade-Install roundabouts at key intersections fortraffic calming and cycling route optimization-Install at grade pass-thru at EdmontonTrail\Memorial and fix timing of lights

LegendRed Circles: Stop signs Yellow Triangles: Yield signsBlue Line: Proposed onstreet cycling routeBlue Waves: Speed bumpsBlue Wrenches: Grade changes and light optiBlue Circles: Roundabouts

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Cycling Infrastructure Phasing

Infrastructure Plan Units Phase

Bike signage for onstreet routes 47 A

Cycling distance wayfinding signs 5 A

Pavement Painting Tags "Sharrow" 47 A

Remove Stop Signs where appropriate, and replace with yield signs (net) -10 B

Speed Bumps 7 B

Light Opti 1 C

Grade Changes 4 C

Roundabouts 5 C

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• Informative signage isimportant for way finding and legibility of network 

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Operational Considerations

• Prioritize spring gravel removal for onstreetroutes

• Evaluate prioritizing “key” arterial cycling routesfor snow removal that are of regional importance(north\south routes on 6 St NE and 10 St NE)

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The Future t0 2012 A complete regional cycling network 

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Edmonton\McDougall Grade

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Edmonton\Memorial Drive & Light Opti• Remediate with a smooth cycling connection so that bikes and

 wheelchairs can cross• Update timing for lights such that pedestrian crosswalk is

illuminated and active mode users can cross automatically  when “no flow” conditions exist on east side of intersection

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McDougall Grade Change and PathConnectivity

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Pathway Grade Change ContinuityRemediation

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Additional Comments• In consultation with BRCA president, concerns were raised about speeding

at Langevin School on 1st Ave and 6 St NE, need for traffic calming here with appropriately designed speed bumps on 1st Ave NE

• BRCA president raised concerns about the speed of 10 St NE vehiculartraffic and need for traffic calming on this north\south cycling route

•  Also, evaluation of Centre Ave NE cycling route versus 1st Ave NE isrecommended. Pro: 1st Ave NE fits with traffic calming and betterconnectivity to Edmonton trail. Con: concerns about cycling safety on 1st

 Ave NE due to higher traffic volumes, onstreet cycling route and risk of cardoor opening injuries

• Recommend key 4th Ave NE west\east route be extended to CrescentHeights on paved back alley between 3rd Ave NE and 4th Ave NE anddesignated as an onstreet cycling route

• Speed bumps and roundabouts sizing recommended to be engineered withconsideration for travelling speeds with respect to traffic calming and safety 

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Summary and Recommendations• Opportunity for synergy with City of Calgary cycling plan to address

missing connections in region where there is high active mode of transportation area

• Phasing of cycling plan was with consideration for capital efficiency • Request to be considered as part of the approved Calgary CyclingStrategy budgeted priorities▫ Bicycle improvements coordinated with CTP/MDP-aligned work –

 Activity Centers, Nodes and Corridors ($7.5 million)▫ Bicycle route missing links ($1.5 million)

• Incorporated feedback from the community association to amendcycling proposal and submit to the City of Calgary and Mr. Carra on behalf of the BRCA simultaneously 

• Follow-up with City of Calgary to review and have furtherrecommendations about implementation that is practical, safe andfeasible