Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1904-01-22 [p ]. · u ill 1 TUG URBATHirr NEWS J WISE HAGINS...

u ill 1 TUG URBATHirr NEWS J WISE HAGINS Editor 1 tfrldny Jnmwry 22 1004 I JOHN D WHITE Cauyijr 1 y Room 001 Kentucky Title Bltq1 LouUvllIe Ky Will prnctloo In State and U S Court Buys und sells Heal Rune Keep Rood list of Farms At fair rvlcesi SPA clam attention given to Oil Coal and Timber lands Rinorts values on ap Director for the New Era i land Company fjF Clrculiillon more titan FOUIITJ3RK HUXDIUJD copies WE will accept advertisements on n guaranty that our paper has more than twice the circulation in Breatliitt Countyof any paper published Our taper goes to ov ery post olllco in Perry County and almost every one in Leo Ma- o goflin Owsley und Volfo Coun ¬ tiesIf you want to reach the moun- tain ¬ trade try iin ad in the BKKATH ITT COUNTY N mVBe Mr and Mrs Leele left for Oahey where they will remain for a taw days lion D Y Combs of Hazard was hereon business n fore dais this week Dr SwanRo wont to Loulsvllls 5Ion dOT Sir George Stevenson lies resigned his io ltlnn ns liookkerper for S S Tnnlbee nnd lies gong to work with Leete Henri MILLION Dollars for Now Ciipltol at Frank tort Amid cheers from n throiiKof visit or tho Kentucky lloiue Wednesday passed the bll appropriating lOCOOOO for the nrootlon of n ni w Capitol Build- ing at Frankfort the vote being 01 to 1 The measure will bo passed nt once by tho Senate The Homo Ibo passed tho Bradley Registration Bill i A bill for the creation of n county of Beckham was pasted In then Senate A number of other bills were Intro 3duced Combination Oir r r j By our llbernl turns with tho pub ¬ lishers of othar papers we ore oils + to furnish you two Ittlpef04 fur a little more than the prioe of ono Wt con sure you mousy on any paper you wish- to take We will fnrilMi you TilE BREATHITT COUNTY NEWS told i either of the followin- gConiferJournal Louisville Herald Chicago InterOcean Orhdnnnti Enlulrer Lexington Leader llama and Fnrmnr New Yorlt TrlbuneFunnar Otto Year For Only 12 No one should be without n paper whew he can buy two of tho best In the country for so Itttlu money t t 011 And the formations In ulilch it is found Send 25 cu for the Oil Prospectors GuIdH W nKAUiKNun Fairfield Iowa i OLDEST Preacher In the Mountains Undo Jlmmle Moore Is Dying Her James Moore the oldest Rap tit mlnUter in Kentucky old puuibly In the Unittd Stnios Is dying nt his home fn Menlfoe enmity Uncle 107 years old lie Is ono uC till most remarknblo men In the State lie hn liven n minister o the Baptist Church fur evenly yum and during that time he hnj jirunjltcd In nearlyevery county in Eastern Ken tucky During his career as n preacher its has received into the church 3000 con ¬ I verts and udniinlxinred the right of buptNin lo 1728 tieupl When ho bepati pieaulilog III Ile moiiiituinc there wfr i u clmiulif iiril services hail ki ho Ielii in bite woods Iliq Til Hon til Jl HlukH J004 Al- t t < 1II1II1tHI 110 U < i IOUit rtN II I nINIIil nllY 1Urllrlr log 11 r it pI 1I hI y N Ir i M ei llMll III Ioh ii n tI I flu I ml iiiil tenth 11 llji 1I1Irlllj Nod IM 111 y dli p VOKi AND Luthia1t1 t r iiniy our lullnr n 11Wd iKl > VOKICS i+ 1111111111 h At rim + i MlIlClIzlllI Iik- he 1 l lJ A i it Is lull well knoVif to iited ftTrthttr comniundallon Pew itt p hive fuuored snore faithfully f r the public good or found a wlr- meritlllc inlnjhe heuru of the jehplu j uilitI IrdNrd to dvtilln A an WOUK s Nu rtKtAOCo l23Cl Locust St 8t Ilunl I e 5- N r iN- a i I 1 4 1 r I Sl W XlIt S S s i fr CORRESPONDENCEFrom Oorrospondeuts JI ZiSo S2S2S Boo IWIT1R I Your correspondent ilrow one of thN prizes offered by the Mountain Ucliffns voted on by its culucribcr twits most popular cnrropponoxit and nwardud July 0 for the lost 6 uioniln ot 1003 Boonevlllo LodRO Fife AM met on December 28 and elected time following officers for tho ensuing year II 0 Moore WM Hugh BrynntS W VniHilIocUJV r G M HojjR Tress L M Garrett Suoy V M Abshenr S and I The Scale heirs Matt been offered S800 fpr time old J WS ale farm ly IIIR Just across that river from Bootie vlllo Since December 1 our County Court Clerk has Issued marriage license jp the following Charley It Ceclle lo Matilda Minters Jolla Hoivninn to Mary Bowman Joseph Moore to Dtllnh Smith Luther Pearson to Taura Evans Alfred Turner to Tuclndn Herald Joseph S Conglctnn lO mule Mar cum Iliiecom Ililmer to Martha Estep Win Evans to Marrervn Newman ltd Wilson to Collie Seals Ballard B Isaacs to Nannie Nina Butler Jewell lo Dora Collins Major Ptfarrnn lo Fannie Evans All ot tho above have been happily married nod nro on Ihelr way rejoicing except Major Ieuraon rand MUiEvan Major presented the proper certlllcateV M appeared on their face to Ulerk Combs and dynnnded license TIll certificate was signed os appeared by John Kvans father of the girl but the clerk having scmf doubt told Mr Pear ¬ son that he would have to make an nf firtavit aii lo the geiuiinetieM of Mr Kvntii slpnaturo When Mr Pearson made affidavit nod flied In the office that Mr Evans signed the certificate nid was willing to the wedding where ¬ upon the clerk Issued the license but in the meantime and before the mar- ring > Mr Evans smell n rot and as this girl was only 13 yrs oldcame to the office end found hit taints forged to the certificate and an affidavit of its gen ujieneepeo he at once procured n wars rant for Penman charging him with rabtt nwearing hnd him arrested timid nn examining trial before Squire Price who held him to gnawer In the sum of 500 and iiidioininit nt the January term of Cirenil Court anti while in Custody Mr Penrwm was served with seven processes from tho Circuit Court the aggregate of his bonds nre f 1600 and tiara rl8llt of which he Is now an tumult of Cattle Radfnrd So you oe true Lore dots not always run smooth The blool hounds n fund forthe pilrcliaso of has recently been sub bribed by our citizens have just fir rived They were purchased by It W Ilicknell at Wilmore anti are fine Hptcimens of the kind Thy are about 7 months old male and female mini well trained for dug of their age aiid are being kept nnd trained by Mr Jesje llolcomb of Wfnklirs Branch who claim to be an expert In Dugologyund a fine trainer YAILBR HniroiiKs Goal anil Tlmbrlancl Wantil Wonted one hundred thoutand acres of anil and timber lands In Hafiturh Kentucky for OUII for Eastern Capl UllMs Vrileto U E 6 > I1T- IITuxlrlJollKr q John Dean Stone Mason Foundations StonesPillars f HOWS THIS SUIT Y I The boat 500 Shoo 8500 Made Sold by I jJlckilol1 BEATTYV1LLK unit H 0 llll returned homo Friday from Frankfort where he lns been for tcvoriililny taking In the Legiwlniuri amid as usual brought back In hU pock ¬ et that which frees ono ot our citizens The Benttyvllle Lodge S04 I Q 0 F installed tho following officers Satur day night for the nov year Loniii Evans N 0 Albert Terry V G S P Stamper Sect r 0 S McDaniel TrIM Samuel Darch owe of our clever sa ¬ loon men is awny on n vacation The LonisvIHe nod Allantlo Itnllwny Company bus put on n new passepger train and Mall car leaving Beatt > vllle at 715 n m making this run to Rich- mond Ky and back to Beatlyvillc al f oj 15 11111 A Ira lid A subscriber sends us n letter he re celvcd from a breeder of poultry of whom ho proposed buying some stock This breeder claims his hens lay from 2SO to 300 eggs a year many of them producing the larger number He offers to sell a pen for 10 or a trio for 0 The breeder who makes such claims condemns himself nt ponce lIens that will average even In n year could readily be sold for more than this breeder offers to take for n pen but such hens ore not for sale for tho very good reason that they do not exist Commercial Poultry Gene Geese nre grassers and will do well on any green pasture If they have ac cess to n crock or lake so much the better but they can be successfully grown without water to swim lu Hut In fattening they need soup good sound grain every day Geese are good for their leathers good to lull and good on the homo dinner table Hut the cook must know bow to cook a goose or It will have the characteristic goose flavor which Ii generally IlL ¬ tasteful to American palates IX tONi ItKMKMlIUAXCH Of Little Albert llngliitt VIm bled Sunday Evening Jnn nary 1n 1004 With what seeming lack of mercy has the grim Angel of Death taken from the circle of hone this fairest jewel this purest gem Taken from the scenes otjllfe ere its billows had be ¬ gun to roll taken while in hours of In- nocence ¬ when no clouds hull checked its way when the sunshine of life was yet In its dawn taken at a tithe when it had only reached tint period of In ¬ spiration to hope when It was the joy and gladness of homo the one most endeared the pride and promise and hope of parental joys and affection Whit ruthless grief wlmt relentless sorrows shut such as this must come Of joys and sorrows ot suiialilnuaiid sadness is the pilgrimage of life mnde up Only to be defeated we build our hopes only to loose its sweetness we taste of jig oily todrop their petals we pluck lifes flower and in an endless chase of vague and varlgated visions wo pursue time vanities of life From other griefs and wots or from stealthy sorrows we must cease to burrow sadness leaving each care by lifes unresting tide where time bllloivg rage will ceaseless ange- anti with rising urge until the calm and Pnullla olnrnal ocean is reached Bright with lope we consign this sacred treasure to the total around Ii fall the fragments of shattered ambi ¬ ton with It there Is buried the pros ¬ pects of earthly attainments but around and abnvo anti eveloplng nil In thnt blest nsiiiurnnce from hint who said SuTfr little children to cons unto Me and forbid theta not fur of such Is time Ivinglum of lltmveu January 10 VI K K j 3 w W I WATCHES I i I Of the best American t 1 iiiakos SI 00 S2DO 800 and 500 1 ftiit UP- HEINTZ THEJEWELER 91T09ITE PHOENIX HOTEL LEXINGTON KY I TRY US ONWACJ REPAIRING tL2 1IiHEINTZDr 0 It L Iij Normal und Business Depart input oi == > Lees Collegiatefnsttzlte WILt OPEX January 4th 7 1904 Ksa irsrszsw crcjWA ii1a f PICOF tT F LUKENSso null favorably associated with tho Ilistitutionivillagain conduct tho Normal Work Kx perenced and thorouglilcoll11ctont teachers will bo in chnrgo of the Department BUSINESS PUIMAUY MUSIC ACADEMIC COIJIGIATI MANUAL TUA1XINO XO1OIAU JO3IUSTIC SCIENCE ItOAUDIXr DKiAKTMKXT Students pursuing Normal or Business Courses may take nilvnntngo of Academic nUll Collegiate Depiirtmonts with ¬ out extra charge Diploma will ndmit holder to any jollego of tho Tuition and Boar reasonable 1t Jail on or address 31 Ii UIr1ON1PrincpalJackson CLAUD WEATHERS Of Flat flock Is In Jull ut Mt Sterling Charged With Forger On lost Saturday Claudo Weathers of Flat Ronk mnde n business trip to Mt Sterling und after he had been in town but a short while he proceeded to load up with merchandise and u this was dead easy he begnn to cash lit some of his ice cold cliockswhlch he lied ro trouble In doing Among his victims were S M Nevvmeyer who bit at his bait taking hook timid all this fun cost Nevvmeyer 18 plunks unlucky number Mr Weathers not wishing to slight stir of his dear Ml Sterling friends made a flying trip to see D Kaplan where he left another ono of his Ice cuM checks for which Mr Kaplan thanked him very kindly The next v cUm he tried was Oldham Bros Co which provrd beyond a reasonable doubt to be n hornets nest Instead of the little Busy Bee and hero is wheru he failed to get oft 420 worth of cold goods as Mr Oldham soon got on to the man than Flat lloek and he Is now In jail busted flat nod when the grand Jury gets through with him hi will be both broke and bent for tome time to come Say Claude you have our sympathy Kit Out llonutfful Streets We cannot refrain from speaking of the impassable conditions of our streets and crossings and the Imporfeat tide walks that are only a mockery to con ¬ veniences In our town These matters should have been taken up in time by time and liy those in authority with the lingering recollections of tile conditions of the streets we hove had in the past winters and we should have been protested against these ap ¬ parent incouvoiileiicei It mar ba possible that each citizii thinks that time other inns Is to blume timid that the weight of responsibility ta on the I other tnnnfl shoulders but there is me thlnRiwe nil know tjjat some one U to blame and it tuust4b that the blunts is with those who are cfisrged with nublia duly amid to whops lime pub ¬ lie looks to for faithful p lformance Flicse mjjgivitiga are paltible Hlat let Itr is not our purpose to enumerate pri ¬ rate wrongs or fallings nor to attrib ¬ ute then tc pei sonal failures but who can take n stroll or ramble to this only nil I road depot ill Jackson anal view the impenetrable sell of thud around It with no means to evade without feel ¬ lug a sense fjf regret that more pride is tint taken Jour capitalists and those of wealth to provide necessary and am pie conveniences The yards around tlielepol and the pasiwuyii leading to It could be tnacndlmlztd n > moderate expense rind this would bespeak better taste in those having control of af fars Uutwejnuit refrain from Indulgiiig in an endless enumeration of misgiv ¬ hugs 1 fearing lhatsume of tliemito the critical eye might bur traceable to our personal failures i SD FLEENOR Watches Clocks ANP ALL KINDS OF FIitSFOLSe Jewelry t 1 GIVE ME A GALL WHEN IN JACKSON S D FE NOR OPTICIAN AND JEWELER I N NN11NN 11IN NNM N- w y WRECK OX PKHK MAItQURTTR Twentytwo InsseiiRfM Klllrd an TwiMitynlne Injured Grand Rapids lIch Dec SIt- n headon collision between two Per Marquotto passenger trains 22 per sons wore killed whllo 38 other were Injured several of thorn pro ably fatally- It was the most disastrous wroolc I tho history of the POlO Marquette sji tern and Instead of being caused b roans carelessness or mistake Ii charged to tho high wind which of tingulthcd tho rod signal light In th order hoard at McCards Stntloi whore tho westbound train was 03 pectod to atop and receive new 01 dots Two minutes before tho tram rushed by McCords tho light wa burning says tho operator but In tlm brief Interval tho buzzard that war raging extinguished It and train Nc 6 unshod by the station to crash int eastbound train No C near KM Paris TIle trams which were tw ot the finest on tho system wore n duced to a promiscuous pile of broko and twisted Umber and metal wit dead and Injured pinned down an crushed by the fragments of th heavy cars 81111 rrnnnllnlTllnlRinlrlfPflltmlrnunu C ROARK 1L LAWYER KENTUCKY practice In Breatliitt soil = Mug mn Counties ilHIUUililUilllllUUUllUUUUUUUUUII THE BREAD MAKEF has no fears of the result when usin Mansfields Flour ts white and bus the natural tat and lUvor of tutu wheat burry Make better whiter healt ler bread thai you hays been using because It I milled from the best them nod millet in the right way on the best equlppei roller flsur mill In Kentucky Let a 25lb sock of HEST IATEN or MOUNTAIN LILLY talk to you 1 will be more convinulrig than a barre of words Ask your grocer for It R C 3IAXSFIELI C SON 1ROSSLYN KY Mrs Laura S Webb VIeslretdchl 1Yonmins Demo matte Clnliaiol Xorllivm ObI I dreaded the change of life which was task approaching I noticed Wine of Urdu and diddcd to try a bot tie 1 experienced some relief Ihi lint so kept on taking It for three month now I menstruate with no pain and I shall take It oil and on now I have pitted the climax Female weakness disordered menses falling of the wojub and ovarian do not wear off TEeyfollowawouman tothechango Wine of Canlul now and avoid the trou ¬ ble Wino of Cardul never falls to benefit a suffering woman of any ago ul relieved Mrs Webb when she was in dan ¬ ger When you come to tho ebonite of life Mrs Webbs loiter will mean more to you than it does now nut you now avoid the suffering toe endured Druggids- aelltl bottles of Wino INEOFCARQUI p r + J f f IIr IIh r it Day Bros CoA t Have the most complete stock of r GENERAL MEROHANDISEI t L Ever brought to Jackson Consisting of I 1 4- I DVJ aQdt 4 JIltlOlJjS frafiiIjL9jpY k I H tsr 11 w n B 56Q 5 We have the Finest Line of SHOES in I Eastern Kentucky Our mens shoes are of the Latest Style For the Ladies we have the mos Fashionable Lot of Shoes money could buy flh11ineryGoodsR i g This Department is under the man l agement of Miss Laura Rawlings who 1 J can show you i Styletdirect Also Hats FA8HDNABLE DRESS GOODS In all the Latest Patterns and weaves Fresh from thd Eastern Markets 1 t I > Ifneed any House Furnishings or- t f FURNITURE We are the people you are looking for we have it by car loads to suit every body C nee and see us our II l lll ll l b l l tl 1 H l II I III 1 Pr ces relllrRlghirl 111111ninn1111 IUIfIl umHIl II II 6 1 D yBros CO 1 l r Lt

Transcript of Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1904-01-22 [p ]. · u ill 1 TUG URBATHirr NEWS J WISE HAGINS...

Page 1: Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1904-01-22 [p ]. · u ill 1 TUG URBATHirr NEWS J WISE HAGINS Editor 1 tfrldny Jnmwry 22 1004 I JOHN D WHITE Cauyijr 1 y Room 001 Kentucky Title

u ill





tfrldny Jnmwry 22 1004



Cauyijr 1y Room 001 Kentucky Title Bltq1

LouUvllIe Ky

Will prnctloo In State and U S CourtBuys und sells Heal Rune KeepRood list of Farms At fair rvlcesi SPA

clam attention given to Oil Coal andTimber lands Rinorts values on ap

Director for the New Erai land Company

fjF Clrculiillon more titanFOUIITJ3RK HUXDIUJD copies

WE will accept advertisementson n guaranty that our paper hasmore than twice the circulation inBreatliitt Countyof any paperpublished Our taper goes to ov

ery post olllco in Perry Countyand almost every one in Leo Ma-

o goflin Owsley und Volfo Coun ¬

tiesIfyou want to reach the moun-


trade try iin ad in the BKKATH

ITT COUNTY NmVBeMr and Mrs Leele left for Oahey

where they will remain for a taw days

lion D Y Combs of Hazard washereon business n fore dais this week

Dr SwanRo wont to Loulsvllls 5IondOT

Sir George Stevenson lies resignedhis io ltlnn ns liookkerper for S STnnlbee nnd lies gong to work withLeete Henri


Dollars for Now Ciipltol at Franktort

Amid cheers from n throiiKof visitor tho Kentucky lloiue Wednesdaypassed the bll appropriating lOCOOOO

for the nrootlon of n ni w Capitol Build-

ing at Frankfort the vote being 01 to 1

The measure will bo passed nt once bytho Senate

The Homo Ibo passed tho BradleyRegistration Bill

i A bill for the creation of n county ofBeckham was pasted In then Senate

A number of other bills were Intro

3ducedCombination Oir rr

j By our llbernl turns with tho pub ¬

lishers of othar papers we ore oils+ to furnish you two Ittlpef04 fur a little

more than the prioe of ono Wt consure you mousy on any paper you wish-

to take We will fnrilMi you TilEBREATHITT COUNTY NEWS told


either of the followin-gConiferJournalLouisville HeraldChicago InterOceanOrhdnnnti EnlulrerLexington Leaderllama and FnrmnrNew Yorlt TrlbuneFunnar

Otto Year For Only 12No one should be without n paper

whew he can buy two of tho best In thecountry for so Itttlu money


t 011

And the formations In ulilch it is foundSend 25 cu for the Oil ProspectorsGuIdH W nKAUiKNun

Fairfield Iowai

OLDESTPreacher In the Mountains

Undo Jlmmle MooreIs Dying

Her James Moore the oldest Raptit mlnUter in Kentucky old puuiblyIn the Unittd Stnios Is dying nt hishome fn Menlfoe enmity

Uncle 107 years old lieIs ono uC till most remarknblo men Inthe State lie hn liven n minister othe Baptist Church fur evenly yumand during that time he hnj jirunjltcdIn nearlyevery county in Eastern Kentucky

During his career as n preacher itshas received into the church 3000 con ¬

Iverts and udniinlxinred the right ofbuptNin lo 1728 tieupl

When ho bepati pieaulilog III Ilemoiiiituinc there wfr i u clmiulif iirilservices hail ki ho Ielii in bite woodsIliqTil Hon til Jl HlukH J004 Al-

t t <

1II1II1tHI110 U <

i IOUit rtN II I nINIIilnllY 1Urllrlrlog 11r it pI 1I hI y N

Ir i M ei llMll III Iohii n tI I flu I ml iiiil tenth11 llji

1I1IrllljNod IM 111y dli p VOKi AND

Luthia1t1 t r iiniy our lullnr n

11Wd iKl > VOKICS i + 1111111111

h At rim + i MlIlClIzlllI Iik-

he1 l lJ A i it Is lull wellknoVif to iited ftTrthttr comniundallonPew itt p hive fuuored snore faithfullyf r the public good or found a wlr-

meritlllc inlnjhe heuru of the jehpluj uilitI IrdNrd to dvtilln A an WOUK s

NurtKtAOCo l23Cl Locust St 8t Ilunl

I e5-

N r iN-a i

I 141

r I



ZiSo S2S2S


Your correspondent ilrow one of thN

prizes offered by the Mountain Ucliffnsvoted on by its culucribcr twits mostpopular cnrropponoxit and nwardudJuly 0 for the lost 6 uioniln ot 1003

Boonevlllo LodRO Fife AM met onDecember 28 and elected time followingofficers for tho ensuing year

II 0 Moore W M

Hugh BrynntS W

VniHilIocUJV rG M HojjR TressL M Garrett SuoyV M Abshenr S and I

The Scale heirs Matt been offeredS800 fpr time old J W S ale farm ly

IIIR Just across that river from Bootievlllo

Since December 1 our County CourtClerk has Issued marriage license jpthe following

Charley It Ceclle lo Matilda MintersJolla Hoivninn to Mary BowmanJoseph Moore to Dtllnh SmithLuther Pearson to Taura EvansAlfred Turner to Tuclndn HeraldJoseph S Conglctnn lO mule Mar

cumIliiecom Ililmer to Martha EstepWin Evans to Marrervn Newmanltd Wilson to Collie SealsBallard B Isaacs to Nannie NinaButler Jewell lo Dora CollinsMajor Ptfarrnn lo Fannie EvansAll ot tho above have been happily

married nod nro on Ihelr way rejoicingexcept Major Ieuraon rand MUiEvanMajor presented the proper certlllcateVM appeared on their face to UlerkCombs and dynnnded license TIllcertificate was signed os appeared by

John Kvans father of the girl but theclerk having scmf doubt told Mr Pear¬

son that he would have to make an nffirtavit aii lo the geiuiinetieM of MrKvntii slpnaturo When Mr Pearsonmade affidavit nod flied In the office

that Mr Evans signed the certificatenid was willing to the wedding where ¬

upon the clerk Issued the license butin the meantime and before the mar-

ring > Mr Evans smell n rot and asthis girl was only 13 yrs oldcame to theoffice end found hit taints forged to thecertificate and an affidavit of its genujieneepeo he at once procured n warsrant for Penman charging him withrabtt nwearing hnd him arrested timid

nn examining trial before Squire Pricewho held him to gnawer In the sum of

500 and iiidioininit nt the Januaryterm of Cirenil Court anti while inCustody Mr Penrwm was served withseven processes from tho Circuit Courtthe aggregate of his bonds nre f 1600and tiara rl8llt of which he Is now antumult of Cattle Radfnrd So you

oe true Lore dots not always runsmooth

The blool hounds n fund forthepilrcliaso of has recently been subbribed by our citizens have just firrived They were purchased by It WIlicknell at Wilmore anti are fineHptcimens of the kind Thy are about7 months old male and female mini

well trained for dug of their age aiidare being kept nnd trained by Mr Jesjellolcomb of Wfnklirs Branch whoclaim to be an expert In Dugologyunda fine trainer

YAILBR HniroiiKs

Goal anil TlmbrlanclWantil

Wonted one hundred thoutand acresof anil and timber lands In HafiturhKentucky for OUII for Eastern CaplUllMs Vrileto

U E 6 >I1T-IITuxlrlJollKr


John Dean

Stone MasonFoundationsStonesPillars


The boat

500 Shoo 8500Made

Sold byI



unit H 0 llll returned homo Fridayfrom Frankfort where he lns been for

tcvoriililny taking In the Legiwlniuriamid as usual brought back In hU pock¬

et that which frees ono ot our citizens

The Benttyvllle Lodge S04 I Q 0 Finstalled tho following officers Saturday night for the nov year

Loniii Evans N 0Albert Terry V G

S P Stamper Sectr 0 S McDaniel TrIM

Samuel Darch owe of our clever sa¬

loon men is awny on n vacation

The LonisvIHe nod Allantlo ItnllwnyCompany bus put on n new passepgertrain and Mall car leaving Beatt > vllleat 715 n m making this run to Rich-mond Ky and back to Beatlyvillc al

foj 15 11111

A Ira lidA subscriber sends us n letter he re

celvcd from a breeder of poultry ofwhom ho proposed buying some stockThis breeder claims his hens lay from2SO to 300 eggs a year many of themproducing the larger number He offersto sell a pen for 10 or a trio for 0The breeder who makes such claimscondemns himself nt ponce lIens thatwill average even In n yearcould readily be sold for more than thisbreeder offers to take for n pen butsuch hens ore not for sale for tho verygood reason that they do not existCommercial Poultry

GeneGeese nre grassers and will do well

on any green pasture If they have access to n crock or lake so much thebetter but they can be successfullygrown without water to swim lu HutIn fattening they need soup goodsound grain every day Geese are goodfor their leathers good to lull andgood on the homo dinner table Hutthe cook must know bow to cook agoose or It will have the characteristicgoose flavor which Ii generally IlL ¬

tasteful to American palates


Of Little Albert llngliitt VImbled Sunday Evening Jnn

nary 1n 1004

With what seeming lack of mercyhas the grim Angel of Death takenfrom the circle of hone this fairestjewel this purest gem Taken fromthe scenes otjllfe ere its billows had be ¬

gun to roll taken while in hours of In-


when no clouds hull checkedits way when the sunshine of life wasyet In its dawn taken at a tithe whenit had only reached tint period of In¬

spiration to hope when It was the joyand gladness of homo the one mostendeared the pride and promise andhope of parental joys and affectionWhit ruthless grief wlmt relentlesssorrows

shut such as this must come Of joysand sorrows ot suiialilnuaiid sadness isthe pilgrimage of life mnde up Only tobe defeated we build our hopes only toloose its sweetness we taste of jigoily todrop their petals we pluck lifesflower and in an endless chase of vagueand varlgated visions wo pursue time

vanities of life From other griefs andwots or from stealthy sorrows wemust cease to burrow sadness leavingeach care by lifes unresting tide wheretime bllloivg rage will ceaseless ange-

anti with rising urge until the calmand Pnullla olnrnal ocean is reached

Bright with lope we consign thissacred treasure to the total around Ii

fall the fragments of shattered ambi ¬

ton with It there Is buried the pros¬

pects of earthly attainments butaround and abnvo anti eveloplng nil In

thnt blest nsiiiurnnce from hint whosaid SuTfr little children to consunto Me and forbid theta not furof such Is time Ivinglum of lltmveu

January 10 VI K K



I Of the best American t

1 iiiakos

SI 00 S2DO 800 and 500 1

ftiit UP-






0 ItL Iij

Normal und BusinessDepartinput oi == >Lees Collegiatefnsttzlte


January 4th 7 1904Ksa irsrszsw crcjWA ii1a fPICOF tT F LUKENSso null favorably associated withtho Ilistitutionivillagain conduct tho Normal Work Kxperenced and thorouglilcoll11ctont teachers will bo in chnrgoof the Department




Students pursuing Normal or Business Courses may takenilvnntngo of Academic nUll Collegiate Depiirtmonts with ¬

out extra charge Diploma will ndmit holder to any jollegoof tho Tuition and Boar reasonable

1t Jail on or address31 Ii UIr1ON1PrincpalJackson

CLAUD WEATHERSOf Flat flock Is In Jull ut Mt

Sterling Charged WithForger

On lost Saturday Claudo Weathersof Flat Ronk mnde n business trip toMt Sterling und after he had been intown but a short while he proceededto load up with merchandise and uthis was dead easy he begnn to cashlit some of his ice cold cliockswhlch helied ro trouble In doing Among hisvictims were S M Nevvmeyer who bitat his bait taking hook timid all thisfun cost Nevvmeyer 18 plunks unluckynumber

Mr Weathers not wishing to slight

stir of his dear Ml Sterling friendsmade a flying trip to see D Kaplanwhere he left another ono of his IcecuM checks for which Mr Kaplanthanked him very kindly The nextv cUm he tried was Oldham Bros Co

which provrd beyond a reasonabledoubt to be n hornets nest Instead ofthe little Busy Bee and hero is wheruhe failed to get oft 420 worth of

cold goods as Mr Oldham soon goton to the man than Flat lloek and heIs now In jail busted flat nod when thegrand Jury gets through with him hiwill be both broke and bent for tometime to come

Say Claude you have our sympathyKit

Out llonutfful Streets

We cannot refrain from speaking of

the impassable conditions of our streetsand crossings and the Imporfeat tidewalks that are only a mockery to con ¬

veniences In our town These mattersshould have been taken up in time bytime and liy those in authoritywith the lingering recollections of tileconditions of the streets we hove hadin the past winters and we shouldhave been protested against these ap ¬

parent incouvoiileiicei It mar bapossible that each citizii thinks thattime other inns Is to blume timid thatthe weight of responsibility ta on the


other tnnnfl shoulders but there is

me thlnRiwe nil know tjjat some oneU to blame and it tuust4b that theblunts is with those who are cfisrgedwith nublia duly amid to whops lime pub ¬

lie looks to for faithful p lformanceFlicse mjjgivitiga are paltible Hlat letItris not our purpose to enumerate pri ¬

rate wrongs or fallings nor to attrib ¬

ute then tc pei sonal failures but whocan take n stroll or ramble to this onlynil I road depot ill Jackson anal view theimpenetrable sell of thud around Itwith no means to evade without feel ¬

lug a sense fjf regret that more pride is

tint taken Jour capitalists and thoseof wealth to provide necessary and ampie conveniences The yards aroundtlielepol and the pasiwuyii leading toIt could be tnacndlmlztd n > moderateexpense rind this would bespeak bettertaste in those having control of affars

Uutwejnuit refrain from Indulgiiigin an endless enumeration of misgiv ¬

hugs 1fearing lhatsume of tliemito the

critical eye might bur traceable to ourpersonal failures

i SD FLEENORWatches Clocks






w y


Twentytwo InsseiiRfM Klllrd anTwiMitynlne Injured

Grand Rapids lIch Dec SIt-n headon collision between two PerMarquotto passenger trains 22 persons wore killed whllo 38 otherwere Injured several of thorn proably fatally-

It was the most disastrous wroolc I

tho history of the POlO Marquette sjitern and Instead of being caused broans carelessness or mistake Ii

charged to tho high wind which oftingulthcd tho rod signal light In thorder hoard at McCards Stntloiwhore tho westbound train was 03

pectod to atop and receive new 01

dots Two minutes before tho tram

rushed by McCords tho light waburning says tho operator but In tlmbrief Interval tho buzzard that warraging extinguished It and train Nc6 unshod by the station to crash inteastbound train No C near KMParis TIle trams which were twot the finest on tho system wore nduced to a promiscuous pile of brokoand twisted Umber and metal witdead and Injured pinned down ancrushed by the fragments of thheavy cars

81111 rrnnnllnlTllnlRinlrlfPflltmlrnunu



practice In Breatliitt soil= Mug mn CountiesilHIUUililUilllllUUUllUUUUUUUUUII

THE BREAD MAKEFhas no fears of the result when usin

Mansfields Flourts white and bus the natural tat

and lUvor of tutu wheat burry Makebetter whiter healt ler bread thaiyou hays been using because It I

milled from the best them nod milletin the right way on the best equlppeiroller flsur mill In Kentucky

Let a 25lb sock of HEST IATENor MOUNTAIN LILLY talk to you 1

will be more convinulrig than a barreof words Ask your grocer for It



Mrs Laura S WebbVIeslretdchl 1Yonmins Demo

matte Clnliaiol Xorllivm ObII dreaded the change of life which

was task approaching I noticed Wineof Urdu and diddcd to try a bottie 1 experienced some relief Ihilint so kept on taking It forthree month now I menstruatewith no pain and I shall take It oil andon now I have pitted the climax

Female weakness disorderedmenses falling of the wojub andovarian do not wear offTEeyfollowawouman tothechango

Wineof Canlul now and avoid the trou ¬

ble Wino of Cardul never fallsto benefit a suffering woman ofany ago ul relievedMrs Webb when she was in dan ¬

ger When you come to tho eboniteof life Mrs Webbs loiter willmean more to you than it doesnow nut you now avoid thesuffering toe endured Druggids-aelltl bottles of Wino


r + J





Day Bros CoAt

Have the most complete stock of




LEver brought to Jackson Consistingof




DVJ aQdt 4


frafiiIjL9jpY k


H tsr 11 w

nB 56Q 5

We have the Finest

Line of SHOES in

I Eastern Kentucky

Our mens shoes areof the Latest Style

For the Ladieswe have the mosFashionable Lotof Shoes moneycould buy



This Department is under the manl agement of Miss Laura Rawlings who1

J can show youi




In all the Latest Patterns and weaves Freshfrom thd Eastern Markets 1

t I >

Ifneed any House Furnishings or-t f

FURNITUREWe are the people you are looking for

we have it by car loads to suitevery body

C nee and see us ourII l l l l l l l b l ltl 1 H l I I I III1

Pr ces relllrRlghirl111111ninn1111 IUIfIl umHIl II II

6 1

D yBros CO1


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