Breaking dawn credits

Salford City College Eccles Centre Creative Media Production Use of text: (Title, Credits, animated captions, stings, indents, interactive menus, web banner) Ending Credits for the film Breaking Dawn Part 2 Brief description: What do you see? First of all you see the 2 main characters Bella and Edward Cullen – Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson together in a field full of flowers then everything fades to black and we see pages being turned over in a book that is the book to the film. It shows the last page of the book where it focuses on the last line in the book, “And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of forever” then a black shadow comes across over all the words turning them black except or the last word, forever that shines white. Then it shows clips of all the characters showing them all in action as they say who played them. Techniques used: Animation, Visual Effects, Colour Rendering, Graphics, Movement Animation is used when the clips are shown they move around a lot and co me onto the screen in different was each time. It is shown in black and white throughout; even when the clips are shown as they have added a black and white effect added to them. Movement is used a lot in this as they show clips from the film to show the actors names so there is movement going on in those clips and then the text comes on, fades goes off and comes back on in time for the next clip in a completely different place. Advanced techniques: Blur, Sharpen, Distortion, Rotation, They have used the ‘blur’ technique at the start of the credits when the text in the book is shown as it all goes blurred and 1

Transcript of Breaking dawn credits

Page 1: Breaking dawn credits

Salford City CollegeEccles CentreCreative Media Production

Use of text:(Title, Credits, animated captions, stings, indents, interactive menus, web banner)

Ending Credits for the film Breaking Dawn Part 2

Brief description:What do you see?

First of all you see the 2 main characters Bella and Edward Cullen – Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson together in a field full of flowers then everything fades to black and we see pages being turned over in a book that is the book to the film. It shows the last page of the book where it focuses on the last line in the book, “And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of forever” then a black shadow comes across over all the words turning them black except or the last word, forever that shines white. Then it shows clips of all the characters showing them all in action as they say who played them.

Techniques used:Animation, Visual Effects, Colour Rendering, Graphics, Movement

Animation is used when the clips are shown they move around a lot and co me onto the screen in different was each time. It is shown in black and white throughout; even when the clips are shown as they have added a black and white effect added to them. Movement is used a lot in this as they show clips from the film to show the actors names so there is movement going on in those clips and then the text comes on, fades goes off and comes back on in time for the next clip in a completely different place.

Advanced techniques:Blur, Sharpen, Distortion, Rotation, Opacity

They have used the ‘blur’ technique at the start of the credits when the text in the book is shown as it all goes blurred and bits disappear so that we are only focusing on the word that they want us to focus on, “forever” The text used for the cast comes on each time a new clip is on screen and then fades so it is gone in time for the next clip and the next bi of text appears. Distortion is used for when the next film clip is shown as there is no fading to black that clip distorts into the next clip.

Technical comments:Video Format, Screen Ratio, Resolution, Frame rate, Compression

The resolution that this has been shown in is just standard TV definition. And the resolution for this is 4:3; this means that for every 4 units wide it is also 3 units high. There are 24 frames per seconds as it is a standard film, there for there is less strobbing and jerkiness, making it overall appears better to the viewers and not have any gaps or come across as being shown shakily.


Page 2: Breaking dawn credits

Salford City CollegeEccles CentreCreative Media Production

Motion Graphics and Video Compositing Unit 64