Breaking Bad Habits NLP

Breaking bad habits The mind has two parts: the conscious and the subconscious. A useful analogy is an iceberg. The conscious mind is the bit that sticks out of the water. The subconscious mind is the bit hidden away underneath the surface The subconscious is where all the things that you have learnt to do without thinking are done. For instance, when you first drove a car, you had to consciously work out where to put each foot and how to use each new control. As your driving skills developed, you handed more and more control over to your subconscious mind. Now you are so proficient that you can drive, navigate and talk to your passenger all at the same time! Surprisingly, it is the subconscious that can be in control of our behaviour most of the time. Once you realise that, a lot of things begin to make sense. This is the reason people find it very difficult to stop smoking - they have consciously decided that smoking is bad for their health, costs a fortune, is ruining their complexion, etc. However, they have not taken into account their subconscious reasons for wanting to carry on smoking. Go back to the iceberg analogy; if the little bit at the top wants to go one way and the huge bit at the bottom wants to go the other way, guess who's going to win? Consciously we know smoking is bad for you, We know eating to much chocolate makes us put on weight; we know drinking to much alcohol isn’t good for you. So why do we do it? Once you understand about the role of the subconscious, you can understand where a lot of odd behaviour comes from. People get stuck in a rut because their subconscious doesn't know how to change. People can get disturbing thoughts or feelings because the subconscious thinks that something bad is about to happen The conscious mind is only aware of 7 + or –2 bits of information at a time.( 5 TO 9 bits of information, i.e try drive, talk on your mobile phone and do your make up at the same time) The unconscious mind is aware of everything else The million of memories we store in our mind from the day we are born,


Going for GoldJimmy Petruzzi, Olympic Performance CoachWorld renowned Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Trainer and Beijing Olympics’Coach, Jim Petruzzi of NLP Centre of Excellence will take you on a journey throughNLP and will explore the relationship between how we think, how we communicate, ourpatterns of behaviour and our emotions. You will get hands-on experience of some of theNLP techniques meaning you will learn skills immediately transferable to the workplaceand personal life, to influence and improve results in all aspects of your business.

Transcript of Breaking Bad Habits NLP

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Breaking bad habits

The mind has two parts: the conscious and the subconscious. A useful analogy is an iceberg. The conscious mind is the bit that sticks out of the water. The subconscious mind is the bit hidden away underneath the surface

The subconscious is where all the things that you have learnt to do without

thinking are done.

For instance, when you first drove a car, you had to consciously work out where to

put each foot and how to use each new control. As your driving skills developed,

you handed more and more control over to your subconscious mind. Now you are

so proficient that you can drive, navigate and talk to your passenger all at the

same time!

Surprisingly, it is the subconscious that can be in control of our behaviour most of the time. Once you realise that, a lot of things begin to make sense. This is the reason people find it very difficult to stop smoking - they have consciously decided that smoking is bad for their health, costs a fortune, is ruining their complexion, etc. However, they have not taken into account their subconscious reasons for wanting to carry on smoking. Go back to the iceberg analogy; if the little bit at the top wants to go one way and the huge bit at the bottom wants to go the other way, guess who's going to win?Consciously we know smoking is bad for you,We know eating to much chocolate makes us put on weight; we know drinking to much alcohol isn’t good for you.So why do we do it?Once you understand about the role of the subconscious, you can understand where a lot of odd behaviour comes from. People get stuck in a rut because their subconscious doesn't know how to change. People can get disturbing thoughts or feelings because the subconscious thinks that something bad is about to happen

The conscious mind is only aware of 7 + or –2 bits of information at a time.( 5 TO 9 bits of information, i.e try drive, talk on your mobile phone and do your make up at the same time)

The unconscious mind is aware of everything else

The million of memories we store in our mind from the day we are born,

The conscious mind does your intellectual thinking. Is responsible for your self-talk.

Your unconscious mind does your perceiving and feeling.

The conscious mind is logical. It likes things to make sense – have a reason.

The unconscious mind is intuitive and can make associations of information easily

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The conscious mind does your intellectual thinking. Is responsible for your self-talk.

Your unconscious mind does your perceiving and feeling.

Your conscious mind is associated with the waking, thinking state.

The unconscious mind is associated with the dreaming (including day dreaming), reflecting, meditating and sleeping state.

The conscious can voluntarily move parts of your body.

The unconscious can involuntarily move parts of your body.

Your conscious mind is only aware of the now.

Your unconscious mind is unlimited in time and space. It holds all your memories and future constructs

Because our behaviour is governed by our subconscious mind, think about it,Physiologically do we need to tell our finger nails to grow, do we need to tell our hair to grow, our heart to beat, tell ourselves to breathe, when we are hungry, feel like going to bed, do we need to consciously tell our selves how to make a cup of tea.We just do it almost like we are auto pilot. SUBCONCIOUSLY

Successful people, whether they are top athletes or entrepreneurs, have mastered the power of their conscious and subconscious mind to produce their success. Many of us haven’t tapped into the unlimited potential of our minds because we lack the understanding of how our minds actually work. Our minds are actually made up of two distinct processes called the conscious and the subconscious minds and when we decidedly focus our effort on creating unity with the conscious and subconscious minds, we can achieve a greater sense of happiness and success in our lives than we ever thought possible.

That explains why people make conscious decisions at the start of every January to go to the gym and get into best shape ever only to give up by February, statistics say 90percent of people who join gym give up in first six months.We have all the right intentions though the sub conscious mind steers us away.

In order for behaviour to make change and last we must work at a subconscious level ,if w are going to give up the cigarettes and stay off them, then we need to change at a sub conscious level.How you ask, how I can give up the chocolate, give up smoking, stop biting my nails, stop sabotaging my success

Page 3: Breaking Bad Habits NLP

The New Behaviour Generator is one of NLP's simplest and most powerful patterns for changing behaviour. Use it to...

stop smoking lose weight get rid of anger problems break habits form healthier habits increase performance overcome fears and anxieties get more confidence

You see, the subconscious mind needs clear directions in a very specific format if it's going to motivate you to do something. Without this "roadmap," change can be very difficult. But with these powerful techniques, the part of your mind that does the motivating well... does the motivating. New behavior is easy and automatic. Old habits fall away, new healthy habits take their place

Here are the steps to the New Behavior Generator:

1. Chose your role model that has the behavior, skills or abilities that you want for yourself.

2. Close your eyes and visualize that person in action. Watch it like a movie in your mind.

See how they look, how they use their body, their posture; how they stand, walk, and sit. Pay close attention. Hear how they talk, what they say, and how they say


3. Ask yourself: do you really want to adopt this behavior? Confirm that it is what you want for yourself.

4. See yourself as the model. You have stepped into the role model’s place. You are watching yourself do as the model does. You have taken over the role and

are acting exactly like your role model.

5. Do you feel any negativity come up within you when you watch yourself? Any doubts that you are capable of doing as the model does? Go

through them one by one and adjust them, or adjust your action in the movie, until you are happy with what you see and hear in this new behavior. Feel positive

and confident in your abilities.

6. Mentally step inside the picture. You are now inside your movie image, looking through your own eyes. You are no longer watching yourself. You are

doing the new behavior just as the model did it. How does it feel to be this person with these new behaviors? How does your body feel? How is your posture? What

do you hear? How does your voice sound to you?

7. Imagine a future situation where you want to behave this way. Put yourself there. Look through your own eyes at this situation. You are the star of this movie and behaving in the new way! Is it all working? Do you need to make

any adjustments?

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8. Open your eyes and come to the present moment.

9. Imagine that you are now the new you with the new behavior. Get up and walk around as the new model. Walk the walk and talk the talk as they say.

How does it feel?