Breakdown of the United States Foreign Policy Power Point

US Foreign Policy By Paris Scott


This is a brief power point describing the United States Foreign Policy system.

Transcript of Breakdown of the United States Foreign Policy Power Point

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US Foreign Policy

By Paris Scott

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What is Foreign Policy?

Foreign Policy is the way a nation handles relations with other countries in the best interest of the people and the country.

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President’s Foreign Policy

The President has the power to make treaties with other countries.

The President has control over the US Armed Forces.

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Congress’ Foreign Policy

The President is in control of the US Armed Forces but congress has the power to declare war.

Congress has control over commerce regulation with foreign nations.

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Marshall Plan

The Marshall Plan was set in motion at the end of WWII. The US gave money to Europe to help strengthen their economy. This was done to keep Europe from falling to the spread of communism.

This is important because the US gave nearly 13 billion to prevent the spread of communism which at the time was a major fear of the US.

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North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO is an organization that was set up at the end of WWII. It was put in place as a precautionary measure to protect all nations involved and help avoid major conflict or war.

NATO is currently dealing with growing hostility between Russia and Ukraine.

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United Nations

The United Nations is a post WWII group created to promote peace and co-operation.

The UN is currently dealing with problems in Gaza and is working towards a cease fire.

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World Hunger Organization

The World Hunger Organization is a part of the UN and is the largest humanitarian organization in the world. They are working to end hunger all over the world.

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US Foreign Policy and US Citizens

US Foreign Policy has a large impact on US citizens. The US is not immune to the things happening in the world around it and neither are its people.

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NATO-Newsroom (NATO)

UN-Newsroom (UN)

World Hunger Organization-About (WFP)

Wikipedia: Foreign Policy

Marshall Plane