Brand image

Brand Image

Transcript of Brand image

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Brand Image

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Original rand image

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What is our Brand image?

Here are some images that represent our brand image:

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Why we changed our image!We wanted the band to look more mature and older and not like they had just walked out of school. Our original brand image gave this impression as we wanted the narrative to be set in a school environment at first. After discussing we thought it would make the band look like a school band and they needed to look older than their audience to get a good response.

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…But what is our brand image?Our brand image is how we want to present our band to be. We have got inspiration from bands such as McFly and Panic at the Disco, as they to are bands. The reason we picked up from these bands is because they have the similar kind of sounds to the song we are using, and wear similar clothing to what we want our band to wear. We wanted to go for the smart casual look, with the band wearing white tees and dark jeans for one outfit and shirts and ties for the other outfit. The band colour will be red, as it is a typical colour of the market of pop bands, and the target audience like this.

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How does this suit the target audience?This brand image suits the audience because it is what they expect and what we know they are happy to see already. We want to stand out but be different so I think we have achieved this because we have aspects of smart and casual within the style we want our band to wear. I think because the band have instruments we are making them more than just a boy band and people who care about the music they make and people who enjoy it.