bps pre wen

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  • 8/2/2019 bps pre wen


  • 8/2/2019 bps pre wen


    An Organization Structure is the arrangement of task andsub tasks required to implement a strategy.

    An organization structure specifies 3 key components thatare :-

    It identifies the formal reporting relationships, includingthe number of levels in the hierarchy and the span of controlof managers.

    It specifies the grouping of individuals into departmentsand of departments into the total organization.

    It consists of design of system to ensure effectivecommunication, coordination and integration of effortsacross departments.

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    The first two components constitute the structural

    framework, which is the VERTICAL structure createdthrough the process of differentiation that involvesdivision of labour and specialization.

    The third component refers to the pattern ofinteractions among members of the organization andis the HORIZONTAL structure, created though theprocess of integration that involves cross-functionalinformation systems and teamwork.

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    Vertical structure have there characteristics: Specialized tasks

    Hierarchy of authority Rules and regulations Vertical communication andformal reporting system

    Centralized decision making Emphasis on efficiency

    Horizontal structure have therecharacteristics: Shared task

    Flexible authority Few rules and regulations Horizontal communication andsharing of information Decentralized decision making Emphasis on learning

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  • 8/2/2019 bps pre wen


    The entrepreneurial structure is the most elementary form of

    structure and is appropriate for an organization that is owned

    and managed by 1 person. A small-scale industrial unit, a

    small proprietary concern or a mini service outlet may

    exhibit the characteristics of organization which are based

    on the entrepreneurial structure. Typically these are single-

    business, -product, or service firms that serve local

    markets. The owner-manager looks after all decisions,

    whether they are day-to-day operational matters or of a

    strategic nature.

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    Entrepreneurial structure

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    Quick decision making, aspower is centralized;

    Timely response toenvironmental changes;

    Informal and simpleorganization systems.


    Excessive reliance on owner-manager and so proves to bedemanding for the owner-manager;

    May divert attention ofowner-manger to day-to-dayoperational matters andignores strategic decisions;

    Increasingly inadequate forfuture requirements ifvolume of business expands.

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    As the volume of business expands, the entrepreneurial

    structure may outlive its usefulness. The need arises for

    specialized skills and delegation of authority to managers

    who can look after the different functional areas and herecomes the usefulness of functional structure. The functional

    structure seeks to distribute decision making and operational

    authority along functional lines.

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    Functional structure





    Finance MarketingHumanResource


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    Effective distribution ofwork through specialization;

    Delegation of day-to-day

    operational functions;

    Providing time for top

    management to focus on

    strategic decision.


    Creates difficulty incoordination among different

    functional areas;

    Leads to functional, line and

    staff conflicts; Creates specialist which

    results in narrow

    specialization, often at the

    cost of overall benefit of theorganization.

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    Made by: Praveen Sharma & Apoorva Saxena