Bounce: How to harness your resilience in a changing world

Bounce How to harness your resilience in a changing world with Lauren L’ecaros & Portia Tung


Are you feeling stressed? Do you feel uncertain about the future? Everyday we find ourselves facing different challenges, accomplishing various tasks and constantly adapting. As mankind has evolved, we've become more conscious and informed of who we are and how our minds work. Resilience, previously considered a personality trait, is now a vital modern-life skill which can be developed to help us better deal with everyday challenges as well as great adversity. Join us to better understand how resilient you are and figure out how to become more resilient to overcome your next big challenge. OBJECTIVES - Understand what resilience is - Strengthen your resilience by becoming conscious of how resilient you are - Come up with ideas to become more resilient

Transcript of Bounce: How to harness your resilience in a changing world

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BounceHow to harness your resilience in a changing world

with Lauren L’ecaros & Portia Tung

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If you were a superhero,who would you be and why?

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The Power Pose from Amy Cuddy

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About Us

Social ScientistSuper Mum

Citizen of the World

StorytellerSuper Mum

Enterprise Gardener

Lauren L’ecaros Portia Tung

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Become More ResilientAs a person full of dreams and aspirationsI need to become more resilientSo that I can thrive in a changing world.

Acceptance Criteria

[ ] I understand what resilience is[ ] I’m more aware of how resilient I am and have been[ ] I’ve got at least 3 ideas to improve my resilience[ ] I’ve had fun!

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Resilience is…

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Definition of Resilience

In engineering… relates to how a structure displays resistance to stress and bounces back towards re-equilibrium

In ecology… refers to how eco-systems adapt to external or internal shocks

In psychology… involves an adaptive interpretation of impact-minimizing anticipatory, or reactionary, practices

Places People Environments Regions

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What resilience looks like (Martin, 2012)

Resistance: Degree of sensitivity or depth of reaction Recovery: Speed and degree

Re-orientation: Re-alignment and adaptation

Renewal: Towards a growth trajectory

The 4 Rs

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Adaptation and adaptability (Pike et al. 2010)

Adaptation – A movement towards a pre-conceived path in the short run, characterised by strong and tight couplings between social agents in place.

Adaptability – A dynamic capacity to effect and unfold multiple evolutionary trajectories, through loose and weak couplings between social agents in place, that enhance the overall responsiveness of the system to unforeseen changes

Resiliency Process

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Personal Resilience Mapping

1. Come up with 3 examples of resilience in your life

2. Share your answers

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“Fold the worst events of your life into a narrative of triumph”

Andrew Solomon

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Personal Resilience History

1. Sort and label your examples by type

2. Arrange your examples in a timeline

3. What do you notice about your examples?

4. Share your findings

Types of Re-silience



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“Our greatest glory is not in never falling,but in rising every time we fall”


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• Superhero Buddies(everyday, relationship, social)

• Self-congratulation(everyday, academic)

• Hit rock bottom quickly(everyday)

• Self-assessment(everyday, relationship, academic)

• Physical exercise(everyday, social)

Personal Tips

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The HOPE Model by Lauren and Portia

Help – Ask for it and give it

Openness – Share yourself

Perseverance – Try and try again differ-ently

Ease – Flow like water

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Going for HOPE

1. What’s your current challenge?

2. Identify at least one personal action for each letter of H.O.P.E.

3. Share your output

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Play!(everyday, relationship, academic, social, economic, cultural)

One More Personal Tip

“Five minutes of play a day keeps the doctor and priest away!”

Portia Tung

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Session Summary

Personal Resilience Map-ping

Personal Resilience His-tory Personal Tips

The HOPE Model Importance of Play!

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Recommended Resources

Your Body Shapes Who You AreAmy Cuddy @

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Become More ResilientAs a person full of dreams and aspirationsI need to become more resilientSo that I can thrive in a changing world.

Acceptance Criteria

[ ] I understand what resilience is[ ] I’m more aware of how resilient I am and have been[ ] I’ve got at least 3 ideas to improve my resilience[ ] I’ve had fun!

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Thank You!

[email protected] [email protected]

Lauren L’ecaros Portia Tung

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Session Schedule

00.00 - 00.10 Introduction & Ice breaker00.10 – 00.13 What Resilience Means to You00.13 -00.18 Resilience Theory00.18 – 00.23 Exercise 1: Personal Resilience Mapping00.23 - 00.33 Exercise 1: Triad debrief (identify common themes)00.33 - 00.38 Exercise 2: Personal Resilience History00.38 - 00.48 Exercise 2: Triad debrief 00.48 - 00.53 Exercise 2: Group debrief 00.53 - 00.60 Personal Tips00.60 - 00.65 Introduction to the H.O.P.E model00.65 -00.70 Exercise 3: Identify personal actions00.70 - 00.75 Session summary and closing