BOTAŞ Ceyhan – Kırıkkale Crude Oil Pipeline Automation and...

BOTAŞ Ceyhan – Kırıkkale Crude Oil Pipeline Automation and SCADA System Ceyhan, TURKEY Integrated Automation System OIL & GAS

Transcript of BOTAŞ Ceyhan – Kırıkkale Crude Oil Pipeline Automation and...

BOTAŞ Ceyhan – Kırıkkale Crude Oil PipelineAutomation and SCADA SystemCeyhan, TURKEY

Integrated Automation System


& G


Kerkük - Yumurtalık Boru Hattı

EMT Tankları

ICF Pompa İstasyonu

PS0 Pompa İstasyonu

Ana Kontrol Odası

Ceyhan Jetty Terminal

Project Summary Piomak, on July 2011, was awarded by BOTAŞ the Kirkuk-Ceyhan Oil Pipeline’s Complete Automation Systems Contract. Within the Contract’s Scope of Supply, beside the functional integration, Piomak had implemented the “State-of-Art” technology software, hardware and field measurement devices needed for the pipeline process.

Piomak’s implementations of the most up to date Integrated Automation System in order to make advancements in the already existing operational practice, had provided the Pipeline Utility, beside full automation, the highest Control and Safety level of operation.

The most important features of the Automation system, which has been successfully commissioned by Piomak’s engineering and software team is allowing different sub systems; including Distributed Control System (DCS), Remote Terminal Units (RTU), High Accuracy Leakage Detection System (LDS), and working algorithms, to operate in parallel manner.

PS1 Pompa İstasyonu

PS2 Pig İstasyonu

DT Varış Terminali


Field Measurement DevicesPiomak, as a fundamental part of an Automation System, has supplied and installed various field instruments and commissioned the apparatuses to interface on 1 screen all operational functionality of Ceyhan - Kırıkkale Crude Oil Pipeline.

Over this pipeline, the main devices installed are 4 high accuracy Flow meters which calculate online and forward the flow information of the line to the installed DCS system.

In addition to this; many pressure transmitters, differential pressure switches, pressure switch, manometers, vibration transmitter, pig switch, temperature transmitter and level transmitter have been included in the system. All of these instruments are in an interface with the installed Automation System either through the DCS system or the RTU units.

Communication SystemTo fulfil all the needs of the implemented Automation System and to insure safe and a sustainable communication between different branches of BOTAŞ Utility, Piomak has set up a complicated network system with a high degree of efficiency.The systems’ backbones are structured on both double GPRS channels and a Fibre Optic communication system which shall automatically be switching on to the most available operational mode during any failures occur over the communication media over the pipeline.Piomak’s Communication System installed is capable of interconnection and interoperation to form an integrated whole, and is able to back-up all the integrated Automation System operational in an uninterrupted manner. All technically compatible components of the selected system has both high quality and hassle free structure and made to serve a common purpose, use common procedures, respond controls and operate in unity.

PS0 StationThis intermediate facility, with 3 pump units, Pig Line and Slop Tank, is intended to transport oil from ICF station to the next Booster station (PS1 station) as well it dose host the utility’s CCR unit.

At PS0, while the CCR dose include the implemented DCS System, it also hosts the Existing MCC Electrical panels, Utility’s Computer Servers Units and the Automation System’s main Communication equipments.

At this station, Piomak has supplied and completed the installation of pipeline pressure indication device, a 300 mm diameter Flow meter and all related field instruments.

ICF StationThe station, which includes the Jetty Terminal for unloading of the Crude Oil from Sea Tankers, is the start point of BOTAŞ Ceyhan – Kırıkkale Utility. Crude oil is transferred by means of the Booster Station which consists of 3 pump units to EMP tanks available at the same location of the loading facility.

The station consists of 3 pump units. Piomak has also supplied and completed the installation of pipeline pressure indication device, a 450 mm diameter Flow meter, and all related field instruments.

The Distributed Control System (DCS) installed at the station was integrated to the existing Motor Control Electrical Panels (MCC) is reciprocally automating the operation of the Utility and allows it to remote monitoring and control from the Central Control Room (CCR) at PS0 Station.

Valve StationsOne of the significant parts of the Ceyhan – Kırıkkale Pipeline is 9 Valve Stations that installed alongside the utility. The valves allow both the monitoring pressure changes and controlling fluid transportation all over the structure. Piomak, besides supplying the required instruments to sense the pipeline movements and Valve station’s operation, had also completed the installation of Remote Terminal Unite (RTU) Control Panels and communication devices.

PS1 StationWhile PS1 station has an identical structure to the one at PS0 station, this Boosting Facility’s operational functionality was build to transmit crude oil stored at EMT tanks to the main pipeline.

At PS1 station pipeline pressure indication device, a 300 mm diameter Flow meter, and all related field instruments was supplied and installed by Piomak.

The integrated Distributed Control System (DCS) installed at PS1 station to the existing Motor Control Electrical Panels (MCC) is automating the operation of this station, as well allows it to be remotely monitored and, in case of any need, controlled from the Central Control Room (CCR) at PS0 Station.

BOTAŞ - Petroleum Pipeline Corporation The State Owned Turkish “Petroleum Pipeline Corporation –BOTAŞ” was first established on 1974 as an affiliated body of the Turkish Petroleum Incorporation (TPAO). On 1995, BOTAŞ has gained its status as an independently operating body. Within the previous decades and especially from 1987 and on, Turkey’s increasing demand for diversified energy sources had simultaneously pushed BOTAŞ to expand its scope from a sole transporting crude oil enterprise to cover the natural gas transportation, distribution and market balancing activities.

BOTAŞ has the General Headquarters located at Ankara, today has almost 40 Billion USD turnover and is ranked between one of the biggest State Owned Enterprises of Turkey.

BOTAŞ, with more than 2800 employees, is organized to operate from the General Directorate at Ankara and from a Regional Directorate at Ceyhan – Adana, South East Mediterranean of Turkey. BOTAŞ has also Operation Canters in Istanbul, Marmara Ereğlisi, Kayseri and Hatay Dörtyol; as well as Branch Offices at most of the other provinces. Beside Kirkuk-Ceyhan Oil Pipeline, BOTAŞ possess and operates Batman-Dörtyol, and Şelmo-Batman crude oil pipelines. It also owns and operates the national gas grid of Turkey with total length of 4,500 kilometres, and Marmara Ereğlisi Liquefied Natu-ral Gas (LNG) Import Terminal. BOTAŞ has also took place in international bodies like; Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, Arab Gas Pipeline section between Syria and Turkey, and Turkey-Greece pipelines.

BOTAŞ, at the present, is considered to be one of the most important key players in the Turkish energy policy makers, with influences extended to the neighbourhood countries. BOTAŞ utilities are giving Turkey the chance to become one of the most strategic and dedicated energy corridors in the World.

The pipe line, which was constructed to meet TÜPRAŞ Kırıkkale Refinery’s demand for crude oil, has been taken over by BOTAŞ from Turkish Petroleum Corporation as of October 1983 and has been in operation since September 1986. By today, the 448 km pipeline’s Crude Oil transmission capacity is almost 5 million tons per year.

The pipeline structure, which starts from Ceyhan Marine Jetty Terminal at the Mediterranean Sea port and passing over the Taurus Mountains, has 3 Boosting stations, 1 Pig Station, 17 Pipe Line Valve Control Stations, Cathode Protection Control and 1 Distribution Terminal.

Ceyhan - Kırıkkale Crude Oil Pipeline

Customer : Petroleum Pipeline Corporation (BOTAŞ)Main Contractor : Piomak Otomasyon Makina San. Ve Tic. A.Ş.System Structure : DCS & RTU SystemProject Value : 2.928.000, -USDContract Date : February, 2011Start-up Date : December, 2012

Proje Çözüm Ortaklarımız

Proje ÖzetiDCS Otomasyon SistemiPiomak 20 yılı aşkın otomasyon tecrübesini BOTAŞ Projesi ile taçlandırmıştır. Piomak uzman ekibi ile projenin temel taşı olan DCS ve Otomasyon Sistemini sorunsuz mühendislik ve kaliteli hizmet anlayışı ile tamamlamıştır.

DCS ve Otomasyon Sisteminde ABB AC800F DCS ünitileri kullanılmış ve bu üniteler ABB Freelance yazılımıyla mantıksal olarak sistemin ihtiyacına göre programlamıştır.

DCS üniteleri ICF, PS0, PS1 ve DT istasyonlarında konumlandırılmıştır. Ayrıca mevcut diğer istasyonlardaki bilgi akışı RTU üzerinden DCS sistemine aktarılmaktadır.

Piomak Otomasyon A.Ş. DCS ve Otomasyon sistemi ile Ceyhan - Kırıkkale Ham Petrol Boru Hattının izlenmesi, kontrolü ve müdahale edilmesini daha uygun koşullara taşımıştır.

Proje Özeti

TÜPRAŞ Kırıkkale Rafinerisi ham petrol ihtiyacını sağlayan Kırıkkale – Ceyhan Ham Petrol Boru hattının, Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim BOTAŞ Ham Petrol Hattının Otomasyon Sistemlerinin Yenilenmesi projesinde ileri teknoloji yazılım, donanım ve enstrümanların ait sistem ve alt bileşenlerinin anahtar teslimi “Entegre” uygulamaları, Piomak Otomasyon Makina mühendislik ve yazılım ekibi tarafından yapmıştır. Piomak, BOTAŞ Kırıkkale – Ceyhan Ham Petrol Boru hattının otomasyon sistemlerinin kurulumunu testini ve devreye alınması işinin sözleşmesini 22 Temmuz’da imzaladı.

Proje sayesinde kurulan bu “Entegre” sistemin önemli bir vasfı da, çalışma algoritması farklı birçok alt sistemin bütünleşmiş bir şekilde yönetebilir kılmasıdır.

Proje kapsamında; mevcut bulunan petrol boru hattının izlenmesini kayıp-kaçak konumlandırma sistemini sağlamış ve boru hattı güzergâhında bulunan pompa istasyonlarının DCS ve RTU sistemleri-yle kontrol edilmesi uygulamalarını gerçekleştirmiştir.

Piomak proje kapsamında; mevcut bulunan petrol boru hattının kayıp-kaçak konumlandırma sistemi ile izlenmesini sağlayacak ve boru hattı güzergâhında bulunan pompa istasyonlarının DCS ve RTU sistemi ile kontrol edilmesi uygulamalarını gerçekleştirecektir. Projede kullanılacak ileri teknoloji yazılım, donanım ve enstrümanların alt sistemleri ile anahtar teslimi uygulamaları Piomak mühendislik ve yazılım ekibi tarafından yapılacaktır. Sistemin bir önemli vasfı da, çalışma algoritması farklı birçok alt sistemi bütünleşmiş bir şekilde yönetilebilir kılmasıdır.

Kerkük - Yumurtalık Boru Hattı

EMT Tankları

ICF Pompa İstasyonu

PS0 Pompa İstasyonu

PS1 Pompa İstasyonu

PS2 Pig İstasyonu

DT Varış Terminali


Ana Kontrol Odası

Ceyhan Jetty Terminal




Cathodic Protection

DT Arrival Terminal

Cathodic protection stations have been set up at specific intervals of alongside the 450 km steel pipeline from Ceyhan up to Kırıkkale location. This Protection has a crucial functionality which makes it possible to stop any anodic reactions to occur on the metal surface of this important pipeline.

Piomak, besides supplying the required apparatus to sense the station’s operation, had also completed the installation of Remote Terminal Unite (RTU) Control Panels and communication devices.

Ceyhan - Kırıkkale pipeline ends up at DT Arrival Terminal station, which in turn transfers the Crude Oil by means of Slop Tank, Relief Tank, HP and LP Jacket System to Tüpraş refinery’s Tank Farm.

At this station, located in Kırıkkale, pipeline pressure indication device, a 300 mm diameter Flow meter, and all related field instruments was supplied and installed by Piomak.

The Distributed Control System (DCS) installed at this station was integrated to the existing Motor Control Electrical Panels (MCC), is allow to automate the operation of this station, as well it lets to be remotely monitored and in case of need, controlled from 450 km distant Central Control Room (CCR) at PS0 Station.

Remote Terminal UnitsPiomak has supplied and installed Remote Control Units (RTU) manufactured by IDS Germany, at many stations to enable to communicate with all units of the DCS system. Through this interface all required information are forwarded to Decision Making part of the Automation system.

RTU units which have been integrated into DCS system are available at Line Valves, Cathodic Protection Stations, Pressure Stations and PS0 pump station on which this information are forwarded.The IDS 650 RTU controller units have been installed inside Electrical panels and they are remotely controlled in order to prevent any malfunction or leakage over the pipe line.

Leakage Detection System Pipeline incidents cause different liabilities to pipeline operators and owner(s). These liabilities can range from environmental, pollution cleaning up cost, losses of the arable land, damage compensation etc. Major issues that usually associated with major leak events are results of not having an efficient pipeline leak detection system. Therefore, BOTAŞ has decided to invest in a proven and reliable leak detection system that helps minimizing the consequences of a pipeline incident. Under the scope of Piomak supply, the Automation system was integrated to a leakage detection system designed by Atmosi International, UK; which monitors the complete pipeline system. The LDS System was built on the information collected by AWAS data logger units installed at selected stations throughout Kırıkkale – Ceyhan pipe line, which allows it to sense any external interventions or any leakage can easily be determined having accuracy up to 1200 meter. ATMOSi Wave detects and locates leakages based on the negative pressure wave associated with the onset of a leak and the much weaker signals generated from any leak point. This rarefaction wave propagates out from the location of the leak in both directions and can be sensed by high performance pressure meters at the ends or along the pipeline. In order to have the correct response, within the shortest time possible, the installed leak detection system has an Alarm during a leak occurs to provide accurate leak location and size estimation and not generate false alarms under normal operating conditions such as due to valve operations, pipeline start up and shut down.

Piomak Group companies, acting as "Solution Providers", had successfully delivered complete Turn Key Plants, Electro-Mechanical, Automation and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Control systems for various fields of the industry and utilities.

Piomak Otomasyon Makina, in May 1992, started to work on the design, engineering, installation and commissioning activities; and since then had concentrated its professional team work and knowledge to the Industry, Energy, Infrastructure and Environment utilities.

Piomak offers effective solutions to the enterprises starting from feasibility and design work, up to delivering “Turn Key" Solutions. Piomak carries out its activities within four main headings;

• Turn-key solutions for the utilities,• Electro-Mechanical solutions for the industry and utilities,• Complete Automation and SCADA systems, and• Wide Area Network Telemetry infrastructure for large scale enterprises.

At Piomak Quality counts first; that is why all kinds of equipment, components and application software packages, which are necessary for the completion of different phases of the projects carried out, goes through a very selective procurement as well as highly efficient installation procedures to achieve the highest level of quality.

After achieving a competitive and substantial position in its principal market, Turkey; Piomak had extended its activity to cover Eastern Europe, North Africa and the MiddleEast.

Piomak as a “Maven”, reciprocal to its “Quality Solutions”, is dedicated to deliver “Hassle-Free Engineering”.

Piomak Otomasyon Makina San. ve Tic. A.Ş.

Defterdar Mah. Otakçılar Cad. Çelebi Çayırı Sk. No:934050 Eyüpİstanbul - TürkiyeTel : +90 (212) 577 75 00 pbxFaks : +90 (212) 577 75 10E-Mail : [email protected]