
Tell me how it was in your time, Grandfather Comenius Project 2012-2014 5th Theme Booklet Educational opportunities and expectations on European citizenship


Tell me how it was in your time, Grandfather Comenius Project 2012-2014 5th Theme Booklet Educational opportunities and expectations on European citizenship

Transcript of Booklet5

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Bulgaria / Bulgária / Bulgaria / Βουλγαρία

Bulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária

Училището някога е изглеждало така, когато в него саучили нашите баби и дядовци.

Нашите баби и дядовци са били малки. Посещавали садетска градина, защото техните родители са ходели наработа.

С нетърпение бабите и дядовците са очаквали празниците. Облечени в новите си официални униформи саотбелязвали с манифестации светли дати в историята на България.

Днес празнуваме и ние със същото вълнение и признателност.

Жаждата за знания е изпращала бабите и дядовците впрофесионалните ни гимназии, а след това и във ВУЗ.

Днес, ние, учениците създаваме контакти с нашите връстнициот Европа, за да изградим нашето общо европейско бъдеще.

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Bulgaria / Bulgária / Bulgaria / Βουλγαρία

Bulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária

The school has ever seemed like this. Then in it have studied ourgrandparents.

Our grandparents were waiting impatiently holidays. They were dressed in official uniforms.

Significant dates in the history of the Bulgaria have beencommemorated by manifesto of the people. Today we arecelebrating with the same excitement and gratitude.

When our grandparents were young have attendedkindergarten.

The thirst for knowledge was sending grandparents inour professional schools, and then at university.

We pupils today communicate with the other children in Europe and build our a common European future.

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Bulgaria / Bulgária / Bulgaria / Βουλγαρία

Bulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária

Славена Атанасова Стойчева – 4”б” клас"Аз съм от България. Уча в НУ”Яне Сандански”-град Разлог. По проект Коменски аз и две мои

приятелки бяхме избрани да отидем в Унгария. Бях много развълнувана. Когато пристигнахме, всяка от нас беше настанена в семейство. Всеки ден имахме организиранапрограма,която включваше занимания в училището и посещения на различни културни и природнизабележителности. В проекта участваха деца и от други държави.

Посещението в Унгария ми помогна да намеря много нови приятели, да посетя интересни места, закоито бях чела и учила. Даде ми възможност да обогатя и приложа знанията си по английски език. Щастлива съм, че преживях всичко това!"

Боряна Василева - IV "а" клас"През февруари тази година заедно с учители от нашето училище посетихме гр.Будапеща, Унгария с

цел участие в работна среща по проект „Коменски-Сократ“.За мен беше едно незабравимо преживяване. За пръв път пътувах със самолет и за пръв път напускахБългария. Бях притеснена, че ще се срещна с други деца, които няма да говорят на моя роден език. За мое учудване и децата в Унгария бяха като нас – обичат да играят, да пеят и да танцуват.Посрещнаха ни много топло и ни научиха на много неща, но най-вече да работим в екип.Рисувахме, пяхме, танцувахме на тяхната увеселителна вечер, където ни свириха само с една гайда. Бешемного забавно. Запознах се с много приятели от други страни, които също като нас имат баби и дядовци, които същомного ги обичат. Аз много харесах Унгария и хората там, защото са сърдечни и топли. Искам да се запозная и с другиприятели от нашия континент, за да се чувствам по-спокойна и уверена в нашия общ европейски дом."

Мария Хаджиева - IV "а" клас "Работата по проект Коменски ми даде невреоятната възможност да пътувам и да посетяУнгария.Там намерих много нови приятели,както от страната, в която бях гост, така и от други държави.Градът, в който бяхме отседнали беше Будапеща.

Будапеща е интересен и красив град, който се разполага от двете страни на р. Дунав. Има богатаистория запазена и до днес.

Пътуването в тази европейска държава ми помогна да говоря английския език.Семейството,при което отседнах е четиричленно. Всички се разбираха добре помежду си. Приеха ме

като член на тяхното семейство, макар и за кратко.Веднага след запознанството ни ние се унесохме в игри. Времето изкарано с тях мина бързо и

неусетно. На всяка разходка ни показваха различни забележителности . Някои от тях са: Парламента,Виши град, зоопарка.Училището, в което учеха децата ми направи впечатление, че е чисто, подредено,организирано. Взаимоотношенията между учениците и учителите бяха много сплотени.

Денят преди нашето заминаване обратно за България премина весело, с човек свирещ на гайда и нашитевръстници, опитвайки се да ни научат на техните национални танци.

На тръгване си разменихме подаръци, които да ни напомнят за преживените емоции заедно.В съзнанието ми това пътуване ще остане един незабравим спомен,както за мен ,така и за тях надявамсe.Някой ден,ако посетя пак същия град ще се свържа с приятелите,които вече имам там, за да сиприпомним този вече останал детски спомен."

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Bulgaria / Bulgária / Bulgaria / Βουλγαρία

Bulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária

Slavena Atanasova Stoicheva - 4 "B" class

" I'm from Bulgaria. I am studying in school "Yane Sandanski"- Razlog. I and the my twofriends we were chosen to go to Hungary, because we worked on the project - Comenius. I wasvery excited. In this project attended kids from other countries. The visit to Hungary helped mefind new friends, I visited interesting places that I had read and studied. It was very fun to I useEnglish with my friends from other countries.I'm glad I visited Hungary and I am very happy."

Boriana Vaileva - 4 "A" class"In February this year, together with teachers from our

school visitеd Budapest, Hungary for participation in a workingmeeting on the project "the Comenius, Socrates."For the first time was on anairplane for the first time I left the Bulgaria.To my amazement children in Hungary were as the us-they love to play, singand dance.Welcomed the us very friendly and warm. We drawed, we sang, we danced ontheir evening entertainment, where we they played with only one bagpipe. Itwas very fun.I met many friends from other countries who like us have grandparents who arealso love them dearly.I really liked Hungary and the people there because they are cordial and warm.I want to meet with other friends from our continent, to make me feel morerelaxed and assertive in our common European home."

Maria Hadjieva - IV "A" class

"The Comenius project work gave me the opportunity travel andvisit Hungary. The city where we were staying is Budapest. Budapestis an interesting and beautiful city that is located on both sides of theDanube. Has a rich history preserved to today. The journey in thisEuropean country helped me to speak English.The family where Istayed was very nice. The school was very clean. Children with adesire attending school.Our days were very happy. I liked the guy whowas playing a bagpipe. There were many emotions and gifts. The tripto Budapest will be a memorable experience."

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Deutschland/ Германия / Γερμανια / Germania/

Alemanya/ Alemanha/ Németország

Wir sind die Klasse 3b und beschäftigen uns wegen des Comenius-Projektes schon

länger mit dem Thema Europa. Eigentlich lernen wir das erst später. Wir haben

uns überlegt, in welche Länder wir gern reisen würden und warum. Ob wir später

mal in einem anderen europäischen Land als Deutschland leben und arbeiten wollen,

wissen wir jetzt noch nicht. Übrigens: unsere Großeltern kommen zum größten Teil

gar nicht aus Europa.

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Deutschland/ Германия / Γερμανια / Germania/

Alemanya/ Alemanha/ Németország

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Deutschland/ Германия / Γερμανια / Germania/

Alemanya/ Alemanha/ Németország

We are group 3 b and because of our Comenius project we’ve been learning a lot

about Europe. Actually, we are supposed to study things like this quite a lot later.

We thought about what countries we would like to travel to and the reasons why.

If we are going to live or work in a European country different from Germany

some day we don’t know yet.

By the way: most of our grandparents don’t come from Europe, anyway.

I’d like to go to the U.K. I’d like

to see Tower Bridge. The flag is

blue, red, white. The capital is

called London. This city is very

bequtiful and I want to see it.

Also, because everybody speaks

English there. A well known

landscape in the north is Giant’s

Causeway in Northern Ireland.

When I’ll be there, I’ll eat fish

and chips. And there is a

“Königin” who is called “queen”.

But one cannot see her very

often. Omar

I’d like to go to Spain

because I could meet there

Björn’s dad again. And

because I could eat tapas.

These are little rolls with

peppers. They are a bit

spicey. I could go to the sea

shore. And I could wear my

summer clothes. And I’d like

to go to Madrid. Madrid is

the capital. There is

something similar like a

castle. Pia

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Deutschland/ Германия / Γερμανια / Germania/

Alemanya/ Alemanha/ Németország

My chosen country is Russia,

because I want to see the

many sights. For instance the

Red Square, the Basil’s

cathedral and the monument

of Peter the Great. And I’d

like to see the Russian

everyday life. A beautifal

landscape is the taiga. In

Russia they like to eat blini

and borshtsh. A famous

person is Peter the Great.


I’d like to go to Italy because

it is beautiful there. The

capital is Rome. There is a

wonderful landscape, it is

called Venice and it is situated

by the sea shore. In Italy a

typical lunch is pizza and

pasta. In Italy there was a

very famous person and his

name was Julius Cesar. “Hello”

is in Italian “ciao” and “good

bye” is “arrividerci”.


I want to go to Spain

because it is so warm there.

The capital is named

Madrid. I want to see the

Spanish sea because it is

said to be wonderful. A

famous town is called

Santiago de Compostela. I

want to try tapas because I

think they are tasty. To get

to Spain I have to cross the

Netherlands and France.


I ‘d like to go to Sweden

because I’d like to see my

aunt. The capital is

Stockholm. A beautiful

landscape are the woods

with the elks. The most

famous building is the king’s

castle. A typical meal is

crisp bread. A famous

person is Alfred Nobel.

“Hello” means “hey”, “good

bye” means “hey då”.


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Ελλάδα / Greece (Hellas) / Grecia /

Gӧrӧgorszάg / Griechenland / Grécia /



Συνεντεύξεις γιαγιάδων και παππούδων

«Οι δυνατότητες που είχε η γενιά μας ήταν πολύ λίγες, δύσκολες και περιορισμένες, γιατί ζήσαμε σε μια εποχή

δύσκολη, εποχή που μόλις η πατρίδα μας είχε αρχίσει να ανορθώνεται από τα χαλάσματα, τις πληγές και την

φρίκη που άφησε στο πέρασμά του ο εμφύλιος 1946-1949 και λίγο πιο μπροστά η Κατοχή. Παντού χαλάσματα.

Σχολεία κατεστραμμένα και κατεδαφισμένα. Ψυχολογικά προβλήματα πάρα πολλά. Ο αφανής ήρωας, ο

Δάσκαλος που αντιπροσώπευε την πατρίδα και στο τελευταίο χωριό της εσχατιάς έπρεπε να αντιμετωπίσει τα

δύσκολα αυτά προβλήματα. Ο υποφαινόμενος τελείωσα την Παιδαγωγική Ακαδημία Φλώρινας το 1952-1954.

Μετά την διετή στρατιωτική θητεία και συγκεκριμένα τον Μάρτιο του 1958 διορίσθηκα σε ένα μονοθέσιο

σχολείο με 30 μαθητές, κλειστό μέχρι τον Μάρτιο λόγω ελλείψεως δασκάλων(στο Ακόντιο- Εκπαιδευτική

Περιφέρεια Νεστορίου Καστοριάς). Στο

διάστημα των 4 μηνών θα έπρεπε να

εξαντλήσω την ύλη και να φέρω εις πέρας

το δύσκολο και επίπονο αυτό έργο.

Πολύ δύσκολες οι συνθήκες διαβίωσης

και παραμονής. Εργασία πρωί-

απόγευμα και τα Σάββατα. Την

επόμενη χρονιά τοποθετήθηκα σε ένα

άλλο χωριό που είχε διθέσιο σχολείο με 60

μαθητές αλλά λειτουργούσε σαν

μονοθέσιο. Αυτή δυστυχώς ήταν η

κατάσταση τα δύσκολα εκείνα


Από την πρώτη μέρα που διορίστηκα, στριφογύριζε μέσα στο μυαλό μου και ονειρευόμουν ένα άλλο σχολείο. Όχι

το σχολείο που αντίκρισα. Ένα σχολείο πιο ευρωπαϊκό, πιο δημοκρατικό. Όχι να εξυπηρετεί τους λίγους και να

πιέζει τους πολλούς. Ένα σχολείο που θα ανοίξει τις πόρτες μπροστά στις ραγδαίες κοινωνικές εξελίξεις που

σύντομα επρόκειτο να φανούν. Χρειάστηκαν πάρα πολλοί αγώνες, ατομικοί, ομαδικοί, συνδικαλιστικοί για να

γίνουν και τα αυτονόητα στην Παιδεία. Απαίτηση όλων μας ήταν η πανεπιστημιακή μόρφωση των δασκάλων με

την ίδρυση Παιδαγωγικών Τμημάτων. Με την ένταξή μας στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση στις αρχές του 1980 τα όνειρά

μας και οι προσδοκίες μας άρχισαν να παίρνουν σάρκα και οστά και πολλά από τα όνειρα του δασκάλου

πραγματοποιήθηκαν και άλλα πολλά μέλλει να πραγματοποιηθούν».

Ο παππούς του Δανιήλ, κ. Αχιλλέας, συνταξιούχος δάσκαλος

«Στην επαρχία οι πιθανότητες για να σπουδάσει κάποιος ήταν 5% γιατί δεν υπήρχαν Μ.Μ.Μ.

Μέσα Μαζικής Μεταφοράς και γιατί δεν υπήρχε οικονομική ευχέρεια μετά τον πόλεμο.

Από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση οι άνθρωποι περίμεναν μια καλύτερη ζωή γιατί θα

ενσωματώνονταν κι αυτοί με την Ευρώπη».

Η γιαγιά της Κατερίνας, κ. Κατερίνα, συνταξιούχος επιχειρηματίας

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Ελλάδα / Greece (Hellas) / Grecia /

Gӧrӧgorszάg / Griechenland / Grécia /



«Πολλά παιδιά από εμάς ήταν απαραίτητο να δουλεύουν από μικρά για να

συντηρήσουν τις οικογένειές τους. Επομένως, το σχολείο έμπαινε σε δεύτερη μοίρα.

Με την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση νομίζαμε ότι όλες οι χώρες θα αποτελούσαν ένα κράτος,

με μια διοίκηση, με κοινή οικονομία και χωρίς σύνορα μεταξύ των κρατών που


Η γιαγιά της Νικολέττας (Νικόλ), κ. Ειρήνη, συνταξιούχος ιδιωτική υπάλληλος

«Ο παππούς μου δεν είχε πολλές ευκαιρίες για μόρφωση εξαιτίας του

Δευτέρου Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου και της φτώχειας που προκάλεσε,

εκείνη την εποχή.

Η γιαγιά μου είχε λίγες ευκαιρίες να μορφωθεί επειδή ήταν κορίτσι

γεννημένο σε ένα μικρό χωριό σε μια εποχή που τα κορίτσια δεν


Κωνσταντίνος, συνέντευξη από τον παππού του, κ. Γιώργο, αγρότη

και την γιαγιά του κ. Παναγιώτα, οικιακά

«Στα χρόνια των παππούδων και των γιαγιάδων μου οι άνθρωποι δεν είχαν τις

πληροφορίες και τις ευκαιρίες που έχουμε σήμερα, όσον αφορά στην μόρφωση. Είχαν

περιορισμένες επιλογές και η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ήταν μια εναλλακτική μόνο για πολύ

λίγους από αυτούς».

Σοφία, συνέντευξη από την γιαγιά της, κ. Βικτωρία, συνταξιούχο μαία

«Στα χρόνια που εγώ ήμουν μικρός έπρεπε να εργαστώ για να βοηθήσω την οικογένειά

μου. Έτσι δεν μπόρεσα να σπουδάσω. Μου άρεσε όμως πάντα πολύ το διάβασμα. Και

εξακολουθώ να διαβάζω .

Με την ένταξή μας στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση πιστεύαμε σε ένα καλύτερο αύριο με ίσες

ευκαιρίες ανάπτυξης και ευημερίας με τους υπόλοιπους Ευρωπαίους πολίτες»

Ο παππούς της Μαρίας, κ. Χριστόφορος, συνταξιούχος σιδηροδρομικός

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Ελλάδα / Greece (Hellas) / Grecia /

Gӧrӧgorszάg / Griechenland / Grécia /



Interviews from grandmothers and grandfathers

“The possibilities that our generation had were very few, everything was difficult and limited, because we lived in

hard times, just the time when our country was starting to stand up from the ruins, wounds and horror that the

1946 -1949 Civil War and slightly before that the Occupation, had left in their passage. Everywhere ruins. Schools

damaged and demolished . A lot of psychological traumas . The unsung hero , the Teacher who represented the

country in the last village of the far borders had to face these difficult problems . The undersigned finished the

Pedagogic Academy in Florina. After two

years of military service, I was appointed to a

one-teacher school with 30 pupils , which

was closed until March because of lack of

teachers ( in Akontio - Educational Region

of Nestorio in Kastoria). During the next four

months I had to teach the lessons of a

whole year.Considering the circumstances it

was a difficult and arduous task. The

conditions of living and of residence were

also very difficult . I had to work morning and

afternoon and also on Saturdays . The

following year I was placed in another

school with 60 students in another village

that was supposed to employ two teachers

but there was only one- me. Unfortunately

this was the situation in those difficult years .

From the first day I was appointed, I was dreaming of a different school. Not like the school that I had to face. A

school more modern. A school that would open its doors to the rapid social developments soon to be seen. It took

a lot of individual, group and union fights to acquire the obvious for Education. Requirement of all of us was

university educated teachers by the establishment of Pedagogical Departments. By joining the European Union at

the beginning of 1980 our dreams and our expectations started to take shape and I hope that a lot more of our

dreams will be held in the future”.

The grandfather of Daniel, Mr Achilleas, a retired teacher

“ In the province, the chances for someone to study were 5% because there were very few means

of public transport and because there was no economic possibility after the Second World War.

From the European Union people were waiting for a better life because they would also be

integrated with Europe ”.

The grandmother of Katerina, Mrs Katerina, a retired businesswoman

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Ελλάδα / Greece (Hellas) / Grecia /

Gӧrӧgorszάg / Griechenland / Grécia /



"For many of us, as children, it was necessary to work from very young to sustain

our families. Therefore, school was out of choice.

With the European Union we thought that all the countries would make up one

state, with one administration, one common economy and that it would be

borderless among the states involved."

Nikoletta’s (Nikol) grandmother, Mrs. Eirini, a retired private employee.

"My grandfather did not have many opportunities for education because

of the Second World War and the poverty that was caused at that time.

My grandmother had few chances to be educated because she was a girl

born in a small village in a time when girls did not study. "

Konstantinos, interviews from his grandfather, Mr. Yiorgos, a farmer

and his grandmother, Mrs. Panayiota, a housewife.

"In the years of my grandparents people had less information and opportunities than we have today,

as far as education is concerned. They had limited options and the European Union was an

alternative only for very few of them. "

Sophia, interview from her grandmother, Mrs. Victoria, a retired midwife

“In the years that I was young I had to work to support my family. So I could not study. But

I always loved reading a lot. And I continue to read.

By joining the European Union we believed in a better tomorrow with equal opportunities

of growth and prosperity like the other European citizens”.

Maria’s grandfather, Mr. Christoforos, a retired railway employee.

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Italia/ Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία / Italia / Italien / Olaszország/ İtalya



Grazie al programma europeo di apprendimento permanente, Comenius, otto nazioni europee (Italia, Portogallo,

Grecia, Bulgaria, Romania, Germania, Ungheria e Turchia) hanno avuto l’opportunità di incontrarsi e cooperare,

arricchendo il prorio bagaglio culturale e acquisendo un più forte senso di cittadinanza europea, “l’unione nella



Ecco alcune citazioni dei nonni dei nostri


“Noi studiavamo italiano,

matematica, geografia, storia”

“Frequentavamo la scuola elementare e poi

andavamo a lavorare…”

“Pochi di noi hanno frequentato la scuola


“Penso che sia importante essere cittadini

europei oggi, ma in passato non abbiamo

sfruttato alcuna opportunità proprio perché

molti di noi non conoscevano, in effetti, le

possibilità offerte dalla cittadinanza europea.

Così, non avevamo aspettative europee.”

“Era importante lavorare”

“Io pensavo che la cosa più importante fosse

combattere la fame…”


Gli alunni studiano italiano,

matematica, geografia, storia … ma

imparano anche le lingue straniere, in

particolare l’ inglese come lingua

veicolare per comunicare in tutto il

mondo, a usare le TIC e così via.

Ragazzi e ragazze frequentano la

scuola secondaria , l’università e,

oggi, hanno anche la possibilità di

studiare e abbracciare culture diverse

grazie ad un altro programma


Inoltre, possono:

-cercare lavoro e frequentare corsi di

formazione all’estero ;

-vivere in qualsiasi Paese dell’ UE.








9 maggio:giorno dell’ Europa.

Gli ideali dell’ EU furono

stabiliti per la prima volta nel

1950 dal ministro degli Esteri

francese Robert Schuman.

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Italia/ Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία / Italia / Italien / Olaszország/ İtalya



UNA CITTADINANZA “ATTIVA”: tra il 22 e il 25 maggio 2014 ci saranno le elezioni europee.

Gli articoli 39 e 40 della Costituzione Europea sanciscono che, in qualità di cittadini euopei, abbiamo il diritto di voto

e di eleggibilità al Parlamento europeo.

Le 12 stelle in cerchio

rappresentano gli ideali

di unione, solidarietà e

armonia tra i popoli

dell’ Europa.

L’inno europeo “ODE ALLA

GIOIA “ è stato scelto per

simbolizzare l’UE ed è tratto

dalla nona sinfonia di

Ludwig van Beethoven.

L’ EURO ha

facilitato il

commercio estero

e la libera

circolazione di


Arricchimento della conoscenza delle

differenti culture europee (geografia,

monumenti, valuta…) e opportunità di

incontrare persone di diversi Paesi.










Il motto dell’Unione è

"Uniti nella diversità".

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Italia/ Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία / Italia / Italien / Olaszország/ İtalya



Thanks to the lifelong learning programme, Comenius, eight European Countries (Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria,

Germany , Greece, Hungary, Romania and Turkey) have had the opportunity to meet each other and cooperate,

enriching their own cultural baggage and acquiring a stronger sense of the European citizenship, “the unity in the



Here are some quotations of our pupils’


“We studied Italian,

Math, Geography, History”

“We attended the primary school and then

we went to work…”

“Few of us attended the secondary school.”

“I think it’s important to be European

citizens today, but in the past we didn’t

exploit any opportunities just because most

of us didn’t know, in effect, the opportunities

given by the European citizenship. So, we

had no European expectation”.

“It was important to work”

“I thought the most important thing was to

fight famine…”


Pupils study Italian, Math,

Geography, History … but they also

learn to speak foreign languages, in

particular English as vehicular

language to communicate all over

the world, to use TIC and so on.

Boys and girls attend secondary

school, University and they have

now the possibility to study and

embrace different cultures thanks to

another European program.

Moreover, they can:

-look for a job and attend training

courses ;

-live in every Country of the UE


If you know your rights you can take advantage of them.

I’m an



I’m an



May 9: Europe Day.

The EU ideals were set out

for the first time in 1950 by

the French Foreign

Minister Robert Schuman.

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Italia/ Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία / Italia / Italien / Olaszország/ İtalya



AN “ACTIVE” EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP. Between the 22nd and the 25th of May 2014 there will be the European

elections. According to the 39th and the 40th articles of the European Constitution, as European citizens, we have the

right to elect and to be elected to the European Parliament.

The 12 stars in circle

represent the ideals of

union, solidarity and

harmony among

peoples of Europe.

The European anthem “ODE

TO JOY “ has been chosen to

symbolize the EU and comes

from the Ninth Symphony by

Ludwig van Beethoven.

The EURO has

facilitated the

foreign trade and

the free

circulation of


Enrichment of knowledge about different

European cultures (Geography, monuments,

currency…) and opportunity to meet people

from different Countries.










The Union's motto is

"United in diversity".

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Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

No tempo dos nossos avós a vida era mais complicada e difícil que hoje em dia. A maior parte dos avós só fazia o

ensino primário porque começavam a trabalhar muito jovens para ajudar em casa. Alguns nem concluíam o ensino

primário. Muitos tinham de percorrer grandes distâncias a pé para poderem ir à escola primária. Os que viviam no

interior começavam muito cedo a trabalhar ou nos campos ou nas fábricas ou então ficavam em casa a cuidar dos

irmãos mais novos e dos animais domésticos que eram muito importantes para assegurar o sustento da família e a

ajuda nos trabalhos do campo.

Geralmente as avós estudavam menos ainda que os avós porque as meninas iam ser donas de casa e mães e, por

isso, começavam muito cedo a cuidar das lides domésticas e dos irmãos.

Só havia liceus e escolas técnicas nas capitais de distrito e a continuação de estudos implicava grandes despesas de

deslocação e alojamento. Só alguns avós continuaram os estudos secundários porque os seus pais podiam pagar as

deslocações e os estudos. As universidades eram ainda em pequeno número e, por isso, eram muito poucos os que

prosseguiam estudos universitários e se formavam.

Na década de sessenta um grande número de portugueses emigrou para países da Europa (França em particular) à

procura de uma vida melhor. A emigração era difícil porque não era autorizada na maior parte dos casos, levando

muitos a emigrar clandestinamente. A maior parte dos nossos avós pensava em emigrar.

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Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

Hoje a escola é diferente. É para todos independentemente do seu estatuto social ou económico e a sua frequência

é obrigatória até aos 18 anos de idade.

As escolas de hoje têm mais cursos que pretendem responder às várias situações dos alunos. Existem cursos

profissionais que encaminham o aluno para uma profissão desde muito cedo e os materiais utilizados são muito

diferentes. As novas tecnologias são uma realidade desde a escola primária e, através delas, conhecemos e falamos

com outros meninos de escolas da Europa pela internet e sabemos mais coisas sobre eles, sobre o seu país ou

localidade e o seu modo de vida.

Com o acordo de Schengen assinado por vários países da Europa, quando acabarmos os nossos estudos, podemos

trabalhar e viver legalmente em qualquer país do acordo. As fronteiras estenderam-se para lá das do nosso país.

Com a tecnologia de informação que temos hoje em dia conhecemos melhor a vida nos outros países do mundo e

em tempo real e, por isso, temos mais conhecimento do mundo em que vivemos.

O futuro que cada um de nós pode ter é muito diferente daquele que os nossos avós tinham.

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Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

In our grandparents' time life was more complicated and difficult than today. Most of our grandparents only

attended primary education because they started to work at a very young age to help their families. Some even

didn’t concluded primary education. Many had to travel long distances on foot in order to go to school.

Those living in the country side began very early to work in the fields or in factories or stayed at home to care for

younger siblings and pets, which were very important because the domestic animals ensured the sustenance of the

family and the help in the fields.

Usually grandmothers studied even less than the grandparents because the girls were going to be housewives and

mothers and therefore began too early to take care of household chores and siblings.

Colleges and technical schools were in the district capitals and continuation of studies involved large expenses for

travel and accommodation. Only a few grandparents continued his secondary education because their parents

could afford travel and studies. The universities were still few in number and therefore very few grandparents

pursued university studies and graduated

In the sixties a large number of Portuguese fled to European countries (France in particular) looking for a better

life. Emigration was difficult because it was not allowed in most cases, leading many to emigrate illegally. Most of

our grandparents thought about emigrating.

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Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

Today the school is very different. It is for everyone regardless of their social or economic status, and the

frequency is compulsory until students reach the age of 18 years old.

Schools today have more courses aimed to meet the various situations and needs of the students. There are

professional courses that refer the student for a profession early on and the materials used are very different. New

technologies are a reality since elementary school and, through them, we meet and talk with other children’

schools in Europe in the internet and know more things about them, about their country or locality and their way

of living.

With the Schengen agreement signed by several countries in Europe, we can work and live legally in any country

of the agreement upon finishing our studies. The boundaries were extended beyond our own country’s boundaries.

Modern information technology help us to better understand life in countries around the world in real time and

therefore having more knowledge of the world in which we live.

The future that each of us can have can be very different from the one that our grandparents had.

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România Roménia Румъния România /

Roménia / Рмъния / Ρουμανία /


In the first months of 1990, numerous

independent newspapers, associations and

political parties were founded, and the

Romanians began to take advantage of their

new-found freedom of speech. Few NGO-s

started to teach about human rights in schools.

From the late 90’s Civic Education was an

important subject in the National Curriculum.

Student – centered approaches and human rights

education had a good result: democratic


Coresi School encourages teachers and students to

attend as many European Learning Programs as

possible. Coresi School has become a vector of

democratic competences in the community and it

was awarded the title of “ European School” in

2006, 2009 and 2012.

Green Flag

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România Roménia Румъния România /

Roménia / Рмъния / Ρουμανία /


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România Roménia Румъния România /

Roménia / Рмъния / Ρουμανία /


În primele luni după 1990, numeroase publicații

independente, asociații și partide politice au fost fondate

și românii au început să folosească un drept necunoscut

până atunci- libertatea vorbirii.Câteva organizații

nonguvernamentale au început să predea despre drepturile

omului în școli. La finalul anilor 90 Educația Civică s-a

întrodus în Curriculum Național. Metodele centrate pe

elev și educația pentru drepturile omului au avut ca

rezultat formarea competențelor democratice.

Școala Coresi din Târgoviște încurajează pe profesori și pe

elevi să participe la cât mai multe programe europene.

Școala Coresi a devenit un vector al competențelor

democratice în comunitate și i s-a acordat certificatul de

”Școală Europeană” în 2006, 2009 și 2012.

Green Flag

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România Roménia Румъния România /

Roménia / Рмъния / Ρουμανία /
