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Published by Pure Logic Publications

Copyright 2010 Craig L. Hayes


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Published in the United States by Pure Logic Publications

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Printed in the United States of America

First edition


IntroductionIn RuinFree SpeechThe AttackBattle at SeaLooking Back


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Israel’s ConflictThe Political SideSurrenderCounter AttackA New BeginningAmendmentsRatificationElectionsRebuildGold standardPre Gold StandardProsperingThe WorldProsperityA ChallengeTheir Lives at HomeImmigrationA Larger NationThe Next Presidential ElectionAmendment LOverviewSome Great WordsSpeechesA Final Thought

I Know…I Believe…



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I thank and praise our Almighty God. I know of His power and His love for all His children and myself.I thank the following for their support and help in this project: my wife Linda, my son Wesley, my mother Sharron, and my sister Trina. Also those who inspire and motivate me: Michael, David, Sharron-Marie, Helena, Story Anne, Leah, Mark Peterson, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin. In Las Vegas, those who inspire me are, Alan Stock, Heidi Harris, and Jerry Doyle. I also want to give my thanks and admiration to the great one, Ronald Reagan.This book is dedicated to our Constitution and the American people.



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Since 1791 our Constitution has weathered the highs and lows of this nation’s advancement. As a document I hold it and our other founding documents as sacred text. For years I have been interested in the many interpretations of this document. I have always believed that it said what it meant and it meant what it said. Then again, I am not a lawyer. I do not have a college degree. Nor am I a Progressive that looks at these documents with disdain and only see documents that hinder my belief in big government and the quest for power. For the last one hundred years the progressives have assaulted this sacred document to the point that it now hangs by a thread. I am not the only person that believes this. There are many liberals that believe that the government should do more for the people. They believe that the Constitution should secure and guarantee more rights for the people. I know many of these people. They are good people. They are actually being used by the powerful and the elite to accomplish their goals. After one hundred years we are seeing the harvest of their destructive seeds. I am still amazed to hear these same misguided people say that we are in the shape we are because the government has not done enough. I have often wished that I could fix all these distortions to our Constitution. This thought process takes me down the path of how would I fix these distortions? What conditions and events in this nation might have to occur to allow such corrections? How do you re-found the United States of America? This is where my story begins.


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In Ruin

The dust of our wars and destruction continue to settle over our land. Though the air, water, and soil are still filled with the poisons of war, we are still here. Our once great nation, the envy of the free world and the enemy of all would be dictators were all but destroyed. We did not heed the word


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of God when He told us, “Inasmuch as you keep my commandments you will prosper in this land, a land that is choice above all other lands. But if you keep not my commandments you will be swept off this land.”

Who started this? Does it really matter now? This result is the culmination of decades of national corruption, infighting, conspiracies, and international alliances by evil, power craving people. Those people who sought power in this country used every emergency that came along to place in huge bills and laws the language of totalitarian rule. Their rule was always “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

In this country the parties and those with only party loyalty were busy pointing out the faults with each other, in reality, they were both just trying to impose their will in different forms on the American people. This was only a distraction for the American people to watch but like a good magician will tell you, we should have been watching the other hand. The politicians were destroying our nation from within all the while Wall Street and the Federal Reserve was destroying our currency. The external push on bringing down our nation came from radicals in every form and the labor movement. The whole nation and its wants were unsustainable.

Over the years, our Federal Government has gone to great lengths to dumb down the citizens and replace their spirit of self reliance and rugged individualism with a nanny state government. In the past 60 years our nation has gone from the number one educated nation in the world to number seventeen, even though we spend more on education than any other nation. Was this by design? Absolutely it is.


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The Chinese have a torture called death by a thousand cuts. We have endured thousands of laws that have caused us great harm and now death. Our Bill of Rights have been systematically diluted and dismantled to the point that young people today do not know what their real rights are and I am not sure they even care. Perfect, a nation that is now ready for totalitarianism. One problem, there are still media outlets speaking the truth in opposition to these traitors plans.

There are many rights that we hold sacred, but one right is the most important to curtail if you want true tyranny. All dictators know this and move quickly to eliminate this right as soon as they obtain power. Some people in this country would say that this could never happen in America. I beg to differ. I watch and listen to the people and politicians who discuss these very ideas and try to do just that.

Free Speech

The election was over and with inauguration just days away, the President elect told his followers what to expect. He said “we are just five days away from fundamentally transforming America.” Some of us listened with intent and asked why America needed fundamental transformation. He


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was merely being open with his true intentions and beliefs that he would now impose on the American people. The young President along with all those who believe as he does is now in power. In his closest circle in the White House are many advisors to him. The media called them Czars, I have found them to be the most radical revolutionaries that have ever set foot in the White House let alone Be employees of the President. Marxists, self avowed Communists and America hating Socialists now filled the White House and the halls of power. It gets worse. After years of pushing the nation towards “Marxism,” these radicals finally had the grand prize. The White House is theirs, both house of Congress is theirs, and even the Supreme Court was leaning heavily in their direction on many issues. They could and would now begin to fundamentally change and transform this nation. Regulation in all aspects of business and personal life went into high gear. Massive spending bills that helped their radical friends and punished their enemies were passed. The call for more redistribution of wealth went our across the land. Jobs programs that actually created more unemployment were enacted. The budget and the national debt exploded. Everything was right where they wanted it.

Those of us who are not of these two parties and one ideology system would not buy into their agenda from the beginning or go down without a fight to the end. We were and have always been outnumbered in the communications business by Statists for many years. The Progressive had almost all of the news media drinking the Socialists Kool-Aid. Hollywood did the bidding of the hate America crowd on the big screen. Most of the universities were bastions of


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socialism and anti-Americanism. And most of the print media were nothing but cheerleaders for Progressivism. We, the Conservatives and Constitutionalists had Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, a few papers, and talk radio. This was too free of speech as far as the Marxists were concerned.

It was determined by those in power that even a small choice of alternative media was shining too bright a light on them. They needed to conduct their plans in secrecy and darkness. Any amount of light was too bright. A full assault by the state controlled puppet media and by these Progressives was called for on Fox News and talk radio. A litany of rules made up by the F.C.C., and laws passed by the Congress calling for balance and penalties against hate speech were passed and imposed. Fairness was the key word they used for everything they did.

When convenient, those in power forget or ignore that which they swore to protect, defend, and uphold. This is particularly true when they are making back room deals. They either had no integrity when they took office or gave their integrity away for pieces of eight.

When you use the full force of government to silence your opposition, you have to be careful. It is a tricky thing to accomplish. It can backfire on you quickly if you do not use terminology that quiets the masses. Terminology such as “you have to give up some freedoms to be truly free.” This is what they thought and truly believed. A majority of the American people fell for it because it sounded fair.

Corrupt people only needed to enact the laws, knowing that it would take time to work its way through the court system, giving them time to conduct their evil plans unopposed. This is not about surviving judicial scrutiny but


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getting the structure in place and never being able to remove all the tentacles it grows. What is it that makes some people believe that if they can control other people’s lives, they are powerful?

It took generations to enslave the people of this nation to the government. This happened incrementally. People gave up their freedoms for every form of security and entitlement. From 1900 on the sales pitch has been the same. Give us your money, especially all you rich people, and we will take care of you. Any security that requires the forfeit of any freedom is slavery.

The lie that went out and still circulates to the public while they rob us of liberty is that we still live in a capitalistic country. Meanwhile we have the government in our lives from the cradle to grave.

Does this sound familiar? ”You are free and we will educate you. We will give you money and food if you do not work. We will pay for your retirement, your healthcare, and housing. We will keep you safe from greedy people. We are always looking for ways to help you. Always remember, you are free and most importantly, you are safe and secure. That is why we are here”.

A hundred years is all it took to build the most prosperous and free nation that has ever existed on this planet. It only took a hundred years to enslave us and take our freedoms. We should have been more attentive to what was happening and stopped it in the early years. It is always easier to keep something safe and protect it than find it once it is lost or stolen.

The push was on. Now in full non-stop campaign mode, our young naïve President and his cohorts in evil acted like it


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was once again a campaign for President being waged. No, this time it was a war or a campaign to destroy our freedom and rights.

With the regulations in place the President fired the heads of some media corporations that had dissenting views on his policies. Other owners sold out to competitors and walked away with little or nothing. Others tried to comply with the rules but the rules changed constantly for them. In the end almost all gave up. The silence from the Congress and the state controlled puppet media was deafening.

Just like in China and other Communist nations the government censored and controlled the internet. For their seat at the table, many internet and social network sights complied with all the government wanted. It is amazing how hard it is to control pen and paper though.

With the opposition media now silenced for the most part, we now had only a state controlled puppet media that dispensed nothing but propaganda for the government. This situation was perfectly acceptable with the “in crowd media.” They were receiving their rewards for their dutiful service now. They had earned it.

This puppet media had acted as a cheerleading squad during the campaign, and the election. They never questioned anything when it cane up about this Presidential candidate. Anything negative about his past was squashed and/or glossed over. This was a grave mistake for our nation, for had they done their job, he would have been exposed for what he truly is, a Marxist and a radical revolutionary.

Now they are on the inside and in the know. They get to sit at the table and rub elbows with the powerful. All they had to do was obey their White House master and their position


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was secure. It is good to be in with the powerful, or so they thought. Their minds would change one day soon.

Massive regulatory and spending bills were being created behind closed doors, staffers, and outside groups. When voted on, those who still held to their “old and outdated” conservative and constitutional beliefs gave all the resistance they could. They were shouted down, ridiculed, and marginalized by their fellow Representatives and the state controlled puppet media. Groups that had always been allies to the President were assigned to harass these Statesmen constantly.

With the state controlled puppet media doing the propaganda for their masters, only the positive side of the health care bill, the carbon tax bill, hate crimes legislation, the communications bill, and the financial reforms bill along with a stack of spending bills that would overload a super computer, Americans were shown exactly what they “needed to know.”

These” brilliant” anchors on the state controlled puppet media news channels explained these laws and their importance to us. It was explained to us that now we had people in office that truly cared about the average citizen in this country. The abuses by banks and Wall Street would not be allowed again. Greedy corporations were put on notice to tow the party line also.

The average citizen was going to be taken care of from now on. The rich and all those greedy corporations would be required to pay their fair share to the people. They would be required to employ people even if it meant that the company never made a profit. This would make things fair.


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Redistribution and leveling the playing field were now the battle cry and belief system all over this land. Now, there was no voice to oppose these Marxist revolutionaries in this country. The interesting thing about all this is that there are really only about twenty percent of the citizenry who are devout Socialist, Marxists, or Communists. The rest of these useful idiots go along to get along. They might even believe they will one day get to sit at the big kids table.

It did not matter that we, or should I say, our Conservative media outlets had been silenced in the media. We were still here and we will never go away. Our fight has only just begun.

After working its way through the legal system and in an astonishing 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court ruled that the laws and regulations that this President and Congress passed were constitutional regarding free speech. The President hailed the ruling as another tool to be used against hate speech and a victory for free speech.

Just like abortion, those that would destroy another person were given the blessing of a court to sooth their consciences and justify their evil works. Now these evil leaders had their court decision to justify their destroying another person’s ideas, beliefs, freedoms, and rights. There was nothing to stop them in their ultimate quest for power.

They were so busy transforming this nation and destroying their opposition that they did not see the storm clouds on the horizon that were gathering against our nation. Their victories would be short lived for the hour of our destruction was almost upon us.

Our enemies had already started the financial war of destruction upon us. They had conspired together and


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convinced many nations that America was through and a bad investment. They would no longer buy our treasury bonds and they had moved away from using the U.S. dollar as the worlds trading currency.

They announced this in China during their stock trading day. By the time our stock market opened, world exchanges plummeted. Panic was showing its head all around the globe. This si just what our enemies wanted to see.

While this was going on, our enemies were waging all out warfare in cyber space. A non-stop onslaught of cyber attacks was launched on our government and our financial systems. Our enemies had breached the Pentagon computers and now knew all our secrets. Wall Street and all the banks computers have been breached. This was done not to steal, but to eliminate wealth and the records of that wealth. Everybody’s wealth was disappearing. A giant delete button had been pushed on our nation’s wealth.

Trillions of dollars in wealth along with the records of that wealth just disappeared. Panic overtook the public and a run on all financial institutions occurred. This had a worldwide effect on the dollar. It soon was not worth the paper it was printed on. Anarchy was just around the corner.

Every world power and group of nations was trying to make their currency the worlds trading currency. It was now a world economic free-for-all. Nations were offering high interest yields on their bonds just to stem and entice capital flight. Everyone was looking for somewhere safe to put their money. They would not find that haven.

The U.S. dollar had become irrelevant in the world markets and the ripples were now being felt here in America. It took about 48 hours for the American people to realize


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fully what was happening. Those that paid attention months ago had already prepared. We are among those that are prepared. I cannot imagine the panic in those people who are not prepared right now.

Those nations that held U.S. Treasury bonds were demanding assets for those bonds. Gold, platinum, land, or any tangible asset was desired. Anything else instead of that worthless U.S. currency was wanted. At this time I wonder what the Government leaders were thinking. Should they give away our nation to settle our debts? Or should we not be worried about the world right now and concentrate on our nation? What the people do if we “sold” our nation?

It is convenient that the U.S. Government claims to “own” most of the land and mineral rights in this country. I have never seen it in the Constitution that they do but, regardless, they do claim this. I guess this could be looked at as a national piggy bank. Could this have been the plan all along? Were they going to use our sovereign states land as their own financial backstop?

This crisis did not stop our President and the Congress from making more laws and drafting more spending bills. In fact they were using this crisis to grab even more power and authority over the people. Anyone who dissented with the government was now anti-American. We are now close to a dictatorship.

Remember, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”Most of us in the “resistance” had seen this collapse

coming for years. We tried to warn the people but because of the laws and rules that had been put in place by our evil leaders, it was difficult to inform the masses. We made it a point that every person should warn his neighbor. We also


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made it a point to have the people prepare for an economic collapse. Some of our neighbors listened and prepared, others looked at us as if we were from Mars. I bet they wish they had listened to us Martians now.

Flyers and pamphlets were passed out and discussions were held by the true believers of liberty and freedom. These were now the main sources of information. Everyone had a chance to get on their “soapbox” and teach their beliefs. Because of these methods of delivery and the presumed insignificant number of people involved, we were believed to be of no real consequence to the leaders of this nation. You cannot stop every form of free speech no matter how hard you try.

We continued to prepare. We stood up and fought for our Constitution every

chance we had.Soon both “Parties” and their loyalists were united in

fighting the “Constitutionalists.” We continued to prepare ourselves for the future. Apathy by the public and harassment by friends of the government kept people from accepting the truth.

While this was going on, evil leaders around the world were watching and preparing. It reminded me so much about the Martians in H.G. Wells “War of the Worlds.” They looked at our nation and watched was happening in the halls of government and in the streets of our cities. They plotted and planned what they would soon do to us. And they smiled just like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas as he plotted the destruction of Christmas on Who Ville.

Seeing that the great U.S. Nation would turn on its self like any other third world nation was a true delight for them.


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Fighting with each other for control over each other was like watching pigeons fight over food in the park. These distractions were just what our enemies needed.

Slavery had long been abolished in the U.S. but slavery would now be brought back to this land if these foreign leaders had their way. They were laying the plans to empty this nation of its inhabitants and use people from other nations as their “labor pool.”

Prior to the election, our President knew only how to be a community organizer. I would call him a community agitator instead. He would organize protests, speak with passion and believed in a Marxist and radical revolutionary ideology. His desire was to establish a progressive government and nation. All of this was keeping him distracted and not watching the international scene with eyes that could see, and ears that could hear. He should have warning the American public to prepare for bad times. He was too occupied and he probably was not that concerned about the people.

But once again, we were watching everything that was going on around the nation and the world. We were continuing to prepare for the bad times that lie ahead. It is amazing how many survivalists and militias there are in this country. They were of immense help in much of our preparations.

Timing is one of the most important factors in any military operation. Another factor is that your enemy has to be distracted, he also needs to have been weakened, and his will to fight needs to be impaired. At the right moment a surprise attack must be launched. These factors were all in place at the time of the attack.


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Seventy years ago a trio of countries bent on world domination aligned themselves as the Axis Powers. Their plan was to conquer the world together and then divide up spoils and resources. Freedom loving nations and the U.S. with its vast surpluses of raw materials stopped this from happening. The U, S, then became the world’s greatest superpower. With that power we promoted freedom all around the globe.

This lesson was learned by our enemies of today. The answer for them to be able to conquer the world was simple. The U.S. has to be eliminated in order for dictators and a caliphate to rule the world. These rulers had been planning this action for the last ten or more years. Had they conspired to bring down the twin towers? Did they promote the wars in Afghanistan, and Iraq? Did they want us chasing terrorists all around the world just to have us use up our treasure, lives and our will to keep fighting? All we know is these leaders worked hand in hand to advance their own interests and where their own interests aligned with other leaders they worked even harder for that common interest.

Their common interest was that America needed to be eliminated. Not just defeated in a war but completely eliminated. We are talking genocide. After all Americans are eliminated the slave labor from other nations could be used to exploit America’s vast natural resources. Who would be able to stop these leaders after we were gone? Our European, Asian, and South Pacific friends would fall shortly after us. At least this was their plan.

Our enemies would deal with their own differences after they had solved their mutual problem and their common interests and goals were complete. These differences would


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eventually lead to their warring with each other. Marxism and any religion, even Islam is incompatible. For now they will just keep a suspicious eye on each other.

So our President, who was a progressive and narcissist, thought that because he disliked America also, the world would now love us. He went on his way pushing bigger government programs, more government control of our lives, and focusing his attention and anger at us, we who were standing and fighting for our holy and sacred founding documents. We were the enemies to him. Not those who were planning our demise.

Distraction-Now in Place

After ten years of war against terrorists and terrorist nations, our military was starting to weaken. Not our soldiers, they were and still are the finest people in our country. These incredible people volunteered to fight for and even die for us. Our military wanted to take the fight to our enemies over there so as to make it more difficult to bring our enemies war to our shores.

Our military should have been turned loose to hunt down and kill off our enemies in any country they were hiding in. Politics had gotten in the way again. And now the entire Middle East was on fire. We should have learned form the failures in Vietnam.

Like Vietnam we have never lost a battle against our terrorist enemies but we have never been allowed to wage a full-scale war on them either. This makes our battle victories somewhat hollow. Our military is only allowed to be a police force for the most part. This is not the job they are trained to


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do. They are trained to kill our enemies and break things. Now supplies are starting to dry up.

Resources have not been sent to secure victory. It does not seem that victory over our enemies is the goal, only the offer and desire for dialogue. Talk has always been cheap, and it usually has little positive results. I call it a “Paper Peace.”

The use of superior force is understood and respected around the world. After the use of force is completed and your enemy is defeated, diplomatic discussions can begin.

These resources (money) were slowing down so it could be used for social programs. Now with our currency in a free fall, what do you use to compensate your troops? Will they be stuck in every part of the world with no way home?

Ever since Vietnam, the Progressives in this nation have done all they can to show their hatred of the military. The defeat of our military would be their dreams come true, even at the peril of our nation. All that money could be used to help their friends and pay for their domestic utopia. Our Commander in Chief President was right there with them.

Back here in the States more problems were developing. After eight years of constant criticism by the progressives, the state controlled puppet media, and other nations, the people of this land were tiring of the wars. The economy and other problems were at the focal point of attention. Our national will to win was slipping quickly.

Weakening-Now in Place When I was a young boy, I remember that on every

Saturday at noon, the sirens all over town, which were mounted on the schools, went off and started to wail. This


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screaming that sounded like a banshee was a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. This was the signal for everyone to turn on the T.V. or radio for information on the emergency. This was set up mainly for a nuclear attack on our country. You have to remember this was the cold war period in our history. These sirens went silent in the 1980’s. Now we have an Emergency Alert System that only broadcasts on the T.V. and radio. This knowledge about us by our enemies would play into the attack very prominently.

The Attack

The attack on our nation and our allies came on a Saturday morning at 4:30 am Eastern Standard Time, 1:30 am Pacific Standard Time. NO sirens on the schools sounded. The radar and alert systems at Strategic Air Command, NORAD, the Pentagon, and our European and Asian allies lit up. As we slept in the early morning hours, the alert went out over the internet, radio and T.V. Most electronics were off. Those people that were awake looked and listened in shock and horror. It is tough to decide if being an insomniac tonight


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was a good thing. There is less than an hour to do something, but what? Some people, about ten percent, when faced with a horrific scene will freeze. Another ten percent will act and take command of the situation. Another ten percent will act but do the wrong things. The other seventy percent will follow. The key is to follow the right path. How many of us were ready to act? Most of us were not.

Even those we trusted with the defense of our country were stunned, even if it was for only a moment. Then all their training kicked in. The radar showed a few ICBM’s at first, then a few dozen, then it seemed as though there were hundreds or more filling their radar screens. Our satellites were showing heat signatures all of the world as their missiles were launching.

Within minutes our bases in Alaska were hit by the firsat wave of missiles. We, in the lower 48 had about 30 minutes longer to wait. Within 15 minutes of the first warning our anti-missile system was launching its own missiles. They were shooting the incoming missiles down as fast as they could and as many as possible. Our defenses were overwhelmed. Many of our enemies’ missiles were getting through our defense umbrella. Our own counter strike was launched soon after the anti-ICBM’s had launched.

The first wave hit S.A.C. bases, military bases, most of our large cities and all of our bases and troops that are deployed in foreign nations. Coastal cities, especially those next to major ports were spared, for now. Other cities that were spared for now were cities that had oil refineries, and other natural resources that were important for the future. Not


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our future though, our enemies’ future. These cities, however, would not be spared the horrors of war.

The next wave of missiles that hit, especially the port cities, was electromagnetic pulse bombs. These bombs neutralized electricity, computers, and anything else electronic. We marveled earlier on how a computer could control everything we did. This technology was now not as useful as a bow and arrow. The lights, cars, trains, planes, and everything that uses electricity was turned off.

A sigh of relief in these port cities was let out as it was thought they would be spared the nuclear detonations. If they could only look into the future a short distance a much more horrible death was about to be released on them.

Battle at Sea

With most of our ground forces having been destroyed in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Navy and the Air force were now the only real threats to our enemies. A war of attrition would be waged on them now.

Our Navy and Air Force were sent into harm’s way. We had to strike back no matter the cost. The only concern our military had was how long we could wage an offensive war against our enemies. We had ships and planes but a cut back in military funding in order to fund a civilian defense force


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had taken a toll on the arming, training, and supplying of our war ships and planes.

Half of our boomers or nuclear attack submarines were in port when the attack was launched. The other half were out to see and in their secret and safe places, or so we thought. Somehow our enemies knew our fleet schedules and the locations of our fleets. The cyber attack was very successful on our enemy’s part. This cyber attack was not our only problem. We had traitors and spies in all branches of government, the military, law enforcement, and all around us.

Our boomer submarines and our attack submarines had to fend off attacks by our enemies own submarine fleets. Now in position, they were ready to launch their counter attack. They would have to launch and then run due to the fact that launching missiles makes it obvious where you are.

The counter strike that the boomer submarines had launched all hit their targets, with deadly accuracy. It did not matter. Our enemies had moved all of their important military and government assets during our internal fighting and conflicts. Those Chinese ghost cities were built just for this purpose. They were no longer ghost cites.

Our enemies had left their own people in these areas that we had targeted and now destroyed. This was done to keep us believing that there was nothing out of the ordinary going on in their countries. Their own citizenry would be used as their campaign of deception and disinformation. These people would pay the ultimate price for deception.

The truth was that the leaders of our enemies knew that their people would be destroyed from off the face of the land. They just did not care about the lives of their own people. Their deaths could be useful later in the war. If these leaders


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were willing to commit genocide on America, why would they care if half of their own people were destroyed?

In a cold calculating way, the destruction of up to half their population had benefits. It would be easier to control their people if there were fewer of them, and it would be easier to share the natural resources with those remaining people. You could also use the hatred of your people towards your enemy if your “surplus” people were eliminated.

Our missile launched and our nuclear attack was successful in doing just what they wanted it to do. We had rid them of their surplus population and focused the hatred of the survivors on us like a laser beam. Their seats of power and their militaries were all in safe areas away from the blast or fall out zones.

With the nuclear missile attack all but over, our carrier task forces were heading towards their possible destruction. They had to strike back. They had to retaliate and they had to hit back hard. All enemy navies and air forces were targeted for destruction. Our remaining military had their work cut out for them.

Our Navy was going into battle somewhat blind. Anti-satellite missiles had destroyed several of our military satellites just as we had done to them. Some new and unknown long-range missile was destroying our A.W.A.C.S. planes. A new Chinese missile that could destroy navy ships was of great concern right now also. Our Navy would be fighting this battle the same way they had in World War Two.

A few of our enemies’ ballistic submarines were able to launch some of their missiles at our allies and us before our hunter submarines, that are always following, them destroyed


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them. The remainder of our enemies’ ballistic submarines was destroyed shortly after the attack was launched. These subs never launched a single missile. There would now be a duel on and below the seas to the death between submarines and surface ships.

The American hunter submarines were turned loose on any and all of our enemies’ ships. There would be a target rich environment. Their only concern besides being destroyed was how long they could keep up an offensive war without being re-supplied.

It was determined that each task force had enough supplies and munitions for a 20 day all out offensive. After those 20 days, they would have to disengage and find safe seas and ports where they would then have to fight a defensive war.

For the next 20 days, the Navy hunted other ships and destroyed them. They attacked land-based targets with both nuclear and conventional weapons. Several planes and ships were lost during these operations and battles. This is always to be expected, but it is never accepted by our military.

We believed that we had inflicted significant damage on our enemies’ ability to wage war, but it was not until later that we discovered our enemies had moved their vital assets into safe areas. Only their citizens were left in destructions way. They had also left some antiquated and outdated equipment for some token resistance to face destruction.

After their 20 day offensive, our Navy disengaged and turned south. They would have to find supplies and ports that would be friendly to us. During this time period our ports and port cities had been occupied by our enemies. For the foreseeable future it would be a defensive war for survival.


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Many nations in the Southern Hemisphere and other parts of the world would not allow our ships to dock in their ports or even supply our ships with much needed supplies.

Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and several of the Pacific Islands were now our only true friends. Those nations that closed their doors and turned their backs on us were only hoping to not be invaded and destroyed later in retaliation for helping us now. They were focusing on their own self preservation and betting we might lose this war and be destroyed. They would sit on the fence for now. If we were destroyed, there would be no fence for them to sit on.

Many of the sailors and marines wanted to be let off the ships in Mexico or South America so they could make their way back to America and join the fight there. They also wanted to find their loved ones and protect them. You really cannot blame them for this. We all want to protect the ones we love. Leaving the ship would not be permitted. They still had their duty to fulfill.

Our long time friends of the Pacific had also been attacked when we were attacked. This attack was not as extensive as it was on us but enough to keep our friends focused on their own people. This would also keep them from entertaining any ideas of coming to our aid. This plan did not work as planned.

After taking care of their own people and their needs, it was time to move their nations into a heightened state of preparedness. The call to service went out through all these nations to enlist. The call was heeded by vast numbers all throughout the Pacific and Indian Oceans. We were not alone by any stretch of imagination.


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Many of these countries defense forces were gathering in the north and northwest of Australia. Once again, our Polynesian brothers and our brothers from down under would be fighting with us side by side against enemies around the world. They would stand and fight with us when we would take our country back and dispense justice on our mutual enemies. Liberty and freedom for all of Gods children would be our call throughout the entire world.

Looking Back

After the towers came down, we who understood the dangers of not protecting our borders and ports were told to shut up by both parties and their leaders. We were called racists and xenophiles. We were not any of these things. I have found that those who call others names such as these are usually the ones guilty of such ideas. We just wanted sanity and logic to be used in securing our borders. We would be proven right again.

For years cargo ships from all over the globe would bring in containers with goods bound for all discount stores.


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Because of the massive quantity of ships and containers only about five percent of these containers were inspected.

Businesses, lobbyists, and Congress pressured the inspectors to not slow down our economy by inspecting every container that arrived in our ports. The only cargo in these containers was items that the American people wanted, or at least that is what the inspectors were told. But the containers also had massive amounts of biological and chemical weapons. These containers came into this county at a pace that should have been detected but it was not. These containers came into this country from the sea or by land from the south of our border. Thousands of containers were now positioned all around the port cities and other desired cities, waiting.

24 hours after the initial nuclear attack, once again in the early morning, these containers released their deadly cargo into the air. The weather did the job of spreading the toxins with the wind. Our atmosphere was now a toxic potion of nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare clouds. As these clouds traveled across our nation they would drop their payload of death in the rain or the wind as it blew over the land. The effects of these clouds did not take long to achieve their desired goals. Within a week, most of the people in this once great nation were dead or dying.

No one would be coming to our aid for now. Our enemies planned to eliminate us and soon afterwards turn their attention on our former allies. Our European, Asian, South Pacific, African, and South of our border allies would be dealt with later on in one form or another. For now, all of us were in national and self-preservation mode.


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In our enemies’ ports and airfields, they were loading troops, equipment, mercenaries, and homegrown terrorist groups onto ships and planes. All of them had the same destination, America.

Paratroopers and Special Forces were dropped in on coastal ports, airports, oil fields, and oil refineries all up and down the East, West, and Gulf coasts. This was done to secure these vital assets for our enemies own use. Once these assets were secure along with any useful operators of these assets, the buildup of soldiers, equipment, and supplies could begin. The big push to eliminate all traces of America and her people would start soon.

Israel’s conflict

Israel was the only nation that was paying attention and preparing for war. Their spies and intelligence agents heard the chatter of war with America and they took the chatter seriously. Our naïve President and his cohorts were busy with their own agenda and not paying any attention to these warnings. In fact, our President had done his best to show his disdain for Israel and to marginalize them. They knew they stood alone now.


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Israel had spent the last twenty years preparing and spending huge fortunes on the stockpiling of supplies and weaponry for their defense. Being surrounded by your enemies who constantly call for your destruction and threaten your existence tends to make you take all threats seriously.

Our mutual enemies, while launching a nuclear attack on us, had launched a few nuclear missiles at Tel Aviv. Patriot missiles that we had sold Israel after the first Gulf War shot these threats down quickly over Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea. A massive conventional war lay in their future.

Israel was in this war now and on the hunt all over the Middle East for those that would make war with them. I know I would not want to be on Israel’s hunt down and kill list. Many of the Middle East leaders went into hiding.

The “Great Satan” is what our enemies called America. Israel, who was called the “Little Satan,” knew that if America were to be destroyed, they would be next on the list.

Israel was on the offensive. They searched out and destroyed all those that would make war with them. This was done quickly and efficiently.

Only token forces or a better description is sacrificial forces, were sent to fight Israeli forces and to keep Israel occupied and close to home. The agreement amongst our mutual enemies was that after America was destroyed, the full force of Israelis’ enemies would be turned on Israel.

Israel knew this and continued to prepare while simultaneously finding and eliminating threats wherever they were found. Israel, like our other remaining friends were now completely on their own. There would be no cavalry coming


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from America to their rescue. And we could not expect the same from them.

In our own land, our nation’s capitol was gone. Just to make sure, three twenty-five kiloton nuclear warheads were used on the city. One of the warheads exploded over the Capitol Building, another exploded over the Lincoln Memorial and the last over the Pentagon. Nothing but rubble, fires, and death were in the city dedicated to our first President.

The President and his cabinet had flown to their secret and safe bunker located somewhere in the center of the country. This was done under heavy military escort all the way there. While there he would try to re-establish the government and command the military. Things at this time looked pretty grim.

Our once great military, the greatest in the history of the world, was now all but non-existent. Our troops that had been stationed over seas in all parts of the world had all been destroyed in the first wave of attacks. Our bases here in the States had not faired much better. Many bases were destroyed by the same first wave of attacks. Most of the Air Force bases were able to get most of their planes in the air before the missiles arrived. The transports took everyone and everything they could with them.

The Navy had most of their assets out to sea when the attack occurred. Our enemies wanted to use these naval ports, so they only used short life chemical weapons on these docks. This gave the Navy some time to seal their remaining ships and get them out to sea.

The invasion of our nation could now begin. All up and down the East, West, and Gulf coasts our enemies continued


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to build up their forces and their stockpiles of weapons and supplies. While this was going on they would send out small units to probe the surrounding areas. They were waiting for the areas hit the hardest by the various weapons to cool down and become safe to travel into. They would soon push as hard as they could into our nation and begin their war of genocide.

While searching in some of the cooler areas these recon units would come across some survivors. These poor souls were terminated on sight. There were no exceptions. Men, women, and children were all killed immediately.

The final solution for the American Problem was simple. Using overwhelming force, they would drive the survivors and any opposition before them in huge sweeping patterns.

They would then terminate the life of all those that fell behind or by the wayside. There would be no quarter given or prisoners taken. Our enemies had a plan, and it seemed as if there was no one to stop them. We were still here though.

Our enemies began their push within a month of the first attack. The East Coast and Gulf Coast armies started to fan out moving west. There were many Americans still alive even after all the weapons had been used on them. When found, these American lives were snuffed out.

Rumors were swarming around the country. You might be lead to dismiss most of these rumors as farfetched, but the atrocities by our enemies and the destruction of our once great nation were much worse than the rumors. The only accurate rumor was that it was still safe in the Rocky Mountains. Mountains have always been a place of refuge and safety throughout the history of man. This is where we waited. For the last several years, we have been stockpiling


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all forms of supplies and defensive hardware. We knew this is where we would make our stand against tyranny and extinction.

After the first wave of attacks, those in the military that knew we were here in the Rockies started to send us massive amounts of weaponry. They looked to us as their finial fallback position or their place to take their last stand. We were busy building our own defensive positions with traps and ambushes.

The military was fighting or should I say harassing the enemy every chance they had. There was just so many of our enemy and with so few in numbers on our side, an all out attack was not in the cards. So we just tried to slow our enemy’s progress so that more weaponry and people could escape to the Rockies. This is where we, as a nation, would make our final stand.

The Political Side Our country was in total shambles. Our cities with

buildings that once touched the clouds were now rubble a few yards tall. Our civilian leadership was all but gone. The President and a few of his cabinet along with a few members of Congress were all that remained. Air Force One was now the only seat of civilian government remaining and was now constantly on the move staying ahead of the enemy. Our President still believed he could negotiate a peaceful end to this conflict with the enemy. This is just what our enemy wanted him to believe.


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A cease-fire was called for by our enemies. They desired to sit down and negotiate an end to hostilities. This was agreed to by our civilian leadership. Our leadership went to the talks with nothing to offer. Our enemies demanded our unconditional surrender. No other terms would be discussed of accepted.

These so-called peace talks were broadcast to the entire world. It was necessary to show the world that America was defeated and begging for mercy. This would make subduing the rest of the world much easier. Our President and what was left of our Congress agreed to the surrender. Our enemies now had what they needed.


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The broadcast of the President signing the surrender agreement was beyond belief to us. The funny thing was that when our President ordered the military to surrender and all civilians to lay down our arms and surrender, he really thought that he was our ruler and we were nothing more than his subjects. He was gravely mistaken. The people of this nation are the ones in charge, not him. We will never surrender.

Our enemies had hoped that the signing of the surrender would reduce the harassment that they were receiving from our reduced in size military and we the people. As far as we were concerned, this fight had only just begun.

We the people were not about to disappear from off the face of the earth without a fight. We asked the military to ignore the order from the President and fight on with us at their side. They agreed to fight on with us and they would ignore the orders from their now former Commander in Chief. They would fight for the Constitution, freedom, theirs and their fellow Americans lives, and follow the will of the people.

The people would soon be choosing a new leader to command the military. He would be one of them. He too took his oath to defend this nation against all invaders seriously.

We sat, watched, and listened in stunned silence to this surrender broadcast but only for a moment. It is hard to believe, but this President did not understand or comprehend what America was all about. All those years of associating with his anti-American friends had warped his understanding of America. Maybe he thought that by surrendering to our enemy the war would end and lives could be saved. Maybe he thought he could retain some form of power within this


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new structure. This President has always been about himself and changing things to suit his beliefs. After the signing, the cameras were turned off and our President was allowed to leave.

No further appearances or orders were ever made by this President. Air Force One sped down the runway and as it lifted off, three shoulder fired surfaces to air missile hit Air Force One. What was left of our leadership was now completely gone. As Air Force One went down in flames, the F-15 escorts were shot down at the same time. All loose ends were now tied up. This information was not made known at this time. But like all secrets, the secret got out sooner rather than later. The President was of no further use to our enemies. They had what they needed. They thought this broadcast would help them.

As we watched the President sign the surrender papers, all of us throughout the Rocky Mountains knew we could not quit. We are Americans. We do not quit, especially on our own soil. We do not surrender. Death in the fight for freedom is preferred over slavery. Our will and our spirit will not be broken.

With the President and all other federal leaders dead, the States were now on their own. The Governors that were still alive assembled together and got organized. The Governors and acting Governors of the states assembled and elected a Chief Governor to lead the nation and have one person to whom the military and National Guard could answer to.

The Chief Governor that was elected was a retired colonel in the army and the governor of Missouri. He was also a very spiritual man dedicate to his God. This would be


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critical from here on out. We now believed that we had our own George Washington. He would not disappoint us or our nation.

In the Rocky Mountains, the Prophet in Utah was admonishing the survivors to repent and turn back to their God. He promised mighty miracles to our nation and its people if we would turn back to our God. He was not the only church leader admonishing their flocks to repent and turn back to God for help. In fact, church leaders not crying repentance and a return to God were not found in all the land.

The Chief Governor met with the religious leaders and asked for their prayers and guidance to help him save this nation. Though the Chief Governor was not a member of his church, the Chief Governor asked the Prophet from Utah to inquire of God what He would have him do. The God of this land instructed the survivors to fast, repent, have faith, pray, and be humble and the God of this land would deliver them. The God of this land loves all people of all faiths and will watch over them and protect them if they would but keep His commandments.


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Counter Attack

The Prophet of God from Utah instructed the Chief Governor on the will of God and how to defeat our enemies.

The West Coast enemies were to be kept pinned down at the coastal areas as much as possible. The armies of the Gulf Coast and East Coast were to be harassed but allowed to stretch their armies from north to south and bring them to the base ofthe Rockies. This harassment was to give our people and military more time to flee to the Rocky Mountains and prepare.

It was difficult to get an actual and exact count on how many people were still alive and in the Rocky Mountains. It was estimated that we had 25 to 40 million people left in this country. What had we done to ourselves? Some 300 hundred


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million of our fellow countrymen were gone. We know that the pride of our people and the corruption that we accepted as normal in our government was an abomination in the sight of our God. This land, which is a land of promise and is most precious above all other lands on Earth, was saved for us by God. In return we were to worship God, keep His commandments, and be a light to the world on how freedom was every individual person’s right.

How did we worship God? We let the tyranny of the black robes use our own Constitution against us and they kicked God out of our schools, out of our government, and to much effect, out of our lives. We have or have allowed to be killed some 50 million of his unborn children. We elected evil men to represent us when all they were concerned about was power and influence. We elected or allowed to be appointed many judges to office who would destroy our sacred Constitution instead of electing guardians for that sacred document. We had failed our Founding Fathers, our God, and ourselves. We had sown the seeds of our own destruction. And we have now reaped our crop of despair and destruction.

Oh America, how could we have willfully gone so far into the pit that Satan dug for us? How could such a delightsome people become so engrossed in iniquity? Why would the God of this land listen to our cries and prayers for deliverance? Can we change and become the people He expects us to be?

We promised our God we would change and we would do better if we would be allowed to do so. It is sad to note that sometimes the only way to bring a people to repentance is to bring them face to face with their own destruction.


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Those nations that humble themselves and repent will be saved. Those that do not are destroyed.

Our God heard our cries and prayers for deliverance from our enemies. He accepted our promises to keep His commandments and worship only Him. He accepted our sacrifices of a contrite spirit and our humility. In all, He accepted us back into His fold and under His protective wing. He would soon fight our battles for and with us.

The constant harassment by our military on our West Coast enemies had kept them close to the coast line. Our enemies’ armies were hoping that their armies on the plains would soon take some of the heat off of them. We were only giving token resistance to the armies on the plains as instructed by our Chief Governor and focusing most of our attention on our enemies West Coast armies. Our tactics were working.

If you look at things from the point of view of man and the arm or flesh, you would think that you were close to victory and your final solution of these Americans. When your enemies’ armies are surrounded and all you have to do is close the circle and fight to the center between you probably feel as if you only need to close the vise. In most cases you would be correct.

The other way to look at this is through the eyes of faith and trust in God. His arm is the arm of a loving God. No matter our station or condition in life His arm is always stretched out to us. He is the one who is always aware of his children and their needs. Hopefully we have taken His hand in time and we will be worthy of His great power and miracles.


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All the while our heavy assault on the armies on the West Coast was going on, for our intention was to keep them close to shore, the eastern armies were now within sight of the Rocky Mountains. They had traveled many miles but they had not had to fight and be harassed as much as their West Coat allies. They paused to rest and gather their strength.

As a student in architecture class I still remember a saying that was written on the black board by the teacher. It read, “On the plains of hesitation lie the countless bones of those armies who on the brink of victory sat down to rest.” I do not know who the author was. I do know the meaning and impact it had on me throughout my life.

We traveled to the east side of the Rockies as we were instructed and made our preparations for battle as instructed by our leaders. As I looked down at this massive army gathering on the plains, I recalled this saying from some thirty years before. I would soon witness Gods matchless power brought to bear on our enemies.

The Prophet from Utah instructed us to fast and pray for the God of this land to directly intervene in this war. We were told that the authority to act in God’s name had been given to his followers. While many of us prayed and plead for His help, some of these men went forward raising their arms and said some words. They directed their words and actions at our enemies.

To prove Gods matchless power, out of clear skies and with our enemies’ weathermen forecasting sunny and clear skies all up and down the Rocky Mountains, the largest and darkest clouds any of us had ever seen gathered over the plains.


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These clouds were not moving through with a weather front they were just gathering and growing darker. It was like a scene out of the Ten Commandments movie when the clouds gathered and the Red Sea parted. There would be no sea opening up to allow Moses and the children of Israe to escape from Pharaoh, just clouds and in these clouds, the wrath of God.

The wind and the rain were falling all while the clouds were gathering. The hail started to fall shortly after the rain started to fall. This hail started out small but within minutes it grew to baseball size and was growing even larger. It is not difficult to imagine the effects on people and equipment that cantaloupe sized ice falling thousands of feet has. Some of this ice was even the size of bowling balls.

On the plains there is little if no shelter if you are caught out in the open. Our enemies’ soldiers began fighting with each other for the only real safe places to hide. They were fighting for the safety in the tanks and armored personnel carriers. There is only so much room in and under these vehicles. Those soldiers in and under these vehicles were safe but only for a short while. Many of their comrades were already gravely injured of dead.

The wind and clouds started to swirl. These winds were on the magnitude of one hundred plus miles an hour. Many of us saw the tell-tale sign of what was coming next. Like evil black fingers coming down from the darkness the tornadoes slowly descended to the ground and in the midst of our enemy. The tornadoes lifted the fifty plus ton tanks and armored personnel carriers along with the soldiers hiding in and under them and tossed them around as a child would throw Hot Wheels cars.


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All up and down the plains the hail, wind, and tornadoes were attacking and destroying our enemies on our behalf. As we watched this scene of destruction before us we prayed and praised Gods matchless power. He was not finished yet.

The radio traffic by our enemies was massive. As the west coast armies listened to their comrade’s report of the terror and destruction that was happening to them, a common phrase used by many of our enemies at this time over the radios was, “how do we fight their God?” The West Coast armies while listening to these broadcasts thought how lucky they were not to be on the plains with their comrades. Their concerns were the constant attacks and harassment by our forces. The West Coast armies would not be spared the wrath of God.

After a final massive offensive to keep our enemies close to the coastline our ground forces were drawn back many miles into the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range portions of the Rocky Mountains. The air force kept the pressure on the enemy to keep them pinned down close to the coast. This would give our ground forces time to retreat deep into the mountains.

With the screams from the East Coast armies still in their ears and minds, our enemy looked out towards the ocean as the sound of thunder rumbled out in the Pacific Ocean. Massive black clouds moved towards the West Coast. These clouds moved in quickly towards land then stopped moving about fifty miles inland. The entire coast line was now covered in a thick black covering of clouds.

The rain started falling lightly then began to build in intensity. The rain did not stop for two days. This may not


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have seemed to be that dangerous at first but this was a rain of several inches an hour. As bad as this much rain can be, due to flooding and landslides, the worst was yet to come.

Deep in the ocean 100 miles off the west coast of North America the “big one” hit. A magnitude ten plus earthquake lifted the ocean floor several feet the entire length of the West Coast. This would generate the mother of all tsunamis.

Traveling at 500 miles an hour in open water, it took less than fifteen minutes for this monster to reach our shore. There was no time to prepare or any safe place to travel to. It rose up out of the ocean the closer it got to shore. It grew to over 100 feet in height. The wave and surge behind it would travel many miles inland. This wave picked up and carried our enemies’ ships, supplies, equipment, and all personnel some twenty miles inland. Most would never be found.

This ocean born earthquake and tsunami happened at the same time massive earthquakes were happening all up and down the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range Mountains. These mountain earthquakes ran along the same line as the clouds and the rain. God was showing again his matchless power in directing the elements of the earth to follow his will.

The mud slides triggered by the earthquakes and aided by the rain was on a scale never believed possible. Rain, mud, and earth all sliding down from the mountains to the coasts as a tsunami was pouring in from the coast to the mountains and in the middle, our enemies being swept off the land before our eyes. It was now the West Coast armies turn to cry out by radio to their leaders, “How can we fight their God?”


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On the third day the clouds began to break up and move on. The earthquakes had lasted for about three hours. Some say it was longer, some say it was shorter. Let us say it was about three hours that the ground shook.

On both sides of the Rockies our enemies’ armies were almost completely destroyed. Those that had been spared were in no condition to wage war. Back in their native countries, their leaders and commanders sat stunned and stared at one another. The only radio traffic was that of men calling for help. They still did not comprehend how their massive armies could be destroyed so quickly and by an unseen being.

These leaders sat, wondered, and questioned each other if they thought this God of the Americans would seek vengeance on them and visit them in their countries in His wrath. The blame game was now on amongst our enemies leaders. They might even turn on each other one day.

On the plains, there were very few tanks, armored personnel carriers or any other vehicles still in working order. The soldiers that had survived were all in some degree of shock. Two days of hail, wind, and tornadoes had destroyed almost all of their fellow soldiers. Soldiers and weapons of war were strung all over the plains. Looking through our binoculars we could see some movement among the rubble. Now it was time for us to make our move.

The God of this land through His Prophet instructed our leaders that we were to begin our attack. As we moved forward, loud speakers instructed our enemies to lay down their weapons and leave our land or face total destruction. This message was repeated to our enemies in their several languages. Most listened and obeyed the instructions they


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were given. Some decided to seek vengeance for their fallen comrades. It was the wrong decision.

Our armies marched forth. The Army, Marines, and the National Guard units were bolstered by our militias and ordinary citizens who had picked up a weapon and went to defend their country. We had a great army now and we were on Gods side. Our enemies that had quit the fight and walked away from the line were left alone to flee back to their native countries. Those that did want to fight were overwhelmed and destroyed.

We had been instructed to push them back to port cities. There they were to board their ships and go back to their homes. The leaders of our enemies were told to send ships to certain port cities to pick up their survivors. They would receive safe passage to the ships as long as they did not try any deceptions. They followed these instructions fearing the further wrath of our God upon them. Within a month, all of our enemies had left our land and gone home.

We allowed those who asked for asylum to stay and live in our country if they would take an oath to become one of us and never war with us again. Many took this oath and wanted to live in a nation of freedom and whose God protects them.

While escorting our enemies to the coastal ports, the march across this nation revealed how much destruction was done to our land. As the last of our enemies boarded their ships and left we knew we had much work ahead of us. We built this nation once before and we can do it again.

Before the people had left the Rocky Mountains and started going back to their home states, a day of thanks and fasting was declared to praise the God of this land who had


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defeated our enemies with His matchless power. We also asked Him for His help in rebuilding our nation and a more perfect union.

A New Beginning

At the conclusion of the war the Chief Governor resigned his post and returned his authority back to the individual state Governors. He had served his nation and the people with honor and distinction and they would not forget him. We now had a man that would bring balance to our political future. We did not know this at this time.

The people drew up, voted for, and placed an acknowledgement before the preamble to our constitution. This was made part of our constitution by unanimous consent. It read: We the people of the United States acknowledge, affirm, and proclaim that God, the God of


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this land has rightful claim to this Promised Land. We further affirm that this land is to be used for His glory. We covenant with the God of this land that we will follow and keep his commandment in doing unto others, as we would have done unto ourselves.

The people also voted to reaffirm our constitution in its original form and elected delegates to stay behind for a Constitutional Convention and reform and re-establish a small Federal Government.

Elections for federal and state offices were set for the following year. Due to distances to be traveled and a disrupted transportation system, the delegates from Hawaii and Alaska arrived a few weeks later and the real work was now ready to begin.

The governor of Missouri was asked to moderate this Constitutional Convention. Each session was opened and closed with a prayer. All religions were asked to participate. All religions and their prayers were respected. Even those that professed to not believe in a God were respected and given their time to speak.

Several weeks earlier the people of this nation had voted to reaffirm the constitution in its original form. All amendments after 1791 and additional amendments were to be reviewed, discussed, and voted upon. This meant that all amendments from the eleventh amendment on were brought to the floor and debated. The discussions and debate were strong and passionate, but they were always respectable. These debates were necessary so we could amend and correct any previous problematic amendments.

The debates in this country had changed from what the Federal Government should do for us, to how small and


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efficient could we make the Federal Government. This was a wonderful change for all of us Constitution and Libertarian Party members.

After much discussion and debate it was decided to leave all amendments in the Constitution and not change or delete them in any way. We felt that it was important for future generations to see the changes in our constitution and leave these scars as a reminder.

All amendments from this point on would clarify, reaffirm, or repeal our past amendments. Now the real work could begin. What should we begin with? Perhaps an added preamble for our added amendments would be appropriate along with our explanations on why we added these new amendments. You might say these are new Federalist Papers.

We the delegates of this Constitutional Convention and We the people of the United States, in order to ensure the freedom and liberty of this nation and its citizens, do reaffirm our Constitution in its entirety. We also adopt these new amendments to limit the grasp of power from our Federal Government which was the cause of our destruction. Let liberty and freedom reign on this land forever.

Amendment XXVIIILife, liberty, private property, and the pursuit of

happiness are the rights of all individuals, including the unborn. The Federal Government is prohibited from funding or participating in any form of abortions.


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Congress is prohibited from funding, creating, or operating any agency or cabinet office not explicitly authorized by constitutional amendment. These cabinet and agencies include but are not limited to the following Cabinet Departments: Education, Labor, Home Land Security, Health and Human Services, Interior, Agriculture, Environmental Protection, Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs. Other sub-agencies and departments that are prohibited are the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, Indian Affairs, Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Reserve, the Public Broadcast System, the National Endowment for the Arts, a Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Transportation Safety Board, the Bureau of Land Management, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and all other sub agencies and departments that fall under any of these prohibited agencies.

Amendment XXIX It is the sole responsibility of Congress to value U.S.

currency. All currency will be backed fully by gold, silver, platinum or other precious metals. All currency in circulation will be equivalent in value to the precious metals that are backing them.


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Congress shall set the denominations for the U.S. currency.

A Federal Reserve Board or central United States bank is strictly prohibited.

The United States tax code shall be limited to two pages in length. With regard to the sixteenth amendment, the Federal Government can only tax individuals, businesses, corporations, and any other for-profit entity a maximum of ten percent on their gross income. These taxes are payable to the U.S. Treasury each month from each individual or for-profit entity. The withholding of payroll taxes by employers is prohibited. A progressive or tiered tax system is prohibited. All individuals and for profit entities will pay the same percentage of taxes regardless of income. There are no exemptions, no credits and no deductions recognized in this tax code. All tax codes will be written in plain English and not legal terminology.

Amendment XXX All spending bills will be for constitutional

programs. No discretionary or earmark spending will be permitted as amendments to any spending bills. No spending bill will be longer than five pages in length. All spending bills will be written in plain English and not legal terminology. All bills will stand alone on the program they fund.

Term limits for Representatives to the House of Representatives shall be two terms or four years maximum. The term limit for United States Senators shall


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be two terms or twelve years maximum. The gerrymandering of Federal districts is strictly prohibited.

The Seventeenth Amendment is hereby repealed.

Amendment XXXI

The time limit for Congress to be in session is 120 days total per year. The President may call Congress back to session to deal with a national emergency or to declare war. While in session a member of Congress shall be paid a maximum of the U.S. average citizen’s weekly income per week. No member of Congress shall receive a pension or healthcare paid for by the taxpayer.

This amendment takes precedent over other amendments on Congressional pay and privileges.

Regarding the First Amendment and free speech, individual citizens can support and donate as much time and money as they wish to the candidates of their choice. There shall be full disclosure of who donates and the amount of their donation made public by the candidates.

Corporations, businesses, political action groups, and all other groups or coalitions are prohibited from donating money to candidates for Federal office. Businesses and groups may endorse candidates.

Lobbyists for all groups are prohibited from contacting and conducting any business with any Federal agency or Representative.

Congress is answerable and limited to representing the individual citizen and the sovereign states.


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Amendment XXXIIExecutive orders issued by the President are

prohibited by this Constitution except for the military and constitutionally authorized Agencies and Departments. This Constitution reaffirms the authority of the President to grant pardons and commute sentences for federal crimes. The Senate will confirm or remove all recess appointments immediately upon their return from recess.

With regards to the First Amendment on freedom of religion, the Federal Government is prohibited from involving itself in any issue of religion. Federal courts are prohibited from hearing or ruling on any religious issue.

The States are free to be involved in religious issues as long as no discrimination of any religion is allowed.

Amendment XXXIIIAll land within the United States, not privately held

is the property of the individual states. All land that is needed by the Federal Government

must be purchased or leased from the states. These purposes must be for a constitutional purpose. These purposes may be, but are not limited to the National Capitol, post offices, federal courthouses, and military bases.

The United States will be a friend and trading partner with all peaceful nations around the world.

The United States will in preference, negotiate trade agreements and treaties with foreign governments that


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are democratically elected by their citizens. Monarchies and dictatorships will be shunned in these agreements.

The United States is prohibited from joining, funding or participating in the United Nations or any similar organization.

The United Sates is prohibited from recognizing or adopting any United Nation or similar organizations resolutions, mandates or policies.

The United States is prohibited from building or allowing to be built any United Nation or similar organizations buildings on U.S. soil.

Congress is prohibited from funding any financial foreign aid.

Amendment XXXIVAll federal courts and judges are prohibited from

judicial activism.No remedies may be issued regarding constitutional

issues.It is the responsibility of the Legislative Branch to

seek remedies on federal issues.The Judicial Branch shall issue a ruling and an

opinion on federal and constitutional issues only.The Supreme Court will review and rule on all laws

passed by the Legislature and signed by the President within six months of the previous legislative session.

The Supreme Court will validate or overturn these laws using this United States Constitution as its sole standard and guide.


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Congress is encouraged to institute common sense loser pay tort reform laws.

The United States is prohibited from placing, operating, or maintaining military bases in foreign nations. The purchasing of foreign land and claiming the land as U.S. Territories and placing bases on these lands is permitted.

In time of war, bases can be placed, operated, and maintained in foreign nations until conclusion of said war. These bases will then be shut down and all forces will return to U. S. soil.

United States soldiers are prohibited from fighting for foreign nations or organizations.

United States soldiers are prohibited from being placed under foreign commanders or organizations.

Congress will fully fund a modern military and set the pay of everyone in the military.

Amendment XXXV

With regards to the Fourteenth Amendment on citizenship, you are a citizen of the United States if you are born in the United States and one or both of your parents are citizens or legal residents in the United States. You are not a citizen of this nation if you are born in this nation and one or both of your parents are here illegally and are subjects of another nation. Illegal aliens are not entitled to any U.S. Constitutional rights, or any Federal, State, or Local government programs.

Congress will institute heavy fines and penalties for businesses who hire individuals that are in this country


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unlawfully. Congress will also institute heavy fines and penalties on those individuals who are in this country unlawfully.

American English is the official language of the United States.

All federal laws and correspondence will be in American English only.

Regarding the commerce clause in the constitution, the role of the Federal Government within this clause is limited to regulating tariffs and trade with other countries. Congress will be the arbitrator of trade disputes between states and will not allow states to impose tariffs between states or between states and foreign countries. The Federal Government’s responsibility within the commerce clause is to ensure the honesty within the stocks, securities, and commodity markets.

It is also the Federal Governments responsibility within the commerce clause to not allow monopolies.

The Federal Government is prohibited from regulating or owning any for-profit business.

The Federal Government is expected to stay out of the free market and only punish those who have been dishonest or seek to destroy the free market system.

Congress is prohibited from setting any wages in the United States. The only exception would be federal employees.

Congress is prohibited from bailing out, subsidizing, or participating in any government sponsored entity or partnership or making loans to any private business.


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Amendment XXXVIThe federal budget of the United States will be

balanced.Deficit spending is prohibited unless war or natural

disaster is declared. All debt must be paid back in full within five years

of war ending or national emergency ending.Federal employee unions are prohibited. Healthcare

plans or retirement plans for federal employees are prohibited.

A federal retirement system for the citizens of the United States is prohibited.

A federal medical care system for the citizens of the United States is prohibited.

A federal welfare system is prohibited. A federal food stamp program is prohibited.A federal housing program is prohibited.

Amendment XXXVII

Congress is authorized to purchase, build, operate, and maintain a new capitol for the Federal Government.

Congress is authorized to purchase land, build, operate, and maintain monuments, museums, concert halls, and other buildings within the nation’s capitol city limits. All building, operating, and maintaining of federal buildings is to be done within a balanced budget.

The United States is a nation based on a representative republic. This nation’s economy is a capitalist, free market driven economy.


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The Federal Government is to follow the Constitution and Natural Law in its federal law making process.

The following forms of government and economic controls are prohibited: progressivism, socialism, fascism, communism, and any other forms of government that places the Federal Government above the individual or the sovereign states.

Amendment XXXVIIIThe Federal Government is prohibited from

enacting hate crime laws or minority based legislation including affirmative action, group based or disability-based laws.

A military draft or any other compulsory federal service is prohibited.

The census will only be for the purpose of counting U.S. citizens and legal residents and obtaining the age of those people for voter information. Questions of race, gender, nationality, marital status, income or any personal information is prohibited.

The United States only recognizes marriage as defined as between a man and a woman.

It is prudent that we explain our reasoning behind each of our new amendments to this constitution. We refer to this section with respect as our own Federalist Papers. They are listed and referenced by amendment number. Amendment XXVIII


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All life is precious and is to be protected.In the past the Federal Government and the Supreme

Court involved themselves in what was clearly a States issue. With this amendment the Federal Government is now actively involved in protecting the lives of the unborn. Though there may be some exceptions to this amendment such as the life of the mother, rape, or incest, abortion should not be used as a form of contraceptive. There are options for an unplanned pregnancy. A death sentence for an unborn human being due to the poor choices of the mother and father is immoral.

The States should consider these points carefully when implementing restrictions and penalties for those who involve themselves with these hideous acts.

Even though a strong argument could be made for why

we need each of the federal agencies listed, an equally strong and much more convincing argument can be made on why we do not need these federal agencies. Since it is the first and foremost responsibility of the Federal Government to protect the citizens, some federal agencies are left intact. These are the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard, Border Patrol, Immigration, Customs, and the National Security Agency.

The states are more than able to govern and provide any of the services that the people of those states require or desire.

We will use an example to describe how the states can work for their own interests and at the same time benefit from the cooperation with the other states. We will use the existing federal highway system for this example.


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In the past the Federal Government would collect taxes on every gallon of fuel purchased by the consumer for their vehicles. The Federal Government would decide where to spend your tax dollars. If you did not comply with every other government mandate such as the E.P.A., you would not get your tax dollars back to fix your roads. This was arrogant and tyrannical on the part of our government.

Now the States will have to work together to maintain or to expand our highway system. This would be based on the desire for further commerce and the desires of the citizens of those states. Local control and accountability is always better than a bureaucrat thousands of miles away making decisions for you and your money.

If the States wish to fund and operate agencies similar to the F.A.A., E.P.A., C.D.C., Transportation and others, they may do so. They are able to form their own boards to oversee these needs.

We do not believe this will always be a perfect system, but local and state leaders along with their citizens will solve any problems that arise quickly.

Amendment XXIXThe original Constitution assigns the roles of valuing

our currency to Congress. This Amendment reaffirms this role and further defines the responsibilities of Congress in these matters. This Amendment also prohibits Congress from passing their responsibilities on to any un-constitutional entity.

In any financial downturn, the Federal Government must be the first to trim their budgets. We believe that by eliminating a central bank, and allowing twelve un-elected


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individuals to set interest rates for our nation, economic bubbles can be minimized and the effects of these downturns shortened in duration.

We believe that balance and moderation in all matters are of great importance to this nation.

We declare that if all men are created equal, then all men are to be taxed equally. We are also agreed that there should not be any form of punishment incurred by an individual or business for success in the Capitalist system.

We believe that some form of taxation is necessary for the operation of the Federal Government. The taxes collected are for constitutionally authorized agencies and expenses.

We exhort Congress to treat the peoples’ money with respect and reverence.

Amendment XXXWe have witnessed the ability of Congress to spend the

peoples’ money for their own benefit and re-elections. This amendments intent is to limit the spending and the scope of influence Congress has on the people.

We desire that there should not be any career politicians. The constant turnover of people and their ideas are critical to a representative republic. This would also help to eliminate too much influence and power in any person or party. Only those who wish to serve their fellow man should seek office.

The wisdom of our Founding Fathers must be brought back in to our Constitution. The Seventeenth Amendment has been a failure to this nation. The States have not been protected from the never-ending wants and desires of the


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public. We hope this Amendment inhibits the Federal Government from attempting to bully the sovereign states.

Amendment XXXIIt is necessary for the Congress to do the work for the

people and the states. We also believe that it is more important that these representatives spend a majority of their time in their own states and districts interacting and listening to the people and the state legislatures.

Our leaders should work in the private sector for their own support, retirement, and healthcare.

We believe in term limits and time limits for all politicians and legislative sessions.

Except for a few mentions in the Constitution there are no group or business rights in our Constitution. All rights are vested in the individual and States not the group or business. Only the individual can vote, therefore the group or business should not overrun the individual’s rights.

Congress is answerable only to the citizen and the sovereign states. Lobbyists for groups and business are not needed. Since business and individuals are all taxed at a constitutionally mandated equal percentage, and there are no federal subsidies, the lobbying for special treatment and tax breaks for any group or business is not needed.

Amendment XXXII We do not elect a king or queen to issue decrees. The

only exception is the military and constitutionally authorized cabinet departments. The President is the commander in chief of that department. The Legislative branch is where all laws must begin.


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Prudence must be used by the President in all granting's of pardons and commutations.

We believe that recess appointments fall under un-constitutional executive orders.

We believe that the original intent of the “establishment clause” was to not allow an official church of the U.S.A. An official federal religion that is influenced by the Federal Government is not appropriate. A Federal Government that is influenced by all religion is appropriate.

The States may have an official church for their state. This may not be wise, but is allowed under state sovereignty. This was the norm by the states and our Founding Fathers after our constitutional founding. We believe that religious groups for a varied amount of uses may use government buildings.

Amendment XXXIIIWe believe that the size, scope, and influence of the

Federal Government must be limited further. The States must control the land within their own borders. The states must be free to use the resources within their borders to enhance their state and to allow the people to prosper. Competition in business and between the States will benefit all citizens. We believe that the states may find it necessary to negotiate new treaties with the Indian Nations within their state borders.

We have witnessed the Federal Government through the B.L.M. overreach their constitutional authority in land use programs.

We must pursue our own national interests and not the interests of any world organization. We will lead the world


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by example by being free and by protecting our own national interests and sovereignty. By setting the best example of freedom and economic liberty, many people in the rest of the world will desire to be similar to us.

We should be very careful when entering into treaties that might lead us into foreign entanglements. This would include N.A.T.O., A.N.Z.U.S., and other mutual protection treaties.

Amendment XXXIVFor too many years the Judicial Branch of government

has overstepped the authority the Constitution gives it and has been actively legislating from the bench. This must not be allowed. The separation of powers is too important for this nation’s existence.

Before any bill can pass into law a review must first be completed. In the past, laws would take years to pass through the judicial process. This would allow unconstitutional laws to do damage for years before they were reversed. We believe that a review of bills prior to becoming law will mitigate this damage and abuse to the citizenry. All citizens should be judged according to the law and the Constitution, not by activist judge’s philosophies. This Amendment should help the Senate weed out activist judges. We encourage the Senate to remove activist judges from the bench.

The expense and payments for military bases in foreign nations is misguided. Our military is to be kept home and only used for our national interests. We reaffirm that the


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Constitution fully authorizes the expense of a modern military.

All U.S. soldiers must know that they are fighting for their own country only and not fighting to correct any dispute between foreign nations.

Amendment XXXVOne of the most valuable gifts to Americans is our

citizenship. Granting our Constitutional rights to illegal aliens and enemy combatants degrades this precious gift of citizenship.

Immigration to this country must be controlled for the benefit of the citizens of this nation. Political reasons must not be used for the purpose of immigration laws.

We must be unified under one flag and one language in this nation. Only American English should be recognized in this nation as our language.

We believe that the commerce clause of the Constitution has in the past been abused by the Federal Government to regulate and manipulate the free market system of this nation. This has been nothing more than a power grab by those who wished to centrally plan and control the economy and people of this nation.

Our wish is that the states and the people will be free to promote and regulate their business activities the best way for themselves.

We do not believe that just because business is conducted across State lines the Federal Government can regulate it.


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We do not believe this amendment will damage the Commerce clause in the Constitution, but will further limit Congress’ ability to interfere in the free market.

Amendment XXXVIA national debt is immoral. Carrying any debt for more

than five years is in direct opposition to a free nation. We will never again pass on debt to our children and grandchildren. Multi-generational debt is tantamount to taxation without representation.

Congress shall set fair wages for all federal employees based on experience and longevity of service.

Self-reliance and determination is more important to the people of this nation than any other taxpayer entitlement program.

We believe that federal entitlement programs are nothing more than government enslavement.

This Amendment will further limit Congress’ ability to transfer wealth in this nation. We cannot saddle our citizens with the bill for social programs that never have, nor ever will deliver on promises made.

Amendment XXXVIIA new National Capitol for the Federal Government is

warranted and necessary. The original Constitution authorizes some of these building projects.

The building of other projects is authorized under the balanced budget amendment as long as actuary studies are conducted on the long-term expenses of these buildings.


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Great fiscal care must be taken when any Federal Government building project is undertaken.

By stating in no uncertain terms the type of government we are and the forms we will not allow ourselves to become, we will encourage much debate on any law that even appears to lean toward those forms of government not allowed.

Those people in this country that desire any of these prohibited forms of government can find them in some other country in this world. We encourage them to immigrate to those countries and live there in happiness.

Amendment XXXVIIIAny law that divides us into groups only divides us.

Crime is crime. The uniqueness of the victim should not change the penalty.

The census is only for counting the citizens and legal residents of this nation and proportioning representative districts.

People are free to choose their own lifestyles but we as

a nation will continue to maintain our traditional values in marriage.


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RatificationIt took several months to work out this amended

constitution. Careful debate and attention was paid to every detail so that the power grab by the Federal Government could not happen again. The delegates then had to agree on it and vote for it. Then the people and the states had to ratify it. Now all this was complete and the elections were only a couple of months away.

While the Constitutional Conventions was in session there were other forces at work. There were some who wanted to first form the government and then go through the ratification process. The delegates and an overwhelming


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majority of the people wanted the Constitution to be in place and in force prior to the election. The desire of the people and the delegates was that when the new President and the Congress were elected and seated, they would then be under the constraints of this new Constitution. This would not allow any back room dealings and stalling tactics to be used by the politicians.

Once again the American citizens showed their brilliance in not even allowing the possibility of the old political games to begin. These elected Representatives, state appointed Senators, and the President would do the work of the people within the limits and powers the people granted unto them. It was hoped that the Constitution would not be able to be used against the people again by power hungry politicians.

With over ninety percent of the people voting for the reaffirmation of the constitution and ratifying the new amendments any opposition was overcome with ease. It makes you wonder what the other ten percent are thinking and what they believed in. Had they not learned the lessons of our past?

Listening to the opposition and those who opposed the new amendments, it was amazing to listen to why some did not want to further limit the power of the Federal Government. These people brought up the same arguments that for the past one hundred years had been used to give overreaching power to the Federal Government.

It is important for the people to look back at our past mistakes and return to true freedom and liberty rather than any form of social or cultural security. Hopefully our descendents would never make our mistakes again and this


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new constitution will hopefully make it very difficult to repeat those mistakes. These may have been the very thoughts of those men in 1789 Philadelphia.

ElectionsEven with all the rebuilding and work it took just to

survive, the elections were upon us and eagerly anticipated. There had been many candidates in the primaries. The debates were vigorous and passionate. The two party system that ran the country prior to the economic collapse and war were no longer the main parties now. There were now four parties each with about 25 percent of the population.

The general election came and the political landscape had changed in a grand way. Very few from the two old parties garnered much support in the general election. The two new relevant parties were the Libertarian and


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Constitution parties. The way the government had been run in our past was about to totally change. For many of us it was a welcome change. We could only hope this change would be for the better and work to make it so.

By a huge majority the President was elected. He was the Governor from the great state of Missouri. He ran on the Libertarian party platform. This is the same Governor who had been elected to lead our nation through the war as Chief Governor and moderated the Constitutional Convention..

For the first time in memory he had chosen as his Vice Presidential running mate the Governor from the great state of Utah. The Governor from Utah was a registered Constitution party member and had worked valiantly with the Governor of Missouri on amending the new Constitution. They had a great deal of respect and love for the God of this land and for each other.

The Libertarians had secured most of the seats in both houses of Congress. This was followed by the Constitution party, the Republican Party, and with only a few seats in either house, the Democratic Party.

We knew that for the first time since our founding, and definitely in the last 100 years, the elected representatives would be working on how to keep the Federal Government small and powerless in most aspects of our lives.

On the state level the Libertarian and Constitution parties were just as victorious. Mighty miracles had taken place in America. The God of this land had saved us from total destruction. Parties that had once ruled this land were now relegated to minority party status. The sun was rising on America again and it felt great.


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After the election, the longest serving and one of the few surviving Federal Judges swore in the new President on January 20th. He then swore in the Vice President. The President swore in the House of Representatives and the Vice President swore in the Senate. Our Federal Government was now seated and ready to get to work.

In his Inaugural address, the President praised the God of this land for his matchless power and endless love and mercy. He asked the nation to set aside a day to fast and pray that they may show their thankfulness and gratitude to the God of this land. He also acknowledged that this nation and government was lead by, guided by, and the sole and rightful possession of the God of this land.

He acknowledged that we were temporary stewards of this land and would be answerable to Him on how we managed His affairs. We were also responsible for the care of this nation’s natural resources and would be answerable on how we treated each other.

No longer would the God of this land be relegated to a non-or-after thought. He would be acknowledged as to who He is. By whatever name the people of this nation called the God of this land, most would worship this God as they had in the past. Some would not. It was still their choice and right to believe and worship or to not believe in God. Each man was free to believe or not believe but neither could impose their beliefs on the other.


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Rebuild On January 22 the government went to work. They

have 120 days to get their work done. There was so much to do. First we needed to fund the government and establish a currency. There were still vast amounts of gold and precious metal reserves stored in this country. These storehouses contained thousands of pounds of gold, silver, and platinum. For now we would use the metal coins as currency and for payments.


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Gold StandardDuring the first session of the first Congress, it was

obvious that the process of placing a value to our currency was not going to be accomplished. A strict time limit of 120 days to fund all programs and make laws, along with confirming judges was just too short a timetable to do everything. This time table did keep our leaders focused though.

The Treasury Department was authorized to account for the total amount of gold and other precious metals they had in their possession. This was necessary so a dollar amount could be affixed to the precious metals. The Treasury department was also authorized to design and start printing


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currency, but the currency was not allowed to be put in circulation yet.

Upon adjourning the first session of Congress, the President asked Congress to deliberate and engage the people of their districts and the legislatures of the states for their ideas and suggestions. It was better to have too many ideas, rather than a few bad ideas. The people were asked to continue using precious metals, jewels, commodities and barter for trade and payments. He asked the people to be patient while the new government was getting up to speed working on the people’s business.

Over the next eight months, many ideas were brought to the representatives. Many in academia, business, state government, and ordinary citizens participated in how and for how much our currency should be valued.

With the mail and part of the Internet having been restored, the people were very involved with their government. A government of the people, by the people, and for the people now had an entirely new meaning from the past. Times had changed.

By the time the second session of the first Congress was called to order, most of the work on the valuing of our currency was done. Several ideas and concerns had made their way to the front of the line in consideration. The Congress brought the currency bill to the floor for debate, discussion, and amendment. One of the main concerns was how Congress would “fix” the problems that would occur with their valuing the currency.

The President worked directly with the House of Representatives and the Vice President worked directly with the Senate. After a few days of debate and discussion, it was


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done. The Congress placed a value on our currency. Above all, they vowed to keep it stable and strong. How did all this transpire?

The President had called for and was granted a joint session of Congress. He spoke of his belief and faith in the free people and the free markets of America. He spoke of how markets and the people would best determine the value of goods and services if left alone to do so. He acknowledged that it might very well be tumultuous for a short period of time. His belief was that if Congress would just value our currency and keep it stable, the people and the free markets would fix any problems quickly.

This solution, in the long, run would be better than any government remedy and instability. After the speech by the President, it only took twenty-four hours to place a value on our currency by Congress. Capitalism would soon be turned loose again in America.

Of course the solution was simple. We had overcomplicated the issue by worrying about the effects. We just needed to place the values on our currencies and get out of the way. The values were placed on our new currency like this:

One ounce of silver was worth one U.S. dollar.One ounce of palladium was worth two U.S. dollars.One ounce of gold was worth one hundred U.S. dollars.One ounce of platinum was worth one hundred twenty

five U.S. dollars.Our paper currency would only be two types, silver

certificates and gold certificates. The silver certificate denominations were one, five, ten, twenty, and fifty dollar


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notes. Each note was redeemable for the equivalent amount of silver ounces as the note.

The denominations of the gold certificates were one hundred, one thousand, and ten thousand dollar notes. Each note was redeemable for one, ten, or one hundred ounces of gold respectively.

The Treasury moved quickly to finish printing the new currency both paper and coin so as to get it into circulation.

Congress placed the value of all Federal Reserve Notes and coins minted prior to this date as worthless. Those people and governments that had this currency now had a large amount of collector’s items. Our new currency would soon emerge as the worlds trading currency again.

It took the Treasury department several months to get the new currency to the post offices. Both the banks and the people had to exchange or purchase the new currency at the post offices. The post offices were set up as the exchange offices even though the banks desired to be the exchange offices. This helped keep the post offices financially healthy. For their service, they were allowed to charge a two percent service charge.

The banks also had to purchase the new currency so they would be able to loan out this money. The reason the banks wanted to be the exchange offices for our currency was simple. It was for that two percent handling fee. They were just being Capitalists. It was decided to not let the banks be too involved in our money handling ever again.

At first there were some problems with the system, but within a couple months the people and the free market had made the necessary corrections. Wherever the state and local governments tried to solve these problems, it took longer, and


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even more problems arose due to government interference. The President and our Founding Fathers were right. The people and the free market will fix the problems if government will just get out of the way. True Capitalism is not pretty but it is efficient.

It should be mentioned that Congress had authorized the minting of coins also. These coins were familiar to us. They are the fifty-cent coin, the quarter, the dime, the nickel, and the penny.

Everyone felt the turbulence of this time period from the adjustments to our newly valued currency. The stocks, commodities, labor, and exchange markets in the U.S. and all around the world felt the impact of our new currency and financial system.

There were some who had accurately figured out the currency and exchange system. They did quite well in their investments. Others were not so talented in their investments and they lost some if not most of their wealth. Others were just careful and let the tide take them where it was going. Everyone was in the system whether they liked the system or not.

This was all very acceptable to us who are true believers in a free market. Creative destruction is the foundation of capitalism and the free market. Success can lead to more successes and failures make way for others to succeed. Like I said before, it is not pretty, but it is efficient.

Many nations were now moving as fast as they could to back their currencies with precious metals. This caused a roller coaster effect in the world markets as these nations valued their currencies against our currency. This was good


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from the stand point of speculators and traders. This meant more opportunity for trading and profit.

Pre Gold Standard Prior to our new currency being made, the people were using precious metals, gems commodities, and barter to rebuild this nation. This was not easy to do at first. As people became used to this different system they excelled in it. Part of the problem in working in this new system was that we had a nation that had regressed to the late 1800’s but we had a twenty-first century mental process in technology and luxuries.

All across the plains farmers were spreading out and the farm basket that had once fed the world was slowly starting to feed us. The rules were simple now; supply and demand


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drove the entire process. There were no bureaucrats telling you how much you can grow or paying you not to grow, or subsidizing your crops. You are on your own now.

Small towns were the norm now. The large cities that once spread out all over the land had all but disappeared. A large percentage of our Gulf Coast and East Coast oil refineries were still in tact. The earthquakes and tsunamis had destroyed most of the West Coast refineries. Our fuel system and delivery system was beginning to come back on line now.

Electricity was starting to be restored in many parts of the country. We started with the power plants and delivery systems that were still working or needed little repair to fix them and got them generating power again. The electrical grid system was starting to spread out and extend throughout the country. Private business and the states were funding all the costs of rebuilding our nation.

Before the elections we took a census and the final number of people still left in this land was just over 30 million. Only ten percent of our once populous nation had survived the war. The good thing is that the survivors were a very diverse group. There was also plenty of work and an empty land for us to fill. That would happen soon enough.

The earthquakes, tsunami, and rains that destroyed much of the West Coast had a much needed and beneficial effect on the coast. All the rains and earthquakes did more to unearth all manner of ore and energy supplies and bring them to the surface than mans total mining and exploration had accomplished in centuries. It seemed as if gold, silver, platinum, and other ores and energy deposits were only a few feet deep in the Earth. We basically had to just scoop them


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out. It was a common tale in Europe in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that the streets of America were paved in gold. Now it appears we have the resources to make that come true.

We had turned our lives back to our God and he had saved us. He also blessed us with what appears to be unlimited energy and mineral wealth. If we can just not grow prideful and turn our backs on God again, these resources will continue to be plentiful in this land. Are we able to enjoy such a blessing? That would be our future concern and hurdle for us to overcome. For now we needed to focus on rebuilding this nation.

The states were beginning to set up their own governments. The people in the states drew up their own constitutions and laws. Those people that had title to lands, houses, and buildings had all of their private property returned to them. All other lands and buildings were held by the state until these properties were sold or the owners could be found and their property returned to them. Any and all family had first claim to these private properties.

Now that there were no national parks or monuments, other than those located in our new capitol city, the states assumed possession of those former national parks and they would determine the future use of these properties. At most of them you would not see any change other than the uniform of those running the parks. Others were shut down until a future time when the state could afford to open them up again.

The natural resources of the states would be managed by the states. Some states would do a good job of this management; some would not be as successful. The one thing


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in common was that the people of the states would be in charge of fixing any mistakes.

Some states had more natural resources than others. The states that had more natural resources became very wealthy. The states that had fewer resources had the challenge of finding manufacturing, tourism, and service-based economies to participate in this new economy.

True capitalism and a market driven economy were about to start again in this nation. All states had something of value to offer and trade with the other states. As long as the state leaders stayed out of the way, this new system would flourish.

Meanwhile, while we were rebuilding our nation, the new Federal Government was always on the move. Security was important even after the miraculous victory over our enemies. There were many in the world that threatened us with revenge so to be safe we kept our leadership on the move for now.

It was decided that Washington D.C., after its destruction, would not be rebuilt and our new national capitol would be built closer to the center of our country. It was the desire of the people that our nation start fresh and new. Moving our national capitol to another state would fulfill this desire. Nebraska and Missouri were the two leading states being considered.

After a period of motions and debates the site of the new capitol city was still not determined. The Vice President made a very strong and passionate speech on why he felt the capitol should be in Missouri. As with George Washington, our current President had served his country, the Constitution, and his God in the deliverance of our nation


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from an overwhelming enemy. As a sign of gratitude and honor to the man, the great state of Missouri was awarded the honor of having the nation’s new capitol. The voice of the people endorsed this idea fully.

After touring the state for several days, a sight that was just a few miles from Independence, Missouri was chosen. The land chosen was two miles long and one mile wide. The state and people of Missouri agreed on a fair price for the purchase of this land.

We now had the land for our national capitol. The land was paid for in gold to the state of Missouri. Architects and engineers started designing the buildings and the layout of the city. The city was laid out similar but not exactly like Washington D.C.

Our national capitol was ready to be built. Congress was nearing its allowed time to be in session. The only real issues that Congress had to deal with was funding the military, the building of the new capitol, establishing a treasury and a new currency, and seating a new Supreme Court. The time limit kept them quite focused on the task at hand.

The time limit for Congress was up. Congress was adjourned and all members of Congress went back to their states and home districts. While in their home districts the members of Congress worked for their own support. The people interacted with their representatives on a daily basis. This was vital. The representatives had 245 days a year in their home districts to hear from the people they represented and served. Congress had made a few laws during the first session of our new Congress. The Supreme Court opened its first


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session in a temporary courthouse in Independence, Missouri. The laws that were made by Congress during the first Congress were brought before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court reviewed each law and determined the laws constitutionality. Each law was voted on by the Justices. The vote was listed along with the opinions from the Justices on why the law was constitutional. A listing of which part of the constitution the law was authorized by was also included. It was a brief but very satisfying first session for the Supreme Court.

It had been over a year since the expulsion of our enemies from our land. Our military had been busy protecting and staying on patrol. In the oceans, our navy always had five of our ten carrier task forces patrolling our coastlines. Two carrier task forces were always in motion up and down each coastline. One carrier task force patrolled from Hawaii to our U.S. territories in the Pacific Ocean. Our submarines were constantly out on patrol. Our ballistic submarines had been rearmed and sent out to there secret places around the world.

The Coast Guard had been increased in size and was very active in the ports and waterways along the coasts. All ships were boarded and inspected prior to being permitted into any port. The coasts were now well protected and secure.

The Army, Nation Guard, and Marines were also on constant patrol on our northern and southern borders. We finally finished building the fences on our borders. The military was on patrol along with the Federal Border Patrol. Everything coming into this country was inspected and everyone who came into this country was investigated. This was done to stop illegal immigration and ensure no further


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attacks could be launched against us from within our own borders. Some might think this was a little extreme, but the first and main function of government is to protect the citizens of this nation.

Our Air Force was always on alert. Like the cold war era, we always had strategic bombers in the air. We would not be caught again unprepared.

We were investing large sums of money to rebuild, train, and maintain a large defense force. This may have seemed like a waste of money and over kill, but other nations looking at us could see we were always prepared and ready to defend ourselves.

Our enemies, even after our miraculous victory in the war, had breathed out many threats against us. Satan stirred their hearts in hatred against us. It was for this reason that we kept our government and leaders constantly on the move.

The threats we were receiving came from many of the same fanatical groups we had been fighting before our last war. They would threaten our destruction along with Israel’s destruction, but as long as they never acted on these threats we were content to let these threats pass, but we kept a watchful eye on them.

We made it clear to all nations of the world, especially those nations that would harbor these groups, that if we were attacked, we would hunt these groups down even into other nations that gave them safe passage and harbor.

We made it known that we wished to be friends and trading partners with all nations of the world. We would not however tolerate treachery. We again made it known that if we were attacked we would unleash our full military force on


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them to their total destruction. This was now our new foreign policy.

This new foreign policy was marveled at and admired by many nations. Most of them were our allies of the past. This new foreign policy was respected by all nations including those who were our enemies at one time or another. Most nations asked for diplomatic contact to initiate trade and friendship with us. We met with all those who would call us friend. We watched closely those that still sought our destruction.

Because our military was doing such a great job in protecting us, we were able to concentrate on our rebuilding efforts. Everyone was doing their best to restore this nation to greatness.

American “can do,” and the blessings of the God of this land made the rebuilding of our country move at a pace no one could believe possible. We are Americans. The difficult is easy. The impossible can be accomplished if government will just get out of our way.

It was nearing two years since the wars end. Life in the U.S. was starting to look and feel like it had before the war. There was one large exception; the chains and shackles of the government were not felt by anyone. This must have been how our Founding Fathers felt and lived. What an incredible feeling true freedom is. We wished all of Gods children could enjoy this same blessing and right.

The states were becoming strong and vibrant in their economies and wealth.

The second session of the first Congress was called to order. The nation’s new capitol was not completed yet. Work on the nation’s capitol was progressing at a steady pace. It


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was hoped that by the third session of Congress the capitol would be completed, if not by the fourth session.

This Congress held session in the capitol of Utah this time. Utah was quickly becoming one of the wealthiest states in the country. Massive amounts of oil, oil shale, gold, iron, copper, and other needed commodities were being discovered.

Through careful self-regulation and conservation the natural resources and surroundings were being used by man and protected by the people of the state. Most other states were doing much of the same. Every state was busy pursuing prosperity and wealth. The citizens were pursuing happiness.

The new Capitol Building, Presidents Residence, Supreme Court, and Defense Building were nearing completion. An apartment complex was also nearing completion. With 600 units, these apartments would be used as temporary residences of Congress while they were in session.. They were not fancy, but large enough to house the families of Congress with them. There would be no luxury living for our representatives for the four months they were in session. This was done to help them remember that they are our servants not our rulers.

The funding of our government and a few laws were passed rather quickly. Initial funding for the rebuilding of our Capitols’ monuments was approved. A new Smithsonian museum and a concert hall were also approved for planning and preconstruction engineering.


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Prospering The States and Federal Government were operating

with budget surpluses. The little tax that was collected from the people was not enough to disturb their lives or business activities. The states used their surpluses to fund programs that the people desired in each state. The Federal Government used its surpluses to fund the building projects in the nation’s capitol. The Federal Government also used part of its surplus to purchase gold and other precious metals for its reserves and to print currency and expand the money supply around the country and the world. The U.S. dollar was


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once again the strongest currency in the world. It was the true gold standard for the world.

Our nations breadbasket was once again back in full swing. The farms in the middle of our country were producing surplus grains and food for our nation. The states started to purchase and store this surplus food for times that may not be as plentiful. The states were really getting skillful at self reliance and sovereign rule. For the rest of this year everything in this nation continued to improve.

With a final push and weather that allowed a longer construction season, the third session of Congress was called to order in the nations Capitol Building. The President called the Congress to order. He then got down on his knees and prayed to the God of this land. This was quite the touching scene as the leader of the greatest nation and quickly becoming the most prosperous and powerful on Earth showed his humility to the God of this land. He thanked Him for His blessings and continued support. He asked for a blessing to be on this nation and its public servants. There was at the end of this prayer not a dry eye in the house. It was time to get to work again.

The Presidents’ residence was now complete. The Supreme Court building would be complete in just a few weeks. The Defense building would be complete in about two months. The Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson Monuments, and the war memorials were beginning to take shape. It was estimated less than a year’s worth of work and they would be complete also. Congress funded the new Smithsonian museum and national concert hall. These broke ground and construction started the day after the President


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signed the funding bill. The new Constitution was working. The miracle of that document kept everything in balance.

The President was meeting with foreign leaders and extending friendship and trade to them. The Congress was funding the government, making the laws, and fixing the laws the Supreme Court ruled as unconstitutional. This system was working better than anyone had anticipated. Life in this country was good and getting better now.

The WorldMany of our allies of the past had suffered attacks on

their soil at the same time we were attacked. They had not been eliminated, or should I say, it had not yet been attempted to destroy them from off the face of the Earth as it had been tried with us. So what had happened to them was smaller in scale. A few of their major cities had been hit with nuclear weapons. The devastation was horrific. This was done mainly to keep them occupied with their own dead and dying. They were all terrified. They knew that the destruction


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of America meant that they were next on the list for our enemies to destroy.

The news from our allies own intelligence agents during our being attacked was that America was all but gone. There was a collective feeling of doom.

How could America fall? How could the most powerful nation on Earth be destroyed? Without America, who would lead the world in opposing evil? Who is next?

Their last reports were that the armies of our enemies had us pinned down and surrounded in the mountain west. The outlook was grim. Then all information stopped. When communications did resume a few days later our allies of the past were informed that the armies of our enemies had all been destroyed or surrendered. Confirmation of this report was asked for again.

Had the Americans discovered and used some new weapon? What could it have been to defeat an army of over ten million soldiers?

Yes, we had discovered, or should I say rediscovered a weapon of matchless power and it had been unleashed on our enemies. The God of this land was not on our side but we had joined His side again. He would deliver us from our enemies as long as we were on His side.

Stories and rumors were wild and rampant all around the world but those who had survived the wrath of God told the same story. They told anyone that would listen that the weapon used on our enemies was the power of the God of this land. No man- made weapon can match His power.

Many questions were being asked at this time by everyone in the world. Does America really have the divine protection of God? How did America receive this protection?


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Can we obtain this marvelous protection? Even some of our allies were nervous about their relationships with us.

It was in the end of the second year after the war that many of our past allies sent their ambassadors and leaders to meet with the President. These nations wanted to reestablish trade and other relationships with us. These leaders, after viewing our nation’s wealth and how powerful our military was becoming, wanted to sign treaties for mutual protection with us. We explained to them that trade and friendship treaties were in all of our mutual interests, but treaties that would entangle us in other nation’s conflicts were prohibited under our new constitution. They understood, but were disappointed in some of our responses.

We understood that what they all really wanted was America and the God of America to protect them. They did not yet understand that this same protection was available to all nations and to all of Gods children. They only needed to follow America in discovering the matchless power of the God of this land. America was truly a land of promise; choice above all other lands and all people could enjoy the full blessings of God.

Many countries tried to reform their governments and constitutions using America as their model. Some were very successful some were not. Those that were successful in reforming their government began to prosper beyond their wildest dreams. They learned that freedom and liberty for the individual and the protection of those rights made a nation flourish.

Those nations that did not prosper as well were the ones still holding on to old European socialism style governments and economical practices. Some habits are hard to break. The


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fear of something new always generates some anxiety and a lot of the time you return to that which you know and are comfortable with, no matter how destructive those practices are to the individual.

We traded with all these nations and hoped that true change and freedom would come to all. The people of these great nations would have to be the ones to take charge and not be afraid of something new. We knew they could do it. Just follow our lead. In the years to come many would become like us. Some would not. Freedom and self-determination are difficult concepts to cleave onto, especially when generations have been enslaved by a nanny-state mentality.

Our enemies of the war were watching these events take place in the world. The world they had diabolically divided up amongst each other was transforming before their eyes and they could do nothing about it but watch. They now had nothing but their own countries to try and rule over and some of them only had their still fermenting hate toward us.

The problems that were occurring in these nations only started with their armies being destroyed by the God of this land. The returning soldiers told stories of the war that to some were unbelievable. There are so many of their loved ones now dead. Husbands, fathers, brothers, and extended family and friends had all perished because of their leader’s desires for power and conquest.

The belief and feelings of betrayal of the people were growing. Much of those nations treasure, blood, and resources were used on a war that had been lost. The people of those nations were not happy with their leaders. The seeds of discontent were growing among the people in those


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nations. The leaders of those nations were becoming nervous and apprehensive to their situation. They now had only a token military to enforce their will on the people.

The desire for freedom is in every soul. It only needs a match to ignite these desires and be willing to pursue freedom even at one’s own peril. Some form of civil war, or should it be said, revolution, was at hand in these nations. Tyranny has a short lifespan and will not be tolerated forever.

Democratically elected governments as a rule do not go to war with each other. The people are the stopping mechanism in a Republic or a Democracy. Dictatorships are the warring governments in the world. True change for the better was coming to the world and it looked like it would come soon.

The desire for freedom, the betrayal by their leaders and the ability to trade with America and the rest of the world in peace were a few of the main factors driving the civil unrest in our enemies’ countries. We desired and made it known that we wished to be friends with the people in our enemies’ nations even after all that their leaders had done to us. This stirred the unrest in those nations to a revolutionary fervor. Time would tell how these countries would fair. We had our friends and ourselves to concentrate on for now.


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ProsperityNever in the history of man have a people been so

blessed and prospered so much. The states were still growing, becoming wealthy, and at the same time being mindful of those not as successful. Fifty experiments in self-rule were all going on at the same time. Like any experiment some results were incredibly successful and some were not so successful. The people of those states in which failures of policy occurred fixed those mistakes as best as they could. But like


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some world governments, old habits and the desire for power in people are difficult to expunge in people.

Mobility made it possible for people who were living in those failed states to go to states of prosperity. These people then assimilated into the way the state ran its system. They did not try nor would they be allowed, to bring the habits of a failed state to a prosperous state.

Our new capitol in Missouri was looking and showing the status of a world power. The seats of our government have been complete for a while. The monuments were nearing completion and the new Smithsonian museum and concert hall were ahead of schedule.

Congress had approved two other buildings to be built, a small State Department building and a small Justice Department building. Each was necessary but the Congress would strictly limit their functions. The State Department building would be the place where all ambassadors or diplomats discussed their interests and would negotiate trade with America. We would communicate with other nations through this department.

We did not open or allow any permanent embassies to be built in any other country. In this age of electronic media most of the work was done on conferencing media. Once a treaty or trade agreement was made and signed by the President, the Senate fulfilled its obligations in ratifying or voting down the treaty or trade agreement. The same five-page rule that governed spending bills applied to all treaties and trade agreements. Never again would we have thousands of pages in agreements to interpret. These agreements were put online for all of the people to see and discuss. The Senators would take the instructions from their State


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Governments and vote according to the will of those state governments. This was done so that agreements by the Federal Government could not damage the states’ rights or the citizens’ rights of those states. This is the balance that our founding fathers sought..

The Justice Department was allowed to only pursue, arrest, and prosecute those who had committed federal crimes. Federal crimes are those crimes committed against the Untied States and those laws passed by Congress. Under the commerce clause they would seek to punish any and every person who would damage the integrity of the stock and commodity exchanges.

The first session of the second Congress was in session. All funding and laws were completed early. There were no special or new projects around the capitol to be funded or built and the museum and concert hall ran slightly over budget due to some weather and unforeseen structural changes. Congress approved the additional funding to complete these structures.

A Challenge The main topic of concern this session was piracy.

Pirates had attacked several nations including ours on the seas. The two areas of concern were the Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean near Malaysia.

Congress authorized and set aside funding for intelligence gathering and preparations for U.S. flagged ships to be defended. Special Forces teams were placed on oil and cargo ships to defend our sovereign territory at sea. The


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military placed assets on the ground and in the air to discover the pirate leader’s safe houses and bases of operations. The President was authorized by Congress to use force if necessary to end this pirate threat. The world watched to see how America would deal with this threat. Anxiety around the world grew as more ships were attacked. No U.S. flagged ships were ever boarded by these prates. This was due to the Special Forces teams we had placed on our ships. Other nation’s ships were not so lucky. We helped these nations with intelligence gathering, logistics, and support but we were forbidden to go on another nation’s sovereign territory for anything but humanitarian reasons.

After several months of gathering information and intelligence on the pirates, we were ready to send a message to all pirates around the world about their incorrect thinking. Our satellite and drone planes were streaming live feeds to the Defense department building and Presidential residence.

Four of our off duty carrier task forces had been sent into the areas of concern. We still had our naval defenses in place patrolling our shores. After the carriers were in place, air force planes flew to friendly bases in the area for refueling and final preparations.

The pirate ships and safe houses were identified and prioritized for destruction. The President had decided to hit the pirates hard. This would be a message to the world, a clear message to all nations that would seek to harm us or attempt to disrupt our economy.

It was early in the morning, while still dark, that we launched our attack. Wave after wave of bombers flew over the nations who gave these pirates safe haven. As we poured out destruction on the targets from 50 thousand feet, the


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J.D.A.M. bombs hit their target with laser precision. Houses, government buildings, and paramilitary bases were destroyed.

Fighters from the Air Force and Navy swooped in to the coastal docks destroying warehouses near the ports and ships that had been used for piracy on the seas. On the open seas there is no place to hide. Our drone aircraft found some of the pirate’s ships at sea and launched their missiles into those ships. This sent the ships and all on board to a watery grave.

We had placed Apache helicopters on the carriers that would be used for close quarters fighting. They were flying just off shore and taking out escaping ships. They also took out targets that the planes had missed.

The scene of destruction was overwhelming. The cities were burning. The docks were destroyed. Ships were sunk. Many lives were lost.

After the several hours of attacks all weapons of war were called back to ship and base to re-fuel and re-arm. An assessment of our attack was made. Over 70 percent of the targets were destroyed. The President ordered another strike for early the next morning.

At 4 A.M. the following morning hell was released on our pirate enemies again. The same scenario was followed and by 7 A.M. the planes had delivered their payloads of death and destruction upon our enemies. The President was satisfied that the problem was corrected for now and the message was sent and received. Our forces were ordered to return to their U.S. bases.

In Brussels, Belgium the new United Nations had witnessed this attack and some nations condemned us for our heavy hand in this matter. We did not concern ourselves with


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their resolutions. We were not part of their club and we were only concerned with our own national interests. We would act again, if needed, unilaterally to protect our sovereignty and our national interests.

The President had called Congress back to a special session the morning of the first attack. He spoke at a joint session the day after he had called off his offensive. His report was that all targets had been destroyed and no U.S. soldier was killed in action. Applause erupted for several minutes. He reported that the cost of the offensive and to re-arm or replace any damaged equipment would be several million dollars more than what had been approved. The Congress approved the extra expenses later that day. The President asked that the use of force declaration be rescinded. Congress rescinded the use of force that day also. This special session of Congress was adjourned and all representatives went back home to their districts.

Their Lives at Home The lessons of this conflict were not lost on the nations

of the world. Especially those pirate nations. Many nations wished to have their ships flagged in the U.S. This was a direct result from the pirates staying well away from all U.S. flagged ships. We did not flag any other nations’ ships with the Stars and Stripes. That honor was for U.S. ships and U.S. ships only. No U.S. ships were attacked for a very long time.


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Terrorists and terrorist nations understood that the old U.S.A. was gone and you should give the new U.S.A. a wide birth.

Immigration In the previous session, Congress had authorized that 5

million people could immigrate to the U.S. They placed very strict conditions and laws on this immigration policy. The conditions to immigrate to the U. S. are: A person could be no more than age 45 years old. You had to possess job skills that were in need in the U.S.A. You had to be proficient in reading, speaking, and writing English. You were subjected to a thorough background check along with a thorough


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medical exam. Then you would have an interview for final approval at the State Department in the U.S. Capitol. All fees and expenses are to be paid for by applicant.

We were going to return to a period of time when living in this country and having the opportunity to become an American citizen was one of the greatest privileges in the world. Somewhere along the time line of our recent past history, many in this country had lost sight of this concept.

There were many people in this country that were only interested in perpetuating their so-called “rights.” When honestly, these rights that they sought to implement were actually what some Americans called entitlements. This was done to obtain influence and control over their fellow Americans. The new Constitution put an end to the ability of those that suffer from this mental disease. All the people of this nation had to work for their own support. No federal handouts were coming.

A Larger NationThere had been discussions in the past, but nothing ever

came of the idea. Who would have thought it could happen? In the west is where the concept started and gained the strength it would need to come to fruition. This movement moved east slowly at first and then picked up speed. Some scoffed at the idea but many wanted to be a part of the American experiment.


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This movement had taken about two years to cross that nation then the issue was brought to the President and he presented it to the Congress. Congress was somewhat surprised by the seriousness of the movement for they had heard reports on the movement but were reluctant to believe the stories. They were however very willing to vote on the measure. Congress, by a large majority, voted for the measure and now only the people of that nation needed to vote for it.

In their country the vote on this referendum would change everything. No longer would they be their own country but sovereign states within our country. After all that had happened over the last few years, it took real courage for the people to want any part of our country, let alone become one of us. Much had changed and much more would change.

There were still those in the world that longed for our destruction. Their hatred for us grew even deeper after the defeat of their armies and the rapid return of American wealth and power. To cast your lot in with us was a true sign of courage. They would not regret this move.

We would now need new flags made. The vote was sixty five percent in favor of joining the U.S. We would be adding ten stars to our flag. We also picked up three large territories in the process. The U.S. now consisted of all land north of the Rio Grande to the North Pole. Would it be fair to say that this nation’s wealth just doubled or even tripled?

Our nation had more natural resources now than any other on the planet. Our neighbors to the north have always been our friends and brothers in many ways, now they would be one of us. Celebrations were held in both nations as one


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large family. It would take about a year to convert everything into our system.

Could it get any better for our nation? Maybe. There was noise of discontent to our south. The people wanted to prosper and be truly free. A seed had been planted in the hearts of people to our south. It would grow. Perhaps in time it would flourish and liberty and the American dream could be part of their lives also. They would decide their future over the next few years. Revolution was on the horizon for these people. Once again, everything was changing.

The Next Presidential Election The next national elections were coming up quickly. The primaries had ended and the general election was only weeks away. All parties but one pushed an agenda in the somewhat same direction. All parties but one pursued similar agendas but at different speeds. The lonely party that stood all by itself still wanted to go a direction opposite the rest of


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the nation, back to an over burdensome government. Our new Constitution would make their desires very difficult to implement.

The people of this nation were free and prospering. The nation felt safe again. There were still threats out there in the world. But we kept a close and watchful eye on them. We would attack others only if we were attacked or saw the preparations of other nations to attack us. Pre-emptive attacks on others were now the standard of our foreign policy. We would rather live in peace but if pushed we would unleash hell upon them. The rest of the world all knew it.

The President ran for his second term on the platform of more of the same. He had proven himself a great leader. Not by the wars he won, or by the policies he pushed through the Congress but by what he did not do.

He did not seek for power. He did not seek for glory. He did not seek wealth or status. He did not desire to do anything that would damage his honor or integrity. He often spoke on his privilege to be President and his honor to secure the blessing of liberty to our posterity and us. He often spoke of how he knew he would have to stand before the great God of this land and answer for his stewardship. He felt his eternal soul was far more important than the trappings of power and wealth. Oh these principles all leaders and men could follow this great mans example. This is what made him a great leader.

A landslide by the people showed him their love and respect. He never would let them down.

It was hectic but our neighbors to the north had completed assimilating into our system in time for them to participate in the election. They were fully represented when


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Congress opened its session in January. It had only been five years since the end of the war. So much had happened. So much progress had taken place.

It was his second inauguration. This time it would be in our nation’s capitol. The Congress and the people named the capitol after our President. Like Washington before him, this honor would stand the test of time.

State flags from all over the nation flew in the nation’s capitol. Every other flag was our nation’s new flag the others were state and other flags. The stars and stripes had sixty stars now. There was still plenty of blue left to cover in stars.

The Presidents inauguration speech again praised the God of this land and the people who had entrusted him again with serving his fellow Americans. He once again had large majorities in the Congress to assist him in pushing through his agenda. In times past this would lead one to extend his power and future influence. Not this President. He only wanted to serve the people and by doing so he would be serving his God. The work of the people and the states carried on.

The Senate had denied very few of the Presidents many trade agreements. The President had worked hard on many of these personally. He had signed the agreements and sent them to the Senate to do their job. The few agreements that had been turned down by the Senate were done so because some states felt it would be bad for their states and citizens. The system was working just as designed in Philadelphia in 1791. The President, though disappointed, knew this fact as well and could take comfort knowing the system was working. Nobody, not even this President, gets everything they want.


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The President went before a joint session of Congress and asked that we as a nation would remember those in the world that had calamity fall upon them. He asked for the Congress to establish a disaster relief fund, not of money or credit, but of food, clothing, blankets, medicine, and other hygiene needs.

The Federal Government was operating with huge surpluses. We were working to stockpile precious metals and print money in direct value to the precious metal we had in storage. All this was done in accordance with our new Constitution. So we had the money and the resources to establish this disaster fund, and the hearts of the people were for this. We desired to help our fellow man in any emergency.

It was determined that the constitution did not allow this disaster fund to be funded by, or distributed by, the Federal Government. The states could set this up and run it or another amendment could be put forth to the Constitution. The amendment process was the chosen method. The people were reminded that once in the Constitution, the fund and government agency would have to be funded yearly by Congress until a time the amendment was repealed. Several polls were taken on the subject and the people wanted this amendment as long as it was written and funded with prudence.

After numerous writings and long debate, the final amendment read as follows:

Amendment XXXIX


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For our fellow man, we establish the Disaster Relief Agency. Congress is authorized to purchase the following resources but is limited to food, clothing, bedding, sanitation, temporary shelters or tents, and first aid supplies for disaster relief. Congress is authorized to purchase and maintain warehouse facilities in strategic areas of the country, for a more rapid response to a disaster. Congress is authorized to rent or lease cargo or military vehicles for such deliveries. It would be preferable to have these warehouses on or near U.S. Navy or Air Force bases. Congress hereby authorizes the President to order such help as needed by request through the State Department. Congress authorizes the employment of such needed people to operate and maintain relief supplies and storage facilities. Congress is authorized to determine the amount of funding each year for the relief fund.

The amendment was clear and concise. Some looked at the amendment with concern. The hope was that we were not opening a door that would be abused by Congress or others in the nation or world. But the Congress adopted the amendment, the President endorsed it, and now it was off to the States to ratify.

Within two years the states had ratified the amendment. Some states thought the funding should go to help the states. It is clear why the Constitution had been amended the way it was. Some states still wanted to look to the Federal Government to help solve their own problems. We would try to not even start going down that path again.


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The President was happy that the American people would want to help their fellow man. It was up to him and Congress to make sure this was a program to help the destitute, not a world welfare program. We had been blessed with freedom, wealth, power, and world status. We felt that we were obliged to help our fellow man. For when you are in the service of your fellow man, you are in the service of your God.

We were not going to run around the globe trying to fix the worlds problems again. We would, however, go around the world and help relieve some of the suffering. The President wanted to help the world understand that the greatness of America was not from her wealth and power but in her willingness to serve others. That shining city on the hill was growing brighter all the time.

OverviewLooking now at the sixty states and the experiments

they were conducting, some of the less successful states had fixed their mistakes and were moving in the direction of prosperity. Some of the states that had first started off with wealth beyond their wildest dreams had invested heavily into


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different social programs because this is what the people in those states wanted. Their prosperity was starting to falter now, so they were quickly trying to fix their errors. The beauty of experimentation is that others can look at your results and follow you, or go in other directions.

This great experiment that we call America, started by our founding fathers, had some bad results for a time due to not following the Constitution. But with some wise and honorable men and women the experiment was corrected now and working as planned. The world was watching this large experiment and we were watching the sixty smaller experiments. There was no doubt in our minds that divine providence was shining down on us. We would only have to remain worthy of such a blessing.

Time marching on and the stresses of a war, a new constitution, along with the establishing of a new government, were taking their toll on the first leaders of this nation. The time for all these leaders to depart the land of politics was soon to come. They often spoke of how they only wanted to leave offices of power with the knowledge that the nation was better off now than when they took office. It was.

The next Presidential elections were only a year away. The past eight years had seen our nation destroyed, rebuilt, and blessed with wealth beyond measure. Freedom and liberty were now the norm and government stayed out of peoples lives. Our standing in the world was one to envy by some and emulate by others.

Most empires throughout the world’s history rise and fall never to attain such power and prestige again. Not the U.S., we are different.


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In just over 200 years we established our nation, rose to the world’s only superpower, we were humbled by destruction, and within eight years we were back at the top of the world’s most powerful and wealthiest nations. Our founding fathers and the God of this land were truly smiling on us.


Some Great WordsIn Congress it was decided that the writings of our

leaders should always be kept and read by future generations. A monument of speeches would be built. This would be a gathering wall like the Vietnam veterans memorial, but it would be the great words of our nation’s leaders.


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Our President has one of his speeches on the wall. In our darkest hour, when we were at our lowest point in our history, he spoke to us. His speech was short but to the point and it inspired a people on the verge of total destruction. He said: “My fellow Americans, Destruction has come to this nation. We have suffered and witnessed the suffering and destruction of most of our nation and people. But we are still here. You have made me your leader. I have accepted this calling. Are we sufficiently humble by our trials? I pray so. It has been made known to me by the God of this land that we are to call upon him, repent of our errors, fast, and promise him to keep his commandments. If we do these things, He will show his matchless power unto us and destroy our enemies before our very eyes. His wish is that we return to Him so that this nation should never perish from the world. I plead with you my fellow Americans, my brothers and sisters, to do as our God asks. I admonish you to follow Him and keep His commandments. He will always keep His promises as long as we keep His commandments. God bless you and our nation.”

It is obvious that we put faith in this God and the words of our leader. We strive every day to keep the God of this land’s commandments. Our blessings have been so great that we have not been able to hold them at times.


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Speeches Included here are some great speeches by other great


My fellow Americans, I accept the honor and the faith that you have placed in me as your Chief Governor for the duration of this conflict. We are in a dangerous period of time. Our enemies are numerous. Our numbers are few. However, we will prevail!


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If we will but humble ourselves and call upon the God of this land, He will be merciful unto us.

This is a land of promise. This is a land that is most precious above all other lands on Earth. It is true that we had lost our way and turned our backs on the God of this land for many years.

We must humble ourselves and admit that His judgments are just. His arms are open and He desires us back in His loving arms if we will only call upon Him and change our lives.

I will lead you as you have asked of me, but I would ask of you in return that you change your heart and call upon Him, whatever name you give Him, who created all things that are.

Have faith in Him and you will see many mighty miracles soon.

God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

A speech by the newly elected Chief Governor from Missouri.

Brothers and sisters, we have gathered here today in the sight of God to give Him our praise and our devotion.

As a minister in my church, I have witnessed many miracles in my life. I am here witnessing another miracle now. Many religious leaders are gathered here today united not in our belief systems, but united in our belief of freedom and self-determination.


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We must all exercise faith and call upon our God in whatever language or by whatever name you give Him to deliver us from our enemies’ hands.

The church leader from Utah has called upon us to repent, fast, pray, call upon our God, and exercise faith in Him. We have been told that if we do these things we would see mighty miracles and our enemies would be destroyed.

I believe this is true. I believe that this instruction is to be followed by all. Let us follow this counsel and keep the God of this land's commandments. Do so and you will see many mighty miracles. Amen.

A speech by an Evangelical minister.

I hold before you two items. One is our nation’s flag. The other I call a banner of liberty. It reads: For our lives, for our liberty, for our country, by our God.

It should not be forgotten why we are here on the fields of battle. Not for riches or power but for our right to live as free men and women.

Let us press on and fight for victory over our enemy. And if we are worthy, may God grant us a small portion of His matchless power in defeating our enemies.

A speech by a General in the Army.

My fellow Americans, as the enemy leaves our land, let us not forget whom it was that won this war for us. The God of this land has shown mercy unto us by delivering our enemies into our hands.


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I would that you show mercy unto all those that have surrendered and those nations that sent them here to fight. It is necessary that we forgive our enemies and ask them to join us in peace.

We can show our strength and nobility in no better way.A speech by the Chief Governor.

My fellow Americans, I stand here before you for the last time as your President. For the past decade I have served you as your Chief Governor during the war, your moderator at the Constitutional Convention, and for the past eight years, I have served you as your President. I am proud to have been your servant.

I leave you knowing that many of the conditions that lead to our near destruction have been corrected to the best of our abilities. Do I say we have a perfect Constitution? No. It is the best that man, with all his mortal failings, could produce at this time.

Only future generations will know if we created a more perfect Constitution for our more perfect union. I pray that we have ensured freedom for all in this nation.

I would ask that a true history, including our faults and failings be included in all history books that future generations will read. We have had much success in this nation, but to not know of our shortcomings would be a great disservice to future generations.

When I first took the oath of office for President, we had just ended a war that had almost destroyed us off the face of the earth. But God was merciful unto us and delivered us from our enemies.


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It is eight years later and we are once again prosperous and powerful. The God of this land continues to bless us and will continue to bless us until we turn from Him. I would that this will never happen again.

As I leave you and once again return to civilian life, I would ask you to support and pray for the next President and Congress. I pray that they will remember that they are servants of the people.

Until we meet again, God bless you and God bless the U.S.A.

A speech by the President.

A Final ThoughtThe mantle of authority was soon to be passed on to a

new leader. She would have a tough act to follow but a great example to follow. Had we fixed the Constitution enough so that future politicians would not be able to bring destruction upon us from the inside? We, like our founding fathers, believed that the future was bright for our nation. Time and


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the wisdom of the future generations would decide their course in the history of this nation and the world. Our time has been all but used up. It is time to pass the torch.

I KNOW…I BELIEVE…I now write some of my basic beliefs so that you may

know a little more about what makes me who I am.Warning to all Progressives: this will probably annoy

you even more than the previous story. If it does then perhaps you should THINK more and be far less emotional in your life.


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I would invite all Progressives to evolve and become Constitutional thinkers and not become extinct in their emotions.

For the purposes of illustration I use the term Progressive or Progressivism instead of the many forms of Progressivism such as Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Marxism, or Fascism to describe the following. I Know…

I know that God lives.I know that Jesus is the Christ.I know that they love me no matter my many faults.I know we are all brothers and sisters of an eternal

Heavenly Father.I know that free will is one of the greatest gifts that God

gave to man.I know that Gods’ plan for man is far greater and

glorious than mans’ plan for his fellow man.I know that mans abilities and potential are limitless.I know that government limits mans’ potential so as to

control him.I know that the Declaration of Independence and the

Constitution are sacred texts.I know that the Federal Constitution does not provide

for or guarantee for our health care, education, housing, employment, retirement, success, or our happiness.

I know that America is a promised land. It is a precious land that is choice above all other lands in the world.

I know that America is the world’s first and last bastion of freedom. If we fail to remain free, the rest of the world will eventually lose their freedom.

I know we must not fail.


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I Believe…I believe Conservatism is compassionate.I believe Conservatism is individualism.I believe Conservatism is liberty.I believe Conservatism is freedom.I believe Conservatism is self-determination.I believe Conservatism is Constitution based.I believe Conservatism is moral.Conservatism believes in the smallest amount of

government possible. Progressivism believes in the largest amount of government imaginable.

If you love liberty and freedom you are not a Progressive. If you love government and central control of your life, you are not a Conservative.

If the Constitution were to be followed strictly, we would have liberty and wealth in this country beyond our wildest dreams. Instead we now have government slave-masters and debt.

I believe Progressivism is a lie.I believe Progressivism is not constitutional.I believe Progressivism is not compassionate.I believe Progressivism is slavery.I believe Progressivism is immoral.I believe Progressivism destroys. It does not create.I believe Progressivism is hypocrisyI believe Progressivism is about controlling other

people and their lives.I believe Progressives do not confuse facts with the

goals they wish to achieve.I believe Progressivism is government coercion.


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I believe Progressivism is the most destructive force to our Constitution and our liberties.

I believe Progressivism and those that promote Progressivism should be shunned.

I believe Progressivism has not been able to deliver on promises of the past, the present, and will not deliver on promises for the future.

I believe Progressivism does not raise the bar. It lowers it.

I believe Progressivism wishes to dumb down people so as to control them.

I believe all government programs enacted by Progressives have failed.

I believe Progressivism is un-American.I believe Progressives are not eternal thinkers.I believe Progressives are not deep or critical thinkers.I believe Progressives are not logic or rational thinkers.I believe Progressives, though they may be intelligent,

are not wiseI believe Progressives promote political correctness

because they believe in speech and attitude censorship.I believe that Progressives use bribes, indoctrination,

ridicule, and mockery. They try to silence their opposition, and use personal destruction to accomplish their programs and institute their ideas.

I believe that when Progressives are open and honest with their ideas and truly discuss and debate them, they lose every time.

I believe that if you as a Representative in Congress vote for anything that is not specified in the Constitution qualifies you as a traitor to the Constitution.


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I believe Americas’ previous rendezvous with destiny was accomplished with the fall of the Soviet Union.

I believe Americas’ next rendezvous with destiny must be focused inward to eliminate any vestige of European style socialism form America and throw those traitorous ideas on the scrap heap of history.

I believe that this nation will be brought down to its knees so as to humble us.

I believe we will be given a second chance to govern this land.

I believe we will then re-establish the government according to the wishes of the God of this land.

I believe we will govern this land again until the great day of our Saviors return in glory.