Bonus Random Relinquish & Kurome Moment 1

Random Bonus Relinquish & Kurome Moment A Zealous Crossover A very short story for Illy I made, just show him how much Seryu freaking loves him. >_> _________________________________________________________ I was woken up from my blissful slumber due to Kurome's voice, and the annoying ringing of the phone resting to the left of our bed on top of a dresser, as well as her palm brushing my face while we layed in each others arms this morning. "Relinquish..." Kurome told me while pressing her hand against my face, rolling in the dark brown blankets and covers of our bed. "Phone." "Yeah, Kurome." I told her, desperately trying to close my eyes and go back to sleep, cursing the chirping birds outside early this morning. "Phones, they exist." "Answer it, dummy." Her voice was being muffled by having her face buried in the dark brown pillow, putting another nearby over her head to try and block out the phones constant ringing. "Can't we just let it pass, my lovely? Its probably just a telemarketer


Oh great, Seryu gets a crossover. What bloody joy... He says sarcastically...

Transcript of Bonus Random Relinquish & Kurome Moment 1

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Random Bonus Relinquish & Kurome Moment

A Zealous Crossover

A very short story for Illy I made, just show him how much Seryu freakingloves him. >_>


I was woken up from my blissful slumber due to Kurome's voice, and the annoying ringing of the phone resting to the left of our bed on top of a dresser, as well as her palm brushing my face while we layed in each others arms this morning.

"Relinquish..." Kurome told me while pressing her hand against my face, rolling in the dark brown blankets and covers of our bed. "Phone."

"Yeah, Kurome." I told her, desperately trying to close my eyes and go back to sleep, cursing the chirping birds outside early this morning. "Phones, they exist."

"Answer it, dummy." Her voice was being muffled by having her face buriedin the dark brown pillow, putting another nearby over her head to try and block out the phones constant ringing.

"Can't we just let it pass, my lovely? Its probably just a telemarketer

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anyway." I pleaded to Kurome while reaching for her waist in order to bring her closer to me, yet she pushed me away with indifference.

"Just get the phone so we can go back to sleep." She shifted to the right of the bed, farther away from me. I could see flashes of the pink tank top she chose to wear to bed last night.

I simply conceded. As I'm getting a bit annoyed with the phone myself, especially considering how its on my side of the bed... I began to reach for the white phone resting on the dresser while muttering in annoyance. "I swear to god... If this is Sailor the next time I see him I'm sticking my foot so far up his ass my toes are gonna to replace his teeth." I clicked the answerbutton on the phone, and brought it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Relinquish!" I heard a loud feminine voice yell to me over the phone. I immediately recognized the tone, and who I was speaking to.

Seryu Ubiquitous. My former comrade. Who... I previously believed met herend during that assignment in Kyoroch, but now she's living in Spain with her wittle boyfriend. We... Have no idea how this was possible. But hey, bestnot to ask too many questions, and just let sleeping dogs lie.

"Hello, flower girl." I greeted the zealous envoy of justice, trying to hide my annoyance. "I know you're in a different country, but are you aware of what time it is here-"

"You have to help me!" Seryu interrupted me. I would have retorted, but I'm far too tired to argue, and want this to be over with as soon as possible. "I can't find Illy anywhere!" She continued.

Ah, Illy. My dear friend, and Seryu's handler- I mean boyfriend. Curious. I wonder where my wittle Illy ran off to? You know... Now that I remember, Iactually spoke to him yesterday. "Calm down, dear."

"Dear?" Kurome held her head up while meeting my gaze. Seems she had a case of bedhead from rolling around too much. "Who are you talking to, Relinquish?" I could hear a hint of curiosity, and slight anger in her voice.

"It's just Seryu, Kurome." I explained.

"...Oh." She dropped her head right back down to the pillow and closed her eyes, after remembering that 'dear' is just a nickname I have for Seryu in general.

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"So go on, Seryu." I implored her. I might as well hear her plight, as there is no way in hell I can get back to sleep now anyway.

"I woke up late today, and couldn't find Illy anywhere around the house. Not even Axel and Koro know where he is! We tried calling him, that didn't work. We tried texting him, that didn't work either! We even checked all the local shops in the area for 2 hours, but we still can't find him!" She loudly explained to me. "Do you think he left? Is he anywhere with you? Could he have gotten kidnapped? Did Dr. Stylish abduct him?!"

I thought that guy was dead...? Regardless, I blocked out Seryu's questions while going deep into thought. I must admit, this is rather perplexing. This isvery unlike Illy, truly. He wouldn't leave Seryu like that without a second care, or without a warning. If I were a wittle Illy, where would I run off to...?Hold it!

"Seryu!" I interrupted her damn near hundred theories she said in the course of a few seconds. "I know where Illy is."

"You do?!" Its like I could hear her shock over the phone without seeing her face. "Tell me!" She demanded. This reminded me of the conversation I had with Illy yesterday.

1 Day Earlier

It was yesterday afternoon when I got a call from Illy while me and Kurome were in the local arcade, plastic rifles in hand, fighting off the hellish abominations in a sci fi horror rail shooting game, aiming to get the high score, and even though we did not admit it, somewhat scared from the hundreds of creatures we spent the afternoon slaying.

"Watch your right!" Kurome told me as she quickly dispatched an enemy to the right side of my screen, with blades as hands. Laying down approximately 5 rounds into the creature.

"Do the same with your left!" I shot the same creature that attacked me on the left side of her screen.

"Reloading, cover!" Kurome demanded of me while tapping the bottom of the plastic rifles magazine.

"Oh my god..." I began... "Boss battle!" In front of us and on the screen was

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a... Rotting flower like creature, compiled of corpses. Having 3 health bars atthe top of the screen, it seemed to be the hardest thing we've faced yet. It's petals extended and shoot orbs of poison at the players screen. It was at this moment that my phone rang in my pocket.

"Dammit all!" I continued to fire at the creature while holding the rifle in myright hand, still holding the trigger and attacking the pixelated monstrosity. Using my left hand to reach into my pocket and grab the phone, pressing the answer button, and putting the phone between my ear and shoulder. "What's up, Illyricus? I'm in some deep shit right now!"

"Hey, Reli!" The man began. "Listen, I don't really know what time it is for you there-"

"Its time for you to hurry the fuck up, man! Me and Kurome are pinned down! ... Jesus Christ, its releasing fodder!" I announced

"Reloading!" Kurome did the same...

"Kurome, you have 99 shots per mag, how do you keep running out of ammo so fast?!" I questioned her under all of the stress, as the boss had entered its second phase of attack and was being more aggressive. "Illy!"

"Alright!" Illy said. "I'm going to bed now, but I have a test at my university tomorrow. Its probably going to last all day. Seryu's pretty knocked out from her patrol, and I really don't want to wake her up right now. I'm not gonna beable to use my phone in class, unless its an emergency. And if I know Seryu... She's gonna freak out for a bit. Now if my timezone math is right, I need you to call her in the morning for you, when you wake up, and tell her that I'm just having a long test. Can you do that for me, Reli?"

"Gotcha, Illy! I wont let you down!" I told him while wanting to get this over with, a bit selfish, but the boss is so close to falling now.

"Really? Thank's alot, Reli-" Illy was interrupted by me hanging up the phone, as me and Kurome delivered the final blow to the boss with just a sliver of health left before it exploded.

"And, Jackpot! Yeah baby!" I slung the plastic rifle over my neck, proud of myself and Kurome for bringing down the creature.

"Nothing but bits now, aren't you." Kurome gave me a high five before we continued to the next level.

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Present Time

"And that, is where Illy is, flower girl. You understand now?" I had explained to her the events of yesterday.

"So... He's just at his university college?" Her voice had calmed down after listening to my story.

"Yeppity-yep-yep." I simply replied while light scratching the top of my head. "So calm your Betty's, dear. Illy ain't going anywhere, he's just at school learning the necessary skills in order to support him and you as well. You get it...? ... Seryu? Flower girl? Cheerleader? Mecha gal? Hey, are you still here?!"

It seems the tables had turned, as I was the one being ignored while I heard aconversation over the phone.

"Seryu, you freaked out this much?" I heard a voice over the phone say.

"I couldn't help it, Illy. I didn't know where you were!"

"I've only been gone for, like, five hours." There seemed to be laughter in hisvoice. "And I got us some food, guys!"

Laughter could be heard on the other side of the phone, as Seryu Koro and Axel greeted Illy home from the test. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he aced it, or at the very least believes he did well, guessing on how happy he seems.

"I believe my work here is done." I hung up the phone and placed it on the hook. Now shifting towards the right of the bed, and attempting to place my arm around Kurome's stomach- she didn't push me away this time. In fact, she got even closer to me. Leaving a smile on both of our faces before closing our eyes, getting a few more minutes of rest before starting our day. But... I also realized something after recalling what time it was when I went to grab the phone.

"Kurome, you do know its 8:05, right? We usually wake up at this time." I reminded her of the schedule she kept me in for five days a week, ever since we moved in together.

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"Hmm..." It seemed like she was contemplating something. "... I think I'll let you sleep in today." The last words I heard Kurome say before I drifted off to sleep.



Relinquish: *Yawn* Goddammit, Illy. This crossover of yours woke me up on the rare day that Kurome actually let me sleep in! -_-+

Illy: Sorry, Reli-... Wait, this is your fault for not calling her in the morning! -_-+

Relinquish: ... O_O.... Or maybe... It's none of our faults, because everything in life is absolutely pointless. ^_^

Illy: Stop trying to use your nihilism to get out of things. =.=


(Oh yeah, I just noticed this is also the first one of my fanfictions I've showed him.O.o)