Bones and Cartilages of the Head and Neck.doc

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  • 7/31/2019 Bones and Cartilages of the Head and Neck.doc


    www.1aim.netAnatomy Tables - Bones and Cartilages of the Headand Neck - Listed Alphabetically

    Bone/Cartilage Structure Description Notes


    a pyramid shapedcartilage locatedon the superior margin of thecricoid lamina

    paired; each isconnected to theepiglottis above viathe aryepiglottic m.and to the thyroidcartilage anteriorlyvia the vocalligament; pairedarytenoid cartilagesare pulled together (adducted) by thearytenoid m.

    corniculatecartilage a small cartilagelocated on theapex of thearytenoidcartilage

    corniculate cartilageis found in the baseof the aryepiglotticfold; it is yellowelastic cartilage


    the inferior & posterior cartilage of thelarynx; it forms a

    completecartilaginousring; its arch projectsanteriorly and itslamina is broadand flat posteriorly

    connected: above tothe thyroid cartilagevia the inferior hornof the thyroid

    cartilage, to theconus elasticus, tothe arytenoidcartilages which sitatop the lamina;connected below tothe first trachealring via thecricotracheal


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    smallcartilaginousnodule located inthe aryepiglotticfold

    cuneiform cartilageis yellow elasticcartilage

    epiglottis the superior partof the larynx

    epiglottic cartilageis covered by amucous membrane

    ethmoid delicate bonelocated betweenthe two orbits

    highly pneumatized bone that containsthe ethmoid air cells; forms thefragile medial wallof the orbit

    cribriform plate perforated portion of ethmoid bone oneither side of thecrista galli

    perforated for passage of theolfactory nerves

    crista galli superior midline

    projection of theethmoid boneinto the anterior cranial fossa; itarises betweenthe cribriform plates

    "cock's comb";

    anterior anchor point of the falxcerebri

    perpendicular plate

    midline process projectinginferiorly into thenasal cavity

    forms the superior part of the bonynasal septum

    superior nasalconcha

    medial projectionof the ethmoid bone from thesuperolateralwall of the nasalcavity

    forms the superior nasal meatus belowit and thesphenoethmoidalrecess above it

    middle nasal portion of the forms the superior

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    concha ethmoid bonethat projectsinferomediallyfrom the lateralwall of the nasalcavity

    nasal meatus aboveit and the middlenasal meatus (whichoverlies the bullaethmoidalis andhiatus semilunaris) below it

    bulla ethmoidalis roundedelevation on thelateral wall of thenasal cavity

    located under cover of the middle nasalconcha; middleethmoidal air cellsdrain at its apex

    ethmoidal air cells pneumatizedspaces (3-18 innumber) withinthe ethmoid bone; located between theorbits

    three groups may beidentified: anterior (drain into thehiatus semilunarisin the middle nasalmeatus), middle(drain onto the apexof the bullaethmoidalis in the

    middle nasalmeatus), posterior (drain into thesuperior nasalmeatus)

    ethmoidalforamen, anterior

    opening in themedial wall of the orbit

    transmits anterior ethmoidal vesselsand nerve

    ethmoidalforamen, posterior

    opening in themedial wall of the orbit

    transmits posterior ethmoidal vesselsand nerve


    groove in theethmoid portionof the lateralnasal wall between theuncinate process

    below and bulla

    receives thefrontonasal ductanterosuperiorly,opening of themaxillary sinus posteroinferiorly,

    and the openings of

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    the anterior ethmoidal air cellsin between

    frontal the anterior boneof the skullwhich underliesthe forehead

    articulates with the parietal bone posteriorly;zygomatic, ethmoidand sphenoid bonesinferiorly; maxilla,nasal and lacrimal bones anteriorly; itis formed from twoossifications centerswhich normally fusein the midline - if they do not fuse, amidline "metopicsuture" is the result

    orbital plate flat portion of frontal that formsthe roof of the


    a very thin portionof the frontal bonewhich is like an egg

    shell in thicknessforamen cecum opening near the

    anterior end of the crista galli

    transmits anemissary vein whichmay result intransfer of infectious materialsfrom the nasalcavity to the cranialcavity with resultingmeningitis

    frontal sinus pneumatizedspace in thefrontal bone

    usually paired; eachdrains through thefrontonasal ductinto the uppermost part of the hiatussemilunaris in themiddle nasal meatus

    superior orbital arch of bone skin over this region

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    margin above the orbitalopening

    is supplied by branches of thefrontal nerve(supraorbital andsupratrochlear nn.)

    superciliary arch the ridge of boneabove the orbitalmargin

    located deep to theeyebrow, blunttrauma to thisregion often resultsin cuts within theeyebrow

    glabella midline point between the pairedsuperciliaryarches


    notch in thesuperior orbitalmargin

    occasionally presentas a foramen;opening for the passage of the for supraorbitalneurovascular bundle

    hyoid a "U"-shaped bone consistingof several parts: body, 2 greater horns, 2 lesser horns

    the hyoid boneossifies completelyin middle life; the body articulateswith the greater horns via cartilage

    and with the lesser horns via fibrous joints prior toossification; animportant site for muscle attachments(suprahyoid andinfrahyoid musclegroups)

    body the middle the body of the

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    portion of the"U"-shaped bone

    hyoid bonearticulates with thegreater horns posteriorly

    greater horn(cornu)

    posteriorlydirected limbs of the "U"-shaped bone

    each greater hornarticulates with the body and lesser horns anteriorly;origin of middle pharyngealconstrictor m. andhyoglossus m.

    lesser horn(cornu) articulates withthe greater hornat its junctionwith the body

    the inferior end of the stylohyoidligament attaches tothe lesser horn

    inferior nasalconcha

    a separate boneon the lateralwall of the nasalcavity

    it articulates withthe maxilla; formsthe inferior nasalmeatus below it andthe middle nasalmeatus above it

    lacrimal small boneforming part of the medial wallof the orbit

    articulates:anteriorly withfrontal process of maxilla, superiorlywith frontal bone, posteriorly withethmoid, inferiorly

    with orbital processof maxilla; forms part of the canal for the nasolacrimalduct

    mandible the U-shaped bone forming thelower jaw

    contains the inferior teeth; formed fromthe mesenchyme of the 1st pharyngeal

    arch, and its

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    muscles areinnervated by thenerve of the 1st arch(mandibular division of cranialnerve V)

    body the anterior partof the mandible

    paired halves arefused in the midlineat the symphysismenti

    symphysis menti the midlinesymphysis between the twohalves of themandible

    the two halves of the mandible fuseduring the first postnatal year

    mental protuberance

    the projection onthe anterior midline of themandible

    the bone of the chin;mental meansrelating to the mind,a reference to theact of resting thechin on the handwhile thinking (seethe sculpture byRodin: "TheThinker")

    mental spines(genial tubercles)

    the spines on theinner surface of the mandible posterior to the

    mental protuberance

    attachment site for the genioglossusand geniohyoidmm.

    mylohyoid line the ridge runningobliquely from posterosuperior to anteroinferior on the medialsurface of the body of the


    attachment site for the mylohyoidmuscle; thesubmandibular gland is locatedinferior to this lineand the sublingual

    gland is located

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    superior to this linemental foramen the opening on

    the anterior

    surface of the body of themandible inferior to the premolar teeth

    transmits the mentalneurovascular

    bundle; coveredsuperficially by thedepressor angulioris and depressor labii inferioris mm.

    ramus the angled portion of themandible that joins the posterior portionof the body

    it rises nearlyvertically from the body; thechondyloid processand the coronoid process extend fromthe superior end of the ramus; themandibular foramenis located on themedial surface of the ramus; themedial pterygoid m.

    attaches to themedial surface andthe masseter m.attaches to thelateral surface of theramus

    angle the posteroinferior bend formed bythe union of the body and theramus

    mandibular foramen

    the opening onthe medialsurface of theramus

    it is the opening intothe mandibular canal; it transmitsthe inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle

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    mandibular canal the canal thatruns through the body of themandible

    it transmits theinferior alveolar neurovascular bundle from theinfratemporal fossato the mandibular teeth and gingivae

    lingula the projection of bone medial tothe mandibular foramen

    it is the attachmentsite of the inferior end of thesphenomandibular ligament

    coronoid process the process that projectsanterosuperiorlyfrom the ramusof the mandible

    it is the attachmentsite of thetemporalis m.

    condylar process the rounded process that projects posterosuperiorlyfrom the ramusof the mandible

    it articulates withthe mandibular fossa of thetemporal bone

    mandibular notch

    the notch between thecoronoid andcondylar processes

    it transmits themassetericneurovascular bundle from theinfratemporal fossato the deep surface

    of the masseter m.mandibular neck the constriction

    below thearticular chondyle on thechondylar process of themandible

    part of the lateral pterygoid m. insertsinto the pterygoidfossa of themandibular neck

    pterygoid fossaof the neck

    a shallowdepression on the

    part of the lateral pterygoid m. inserts

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    anterior surfaceof the neck of themandible

    into the pterygoidfossa of themandibular neck

    maxilla bone forming themidface it forms the inferior orbital margin andcontains the teethand maxillary sinus

    frontal process the part of themaxilla that projectssuperiorly medialto the orbit

    it articulates withthe nasal bone, thefrontal bone and thelacrimal bone; itforms part of medialorbital wall &margin; it forms theanterior part of thecanal for thenasolacrimal duct

    orbital process the part of themaxilla thatforms the floor of the orbit

    also known as theorbital surface of the maxilla; itcontains theinfraorbital grooveand canal; it formsthe roof of themaxillary sinus

    zygomatic process

    the lateral projection of themaxilla

    it articulates withthe zygomatic bone


    groove in orbital process of themaxilla locatedin the posterior part of the orbit

    transmits theinfraorbitalneurovascular bundle from theinfraorbital fissureto the infraorbitalcanal

    infraorbital canal canal in orbital process of themaxilla locatedin the anterior

    the directcontinuation of theinfraorbital groove;transmits the

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    part of the orbit infraorbitalneurovascular bundle from theinfraorbital grooveto the infraorbitalforamen


    opening at theanterior end of the infraorbitalcanal locatedinferior to theorbit

    it transmits theinfraorbitalneurovascular bundle

    alveolar process "U"-shaped process of bonethat holds themaxillary teeth

    contains sockets(alveoli) for theroots of themaxillary teeth


    the roughened posterior aspectof the body of the maxilla

    the posterior superior alveolar nn. Enter themaxilla directlysuperior to thisstructure

    anterior nasalspine

    anterior projection of bone in themidline, inferior to the anterior nasal aperture

    the cartilaginous part of the nasalseptum sits atop thisstructure

    maxillary sinus pneumatizedhollow center of the body of themaxilla

    paired; eachmaxillary sinusdrains through thehiatus semilunarisinto the middlenasal meatus

    palatine process shelf of bone that projectshorizontally tomeet at themidline in the

    paired; together,they form the roof of the oral cavity(hard palate) andthe floor of the

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    nasal cavity

    incisive foramen opening in the

    midline, posterior to themaxillary incisor teeth

    it transmits the

    terminal branches of the nasopalatine nn.& sphenopalatineaa.; it marks the point of unionduring developmentof the primary andsecondary palate

    nasal thin bone thatforms part of the bridge of thenose

    articulates with thefrontal bonesuperiorly, thefrontal process of the maxilla laterallyand the contralateralnasal bone medially

    occipital the bone formingthe posterior surface of theskull

    it articulatessuperolaterally withthe parietal bonesthrough thelambdoid suture,anteroinferiorlywith the temporal bone and anteriorlywith the body of thesphenoid bone




    located anterior to the foramenmagnum

    attachment site for

    the superior pharyngealconstrictor m.

    squamous part the flat, thin portion of theoccipital bonelocated posterior to the foramenmagnum

    it articulates withthe petrous part of the temporal boneanteroinferiorly andthe parietal bonessuperolaterally at

    the lambdoid suture

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    external occipital protuberance

    a projection onthe externalsurface of thesquamous part of the occipital bone in themidline

    it is the attachmentsite of theligamentum nuchaeand the trapeziusm.; its highest pointis called the inion

    inferior nuchalline

    a low ridge thatruns transverselyon the externalsurface of thesquamous part of the occipital bone inferior tothe superior nuchal line

    it is an attachmentsite for deep neck muscles

    superior nuchalline

    a low ridge thatruns transverselyon the externalsurface of thesquamous part of

    the occipital bone

    it is the attachmentis the for thetrapezius andsplenius mm.


    the opening inthe occipital bone posterior tothe basal part

    it transmits thespinal cord, twovertebral aa., andtwo spinalaccessory nerves

    basal part the portion of the

    occipital bonelocated anterior to the foramenmagnum

    it articulates with

    the body of thesphenoid bone

    lateral part the portion of theoccipital bonelocated lateral tothe foramenmagnum

    paired; it is pierced by the hypoglossalcanal and thecondylar canal

    hypoglossal an opening in the paired; it transmits

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    canal lateral part of theoccipital bone

    the hypoglossalnerve

    condylar canal an opening in the

    lateral part of theoccipital bone

    paired; it transmits

    the condylar emissary veinoccipital condyle a low, wide

    projection fromthe inferior surface of thelateral part of theoccipital bone

    paired; it articulateswith the atlas

    jugular notch a notch locatedon theanterolateraledge of thelateral part of theoccipital bone

    it forms the posterior margin of the jugular foramen;the temporal boneforms the anterior margin of the jugular foramen

    ossicles a chain of three bones in the

    tympanic cavity(middle ear)connecting thetympanicmembrane to theoval window;arranged fromlateral to medial:malleus, incus,


    the ossicles are joined by synovial

    articulations thatmay becomearthritic in old age,resulting inconductive deafness

    incus the middleossicle of themiddle ear

    articulates with thehead of the malleusand the head of thestapes; incus means"anvil"

    malleus the lateral ossicleof the middle ear

    the manubrium isattached by itshandle to the inner surface of the

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    tympanic membraneat the umbo; itshead articulateswith the incus;malleus means"hammer"

    stapes the medialossicle of themiddle ear

    it articulates withthe long process of the incus and its base fills thefenestra vestibuli(oval window);stapes means"stirrup"

    palatine the bone thatforms the posterior part of the hard palate

    paired; failure of the perpendicular platesto fuse duringdevelopment leadsto a midline defect(cleft palate)

    perpendicular plate

    the vertical portion of the palatine bonelocated posteriorly oneither side of thenasal cavity

    it articulatesanteriorly with themaxilla; posteriorlyit forms the medialwall of the pterygopalatinefossa and the lateralwall of the nasalcavity; its posterior edge contributes to1/2 of thesphenopalatineforamen


    a notch at the posterosuperior margin of the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone

    along with thesphenoid bone itforms thesphenopalatineforamen

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    an opening in thelateral wall of thenasal cavityformed by the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone andthe body of thesphenoid bone

    it transmits thenasopalatine nerveand thesphenopalatinevessels

    orbital process a small, superior projection fromthe perpendicular plate of the palatine bone

    it forms a small partof the floor of theorbit located posteroinferiorlynear the apex

    horizontal plate the portion of the palatine bonethat forms the posterior 1/3 of the hard palate

    paired; the twohorizontal platesmeet at the midline

    greater palatineforamen

    an opening in thehard palatelocated medial tothe 3rd maxillarymolar tooth

    it transmits thegreater palatineneurovascular bundle; it is animportant site for oral anesthesia

    lesser palatineforamen

    an opening in thehard palatelocated posterior to the greater

    palatine foramen

    there may be morethan one; ittransmits the lesser palatine n. and

    vesselsparietal a broad, flat bone

    forming thelateral surface of the skull

    paired; this bonearticulates with thecontralateral parietal bone in themidline at thesagittal suture; itarticulatesanteriorly with

    frontal bone at

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    coronal suture; itarticulates posteriorly with theoccipital bone at thelambdoid suture; itarticulates inferiorlywith the greater wing of thesphenoid bone atthe pterion, thesquamous part of the temporal bone atthe squamous suture

    and the mastoid partof the temporal bone at the parietomastoidsuture

    inferior temporalline

    an arching ridgeon the externalsurface of the parietal bone

    it is an attachmentsite for thetemporalis muscle

    superior temporal line

    an arching ridgeon the externalsurface of the parietal bone

    it is an attachmentsite for thetemporalis muscleand the temporalfascia

    parietal foramen an opening in the parietal bonelocated near thesagittal suture

    it transmits the parietal emissaryvein, a valvelessvein which connectsthe scalp to thecranial cavity

    granular foveolae

    small pits locatedon the inner tableof the parietal bone

    for the arachnoidgranulations



    the large anterior

    cartilage of the

    connected above to

    the hyoid bone via

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    larynx; it hasseveral parts:laminae (2),superior horns(2), inferior horns (2),oblique line,superior thyroidnotch,

    the thyrohyoidmembrane;connected below tothe cricoid cartilagevia the inferior hornof the thyroidcartilage; connected posteriorly: to thearytenoid cartilagevia the vocalligament andthyroarytenoid m.,to the epiglottic

    cartilage via thethyroepiglotticligament; it tiltsanteriorly toincrease the lengthof the vocalligament and raisethe pitch of thevoice

    lamina a broad flat plateof cartilageforming one sideof the thyroidcartilage; twolaminae fuseanteriorly in themidline to formthe thyroidcartilage

    the laryngeal prominence is theline of fusion of thetwo laminae; eachlamina is connectedsuperiorly to thehyoid bone by thethyrohyoidmembrane

    superior horn the rounded,superior projection of the posterior border of the thyroidlamina

    it is connectedsuperiorly to thegreater horn of thehyoid bone by thelateral thyrohyoidligament

    inferior horn the rounded,

    inferior projection of the

    it is connected

    inferiorly to thecricoid cartilage by

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    posterior border of the thyroidlamina

    the cricothyroidarticulation (asynovial joint)

    oblique line ridge whichdescendsdiagonally fromsuperior toinferior on thelateral surface of the thyroidlamina

    a line of muscleattachment

    laryngeal prominence

    the line of fusionof the thyroidlaminae

    known to the lay person as the"Adam's apple"; thelaryngeal prominence is asecondary sexualcharacteristic - in postpuberal malesthe angle of thelaryngeal

    prominence isapproximately 90and in females theangle isapproximately120

    superior thyroidnotch

    the notch at thesuperior end of the laryngeal prominence

    it is connected tothe hyoid bone bythe medianthyrohyoid ligament

    sphenoid an irregularlyshaped boneforming thecentral portion of the skull

    it has many parts,including a body,greater wing, lesser wing and pterygoid plates

    body central part of thesphenoid bone

    contains thesphenoid sinuses;

    attachment point for

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    the wings and pterygoid plates

    sphenoid sinuses pneumatized

    spaces within the body of thesphenoid bone

    usually paired; it

    drains into thesphenoethmoidalrecess of the nasalcavity

    jugum the anterior-most portion of thesphenoid bone

    articulates with thecribriform plate of the ethmoid bone


    the groove for the optic chiasm

    located between the jugum & thetuberculum sellae

    optic canal canal located atthe lateral end of the chiasmaticsulcus andmedial to theanterior clinoid process

    paired; it transmitsthe optic nerve andthe ophthalmicartery from thecranial cavity to theapex of the orbit


    the anterior limitof the sellaturcica

    the middle clinoid processes projectfrom its lateral ends

    sella turcica depression on thesuperior surfaceof the body of the sphenoid bone

    "Turkish saddle";roughly equivalentto the hypophysealfossa; area betweenthe tuberculum

    sellae and the posterior clinoid processes

    anterior clinoid process

    projection at themedial end of thelesser wing of thesphenoid bone

    the internal carotidartery passes medialto this structure

    lesser wing of the sphenoid

    thin rim of bone projectinglaterally from the

    bilateral; it formsthe posterior marginof anterior cranial

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    anterior clinoid process

    fossa; it articulatesanteriorly with theorbital plate of thefrontal bone

    greater wing of the sphenoid

    broad plate of bone swinginglaterally from the body of thesphenoid bone

    bilateral; it formsthe medial part of the floor of themiddle cranialfossa, part of temporal fossaelaterally, and the posterior part of thelateral wall of orbit;it articulatesanteriorly with thezygomatic bone,superiorly with thefrontal & parietal bones (at the pterion), posteriorlywith the squamous& petrous portionsof the temporal bone

    superior orbitalfissure

    slit-like opening between thelesser & greater wings of thesphenoid bone

    it transmits theoculomotor nerve,the trochlear nerve,the abducens nerve, branches of ophthalmic divisionof the trigeminalnerve, the superior ophthalmic vein andlymphatics from thecranial cavity intothe orbit


    opening in thefloor of themiddle cranial

    fossa through thegreater wing of

    it transmits themaxillary divisionof the trigeminal


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    the sphenoid bone

    foramen ovale opening in the

    floor of themiddle cranialfossa through thegreater wing of the sphenoid bone

    it transmits the

    mandibular divisionof the trigeminalnerve; it is located between theforamen rotundumand the foramenspinosum


    opening in thefloor of themiddle cranialfossa through thegreater wing of the sphenoid bone

    it transmits themiddle meningealartery and themeningeal br. of themandibular divisionof the trigeminalnerve (cranial nerveV)

    spine of thesphenoid

    process of bonethat projectsinferiorly fromundersurface of greater wing of the sphenoid

    it is the superior attachment for thesphenomandibular ligament

    pterygoid process

    process that projectsinferiorly fromthe junction of the body &

    greater wing of the sphenoid bone

    it has several parts:lateral & medial pterygoid plates,hamulus, pterygoidfossa, scaphoid

    fossa; the pterygoid plates are separated by the large pterygoid fossathroughout most of their length, and bythe small scaphoidfossa superiorly

    lateral pterygoid


    thin plate of bone

    that projects

    it is the attachment

    site of the lateral &

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    posterolaterallyfrom the pterygoid process

    medial pterygoidmuscles (lateral pterygoid m. on itslateral surface,medial pterygoid m.on its medialsurface)

    medial pterygoid plate

    thin plate of bonethat projects posteriorly fromthe pterygoid process

    it is the attachmentof the superior pharyngealconstrictor m. & the pharygobasilar fascia

    scaphoid fossa an ovaldepression at thesuperior end of the lateral pterygoid plate

    it is the site of origin of the tensor veli palatini m.


    hook-like projection fromthe inferior endof the medial pterygoid plate

    it acts as a pulleyfor the tendon of thetensor veli palatinim.

    pterygoid canal canal that occursat the junction of the greater wing,the pterygoid process and the body of the

    sphenoid bone

    it transmits thenerve of the pterygoid canalfrom the pterygoidregion to the pterygopalatine

    fossatemporal bone forming the

    lateral side of theskull

    temporal refers the passage of time,which is marked bythe appearance of gray hair on the sideof the head

    petrous part the hard part of the temporal bone located in

    it contains thetympanic cavity(middle ear) and the

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    the floor of thecranial cavity

    bony labyrinth of the inner ear

    internal acoustic


    the opening on

    the posteromedialsurface of the petrous part of the temporal bone

    it transmits the

    facial n., thevestibulocochlear n., and thelabyrinthine a.

    facial canal a canal whichcourses throughthe petrous partof the temporal bone

    it transmits thefacial n. from theinternal acousticmeatus to thestylomastoidforamen

    carotid canal a canal whichcourses throughthe petrous partof the temporal bone

    it transmits theinternal carotid a.and the internalcarotid plexus of nerves into thecranial cavity

    mastoid process the processlocated posteroinferior tothe externalacoustic meatus

    it projects inferiorlyfrom the junction of the petrous andsquamous parts of the temporal bone;it contains themastoid air cellsthat open into

    tympanic cavitythrough the mastoidantrum

    tegmen tympani thin plate of boneforming the roof of the tympaniccavity

    located on the floor of the middlecranial fossa

    jugular fossa a depression onthe posterior surface of the

    it forms the anterior margin of the jugular foramen; the

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    petrous part of the temporal bone

    occipital bone formsthe posterior marginof the jugular foramen

    styloid process the spike of bonethat projectsinferiorly fromthe petrous partof the temporal bone

    it is the attachmentsite for thestylohyoid,styloglossus andstylopharyngeusmm. and thestylomandibular andstylohyoidligaments

    tympanic part the part of thetemporal boneconsisting of theexternal acousticmeatus and thetympanic ring

    the medial 1/3 of the external acousticmeatus is bony andthe lateral 2/3 isformed by cartilage

    external acousticmeatus

    the opening inthe lateralsurface of thetemporal bone

    it extends mediallyfrom the surface tothe tympanicmembrane; it allowssound to reach thetympanicmembrane; themedial 1/3 of theexternal acousticmeatus is bony andthe lateral 2/3 isformed by cartilage

    tympanic ring the rim of bonesurrounding themedial end of theexternal acousticmeatus

    it is the attachmentsite of the tympanicmembrane

    squamous part the thin flat portion of the

    temporal bone

    it articulates withthe parietal bone

    and the greater wing

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    that constitutesthe side of theskull above theear

    of the sphenoid bone at thesquamous suture

    zygomatic process

    the projection of bone that arisesanterior to theexternal acousticmeatus

    it articulates withthe temporal process of thezygomatic bone toform the zygomaticarch

    mandibular fossa the depressionlocated medial tothe origin of thezygomatic process

    it articulates withthe condylar processof the mandible

    articular tubercle an inferior projectionlocated anterior to the mandibular fossa

    dislocations of thetemporomandibular joint result when themandibular condyleslides anterior tothis structure

    vomer thin plate of boneforming the posteroinferior part of the nasalseptum

    articulatessuperiorly with the perpendicular plateof the ethmoid boneand the body of thesphenoid bone;articulates inferiorlywith the palatine

    processes of themaxilla and thehorizontal plate of the palatine bone

    wormian bone small irregular bone that occurs between suturesof the skull

    wormian bones arevariable inoccurrence and areespecially commonat the junction of

    the squamous suture

  • 7/31/2019 Bones and Cartilages of the Head and Neck.doc


    and the lambdoidsuture

    zygomatic the bone that

    forms the cheek

    the zygomatic bone

    is frequentlyfractured in blowsto the side of theorbit; the temporalfascia attaches tothe zygomatic arch

    temporal process the portion of thezygomatic bonethat projects posteriorly

    it articulates withthe zygomatic process of thetemporal bone toform the zygomaticarch

    frontal process the portion of thezygomatic bonethat projectssuperiorly andmedially

    it forms the inferior part of the lateralorbital margin andthe anteroinferior part of the lateralorbital wall; itarticulates with thefrontal boneanteriorly and thegreater wing of thesphenoid bone posteriorly

    maxillary process

    the part of thezygomatic bone

    that projectsmedially

    it forms the lateral part of the inferior

    orbital margin andthe anterolateral part of the orbitalfloor; it articulateswith the maxilla


    a small openingon the lateralsurface of thezygomatic bone

    it transmits thezygomaticofacial n.