Bond_presentation 6120

A Day at the Library A Christina Bond Presentation


This is the experience power point that is required for my LIS 6120 graduate class final.

Transcript of Bond_presentation 6120

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A Day at the Library

A Christina Bond Presentation

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Table of Contents The Library

The Information desk

Who was involved

The experience Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

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The Library Library Y is a library  that is located in a nearby town. A

few years ago, Library Y was updated with new amenities. An example of one such amenity,  is  the meeting rooms that were added in the  lounge area before a patron reaches  the library. 


Additionally, during the update the library received new items such as it's entryway,  and a  new front desk.  It also moved the section for teen mateirals,  which was relocated to a nook beside the entryway for the library.  

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The Information Desk The information desk for Library Y is

located in  the open area behind the new media and materials. It is also across from the children's section, and is placed before  the shelving which  holds the rest of the library's materials. 

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Who was part of this interaction

Librarian 1

Librarian 2

Parton Z

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The experience On the second day of my observation, Patron X came up to the

information desk.  She proceeded to inquire about a subject that I could not hear, as  she and the librarians were talking in soft voices. 

After a few moments of discussing her inquiry with the librarians,  the lady known as Patron Z left  for a moment. When she returned, she asked the librarians about certain  numbers, which apparently were related to tax forums. At that moment, the library had  tax forms available to assist it's patrons  located at an  information kiosk.  

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Unfortunately, because they  continued to speak in quiet tones I could not hear what anyone was saying. However, I did hear Librarian 1 offer to print Patron Z  out some information that she had located. Although she said she'd have to go get printer paper which she then left to retrieve. 

When Librarian 1 returned, she followed through with her promise and printed out pages of information for the patron. Also, Librarian 2 disclosed to the patron that they had provided her with information to a resource that could further assist her. 

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  However, this was no the end of this experience

as the patron  stayed at the desk. At one time, I overheard the patron mention that she used turbo tax which confirmed my suspicions that the patron's original question  was tax related

Additionally, the patron also had other questions for the librarians. One of which was related to instructions for a form that she'd received or was already in  possession of. 

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Eventually, Patron Z left the information desk, which I assume meant that all her questions had been answered. Likewise, I assumed it meant that she'd gotten all the information that the librarians were able to provide her about taxes. 

After Patron Z left, the Adult Services manager came to the desk and Librarian 1 proceeded to ask her if she'd like to hear what they'd just learned.  She agreed to this, and they all discussed this information in quiet tones which prevented me from hearing their conversation

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Eventually, Patron Z left the information desk, which I assume meant that all her questions had been answered. Likewise, I assumed it meant that she'd gotten all the information that the librarians were able to provide her about taxes. 

After Patron Z left, the Adult Services manager came to the desk and Librarian 1 proceeded to ask her if she'd like to hear what they'd just learned.  She agreed to this, and they all discussed this information in quiet tones which prevented me from hearing their conversation