BOME INGENIOUS 1DEAS. SETB51€¦ · Deeeber appiv-d tor apaea, 90 by 80 »et, m IM n-.aln...

BOME INGENIOUS 1DEAS. THK Y.WK PBOJECT GAlKINQ GBOUltD. *rrLIC\Tlo\s l.Hl M"\< r. MKMHXXBfl Tn OOMB 1N-THE COMMIT71 EB S.ioX TO DE Aproisrr.i). Tbe projett of the Mg World's Falr eoattBBM to hold ita plaee ln tlie piildle atten'loti. Mavor t.iant s).ent much of hls tlme duiini; oflice in.ur> \e-4erday In In- »r*H-tinc aml arraaglag the li-t* of recomaaeadattoBa f>r Ihe appoit tnient of the conitnltlees whk'n M Inieiids to announre ln a few <la\ a The dj-ug-trade have unlted upon John MeKeaaaB, Jr., to l-epve sent them. A eeanaMaM from the ituiidinp Aaaoetatlon Laagae ralled on tlie Mayor and pi-cented a letter argtng tbe leeefBlttoa of the co-operativ© balhUag-loaa or saving bwotilBllone. tepreaenbng over 1,000,000 per sona ln the Inited ftat«s. The rommlttee a-ked tor tho appolotmcnt ol I'harle* O'C. lleniiesst-y to rep- resent them. R. W. Raymr.nd, leeretary of th<* Amerlran InatltUta of MlnluR Engtneer*, wrote indorslng Henry B. Towne, presWent of the M.-lety Ol Mecha" l*al En- plnwrrs, iliipraaMaal of the BeglneeraP lub, and member of tho Amerlcan boiloty of «- ivll Bagbieaia, to represeut the engttieeiv A request was reretved from artlsts and eolleetora ailrttig the aprointment of Heary 0. Marqeand, pre-l dent of tM 'Metropolltan MaaWOa af Al*. "Pon one of tbe aaaaaalttaaa, A letter wa< leeetVOd liom twfnty-elcht r.-tn:i manufactureis and di-alera ln nuwhlnrry and railroad mppllr.. bra^e. iton and other nietal geode, lor water. iteani and pas, aaMag thc appolniin-nt of < harlos A. Moore to repi-.-i.ent them. Iba TTfc UnlT U«nee Doale*? Aaaoeiattaa P**""1*** the bbbm of Boegler, eeator aaemMr of th- nrm af P. Boegk* l a., bo. xa Sonth WllUaa>at., a- a pn.per reareaeatattve <>f th^tr totereete. Oaatfa D. Baaith, propetabw of Uie Patry Kltchen, nitul- a peugaalboa for a part of the raatauran! prtvl- Wmw at the BipeaMtoa. Mr. Bmlth propoeae ta r,r,, a baadoeaae baUttag and le eharge reaaona m prteee. II IM apaea b Ib a favorable pUea ln the main building ho otfers to pay 130,000 lor IU t n. Deeeber appiv-d tor apaea, 90 by 80 »et, m IM n-.aln building. for tM Ibplay and sale of BUBleal iMtruiii.nts. n. ofero W.000 tor it. .re nnted Btatea Brewere» Aaa elattoa pieaenb th» aame.-f jaaaee Lietaaaaa, vtee-piaaldeBt ofthe Cnltod itate. Bivwara' Aaaodattoa, and paealdeat of tM Braw. .ii,' Board of Trade of New-Vork and Ita virlmty. Thomaa Frok A Boa geal ln an appllcatiou to be .onign tteliet ageata of IM F.xposltlon. john Home apfUe- tor apaee, M> bf 100 toet. tor the dispiay of earrlagea a. i baraeea, He oaen lo take fifty iharea of »0 atoeh. ¦ t webb the bebel braker, writri indorstng the BlaaafB '.. i1"'*" fl»> sal" "f ,"'K,'V lP ¦dv*"ee £ a toeeaaal toa moaey aith whbh to nm tM Expo- M. Leatea Tbeaaaa, aa-aeaalleBl of Boroab, and maaaieral IM National Couwil of Women, i , .. Wotnan'* l>"l>aiiu..:ir 10 aMW WOBBBa'a poalllon aalltaaaa tor avary aort oi todaatty. l.B<»atM Brown auggeatoMaal^ the pot latdy Uken by th- eity m tM Twwrty-thbd banl, bv Bt Mary's l'aik oa tM north. Bt Ann'a av-. on Ihe a^f, Long lalaal Booal oa tM ea.;. and aouth by IM Ha:!- in Blver." aa. TrarelVwe' Exehanee PubUahlag Oompany ofTer to extend to tM -<;...,..t- a temporary baadquartara ln the Travallaw' BMhaage, ealllag attaatton ^o tha toeUltiea for tran«a.-tlng bualneaa, owlng to the tela- ,.,-ai.hi, eomaianleauon tbroughoiH the Paited l SaoTabla eoawnunlcatlon wltb all parte ofthe world, »' paattaBea, ralli«ad a..d ataaaiablp tleMt offlea a.J ath- r eoave den tea, fi. uaoeiattoa of Vobmteer Fbamea anggeet thc aaint oi Prealdent Mlebael CraM lo repreaenl tMm. \ r, Wall has thia UM ahout raltlDg tM money: . i voaM aaggeal the eertifleate plaa of ralatag ihe Mnds tor CXdnmbue Palr of IBBB. laaM neat .ertltl- eatea aaltabla for fmaateg. aay 1U14, Ohre one to eayoa paraoa coatrtoaUag » ar over. Tbeae with tM aignaiui*. of fhe pmhtoal and tieaaaiar of i.'on. mitto) could be fran d and praearved a^ a mamento nf th- greataal falr ef tM whota w.ald. I am aoor, but WIU ?lve HO for one.'' -The Ho,.t and BbM WeeMP" «rof, offerlng to do all could to balp IM Iblr. Tho Building .Maurial Bxebaaae requaRted IM ap- pointni-nt ..f James bogara, praaMaal of ti.« Xxi hange. Uaatoaaat-Ooveffaar Jaaaa wrote aaktag the ap- pointmenf af f, M. llexa.ner to repreaenl th- agrl- cultural Indusiry. iho BdltorofwTM HaMrdaaMi" aaal ln the tollow- ing raaall of a poatal earl ballol for repieaeatatlvea 3f hls ladaatry: Waahlagtoa w.i-.n. -J7: V. Henry Roth-M.ii'l, 84; Jaeeb Levi, :<: Joha H. CampMll, 8; >lr. Flah, Wi Luelua Uttauer, ^~: Mr. Towneend, 28; james Tai.-oti, ^; Mr. Carpenter, 13; John 1'- Faure, 11. ,,. The maaatoetarera ..f eoap. perhiaaery. eandl« and tollet artiei-, reqaeeted tbat Ooloael Davld B. Browa ihouM M el.,.< n to r pre lent ttiem. The Fortbam Club pa.l reaoluttona todordng Ihe Falr an l a-1 Ing lhal bauaeay M- Dopew si.ouid be made rhalrnian af IM I ommitb.D Bbe. A aavbar of jr.ld pea, toaatala pen. and pen and ponet!ea-e BBBufaetareri a«Md for tM appotabneat of Joha H. Ki.arp te repreaenl them. The Becirk tlnb elaet rheolore X. ^a:l aud Ilenrv (' Davb to ibproaenl the orgaolaatlon on the tonmltiee af ti.e Wor! thia maMa lour \*mci eent ln by toduatry or parta of n. -«.-¦ SPEAKER COLFT8 CANDIDACT. BMTMB THB v-,MlN\Ti.,\ fOB BEKATOB I* IBB TWBbTT-ElOBTH D1STB1CT. faaa ^al^ Aag. 8 (BpeelaD. IMie la a eonteb of an aaaeaaWy bvebr nature la thia Baaatorlal Wttrlcl to oMain tM BepublicM oomlnatlon tor Benator, a Bomiaattoa whkh b equtvatoal l an elaetion, aa .he Kepubiiran gaajbrlt) ls aeveral vot< >. The diMiirt is made up of Ihe eooaUea ol Tatoa, WayM, Behuylar aad Ontarto. Here m Talea County th.-re are two raudidate-. ea-6enator <¦- rge B. i-"11' ¦al ea-AaaaaaUyaaM Geoiga B. OornwalL In On- tvto Ooaatj lha teadlng eaadMato i- ea Aaeemblyman Cyrtllo 8. Ltaeota. The eaadtoate of Bchuykr ( ounty la ^iK-a'o-r Fnn. ole, vbO is BOW sald lo !.-.'> tl.r movort ol Wayne and Bchuyler Countlea. If theae JSSumS i-ontinuc their .upport ol Mr. ^»e hewlU un- aaeatlonably be nomlnated; bul Meatre. Lord, Corn- VaJA and l.lncoln i attempttag geto tme vol i fir^emselvee In Wai ".' Ooaaty, hoplBg thus ta weabaa "%'/iuo' iv::-,<... Brneai H, Croahy, of New York. who ^..,. ,horih for F '' IU r-laer a> a member of tb« Courl of Infrnatlonal Artltratlon ln Egypt, la ¦ueh'tatereatoil In Mr. < ol ''a eandldacy for the eenat*. TaVteidav >" »»M e r'">'^" !!,>iMvr: "' :"" clad io hear thal Mr. i- li a eandldate tor the Benate and he wlll ". i- a man tor whom l i, ,|.-.:,, .«-¦ frle IbavJ- ,h- greateM rwo year. of gooA erv.- for . Senate wU rueel «M ev,.nts of '-..- wlnter. lf th* peoph ol hls Belghboriiool wlll clv* Mm ¦ ehanee, I am confl- lent that they will nol be dl*appotnted.* BBM AMD BMB CBILDBEX AVBTTT IX THF BTOXB Mra Mart Bla - ¦ l* h"r ba»baal *>\ iwo llttle -^ ', ,. a old aad tM otMi aa toto eity a waeb aga yeeterday. TM huabaad Karch of rah. and IM fai I] Hayed al tM I Mr* nm.--, eW -. al N". '-'¦'> rnnt+A, Braoklya Te* taramy amn -- aaaM ae leaa* kaep hli wlla m.1 eMMiee. Blnea weat ,m m the aanalag M i--.k I»i l" ntm> fnr her at a .,>|o,-k. Mm Hlaei wall A aat I I . -h- k tor h>m aad thea eaaM " tola eity la teareb toi him. takin« with bai Mi . aad a aaeil 11 c).-.),..'.-. Hla. la * .leagahowaaa aad th- »;-<¦ huaud .#r mm akma tb rrnt tnmk, TM lala dreaekid tM atakbat aad :-- eblMraa ta "- arlm. ¦' tMm ¦. taa Hereaea MIm u ¦ _#_ TICBBTI UXOLXB " IJTf BIM BDVOATBD ,,. ireoklya, »atd il in retard M thi -. rr at 1 are ihin. -ii. at Hebokee, ball M . W by ,. .,,,(.. ,.., j, :,,i. thi aeea that the i...r i-.i t«,. i ..-.!::.-.-.- waattM - "-n, to ihm ta h- edueaWl ll- mI paaat] ,. aa ,. i ¦- tbal n wool v. Bothlag waa **'<t by ") aaelea atK«it teavlng bla aaoaey and the aawaat tMf »¦« waHk wai noi ui-nUon.-d. AB EfiCAFE raOB THE QVBBXB COUXTJ JAIL. r»t# M'Sidritt. wi.n waa --.,' aead la aa ¦ * tha in th« ejaeeaa Oeaaag j...i laemly, haa aaaapeb Ra «*- aoa- Premiere eiuiEmi. Ki«bam.'« Premlere Quallf* ciRaretto la aln.ply a B»ury and not a low-pncci ai-ikla nii-1 on th" wcnfl Maiy aai b aabdag bla aaaaaa U paaai bt bark )iuaped aMal thMg Beel te IM groand. M.M.iritt wai eaavtatol -' ¦'- tiatt nnd batlaiy. TM »n- any lnf.,n,iiiti..i.. '! Ihlab tMj a. IM u-iek ,,f IM priaoaer aad ihej -m.! w eaptaia him betora n.any d;.) a A COUETMABTIAL AT THE STATE CAMP. TWO OF THK PNSOX1 U BTAKD TIII AI. A Ml'S. l\<; iu.i M't.r.s OF BEKTBIES. FeeU-liill, B. V.. \ug. !. (gpecial).- lor tM serhnd time in the hlatory of tM Btate aap a eoarl marbal was held here to-day fo try the pitooaan wM WBBB io ihe gaard-hoaaa aad bad refuaed t.. woib wltb pJrk and -!:ov-l on th- BOW tolt, Orlglually there were seven men ln eastody, but the .aptaius nf the OT laabalhma to whleb Iva of th- prleonera Mlong .1 ient for thelr men. Major-Gooeral Porterorde roiirt-m.-iitial, and altbougb ati were ma l<« by the regimental ofli.-.-i-. t,. prevenl n belag lield, tlie tw.i remainlng pilM.ners, l'llvate-. Cu.llip, of 1 ompany E, and Btrtaktor, of Ceaapaay I. had lo siand trial. Th- rourt was conipo.sod of l.leutenanl-C'olofi.-l DOWd, pteebtoat; Captaln Henry llollan.l. of tlie 86th *epa>ato Compaay; Flrat Licutenant Bdward C Barith, .,f om- pany A, aud ( aptain Wasblugtun Oontaat, of Oompany 11, Ju Ipc advoiate. S.i'i.n.1 Ueub -nant Walnwrlglil, of Company B, arted as rounsel fnr t'udllp: Btrlcblar had no eounaaL Ther-c wer'.Mx eonota agalnst Cud- llp, who pleaded gullty of OOBdael pti-Judirlal to go ..1 order and dlsrlpllne and not gnllty 011 the other Bve rounts. BtrlektoC pleadod guilty to rondin-t prejudi. lul to good 01.lor and dlsr|pl!n<>, ahs-titlng himseif from camp and niBBlfig lh« gaaida aft.-r taps, betag In- toxlcated, and rafaataig to work at IM gaaid Maaa; but deiii.-d baving loanod a mllitary avareoal and cap to a l Hlaatl Tho flndlngs of the ourt w-re . m bodled ln a report whleh wlfl M aeni to IM Adjutant- Oeneral "f IM BtaM, who wlll aaal U OUt in an of- fiiiai ontor. Th . r.iiiy weabMr returned to mal.e ramp Ufe un- pb-a-ant again to-day. llattalton driil was pievented bi the nioining, but the men went out in the after. aoon, batwoaa ahowata, an.l evtdeatly aajayad them- for they t'n.-d 8,000 roaada of amainnlUon. Ihe laatdreaa parada that Um awa now la eamp win have an opfortlinlty to have was S'odod lo-nlghl by tiie raln. Tlie ramp is quite evpeetant tO-aight about the lotoga of to-aaomw, when tM party of diattogulahed gueata will arrive. The guaitlduty last nizht was gaeb as 110 legimenl could bo pioud <>f. There \ins an UlUBlBg lide to it, though. General iv.n.-r ir.e<i to eroaa tha Hne n't-r i-i:i.- ehaUeoged gave the proper count. - M-t/ " The offleer wbo wrote tM cpuntcwlgn m ,.,. letter of taatru. tlona made thi ut loob Uke a .. v - to al '' - corporal ol the guard fe eounterslgn oi uMety" to the aentrles. The one wbo h«.id, ui. ..-neral Portet ralled fnr Ihe eoiporal. and tMtieneral was obl ged to wall ten er i.ti-i. i«'«"" before he .-mi'l proeeed. A llttle ttutheri»na aentrj did no. rhaUenge him, and General Portor. upon aaklng the naaon, recelved thia anawar: "Ohl >ou can't fool me. You aro Geoaral l'oili. ?- THE ?BAMOX* DLO XOT CFT HIA BOXXT. Long Braaeh, B. J., Aug 0. "Baron" George do raidoimet, who ihieatened to brtag aull agab Pennaylvaaia Club for money elalmed tb tave loat at a --i-.iu" game of baeearal in thal wba waa aaid to have reeetved IM money baek at th.- hai.d- of tM proprletoia, Meeara. Meyer and j..iiv, u aeema, did ool gal bla money after all is aol lik-iy to gel lt, TM rluh's preprietora ln .lu. -d blm '<< po to rhtladelphia to gel proofa <.f Ua ui-utiiy only a- a raae to k,?p him away fromjthe jneeting of IM <-oiitniissi,,n-rs. The« will be no further meetlng oi thi >nen unt B«l Weduesday, and Iho elub-hOUM wlll elOM on tlie .,i- k^bSreatlng'blt of goaato tnm a Weel Bad Hotel laundrv Ii to tbe effecl that ln thirty-two wash hlUa of the'-- Baron'B," no Mngle wtnh roi.talned over three eallara and one pair of euffa. it la aaM that toa liaron was ouce a elerk iu a I»hiladelplua dry-goodl llOllsO. --*- TJTF PBOTOffBABBBBI XLBOTTX0 OTTICXXM. Boaton, Aug. B, Al lo-day'a leaeion of the National FMtograpMia Aeaoeiatioa, the tollowlng weie ap- poin'od to repreaenl the Maoclatton at. the Wedd'i Fair iu Bew-Yort ln \r<A->: Dr. EUlotl and W. I. I.. Adama, Bew-Torb; 3. F Bydw, Clevelaad; W. G. Entreehln, PhUadelphla; w. 11. Ti. Clarb, st. Lauh; \ Bogardns, Kew-YorkJ Tl. MeMlrhael, Bnlfalo; '.l'Al. Applet.*i. Dayton, Ohlo. atvl ('. T. stnait. Bart. f.ird. TM aaswiatloti con)].l.-i-d tli" ls> of n-w offlcera to .tav. by tbe cholce ..f Ibe followlng: I Ir l vlee-prealdent; f.rorge II. Haatlnga. Boston; vlee-prealdent, W. V. Ranger, Roeheater; aecretarj", D. 1.. Uoover, lowa City; treaaurer, ;.. M Carliae, Provldeaee, J'/rilf-.V TO THF UOOF BY THF 8B0XB. Thirty tamlllea Ilvlng In tbe tenement-houie Mo. Kll Flnt-ava. were aroused from ileep at -j a. m. ye». ,-'.1 |n Cbarle Pratech'a baheiy to ih- baaement. TheamoM went up through ium .-.,,: ,:..-... mo 1 >.f the oceupanta to tM roof In thelr ghl clotbc-s. Everybody ha l got out of the houae unhurl when the flremen arrlvi I, and th- fl.imes were ^o,,n axtlngulahad. 'Jho damage waa le*l than B300. .-.- TBOXW0XXXX8' WA6XB TXCXXA8EV. Laaeaater, Penn., Aug 0, 1 rnua RolliBg Mill, of OoIumUa, Penn., Ma Inereaaed the wagea of pnddlere from 13 M to ?."¦ --., aod iMae of IM enipley. tloo. lt li Mll <\ ed tl om wlll accepl tlie ternw and im Io wm it al aet, Auguit' 10, !n case the .. -<¦ ii¦" laMr now em¬ ployed Is dlscl -"l, ai. l only tinim; lab empl THE 8U0AX TXVBT W/J.f. XOT F.F SOFV. Tii- ellQne of Fn-iuh eapltallBla t-, My » eoatrolllng K la tM Bagai ReflBeilea Compaay, aa tbe wu-.t i~ illed, Mve reeeaby beea reloabled hut. if ii pnadnenl n mber of tM tniet 1- te be belleved, ti-v ara ael lik. :\- to be aay nawe raeeeenful thaa ...a. Thi- n,"ii,ht-r .,f 11 ^atd: "We Mve beea approaehed Uroa and ag, Bia el :- capltalhrti aod aak. i prloa which wa woul take toi Wi Mve tarncd a deaf ear t.. tieir blandlihmei We I.*- In n, ' ,i av rprlao, aad ihall -!- k ¦¦. it and uicb l, ,,ur IA Wl M. foi ll ls a tirkv' !,,: ¦Tba eoly holdlagi they ran -'-' tMy P-i. i,,.-- iu ,.|,.. market, and tMj hav. <\ Ing itloni In ii.- price <>f eertlHcatea, Uk. Iay, are du-, ln ,.'¦ ,.]>,n. -I, to .-ii manlpabtloa." "Aa t., IM reperl IMl tMre is a rhaaee "f a anlao he- ta. aa a aa -.:.'. tM marfc. ta -f Ihe aorld, 1 ean n tha -''-y la .,;- TM G< roae j,sirt a >.,u,,ty t.v thelr G .verameat. Tba Enallah Rflaera «r» not. Tlie Oermwii ai« erowdlng .'¦ « t.i tfr w*r, an.l there la no bbIob bo» any preipe 11 f untrm, aauai tb _-+-,- A LTTTLB CBAXGB LEADB TO A GBXAT OXX. *,-. tM leault <f a quan b twren '»,, iroaien la l(,., kea H a ay b lll be had and one of the women rrturn. t. Vlenna la in wci to ti-- eMrge f atarder. bettj n laa, Muria ^!ll^..l. -t No. II WlUew-ava., ariaited oo .. .-iii I,-, Mttery aa » warnnl by ¦'< K I.,-.: waa had aa Tburaday nlght, TM evldenca ilnat Mra M o>al, Id -. ball j. ii Mr, ,,,<l M-- :.',,- that Betty bal a>& froai t.- aa I ii -'¦.-. Muial te.- ;. meoi y, :.n i tried to ii V lt»w 1 Ml iM refueed, aad Mr. Muial l-ft tt,- ha w.,uid lav the i,,!- befara IM A adaltted that im had had troub , The M Bl uud at * MOBB BBOWBBT WEATBBX UWXLT. Th- ll :, lill al Irt' th- day y -t iy, -..- Indlcal ¦eema Ukely IMl tl,- rjlnfall in l ill .-..tin.i- Ihi-mrh th- pr itei part ,-f thll n- -..-' x-:\ wlll ba a-., iu). laled by aa "i"r 'tai -. i kerday wai n ¦"...¦j onl] 74degreea Itamldlty, wi.i,i. hai -.,^;i hour* et IM awrnlag baea aliwow Mp. anl betora u.yn laat. w.i.s a BOY DXOWBKD IX THF OXLLAXt M IV '-¦-.'' « - ::. Ile nullV- .i-,.-. where the ii leni nlm have l I..-V-, Wl W they mf a iy f;.ii itiu, aai i-nuld d,> aaythlag t Ubl Aa I t,,r a rtairmin »t « aearby lallreod ihe i-iinr. Mi toaad ,.-¦ 1,.,-iv TM Breawa *'.a -,14llV. Itl1 || BMf hive lic!|n-1 Ih- 1...V out »,ii t;,,- l, .v.nt I,,,ii,.-. Ni, ,..\ b tM nrighbarhood i portod ? i .,f:.f, BOYra m in ii vi t Mtw QOOD. .j... toBataaey bt tM toala af IM Plrai Natiaaal Baah ,,f Bibakaa naeeJ by IM d.-'. U".,ooo a lea aeeM w uf IM t.-li-r, >-rai.k ii,.>i. hai kwaa niade (riii,« On ShaMtoy Uegl r»:i.-.i imji.ic aal pald a»af le Praritoai I l natader .,f ih- daarlrary 910,000 Th- aaaeaat »»- aabacrlb llnyt'i. fruiiii*. thuH rellevlng Um i,--i-., .... Tl ni.1 cuiue Ufore iii* UmiuJ suits Courl lu beptenbar. EviOLROAD INTEREST& TO CONSOLIDATE CALIIVBIaTA BOAM, TIIE AT.IIIM'N I--M-S \ i IU. l.\n TO TIIB u 11 an v bo-dbbb ob thb i tu- FORBIA ¦OUTTEa-f. Boaaon, Aag. B lOpedaD. fba A-biaoo, Topeka aini Baata Fa oropany laa.i thla evealng a drrular I,, the s-riiiity aohten '-f Ibe CoMtorula Soothern atock. j, |, uow pi-,,;.a thal tba three exlatlng eorpora- tjona kuowa as Um Callforata loutheni BaUroed Ooaa- I ,, p callfornla O atral BaUaray Company and ,,,. Redondo Beaeh BaUwoy Ooaapaay, the latter al preaent leaaad to the Calltornla Oeatral, si.all be ronsolMated lato one eorporatlon, under tbe aame ol Soothern Calltorala Baflwoy Oompany, wBb a B-thortsed eaaltal atoeh af fia.933,000, nf 10,000,000 ts lo ba preferred ato k, wltb a preferenee af 0 I"'1' taat, imn-.'imnlaMje. Ot Ibe preferred ateek there wlU be bMued 98^74,000, ln ea- change, abare for ahara, tor ihe praaenl outala eapltal atoch of the Callfornla Boathera BaUroad Company, anl the ramamder om ba n aarved m pro> vi.le runda tor future permaaenl Improvemeat or addlttona lo th'" property ami agulpment There ls an annual atnklng fund attaehed to th* Callfornla 9outhera*a tir~r aaoataoge bonda, 1-ro.tiiritiK 995,000 nf bonda t,> be par- el.aed yeartiy, an.l one of fSOaOOO, attacbad to Um taeeaaa honrR le be ni>piieri only arbaa aaraed. The callfornla Ceartcal an<i Redbndo Itearh rallway eompaaOW, 965.69 in:U-. 4984 h. -' ..._-,. boadi limlted to 998,000 per miie, 96,727, 000. After Juoe i. 1990, i aee eeal aaaually of .,,.,|. i- to be retJred, provMed tba aai aarnlnga tor the purpoae. As an equltable appoTtionmeal of the revaaue <>t tha eoaaaBdated eoa> pany, II 18 PKIpOaed bB apply the n-t carnii. toUowa: rir-t, to the payaaen! of the lateraal and sinkine fnml of tbe caiifnmia lottthen BaUroad Campaay'a .,.., ,. a per eeal bonda, requlrlaga *»y, 9110,900, i:,|]v, tn the payaaeaI of bitereal nn the Bral ral bonda, to the exteol of 910,000 .,:,,.. ,,f ihe Callfornla Central and ,.,,,,,..,.., rteaeh BaOway compaolea, requlriog, t,4«0. :iy, tu the pavment of tatrreal nn tbe meome bonda of the Callfornla Boathera Baflaay Om s;.v 9210,000, and tha Intereal oa the remaining 915,000 per mfle of Ihe Br»l morlgaga iii p ral and Bedondo anoa nf nol eani >'¦¦<¦¦ .¦¦< '" l»* ,,",-'1' amount.i In fnll, the available balaace u be prorated between them. , , , ,, iiiiv, in the paymenl reqtilred tor th- *inl;inc fundi uf 'he lir-i nn.ii-:.-- bonda ol the ('nllfui-i,|a Central and londo H B ij rompaniea, and f0, ,),,, iinklng lund of the Income bonda ol Ihe Call- -in itallway Company, Fifthly, lo the paymenl ol dlvldendi on the p.. fi" -.-il atock (non-cumulaUve) to tha axtent of s..\ per aat .-a» THE ALTON TO MEET THE CHABGES. ITS LIXE OP DEFEXCB 9EF0BB THE 1MT.K.- BTATE COMMI8SI0S IXDIC ITED, Chieago, Aug. 0 (Speeial), The flilng of a tonnal compl, Ington la the flnl etep ln wba (.(.. ,,, be .i d -; rate flghl between the Alton and tbe iry roada. The Unea buill we of by the Rock i-land aml But.ngton ara turnlng over a valuable bualneaa to their main Une-. The Atchlson baa bulll Its santa Fa eztenslon to -., a:<l naturally torna over to it all the con trollable bnaln"aa. " only two Hilni:- to he done by the Alton, elther to own or control a Weatern exten lon to < U* or to aet parl ol the Uaaa havlng Weatern extenelooa. Altbougfa lt is belleved thal the Alton wffl to444 nr boy the kan-as Pacifk on tbe Uissourl, Raaaaa and T.-xa.-., the other hora of tbe diiemma avo.s alao aeixed aml tho Alton gave notice that o:i Kan-.i- City weatbound roada, whkb tfhleh it bad no proratlng arrangementa, II would pay loral to Bai -1 * it> and tben eecept as its rate tu ¦¦I an amounl whieh arhieu to tho Weatern local would erj-ml the througb iaie quoted by ihe origtoal line. Tbe lateratate Commeree Commlaalon declde whetber or aol trafflc brought to from areat ol B mi i- I'y and deatined fot the Baal l- to be eoueldered a* througb or local buetneaa ln Kanaaa City if takea out bj a road other thaa tba ona whlch broughl it ln. Th" wbola world ls Interested la th declalon, a- n ¦ every Une. In regard to the other cbargea la Ibe complaiat, Vlce-Pne Idenl McMnllln aald: "Wa leaasd 400 atock eara to the American Uve Bt !i ( "iniiil--l',ii Company, anl bad a perfect riKht iu do ao. i oa ii propi v an .!ai»d li-'lf got an aaaoclatlon rullne thal a ami- no objection to a road ba ng H car*. galn any undue advantage from the leaae, aa thi ara nearly all In uae west ol f:w whlch come Baat, tbe Wabaah aml Bock laland ii.. Kanta e haul n- many aa we do. The only other eharge tna1:- exeept ihe om- ,,f re«l our loeal Iiom Kan aa i Ity, lo maka the aame through rati chare I : ollacr Una., thal we have n-.l n ¦¦ locally. <if coune av rednced ratea, I did li, ;-. we aald al the Ume, ro ulated eharge. that ol nbrinklng iui local lo make a ihismch ra: we thlnh g] ., n ,. i : we ean prove tntertAtate Con ur anj iD'eUigenl h-Kiv of me:,. in lhal ea-e, ^e afmply tba rate made by mtui- wltb branebea weal al ity." m . AN RL-CTBIC RAILWAY Al ROSST-E MI-vl-sIl'I". BpWngfleld, III., Ang. 0 (Speclal). Arflclea of ln- rorporatfon (.* tl Eaal Bt Loula .i-l Bt, Electrlc Ballway Company bave beea Bled it t. -.d to eooatrucl a rallway from a- polnl on ll iiiiin.i- .iii.i st. louli bridge where ibe lame l- Inter* aeeted by the boundary Une between the State* ol llltnol- aad Ml--n.ui, tbenee eaaterly to nr.d Ihrough the city of Ba M. Louls, Ihei ce . ii." S m..1: Vard Thi eapltal atock 1- 9100X100, and the prlt lp '1 offlee le ,1 St. l~uU. i; ¦¦ lucorp ratora and Mi-t board f Latbam, - \ barton, t>. B. Poa II bi d B. C. Lacl ind, ^.l oi thla Ity. .. « A (_U. OP BABKIB I- uil.l.IV." The T'lilnn Tin-1. v. whleb f'.rm'-'lr I ag il tba Mlaaourl, Eaasaa and Texaa Ballway, baa la- ...| ¦ t l'.'iiiai- leU tu the holdera ol tho conaol 7 per eanl bonda, In whlch an amMttoa to re control i- barely roneealed, Tbe letter aaya: Trual Company i- ot anx.iua lo asaorae again Ihe reaponalbillty of mlaaatng Uie property, bul aaIH da -., BDd maka ai.i.lleailon to eourl »Vr tha.t inin«'se lf a KtiMrlenl nuraoer of oondhold .- mantfeal a dealre that 1, iboi atng ihe d claration rcqulred by u.e ' " T() TtEBTOBT. TIIE DEXVI.R r. ATT. Chii aa '. Aug. a ¦', ,.r tii y, I ,k' ii .i vote af th Ititi :est. ,i an .i pt opooli. .. th- rate .in i Denvt r ta 1i. All .. .-\r. -.1,111 nt the blcago and a on, 'n explalalng hla ^ ll| n Itlon of I | te of tba 4 killa ll,-- opoal lon I ? A P ai. r:Bl r lii¦!.¦ ., n. Aag. 9. Survi ia of u.m part Jervla . .n V. Tti" d - lltll oac ln A-ipir ia Um r. -i ai aeoi.i>- ' - aad -l o. u,. t al fteU. t, ti.-- ii,. i- ,. 1,IE COUMITTEB OM tBBIG ITIOM AT HVI » '. .aa, Bont., of lli lena tr ed tb toree Ihei I .- bai Ihe of 11. '"¦ irn nntfl Ui .. .,. red I aening. Tiu'v won by Senator ritimli, Of K ,-.- I-. Arl,,i |,as .: rommlttee, tha Benatoi frm the onBHtutlonal Conveni -. \,rr* t, adda rhe J Bb a I Reagan apol .-. 'iii^ im- porta.I rrrtgai longtb, a- were alao lha manj other rnter.ita ..t n.- Inetudlng the eraionetBtatloo ol h- senatu i. t illj, ily. AU I enthuala bkally .. rota of tl i offered to tl rwell, an-H rr "f iho oaologlcal Survey, al o bj btvUatton of Um iim.Ih ,i br.1 addroaa npon lha Irrlgotloi. I.u U: He- I uinn »'. it.i -. frnm 12 lu i. B.ii - il Uic Tull buui. UlAmrr WenUne** la gelekty -v-."-n bf 'he tonln*. nvlriag ;.i'i bUtaA parlfylag aoalltlea ol II partlla. TM ,,..,-,.., dj "'ia aad kU -. t ii-.-: ...-v-.-" on tbe bubj. ol thelr mladoi. \ number of prominont men '¦,.,, i^d thal Ifie intareataof M .'.";,;', .,M a!,-,,.-, Myond computation by a peoP« ulHia "lon ..! bhe water of Ita lake* and rivera. tt-morroa Diorulug tho comi to Butta. .' A. H. WOOD* TtLKS ABOUT HIS FALL. H | mvs BB BAB DOWE bOTHIXO WBOKOi BB BAI OHLT I'AH.r.n IB bUHBBBBr ont. Of Bil " sri:ri-r. vtions.*' Chariea llahr. reeeatly kaown as "A. H, viood. ... wm mm yeeteeday by a Trlbune reporter ,: .!,.Bce ef in- towyon, Meeara, BlaM I lulllva .. jjo, 71 eatre. i. Bb waa Mt at all retfroBi m OklBg ahout bb IBMBl fall I,!, lh-at:l<al helghts. ii iahl: , . -it is truo that I ha%-o fai!-d ln buataeea and i ae BOt Mk any sympithy. All I WBBl 1- Wr l''V- Sotl Ing bai l.ui-t t,i- more thaa the falae atatemenf my in law bu been maklng aMut me. II M toi toal i ever gave a ,0 Bi»**w Drethen tor ctotbe*. Thal atatomeol la a Ua oul ol wbolecloth. Norbttti that I attemped to wlndle Knoedtor 4 o 'oul ol aome pietniw. I i" ,1"'1" a portlon of the puic * .' .»< Batag BWe 11 pay ..;. picturei tor the lebt Ii a | merelj a peeulatlon thal tolted. i did Mr. Itie-ler t a haid-otne boute whleb WM tomporarilj ln my mothcr'i charge and r»i»r mMlonalre'i i.,- Mfore, from my belag al ll a Ba " ll ind M v. n .- mfinu thia aUtement" Mr. Breiler did eonflrm it by a aariea of rlgoroua noda. llahr iaM thal b waa bue that be peaaed a eheck drawn by aome oae abe to hla otdee Ib BoMMb, bul iald ii waa hb one fault, aud tbat the eomptalaanl msed i.u arreal leeply regretted baving loae it- waa bafled out by bb totheMa-Iaw, who, added, v opiiiant of all tM rireumata "WMn I l,e,-an my Iheatrleal venturea," BaM con- Mi. Breeler gave me BSS.000, aud of thb -im i pald oul BttifiOO tor bb Mnadt TMb M more, and ezeepl tM auaia oead tor blm IM real ol tli- money wm aunk ta tM theatrical md I ean aceotUlt f-,r IU Be WM trylnc i,, Kli -, p|.f property in Drtrolt, and if that could een aecompUahed in time, be w..uld bave been tl le me over my dlfDcultl -. BlaM A- Sulll tor llahr and bla faih.-r-iii la-.v, Mr. Breeler, lakl they wtobed to make au empl n - d< U ol eertaln rbargei ba' n,ade again>i tMm. They nei ol Hili.OOO or any ... teei f >r h for dunal er\:- -. Mr. Sullivan alrc aaid that he never went t, Detnb to patch up itaiir'* character or for any other purj thaa to alghten up ihe jir Brosler . Initead of them, bad piaeel In tbuU- Lands a tull for * OniTl'ARY. JUDGE Wll.i.lAM F. BULLOCB. Louisvlil-, by-, Au-. fl (Bpeelal .- Judge Willlam F. Bnlloek di.-d ai bb aon'a bome near BhalbyviUe, Ky., ifterooon, of geoeral deblllty. Be wai elghty- two yeara oW. He wm Mra near Lextogton and ai Traoaylvanla Onlveralty. n<> bogao lito i ;i lawyer at Lextogton; waa won etoeted to IM state LegbUture, aud contltiued lu thal body tuany yeara. ^ DR. OEORGE B. DFBAM. Pr. Oeorga 11. I'pham. an ciiilmtnt pl.y-lelan of W'.-ir- Mrton-ava., TooMre, Bbat at hi» home yaataiday mera. Ing. Ila »a« a gradaata of n-nd-in Call .¦-¦-. la tM ... Ha a-ai foi a aban Ume aa ai letani el Dr, ,\i.,,, ..- ii fonkora, Ihea begaa pra oa hli .,i.l after tM death of Dr. i.-m w. i la ¦¦: bi l -f bla I .- eity. At tM I ' "¦- ".'"" he «,.^ appolnt. 1 a n "' Enrola I p - ihe ooaa- .i tnd W *i h. iter, and waa bo examlning targeoa of the drafted men. TM beai- n aod Ut. UpMn «,-i- .u dui. aar. At th. nf th- ti appolnted t.y tho o> aa examlalug mrgeoa'of u** KHilAKD K15GSLAND. Klob t ;. i"h r ,,ia"u' ..,- home iu Xuti-y, N. .i ou ii- --. . b ln hon,,-"'-.. i, there all hl* ll*e, and hti anceatore U l Ued la tM Mme ... ;: M. ,!"" ball i llahcd ln Pranklto, un-l they ¦ I arittog papar* Br. Blngalaal wm , throtucboul thi-. i.'.f af Ua ol eoaatderaMe baded v n> "-y- Bt liea. SAM lll. B. KEBLER. n -, IB. I -n lor r«»« a pi of tM Town Couaell aod forem it la publle ea lll lll" la tii,^ Ile aaa Jui il i- ? C0I.ONEL If. C. LAUOHT.IW. Wlai heawi Va., Aag. B .-.-¦¦: olonel K. C. Laughlln, i promlnent cltlien over alahtr ....- thli ni".-! Ing. It- wm ¦ W. Va, and btm i. baaaa. ? . OLONEL JAMES CTRRT. Fert Monroe, Va, Aag I ilaaal Jaawa Carry, O. 8. a., retlred, dled aaddealy ai hla reatdeaee U-l li -.'..'¦_ ABBTYAL OT THF VU T0BT0V8 BTTLXMXX. ii,. ..... ,,..M. Maaaaehuietta Rlfla Team arrlved o' gMiaal TM rei Kl'a rlgglag "a- At l wltb ra. II i a i, i arrive antll -J to4ay. ,.. . ,11 i,. ornlng by i eomadttee ot tM wii. i,'- -i Bati ry. After calltng -n the Maya il II | Normandie t; iy lUn this Line for B nn: attocxat slippev i coo. From The al of tbe «ith I * ; !,'rl> I" '!, it M ¦- it of the , , ---r may f-d thal he ¦' the Mt'-I. ,,( t|,. ,- Ua I tM ui bebind the -.. ahl, ..H Mw. \t ,..: otel ft - ip had varlanly been .,,..; that rot one une waa tpie ,-' . 'ii ii We Infen I- »,-i tbe landlord ai d bii -I bave nothlng to -av aboal It iou nuat go ,. .k." w,. Inien'lew wl ien»te, it- , , >f a liotnan We :: aie our omplalnt, an io repl - -I .,., ,.:, ,i,,i ioup bi an' dem claata to miIi my Rul il di.e-l, t BUtt OUr»." \v |<, ¦.,, lefu- u. make it rhan -- ¦ j nattinh do, aah. i 'lowa nobody t-. t ll ma do." Vt> returned ro »he raranda nto .nven ii. :¦¦ our ti nglh, and in a quarter of a l torty m ...- r fueea to o.-l." iii ippolotd lo wail .,:. th- landlord, and h- - ...-niieiu, .. I am -n, bul I dare nol Interf-re." Koriy rooma were \ ,<¦-. --t. forij trunki j,h k.-i. and ih-n mui- boal wlll .! Ila eallnd In IM thal Indivlitual aitempted lo -taml on hl< dlgnltj. he 1 ,.! t-, wllt | th |i ..-..- -. nnd th -v i\...itd :. bm dred m , p p ;, H ,i> ll.e w .1 ,i ,.| ii .t. i laiidlo d. u ii, bed. a ¦. '.nt' and i-'vo* lulled tli- p .puli la le i.i,-..-.I >.. I ebli II i.u. it d m on- b ..(..ii ,,f blm aay tonger. >id iiihi-i- win pi. ...... .. i..^»e tiL"ire« betora eommliitni »uleida: it.-re »n- nearly 847,000 more matoa than r-uaie. i. Au»tralla, an.l ln Ta man la the "f malaa ovar ain*le* aoi.uiu- tMlnneao >n IMhaaa, UUBSIA'B IMPROVED FINANCE8 THE FISCALTEAB ENDED wmi A slTl'lJ B fOB T-HI. n«_T TIMi: IN MANV VEAKS. UfPOBTI and E-POBT9 BTCPI to nt: takkn T<) PB-9XBVB tiii; POBXiTB. Bfaabington, Aug. 9..tToBBUl^leneral ChaHtoa n. w .,. borg, h;.s toi -,:-i,.,i the Btata ,i mi abatrax t uf the atateoteal of i'1- aaove. ,,.. ni of iins-iaii toreiga eammeree fnr 1999, p by ibe Buaalan Bureaa of C eaetomi re relpta amounted to 89,94T,4_9 ra*ta_ic roubl .2.2'',:>.i ii paper roublea, an laerease of *,T70,9M melallle roublea aml "4,899 paper roubh.. 1 wa ln* taa, ootl .'¦>¦ '""l r' '. ' ''¦"¦ A1 ¦loma reeeipta on the irriiiortatimi ol .tion were Increaaad, tbe amoaat <>f eotton baportad d i fl ,.i 868X100,000 iu 849.000,000 _. n.. hati t.-ii jt btt braa _. ereaaed bj aboul 8*0 per ceat oo artkiaa nf tood, and ,i i'.,i p r ni oa arUclea n.aea-y lo ladustry, Tba axporta tor U ra T27.t47,ooo roublea, exdudiag ajooda axportod from aad Blaek 9 aa. nt tiie Saaaelal rondltton of Boaala, Mr. waj "Tho a'lniini-fritinn of Mr. Wlachnegrada] wrought a ehanee In Buaalan rlnanee totally pecled by ihe beal frlenda of tae Bmplre. me ri-nh'i-tns. piodletiona and aeta of I ;,| roretgn baahaca, he ha- aoded tha Byaa with a large. aarploa. For a rininher of rea bad been a ateadfly toereaalug defldt Deaplta tarlffa aad taxee,,- th-- tsaue of Ba| money, the Mlnister of Flnaoee eoaM eateBlate wiBi <-. i, n faelng tba wroag rtdo of hi- ledger, bul prudent, economlcal eourae aU thi pa*per rouble has riaen in valua born :'" 1-2 ta ta i 2 renta ojthln toolve moatba, and an euo kanaa of boada beertag o per eonverted into 4 p<r rent bonda, on the meel favorable terma." Mr. way adda a paragrapb reladag to the torosta af Ba bt Ihat la algnldeant: u Kotwithatamlina enormooa aroo of toreats, pariioolarly Inthe «o*th*"' /.one. t.'ie Qovernmenl ha' s realliel ¦i,,u ol treea produeea atmo-phei .-.:: convi rta what were onci f- ni e .Alts-ajiA- it la obaerved I rcced. , loc, oa deatructlon f .' 'be head ol ti," greai rlvo-* whleb flow Into rj that from Um aamc-cauaea 4h* Bea of Aral, v ni dlsappear ln a '¦.. :" to remefj thi-. and 11 tbe i" .:¦ w d much good whl b Bonompiishel. OUTLOOK rOB BTMETALUSli W EUBOPB. OBOWIXO BEXTIM___ IB PAV0B OP ITB EU 8X0- BATI0X.TBE C0MIXG COXPEBtXCB AT PABll w*aahiagton, Ans. "... -Tho Btata Departm-nt l- ln raeeipt of a report by Cenaul Pronk il. Mabon, of Mar> upon "The Outlook tor BlmotaUleatln E\ ln whieh he aaya: "One of the elaarty deflned tendenelea ol publle opinion in Europe.notably so in Praneo, Qermany and Bngjand la aeen In tbe tteedlly-gTOWlnf ae m favor of reatorfng the bbnetalllo atandard <.f cur- reney, In tbe atrong aml numeroua p ;:' have been road before tl." Oerman Bafch recenl reaolutkma ol Mr. ChapUn tn the BHtiah Hou of Oommona, as weU as the frank declaragon of Lord'-l.iiiT ln favor of 80 eam-'st pjutlclparlnn bj liiitiiin in the torthcoming conference al Parl in tho outspokeo atiitmio uf Buch aarfoua aiul Ir.nen- tlal Preach Journals as 'Le Monlteur de- Intereta Materiela' an.l the'Monlteur de* ByndleaH Agrleolea,' may be recognbied the outward m__feataioni new (alth and purpoae. ¦. Sixteen years1 expertenee of mnni)metaili--m has en- t.ii!,-,l nn industrial aiul aajrieultural ajtuatlon In weatern Burope whleb demands a remedy, ln vlow of all that ooa roada and beara in the dtocuaaion ol thls (juenUon, it would leam apparent that the mone- tary conference whleb !<. lo assemble at Pan- tember wlll meet under clrcumatancea far roon prom- i-ins to ti," lniei"-ts of blmeUJliani thau those whlch hUjTOiindid tho conforeuco of 1881." -PPOEvTED CADETB AT WEBI POEfT. Waahlngton, Aug. 0.- The foUowing have been ap- cadeta at tl," Milltaiy Academy: Boberl Bowell, bu, N. J., isi Dtatrtet; Tbomaa B. Healoy. Buah vllle, Ind., Vlth Dtatriet; M. li. Qoie, OsaOaahofo, Tenn.. IVfh DNirlef AVIHUm H. COUCO, I'ltnplln (Ity. Pa., Xtb Diatrlet, wltb Charlea i>. Porror, afoaay Creek, \"a., alteraate; Oeorae Tbomaa Patteraon, North Piatto, Xob., md Diatrlet, wlth AUen P. Brown, Bchuyler, N'eb., -ternate; WUUam Bond Johnaton, Sow-Brighton, N. Y., i-i Diatrlet, wlth Jamea Hal- lock Moriches, N- v. alternate; WlUIam Barkley, hannuta Ban., md Dlatrlcl Waltor P. PllUbury, , [owa, Vlth Diatrlet; Bdmund J. Tlrober n. Tenn.. Vlllth «11Bam McMiiUIn Uowlca, VIenna, Mo. Xlth Diatrlet, wlth RoUa, M" alternate: all for wp- ernticr. lHeoi Bobert Bcype """¦ I"'''¦'-. Vllth blatrk-t.wlth Prederlck ( Wrltslnge-.Noi-iiatown. alt.'ri-i' Klchanl \V..C-in:il' V. ll, ** ll I C .¦¦ M,,i-.,n-, i..lJ. J.'McEvlUy. Holena, Mont, for June, 1800. __ TO BBCEIVE 813,000 ABBBAR8 OP PE58I0S. Waahlngton, Aug '...-The Penaton Dfflea Whltlng a penslon of 824 per nonth, rount of nervoua proetratton and Impalnnenl niiini. Thls allowanea av.i- mbaeqaeotlf Increaaed to - ,n per month. Al a atill lator date tba penalon waa reduced to 9H per month Uirougfa an ermr aiade by a iurgeon who ezamlned the penalonar. Dpon appll- ratlon tbe ,-a'e has t>een reopened, andunder a deola lon of AsataUnl Beeretary Buaaey, ol tae Intorlor De- r.iiitnieiit. the iicii-lnlier WlU KOOlVe aih.w :.n,-" ol .72 i,.i montb and penalon arreara fram tiie utti oi hi, dlschargo, ln 18435, a. the ra:"- (roylded lli tho noveral acl of Congieaa enarted f ume. His arreara wUl aggregate about 812.040. _-ap-- !'.. UJOB IXTOTHP.OBOI NI.IM; (>FT1!K !¦' Waahlngton, Aug. 9. -Tha Court ol li ¦. clrcumatancea Barroandlnf tbe gro eruiser Boston, I Bptalu O'Kai I commandlng, tr Sewport laal Baturday, waa appotnBd eon-Hta of ( apUtoa W. A. KirlOand, J.W. MUler and \ UoweU, wlth Ueutenaat J. oV Kl< hol ludge-advocate. The Board arttl meet ln New-York icsday. Aaatated yeaterday, th8 couri ha ,i power of auggeatfng In Ita o_ped-n« to take any further aBpa ln the ter. 0 V \\V\T. OPPICBR TO Bl i (..-HT.MAKTlAi.KD. Waabiagtea, Aug. '.).- Uauteaant Jola C. Irvtoe, a ..- of iho clii-s uader laatraotlonal the torpedo Btation, Kewport, bai beea ebarged altb a4_ndalous ¦,. drunkenaeaa on duty, I duty anl Dg bimseU fmm his poat wttanui i ave. \ . irtial baa beea detalled to try Ueutenani 1,-vine m. t!." ¦'"«/: «'.'. nort nexl Wednescay. . ¦';' \.n. BBeeker la Judge- dvocate. ^ KB LYMAIf AK8WEBIX0 PiMTMAfTEB PArL. Waahlngton, Aug I l/»»«>- 'f " iv|| Uervice CommlaBton, baa replled b tba letter of poatmaster Paul, oi Mllwoukee, b ariaf dat4 July 17. ,- M uufl Ua knowledgeol :.i! the toeta dlaeloaed by Die recorda aud ,. Hght by threa laveatlgattoaa. and l> .ii. oanaure aad condemna iiun u oontato- _ # I'l.iI-l-lP LA98 i?08TMAST-*BI AfPOWTBB. Waahlngton, Aug 8. Fourthela48 poatmaatera weee aape nted a tolloi Hoiewell V. Mftler. Hyndman; "acoo aavoru, VoJki.rA'ui VlXArm. .. ,| K.;ii. Kaai s,.-.!.". w. J. H. A. II. ^"-> Moi.iin Cutroi 1,1,,'v:,.w. Sgg; /.. aa. RockbiU. Tuckarton. ? brcrKTART BOBLB takiv: A vmatiov. ' ¦¦ v -compMiied ' 4'll -,...-. b4 WlU P -"1 a '!'"'1 va. .ni'-i i. Durtng .. ii#1 iaai - -Her win ,,,i atary._^ ,,, ,,; \ DUgatY CBOWlf PWB I u,' -. An-. li >" ibe > ata Da parta? :' ' '' ''"". *l »amoa. lnc> ied a 1 le recolvcd y 1 -< mi r of 1 Bub lalopa, day, ai Nelafu rvwn Prln ? THE UJ l ^^., ¦ OBDKltED .MMI9BI0X. i.-Tha t'nlted Btatm Up AJ boaa idered oal of ommli -i.-u al ib Kulrrprtaa-. 'ii.,. it,., BaaBje Lamp Co U IPa I (01 haa :i nn.' aabiblt al tha Paila i,,,,, i.nt haa npenod ,.n iie it,.ii-.,,iii ipucluoa and 1 ,le iianrlMiineat ian-.p iia,lnr fnr ite m\o- of l.ampa ln itj ut i'aiia, Auiiiu.»» Ai.:una !..».. un VMI OR *"*-'.. VHOSSB YICHY MD SETB51 Al MABT MABUPACTTRERB BAVE MilVTta I.AliliLS wm. ll Ul COLOB AND i,i.M:ij. sp rr.Al'.AN'. i: CLOBELT RE81 Miti.i: MT ,,v, -. -, _ ai fi.v rOBTBI PROTECTIOW OPTBS pl ni?r, tq ALL, VI' IIV AM. 8F.I.TF.RS HIl'IIO.VM ,\ s[. 0Nj i.mii.i. il'.,N wm. ii nn PbEI'Irtl ASJLTM OF THK HATFKS COBTAIBBB THKRIIS Ig I'l.UM.Y I'KINTKD. TfiF PUBLICWILL nr sfc.f. orriF.TTivowRAa THI I m.i. POR, i;v v. \i. mim; tiif. ANtr.rsia. LARELg, .l.Mi OM.VT DRIMKIbG TBE \s Kl ,t CARL H. SCHULTZ. ADBBRM OBBBBBi 430 un PIBWff jv t:\rg Norfuik N..W YarA, aal a 1.0.1M. of whleh rapt«i| A. P. i ookc io lenioi member, i,,m be< n oideted iu ma, SCARCITY OF FOOD AT SAMOA. OZVIVB thk MOEOROABB^ Tu tiii: QATHOUO KUUOB POB DI8TRIbUTX0g. Waabtagtoa, Aag o. -ITaler d*te af laty 11, T.*ea Admlral reportd to tM N'aw Departoawl fron Api.t. Banoa, that th. totMn of the Cathaig ¦¦¦.. bad laqueatel Mlp from him to reiiMa . of f.../d tb l , ed bg ;;" "'l» '.¦>¦ brw with bha l: m tba M°n. .«, pounda ol .. p ,-:.i, 0| r!.-e. 1,000 |...iiii<|s ,,f e,,rt:;i,-;il. |,000 pOOBdl of .-lll. meal. 1,000 pouBda >.f Mmtay :- ..f vhaal Bour, and 11 - .-,|. . , ,,f -, :._ nM, ,,_ ,,1 .,.., ,,w, wltb it»i [. tter ..f Uay -ji i i f'"' '''. uaong ii.e dtatreaaed Sanoana. Tha MonongaMla atill ha, i ¦. f tM ''.'.' b u doubtedly a re-it of f,.-i atpraaenl | aay Ufe fron toadne, .-\..-;,t poiatolj a | toa ..hi and fee , exlel "ii aoa will -. ...t by the approMhlng barveat of read frolt, i iaaa. Ta : aiiy- l, but li wlll re |ulre .. eral n. mthi beiore tl. rj will M i'-i.i..,..--i, t,> gatbee. I ..fT-r-ii t, du-tde avallable atoraa as aera .,., baal with the Wmdoa MUatooi bal aay oXai * a- daeBaad on tha ground thal acareity aaioBg Ihoaa under ii nol v.,i rfbottoa, and .-. U -up- g. i caonol reconnend any tortMr dblbba tlon of f.),,d among the Mnoa ia uni !y li made m.appanr -nt." holie Idmlral Klmberly. iilleltlng %'A, wblek ae. Btlon, lt ai.peara that tbe mdan - apoa the ol ln-' i. ti. u glt \ntv i.ndee thelr charge, foi whon auccor AUSTRIA-nrXOABTI POOB CBOP PB08PECTB W ublngl in, A ' (,{ » aunnary «.f the erop : '"ry. led io tM 6|a*e D partnent bj > n il-Oaoaeai .: i.'t ol \ Innna Icetr i ; ro] er wlll av- nn a\eii;e rr.,p o? ahout Hungary - '¦>> Per eent below average) aboul BO.000,000 bucbeto, whieh will .-ive the A ;-!i».ll . of aa average erop. Tt:e eatimated hone eoneunptlea ln l-Hungary b 155,000,000 butMb, whlle the ytold i.u 1888 i fron 140,000,001 to u,000,000 bUfebela; hei IMl ttte or export ofWheat fron the a-.-u Buagarlaa Monsrrhy. I.a-t'-i wMal ln ehvator- ai.d ln larineis' hu'.l b Htinated bt a Eaatoata, whleb aaal to auppiy Auattia wirh ber toleetoe ? *d" of wh-at tor boBM eooaunpltoa, whOe tM latlai country axpartad hor own line wheat, has prohiblted e.vp.ut to Am '. As to other pralns, t'ie prospert* ar>^ no better. i've. bartey and oats ytold a areaft average erop, d ,./- la pranblBR whOe togantooaa pta und bUOlpa Bia nlldllag K""d. Apple>. ]x>ar- an^ plumi poor. Wlaa atoae i- eary promlilng. all ,ii...\i-i-a for severai yean pr edueed taa .¦irv-t <.f flu oottntrj" aomaUmaWhtw, ."". bme ab iwa BP a^ain this sea-,m.: THI'. FOO li'iv.' TEA BRA80N OP l---- WaahiBgtoa, Ang. '... In vk a I iaveW Into ihe t'nlt.-d Statea, a porl I r ¦'. i! i i.. partne ol tM Vat ¦¦¦ Hi wt ra ptoced on IM narbet Bay .:*, ... ,,f j --;. prii - ¦'¦ I loo .:'.' alf .. ordera ware Ufcd. 1 ... \. i. larg - atoek bsft on u ¦' ited statea waa . ilfled ¦' -'. ,.--. -,.;,, .-.- imI Barefa l, 1--:' u were rr.r.uJil pounda, 31t6T7,m baa than IM prevlona aeaaoB. Ol Ihla Aaaerba took bul ::')-7.-'i7 pounda; tM year Mtore ft 4,704,: TM Conaal aaya: M ReektoM bay. Ingon tl part olaome torelgn awrekaata early " Iba cnabled Chlneae dealera to teaHae eitwne proflts. Latcr pn-*1^ to i biaeaa were n l lai bl ed to prevent tea belag beought to fron IM country. Porelga dealera cannot ao eeaabtae. Kerk- g .tinued until II broughl dlaaetM a»ea ma can eall tM aeaaon a r Vet all aay i ntlnue to ex I i 0flul» abk to auppiy tMIr plaeo." TIIE < "li PI8HEBIE8 Of K iBWAT. Waahlngton, Ang, .-.. Vtoa-Cenaul I la I, ¦>' ?+* -,-. poria to tha Btate Depa : ig ti.e cod Oaherl ¦ of Bora iyi "TM principal eod lah ng, wl el i^-1 P:*'* ,n the dtotrfcl ot Lofotea fron Ihe mdlle of Ja-i-uv to tM ntddle of Aprtl, Ba -l t*TT%* 17,000,000 Bah, SOJ00 barre'J of llver, ItfdO nav- ipawn, and 11,100 barreia ol erula rtean .1 o i. im groM ralae af tM eatel .1 at W.554.600. TM nunMr of fH thal parttoipatol ia tM eateb b atatod t.. h»\e Bam "' "in'the aoutl.i Mhlag IWriH ,.f Boadaaora H ¦« ...Mst)! ... auaeeaataL TM relurna there«l w?,ooo ti-.. v -,of ':::;!. rXr'' u! ...- -..:- crude . ^VTVu-km... ..,,;;:'.. -«fi:-- the Bahlng j.ded 2.00. dUti-tct, where the i- ns >- P" aaaa date Mi beea about 1,00 rARUi vnos or thb sotw cbjibci bbtobbb Waahlngton, Aug. d. -The -,.,.-,iu--u-!-i t of Ca* N appolnted Dr. 3. B. BHUnM. Protoaa. He y ¦t ;,i.,. Wllllam C. Hanl to r-T',r! *raa me rela f tM lave >.f UtoUatl Xlth en >ua n POH THB COMPUBTIOB OP THE BEW BAVT. Waahlngton, Aug. '.). \ -i> ¦. lal naetiag ol .** S'aval A!\ lao -\ B .i|: tatcd t., at " "1 tM outlinea <>f a plaa for tM conptotton i: ia» XOT of BBXXIXQ Bli indlaaapoUa, Aog. '.» (Speelal). ti general auaager of tM LaM Rrl and Waal letonlaat ta tM Poltoa th havlBg attonpted to ihool Mr. eral aaoatM ago tM eou^e -: ¦> - ..' ¦* counl of a aeandatoua eplaoda la tM Bana Houaa^ tba, ware boardtog. Un. Bradbuty a blcago, and ha- alaM Bwd tMre,.>»u*band leadtog money to ber lor Mr aupport. Oa " '; \" bb wlfe ai.-v.-4 la »» . cl<y:..r^a -V- .tar, i. .;,,;.";,: ,,.,. thb in.'"""* Jl' , ln h0| wife atandlag bahtad tM door wam * > threatenedt fron. ber. b) h. at-.l i , > ., have bul ihe. a leapon. 1 don ' .»." * . out a - twa «0;-v;;\.\ll;:,- He waa Iriad ihb wa rant foi »'" ,{,. hur wbib .,., ...,, dla -iMj- ;. correborai d bj plvlnn hi- o'.iii;. . wM suessusi ¦¦¦_ .,v.,,-.; - .. V. 1 bM LU ,15 ." " , -% i - tu im o v.;,,,,. »tV. i , .i*a fniur . Ml *-..-"

Transcript of BOME INGENIOUS 1DEAS. SETB51€¦ · Deeeber appiv-d tor apaea, 90 by 80 »et, m IM n-.aln...

Page 1: BOME INGENIOUS 1DEAS. SETB51€¦ · Deeeber appiv-d tor apaea, 90 by 80 »et, m IM n-.aln building. for tM Ibplay and sale of BUBleal iMtruiii.nts. n. ofero W.000 tor nnted



*rrLIC\Tlo\s l.Hl M"\< r. MKMHXXBfl Tn OOMB1N-THE COMMIT71EB S.ioX TO DE


Tbe projett of the Mg World's Falr eoattBBM to holdita plaee ln tlie piildle atten'loti. Mavor t.iant s).entmuch of hls tlme duiini; oflice in.ur> \e-4erday In In-

»r*H-tinc aml arraaglag the li-t* of recomaaeadattoBa f>rIhe appoit tnient of the conitnltlees whk'n M Inieiidsto announre ln a few <la\ a

The dj-ug-trade have unlted upon John MeKeaaaB,Jr., to l-epve sent them.

A eeanaMaM from the ituiidinp Aaaoetatlon Laagaeralled on tlie Mayor and pi-cented a letter argtngtbe leeefBlttoa of the co-operativ© balhUag-loaa or

saving bwotilBllone. tepreaenbng over 1,000,000 persona ln the Inited ftat«s. The rommlttee a-ked tortho appolotmcnt ol I'harle* O'C. lleniiesst-y to rep-

resent them.R. W. Raymr.nd, leeretary of th<* Amerlran InatltUta

of MlnluR Engtneer*, wrote indorslng Henry B. Towne,

presWent of the M.-lety Ol Mecha" l*al En-

plnwrrs, iliipraaMaal of the BeglneeraP lub, andmember of tho Amerlcan boiloty of «- ivll Bagbieaia,to represeut the engttieeivA request was reretved from artlsts and eolleetora

ailrttig the aprointment of Heary 0. Marqeand, pre-ldent of tM 'Metropolltan MaaWOa af Al*. "Pon one of

tbe aaaaaalttaaa,A letter wa< leeetVOd liom twfnty-elcht r.-tn:i

manufactureis and di-alera ln nuwhlnrry and railroad

mppllr.. bra^e. iton and other nietal geode, lor water.

iteani and pas, aaMag thc appolniin-nt of < harlos A.

Moore to repi-.-i.ent them.Iba TTfc UnlT U«nee Doale*? Aaaoeiattaa P**""1***

the bbbm of Boegler, eeator aaemMr of th-

nrm af P. Boegk* l a., bo. xa Sonth WllUaa>at., a-

a pn.per reareaeatattve <>f th^tr totereete.Oaatfa D. Baaith, propetabw of Uie Patry Kltchen,

nitul- a peugaalboa for a part of the raatauran! prtvl-Wmw at the BipeaMtoa. Mr. Bmlth propoeae ta

r,r,, a baadoeaae baUttag and le eharge reaaona m

prteee. II IM apaea b Ib a favorable pUea ln the

main building ho otfers to pay 130,000 lor IUt n. Deeeber appiv-d tor apaea, 90 by 80 »et, m

IM n-.aln building. for tM Ibplay and sale of BUBleal

iMtruiii.nts. n. ofero W.000 tor it.

.re nnted Btatea Brewere» Aaa elattoa pieaenb th»

aame.-f jaaaee Lietaaaaa, vtee-piaaldeBt ofthe Cnltoditate. Bivwara' Aaaodattoa, and paealdeat of tM Braw.

.ii,' Board of Trade of New-Vork and Ita virlmty.

Thomaa Frok A Boa geal ln an appllcatiou to be

.onign tteliet ageata of IM F.xposltlon.john Home apfUe- tor apaee, M> bf 100 toet. tor

the dispiay of earrlagea a. i baraeea, He oaen lo

take fifty iharea of »0 atoeh.¦ t webb the bebel braker, writri indorstng the

BlaaafB '.. i1"'*" fl»> *¦ sal" "f ,"'K,'V lP ¦dv*"ee

£ a toeeaaal toa moaey aith whbh to nm tM Expo-

M. Leatea Tbeaaaa, aa-aeaalleBl of Boroab, and

maaaieral IM National Couwil of Women, i

, .. Wotnan'* l>"l>aiiu..:ir 10 aMW WOBBBa'a poalllonaalltaaaa tor avary aort oi todaatty.l.B<»atM Brown auggeatoMaal^ the pot latdy

Uken by th- eity m tM Twwrty-thbd banl,bv Bt Mary's l'aik oa tM north. Bt Ann'a av-. on Ihe

a^f, Long lalaal Booal oa tM ea.;. and aouth byIM Ha:!- in Blver."

aa. TrarelVwe' Exehanee PubUahlag Oompany ofTer

to extend to tM -<;...,..t- a temporary baadquartaraln the Travallaw' BMhaage, ealllag attaatton ^o tha

toeUltiea for tran«a.-tlng bualneaa, owlng to the tela-

,.,-ai.hi, eomaianleauon tbroughoiH the Paited l

SaoTabla eoawnunlcatlon wltb all parte ofthe world,»' paattaBea, ralli«ad a..d ataaaiablp tleMt offlea a.J

ath- r eoave den tea,

fi. uaoeiattoa of Vobmteer Fbamea anggeet thc

aaint oi Prealdent Mlebael CraM lo repreaenl tMm.

\ r, Wall has thia UM ahout raltlDg tM money:. i voaM aaggeal the eertifleate plaa of ralatag ihe

Mnds tor CXdnmbue Palr of IBBB. laaM neat .ertltl-

eatea aaltabla for fmaateg. aay 1U14, Ohre one to

eayoa paraoa coatrtoaUag » ar over. Tbeae with tM

aignaiui*. of fhe pmhtoal and tieaaaiar of i.'on.

mitto) could be fran d and praearved a^ a mamentonf th- greataal falr ef tM whota w.ald. I am aoor,

but WIU ?lve HO for one.''-The Ho,.t and BbM WeeMP" «rof, offerlng to do

all i» could to balp IM Iblr.Tho Building .Maurial Bxebaaae requaRted IM ap-

pointni-nt ..f James bogara, praaMaal of ti.« Xxi hange.Uaatoaaat-Ooveffaar Jaaaa wrote aaktag the ap-

pointmenf af f, M. llexa.ner to repreaenl th- agrl-cultural Indusiry.

iho BdltorofwTM HaMrdaaMi" aaal ln the tollow-

ing raaall of a poatal earl ballol for repieaeatatlvea3f hls ladaatry: Waahlagtoa w.i-.n. -J7: V. HenryRoth-M.ii'l, 84; Jaeeb Levi, :<: Joha H. CampMll, 8;

>lr. Flah, Wi Luelua Uttauer, ^~: Mr. Towneend, 28;james Tai.-oti, ^; Mr. Carpenter, 13; John 1'-

Faure, 11. ,,.The maaatoetarera ..f eoap. perhiaaery. eandl« and

tollet artiei-, reqaeeted tbat Ooloael Davld B. Browa

ihouM M el.,.< n to r pre lent ttiem.

The Fortbam Club pa.l reaoluttona todordng IheFalr an l a-1 Ing lhal bauaeay M- Dopew si.ouid be

made rhalrnian af IM I ommitb.D Bbe.A aavbar of jr.ld pea, toaatala pen. and pen and

ponet!ea-e BBBufaetareri a«Md for tM appotabneatof Joha H. Ki.arp te repreaenl them.

The Becirk tlnb elaet rheolore X. ^a:l aud

Ilenrv (' Davb to ibproaenl the orgaolaatlon on thetonmltiee af ti.e Wor! thia maMa lour\*mci eent ln by toduatry or parta of n.




TWBbTT-ElOBTH D1STB1CT.faaa ^al^ Aag. 8 (BpeelaD. IMie la a eonteb of

an aaaeaaWy bvebr nature la thia Baaatorlal Wttrlclto oMain tM BepublicM oomlnatlon tor Benator, a

Bomiaattoa whkh b equtvatoal l an elaetion, aa

.he Kepubiiran gaajbrlt) ls aeveral vot< >.

The diMiirt is made up of Ihe eooaUea ol Tatoa,

WayM, Behuylar aad Ontarto. Here m Talea Countyth.-re are two raudidate-. ea-6enator <¦- rge B. i-"11'

¦al ea-AaaaaaUyaaM Geoiga B. OornwalL In On-

tvto Ooaatj lha teadlng eaadMato i- ea AaeemblymanCyrtllo 8. Ltaeota. The eaadtoate of Bchuykr ( ountyla ^iK-a'o-r Fnn. ole, vbO is BOW sald lo !.-.'>

tl.r movort ol Wayne and Bchuyler Countlea. If theaeJSSumS i-ontinuc their .upport ol Mr. ^»e hewlU un-

aaeatlonably be nomlnated; bul Meatre. Lord, Corn-

VaJA and l.lncoln i attempttag geto tme vol i

fir^emselvee In Wai ".' Ooaaty, hoplBg thus ta weabaa

"%'/iuo' iv::-,<... Brneai H, Croahy, of New York. who^..,. ,horih for F '' IU r-laer a> a memberof tb« Courl of Infrnatlonal Artltratlon ln Egypt, la¦ueh'tatereatoil In Mr. < ol ''a eandldacy for the eenat*.TaVteidav >" »»M e r'">'^" !!,>iMvr: "' :""

clad io hear thal Mr. i- li a eandldate tor the Benateand he wlll -¦ ". i- a man tor whom l

i, ,|.-.:,, .«-¦ frleIbavJ- ,h- greateM rwo year. of gooAerv.- for . Senate wU rueel «M

ev,.nts of '-..- wlnter. lf th* peoph olhls Belghboriiool wlll clv* Mm ¦ ehanee, I am confl-lent that they will nol be dl*appotnted.*

BBM AMD BMB CBILDBEX AVBTTT IX THF BTOXBMra Mart Bla - ¦ l* h"r ba»baal *>\ iwo llttle

-^ ', ,. a old aad tM otMi aa

toto eity a waeb aga yeeterday. TM huabaadKarch of rah. and IM fai I] Hayed al tM I

Mr* nm.--, eW -. al N". '-'¦'> rnnt+A, Braoklya Te*taramy amn --

aaaM ae leaa* kaep hli wlla m.1 eMMiee. Blnea weat

,m m the aanalag M i--.k I»i l" ntm>

fnr her at a .,>|o,-k. Mm Hlaei wall A aat I I . -h- k

tor h>m aad thea eaaM " tola eity la teareb toi him.

takin« with bai Mi . aad a aaeil 11c).-.),..'.-. Hla. la * .leagahowaaa aad th- »;-<¦ huaud.#r mm akma tb rrnt tnmk, TM lala dreaekid tM

atakbat aad :-- eblMraa ta "- arlm. ¦' tMm¦.

taa Hereaea MImu¦ _#_


il in retard M thi -. rr at 1are ihin. -ii. at Hebokee, ball M . W by,. .,,,(.. ,.., j, :,,i. thi aeea that the i...r i-.i t«,.


waattM - "-n, to ihm ta h- edueaWl ll- mIpaaat] ,.

aa ,. i ¦- tbal n woolv. Bothlag waa **'<t by ") aaelea

atK«it teavlng bla aaoaey and the aawaat tMf »¦« waHkwai noi ui-nUon.-d.

AB EfiCAFE raOB THE QVBBXB COUXTJ JAIL.r»t# M'Sidritt. wi.n waa --.,' aead la aa ¦ * tha in th«

ejaeeaa Oeaaag j...i laemly, haa aaaapeb Ra «*- aoa-

Premiere eiuiEmi.Ki«bam.'« Premlere Quallf* ciRaretto la aln.ply a

B»ury and not a low-pncci ai-ikla

nii-1 on th" wcnfl Maiy aai b aabdag bla aaaaaa Upaaai bt bark )iuaped aMal thMg Beel te IM groand.M.M.iritt wai eaavtatol -' ¦'- tiatt nnd batlaiy. TM »n-

any lnf.,n,iiiti..i.. '! Ihlab tMja.IMu-iek ,,f IM priaoaer aad ihej -m.! w eaptaia him betoran.any d;.) a



l\<; iu.i M't.r.s OF BEKTBIES.FeeU-liill, B. V.. \ug. !. (gpecial).- lor tM serhnd

time in the hlatory of tM Btate aap a eoarl marbalwas held here to-day fo try the pitooaan wM WBBB io

ihe gaard-hoaaa aad bad refuaed t.. woib wltb pJrkand -!:ov-l on th- BOW tolt, Orlglually there were

seven men ln eastody, but the .aptaius nf the OT

laabalhma to whleb Iva of th- prleonera Mlong .1

ient for thelr men. Major-Gooeral Porterorderoiirt-m.-iitial, and altbougb ati were ma l<«

by the regimental ofli.-.-i-. t,. prevenl n belag lield, tlie

tw.i remainlng pilM.ners, l'llvate-. Cu.llip, of 1 ompanyE, and Btrtaktor, of Ceaapaay I. had lo siand trial.Th- rourt was conipo.sod of l.leutenanl-C'olofi.-l DOWd,pteebtoat; Captaln Henry llollan.l. of tlie 86th *epa>atoCompaay; Flrat Licutenant Bdward C Barith, .,f om-

pany A, aud ( aptain Wasblugtun Oontaat, of Oompany11, Ju Ipc advoiate. S.i'i.n.1 Ueub -nant Walnwrlglil,of Company B, arted as rounsel fnr t'udllp: Btrlcblarhad no eounaaL Ther-c wer'.Mx eonota agalnst Cud-llp, who pleaded gullty of OOBdael pti-Judirlal to go ..1

order and dlsrlpllne and not gnllty 011 the other Bverounts. BtrlektoC pleadod guilty to rondin-t prejudi. lul

to good 01.lor and dlsr|pl!n<>, ahs-titlng himseif from

camp and niBBlfig lh« gaaida aft.-r taps, betag In-toxlcated, and rafaataig to work at IM gaaid Maaa;but deiii.-d baving loanod a mllitary avareoal and capto a lHlaatl Tho flndlngs of the ourt w-re . m

bodled ln a report whleh wlfl M aeni to IM Adjutant-Oeneral "f IM BtaM, who wlll aaal U OUt in an of-fiiiai ontor.

Th . r.iiiy weabMr returned to mal.e ramp Ufe un-

pb-a-ant again to-day. llattalton driil was pieventedbi the nioining, but the men went out in the after.

aoon, batwoaa ahowata, an.l evtdeatly aajayad them-for they t'n.-d 8,000 roaada of amainnlUon.

Ihe laatdreaa parada that Um awa now la eamp win

have an opfortlinlty to have was S'odod lo-nlghlby tiie raln.

Tlie ramp is quite evpeetant tO-aight about the

lotoga of to-aaomw, when tM party of diattogulahedgueata will arrive.

The guaitlduty last nizht was gaeb as 110 legimenlcould bo pioud <>f. There \ins an UlUBlBg lide to it,though. General iv.n.-r ir.e<i to eroaa tha Hnen't-r i-i:i.- ehaUeoged gave the proper count.- M-t/ " The offleer wbo wrote tM cpuntcwlgn m

,.,. letter of taatru. tlona made thi ut loob Uke a.. v

- to al '' - corporal ol the guard feeounterslgn oi uMety" to the aentrles. The one wboh«.id, ui. ..-neral Portet ralled fnr Ihe eoiporal. andtMtieneral was obl ged to wall ten er i.ti-i. i«'«""

before he .-mi'l proeeed. A llttle ttutheri»na aentrjdid no. rhaUenge him, and General Portor. uponaaklng the naaon, recelved thia anawar: "Ohl >oucan't fool me. You aro Geoaral l'oili.


THE ?BAMOX* DLO XOT CFT HIA BOXXT.Long Braaeh, B. J., Aug 0. "Baron" George do

raidoimet, who ihieatened to brtag aull agabPennaylvaaia Club for money elalmed tb taveloat at a --i-.iu" game of baeearal in thalwba waa aaid to have reeetved IM money baek at

th.- hai.d- of tM proprletoia, Meeara. Meyer andj..iiv, u aeema, did ool gal bla money after allis aol lik-iy to gel lt, TM rluh's preprietora -d blm '<< po to rhtladelphia to gel proofa <.f

Ua ui-utiiy only a- a raae to k,?p him away fromjthejneeting of IM <-oiitniissi,,n-rs. The« will be no

further meetlng oi thi >nen unt B«lWeduesday, and Iho elub-hOUM wlll elOM on tlie .,i-

k^bSreatlng'blt of goaato tnm a Weel Bad Hotellaundrv Ii to tbe effecl that ln thirty-two wash hlUaof the'-- Baron'B," no Mngle wtnh roi.talned over threeeallara and one pair of euffa. it la aaM that toaliaron was ouce a elerk iu a I»hiladelplua dry-goodlllOllsO.


TJTF PBOTOffBABBBBI XLBOTTX0 OTTICXXM.Boaton, Aug. B, Al lo-day'a leaeion of the National

FMtograpMia Aeaoeiatioa, the tollowlng weie ap-

poin'od to repreaenl the Maoclatton at. the Wedd'iFair iu Bew-Yort ln \r<A->: Dr. EUlotl and W. I. I..

Adama, Bew-Torb; 3. F Bydw, Clevelaad; W. G.

Entreehln, PhUadelphla; w. 11. Ti. Clarb, st. Lauh;\ Bogardns, Kew-YorkJ Tl. MeMlrhael, Bnlfalo;'.l'Al. Applet.*i. Dayton, Ohlo. atvl ('. T. stnait. Bart.f.ird. TM aaswiatloti con)].l.-i-d tli" ls> of n-w

offlcera to .tav. by tbe cholce ..f Ibe followlng: I Ir lvlee-prealdent; f.rorge II. Haatlnga. Boston;vlee-prealdent, W. V. Ranger, Roeheater; aecretarj",D. 1.. Uoover, lowa City; treaaurer, ;.. M Carliae,Provldeaee,

J'/rilf-.V TO THF UOOF BY THF 8B0XB.Thirty tamlllea Ilvlng In tbe tenement-houie Mo. Kll

Flnt-ava. were aroused from ileep at -j a. m. ye».,-'.1 |n Cbarle Pratech'a

baheiy to ih- baaement. TheamoM went up throughium .-.,,: ,:..-... mo 1 >.f the oceupanta to tM

roof In thelr ghl clotbc-s. Everybody ha l got out ofthe houae unhurl when the flremen arrlvi I, and th-fl.imes were ^o,,n axtlngulahad. 'Jho damage waale*l than B300.


TBOXW0XXXX8' WA6XB TXCXXA8EV.Laaeaater, Penn., Aug 0, 1 rnua RolliBg

Mill, of OoIumUa, Penn., Ma Inereaaed the wagea of

pnddlere from 13 M to ?."¦ --., aod iMae of IMenipley. tloo. lt li Mll <\ ed tlom wlll accepl tlie ternw and im Io wm it alaet, Auguit' 10, !n case the .. -<¦ ii¦" laMr now em¬

ployed Is dlscl -"l, ai. l only tinim; lab empl

THE 8U0AX TXVBT W/J.f. XOT F.F SOFV.Tii- ellQne of Fn-iuh eapltallBla t-, My

» eoatrolllng K la tM Bagai ReflBeilea Compaay, aatbe wu-.t i~ illed, Mve reeeaby beea reloabled hut. ifii pnadnenl n mber of tM tniet 1- te be belleved, ti-v

ara ael lik. :\- to be aay nawe raeeeenful thaa...a. Thi- n,"ii,ht-r .,f 11

^atd: "We Mve beea approaehed Uroa andag, Bia el :- capltalhrti aod aak. i prloawhich wa woul take toiWi Mve tarncd a deaf ear t.. tieir blandlihmei

We I.*- In n, '

,i av rprlao, aad ihall -!- k ¦¦. it and uicb l, ,,ur

IA Wl M. foi ll ls a tirkv' !,,:

¦Tba eoly holdlagi they ran -'-' tMyP-i. i,,.-- iu ,.|,.. market, and tMj hav. <\ Ing

itloni In ii.-

price <>f eertlHcatea, Uk. Iay, are du-, ln ,.'¦

,.]>,n. -I, to .-ii manlpabtloa.""Aa t., IM reperl IMl tMre is a rhaaee "f a anlao he-

ta. aa a aa -.:.'.tM marfc. ta -f Ihe aorld, 1 ean n ,» tha -''-y la .,;- TM G< roae

j,sirt a >.,u,,ty t.v thelr G .verameat. Tba Enallah Rflaera«r» not. Tlie Oermwii ai« erowdlng .'¦ «

t.i tfr w*r, an.l there la no bbIob bo» any preipe 11 f untrm,aauai tb


A LTTTLB CBAXGB LEADB TO A GBXAT OXX.*,-. tM leault <f a quan b twren '»,, iroaien la

l(,., kea H a ay b lll behad and one of the women rrturn. t. Vlenna la in wci

to ti-- eMrge f atarder. bettj n laa,Muria ^!ll^..l. -t No. II WlUew-ava., ariaited oo ..

.-iii I,-, Mttery aa » warnnl by ¦'<

K I.,-.: waa had aa Tburaday nlght, TM evldencailnat Mra M o>al, Id -. ball

j. ii Mr, ,,,<l M-- :.',,-that Betty bal a>& froai t.-

aa I ii -'¦.-. Muialte.- ;. meoi y, :.n i

tried to ii V lt»w 1Ml iM refueed, aad Mr. Muial l-ft tt,-ha w.,uid lav the i,,!- befara IM Aadaltted that im had had troub

,The M Bl uud at*


th- day y -t iy, -..- Indlcal¦eema Ukely IMl tl,- rjlnfall in l ill .-..tin.i-Ihi-mrh th- pr itei part ,-f thll n- -..-' x-:\ wlll baa-., iu). laled by aa "i"r 'tai -. ikerday wai n

¦"...¦j onl] 74degreea Itamldlty, wi.i,i. hai-.,^;i hour* et IM awrnlag baea aliwow Mp.

anl betora u.ynlaat.

w.i.s a BOY DXOWBKD IX THF OXLLAXtMIV '-¦-.'' « - ::. Ile nullV-

.i-,.-. wherethe ii leni nlm have l

I..-V-, WlW they mf a

iy f;.ii itiu, aaii-nuld d,> aaythlag t Ubl Aa It,,r a rtairmin »t « aearby lallreodihe i-iinr. Mi toaad ,.-¦ 1,.,-iv TM Breawa *'.a

-,14llV. Itl1 ||BMf hive lic!|n-1 Ih- 1...V out »,ii t;,,- l, .v.nt

I,,,ii,.-. Ni, ,..\ b tM nrighbarhood l» i portod?

i .,f:.f, BOYra m in ii vi t Mtw QOOD..j... toBataaey bt tM toala af IM Plrai Natiaaal Baah

,,f Bibakaa naeeJ by IM d.-'.U".,ooo a lea aeeM w uf IM t.-li-r, >-rai.k ii,.>i. haikwaa niade (riii,« On ShaMtoy Uegl r»:i.-.iimji.ic aal pald a»af le Praritoai I l natader .,fih- daarlrary 910,000 Th- aaaeaat »»- aabacrlbllnyt'i. fruiiii*. thuH rellevlng Um i,--i-., .... Tlni.1 cuiue Ufore iii* UmiuJ suits Courl lu beptenbar.



u 11 an v bo-dbbb ob thb i tu-FORBIA ¦OUTTEa-f.

Boaaon, Aag. B lOpedaD. fba A-biaoo, Topekaaini Baata Fa oropany laa.i thla evealng a drrularI,, the s-riiiity aohten '-f Ibe CoMtorula Soothern atock.j, |, uow pi-,,;.a thal tba three exlatlng eorpora-tjona kuowa as Um Callforata loutheni BaUroed Ooaa-I ,, p callfornla O atral BaUaray Company and,,,. Redondo Beaeh BaUwoy Ooaapaay, the latter al

preaent leaaad to the Calltornla Oeatral, si.all be

ronsolMated lato one eorporatlon, under tbe aame olSoothern Calltorala Baflwoy Oompany, wBb a

B-thortsed eaaltal atoeh af fia.933,000, nf

10,000,000 ts lo ba preferred ato k, wltb a

preferenee af 0 I"'1' taat, imn-.'imnlaMje. Ot Ibe

preferred ateek there wlU be bMued 98^74,000, ln ea-

change, abare for ahara, tor ihe praaenl outala

eapltal atoch of the Callfornla Boathera BaUroadCompany, anl the ramamder om ba n aarved m pro>vi.le runda tor future permaaenl Improvemeat or

addlttona lo th'" property ami agulpmentThere ls an annual atnklng fund attaehed to th*

Callfornla 9outhera*a tir~r aaoataoge bonda,1-ro.tiiritiK 995,000 nf bonda t,> be par-el.aed yeartiy, an.l one of fSOaOOO,attacbad to Um taeeaaa honrR le be ni>piieri onlyarbaa aaraed. The callfornla Ceartcal an<i RedbndoItearh rallway eompaaOW, 965.69 in:U-. 4984 h. -'

..._-,. boadi limlted to 998,000 per miie, 96,727,000. After Juoe i. 1990, i aee eeal aaaually of

.,,.,|. i- to be retJred, provMed tba aai aarnlngator the purpoae. As an equltable

appoTtionmeal of the revaaue <>t tha eoaaaBdated eoa>

pany, II 18 PKIpOaed bB apply the n-t carnii.

toUowa:rir-t, to the payaaen! of the lateraal and sinkine

fnml of tbe caiifnmia lottthen BaUroad Campaay'a.,.., ,. a per eeal bonda, requlrlaga *»y,

9110,900,i:,|]v, tn the payaaeaI of bitereal nn the Bral

ral bonda, to the exteol of 910,000.,:,,.. ,,f ihe Callfornla Central and

,.,,,,,..,.., rteaeh BaOway compaolea, requlriog,t,4«0.

:iy, tu the pavment of tatrreal nn tbe meome

bonda of the Callfornla Boathera Baflaay Oms;.v 9210,000, and tha Intereal oa the remaining915,000 per mfle of Ihe Br»l morlgaga iii p

ral and Bedondo

anoa nf nol eani >'¦¦<¦¦ .¦¦< '" l»* ,,",-'1'amount.i In fnll, the available balaace u be proratedbetween them. , , , ,,

iiiiv, in the paymenl reqtilred tor th- *inl;incfundi uf 'he lir-i nn.ii-:.-- bonda ol the ('nllfui-i,|aCentral and R« londo H B ij rompaniea, andf0, ,),,, iinklng lund of the Income bonda ol Ihe Call-

-in itallway Company,Fifthly, lo the paymenl ol dlvldendi on the p..

fi" -.-il atock (non-cumulaUve) to tha axtent of s..\ peraat




Chieago, Aug. 0 (Speeial), The flilng of a tonnalcompl, Ington la the flnl etep ln wba(.(.. ,,, be .i d -; rate flghl between the Alton and tbe

iry roada. The Unea buill we ofby the Rock i-land aml But.ngton ara

turnlng over a valuable bualneaa to their main Une-.

The Atchlson baa bulll Its santa Fa eztenslon to-., a:<l naturally torna over to it all the con

trollable bnaln"aa. " only two Hilni:- to he

done by the Alton, elther to own or control a Weaternexten lon to < U* or to aet parl ol the

Uaaahavlng Weatern extenelooa. Altbougfa lt is bellevedthal the Alton wffl to444 nr boy the kan-as Pacifkon tbe Uissourl, Raaaaa and T.-xa.-., the other hora oftbe diiemma avo.s alao aeixed aml tho Alton gave noticethat o:i Kan-.i- City weatbound roada, whkb tfhleh it

bad no proratlng arrangementa, II would pay to Bai -1 * it> and tben eecept as its rate tu

¦¦I an amounl whieh arhieu to tho Weatern localwould erj-ml the througb iaie quoted by ihe origtoalline. Tbe lateratate Commeree Commlaalondeclde whetber or aol trafflc brought to fromareat ol B mi i- I'y and deatined fotthe Baal l- to be eoueldered a* througb or

local buetneaa ln Kanaaa City if takea out bj a roadother thaa tba ona whlch broughl it ln. Th" wbola

world ls Interested la th declalon, a- n ¦

every Une. In regard to the other cbargea la Ibecomplaiat, Vlce-Pne Idenl McMnllln aald:"Wa leaasd 400 atock eara to the American Uve

Bt !i ( "iniiil--l',ii Company, anl bad a perfect riKhtiu do ao. i oa ii propi v an

.!ai»d li-'lf got an aaaoclatlon rullne thal a

ami- no objection to a road ba ng H car*.

galn any undue advantage from the leaae, aa thiara nearly all In uae west olf:w whlch come Baat, tbe Wabaah aml Bock lalandii.. Kanta e haul n- many aa we do. The only othereharge tna1:- exeept ihe om- ,,f re«lour loeal Iiom Kan aa i Ity, lo maka the aame throughrati chare I : ollacr Una., i» thal we have n-.l n ¦¦

locally. <if coune av rednced ratea, Idid li, ;-. we aald al the Ume, ro ulated

eharge. that olnbrinklng iui local lo make a ihismch ra: we thlnh

g] ., n ,. i : we ean provetntertAtate Con ur anj

iD'eUigenl h-Kiv of me:,. in lhal ea-e, ^e afmplytba rate made by mtui- wltb branebea weal al

ity."m .

AN RL-CTBIC RAILWAY Al ROSST-E MI-vl-sIl'I".BpWngfleld, III., Ang. 0 (Speclal). Arflclea of ln-

rorporatfon (.* tl Eaal Bt Loula .i-l Bt,Electrlc Ballway Company bave beea Bled it t.

-.d to eooatrucl a rallway from a- polnl on lliiiiin.i- .iii.i st. louli bridge where ibe lame l- Inter*aeeted by the boundary Une between the State* olllltnol- aad Ml--n.ui, tbenee eaaterly to nr.d Ihroughthe city of Ba M. Louls, Ihei ce . ii." Sm..1: Vard Thi eapltalatock 1- 9100X100, and the prlt lp '1 offlee le l« ,1

St. l~uU. i; ¦¦ lucorp ratora and Mi-t board fLatbam, - \

barton, t>. B. Poa II bi d B. C. Lacl ind, ^.l oi thla Ity... «

A (_U. OP BABKIB I- uil.l.IV."The T'lilnn Tin-1. v. whleb f'.rm'-'lr I

ag il tba Mlaaourl, Eaasaa and Texaa Ballway, baa la-...| ¦ t l'.'iiiai- leU tu the holdera ol tho conaol

7 per eanl bonda, In whlch an amMttoa to re

control i- barely roneealed, Tbe letter aaya:Trual Company i- ot anx.iua lo asaorae again Ihereaponalbillty of mlaaatng Uie property, bul aaIH da -.,

BDd maka ai.i.lleailon to eourl »Vr tha.t inin«'se lf a

KtiMrlenl nuraoer of oondhold .- mantfeal a dealre that1, iboi atng ihe d claration rcqulred by u.e

' "

T() TtEBTOBT. TIIE DEXVI.R r. ATT.Chii aa '. Aug. :¦ a ¦', ,.r tii y,

I ,k' ii .i vote af thItiti :est. ,i an .i pt opooli. .. th- rate

.in i Denvt r ta 1i. All.. .-\r. -.1,111

nt the blcago and a on,'n explalalng hla


ll| n Itlon of

I |te of tba 4

killa ll,-- opoal lon I?

A P ai. r:Blr lii¦!.¦ ., n. Aag. 9. Survi

ia of u.m partJervla . .n V. Tti" d -

lltll oac ln A-ipir ia Um

r. -i ai aeoi.i>-'

- aad -l o.

u,. t al fteU. t, ti.-- ii,. i- ,.

1,IE COUMITTEB OM tBBIG ITIOM AT HVI »'. .aa, Bont., of lli lena

tr ed tb toree Ihei I .- bai Iheof 11.'"¦ irn nntfl Ui

.. .,.

<¦ red Iaening. Tiu'v won by Senator

ritimli, Of K ,-.- I-. Arl,,i |,as.:

rommlttee, tha Benatoifrm the onBHtutlonal Conveni -. \,rr*t, adda rhe J

Bb a I Reagan apol .-. 'iii^ im-

porta.I rrrtgai longtb,a- were alao lha manj other rnter.ita ..t n.-

Inetudlng the eraionetBtatloo ol h-

senatu i. t illj,ily. AU I

enthuala bkally .. rota of tl ioffered to tl rwell, an-H rr "fiho oaologlcal Survey, al o bj btvUatton of Um

iim.Ih ,i br.1 addroaa npon lha Irrlgotloi.

I.uU: He- I uinn »'. it.i -. frnm12 lu i. B.ii - il Uic Tull buui.

UlAmrr WenUne** la gelekty -v-."-n bf 'he tonln*.

nvlriag ;.i'i bUtaA parlfylag aoalltlea ol II

partlla. TM,,..,-,.., dj "'ia aad kU

-. t ii-.-:...-v-.-"

on tbe bubj. ol thelr mladoi.\ number of prominont men '¦,.,,i^d thal Ifie intareataof M .'.";,;',.,M a!,-,,.-, Myond computation by a peoP« ulHia"lon ..! bhe water of Ita lake* and rivera. tt-morroaDiorulug tho comi to Butta.



BAI OHLT I'AH.r.n IB bUHBBBBront. Of Bil " sri:ri-r. vtions.*'

Chariea llahr. reeeatly kaown as "A. H, viood.

... wm mm yeeteeday by a Trlbune reporter,: .!,.Bce ef in- towyon, Meeara, BlaM I lulllva ..

jjo, 71 eatre. i. Bb waa Mt at all retfroBi m

OklBg ahout bb IBMBl fall I,!, lh-at:l<al helghts.ii iahl: , .

-it is truo that I ha%-o fai!-d ln buataeea and i ae

BOt Mk any sympithy. All I WBBl 1- Wr l''V-Sotl Ing bai l.ui-t t,i- more thaa the falae atatemenf my

in law bu been maklng aMut me. II M toitoal i ever gave a ,0 Bi»**w

Drethen tor ctotbe*. Thal atatomeol la a Ua oul olwbolecloth. Norbttti that I attemped to wlndleKnoedtor 4 o 'oul ol aome pietniw. I i" ,1"'1" a

portlon of the puic * .' .»< Batag BWe 11 pay..;. picturei tor the lebt Ii

a | merelj a peeulatlon thal tolted. i did

Mr. Itie-ler t a haid-otne boute whleb WM tomporariljln my mothcr'i charge and r»i»r

mMlonalre'ii.,- Mfore, from my belag al ll a Ba " ll

ind M v. n .- mfinu thia aUtement" Mr. Breiler dideonflrm it by a aariea of rlgoroua noda.

llahr iaM thal b waa bue that be peaaed a eheckdrawn by aome oae abe to hla otdee Ib BoMMb, buliald ii waa hb one fault, aud tbat the eomptalaanl

msed i.u arreal leeply regretted baving loaeit- waa bafled out by bb totheMa-Iaw, who,

added, v opiiiant of all tM rireumata"WMn I l,e,-an my Iheatrleal venturea," BaM con-

Mi. Breeler gave me BSS.000, aud of thb-im i pald oul BttifiOO tor bb Mnadt TMb M

more, and ezeepl tM auaia oead torblm IM real ol tli- money wm aunk ta tM theatrical

md I ean aceotUlt f-,r IU Be WM trylnci,, Kli -, p|.f property in Drtrolt, and if that could

een aecompUahed in time, be w..uld bave beentl le me over my dlfDcultl-. BlaM A- Sulll tor llahr and

bla faih.-r-iii la-.v, Mr. Breeler, lakl they wtobed to

make au empl n - d< U ol eertaln rbargei ba'n,ade again>i tMm. They nei ol Hili.OOO or any

... teei f >r h fordunal er\:- -. Mr. Sullivan alrc aaid that he

never went t, Detnb to patch up itaiir'* characteror for any other purj thaa to alghten up ihe

jir Brosler . Initead ofthem, bad piaeel In tbuU- Lands a

tull for *


JUDGE Wll.i.lAM F. BULLOCB.Louisvlil-, by-, Au-. fl (Bpeelal .- Judge Willlam F.

Bnlloek di.-d ai bb aon'a bome near BhalbyviUe, Ky.,ifterooon, of geoeral deblllty. Be wai elghty-

two yeara oW. He wm Mra near Lextogton andai Traoaylvanla Onlveralty. n<> bogao lito

i ;i lawyer at Lextogton; waa won etoeted to IMstate LegbUture, aud contltiued lu thal body tuanyyeara. ^

DR. OEORGE B. DFBAM.Pr. Oeorga 11. I'pham. an ciiilmtnt pl.y-lelan of W'.-ir-

Mrton-ava., TooMre, Bbat at hi» home yaataiday mera.

Ing. Ila »a« a gradaata of n-nd-in Call .¦-¦-. la tM... Ha a-ai foi a aban Ume aa ai letani el Dr,

,\i.,,, ..- ii fonkora, Ihea begaa pra oa hli.,i.l after tM death of Dr. i.-m w. i la ¦¦:

bi l -f blaI .- eity. At tM I ' "¦- ".'"" he

«,.^ appolnt. 1 a n "' Enrola Ip - ihe ooaa-

.i tnd W *i h. iter, and waa

bo examlning targeoa of the drafted men. TM beai-n aod Ut. UpMn

«,-i- .u dui. aar. At th- ti appolnted t.y tho o>

aa examlalug mrgeoa'of '¦ u**

KHilAKD K15GSLAND.Klob t ;. i"h r ,,ia"u'

..,- home iu

Xuti-y, N. .i ou ii- --. . b '« lnhon,,-"'-.. i,

there all hl* ll*e, and hti anceatore U l Ued la tMMme ... ;: M. ,!""

ball illahcd ln Pranklto, un-l they ¦

I arittog papar* Br. Blngalaal wm, throtucboul thi-. i.'.f af Ua

ol eoaatderaMe baded v n> "-y- Btliea.

SAM lll. B. KEBLER.n -, IB. I

-n lor r«»« a piof tM Town Couaell aod forem it la publle ea

lll lll"la tii,^

Ile aaa Jui il i-


Wlai heawi Va., Aag. B .-.-¦¦: olonel K. C.Laughlln, i promlnent cltlien over alahtr

....- thli ni".-! Ing. It- wm ¦W. Va, and btm

i. baaaa.?

. OLONEL JAMES CTRRT.Fert Monroe, Va, Aag I ilaaal Jaawa

Carry, O. 8. a., retlred, dled aaddealy ai hla reatdeaeeU-l li -.'..'¦_

ABBTYAL OT THF VU T0BT0V8 BTTLXMXX.ii,. ..... ,,..M. Maaaaehuietta Rlfla Team arrlved o'

gMiaal TM rei

Kl'a rlgglag "a- At l wltb ra. IIi a i, i arrive antll -J to4ay.

,.. . ,11 i,. ornlng by i eomadttee ot tM

wii. i,'- -i Bati ry. After calltng -n the Maya il

II | Normandie t; iy lUn thisLine for B

nn: attocxat slippev i coo.From The

al of tbe«ith I* ; !,'rl> I"'!, it M ¦- it of the

, , ---r may f-d thal he

¦' the Mt'-I.,,( t|,. ,- Ua I tM ui bebind the

-.. ahl, ..H Mw.\t ,..: otel ft - ip had varlanly been

.,,..; that rot oneune waa

tpie ,-' .

'ii ii

We Infen I- »,-i tbe landlord ai d bii-I bave nothlng to -av aboal It iou nuat go

,. .k."w,. Inien'lew wl ien»te, it-

, , >f a liotnanWe :: aie our omplalnt, an io repl -

-I .,., ,.:, ,i,,i ioup bi an' dem claata to miIi my

Rul il di.e-l, t BUtt OUr»."


|<, ¦.,, lefu- u. make it rhan -- ¦

j nattinh do, aah. i 'lowa nobody t-. t ll mado."

Vt> returned ro »he raranda nto .nvenii. :¦¦ our ti nglh,

and in a quarter of a l torty m ...-

r fueea too.-l."

iii ippolotd lo wail .,:. th- landlord,and h-

- ...-niieiu, .. I am -n, bul I dare nol Interf-re."Koriy rooma were \ ,<¦-. --t. forij trunki j,h k.-i.

and ih-n mui- boal wlll .! Ila eallnd In IMthal Indivlitual aitempted lo -taml on hl<

dlgnltj. he 1 ,.! t-, wllt | th |i..-..- -. nnd th -v i\...itd

:. bm dred m , p p;, H ,i> ll.e w .1 ,i ,.| ii

.t. i laiidlo d. u ii, bed. a ¦.

'.nt' and i-'vo*lulled tli- p .puli la le

i.i,-..-.I >.. I ebli IIi.u. it d m on- b ..(..ii ,,f blm aay tonger.

>id iiihi-i- win pi. ...... .. i..^»e tiL"ire« betoraeommliitni »uleida: it.-re »n- nearly 847,000 morematoa than r-uaie. i. Au»tralla, an.l ln Ta man la the

"f malaa ovar ain*le* i» aoi.uiu- tMlnneao >nIMhaaa,



UfPOBTI and E-POBT9 BTCPI to nt: takkn

T<) PB-9XBVB tiii; POBXiTB.Bfaabington, Aug. 9..tToBBUl^leneral ChaHtoa n.

w .,. borg, h;.s toi -,:-i,.,i the Btata .¦

,i mi abatrax t uf the atateoteal of i'1- aaove.,,.. ni of iins-iaii toreiga eammeree fnr 1999, pby ibe Buaalan Bureaa of C eaetomi re

relpta amounted to 89,94T,4_9 ra*ta_ic roubl.2.2'',:>.i ii paper roublea, an laerease of *,T70,9Mmelallle roublea aml "4,899 paper roubh.. 1

wa ln* taa, ootl .'¦>¦ '""l r' '. ' ''¦"¦ A1

¦loma reeeipta on the irriiiortatimi ol .tion

were Increaaad, tbe amoaat <>f eotton baportad di fl ,.i 868X100,000 iu 849.000,000_. n.. hati t.-ii jt btt braa _.

ereaaed bj aboul 8*0 per ceat oo artkiaa nf tood, and

,i i'.,i p r .¦ ni oa arUclea n.aea-y lo

ladustry, Tba axporta tor U ra T27.t47,oooroublea, exdudiag ajooda axportod fromaad Blaek 9 aa.

nt tiie Saaaelal rondltton of Boaala, Mr. waj"Tho a'lniini-fritinn of Mr. Wlachnegrada]wrought a ehanee In Buaalan rlnanee totallypecled by ihe beal frlenda of tae Bmplre.

me ri-nh'i-tns. piodletiona and aeta of I;,| roretgn baahaca, he ha- aoded tha i« Byaa

with a large. aarploa. For a rininher of rea

bad been a ateadfly toereaalug defldt Deapltatarlffa aad taxee,,- th-- tsaue of Ba| money, the

Mlnister of Flnaoee eoaM eateBlate wiBi <-.

i, n faelng tba wroag rtdo of hi- ledger, bulprudent, economlcal eourae aU thipa*per rouble has riaen in valua born :'" 1-2 ta

ta i 2 renta ojthln toolve moatba, and an euo

kanaa of boada beertag o pereonverted into 4 p<r rent bonda, on the meel favorableterma."

Mr. way adda a paragrapb reladag to the torostaaf Ba bt Ihat la algnldeant: u Kotwithatamlinaenormooa aroo of toreats, pariioolarly Inthe «o*th*"'/.one. t.'ie Qovernmenl ha' s realliel

¦i,,u ol treea produeea atmo-phei.-.:: convi rta what were onci f- ni e

.Alts-ajiA- it la obaerved I rcced. ,

loc, oa deatructlon f .' 'behead ol ti," greai rlvo-* whleb flow Into rj

that from Um aamc-cauaea 4h* Bea of Aral,v ni dlsappear ln a '¦.. :"

to remefj thi-. and 11 tbe i" .:¦ wd much good whl b Bonompiishel.



w*aahiagton, Ans. "... -Tho Btata Departm-nt l- ln

raeeipt of a report by Cenaul Pronk il. Mabon, of Mar>upon "The Outlook tor BlmotaUleatln E\

ln whieh he aaya:"One of the elaarty deflned tendenelea ol publle

opinion in Europe.notably so in Praneo, Qermany andBngjand la aeen In tbe tteedlly-gTOWlnf ae

m favor of reatorfng the bbnetalllo atandard <.f cur-

reney, In tbe atrong aml numeroua p ;:'

have been road before tl." Oerman Bafchrecenl reaolutkma ol Mr. ChapUn tn the BHtiah Houof Oommona, as weU as the frank declaragon of'-l.iiiT ln favor of 80 eam-'st pjutlclparlnn bjliiitiiin in the torthcoming conference al Parlin tho outspokeo atiitmio uf Buch aarfoua aiul Ir.nen-tlal Preach Journals as 'Le Monlteur de- InteretaMateriela' an.l the'Monlteur de* ByndleaH Agrleolea,'may be recognbied the outward m__feataioninew (alth and purpoae.

¦. Sixteen years1 expertenee of mnni)metaili--m has en-

t.ii!,-,l nn industrial aiul aajrieultural ajtuatlon Inweatern Burope whleb demands a remedy, ln vlowof all that ooa roada and beara in the dtocuaaion olthls (juenUon, it would leam apparent that the mone-tary conference whleb !<. lo assemble at Pan-tember wlll meet under clrcumatancea far roon prom-i-ins to ti," lniei"-ts of blmeUJliani thau those whlchhUjTOiindid tho conforeuco of 1881."

-PPOEvTED CADETB AT WEBI POEfT.Waahlngton, Aug. 0.- The foUowing have been ap-

cadeta at tl," Milltaiy Academy: Boberl Bowell,bu, N. J., isi Dtatrtet; Tbomaa B. Healoy. Buah

vllle, Ind., Vlth Dtatriet; M. li. Qoie, OsaOaahofo,Tenn.. IVfh DNirlef AVIHUm H. COUCO, I'ltnplln (Ity.

Pa., Xtb Diatrlet, wltb Charlea i>. Porror, afoaay Creek,\"a., alteraate; Oeorae Tbomaa Patteraon, North

Piatto, Xob., md Diatrlet, wlth AUen P. Brown,Bchuyler, N'eb., -ternate; WUUam Bond Johnaton,Sow-Brighton, N. Y., i-i Diatrlet, wlth Jamea Hal-lock Moriches, N- v. alternate; WlUIam Barkley,hannuta Ban., md Dlatrlcl Waltor P. PllUbury,

, [owa, Vlth Diatrlet; Bdmund J. Tlrobern. Tenn.. Vlllth «11Bam

McMiiUIn Uowlca, VIenna, Mo. Xlth Diatrlet, wlthRoUa, M" alternate: all for wp-

ernticr. lHeoi Bobert Bcype """¦ I"'''¦'-.Vllth blatrk-t.wlth Prederlck ( Wrltslnge-.Noi-iiatown.alt.'ri-i' Klchanl \V..C-in:il' V. ll, ** ll I C .¦¦

M,,i-.,n-, i..lJ. J.'McEvlUy. Holena, Mont, forJune, 1800.


TO BBCEIVE 813,000 ABBBAR8 OP PE58I0S.Waahlngton, Aug '...-The Penaton Dfflea

Whltlng a penslon of 824 per nonth,rount of nervoua proetratton and Impalnnenlniiini. Thls allowanea av.i- mbaeqaeotlf Increaaed to- ,n per month. Al a atill lator date tba penalon waa

reduced to 9H per month Uirougfa an ermr aiade by a

iurgeon who ezamlned the penalonar. Dpon appll-ratlon tbe ,-a'e has t>een reopened, andunder a deolalon of AsataUnl Beeretary Buaaey, ol tae Intorlor De-

r.iiitnieiit. the iicii-lnlier WlU KOOlVe a» aih.w :.n,-" ol.72 i,.i montb and penalon arreara fram tiie utti oi

hi, dlschargo, ln 18435, a. the ra:"- (roylded lli tho

noveral acl of Congieaa enarted f ume.His arreara wUl aggregate about 812.040.



Waahlngton, Aug. 9. -Tha Court ol li ¦.

clrcumatancea Barroandlnf tbe groeruiser Boston, I Bptalu O'Kai I commandlng,

tr Sewport laal Baturday, waa appotnBd '¦

eon-Hta of ( apUtoa W. A. KirlOand, J.W. MUler and\ UoweU, wlth Ueutenaat J. oV Kl< hol

ludge-advocate. The Board arttl meet ln New-Yorkicsday. Aaatated yeaterday, th8 couri ha

,i power of auggeatfng In Itao_ped-n« to take any further aBpa ln the

ter. 0

V \\V\T. OPPICBR TO Bl i (..-HT.MAKTlAi.KD.Waabiagtea, Aug. '.).- Uauteaant Jola C. Irvtoe, a

..- of iho clii-s uader laatraotlonal the torpedoBtation, Kewport, bai beea ebarged altb a4_ndalous

¦,. drunkenaeaa on duty, I duty anl

Dg bimseU fmm his poat wttanui i ave. \

. irtial baa beea detalled to try Ueutenani

1,-vine m. t!." ¦'"«/: «'.'.nort nexl Wednescay.. ¦';'\.n. BBeeker la Judge-dvocate. ^

KB LYMAIf AK8WEBIX0 PiMTMAfTEB PArL.Waahlngton, Aug I l/»»«>- 'f "

iv|| Uervice CommlaBton, baa replled b tba letter of

poatmaster Paul, oi Mllwoukee, b ariaf dat4 July 17.,- M uufl Ua

knowledgeol :.i! the toeta dlaeloaed by Die recorda aud,. Hght by threa laveatlgattoaa. and

l> .ii.oanaure aad condemna

iiun u oontato-_ #

I'l.iI-l-lP LA98 i?08TMAST-*BI AfPOWTBB.Waahlngton, Aug 8. Fourthela48 poatmaatera weee

aape nted a tolloi

Hoiewell V. Mftler. Hyndman; "acoo aavoru,

VoJki.rA'ui VlXArm... ,| K.;ii. Kaai s,.-.!.". w. J. H.

A. II. ^"-> Moi.iin Cutroi1,1,,'v:,.w.Sgg; /.. aa. RockbiU. Tuckarton.


brcrKTART BOBLB takiv: A vmatiov.' ¦¦ v -compMiied



-,...-. b4 WlU P -"1 a '!'"'1 va.

.ni'-i i. Durtng.. ii#1 iaai - -Her win ,,,i

atary._^,,, ,,; \ DUgatY CBOWlf PWB I

u,' -. An-. li >" ibe > ata Da

parta? :' ' '' ''"". *l

»amoa. lnc> ied a 1 le recolvcd y 1 -<

mi r of 1 Bub lalopa,day, ai

Nelafu rvwn Prln?

THE UJ l ^^., ¦ OBDKltED .MMI9BI0X.i.-Tha t'nlted Btatm Up AJ

boaa idered oal of ommli -i.-u al ib

Kulrrprtaa-.'ii.,. it,., BaaBje Lamp Co U IPa I (01

haa :i nn.' aabiblt al tha Pailai,,,,, i.nt haa npenod ,.n iie it,.ii-.,,iii ipucluoa and 1

,le iianrlMiineat ian-.p iia,lnr fnr ite m\o- ofl.ampa ln itj ut i'aiia, Auiiiu.»» Ai.:una

!..».. un VMI OR *"*-'..


I.AliliLS wm. ll Ul COLOB AND i,i.M:ij. sprr.Al'.AN'. i: CLOBELT RE81 Miti.i: MT ,,v, -. -, _


TfiF PUBLICWILL nr sfc.f. orriF.TTivowRAaTHI I m.i. POR, i;v v. \i. mim; tiif. ANtr.rsia.LARELg, .l.Mi OM.VT DRIMKIbG TBE \s Kl ,t


Norfuik N..W YarA, aal a 1.0.1M. of whleh rapt«i|A. P. i ookc io lenioi member, i,,m be< n oideted iu ma,



Waabtagtoa, Aag o. -ITaler d*te af laty 11, T.*eaAdmlral reportd to tM N'aw Departoawlfron Api.t. Banoa, that th. totMn of the Cathaig

¦¦¦.. bad laqueatel Mlp from him to reiiMa. of f.../d tb l ,

ed bg;;" "'l» '.¦>¦ brw with bha l: m tbaM°n. .«, pounda ol .. p ,-:.i, 0|r!.-e. 1,000 |...iiii<|s ,,f e,,rt:;i,-;il. |,000 pOOBdl of .-lll.meal. 1,000 pouBda >.f Mmtay :- ..f vhaalBour, and 11 - .-,|. . , ,,f -, :._ nM, ,,_ ,,1 .,.., ,,w,wltb it»i [. tter ..f Uay -ji i

if'"' '''. uaong ii.e dtatreaaed Sanoana. ThaMonongaMla atill ha, i ¦. f tM

''.'.' b u doubtedly a re-itof f,.-i atpraaenl | aayUfe fron toadne, .-\..-;,t poiatolj a | toa

..hi and fee ,exlel "ii aoa will -. ...t bythe approMhlng barveat of read frolt, i

iaaa. Ta : aiiy-l, but li wlll re |ulre .. eral n. mthi beiore tl. rj

will M i'-i.i..,..--i, t,> gatbee. I ..fT-r-ii t, du-tdeavallable atoraa as aera .,., baal with the Wmdoa

MUatooi bal aay oXai * a- daeBaad on thaground thal acareity aaioBg Ihoaa under

ii nol v.,i rfbottoa, and.-. U -up-

g. i caonol reconnend any tortMr dblbbatlon of f.),,d among the Mnoa ia uni !y limade m.appanr -nt."

holieIdmlral Klmberly. iilleltlng %'A, wblek ae.

Btlon, lt ai.pearathat tbe mdan - apoa the

ol ln-' i. ti. u glt \ntvi.ndee

thelr charge, foi whon auccor


aunnary «.f the erop : '"ry.led io tM 6|a*e D partnent bj > n il-Oaoaeai.: i.'t ol \ Innna

Icetr i ; ro] er wlll av- nn a\eii;e rr.,p o? ahoutHungary - '¦>> Per eent

below average) aboul BO.000,000 bucbeto, whieh will.-ive the A ;-!i».ll . of aa

average erop. Tt:e eatimated hone eoneunptlea ln

l-Hungary b 155,000,000 butMb, whlle theytold i.u 1888 i fron 140,000,001 to

u,000,000 bUfebela; hei IMl ttte or n»

export ofWheat fron the a-.-u Buagarlaa Monsrrhy.I.a-t'-i wMal ln ehvator- ai.d ln larineis' hu'.l

b Htinated bt a Eaatoata,whleb aaal to auppiy Auattia wirh ber toleetoe ? *d"

of wh-at tor boBM eooaunpltoa, whOe tM latlaicountry axpartad hor own line wheat, has prohibltede.vp.ut to Am

'. As to other pralns, t'ie prospert* ar>^ no better.i've. bartey and oats ytold a areaft average erop,d ,./- la pranblBR whOe togantooaa ptaund bUOlpa Bia nlldllag K""d. Apple>. ]x>ar- an^plumi poor. Wlaa atoae i- eary promlilng. all

,ii...\i-i-a for severai yean pr edueed taa.¦irv-t <.f flu oottntrj" aomaUmaWhtw, ."". bme

ab iwa BP a^ain this sea-,m.:

THI'. FOO li'iv.' TEA BRA80N OP l----

WaahiBgtoa, Ang. '... In vk a I iaveWInto ihe t'nlt.-d

Statea, a porl I r ¦'. i!i i.. partne ol tM Vat

¦¦¦ Hiwt ra ptoced on IM narbet Bay .:*,


,,f j --;. prii - .¦ ¦'¦ I loo .:'.' alf.. ordera ware Ufcd. 1... \. i. larg - atoek bsft on u ¦'

ited statea waa . ilfled ¦' -'.

,.--. -,.;,, .-.- imI Barefa l, 1--:'

u were rr.r.uJil pounda, 31t6T7,mbaa than IM prevlona aeaaoB. Ol Ihla Aaaerba

took bul ::')-7.-'i7 pounda; tM year Mtore ft

4,704,: TM Conaal aaya: M ReektoM bay.Ingon tl part olaome torelgn awrekaata early " Iba

cnabled Chlneae dealera to teaHae eitwne

proflts. Latcr pn-*1^ to i biaeaa were n l laibl ed to prevent tea belag beought to fron IM

country. Porelga dealera cannot ao eeaabtae. Kerk-

g .tinued until II broughl dlaaetM a»eama can eall tM aeaaon a r

Vet all aay intlnue to ex I i 0flul»

abk to auppiy tMIr plaeo."

TIIE < "li PI8HEBIE8 Of K iBWAT.Waahlngton, Ang, .-.. Vtoa-Cenaul I la I, ¦>' ?+*

-,-. poria to tha Btate Depa :

ig ti.e cod Oaherl ¦ of Bora iyi"TM principal eod lah ng, wl el i^-1 P:*'* ,n

the dtotrfcl ot Lofotea fron Ihe mdlle of Ja-i-uv

to tM ntddle of Aprtl, Ba -l t*TT%*17,000,000 Bah, SOJ00 barre'J of llver, ItfdO nav-

ipawn, and 11,100 barreia ol erula rtean.1 o i. im groM ralae af tM eatel

.1 at W.554.600. TM nunMr of fHthal parttoipatol ia tM eateb b atatod t.. h»\e Bam"'

"in'the aoutl.i Mhlag IWriH ,.f Boadaaora H ¦«

...Mst)! ... auaeeaataL TM relurna there«l

w?,ooo ti-.. v -,of ':::;!.rXr'' u! ...- -..:- crude. ^VTVu-km... ..,,;;:'.. -«fi:--

the Bahlng j.ded 2.00.dUti-tct, where the i- ns >- .¦ P" aaaa

date Mi beea about 1,00 -¦

rARUi vnos or thb sotw cbjibci bbtobbbWaahlngton, Aug. d. -The -,.,.-,iu--u-!-i t of Ca*

N appolnted Dr. 3. B. BHUnM. Protoaa. He y

¦t ;,i.,. Wllllam C. Hanl to r-T',r! *raa me relaf tM lave >.f UtoUatl

Xlth en >ua n

POH THB COMPUBTIOB OP THE BEW BAVT.Waahlngton, Aug. '.). \ -i> ¦. lal naetiag ol .**

S'aval A!\ lao -\ B.i|: tatcd t., at " "1

tM outlinea <>f a plaa for tM conptotton i: ia»

XOT of BBXXIXQ BliindlaaapoUa, Aog. '.» (Speelal). ti

general auaager of tM LaM Rrl and Waalletonlaat ta tM Poltoa

th havlBg attonpted to ihool Mr.eral aaoatM ago tM eou^e -: ¦> - ..' .¦ ¦*

counl of a aeandatoua eplaoda la tM Bana Houaa^tba, ware boardtog. Un. Bradbuty a

blcago, and ha- alaM Bwd tMre,.>»u*band leadtogmoney to ber lor Mr aupport. Oa " ';\"

bb wlfe ai.-v.-4 la »». cl<y:..r^a

-V- .tar, i. .;,,;.";,:,,.,. thb in.'"""* Jl' , ln h0|

wife atandlag bahtad tM door wam * >

threatenedtfron. ber.

b) i , > ., havebul ihe. a

leapon. 1 don ' .»." *. out a

- twa «0;-v;;\.\ll;:,- He waa Iriad ihbwa rant foi »'"

,{,. hur wbib.,., ...,, dla -iMj- ;. correborai d bj

plvlnn hi- o'.iii;. "¦. wM

suessusi ¦¦¦_.,v.,,-.; -

.. V.1 bM LU

,15." "

, -% i - tu im

o v.;,,,,.»tV. i, .i*a

fniur . Ml *-..-"