Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of...

Pathfinder Church Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 No Meeting

Transcript of Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of...

Page 1: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

Pathfinder Church

Board of Directors

Monthly Meeting

February 2020 – No Meeting

Page 2: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

Pathfinder Church Board of Directors Meeting

February 2020 – No Meeting

Table of Contents Item Page Number Agenda No Meeting

Staff Reports:

Pastoral 3 – 7

School 8 – 9

LIFEjourney 10 – 15

Operations & Finance 16 – 17

Marketing & Creative 18 – 20

December Financials 21 – 32

Closed Business………………………………………….……Appendix A

Page 3: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

Senior Pastor Board Report Dion Garrett

February 2020 NEXT –Phase 3 We’ll be celebrating the completion of our NEXT vision on March 7/8 weekend.

Our new Pathfinder “entry mark” over the exterior of the NW stairwell tower should be installed by then. Pray for good weather so the install happens and for good weather on our celebration weekend.

While the celebration won’t be lavish, we’re making it meaningful. This is a moment to celebrate a lot of hard work, generosity, and God’s hand of blessing!

People will be invited to sow their seed packets from last year’s name launch (given one year ago!) on the celebration weekend. We’ll also have something available for those who weren’t with us last year.

While most of Phase 3 should be complete by this date, sealing and striping the parking lot will take place in May once all the bad winter weather and salt are gone.

Generosity and Fiscal Year Giving

We saw a great rebound in January giving. We hope to see God move in our people to prompt them to the kind of generosity that will chip away at our current giving deficit and help us end the year on track.

We’ve been focusing on the power of intentional, recurring acts of generosity throughout January.

o This included a 400+ household video campaign shared via email with a segment of our church who is not currently giving in a recurring way. Unfortunately, the open rates on our emails were very low. Anecdotally much of our email is getting sent to “junk” and people aren’t seeing it (including members of our staff!) We’re working with Seth Hinz and our IT department to try to ensure delivery of our emails.

o We sent a paper follow up letter encouraging people to go to the videos themselves on

o Nevertheless, we have seen 6 households sign up for recurring giving since the start of the year!

In February we’re continuing to talk about the personal benefits of Generosity. We have more video content to share with a different segment of the congregation based around the biblical principle of the tithe, teaching about freewill offerings, and encouraging steps forward.

o Our February Faith Matters will also focus on the benefits of generosity and teaching the biblical principle of the tithe.

As mentioned above, March will be a celebration of NEXT with lots of gratitude for all that God has done and all that the people have sacrificed to make it possible. It’s a powerful demonstration of what we can do together!

Starting in late March, we’ll unfold a Full Speed Ahead emphasis, reminding people that the purpose of NEXT was to remove barriers for outsiders to come in… but the Gospel-ministry work we do has always been the point! We’ll focus on ensuring that our ministry work remains strong now that barriers have been removed. This emphasis will also specifically address whatever giving deficit we might have at the time.

Board member, Annmarie Wallis has joined up with our staff team to help us think through generosity strategy. She has already been a great help!


Page 4: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

STJ School/LEAD School Enrollment season is open! And we’re excited to have a positive atmosphere surrounding our 2020-2021 school year!

21 households attended our Jan 26 open house.

Steady reenrollment with 3 days left in the early bird registration (the discounted enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had

o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades 5-8. o Extensive efforts through our teaching staff, school administrative leadership,

our Parent Council, and our Parent Ambassador Network are going toward encouraging remaining current students to reenroll.

o Parents who are definitely departing in the middle school grades tell us either (1) this has been their plan all along or (2) that while they respect our new educational approach, it’s not what they signed up for when they came here years ago.

19 Kindergarteners enrolled so far!

Marketing will continue throughout the winter and spring. Last year we hadn’t started outside marketing yet so we see a lot of potential over the next few months.

The School Auction is coming and is going to be very well attended. There’s also a lot of positivity and excitement around the auction this year, a sign of our healthier and more optimistic parent culture.

Closure of Concordia University Portland One of our synodical universities announced on February 10 that they will be closing at the end spring semester after 115 years of operation. Citing low enrollment and high institutional debt, this highlights the financial challenges of providing relevant, excellent private education in today’s world. One of our other synodical universities, Concordia Selma, closed less than two years ago citing similar circumstances. Although the Universities in the system are independent and are responsible for their own operational expenses, the denomination owns their land and provides oversight. Sadly, the closures of Selma and Portland point to the further decline of the LCMS as a denomination. Without adequate resources to operate their own annual budget, they have no ability or will to help our higher-ed institutions. While I don’t know what will remain after the debts of Portland are settled, the LCMS bureaucracy will be the beneficiary. I’m concerned about what seems like a trend in the LCMS to sell off whatever assets they can to keep the denomination alive.

I am sobered by how different our world is and how much harder it is to keep Christian organizations vibrant. In my short 16-year ministry, the changes to our landscape are startling.

That said, I am very grateful that Pathfinder has chosen the “road less travelled” and because of that, we are experiencing God’s blessing. Especially while many other once-thriving Christian organizations are struggling to stay alive. I’m also grateful that we are an independent congregation who voluntarily affiliates with our Synod and our future health is not dependent on the health of our greater denomination.

I am also comforted by Jesus’ words in John 12, “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” May God bring new life through the death of these once-great organizations!


Page 5: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

Pastoral Office Team Board Report Doug Mauss – Care and Online Campus

February 2020 Life Transitions and Care

The church-wide response to our new Care Group, Marriage Journey, has been extraordinary. We had 26 couples sign up! So many, in fact, that we had to open a second section! The second group will kick off this week, Feb 16.

In addition, our Financial Peace group is having a strong surge of sign ups!

Online Church

My efforts for the last month have been on our new after show video podcast. It has officially been titled “Pathfinder Unscripted.” We did a test run last week that went very well, and we’re running our first live filming later today (Feb 11)! I’ve got several Pathfinder Church volunteers lined up to be rotating guest panelists, and I think this will be very helpful and interesting additional content from our church!

Metrics attached


Page 6: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

Pastoral Metrics

January 2020

Oct 2


Nov 2019

Dec 2019

Jan 2


19/20 FY


18/19 FY




DivorceCare (February - May & October - January) 8 9 9 9 9 12 (3)

GriefShare (February - May & September - December) 23 23 23 9 28 0 28

Cancer Companions 15 15 15 16 16 14 2

Employment Workshop 0 0 0 0 0 11 (11)

Pre-Marital 4 0 0 0 14 6 8

Financial Peace University 0 0 0 0

Daniel Plan 3 0 0 0

***Marriage Journey 0 0 0 0

**Online Getting Started 0 0 0 6

**Online New Members 0 0 0 4

* Journey Partner Participants 20 20 32 32

***Pathfinder Unscripted 0 0 0 0

Personal Visits 38 36 34 43 253 335 (82)

Phone Contacts 14 22 35 36 190 289 (99)

Other (Chapel, Bible Study) 23 17 13 21 120 127 (7)

Care Matters added to Database 27 34 34 31 225 145 80

Trailblazers 28 23 32 35

Average Daily emails sent 2324 2316 2302 2288

Average Daily emails opened 386 380 375 392

Printed Copies 100 100 100 100



* September 2019 - Began tracking Spiritual Growth Participants and Journey Partners instead of House Church

due to change in focus.



**The First Online Getting Started was held on January 12, 2020.

***Marriage Journey and Pathfinder Unscripted are both beginning Feb. 2020.


Page 7: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

Pathfinder Church Board of Directors Meeting

February 2020

Membership Changes – January 2020 New Members: Information: Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Dalessa Curet Ms. Abby Hunn Mr. James & Mrs. Allie Schier Mr. Wendell & Mrs. Gail Sims Mr. Zeke & Mrs. Angela Remington © Xavier, Evelyn & Winston Mr. Luke Shoulders Transfer: Mr. Matt & Mrs. Janelle Frerking © Nick & Kaitlyn Mrs. Erin Shoulders © Jackson, Mason & Hudson Mr. Doyle & Mrs. Karen Garrett Released Members: Transferred Out: Mrs. Krystol Lottes © Anna & Chase (Concordia Lutheran Church, Kirkwood, MO) Miss Marietta Smith (Concordia Lutheran Church, Kirkwood, MO) Released by Request: Mrs. Marilyn Sorden

Lack of Information:

Official Acts: Baptisms: Asher Ensor (01-04-2020) Amber Rudolph (01-25-2020) Weddings: None Funerals: Ann Buckman (Death 01-19-2020; Funeral 01-31-2020) James Tanzola (Death 01-17-2020; Funeral 01-31-2020)


Page 8: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

School Ministry Board Report Scott Osbourn February 2020

Re- Enrollment Metrics (as of February 14, 2020) o K-8

100 students re-enrolled for 2020-2021 Final week of early enrollment still remaining

o EC 131 Students

Some classrooms are hitting capacity of students

Marketing & Communication o Our January Open House brought in 21 families. Three K-8 families applied before

leaving the Open House. o Pathfinder Church hosted a St. John School Worship Weekend on January 11-12. o Our marketing team created an Enrollment Overview for families who are interested in

K-8. o West News Magazine came out to St. John School to do a story, yet to appear. o St. Louis Post Dispatch came to St. John School to do a story on our Personalized

Learning Approach. Story yet to appear. o We held a Middle School Town Hall Meeting on January 7. The meeting was well

attended and the climate was positive.

LEAD Development o Administration and teachers are developing procedures and scaffolding that can be

used to help guide new teachers as they adopt our approach. o Administration and teachers have filled out application paperwork in order to adopt

Summit Learning Curriculum for Middle School. This is the same Personalized Learning Curriculum that Kairos Academy is using. We are still awaiting a response regarding acceptance.

Accreditation Updates o All final reports and processes have been completed and prepared for our upcoming

Accreditation Review. The Accreditation Team arrives on campus on February 24 and will provide a final report on February 26.

Staff / Tools & Development o February staff development centered on the topic of organizational change. o Several staff attended the Midwest Education Technology Conference (METC) on

February 10-12. Staff will share their learnings at a future PD Meeting. o We are taking steps to further our safety procedures. We are providing processes that

ensure classrooms are easily secured throughout the day. In addition, we are looking to label windows and entrances to better communicate with our local law enforcement.

STJ School Development o While our recent communication has been focused on re-enrollment, we continue to

release communication to parents centered on our five areas of focus for our school: Program Transition, Leadership, Marketing, Communication, and Culture.

o We are making final preparations for our Annual Auction. This will be our final fundraiser of the year so we are making a huge push for great attendance and generosity.

Metrics attached


Page 9: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

School Ministry

January 2020

Oct 2


Nov 2019

Dec 2019

Jan 2


Jan 2



Early Childhood Enrollment 154 154 155 154 159 (5)

Kindergarten - 8th Grade Enrollment 133 133 131 130 153 (23)

Total Enrollment 287 287 286 284 312 (28)



Page 10: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

LIFEjourney Board Report Chris Toomey February 2020

Kid’s Ministry: Bursting at the Seams!

Kids Ministry is bursting at the seams! January 5th brought 241 kids in our ministry. This is the highest Sunday attendance we’ve had in a couple of years!

Many of these kids are from new young families.

Specifically, we’ve seen fuller groups than in the past in our PS4 year-old room. Another leader is needed for each hour in this room so we are recruiting for that.

In our recruitment initiatives for VBS and Sunday morning, there has been an awesome response! We’ve added 5 new volunteers to our roster for check-in or substituting on Sundays. These are great opportunities for volunteers to “get their feet wet” and try it before they commit to a leader.

Volunteer Spotlight:

Each month we are highlighting 2-3 of our volunteers by featuring them on a “Volunteer Spotlight” board that sits at our welcome desks. We show off what makes them a great leader in Kids Ministry and post it on these boards and on social media to celebrate them and their service.

This lets them feel appreciated and creates awareness for parents to see who is serving their children.

Special Needs:

We had 2 new children start on Sunday mornings! One registered via the web site and had never been to Pathfinder. They just heard about it and needed to come to a church who could meet the needs of their child. The other had heard about it through friends.

Both boys are paired with great volunteers and came every week in January. They are doing great!

We are now up to 11 kids who have Buddies on Sunday mornings! What a blessing!!! Student Ministry: Snow Tubing!

We cancelled the NYE party this year, but we still wanted an ‘outreach/invite a friend’ kind of event for our students. We went snow tubing at Hidden Valley, and 40 middle and high schoolers came!

10 of these students were friends of our current students that don’t normally attend on Sundays.

We’re considering this event a big win! The event is staffed, required little prep work, and it provided a lot of time for relationship building with students!

New families

This was the busiest January in several years for us in regards to new families visiting CORE and The Summit and calling and asking questions about our programs.

Several families were invited, and some families just found the church driving by and they liked the name, Pathfinder!


Page 11: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

Community Engagement: Community Outreach

Dawn Hall is evaluating the Christ in Action program and model that we’ve created. However, she hasn’t had much to evaluate because we haven’t had many requests so far this year.

o We believe this is happening because our community is finding out that we no longer pay for rent or utilities, and there is less incentive for them to come to us. We realized paying for those things was only prolonging people’s crisis and making it worse for them long-term.

o We believe client traffic will start picking up once our community realizes that we have a very powerful program available that can help with long-term, sustainable betterment.

Local Missions National / International Missions

Final preparations for the Cambodia mission trip were under way all of January. The team of six was able to meet for some team bonding and prep work for the trip.

o We have two first time team members, Jae Chung who works with Rick Fessler and Rachel Hinz. Rachel is helping with leadership this year in hopes that she can take a larger volunteer role in the future with international missions!

o We will have the opportunity to share some amazing messages about our identity as children of God with the students/youth at Stronghold and encourage the parents in the community to continue to invest in their children’s future while we are there.

o We will spend some time at the new Stronghold property and clean up some built up trash. I am excited about this specifically because it feels like the purest form of showing love and care for something we believe in so passionately (the proverbial washing of feet for the land).

Tara was prepping all month for the Experiencing Missions Open House in early February, With the help of the marketing team we are ready to encourage our church community to ‘find what inspires them’.

Stronghold Cambodia Land Purchas Update

As of February 4th, Jesse has raised $26,800, which is 32% of his goal! That’s fantastic, considering he is 22% through his fundraising timeline, with the final payment due on August 31st.

They filled in the property with dirt on February 4th or 5th, which took care of the water issue on the corner of the plot. The plot is now level!

Jesse is actively talking with two new churches, one in Colorado connected to Summit of Peace, one in Michigan connected to Midland.

A first time mission team is coming in March and Jesse is scheduled to speak with the pastor while they are there about giving a one-time land donation or doing a one-time “special” offering for the land.

Adult Groups and Studies

Tara was able to meet with an amazing group of women volunteers for an evening of community, sharing and planning.

o They focused on the upcoming events for this year including two new events we are very excited about!

We are beginning a Speaker Series that will occur three times a year to begin talking about topics in our society that are important to not only educate ourselves on, but we are making an effort to help people walk away with resources for taking a next step, and creating space for conversation surrounding


Page 12: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

the topic to happen. This series is open to everyone, and is presented by Pathfinder Women.

This year there will be a Women’s half-day retreat we are going to call “Nourish”. It will focus on different ways we as women can continue to nourish ourselves spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. Each retreat will offer two or three different ways we can work on ourselves as we pursue wholeness!

David has begun a process of meeting with all the LIFEgroup leaders in hopes of connecting with each one and getting accurate information about each group.

o He plans to meet with each group leader by April 30th, construct an updated database of groups by May 31st, and plan a church wide study starting in the Fall.

The Pathfinder Men’s Casino Night is scheduled for March 6th, and we have a full team of volunteer leaders, which will make this event another success!

o Historically, this event has been our biggest success when it comes to inviting new guys!

Worship: St. John School Weekend in Worship

10 middle school students from St. John School led worship

Band students met twice a week all month in order to prepare for the weekend

The St. John students have taken that weekend to the next level compared to years past in

their preparing and execution of the service elements

Fable Mauss and Dillon Olivio hosted the weekend as emcees and showed our community

how St. John School is producing intelligent, well-spoken future leaders.

Alyssa Olivio was one of the middle school students on the platform that weekend. o Several people had wonderful and encouraging things to say about her voice and the

maturity in which she led. A mother of three even inquired about getting her middle schooler involved in vocal lessons because of how touched she was from hearing Alyssa sing.

Metrics Attached


Page 13: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

LIFEjourney Metrics

January 2020

All YTDs for fiscal year July 1- June 30

* Average weekly attendance Oct 2


Nov 2019

Dec 2019

Jan 2


Jan 2


19/20 FY


18/19 FY




Nursery* 35 37 28 44↑ 31 32 26 6Preschool* 44 46 45 47↑ 40 39 36 3

K - 4* 99 117 119 123↑ 92 129 92 375th Element* 22 22 21 14↓ 18 22 18 4

New Children's Min Registrations 24 26 14 20↑ 12 146 86 60

Nursery Unique Participants 57 51 57 67↑ 54Preschool Unique Participants 68 78 60 83↑ 72

K-4 Unique Participants 182 208 180 204↑ 1735th Element Unique Participants 37 39 27 30↓ 37

6th grade CORE* 27 28 26 27↑ 24 28 28 07th grade CORE* 17 21 15 18↓ 24 20 25 (5)

8th grade CORE* 26 25 27 22 22 25 27 (2)New CORE Registrations 7 4 1 6↑ 1 157 116 41

9th Summit* 9 5 5 10↓ 17 12 21 (9)10th Summit* 12 11 7 12↑ 9 11 10 111th Summit* 8 11 6 8↑ 5 8 8 012th Summit* 4 6 1 4↑ 3 4 6 (2)

Infants/Children 4 6 4 2↑ 0 22 23 (1)Students (6th-12th grade) 0 1 0 0 0 3 4 (1)

Adults 0 2 0 0 0 4 3 1Baptism Class* 7 2 0 2↓ 3 21 18 3

Getting Started* 14 7 0 15↓ 19 63 91 (28)New Members 12 6 0 13↓ 17 53 75 (22)

Online Getting Started* 6 N/A 6 N/A N/AOnline New Members* 4 N/A 4 N/A N/A

Guest Registrations 11 8 10 9↑ 5 56 36 20


1. YTD information for Unique Participants will be completed at the end of the fiscal year. 2. Baptism Class and Getting Started are not held in July or December. 3. New metrics available for Online Getting Started and Online New Members (New as of Jan. 2020)







Page 14: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

Lifejourney/Community Engagement Metrics

January 2020

Oct 2


Nov 2019

Dec 2019

Jan 2


19/20 FY


18/19 FY




*New Cases 0 2 0 0 3 10 (7)

Continuing Cases 1 2 1 1

Returning Cases 1 0 0 0 1 1 0

Resolved Cases 2 0 0 0 3 12 (9)

Total FYTD Cases

CIA Alert Team Members 243 243 245 245 246 257 (11)

Cambodia Mission Trip 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Belize Trip 0 0 0 0 26 26 0

Wyoming Trip 0 0 0 0 16 15 1

Disaster Relief Trip 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

HS Mission Trip 0 0 0 0 25 21 4

**Nicaragua Trip. 0 0 0 0 5 0 11

***Local Projects (# Volunteers) 5 75 35 0 165 236 (71)

Small Group Participants 310 310 310 310

# Small Groups 34 34 34 34

Iron Men Participants 115 115 115 115

# Iron Men Groups 17 17 17 17

Bible Study Participants 120 120 120 107

# Bible Study Groups 5 5 5 5

New Connections 0 10 0 46 69 63 6



* Cases will be consistently less than previous FYTD because CIA has changed it's structure.

***This line reports volunteers involved in local projects such as the Thanksgiving Banquet at

Bryan Hill Elementary, the Christmas Store at Bryan Hill, 4th of July, etc.

**Starting to take two trips a year.



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LIFEjourney/Worship Metrics

January 2020

Oct 2


Nov 2019

Dec 2019

Jan 2


Jan 2




19/20 FY


18/19 FY




Audio Message Downloads 338 294 414 397 92 305 1,756 517 1,239

Live Stream Hits (avg/weekend) 486 428 728 570 546 24 480 433 47

5:00 pm Saturday 144 189 180 186 199 (13) 178 200 (22)

9:00 am Sunday 373 453 419 419 358 61 399 411 (11)

10:45 am Sunday 410 462 444 520 483 37 456 491 (35)

9:00 am Children's 91 124 116 122 88 34 94 84 10

10:45 am Children's 102 98 95 110 88 22 86 89 (3)

MISC. WORSHIP (Monthly #s & FYTD Cumulative)

ATTENDANCE (Monthly & FYTD Averages)


Page 16: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

Operations & Finance Board Report Tracy Dunn

February 2020


Supported the school for the digital process for the Re-Enrollment Forms for Grades 1 - 8 for the 2020/21 registration process utilizing Docusign.

Completed the year-end statement mailing for 1,295 households.

Solicited for audit firm proposals and selected Fick, Eggemeyer & Williamson to complete the fiscal year end audit.

Put together final punch list of items for NEXT Phase 3 working with Color Art and other contractors for completion.

School of the Arts:

Spring session kicked off on January 6th with 113 students enrolled.

Jason Erbst was hired to teach piano and voice.


Supported the needs of the ministry through events like School Open House, Friday Frenzie, MOPS Trivia, Getting Connected and assisted Student Ministry with the Cornerstone refresh.

Dealt with inclement weather on multiple occasions throughout the month, allowing for safe passage on our campus lots and sidewalks.

Completed the LED lighting retrofit campus wide and received rebate checks in the amount of $7,990.

The heat exchanger for the teacher workroom/nurses office was replaced. We did some troubleshooting on the three Ministry Center HVAC units and found out there are major issues with the heating on all levels of the MC building. Started to get bids on repair vs. replacement of the units.

Painted the walls behind the two Childrens Ministry check-in desks.

Finished the requests made by the MetroWest for repairs to be made around campus including rings around sprinkler heads, batteries replaced in backup fire panels, and emergency exit signs and lights.

Metrics attached


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Operations/Finance Metrics

January 2020

Oct 2


Nov 2019

Dec 2019

Jan 2


19/20 FY


18/19 FY




Total Unique Giving Units 682 728 876 708 5,060 5,492 (432)

Donors $500 to $1,000 127 135 163 112 907 1,082 (175)

Donors $1,000 plus 46 56 131 55 453 488 (35)

New Donors 11 16 10 13 77 82 (5)

Unique online givers 407 413 462 409 2,868 2,971 (103)

Full-time school 18 18 18 18 18 20 (2)

Part-time school 60 58 59 59 57 6 51

Full-time church 26 27 27 27 26 26 0

Part-time church 22 21 18 17 21 22 (1)

Total employees 126 124 122 121 123 122 0

Workstations in service 95 93 89 90 94 131 (36)

Helpdesk tickets 109 68 114 116 938 912 26

Café number of tickets 518 554 481 436 3,497 2,937 560

Instructors this session 9 9 9 10 9 12 (2)

Disciplines (Instruments) this session 6 6 6 6 6 6 0

Students this session 111 111 111 113 106 108 (1)

Number of work orders received 81 63 53 82 516 619 (103)

Number of work orders completed 78 62 59 89 527 618 (91)

Number of work orders outstanding 13 14 8 2








Page 18: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

Branding, Marketing & Creative Seth Hinz, Director

February 2020 Branding, Marketing & Creative

Launched STJLS.ORG with new branding. It was a complete overhaul of the previous site. New program descriptions, etc. – truly a new story for our school.

Completed enrollment packet with rebranded “A Personalized Learning Academy” label.

Promoted our 2nd annual Kindergarten Commitment Week. 18 students/families participated. The event has been well received by our families and it’s something that they look forward to. We continue to seek out ways to build community in our lower grades, in order to build a stronger, more natural bridge between early childhood and the grade school.

Marketed our open house via print, social media, and digital ad placements. More than 20 families attended the event and several families completed applications that day.

Refined our key messaging for the school in order to begin pitching local media with our approach, success stories, and school staff expertise. Interest garnered from West Newsmagazine and STL Post-Dispatch.

Worked with the school’s Parent Ambassador Network as they launched in January. Opportunities identified in areas such as “creating community between early childhood – 2nd grade through events” and “digital/social sharing and reviews” to establish social proof.

Worked with Pastor Mauss to launch Online Getting Started. We continue to work together to foster community for our online worship attendees.

Search Engine Optimization updated with Landslide Creative. o Total Positions Gained/Lost: +558 o Listings in first position: 25 (+7) o Listings in Top 5 positions: 63 (+26) o Listings on first page: 88 (+24)


Efforts to better manage Café resources and reduce waste are paying off. In the month of January, we have sold out of our baked goods every week without running out prior to the post 10:45 service wind down.

Completed training for 2 new Café volunteers.

Welcomed 3 new Communion Servers (1 new host). Worship

Our in-house video team prepared several videos for our ministry. Our new school website launched this month, and with it, a video we produced that showcases

our students in the environment. For the kickoff of the missions’ season, our video team produced an exciting montage of our

many mission opportunities to encourage people to attend our Missions Open House. As our ministry works toward having more people be regular givers, we created a large video

series that is being sent out via email to a targeted audience, sharing the benefits of generous and regular giving.

Our production team supported the MOPs trivia night in 2nd floor Cornerstone. Our ministry worked with students from the school to put on worship, to bring attention to our

school. We are proud that students and youth are a regular part of both our tech team and the


Page 19: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

worship team, and the weekend didn’t require any special production because our students are already heavily involved.

Metrics attached


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Marketing/Creative Metrics

January 2020

Oct 2


Nov 2019

Dec 2019

Jan 2


19/20 FY


18/19 FY




Total Visits (Sessions) 6,662 7,156 11,825 6,996 51,098

% Unique Visits (New Visitors) 73% 73% 74% 73% 73%

Referral Traffic 4% 7% 6% 8% 5%

Direct Traffic 34% 30% 31% 33% 35%

Search Traffic 43% 43% 38% 41% 41%

Total Visits (Sessions) 1,927 1,353 1,699 3,565 13,526

% Unique Visits (New Visitors) 76% 74% 82% 86% 76%

Referral Traffic 19% 23% 18% 9% 18%

Direct Traffic 34% 26% 18% 61% 33%

Search Traffic 42% 44% 29% 21% 40%

Facebook Total Followers 1,718 1,742 1,766 1,786 12,039 9,764 2,275

Instagram Followers 710 729 744 760 5,952

Twitter - Followers 459 458 457 461 3,202 3,055 147

YouTube Subscribers 1,320 1,351 1,390 1,414 9,270

YouTube Views 5,174 4,318 8,027 5,010 34,076

Facebook Total Followers 494 495 493 556 3,520 3,256 264

Instagram Followers 206 214 218 228 1,458

Twitter - Followers 151 152 152 152 1,063

Social Media - Pathfinder

Social Media - School

Website - Pathfinder

Website - School


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Pathfinder Church Financial Analysis Notes

Period Ending January 31, 2020

Consolidated Balance Sheet

Cash and Investments increased by $111K.

Accounts Receivable decreased $52K due to o $27K stock donation cash settlement received in January for December gifts o $25K FACTS suspense account decrease for tuition payments collected by FACTS

and in transit to the bank.

Prepaid Expenses increased $32K due to o $16K increase in Prepaid HSA Benefits for the new calendar year. o $13K increase in Prepaid Expenses related to mission trips

Other Assets increased by $15K due to payment for the quarterly letter of credit cost.

Deferred Revenue increased by $85K due to o $10K increase due to deposits for mission trips and high school retreat. o $57K increase in School deferred tuition accounts due to large deposits in January

for parents on a bi-annual payment plan. o $10K increase in School deferred registration amounts for the 20-21 school year. o $5K decrease in LEAD school grant due to LEAD spending. o $12K increase in SOTA deferred revenue for the new sessions.

Ministry Fund Overview

The Ministry Fund ended with a deficit balance of $8K, which was $41K favorable for the month. The FYTD deficit of $297K was $35K favorable to the budgeted deficit. As of month end, NEXT Phase 3 expenses are YTD $79K behind budgeted spending.

Giving in the current month was $349K and favorable to budget by $45K. FYTD giving of $2,553K was $167K unfavorable to budget.

Monthly expenses of $373K were unfavorable to budget by $4K. FYTD expenses of $3,139K are $134K favorable to budgeted expenses. However, a total of $129K expenses will occur later in the fiscal year with NEXT Phase 3 of $116k being the primary portion.

FYTD net results are $94K unfavorable to the budgeted deficit after factoring the delayed spending.

Pastoral Office

No departments with significant variances of note. Operations

Facilities reported a $28K unfavorable variance to budget due to the net of o $5K favorable income variance from Ameren rebates o $33K unfavorable expense for NEXT Phase 3 spending that was budgeted in

previous months.

Finance & Admin reported a $12K favorable variance to budget due to the net of o $4K favorable variance in bank fees for budgeted December contributions. o $2.5K favorable for Shelby Training that has not yet occurred. o $4K favorable variance reported for the outside audit fee based on the new accepted

audit proposal savings.


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Mortgage/Debt reported a $3K favorable variance to budget due to lower interest rates resulting in lower interest expense than budgeted.

Marketing and Creative

Marketing and Creative reported a $3K favorable variance to budget due to delayed spending in Advertising/Promotions and Website/Social Media.


No departments with significant variances of note. Next Generation

No departments with significant variances of note. Overview

The School Fund ended the month with a deficit balance of $12K, which was $4K favorable to budget. FYTD resulted in $13K favorable was $68K favorable to budgeted deficit.

Monthly income of $160K exceeded budgeted income by $2K. FYTD income of $1,261K is favorable to budgeted FYTD income by $78K.

Monthly expenses of $172K were unfavorable to budgeted expenses by $6K. FYTD expenses of $1,249K are unfavorable to budgeted FYTD expenses by $10K.

September Forecast

The School Fund ended the month with a net $3K favorable variance and FYTD a net $25K favorable variance to FYTD net deficit. September Forecast projected a $17K deficit compared to the budgeted $51K deficit for the fiscal year.


Grant Income was unfavorable to budget by $5K due to delayed LEAD spending.

Budgeted Adjusted Income was favorable to budget by $9K as result of reforecast. Expenses

Conferences, Education and Development was favorable to budget by $3.6K due to no spending for this category.

Budgeted Adjusted Expenses were favorable to budget by $10K.

*Variances of $3,000 or greater for the month are noted.


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January December June June June June


Current Assets

Cash and Investments 1,100,042$ 988,757$ 1,450,005$ 1,746,881$ 1,483,260$ 1,167,561$

Accounts Receivable 21,635 73,512 29,288 33,143 48,751 90,476

Inventory 3,910 3,910 3,404 3,350 3,844 4,222

Prepaid Expenses 56,221 24,419 122,689 118,210 80,135 126,822

Total Current Assets 1,181,807 1,090,598 1,605,386 1,901,584 1,615,990 1,389,081

Current Assets - Restricted

Bond Sinking Fund 8 182,506 170,004

Fixed Assets

Land 1,775,796 1,775,796 1,775,796 1,775,797 1,699,778 1,694,277

Buildings 24,629,588 24,629,588 23,676,416 23,420,947 23,437,616 23,431,544

Furniture/Fixtures/Technology 2,226,751 2,226,751 2,048,323 1,821,677 1,944,440 1,887,624

Capitalized Interest 46,465 46,465 46,465 46,465 46,465 46,465

Construction in Progress 46,394 46,394 511,867 - - -

Less Accumulated Depreciation (16,681,019) (16,681,019) (15,913,720) (15,195,623) (14,646,529) (13,868,940)

Total Fixed Assets 12,043,976 12,043,976 12,145,147 11,869,263 12,481,770 13,190,970

Other Assets

Deferred Financing Costs 62,732 63,113 75,411 75,475 88,419 101,934

Other Assets 211,637 196,261 186,458 171,712 160,750 160,861

Total Other Assets 274,369 259,374 261,869 247,187 249,169 262,795

Total Assets 13,500,152$ 13,393,948$ 14,012,402$ 14,018,042$ 14,529,435$ 15,012,850$

Liabilities and Net Assets

Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable 96,141$ 98,760$ 180,526$ 606,878$ 351,325$ 331,108$

Accrued Expenses 219,800 216,237 205,057 204,733 231,953 445,860

Deferred Tuition and Revenue 324,084 238,618 181,081 288,664 459,356 446,952

Current Maturities of LT Debt 420,000 420,000 390,000 390,000 365,000 340,000

Total Current Liabilities 1,060,025 973,614 956,664 1,490,275 1,407,634 1,563,920

Long-Term Liabilities

Bonds, Less Current Maturities 4,690,000 4,690,000 5,110,000 5,500,000 5,890,000 6,255,000

Swap Contract Liability 83,577 83,577 4,040 122,036 292,270 251,871

Total Long-Term Liabilities 4,773,577 4,773,577 5,114,040 5,622,036 6,182,270 6,506,871

Other Liabilities

Interfund Payables/Receivables 0 - - -

Total Liabilities 5,833,601 5,747,191 6,070,704 7,112,311 7,589,904 8,070,791

Net Assets

General Fund Operating 20,416 28,619 320,293 (235,560) (515,148) (907,038)

School Fund Operating (335,881) (323,596) (348,460) (391,042) (458,495) (541,443)

Building Fund 7,663,818 7,628,768 7,534,989 6,869,105 7,104,110 7,460,810

Unrealized Derivative Gain(Loss) (83,577) (83,577) (4,040) (122,036) (292,270) (251,871)

Mission 24-7 - - 296,462 577,989 577,989

Launch 224,444 224,444 305,844 326,657 385,707 427,317

All Other 177,331 172,099 133,072 162,145 137,638 176,295

Total Net Assets 7,666,551 7,646,757 7,941,698 6,905,731 6,939,531 6,942,059

Total Liabilities and Net Assets 13,500,152$ 13,393,948$ 14,012,402$ 14,018,042$ 14,529,435$ 15,012,850$

Pathfinder ChurchConsolidated Statement of Financial Position

as of January 31, 2020

FY15/16FY16/17FY17/18FY18/19FY 19/20


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Actual for


Budget for


Variance for

Period Actual YTD Budget YTD

Var. Actual to

YTD Budget



General Offerings 4,414,168 348,557 303,565 44,992 2,553,352 2,720,613 (167,261)



Pastoral Office (469,629) (36,740) (35,247) (1,493) (279,324) (281,047) 1,723

Stewardship (16,607) (841) (1,980) 1,139 (7,450) (10,989) 3,539

Care Ministries (22,692) (1,805) (2,399) 594 (12,782) (13,562) 780

Adult Ministries (6,703) 186 47 139 (1,093) (3,839) 2,746

Small Groups (79,936) (7,433) (7,008) (425) (45,629) (45,899) 270

TOTAL PASTORAL OFFICE (595,567) (46,633) (46,587) (46) (346,279) (355,336) 9,057


Facilities (1,348,117) (92,137) (64,005) (28,132) (915,091) (1,031,476) 116,385

Finance & Administration (479,714) (35,118) (47,161) 12,044 (262,074) (279,375) 17,301

Mortgage/Debt (612,159) (49,680) (52,215) 2,535 (344,696) (353,314) 8,618

School Tuition Assistance (75,000) (6,289) (6,250) (39) (44,069) (43,750) (319)

Technology - IT (78,956) (4,722) (6,455) 1,733 (42,011) (49,044) 7,033

Food Service (26,016) (3,939) (2,694) (1,245) (19,533) (15,487) (4,046)

TOTAL OPERATIONS (2,619,962) (191,885) (178,780) (13,105) (1,627,474) (1,772,446) 144,972


Marketing & Creative (530,192) (40,435) (43,025) 2,590 (295,852) (291,502) (4,350)

Technical - A/V.L (52,376) (3,489) (5,468) 1,979 (36,106) (35,590) (516)

TOTAL MARKETING & CREATIVE (582,568) (43,923) (48,493) 4,570 (331,958) (327,092) (4,866)


LIFEjourney Leadership (177,096) (14,646) (14,930) 284 (102,057) (102,289) 232

Community Engagement (90,615) (6,264) (6,837) 573 (50,338) (55,598) 5,260

Worship (219,598) (17,312) (17,838) 526 (93,201) (121,395) 28,194

Missions (190,748) (8,826) (11,102) 2,276 (90,357) (108,461) 18,104

TOTAL LIFEJOURNEY (678,057) (47,048) (50,707) 3,659 (335,953) (387,743) 51,790


Family Forward (3,400) 0 (200) 200 (1,962) (2,200) 238

Children's Ministry (186,128) (13,406) (14,471) 1,065 (107,568) (106,582) (986)

Youth Administration (161,881) (13,582) (13,569) (13) (92,052) (94,001) 1,949

Student Ministry (7,698) (283) (95) (188) (7,217) (7,570) 353

TOTAL NEXT GENERATION (359,107) (27,270) (28,335) 1,065 (208,800) (210,353) 1,553

NET MINISTRY FUND (421,093)$ (8,203)$ (49,337)$ 41,134$ (297,112)$ (332,357)$ 35,245$


Income 2,058,433 159,628 158,077 1,551 1,261,239 1,183,342 77,897

Expenses (2,109,120) (171,913) (166,397) (5,516) (1,248,660) (1,238,884) (9,776)

NET SCHOOL FUND (50,687)$ (12,285)$ (8,320)$ (3,965)$ 12,579$ (55,542)$ 68,121$

Pathfinder ChurchSummary Budgeted Statement of Activity

for the period ending January 31, 2020


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Actual for


Budget for


Variance for

Period Actual YTD Budget YTD

Var. Actual to

YTD Budget



General Offerings 4,414,168 348,557 303,565 44,992 2,553,352 2,720,613 (167,261)

TOTAL MINISTRY GIVING INCOME 4,414,168 348,557 303,565 44,992 2,553,352 2,720,613 (167,261)



Care Ministries 9,220 525 1,180 (655) 8,133 7,215 918

Adult Ministries 10,500 40 450 (410) 4,844 5,250 (406)

TOTAL PASTORAL OFFICE 19,720 565 1,630 (1,065) 12,977 12,465 512


Facilities 14,660 8,240 3,500 4,740 74,432 12,400 62,032

Administration 5,326 - - - 5,326 5,326 (0)

Investment Income (Interest Income) 9,390 646 660 (14) 7,875 6,090 1,785

Food Service 40,536 1,870 3,229 (1,359) 13,335 23,497 (10,162)

TOTAL OPERATIONS 69,912 10,756 7,389 3,367 100,967 47,313 53,654


Marketing & Creative 46,512 2,392 3,814 (1,422) 28,020 29,342 (1,322)

Technical A/V/L - - - - 317 - 317

TOTAL MARKETING & CREATIVE 46,512 2,392 3,814 (1,422) 28,337 29,342 (1,005)


LIFEjourney Leadership 0 0 0 0 3,325 0 3,325

Community Engagement 0 0 0 0 1,001 0 1,001

Worship 24,000 475 0 475 33,498 24,000 9,498

Missions 122,730 245 55 190 86,274 88,835 (2,561)

TOTAL LIFEJOURNEY 146,730 720 55 665 124,098 112,835 11,263


Children's Ministry 38,050 255 150 105 7,082 600 6,482

Student Ministry 52,099 1,140 2,250 (1,110) 15,488 17,550 (2,062)

TOTAL NEXT GENERATION 90,149 1,395 2,400 (1,005) 22,570 18,150 4,420

TOTAL MINISTRY FUND INCOME 4,787,191$ 364,384$ 318,853$ 45,531$ 2,842,301$ 2,940,718$ (98,417)$


Tuition K-8 958,888 76,586 77,133 (547) 573,694 573,223 471

Tuition ECE 750,925 61,438 61,316 122 445,971 444,345 1,626

Tuition - Centered Care 107,985 9,932 10,422 (490) 67,214 66,697 517

Annual Fund 84,959 3,516 4,500 (984) 86,676 65,459 21,217

PTL Support 85,000 - - - - - -

Grant Income 98,633 4,585 9,828 (5,243) 63,745 78,968 (15,223)

Athletics 18,528 180 1,420 (1,240) 7,730 9,024 (1,294)

Learning Center Fees 2,800 - 400 (400) - 1,200 (1,200)

Chapel/Mission Offerings 4,836 1,923 150 1,773 3,641 2,386 1,255

Field Trips 8,090 333 600 (267) 1,473 1,900 (427)

Other Income 17,828 1,136 1,016 120 11,095 13,204 (2,109)

Budgeted Adusted Income (80,039) - (8,708) 8,708 - (73,064) 73,064

TOTAL SCHOOL INCOME 2,058,433$ 159,628$ 158,077$ 1,551$ 1,261,239$ 1,183,342$ 77,897$

Pathfinder ChurchBudgeted Income Detail

for the period ending January 31, 2020


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Actual for


Budget for


Variance for

Period Actual YTD Budget YTD

Var. Actual to

YTD Budget




Pastoral Office (469,629)$ (36,740)$ (35,247)$ (1,493)$ (279,324)$ (281,047)$ 1,723$

Stewardship (16,607) (841) (1,980) 1,139 (7,450) (10,989) 3,539

Care Ministries (31,912) (2,330) (3,579) 1,249 (20,915) (20,777) (138)

Adult Ministries (17,203) 146 (403) 549 (5,937) (9,089) 3,152

Small Groups (79,936) (7,433) (7,008) (425) (45,629) (45,899) 270

TOTAL PASTORAL OFFICE (615,287) (47,198) (48,217) 1,019 (359,255) (367,801) 8,546


Facilities (1,362,777)$ (100,377)$ (67,505)$ (32,872)$ (989,523)$ (1,043,876)$ 54,353$

Finance & Administration (485,040) (35,118) (47,161) 12,044 (267,400) (284,701) 17,301

Mortgage/Debt (621,549) (50,326) (52,875) 2,549 (352,571) (359,404) 6,833

School Tuition Assistance (75,000) (6,289) (6,250) (39) (44,069) (43,750) (319)

Technology - IT (78,956) (4,722) (6,455) 1,733 (42,011) (49,044) 7,033

Food Service (66,552) (5,810) (5,923) 113 (32,868) (38,984) 6,116

TOTAL OPERATIONS (2,689,874) (202,641) (186,169) (16,472) (1,728,441) (1,819,759) 91,318


Marketing & Creative (576,704)$ (42,826)$ (46,839)$ 4,013$ (323,872)$ (320,844)$ (3,028)$

Technical A/V/L (52,376) (3,489) (5,468) 1,979 (36,423) (35,590) (833)

TOTAL MARKETING & CREATIVE (629,080) (46,315) (52,307) 5,992 (360,295) (356,434) (3,861)


LIFEjourney Leadership (177,096)$ (14,646)$ (14,930)$ 284$ (105,382)$ (102,289)$ (3,093)$

Community Engagement (90,615) (6,264) (6,837) 573 (51,339) (55,598) 4,259

Worship (243,598) (17,786) (17,838) 52 (126,699) (145,395) 18,696

Missions (313,478) (9,071) (11,157) 2,086 (176,631) (197,296) 20,665

TOTAL LIFEJOURNEY (824,787) (47,767) (50,762) 2,995 (460,052) (500,578) 40,526


Family Forward (3,400)$ -$ (200)$ 200$ (1,962)$ (2,200)$ 238$

Children's Ministry (224,178) (13,661) (14,621) 960 (114,650) (107,182) (7,468)

Youth Administration (161,881) (13,582) (13,569) (13) (92,052) (94,001) 1,949

Youth Ministry (59,797) (1,423) (2,345) 922 (22,705) (25,120) 2,415

TOTAL NEXT GENERATION (449,256) (28,665) (30,735) 2,070 (231,370) (228,503) (2,867)

TOTAL MINISTRY FUND EXPENSES (5,208,284)$ (372,587)$ (368,190)$ (4,397)$ (3,139,413)$ (3,273,075)$ 133,662$


School Salary, Wages & Benefits (1,778,836)$ (149,645)$ (147,901)$ (1,744)$ (1,031,485)$ (1,030,413)$ (1,072)$

Classroom Supplies, Materials & Equipment (60,048) (992) (903) (89) (31,160) (39,540) 8,380

Conferences, Education & Development (17,697) 0 (3,561) 3,561 (7,010) (8,947) 1,637

Technology Services, Hardware & Software (60,128) (2,358) (2,358) 0 (32,835) (31,225) (1,610)

Centered Care Expenses (79,408) (4,828) (6,453) 1,625 (38,935) (46,220) 7,285

Athletic Events (18,192) (70) (400) 330 (6,381) (5,564) (817)

Field Trips (7,935) (725) (800) 75 (2,995) (2,685) (310)

Copier Expense (11,576) (987) (1,282) 295 (5,915) (6,918) 1,003

Bad Debt (4,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Missions (2,550) 0 0 0 (60) 0 (60)

Fundraising Expense (500) 0 0 0 0 (500) 500

Other Expenses (115,014) (12,307) (12,603) 296 (91,882) (96,705) 4,823

Budgeted Adjusted Expense 46,764 0 9,864 (9,864) 0 29,833 (29,833)

TOTAL SCHOOL EXPENSES (2,109,120)$ (171,913)$ (166,397)$ (5,516)$ (1,248,660)$ (1,238,884)$ (10,076)$

Pathfinder ChurchBudgeted Expense Detail

for the period ending January 31, 2020


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January December June June June June

Cash and Investments

Total Cash and Investments * 1,100,042$ 988,757$ 1,450,007$ 1,746,881$ 1,483,260$ 1,167,561$

Less: Insurance claim proceeds to be expended (70,609) (33,250) (170,875)

Bond principle pymt consistency adj. x x x

Adjusted Cash and Investments 1,100,042 988,757 1,450,007 1,676,272 1,450,010 996,686

Temp. Restricted Funds (Internally Managed)

Mission 24-7 296,462 577,989 577,989

Launch 224,444 224,444 305,844 326,657 385,707 427,317

NEXT CapX Available for Expenditure 129,709 171,952 570,160 653,945 403,757 x

Parent Teachers League 39,196 34,666 5,938 36,792 19,315 60,662

Missions Designated Gifts** (1,543) (1,456) 20,798 17,262 52,943 68,046

Christ In Action 24,572 23,718 18,395 12,347 10,281 16,097

Christ In Action (Social Worker Grant) - 6,639 (1,706) x

School of the Arts 4,195 8,442 6,295 11,109 14,828 10,478

Endowment Fund 38,509 38,509 36,523 33,682 31,360 29,998

Other 446 446 367 4,361 3,926 3,795

** in Deferred Revenue on Balance Sheet 459,528 500,721 964,320 1,399,256 1,498,400 1,194,382

Excess/(Underfunded) Balance pre Affiliate Funds 640,514 488,036 485,687 277,016 (48,390) (197,696)

Temp. Restricted Funds (Affiliate Controlled)

Boy Scout Troop #782 17,570 17,035 18,656 16,995 23,932 18,868

Cub Scout Pack #782 6,127 6,127 6,943 10,869 10,882 11,476

MOPS 30,259 26,746 25,953 20,023 16,063 13,641

Soccer Association 8,918 8,998 7,621 - - -

Illuminations - Puppet Ministry 7,006 6,974 6,528 5,471 4,519 3,362

All Other 533 441 (147) 3,857 4,239 7,919

Total Ongoing Fund Balances 70,413 66,321 65,554 57,215 59,635 55,266

Excess/(Underfunded) Core Cash Balance 570,101$ 421,715$ 420,133$ 219,801$ (108,025)$ (252,962)$

Analysis of Monthly Fluctations in Core Cash Balance

Increase / (Decrease) in Month End Core Cash 148,386$ (265,195)$ (99,568)$ 497,371$ 131,346$ 115,306$

Components Driving Change in Core Cash

Monthly Surplus / (Deficit) Ministry Fund (8,203) 332,164 (13,724) 3,807 29,854 (56,770)

Monthly Surplus / (Deficit) School Fund (12,285) 27,620 66,894 67,453 55,969 107,502

Total Surplus / (Deficit) for the Month (20,488) 359,784 53,170 71,260 85,823 50,732

Ministry Fund: noncash expense for Debt Principal 35,000 32,500 32,500 32,500 30,417 28,333

Payment of Annual Debt Principal from Core Cash - 390,000 - - -

LEAD School Grant Received

LEAD School Grant: noncash revenue (4,585) (5,874) (25,676) - -

Increase / (Decrease) in A/P Accrual for NEXT Capex - (173,300) 397,527 - -

Increase / (Decrease) in Prepaid School Tuition 64,539 (25,627) (127,365) (103,077) 59,447 62,290

NEXT CapX: Monthly (Increase)/Decrease in Kitty 42,243 (27,927) (100,245) (3,807) (29,854)

*** Decrease / (Increase) in Other Working Capital 31,677 (814,751) 68,048 102,968 (14,487) (26,049)

Total Incr. / (Decr.) in Month End Core Cash 148,386 (265,195) (99,568) 497,371 131,346 115,306

*** - This amount is an aggregation of all other increases and decreases not separately identified


Working Capital Change Detail

Current Month Deferred Tuition Liability 231,404 176,993 28,392 75,285 272,429 247,596

Prior Month Deferred Tuition Liability 176,993 202,620 156,857 181,362 214,382 186,956

Source of Cash / (Use of Cash): Deferred Tuition 54,411 (25,627) (128,465) (106,077) 58,047 60,640

Current Month Deferred Registration Fees Liability 10,128 0 41,903 48,370 54,640 58,490

Prior Month Deferred Registration Fees Liability - - 40,803 45,370 53,240 56,840

Source of Cash / (Use of Cash): Deferred Tuition 10,128 - 1,100 3,000 1,400 1,650

Additional Liquidity Information


Line of Credit Availability 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$

Borrowings Outstanding - - -

Available Liquidity 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

* Per General Ledger

Pathfinder ChurchCash and Liquidity Position Summary

as of January 31, 2020

FY 17/18 FY 16/17 FY 15/16FY 18/19FY 19/20


Page 28: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

Cash Liquidity Position - Model PeriodsAs of January 31, 2020

June-20 March-20 January-20 December-19 June-19 February-19Cash and Investments

Total Cash and Investments * 831,816$ 1,072,038$ 1,100,042$ 988,757$ 1,450,007$ 1,171,543$ Less: Insurance claim proceeds to be expended - - - - - - Bond principle pymt consistency adj. - - - - - -

Adjusted Cash and Investments 831,816 1,072,038 1,100,042 988,757 1,450,007 1,171,543 Days Cash on Hand - Total Cash1 51.0 65.8 67.5 60.7 90.9 73.5

Temp. Restricted Funds (Internally Managed)Launch 208,194 216,319 224,444 224,444 305,844 315,407 NEXT CapX Available for Expenditure - - 129,709 171,952 570,160 492,020 NEXT Landscape/Tree Campaign - - - - - - Parent Teachers League 19,207 87,628 39,196 34,666 5,938 49,733 Missions Designated Gifts 693 659 (1,543) (1,456) 20,798 26,662 Christ In Action 20,027 19,208 24,572 23,718 18,395 14,542 School of the Arts 4,154 5,274 4,195 8,442 6,295 12,965 Endowment Fund 38,509 38,509 38,509 38,509 36,523 36,523 Other 423 443 446 446 367 4,276

291,208 368,041 459,528 500,721 964,320 952,128

Excess/(Underfunded) Balance pre Affiliate Funds 540,608 703,997 640,514 488,036 485,687 219,415

Temp. Restricted Funds (Affiliate Controlled)Boy Scout Troop #782 14,611 13,077 17,570 17,035 18,656 19,852 Cub Scout Pack #782 6,323 6,467 6,127 6,127 6,943 7,101 MOPS 26,956 26,761 30,259 26,746 25,953 22,616 Soccer Association 12,302 11,555 8,918 8,998 7,621 - Illuminations - Puppet Ministry 6,705 6,630 7,006 6,974 6,528 6,228 All Other - - 533 441 (147) 3,665 Total Ongoing Fund Balances 66,897 64,490 70,413 66,321 65,554 59,462

Excess/(Underfunded) Core Cash Balance 473,711$ 639,507$ 570,101$ 421,715$ 420,133$ 159,953$

Days Cash on Hand - Core Cash1 29.1 39.2 35.0 25.9 26.3 10.0

Analysis of Monthly Fluctations in Core Cash Balance

Increase / (Decrease) in Month End Core Cash (165,796)$ 217,792$ 148,386$ (265,195)$ (99,568)$ 403,359$

Components Driving Change in Core CashMonthly Surplus / (Deficit) Ministry Fund (102,767) 5,835 (8,203) 337,726 (13,724) 14,510 Monthly Surplus / (Deficit) School Fund 32,560 (49,939) (12,285) 28,596 66,894 (15,783) Total Surplus / (Deficit) for the Month (70,207) (44,104) (20,488) 366,322 53,170 (1,273)

Deferred Spending - GF - (133,565) - - - - Deferred Spending - School - - - - - -

Ministry Fund: noncash expense for Debt Principal 105,000 105,000 35,000 32,500 32,500 32,500 Payment of Annual Debt Principal from Core Cash - - - (390,000) - -

LEAD School Grant Received - - - - - - LEAD School Grant: noncash revenue (17,758) (22,352) (4,585) (5,874) (25,676) (7,998)

Increase / (Decrease) in AP Accrual for NEXT Capex - - - (173,300) - -

Increase / (Decrease) in Prepaid School Tuition (195,322) 88,232 64,539 (25,627) (111,783) (3,666)

NEXT CapX: Monthly (Increase)/Decrease in Kitty - 171,952 42,243 (27,927) (100,245) 375,464

** Decrease / (Increase) in Other Working Capital 12,491 52,629 31,677 (41,289) 52,465 8,332 Total Incr. / (Decr.) in Month End Core Cash (165,796) 217,792 148,386 (265,195) (99,568) 403,359

in balance?---> (0.00)$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$

** - This amount is an aggregation of all other increases and decreases not separately identified

Working Capital Change DetailCurrent Month Deferred Tuition Liability 28,000 229,772 231,404 176,993 28,392 239,556 Prior Month Deferred Tuition Liability 150,002 227,343 176,993 202,620 141,275 262,060

Source of Cash / (Use of Cash): Deferred Tuition (122,002) 2,429 54,411 (25,627) (112,883) (22,504)

Current Month Deferred Registration Fees Liability 41,903 35,453 10,128 - 41,903 23,730 Prior Month Deferred Registration Fees Liability 40,803 23,730 - - 40,803 4,892

Source of Cash / (Use of Cash): Deferred Tuition 1,101 11,723 10,128 - 1,101 18,838

* Per General Ledger1 Days Cash on Hand of $15,947 for FY19 and $16,300 for FY20 calculated as estimated GF net operating expense plus school

operating expense less debt principal payment divided by 365 days.

Forecasted Quarter Ending Actuals at


Page 29: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

Interest Earned Account

Type Institution Length Maturity APY Rate Type Payout Original Amount To Date Balance

Cash Petty Cash N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,050.00

Checking First Community CU 0.10% Variable Monthly N/A 18.58 2,205.39

Savings First Community CU 0.00% Variable Monthly N/A - 10.00

Steward Acct. LCEF 1.25% Variable Monthly N/A 115,739.32 711,560.02

Checking Fifth Third Bank N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 394,025.71

Total Bank Accounts N/A 115,757.90 1,108,851.12

Total Investments & Bank Accounts N/A 115,757.90$ 1,108,851.12$

*Note - The Fifth Third Bank Checking Account earns a 1.50% Interest Credit Rate to offset operating fees charged to the account.

** All balances shown are bank balances as of the date of the report. This report does not account for any deposits in transit or

outstanding checks.


Opened 05/12/08

Pathfinder ChurchSummary of Investments & Bank Accounts

as of January 31, 2020

Opened 03/02/09




Page 30: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

Department Dept. # Account Description Month Actual Budget Difference

Will More


Occur? When Certain Possible

Facilities 120 Capital Improvements Phase 3 495,729 575,000 (79,271) Yes Feb-Jun 116,205

Facilities 120 Fire Prevention Services 3,478 5,191 (1,713) No

Facilities 120 Supplies 784 2,005 (1,221) No

Technology 121 Hardware Purchases 8,218 10,400 (2,182) 2,182

Technology 121 Shelby Support 1,221 7,699 (6,478) Yes Jan-Jun 6,478

Finance & Admin 130 Shelby Training - 2,500 (2,500) Jun 2,500

Finance & Admin 131 Bank Fees 20,731 31,779 (11,048) No

Finance & Admin 131 Outside Audit Fee 3,919 5,250 (1,332) No

Marketing & Creative 200 Copier Leases 27,458 29,050 (1,592) No

Marketing & Creative 200 Advertising/Marketing 15,814 25,405 (9,591) Yes ??? 5,000

Stewardship 250 Events - 1,200 (1,200) Yes Mar 1,200

Community Engagement 320 Outreach Programs 1,038 2,750 (1,712) No

68,960$ 97,934$ (119,840)$ 128,883$ 4,682$

Department Dept. # Account Description Month Actual Budget Difference

Will More


Occur? When Certain Possible

K-8 Program 110 Classroom Supplies 4,469 6,589 (2,120) No

K-8 Program 110 Classroom Equipment 893 2,500 (1,607) No

K-8 Program 110 LEAD School Supplies/Equip 11,246 13,213 (1,967)

K-8 Program 110 Standardized Testing - 2,355 (2,355) No

Personnel 150 Teacher Conferences 2,030 3,245 (1,215)

School Admin 160 Outsourced Nurse 17,675$ 18,881$ (1,206)

School Admin 160 Advertising 16,675$ 21,924$ (5,249)

School Admin 160 Branding/Market Research 29,808$ 37,000$ (7,192)

ECE 170 Classroom Equipment 1,621$ 2,836$ (1,215) No

ECE 170 Snack 1,630$ 2,859$ (1,229)

Athletics 250 Supplies & Equipment 1,280$ 2,301$ (1,021)

87,327$ 113,703$ (26,376)$ -$ -$

School Fund

Pathfinder ChurchActual vs. Budget Savings

As of January 31, 2020


Ministry Fund


Page 31: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

Date Description Actual

01/31/19 Exterior Improvements (7,980)

02/28/19 Commons & CM Improvement (correction) 122

03/31/19 Exterior Improvements (3,015)

04/30/19 Exterior Improvements (11,358)

05/31/19 Exterior Improvements (7,733)

06/30/19 Exterior Improvements (16,308)

06/30/19 Commons & CM Improvement (late bill) (4,271)

Exterior Improvements Bal @ 6/30/19 570,160

07/31/19 Exterior Improvements (3,075)

08/31/19 Exterior Improvements (12,056)

09/30/19 Exterior Improvements (1,695)

10/31/19 Exterior Improvements (267,867)

11/30/19 Exterior Improvements ++ (121,168)

12/31/19 Exterior Improvements (1,521)

01/31/20 Exterior Improvements (33,069)

Total Amount Available for Expenditure 129,709

Tree/Landscape Sponsorship (Deferred Revenue)

09/30/19 Restricted Donations 25

10/30/19 Restricted Donations 31,300

11/30/19 Restricted Donations 9,775

11/30/19 Tree/Landscape Improvements (31,926)

11/30/19 Tree/Landscape Improvements ++ (9,174)

12/30/19 Restricted Donations 20,275

12/31/19 Tree/Landscape Improvements (20,275)

Total Amount Available for Expenditure -

Total Sanctuary Improvements Cost 489,312$

Total Commons & CM Improvements Cost 1,107,565$

Exterior Improvements Cost 486,844$

Tree/Landscape Improvements 61,375$

"++ Reclassed amount between Exterior & Tree/Landscape due to refined contractor estimate.

* In February 2019, BOD approved a total of $500,000 for expenditure for Exterior

Improvements for Phase 3 over FY18/19 & FY19/20

Pathfinder ChurchNEXT CapX Funds Reconciliation


** In May 2019, the BOD recommended and the congregation approved the budget for

FY19/20 to include $575,000 of expense to complete Phase 3. Bringing the total for Phase 3

to $616,553 over the two fiscal years.


Page 32: Board of Directors Monthly Meeting February 2020 …...2020/02/02  · enrollment fee) window. As of 2/12/20 we had o 83% reenrollment for grades 1-4. o 60% reenrollment for grades

Total Pledges 3,044,854.00$

Total Participants 2,068

Total Family Units 828


Contributions FY10/11 803,538.10$

Contributions FY11/12 917,273.88

Contributions FY12/13 695,270.32

Contributions FY13/14 255,179.75

Total Contributions 2,671,262.05$



Campaign Expenses (24,196.88)$


Campaign Expenses (101,425.38)

MF Staffing Expenses (13,646.00)

Cambodia Expenses (101,678.50)


MF Staffing Expenses (26,492.00)

Cambodia Expenses (110,671.51)

Campaign Expenses (3,948.06)

Technology Expenses (121,069.09)

Belize Expenses (10,000.00)


Campaign Expenses (962.42)

MF Staffing Expenses (19,932.00)

Technology Expenses (19,509.35)

Debt Reduction (1,419,030.51)

Cambodia Expenses (91,173.89)

St. John Missions (29,700.00)


Campaign Expenses (2,524.45)

MF & SF Staffing Expenses (79,988.04)

Technology Expenses (61,595.34)

Debt Reduction (165,000.00)

Cambodia Expenses 273,171.54

Angel Dormitory Expenses (6,000.00)

St. John Missions (27,863.00)


MF Staffing Expenses (6,338.01)

Debt Reduction (20,000.00)

Angel Dormitory Expenses (1,872.00)

Missions Director Staffing Expense (13,932.00)


MF Staffing Expenses (38,568.00)


MF Staffing Expenses (15,648.00)

Stronghold Cambodia Expenses (29,157.33)

Cambodian Legal Counsel Refund 3,195.00


Stronghold Cambodia Expenses (59,050.00)


Stronghold Cambodia Expenses (20,812.50)


Stronghold Cambodia Expenses (81,400.00)

Total Expenses (2,446,817.72)$

Fund Balance 224,444.33$

By Category:

Staffing (14.44)$

Technology (1,576.17)$

Debt (1,273.28)$

Outside Missions 218,665.21$

St. John Missions 8,642.86$

Total Fund Balance 224,444.18$

Pathfinder ChurchLaunch Reconciliation
