Bluff Fire

Jackie Jeers | THE BEACON See Safety, page 3 !"# %&’(#)*’!+ ,- .,)!/0&12* *!%1#&! &#3*.0.#) Vol. 113, Issue 5 ursday September 29, 2011 BEACON The A child playing with matches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“I was hanging up new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’#(" )*(+",- +*.-,- /$.00 12, Police Ocer and former UP hall director Tommy Stoel helps put out River Campus re Rosemary Peters Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Talley Carlston | THE BEACON ree cars collide on Willamette One of three cars involved in a collision near the main entrance to campus Monday night at around 7 p.m. e car was so damaged it had to be towed. According to Steve Watson, the assistant director of Public Safety, two UP students were involved and no injuries were reported. -Caitlin Yilek >)% +%!%/(;7@+%;%"$%& CDMD \%5"+(4%/( -E :#*;1! 6"E%(7 3+14% "/& <1+% 0%5-+( $)-?%& "/ 1/!+%"$% 1/ E-+!1*;% $%^ -EE%/$%$8 ;1]#-+ ;"? 21-;"(1-/$8 &+#9 "*#$% 21-;"(1-/$8 +%$1&%/(1"; *#+9;"+7 "/& "99+"2"(%& "$$"#;(= Z-?%2%+8 ?1() ()% %^!%5(1-/ -E ;1]#-+ ;"? 21-;"(1-/$8 ()%+% ?%+% E%? 1/!1&%/($ -E !+14% -2%+";;= :#*;1! 6"E%(7 %4"1;%& ()% +%5-+( (- ()% Y: !-44#/1(78 -/ 6%5(= N8 "$ 4"/&"(%& *7 ()% 3;%+7 K!(8 ?)1!) +%]#1+%$ !-;;%9%$ "/& #/12%+$1(1%$ ()"( +%!%12% E%&%+"; E#/&1/9 (- 1$$#% "/ "//#"; $"E%(7 +%5-+(= >)% $"E%(7 +%5-+( 1/!;#&%$ $("(1$(1!$ "*-#( !+14% -/ "/& "&_"!%/( (- !"45#$ E-+ U"/#"+7 CDMD (- \%!%4*%+ CDMD8 "$ ?%;; "$ %^5;"/"(1-/$ -E !+14% "/& ()% Y/12%+$1(7W$ 5-;1!1%$= >?- E-+!1*;% $%^ -EE%/$%$ ?%+% +%5-+(%&8 "/ 1/!+%"$% E+-4 /-/% ;"$( 7%"+= Z-?%2%+8 Z"+-;& L#+.%@612%+$8 ()% &1+%!(-+ -E :#*;1! 6"E%(78 *%;1%2%$ $%^#"; "$$"#;( 1$ $(1;; ()% 4-$( #/&%++%5-+(%& !+14% -/ !-;;%9% !"45#$%$= PQ ()1/. ()"(W$ (+#% %2%+7?)%+%8S L#+.%@612%+$ $"1&= V/% -E ()% +%5-+(%& $%^#"; "$$"#;($ -!!#++%& 1/ " +%$1&%/!% )";; "/& ()% -()%+ 1/ “Walking around the neighborhood I don’t feel that secure, but on campus I do.” Hannah Homan junior I-+% 5)-(-$ "( )((5B‘‘???= #5*%"!-/=/%(‘/%?$‘ !"45#$@*+#$)@,+% P. 8-9: !"#$%& ()*+,"- *+. */#"0+*#%1"- P. 5: 2)""/ 34 530#6+" P. 16: 7898:8 1-8 ;*+*.*< -3(("0 AT UP Public Safety report shows slight increase in reported crime Sarah Hansell Sta Writer [email protected]


Bluff Fire article

Transcript of Bluff Fire

Page 1: Bluff Fire

Jackie Je!ers | THE BEACON

See Safety, page 3

!"#$%&'(#)*'!+$,-$.,)!/0&12*$*!%1#&!$&#3*.0.#)Vol. 113, Issue 5

!ursdaySeptember 29,


A child playing with matches 

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!"#$%&'#("&)*(+",-&+*.-,-&/$.00&12,Police O!cer and former UP hall director Tommy Sto"el helps put out River Campus #re

Rosemary Peters [email protected]

Talley Carlston | THE BEACON

!ree cars collide on WillametteOne of three cars involved in a collision near the main entrance to campus Monday night at around 7 p.m. !e car was so damaged it had to be towed. According to Steve Watson, the assistant director of Public Safety, two UP students were involved and no injuries were reported.

-Caitlin Yilek

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“Walking around the neighborhood I don’t feel that secure, but on campus I do.”

Hannah Ho!man junior

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P. 8­9: !"#$%&'()*+,"-'*+.'*/#"0+*#%1"-

P. 5: 2)""/'34'530#6+"

P. 16: 7898:8'1-8';*+*.*<'-3(("0

AT UPPublic Safety report shows slight increase in reported crime

Sarah HansellSta! Writer

[email protected]