BLUE ZONES - Documents/Febuary wellNews letter.pdfHigh in...

1 For those of you that may have missed the WEIGH IN Please a t t e n d the FINAL WEIGH IN FOR RESHAPE: Risk Training Room: Main Campus Building D 7:00 am9:30 am 11:30 am1:30 pm BLUE ZONES For assistance with the qualifying process, health advocate appoint- ments, or questions regarding your specific to-do list please contact our Health Advocates: Lisa Koslowski Liz Gomez Deb Maxwell 252-5588 Collier County Government Wellness Covering Wellness, MedCenter, Health Advocate and Benefits News February 2017 Wellnews Special points of interest: *Don’t forget Spouses must have labs completed by Mar. 31st, 2017 The next step is to com- plete a Health Advo- cate Appointment June 30th, 2017. *You can register for qualifying education and Healthy Bucks programs on GoSignMeUp! *Register for the 3 results-based HB programs on GoSignMeUp! before July 30th! (See description on page 2) Participation in these programs is necessary to accrue all $300 HB this year! Visit our Wellness SharePoint site on the BCC Portal for contact information, class schedules, and helpful links and tips to get you into the Premium Cost Share If you would like to con- tribute to our monthly Wellness Newsletter, either by sharing a per- sonal success story, wellness tips that work for you, or a healthy recipe your family loves, please contact Leslie Deason at ext. 8915 or [email protected] February 2, 2017

Transcript of BLUE ZONES - Documents/Febuary wellNews letter.pdfHigh in...

Page 1: BLUE ZONES - Documents/Febuary wellNews letter.pdfHigh in Vitamin C an an-tioxidant that is crucial to repair and grow new tis-sues in the


For those of you that may have missed the WEIGH IN Please a t t e n d the FINAL WEIGH IN FOR RESHAPE:

Risk Training Room: Main Campus Building D

7:00 am—9:30 am

11:30 am—1:30 pm


For assistance with the qualifying process, health advocate appoint-

ments, or questions regarding your specific to-do list please contact

our Health Advocates:

Lisa Koslowski Liz Gomez Deb Maxwell


Collier County Government Wellness

Covering Wellness, MedCenter, Health Advocate and Benefits News

February 2017

Wellnews Special points of


*Don’t forget—

Spouses must have

labs completed by

Mar. 31st, 2017 The

next step is to com-

plete a Health Advo-

cate Appointment

June 30th, 2017.

*You can register for

qualifying education and

Healthy Bucks programs

on GoSignMeUp!

*Register for the 3

results-based HB

programs on

GoSignMeUp! before

July 30th!

(See description on

page 2)

Participation in

these programs is

necessary to accrue

all $300 HB this


Visit our Wellness SharePoint site on the BCC Portal for contact

information, class schedules, and helpful links and tips to get you

into the Premium Cost Share

If you would like to con-

tribute to our monthly Wellness

Newsletter, either by sharing a per-

sonal success story, wellness tips that

work for you, or a healthy recipe your

family loves, please contact

Leslie Deason at ext. 8915 or

[email protected]

February 2, 2017

Page 2: BLUE ZONES - Documents/Febuary wellNews letter.pdfHigh in Vitamin C an an-tioxidant that is crucial to repair and grow new tis-sues in the



How to live on a budget

Wednesday Feb 1st at 5:15-6:15pm

Main Campus-Risk Management-Training Room

Come meet Nicole Mihelich from First Integrity Bank.

Nicole will explain the fundamentals of budgeting and how to successfully stay on your budget regardless of life's twists

and turns. Attend this session to reduce your financial stress with Nicole's innovative ideas and suggestions.



All results-based Healthy Bucks programs must be registered for

on GoSignMeUp no later than July 30th, 2017

1.) Off the Cuff - Blood Pressure Program - $50HB

Blood Pressure < 130/90

Attend a Wellness Blood Pressure - Weight Clinic by September 30, 2017 to get BP reading

2.) Sugar Busters - A1C Management Program - $50HB

A1C < 5.7% OR for those with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes A1C < 7%

Make an appointment at the MedCenter to get A1c value prior to Sept 2017

3.) Re-shape Your Frame - Body Composition Program - $50HB

Maintain a BMI < 25 OR if BMI is 25-29.9 lose 5% of initial weight recorded

if BMI is > 30, then lose 10% of initial weight recorded.


Waist Circumference Women < 35 inches Men < 40 inches


Percent Body Fat (reserved for muscular individuals only) Women < 31% Men < 24%

Must Call Wellness to be have a % Body Fat Test

ALL FINAL BMI & Waist measurements will be repeated mid August - September 30, 2017 by at-tending a Wellness Weight - BP Clinic.

Carrot Ginger Soup Serves:4-6

Prep Time: 10 min Cook Time: 30 Min Total Time: 40 min


1 leek

1/4 c canola oil

2 lb carrots

2 Sweet potatoes

2 cloves garlic

2 tbsp grated fresh ginger

5 c no salt added stock

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper


1. Clean and slice the leek into 1/4 in


2. Trim carrots, wash and slice diagonally.

Peel the sweet potato and cut into 1

inch cubes

3. Pour oil into the soup pot and sauté the

leek until translucent. Add carrots and

sweet potatoes toss for 5 min on me-

dium high heat

4. Add garlic, ginger, and stock

5. Bring to a boil, then lower to simmer

6. Cover and cook for 30 min or until car-

rots are soft.

NEW IN 2017

Page 3: BLUE ZONES - Documents/Febuary wellNews letter.pdfHigh in Vitamin C an an-tioxidant that is crucial to repair and grow new tis-sues in the


4. Garlic

Possible role in reducing

blood pressure, acts as a

natural anti-biotic to fight

infections. Add raw garlic

to salads or bruschetta,

roast garlic, use it in a

sauté dish.

5. Ginger

The spicy feeling you get

when you ingest raw gin-

ger comes from gingerol,

a relative of capsaicin

(found in HOT peppers).

Ginger is known to help

reduce inflammation, cho-

lesterol, and even chronic

pain. Ginger can be added

to any dish or steeped for

a tea, some may add it

raw to a juice as well.

6. Spinach- (any leafy

green) is packed with Vi-

tamin C, beta carotene.

Lightly sauté spinach to

best retain nutrients, en-

joy in a raw salad, add to

the end of soup or stew.

7. Yogurt

Search for live and active

cultures (kefir). The com-

bination of probiotics and

vitamin D stimulate the

immune system to help

fight disease.

8. Almonds 1/2 cup of almonds is

loaded with your daily

recommendation of Vita-

min E, a powerful antioxi-

dant needed to boost the

immune response.

9. Tumeric

P o w e r f u l a n t i -

inflammatory ingredient

used to help treat os-

teoarthritis and rheuma-

toid arthritis. High con-

centration of curcumin

can help reduce muscle

damage as well. Com-

monly used in Indian cui-


1. Citrus Fruits

High in Vitamin C an an-

tioxidant that is crucial to

repair and grow new tis-

sues in the body. Helps to

make skin, cartilage, col-

lagen, tendons, and liga-

ments. Vitamin C is also

needed to heal wounds

and repair bones and teeth






2. Red Bell Peppers Also a rich source of Vi-

tamin C and bet carotene

helps to maintain healthy

skin and eyes.

3. Broccoli

Packed with Vitamins A,

E, C try it raw, steamed,

roasted, or in a stir fry.

Best Immune Boosting Foods

We’re coming into cold & flu season. Couple that with colder weather, traveling, and an increased intake of sweets and sugar and you have a rec-ipe for a sup-pressed immune system that is sus-ceptible to germs. How can we boost our immune system to keep it working in tip-top shape? Try including some of these foods in your daily intake to keep the immune-system at its highest level of functioning. Add-ing these foods en-sures that you are maximizing your intake of Vitamins A, E, C that are prominent antioxi-dants known to help the immune system. Many other nutrients are pro-vided by these spe-cific foods as well! Challenge yourself to see how many you can eat in 1 day!

Page 4: BLUE ZONES - Documents/Febuary wellNews letter.pdfHigh in Vitamin C an an-tioxidant that is crucial to repair and grow new tis-sues in the


February is American Heart

Month, Black History

Month, Teen Dating Vio-

lence Awareness and Pre-

vention Month as well as the

celebration of Valentine’s

Day. Whether it is about

keeping your heart physi-

cally healthy, emotionally

healthy, spiritually healthy

or living your best life in

appreciation of the sacrifice

of others; keeping our hearts

happy and healthy is essential

to the core of our well-being

and relationships. Healthy re-

lationships start with the basic

concepts of trust, honesty,

loyalty, equality, compassion,

empathy, respect and commu-

nication. These are the build-

ing blocks of all relationships

in all facets, these primal fac-

tors are kept in balance

through love, boundaries,

compromise, supportive com-

munication and a mutual re-

spect for our partner’s

goals, dreams and ambi-

tions. Relationships are

complex; feelings can be

messy and complicated but

if relationships remain on

the foundation of the above

principles, we have a start-

ing place on the road to

happiness and longevity in

our relationships. Often

times we get lost along the

road of love and relation-

ships because we tend to

take what is given to us

instead of having an open

communication about what

we need from ourselves

and from our partners in

relationships. It’s impor-

tant to establish your own

relationship culture that is

informed by shared values,

ethics, goals, interests and

other topics that bind us as

kindred spirits. Use this

month to reflect on our

hearts, what it needs, what

it wants, what makes it

happy, safe and secure. Re-

visit those things, events or

people and remember that

relationships are about

making each other happier,

better and more fulfilled

people. We truly should fill

our hearts and our lives

with those people, places,

things and causes that light

up our lives and give pur-

pose to every single beat of

our heart. Remember to

love with an open heart,

closing ourselves off to

love because of fear, disap-

pointment or hurt only al-

lows that hurt and pain to

stay buried deep within us.

Take care of your heart and

take care of those people,

places and things that make

our heart beat with a

greater purpose.

Keeping Your Heart Happy and Healthy Jaime Crossan-DeBres, LCSW

Emotional Wellness services:


Jaime Crossan-DeBres


[email protected]


Lisa Fasanella, LMHC



(239) 252-5589

EMDR (Eye Movement Desen-

sitization and Reprocessing) is a

psychotherapy that enables peo-

ple to heal from the symptoms

and emotional distress that are

the result of disturbing life ex-

periences. Repeated studies

show that by using EMDR ther-

apy people can experience the

benefits of psychotherapy that

once took years to make a dif-

ference. It is widely assumed

that severe emotional pain re-

quires a long time to heal.

EMDR therapy shows that the

mind can in fact heal from psy-

chological trauma much as the

body recovers from physical

trauma. When you cut your

hand, your body works to close

the wound. If a foreign object or

repeated injury irritates the

wound, it festers and causes

pain. Once the block is re-

moved, healing resumes. EMDR

therapy demonstrates that a simi-

lar sequence of events occurs

with mental processes.

The brain’s information processing

system naturally moves toward

mental health. If the system is

blocked or imbalanced by the im-

pact of a disturbing event, the

emotional wound festers and can

cause intense suffering. Once the

block is removed, healing re-

sumes. Using the detailed proto-

cols and procedures learned in

EMDR therapy training sessions,

clinicians help clients activate their

natural healing processes (EMDR

Institute, Inc).

Page 5: BLUE ZONES - Documents/Febuary wellNews letter.pdfHigh in Vitamin C an an-tioxidant that is crucial to repair and grow new tis-sues in the


Employees had the opportunity to attend the

Annual Health & Savings Expo and meet provid-

ers that are covered on our Health Network.

Annual Employee Savings & Health Expo 2017

Nancy Millar From the MedCenter helps take blood

pressure of those that attended the annual Health Expo

Ivonne Barkman, Wellness Health Educator, MaryJean take blood sugar values of members who attended the Expo

Leslie Deason,

Wellness Health

Educator tries

the bike provided

by Trek Bicycle