Blood of Jesus



The Blood Triumph

Transcript of Blood of Jesus

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“To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.”

Psalm 63: 2 (King James Version)

We are in the last days and in these days there is:

1. The outpouring of the Spirit of God (Acts 2:16-17; Joel 2:28). When God’s Spirit comes, shame ends and there is beauty instead (Isaiah 60:1). When God’s Spirit comes, your life becomes an attraction. The last days are the worst for the world in terms of atrocities, calamities and oppressions; but they are to be the best for the church. When the Spirit of God comes, there are no slow motions, delays and distractions; our lives become open testimonies. When God’s Spirit came upon the life of a little shepherd boy called David; forgotten even by his family, he became the most celebrated king of Israel. There were one hundred and twenty people in the upper room who had been isolated and forgotten; from nonentities, they became generational celebrities. Their lives were dramatically changed. For these things to happen, it does not take time, but an encounter with God.

2. The revealing of the Glory of God (Habakkuk 2:14). The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. The suffering of the present time is not worthy to be compared with the glory of God that shall be revealed to us and through us (2 Corinthians 3:18). We are to be the epitome of God’s glory. Our light

affliction of this present time is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. The shame around you is ending today and the glory they shall see, shall last forever (2 Corinthians 4:17).

The glory of God shall arise upon you and distinguish you (Isaiah 60:1-3). Where you had been forsaken and hated, He will make you a joy of many generations. When the glory comes, speed and change comes and shame goes (Isaiah 60:15, 22). By reason of what God is doing in your life, evangelism will be in the reverse. Rather than you chasing men to know God; by reason of the glory of God in you, men will gather to know your God. What they said cannot happen for you, will come to pass speedily. Your story will change dramatically.

3. The manifestation of His power (Psalm 110:1-3; Acts 1:8).You shall receive power after the Spirit of God comes upon you. The power of God is the ability of God (Ephesians 3:20). Everywhere you go, people will see through you the things that God can do. One of my old classmates is still shocked that I am a pastor knowing who I was and my personality. Every ability that is at work in me now, is contrary to my natural capacity.

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4. The kingdom of the world shall become the kingdom of our God.It is the day when the church will dominate the world (Isaiah 2:1-3). Authority will be domiciled in Zion and will attract people to it. It does not matter what you look like now, you are destined to live a life of dominion. You did not come to be a nonentity; God brought you here to matter to your generation. This is the best time to be alive. In this church age, those of us in Christ cannot be understood by the world. In every area of life, we are ruling. Christianity is a relationship with Christ that emphasizes God on the earth. There is no day under heaven where the cross of Christ and the dominion of His Spirit will ever be subdued by any other force. We are kings and priests, with the responsibility to exercise the dominion of Jesus. Whether the devil likes it or not, we are going to reign on the earth and humiliate him. These last days are to be power filled days for Christians; days of the demonstration of the power of God.

The arrival of the Holy Spirit began our encounter with power. This power is also the power of resurrection. The power of God will always be more sufficient than the power of man. Every time the grace of God is introduced, sufficiency is introduced. When your power is deficient, the power of God kicks in. However we understand that all of these become our personal experience by the power of resurrection.

What is the pathway to resurrection power?

1. RevelationThe revelation you have of God is what gives you access to power (Ephesians 1:17-20). What you know of God and how much you know of God is what determines your advancement. You cannot walk closely with God or in power without encountering a revelation of Him. Ezekiel was one of the captives, but he was able to see the visions of God and from that point his life changed (Ezekiel 1:1). He was then able to command the dry bones in the valley. His relevance started at his revelation. The revelation of God that you have is what determines the realm of power you access and the promises

We are kings and priests, with the

responsibility to exercise the dominion of


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you can possess.

2. Prayer and fastingThe revelation of God is secured on the altar of prayer (Exodus 33:18). Paul prayed for revelation (Ephesians 1:16-19). Job, on the prayer altar had a revelation of what he had been hearing (Job 42:5; Jeremiah 33:3). What is dominating you requires extra light for you to dominate it. When your light breaks forth, your mountain breaks down. You can grow but your mountain cannot grow (Isaiah 64:1; 58:6-8).

3. The blood The blood of Jesus is a powerful weapon. Inside the blood is resurrection power (Hebrews 13:20). The blood is our escape from the grave (Zechariah 9:11-12). It is the last card of God (Revelation 12:11). When the blood is invoked, the devil must let go. When the blood was invoked in Egypt, the end of Pharaoh’s reign came. In that same area of your life where the devil may have been taking you by storm, you shall have the victory. The power of resurrection in the blood is what transforms us from where we are, to where we ought to be.

What is in the power of resurrection?

1. It turns captivity to libertyEvery sleeping destiny is awakened (Matthew 27:50-53). Every dead area of life is resurrected (Ezekiel 37:1-14). Where God’s Spirit is, there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3:16-17).

2. It turns defeat to triumph (Colossians 2:14- 15)There is a lifting up for you from the edge of defeat (1 Corinthians 2:6-8).

3. It converts shame to glory (1 Corinthians 15:43)Every dishonour will be turned to glory.

4. It converts struggles to breakthroughsBy an encounter, a group of one hundred and twenty people became over three thousand (Acts 2). What should take you ten years to achieve, would be done in three months, by your hands. God will open your eyes to hidden treasures (Isaiah 45:1-3).

5. It converts filthiness to holinessSin is the cheapest way to close a person’s destiny (Romans 1:4; 7:18). What is sweet to the devil is poison to you. Every sin, whether small or big leads to hell (Hebrews 12:14).

6. It converts sickness to health The power of resurrection will transform you from weakness into strength and from sickness into health (Romans 8:11). The Spirit that raised Jesus from the grave is the power of resurrection. It is the same power of God that is in us (Ephesians 1:19-20). When God spoke to Adam, the breadth of life entered him and turned clay into flesh. That same breath in you will heal your mortal body. This hour HIV must die, hepatitis and cancer must bow; whatever was planning to kill you, the Spirit of God will kill it now. Jesus went everywhere doing good

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and healing everyone oppressed by the devil because God was with Him (Acts 10:38). You are not a candidate for sickness. The Spirit that raised Jesus that is inside you cannot permit sickness. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit and whatever defiles the temple, God shall destroy. Whatever sickness or disease is defiling your body is destroyed.

7. It converts death to lifeJesus has the keys to life and death (John 14:19; Hebrews 2:14-15; Revelation 1:18). No devil can kill you. Jesus laid down His life. A Christian does not die; when he’s ready to go to heaven, he just puts down his body (John 10:17-18). Tell every enchanter and diviner they are wasting their time because they do not have power over death. The doctor does not have power to determine the end of your life because he is not the giver of life.

8. It will lift us into raptureThe power of resurrection is the same power that will lift us into the

rapture (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). In a moment we shall all be changed. That affliction does not need to last more than a moment. No matter how long it has lasted, it cannot outlast this moment.

How to activate the power of resurrection

FaithYou access it by salvation, you increase in it by baptism in the Holy Spirit but you activate it by faith. When you are baptized, the power becomes usable; it becomes a river in you but you have to put it to work by faith. We walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Our part is to believe that the power of God is in us and that it is at work in us converting sickness to health and death to life. Faith is not just a confession but a conviction. When faith is activated, the power is activated; when the power is activated we see the power of God demonstrated.

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Divine favours - Kingsley OIn Shiloh 2013 (annual gathering of Winners Chapel members worldwide), I heard a pastor say that “you do not need to make noise to make news; you make moves to make news”. I started making moves by getting involved with soul winning and reaching out to the lost. Last year, I had to apply for my United Kingdom visa. My zonal pastor prayed with me and out of the three of us that applied; I was the only one that was accepted. I asked God to give me dominion in every area that the sole of my foot shall step upon in the United Kingdom and beyond. It has been from one level of favour to the other. In my current job, working for an agency, the manager has left me in charge of vetting candidates for interviews. Last week, he sent me on a course and said I will soon be a supervisor and that he likes me. I thank God for favour. Secondly, my friend had issues with the Home Office and was detained for two weeks. He was set free while other people were deported. I thank God.

Immigration breakthrough - Victoria On sending my papers to the Home Office, I prayed for its return within four weeks. I knew God is too faithful to fail. I sent my papers on a Saturday, and by the following Monday I received an acknowledgement and was called for biometrics. By the 1st

of April, I received by papers. To God be the glory.

Divine Healing - Linda OI came to the Word Of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI) and we were told to expect a minimum of twelve testimonies. I had met with Mrs Oyedepo, which led me to come for WOFBI. As I took a cup of tea at work, I could tell something was wrong with the sugar. I was then distracted and five minutes later, I lost part of my vision and had to leave work. I came to WOFBI for an encounter with power. I woke up at 4am each day and come early for class and also to tidy up the classroom. When I went back home, I meditated on the creative force of faith that had been the focus for March. I went back to work and poured a whole bottle of anointing oil around the place. I got home from work one day and went straight to bed at about 5pm. At 5am my husband woke me up to pray, and when I opened my eyes, I could see clearly. I thank God for the restoration of my sight.

Miracle job and healing - Seun AMy job contract was meant to end this month but when Pastor David made a declaration at the prayer rally service that God will answer us within seven days, I raised up my contract paper, as they had been saying there was no budget for a contract extension.


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The next day, I anointed the office declaring that I will leave when I am ready. I got a call the following day, that even though there was no budget allocation, my contract had been extended. Secondly, I had a swelling on my leg for a long time. After the recent mantle (anointed cloth) service, as I was about to go to bed, I tied the mantle around the leg with faith and declared that by the morning, the swelling must disappear. When I woke up, the swelling had disappeared. I thank God for His mercies.

Generational curse broken - Bukola AThere are several people in my family who are barren of children. I promised God that I would get married as a virgin and no devil would shut my womb. I joined the commission in 2003 and completed the first two levels of the Word Of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI). I got married in 2007 and a year later, I became pregnant. Today, I have three wonderful boys to the glory of God. The pregnancies were hitch free and the deliveries were marvellous.

At the age of three, my first born was only saying words and phrases. When he started school, concerns were raised. We thought he was just quiet but he was later diagnosed with auto spectrum disorder. I was furious in my spirit with the report and refused to accept it. We were asked to apply for disability allowance however; my husband

and I agreed not to collect the money, as our son is not disabled. We continued to give our son the best with our available resources. As I chatted with my colleagues at work and heard their stories, I began to realise that I had been ungrateful to God, as I did not have as many problems as they did. I used the anointing oil and reminded God that He was the one who gave us the child. Last month, another report came in and everything they said he could or might not be able to do, my son is doing them with ease. The lady in charge said she had never seen so much progress like this in all her years and quoted the progress as ninety percent. She also told me to keep using whatever I was using. My son has received honours at school for being the best behaved student, and being the best in computing and maths. I have also been asked to act as a mentor to other parents. I thank God.

Divine success - MichelleRecently, I was selected amongst 29 others to take part in a speaking competition. By God’s grace, I was one of the three students chosen to represent my school. Two weeks ago at the competition against other Greenwich schools, my teachers were not comfortable with the content of my speech and encouraged me to remove certain ideas or drop out. To God be the glory, I won the competition.

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Victoria – Healed of waist pain

Precious – Healed of fibroid pain

Ronke – Healed of hormonal imbalance

Gloria – Healed of six month arm sprain

Ms O – Healed of five year hormonal imbalance

Instant Testimonies

Open doors – Muyiwa OI am giving this testimony on behalf of one of the students I mentor. Though brilliant, she had challenges gaining admission to study medicine for about five years. She eventually studied Biochemistry and graduated with first class honours. She tried applying again to study medicine and was not even considered in the university where she read

Biochemistry. She later called me and stated that she had interviews with two top universities on the same day, and at the same time. We prayed and by faith accepted one interview and declined the other. I give God the glory for granting her admission into the school she was interviewed at.


Rather than you chasing men to know God; by reason of the glory of God in you, men will gather to know your God.

- Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr

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Divine healing and protection - Helen OI came for the prayer hour and felt led to ask Pastor David to pray for me. Later on in the night, I started praising God and felt a counter reaction from the pit of hell. My chest started to tighten up and I told myself not to be afraid. I remembered that Bishop Oyedepo has never been sick and I stood on my faith and kept on quoting the word. I took the communion and today I am healed. My sister in Nigeria was going to church with her son on a motor bike when some motor park thugs surrounded them. They noticed that some people had been butchered at that spot. She started pleading the blood of Jesus and before the men could reach them, they disappeared back into the bush. I give God thanks for His preservation. Multiple blessings - Roy OIt was my birthday on Monday and God has added another year to my life. God has helped me establish lost souls in the kingdom with no pressure. Some of the people I invited to church, including my sister are becoming more established in the church. My prayer points at Shiloh 2014 (annual gathering of Winners Chapel members) and the 21 days of prayer and fasting in January, have been answered at various levels. I praise God.Divine breakthroughs - BukolaOne evening, I felt dizzy and unsteady; and this continued for some days. I began to think that this would be the way I would always feel however, I came for an all night service and was set free. One of my friends was about to be deported and I came to church for the prayer rally service on the 16th

of March. While here, I reminded God of the good works my friend had been doing for the poor. The next day, she called and told me that the deportation ticket had been cancelled. The ticket was cancelled at the same hour that we were praying in church. After studying in 2012, the school kept sending me letters that I owed them money. In 2015, they asked for £800 and I wanted to pay them the money even though I did not owe them. I listened to a testimony of a sister which encouraged me and I cast my cares unto God. They later contacted me that they were the ones who owed me money, and were refunding £250 to me. Divine Promotion via prayer rally service - Agnes AAt the beginning of the year, I decided that I would progress in my career and start collating my portfolio. In January, Pastor David preached on a force called favour, which carries power and I knew that was my word. February and March passed and I still had not started the portfolio. At the last prayer rally service, I anointed my prayer card for favour and prayed in the Spirit then thanked God. By the following Tuesday, we were called into a meeting at work. There was a restructuring and some people were made redundant. My manager’s boss wanted me to be moved to a specialized team which was a level higher than where I was. My manager gave her reasons as to why she wanted to retain me and her boss said those were the same reasons why I should move to the new team. I started the new role on the 1st of April. Praise God.

Miracles in the Midweek

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