· Web viewOur parents went on holiday to Egypt the week we were due to...

S1 & 2 Creative Writing Club Collection 2015/2016 1

Transcript of · Web viewOur parents went on holiday to Egypt the week we were due to...

Page 1: · Web viewOur parents went on holiday to Egypt the week we were due to being born, and that’s when this misfortunate happened. Rachel asked Lehcar how

S1 & 2 Creative Writing Club

Collection 2015/2016


Page 2: · Web viewOur parents went on holiday to Egypt the week we were due to being born, and that’s when this misfortunate happened. Rachel asked Lehcar how

Williamwood High School

S1&2 Creative Writing Club

2015/2016 Collection


3 Hora Island K. Parrish

5 Life and choices M. Mubbasher

7 Once or Twice J. Ross

10 Sebastian Chase E. Wright

12 Spiders J. Ainsworth & S. Cohen

14 The Battlegrounds G. Cameron


Page 3: · Web viewOur parents went on holiday to Egypt the week we were due to being born, and that’s when this misfortunate happened. Rachel asked Lehcar how

21 The Identical Twins Z. Amin

26 The Lights J. Ainsworth & S. Cohen

Hora Island

Katie Parrish

Here I am,

Sitting in a pool of my own tears and blood, leaning against a door, keeping it out. Josh beside me, tears gushing from the corners of his eyes, perhaps permanently. The constant thumping and scratching coming from the other side of these feeble doors only reminded me of her corpse lying rigid and cold in the hallway. How did this start? I blame the radio for giving me those wretched tickets.

‘And another winner get the 5th of our 7 surprise gift boxes!’ The radio boomed into my ear, I opened my eyes and immediately squinted to rush of light jamming into my eyeballs. I made an attempt to get up. No luck. I just buried myself into the comforting darkness of my sheets. The light from my window wouldn’t let me sleep some more. Neither did the radio.

‘CALL NOW AT 076 6679 FOR YOUR CHANCE AT GETTING A BOX!’ IT YELLED DOWN MY EAR ‘Calls will be charged £2 fee,’ it quickly added. My eyes snapped open and I wrestled with the sheets until they decided to free me. I scrambled for the phone and tapped in the number 077 6679. Nothing happened. ‘Oh Yeah,’ I remembered. I typed in the right number and anxiously waited as the phone rang. David Cunningham, the radio producer, picked up eventually and starting shouting at me in his big jolly voice. ‘CONGRATULATIONS CALLER NUMBER 6! YOU HAVE JUST WON THE 6TH MYSTERY BOX!’ I screamed obediently, as most callers do the same.


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‘Would you like to open the box for us Jenny?’ David asked his colleague. I heard ripping and Jenny whispering to David ‘YOU HAVE JUST WON TICKETS TO THE NEW THEME PARK HORA ISLAND!’ He yelled at me. I screamed, said thanks and hung up. I honestly didn’t know what Hora island was or what any sort of theme park looked like but the tickets were free. That’s all I needed to hear.

I rung up the only person I would ever want to bring.

‘Yeah?’ I heard Josh say when he picked up the phone with a yawn

‘Guess whaaaaat,’ I said in an irritating high voice.

‘Mmm?’ Josh answered half heartedly.

‘I got two tickets to this place called Hora Island, wanna cooome?’ I asked him.

‘I dunno… what is it?’ He said uncertainly.

‘I have no idea! But don’t you wanna find out?’ I chirped, I heard him sigh on the other end.

‘Okay… call me with the details later… and Rhianna?’ he said, after another yawn.

‘Yep?’ I replied

‘Don’t ever call me at 4:30 in the morning again,’ He grunted before hanging up.

I blinked, no way… I thought running to the window, I looked out. The light I was seeing was from the crazy lights outside the club down the road. ‘My next call will be complaining to that damned club,’ I muttered before crawling into bed. I woke a few hours later to a ring on my phone. The radio station people texted me some dates and times for me and Josh’s trip. They also said the tickets will be delivered later on today. I called Josh with the details soon after.


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‘Oh and Josh?’ I asked in an innocent voice

‘Hm?’ He replied

‘Hope you had a good sleep,’ I laughed. He swore at me

‘Worst sister ever…’ he muttered.

Life and choices

Mahad Mubbasher

Life sucks!

I trudge dismally across the bleak, grey concrete of the pavement, barely keeping up with my father, on the way to school. My head droops to my toes, as if literally weighed down by the miserable thoughts contained within. These thoughts are of the news on the television today, yesterday and for as long as I can remember. Or rather, more specifically, their shared topic. Disaster.

I take a turn, wait for the cars to pass, then cross the road. But my brain is hardly registering my journey, so swamped in gloom it is. It’s not just natural disasters, though-those I can cope with- but the man-made ones. Terrorism. Is that what Islam is-just violence and atrocities? And, if so,


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does that mean that I- being a Muslim- should do it and that’s my final destiny? I don’t want to be a terrorist. But… do I have a choice?

Suddenly, my dad pauses and looks down. After a moment of deliberation, he crouches and picks up a small but sharp stone from the pavement. As I watch, perplexed, he throws it to the side out of the way and carries on. What was that all about? Shrugging, I resume my walk and my dejected train of thought. It takes a few minutes for it to hit me.

Memories of my grandmother-his mother-rush into my cranium and flit about like aggravated wasps. I concentrate for a second or two and they slow down, the chaotic whirlpool becoming a tranquil, easily understandable stream. I remember my grandmother always told me and, presumably, my father that if there was any form of obstacle-no matter how small-in your way that could hurt someone, whether it was some litter, debris or a stone like the one my father just disposed of, you should never pass by without removing it from the path. Then a light bulb goes on in my mind. That is what Islam is, boiled down to a single moral phrase. Not only that, humanity as a whole, while at times being disastrous and horrifying, also has the capability of great kindness. I suddenly feel it is important to remember that. Now that I think about it, I can recall a great many times where my parents and other people around me, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, have done kind acts, generous acts, good acts. The clouds of gloom and despair in my mind part and give way to rays of hope and happiness.

We enter the school premises. I say goodbye to my father, a smile broadening on my face as I hold the door open for a fellow student, who is juggling her bags and a model volcano, all at the same time. She smiles and thanks me.

Suddenly life doesn’t seem so bad after all.


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‘Once or Twice’

James Ross

This is a brief extract from a larger piece

Lifting the shopping bag onto his shoulder and walking out into the rain, Marcus fumbled for his keys. The rain pelted down on his face. A bus drove down the street making the water splash up, soaking Marcus’ trousers. Standing across the road from him was… was him. He stood watching in confusion as the man… Other him spotted him.

‘Hey!’ Marcus shouted as he took off towards the other him.


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The man turned and ran. Marcus pursued him. The rainwater dipped from his wet hair and slid down his check. A car sped across the road. He was gonna get hit. The lights blinded him. The car horn beeped so loud he was sure his hearing would be impaired. Or he would be dead for that matter. He was thrown to the ground as a passing woman pulled him onto the pavement. She must have been behind him at the checkout.

‘Thank you’ Marcus sighed.

‘Men these days!’ the woman sighed as they walked off.

The man had got away.

Marcus walked back to his car and drove home. He opened the door and stumbled out, the rain pouring into his car. He stumbled into the doorway of the flat. He walked up the stairs slowly and clicked the keys in the lock. He changed into dry clothes before beginning to do some work. Marcus sat down and opened his laptop. He clicked on emails and almost instantly a message popped up. ‘[email protected]’. Who was this guy? He opened the message.

‘I’m sorry Mr Brooks, we don’t know anything about an explosion at the east coast power station. You can check our website for more information.

Raymond Parker

National Energy Corporation’

Baffled, Marcus scrolled down. Five minutes earlier he had sent a message about some explosion. A receipt came in. He had just bought a Burger King with his card. Then a train pass. Then a new coat. Someone has his details. He quickly scrolled to settings. Security. Passwords. He clicked change password.

‘You can’t change passwords while your account is open on another computer’


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Marcus entered his browser history. He had been researching theories of the multiverse. Infinite parallel universes. He pressed back to see if there was anything else.

Browser access denied.

Marcus ran to his phone, it was lying on, he had turned it off. Someone was tracking him. Damn it! He threw his phone at the floor and stamped on it; shattering the screen into thousands of pieces. He kept stamping until every single circuit board was broken. Whoever was coming was almost there.

A light shone through the window, blinding Marcus. Through the light he could see silhouettes of armed figures. Red sniper dots crawled up his shirt like dozens of tiny spiders.

‘Marcus Brooks! We have you surrounded! Turn yourself in!’ a voice hollered.

Marcus ran through his flat looking for an escape route. He grabbed a stool and shattered the bathroom window. He leapt through the window and landed in the alleyway. His knees ached and he collapsed to the floor. Pulling himself up, he saw, in front of him was… him.

‘There was an explosion… at a power station’ other him began, ’and it brought me to your world. I tried to work out if you existed, and you did. I went to my house thinking I might find you there. I just wanted to explain to you, but you didn’t own it’

Other Marcus began to cry. The tears streaked down his face. He fell to his knees

‘I’m so sorry. I killed the man. But I figured there was only one way home. I’m sorry.’

Marcus stumbled backwards, then he noticed the wires hanging from other him’s coat. Markus swore. And then the street exploded.


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It looked like home, but it wasn’t.

Sebastian Chase

Eva Wright

The dark axe wielding figure stood at the bottom of flesh market, Sebastian staring down at it. After an eternity of staring at each other


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immediately the figure began to run, it must have noticed that Sebastian was a detective and was afraid of getting caught, Sebastian, of course being the detective he ran after it, staggering down the stairs of flesh market and reaching the archway out. The dark figure had already ran out of flesh market and was now dashing down Market Street. Sebastian took a running start down the street, skidding around the corner when he got there. The figure stood, it did nothing. “You!” Sebastian shrieked “you’re the one that’s been causing so much bloody trouble round Edinburgh!”

The black figure turned around, staring right at him. “Sebastian.” “Sebastian Baxter!” it said, Sebastian stood gobsmacked, how did it know his name? Before Sebastian had time to think about it, the figure darted towards him, gracefully, not tripping on any of the bricks that made up the rough road, as it approached him it took swift slice with its axe aiming straight for his head. Sebastian shifted to the left, the axe just missing the tips of his sideburn; the immediately came flying back at him, but lucky for Sebastian his reflexes caught the handle of the axe before it sliced through his skull.

Sebastian pulled the axe, and the figure forward. The lantern in Sebastian’s hand lit up the figures face, small hazel eyes looked up at him, the right eye was revolting, skin was missing around it in the shape of a star, the muscles pulsated and bled. It appeared to be a female, which was surprising due to the amazing strength she had displayed. She gave Sebastian time to look at her before snapping at him with her sharp, mangled teeth. In fear Sebastian fell to the ground, giving her enough time to escape from Sebastian’s clutches, she ran away from the scene. Before Sebastian could ran after her and have another great chase, she started crying out for someone, the name sounded sinister, sounded like it belong to a Sociopath. “Hannibal! Hannibal!” “Where are you Hannibal!?” “

Damn it, she’s calling her partner” he thought to himself, and he was right. a tall skinny man came running around the corner, looking rather panicked and worried “have you got rid of him yet?, is he still there” the


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tall man said. “The scrawny things tougher than he looks, we’ve been fighting for ages!”. Sebastian didn’t dare get involved in their conversation, but stayed to listen. “Well where’d he go?” the woman didn’t seem to want to answer Hannibal’s question. “You lost him again? Honestly Maura, Mordecai won’t be happy”. Maura, what a nice name, hard to believe it belonged to a murderer. Maura look even more annoyed at Hannibal and began to fiddle with her hair in a flustered manner. They stood in an awkward silence until Maura eventually answered back “ok geez, I lost him…Again. But let’s just go back and pretend it never happened; And Mordecai won’t have to know. Sound good?” Hannibal looked at her as if she had just told another one of her awful puns, the look your parents might give you if you were lying and it was painfully obvious you were, one eyebrow raised, hands on hips, frowning lips. Maura knew exactly what he was telling her through his looks, “You really think that’s what I’m going to do?” “It was worth a try”. At this point Sebastian was well out of sight, hidden behind the corner of a building, he stood there puzzled as to why they needed to tell this “Mordecai” that he had escaped. The name sounded oddly familiar, he remembered it from hearing two nurses talking about him saying he was a little “mad” in a way


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Juliet Ainsworth and Sophie Cohen


Millions of them.

Miniscule ones, immense ones, furry ones, hairless ones, all crawling around on their eight skeletal legs as soon as they’d finished pouring out of the small hole in the wall.

Fear overtook her like a giant icy wave, dread boiling in her stomach so ferociously that her horrified face slowly became ashen as she realised.

The hundreds and thousands of jet black arachnids were scuttling straight towards her. Her, who was lying petrified, absolutely helpless.

She commanded her shaking hands to grip the cold, rigid, stone-like surface underneath her, but she found she could not. Her hand continued to tremble beside her, completely and utterly useless.

One tiny, charcoal-coloured arachnid slowly crawled up the bare bedpost.

And onto the grey, rough surface where her limp, horrified body shook.

Her heart was pounding, almost bursting out of her chest, as she once again attempted to move.

Every second, the little spider inched closer and closer. Every second, she grew increasingly terrified. After a minute of aimless struggling, the spider finally reached her flailing ankle.

The miniscule, eight-legged creature unhurriedly tiptoed up her leg. At that moment, her heavy breaths halted. Eyes widened, she froze before letting out a bloodcurdling, hair-raising screech.

She found she could move. Her pure horror had released her from her trance. Sitting up, she cried out, and frantically slapped her hand against her bony ankle, hoping to sweep off the eight-legged devil and destroy it.


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With another huge yell, and a humungous swipe at her pale limb, the arachnid flew and hit the cracked concrete at full speed. Its tiny thrashing legs stilled suddenly.


Euphemia awoke with a huge start, a nauseating, swirling sensation brewing in her stomach. Bolting upright, she found herself to be in her own, comforting bed, wrapped in her own, soft duvet. She exhaled deeply, a shaky smile of relief appearing on her thin face. It was just a silly old dream.

But that small smile disappeared as she saw it.

Perched on the metal frame of her bed, was the miniature coal-black arachnid that had been in her horrific nightmare. But instead of complete dread and fear washing over her, regret rushed through her veins.

‘I’m sorry.’ She whispered, hugging her knees to her chest.

The baby spider didn’t react. It stood, motionless, almost as if it was in a sulk with her.

‘Euphemia, get up! You need to get ready for school!’

The loud booming sound of her mother’s huge voice startled the little spider, and it hurriedly scuttled away in a frenzy.

Sighing, Euphemia got out of bed.

She found she wasn’t scared of spiders anymore.


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The Battlegrounds: A New Era

Gordon Cameron

This is the first chapter of a novel

“Tell me a story, Dad!” begged 4 year old girl, Riley from the planet Edgit, which is a taiga planet.

She lives with her dad, Dillon. He said her mum died when she was very young. Riley wishes she knew her mum, at night she draws pictures of what she wants her mum to look like.

But what she really wants is to go on an adventure.

“Right, OK then, what story should I tell?” asked Dillon curiously.

“Tell me a new one, one I have never heard before” answered Riley with excitement.

“Oh I’ve got one,” said Dillon with a smile on his.

“What is it about?” questioned Riley.

“You’ll find out, anyway, not that long ago, about 9 or 10 years ago…” said Dillon.

“…That’s older than me, I’m only 4 years old,” interrupted Riley rudely.

“Don’t interrupt,” continued Dillon “about 9 or 10 years ago, there was a strong warrior called Gordon and he worked for an alliance called the Synergy. Now, they fought battles against another alliance and they were more evil than anyone could be, they shot innocent people with their shooter, and they were called the Vodum, which means conquerors. The Vodum had a horrible captain called Captain Khalil Mandi and he never let anything stand in his way. But the Vodum had an even worse leader and his name was Rànagörg. He was, well nobody knew what he was, even


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the Vodum soldiers were scared of him. Rànagörg was a warrior too but he wasn’t the same type of warrior,” said Dillon as he told the story.

“Was he an evil warrior or a big warrior?” asked Riley with curiosity.

“Yes he was both of those, but that’s not what I meant,” answered Dillon, “He was a Dynaposse!”

“What’s a Dynaposse?” questioned Riley.

Dillon went on “A Dynaposse is a special warrior, who must have certain abilities to become this special warrior. They can also train specific people, not just normal people, to become a special warrior and Rànagörg set a mission for himself and that mission was to get as many evil people turned to a Dynaposse so they could rule the entire galaxy. Rànagörg done this because he liked power and if anyone tried to stop he would rip up the planet from the inside,” Dillon said as he told the story to Riley.

“How could he do that?” asked Riley with a frightened tone in her voice.

“He had a suit, that when he pressed a button, that was on his belt, a fully powered would come around his full body and then he would fly down in his ship and rip up the planet with his suit.” Dillon continued the story.

“Only the downfall for Rànagörg was that the suit could only last for a certain amount of time.” Dillon continued. “And once that time was up he couldn’t use the suit for ages, so he tried to use it as much as he could.”

“Why are you telling me this story?” asked Riley looking so scared she was stroking her brown hair.

“Don’t worry,” replied Dillon and he went on. “Anyway back to the Synergy. Gordon was full of courage, he would do anything for his team. One day the Synergy needed one person to go on a highly dangerous mission, to go into one of the Dynaposse’s bases to steal a secret bit of information that only the Synergy general, General Nus, would be able to read. Gordon volunteered to go.


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Dillon just quickly went to get something to drink because his throat was dry. He came back and continued “I don’t want to go through all the detail but I’ll say the main bits. Gordon snuck past all the guards and the way to the vault, chamber thing, you had to go through the lockup. While he was walking through the lockup he saw a man hanging on chains with his eyes closed and a scar on his right hand which looked like a…a, well it didn’t look like anything it was just a few lines which looked like they were cut with a Nova Sword, which is a super-hot weapon which can cut through anything and only the Dynaposse carried,”

“Kind of like yours dad,” said Riley with excitement.

“Yes, but I’m not that man,” Dillon answered back “Anyway Gordon felt sorry for him so he got in his cell by shooting it and helped him.

“Gordon woke him up from his sleep and asked ‘Are you ok?’ the man said yes and took a pause and spoke again. ‘What are you doing here; you’re going to get yourself killed.’ Gordon replied ‘I’m on a secret mission for the Synergy.’ The man stood up and said ‘so they sent you to do their dirty work, I went on this mission and got caught.’ They got to know each other more and later they agreed to get the information together…”

“They managed to get the information and escape. Gordon called the Synergy to come and pick them up; they came and took them away.” Dillon finished “Right! Night, night.”

“Is that it finished, it was really good,” Riley moaned.

“Well it’s not the end but I’ll tell you the rest tomorrow.”

The next day came and Riley was so desperate to hear the rest of the story would continue, and also end.



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“Is it time for the rest of the story Dad?” asked Riley with so much excitement she couldn’t contain herself.

“Yeah, why not,” answered Dillon.

They both went up to Riley’s room and when they got up Riley leaped into bed.

“Right, where were we?” Dillon asked Riley.

“We were at the bit where Gordon and the man flew away after the mission.”

“Oh yes” Dillon continued with the story “After the mission. Gordon and the man became good friends also the man became a Synergy soldier once again. But Gordon would not be a Synergy soldier with him because one day a specialized Nova Sword appeared in front of him. Gordon was confused but then a hologram appeared and told him that he would continue the religion of the Fusion Warriors. The Fusion Warriors were people who would fight against the Dynaposse alongside the Synergy. Ages ago all the Fusion Warriors got killed and the Synergy were desperate for the Fusion Warriors to rise again, but no one had the ‘powers’ until Gordon came. Once Gordon got his blue Nova Sword he trained and trained and trained and then he was ready. Gordon and the Synergy then started to plan their final attack on the Vodum and Dynaposse, hoping to defeat them once and for all. They needed to get up to the main ship to take them down. Synergy spies found out that they were going to destroy planets so they had to plan fast.”

“Before Gordon got the Nova Sword he had a ship called The Mischief but its nickname was the Shooting Star because of how fast it was, so they planned for Gordon to fly up with the Mischief and get in the ship and to let everyone else in. The day of the attack came and everyone got suited up and Gordon made the man his right hand man. The people who weren’t coming on the attack were saying their goodbyes and not long after everyone was off. After traveling for a long time they finally reached


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the base and their plan could go into action. Gordon sped of first and he got in. He had to stop what he was doing a few times so he could hide from the Vodum, Gordon eventually got them in. They decided for Gordon to take on the Dynaposse and the rest of them to take the Vodum. The Synergy did have it tough because there was many of the Vodum but there was only about 6 Dynaposse. It wasn’t that long until the Synergy bumped into the Vodum and when they did it was almost like a war. A few of the Synergy did die but they came out on top and won the battle. Unfortunately Captain Khalil Mandi escaped, but it wasn’t a big fuss. Gordon had been looking for the Dynaposse for quite a while but then he ran into a friendly face, the man he rescued. The man had sneaked off to come and help Gordon; while he was finding him he saw a way to the Dynaposse. So they both went that way and soon they bumped into… the rest of the Synergy, who got lost, but now they had an army against 6. They kept hunting for them and eventually they did. Gordon spotted Rànagörg at the back, he looked so angry. Gordon took Rànagörg and the Synergy took the rest. It never took as long as the Synergy expected to take all the Dynaposse out. It was probably because they weren’t fully trained. Now it was just one on one with Gordon and Rànagörg. The battle went back and forth with Gordon getting the upper hand then Rànagörg, then Gordon, then Rànagörg.”

“But I’m just going to skip all of that and go near the end. The battle somehow went on to a narrow bridge, so one wrong step then you fall down a big drop. The man Gordon had rescued thought it wasn’t going to end so he picked up his shooter and took one shot and it hit Rànagörg’s shoulder. Gordon took this to his advantage and while Rànagörg was in pain he struck his Nova Sword through Rànagörg. Rànagörg fell to his knees in pain and soon lost the strength to stay up and he slowly started to fall to the side, eventually he just fell down the big drop. That was the main part of their plan done; now they just needed to go around the base and plant bombs. Once they did that Gordon got in to the Mischief and the Synergy got into their ships and all flew off. General Nus flicked the switch and all the bombs exploded, soon all the Vodum bases across the galaxy


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shut down. The Synergy had victory. Once they got back to their planet they had the biggest party you could have. Gordon decided that he would train up a new bunch of Fusion Warriors. The End”

“That was a brilliant story, was it a true story?” asked Riley

“Yes it happened 10 years ago” Dillon answered Riley’s question.

“Is the Synergy still round?”

“Yes they need to fight the new Vodum, who rose again, but Gordon isn’t around, one day he left and never came back, the man he rescued went looking for him but he gave up and settled down and made a family. Oh, I almost forgot, after the battle, which is known as the War of Arun Rao, Gordon got the nickname, the Snizzle and they went on many battles after that.”

“What about Rànagörg?”

“Well, most people think that he is dead, but a few think he is alive but just really injured”

“I hope he is dead and when I grow up I’m going to look for Gordon and get him back.” Said Riley

“Well you’ll have to get your flighters licence” Dillon replied.

“Ok, can I use ship the Phantom when I get my flighters licence?”

“Yeah why not, I was thinking about getting a new ship,” Dillon answered.

“I can’t wait to grow up!”


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The Identical Twins

Zainab Amin

There was thunder lightning that night when Rachel discovered an exciting truth………………

One dark night Rachel was lying in bed when she heard a voice that was very likely to be hers. She stepped out of the room and tiptoed past her parents’ bedroom and went downstairs to find out that noise, Rachel was very brave. She tiptoed into the kitchen and was shocked on seeing her identical twin. She fainted dramatically.

Rachel’s identical twin grabbed a glass of water and splashed it onto Rachel’s face. Her eyes widened and they were both glancing at each


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other for minutes. Rachel got up from her identical twins lap and asked her what her name was, she answered back saying…Lehcar. She was surprised; her face looked exactly like hers and her name was the same as hers but backwards. She asked how her face resembled herself. Tears started falling down her cheeks but she stood up straight and firm and started telling her a story……………………………………………………………………………………..The Identical Twins!

One stormy night, the day we were born an unfortunate event happened. Your mum well, our mum had to separate one of us and was told that if she doesn’t, she had to hand over us; this was because our dad did a terrible mistake in his land and it was the pharaoh of Egypt. Our parents went on holiday to Egypt the week we were due to being born, and that’s when this misfortunate happened.

Rachel asked Lehcar how she knew about all this and she replied that the pharaoh itself told her about all this because she found out that the people who she was living with were not actually her parents. Rachel started crying painfully after hearing this unfortunate story and grabbed Lehcar’s arm and started walking to her parents’ bedroom, Lehcar stopped immediately and Rachel let go of her sister’s hand. Lehcar refused to go any further .Rachel asked her why she was refusing to meet her parents, and she replied that she didn’t want any more trouble caused in the family because of her. Rachel started to feel dizzy and fainted dramatically again. Lechar didn’t know what to do, she didn’t want to tell her parents and she didn’t know the way to the hospital so there was only one way, she had to find her own way around. She grabbed her sister’s arm and put her round her back and ran to the door and out. She could feel the thunder and lightning approach her face but she didn’t give up, she carried on and asked the people around her if they knew where the hospital was.

She searched and searched for the hospital and eventually came to this old man who knew where it was, she was thankful to him and asked for


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the directions, the old man gave her some money to get the taxi seeing as the hospital was quite far away from that area. She grabbed the money and ran to get a taxi. She rushed inside the taxi, handed over the money and told the taxi man where to go; he was horrified on looking at them both by themselves. He drove to the hospital as fast as he could and gave Lehcar a bottle of water in case they needed it.

Lehcar sprinted into the hospital with Rachel and went to the reception to see if the doctor is available. There was no sign of the doctor but there was one nurse who was willing to check her up. She went into the room where Rachel was supposed to get checked and lay her down on the bed. The nurse asked what had happened for her to faint. Lehcar answered her and told her the story. She was surprised how she could carry her sister all the way to the hospital. She asked Lehcar if Rachel had fainted before and said yes. The nurse asked her to step outside for a moment. Lehcar went outside but could see through the window the pain her sister was in. After the nurse had checked her there was some bad news. The nurse said that she had gone into a coma seeing as she didn’t have air for a few minutes, she said that she had to keep her in the hospital until she recovers. Lehcar filled with tears and ran outside the hospital, she kept on thinking what would happen if her parents would find out, she thought and thought for hours, and suddenly she froze and happened to have an idea.

She ran into the taxi and rushed home. Off she went inside, she quietly tiptoed past her parents’ bedroom and walked into Rachel’s room. What could she be up to? She opened the wardrobe and took out Rachel’s pyjamas, and put them on. She went into bed and tried to go to sleep. She kept on thinking whether she did the right thing by keeping in disguise as Rachel. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The sun awoke and Lehcar was still asleep. She widened her eyes and sat up firmly and saw her parents standing in front of her, she was silent, her parents asked if she was ok and Lehcar stuttered, she said she was ok and tied her hair back with her bobble. Her parents asked what she would


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like for breakfast and she replied nothing stuttering as if there was someone watching her. She ran out the room and rushed to the toilet. She vomited out sick and was feeling drowsy. She looked into the mirror and kept on thinking about Rachel, how she was? And what would she be thinking? She opened the door and went downstairs where her parents were, she really wanted to go to Rachel and comfort her but she stood to her word, she didn’t want her parents finding out what had happened. She was so puzzled. She wanted to ask her parents if she could go out for a bit but then she thought that they might get suspicious. She went to the kitchen and sat on the coffee table. She was trying not to look up to her parents in case she feels guilty and sorry for what she had done. She waited for her cornflakes and her mum asked if she wanted it warm or cold, she replied warm and her dad was confused as to why she wanted it warm, he asked her why she said warm because she used to love it cold and Lehcar replied stuttering, that she could do with a bit of change. Her mum handed her cornflakes over to her and Lehcar shoved them in her face as fast as she could. Her parents looked at her as if she was some sort of stranger and carried on with their work in the kitchen. She felt so relieved that her parents didn’t ask her anything. She kept on thinking about her sister Rachel and was thinking whether she was still in a coma. She asked her parents how they would feel if she wasn’t alive, her parents turned around in surprise and went silent, and her dad said to her they would die if they heard she was not alive. Lehcar put her head down feeling so upset and guilty, she didn’t know what to do if Rachel doesn’t get up she couldn’t carry on with this lie forever. She asked her parents if she could go to her friend’s house and her parents asked which friends, Lehcar didn’t know what reply to give them so she just said that she met her recently in school and forgot to ask her, her name. Her parents agreed and let Lehcar go. Lehcar had a sharp memory so she just walked to the hospital all by herself in tears. She wondered if Rachel would feel angry at her because of her deed but then she thought she should think positively.

When she arrived in the entrance of the hospital she was feeling so curious to see if her sister had woken up from the coma. She ran to the


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reception and asked the lady what room her sister was kept in .The lady told her it was ward 20 but she had to wait for a few minutes because all the people in that ward were having a check-up. Lehcar hoped and hoped her sister woke up from the coma and prayed to god. Eventually the check-up time was up and Lehcar asked the lady in reception if she could go, the lady said it was ok only if she didn’t make a big noise while going up all those floors. Lehcar agreed and ran to the lifts. The lifts were packed up with nurses, doctors and patients, Lehcar couldn’t wait any, longer, so she took the stairs. Who knew that the relationship of two sisters was so deep? Lehcar panted and started sweating as she zoomed up the stairs.

When Lehcar arrived at ward 20, she closed her eyes. She was trying to find her sisters room and while she was searching she saw a room where it said “recently died “She had a strong feeling that her sister was alright so carried on walking and suddenly came to a room that said “ready to go home “Lehcar just knew that that situation was her sisters, she knocked on the door quietly hoping she would see her sister on her feet ready to hug her. A nurse to come inside and there Rachel was completely recovered waiting to embrace Lehcar with joy. She ran towards Rachel and hugged her so tightly and never wanted to leave her side. She jumped with joy and dropped her eyes down. Rachel asked Lehcar why she was looking guilty and Lehcars face went all red with shame and held Rachel’s hand firmly. Lehcar told Rachel about all the things that happened and Rachel s eyes went all red and she started crying out loud. Lehcar apologized for her actions but Rachel hugged her with amazement and wiped Lehcars tears. Rachel told Lehcar that she did an amazing job and said it wasn’t easy to try to become in disguise of her. Rachel stopped and asked Lehcar how her parents were; she hadn’t seen them for a week and was so eager to see them. Lehcar took Rachel’s hand and went downstairs out in the car park, got a taxi and went home. When they arrived home Lehcar told Rachel to go inside and forget about everything that happened since the past 2 weeks .Rachel stopped immediately and left Lehcars hand. She said to her that she was a part of the f family and


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she deserves to live with them after all she did for them. Lehcar was scared and asked Rachel “what about mum and dad “Rachel assured her that nothing would go wrong. Lehcar didn’t know what to say or do. She took Rachel’s advice and walked towards the entrance of the gateway shivering, taking a deep breath. Rachel rang the doorbell and waited for her parents to open the door and hug Lehcar; however there was silence, no response. She rang the doorbell once again however this time the door did open but not with their parents standing in front of them, it was an evil man putting his arms forward reaching out to Lehcar, as soon as he was about to grab them they both sprinted as fast as they could, the man followed them as fast as he could

They reached this unusual shop Rachel had never seen before and were out of breath, they had to stop going on and gave up, they didn’t know what that man wanted from their family, but all they knew was that the man wanted them; they were so scared and started shouting “stranger danger”

No one came to their rescue and both of them fell into the river that was nearby and were never seen again????????????


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The Lights

Juliet Ainsworth and Sophie Cohen

The darkness falls on another beautiful day,

But now the spitting rain collides with the window,

The small, onyx-haired child puts her dainty hand up to the cold glass,

Peering at the grey sky

Sadness pulls at her heart as she remembers all her friends,

Who she is leaving behind.

Skyscrapers bigger than giants,

Looming above the vehicle ominously

The twinkling lights illuminating the sky

And suddenly, there are two brilliant white lights,

Her mother lets out a bloodcurdling scream,

Her father a panicked yell

The piercing shatter of breaking glass,

Hurts the child’s delicate ears,

She tries to cover them, but to her dismay,


Page 28: · Web viewOur parents went on holiday to Egypt the week we were due to being born, and that’s when this misfortunate happened. Rachel asked Lehcar how

She finds she cannot

Her arms do not seem to be able to move anymore.

The atmosphere is quiet – too quiet.

The silence is broken by screeching sirens,

And then her vision becomes blotchy.

She reaches out, laughing slightly,

In a flurry of confusion.

And then the white lights come back,

And then nothing.


Page 29: · Web viewOur parents went on holiday to Egypt the week we were due to being born, and that’s when this misfortunate happened. Rachel asked Lehcar how