Blogging Millionaires

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Transcript of Blogging Millionaires

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Millionaires


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  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Millionaires


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    Terms and Conditions


    The Publisher has strived to be as aurate and om"lete as "ossible in the

    reation o# this re"ort$ not%ithstandin& the #at that he does not %arrant or

    re"resent at an' time that the ontents %ithin are aurate due to the ra"idl'

    han&in& nature o# the Internet(

    )hile all attem"ts have been made to veri#' in#ormation "rovided in this

    "ubliation$ the Publisher assumes no res"onsibilit' #or errors$ omissions$ or

    ontrar' inter"retation o# the sub*et matter herein( An' "ereived sli&hts o#

    s"ei#i "ersons$ "eo"les$ or or&ani+ations are unintentional(

    In "ratial advie boo,s$ li,e an'thin& else in li#e$ there are no &uarantees o#

    inome made( eaders are autioned to re"l' on their o%n *ud&ment about their

    individual irumstanes to at aordin&l'(

    This boo, is not intended #or use as a soure o# le&al$ business$ aountin& or

    #inanial advie( All readers are advised to see, servies o# om"etent

    "ro#essionals in le&al$ business$ aountin& and #inane #ields(

    .ou are enoura&ed to "rint this boo, #or eas' readin&(

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    Table O# Contents


    Cha"ter 10

    uildin& lo,s o# uess#ul lo&&in&

    Cha"ter 20

    Can .ou Lose 3one' b' Not 4oin& "onsored evie%s

    Cha"ter /0

    Adsense0 )hat Is It and 5o% 4o .ou 6se It

    Cha"ter 70

    Additional Ti"s 8or 3a,in& 3one' On .our lo&

    Cha"ter 90

    4oes )ritin& About )hat .ou Love 3a,e 3one'

    Cha"ter :0

    Generatin& evenue 8rom lo&&in&0 8at or 8ition;

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    Cli, 5ere0 htt"0

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    Cli, 5ere0 htt"0

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    Let@s #ae it( 1usiness an be a #i&ht$ "artiularl' %hen 'oure tr'in&

    to establish one online( And li,e all #i&hts$ to sueed 'ou must #ind

    the %innin& tehniBues and a""l' them( )e need ustomers and

    lients to disover us$ love us and ,ee" returnin& #or more( )e as

    %ell ,no% that the best businesses are authorities at brandin&( )ho

    doesn@t ,no% the Ni,e ommerials; )hat individual in the entire

    %orld doesn@t reo&ni+e the &olden arhes; )e sin& alon& to radio

    *in&les to a hi&her de&ree than %e do the to"-7C hitsD 2o let@s have a

    loo, at this sub*et(

    The Aidental 1lo&&in& 3illionaires

    Get ins"ired b' the most "o"ular blo&&ers online

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    Cha"ter 10

    te"s To uildin& A uess#ul lo&

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    te"s To uildin& A uess#ul lo&

    An ABuaintane reentl' as,ed me i# I %ould hel" her be&in a blo&(

    5er reBuest ins"ired me to loo, at %hat I have aBuired #romo"eratin& m' o%n blo& #or the "ast t%o 'ears( 3' initial "ro"osition

    %as to s"end a%hile learnin& and readin&( The )orld )ide )eb is

    #looded %ith blo&&in& data and advie(

    I am not the man to aid 'ou in returnin& immense numbers

    overni&ht$ but this data is all over( I am also not the soure #or

    tehnial "ointsH I a,no%led&e %hat I ou&ht to ,no% #or m'

    situation$ and I determine more as I reBuire it(

    I assume I am li,e most individuals %ho release material on the

    Internet( I lassi#' m'sel# as a small-but-serious blo&&er( I am also a

    bi&-time onsumer o# material and media( I #ollo% man' blo&s in

    several nihes$ both #or material and to learn %hat %or,s( o based on

    m' e"eriene$ %hat should I tell m' aBuaintane that@ll &et her set

    out %ithout onsumin& her;

    5ere is %here I be&an( 8or me$ blo&&in& is basiall' a relationshi"(

    T%o ruial om"onents o# an' relationshi" are intent and

    assoiation( Choose %hat 'ou %ant to ahieve( .ou are able to #ind

    do+ens o# hi&h-Bualit' diretion about ever' as"et o# arran&in& and

    ontrollin& 'our blo&$ but none o# it is one-si+e-#its-all( Eah hoie-

    desi&n$ "ro&ram$ "ost len&th$ st'leJde"ends on the endin& &oal 'ou

    have( Conlusions that do not seem li,e a bi& deal no% ma' beome

    ruial later(

    8or instane$ sel#-hostin& %ith 'our o%n domain ma' #eel li,e an

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Millionaires


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    unneeded e"ense$ but it is ruial i# 'our &oal is to onstrut a

    "ersonal brand or a business around 'our %eb site( emember that it

    is about 'our audiene( 4esi&n should #it the blo&@s "ersonalit'( An

    overl' eas' desi&n mi&ht a""ear "lain and undesirable$ but the

    minimalist theme in realit' sets the tone #or his

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Millionaires


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    ,no% there are %a's around that$ but %h' should I have to do etra

    %or, to ontribute to 'our blo&; I #ind that man' #ol,s don@t li,e to

    leave "ubli omments$ but the' love more "ersonal ontat( I# 'ou

    don@t %ant to "rovide an email address$ onsider reatin& a sim"le

    ontat #orm(

    It seems obvious but #e%er barriers$ more onnetion$ and so more

    readers( That is %hat I o##ered as &uidane to &et her "ointed in the

    ri&ht diretion( )hat %ould 'ou add;

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    Cha"ter 20

    )hat Are .ou Losin& 3one' On

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    )hat is the ulture medium %ith the bi&&est advertisin&s"endin& on the &lobe; Television( Television ads are so

    e##etive #or advertisers and so lurative #or TK om"anies$

    beause vie%ers %ill inevitabl' "a' attention to the

    advertisements( )ould %e be able to sa' the same thin&s about

    ontent based %ebsites$ li,e blo&s;

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    )hat Are .ou Losin& 3one' On

    )hat is the ulture medium %ith the bi&&est advertisin& s"endin& on

    the &lobe; Television( Television ads are so e##etive #or advertisers

    and so lurative #or TK om"anies$ beause vie%ers %ill inevitabl' "a'

    attention to the advertisements( )ould %e be able to sa' the same

    thin&s about ontent based %ebsites$ li,e blo&s; Not eatl'( I# 'ou

    onsider Goo&le Adense or banner ads$ the most used moneti+ation

    methods$ 'ou %ill onlude that the' "ratiall' di##erent #rom the

    editorial ontent(

    8or instane$ i# 'ou have a blo& and dis"la' ads on 'our sidebar onl''our readers %ill be able to alto&ether brush o## the advertisements i#

    so the' desire( A #e% even use ad-blo,ers$ so the' %ill not see 'our

    Adense units or banners re&ardless %here 'ou "lae them(

    )hat %ould the eBuivalent o# a television ad be #or a blo&; Li,el' an

    advertorial$ %hih is an artile %ritten b' the advertiser about his

    "rodut$ and "ut u" in the blo& li,e an additional "ost( Anothero"tion is the s"onsored revie%s$ %hih are "osts "ublished b' the

    blo&&er ritiBuin& a "artiular "rodut or servie( 3ost blo&&ers

    hoose this eam"le beause the' &et to %rite the the artile ontent

    themselves$ and readers %ill not be bothered %ith another %ritin&


    5ere@s a #at that rein#ores the similarit' o# s"onsored revie%s %ith

    TK advertisements0 I# 'ou as, an' advertiser %hether he %ould li,e to

    "a' #or a banner ad or #or a s"onsored revie%$ he %ill ertainl' sa' the

    s"onsored revie%( )h'; eause he %ill aBuire a muh better return

    on investment$ as the s"onsored revie% %ill &ive his "rodut a better

    and &reater ,ind o# e"osure %ith the readers o# that blo&(

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    Cha"ter /0

    Adsense; )hat Is That;

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    Adsense is amon& the "rimar' "ro#it &enerators #or blo&s and

    sites( 6suall' 'ou are able to drastiall' im"rove 'our li,-

    throu&h rate and total net b' "lain& the advertisements

    %isel'$ b' im"rovin& the material tar&etin& or b' o"timi+in&

    the ad units diretl'( 1elo% I %ill over the last "oint$ ho% to

    o"timi+e the Adsense units %ith F sim"le ti"s0

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Millionaires


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    :( I# 'our site has mainl' re"eat visitors Mli,e 8orums 'ou are able to

    rotate the ba,&round olor o# the units to ut ba, advertisement


    ( Consider removin& the Advertise on this siteQR messa&e #rom

    'our units( That an be done on the ontrol "anel under the 3'

    AountQ setion$ disablin& the Onsite Advertiser i&n-6"QR


    F( Test$ test and test( Ever' %ebsite is uniBue so ma,e sure 'ou test

    %ith di##erent olors and #ormats and tra, the results to #ine tune'our Adsense(

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    Cha"ter 70

    Additional Ti"s 8or 3a,in& 3one' On .our lo&

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    I# 'ou are "lannin& to advertise on 'our blo&$ 'ou "robabl'alread' heard about Adsense( Its the bi&&est online mar,et #or

    internet blo&&ers( 3ost individuals %ho advertise on a blo& do

    ver' %ell(

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    3ore Ti"s To e uess#ul

    I# 'ou are "lannin& to advertise on 'our blo&$ 'ou "robabl' alread'

    heard about Adsense( Its the bi&&est online mar,et #or internetblo&&ers( 3ost individuals %ho advertise on a blo& do ver' %ell( 5o%

    ome; 3ost o# the times the blo&&er did his researh( I# 'ou %ould

    li,e to maimi+e 'our hanes o# advertisin&$ these ei&ht ti"s belo%

    %ill hel" 'ou(

    1( 3a,e sure 'our blo& is &eneratin& tra##i

    This is the most ruial #ator( I# 'ou %ant to advertise on a blo& %ith

    suess 'our blo& has to have hu&e tra##i$ listin& it be#ore moneti+in&

    that tra##i %ould be a bad deision( .ou %ould be able to advertise it$

    but the mone' 'oud &et mi&ht be #ar belo% the real measure o# the


    2( )or, on 'our trust ratin&

    Eah member on the internet has a trust ratin&$ and most advertisers

    %ill he, it be#ore "lain& their bids( In other %ords$ the hi&her 'ourtrust ratin&$ the hi&her the hanes o# advertisin& on 'our blo&( As a

    result 'ou should ta,e all the ations that %ill im"rove 'our trust

    ratin& Me(&($ onnet 'our 8li""a aount %ith 8aeboo, and

    Lin,edIn$ veri#' 'our tele"hone number and so on(

    /( 4on@t h'"e 'our desri"tion

    The more h'"e 'ou "ut in 'our desri"tion$ the more "eo"le %ill

    thin, 'oure des"erate to advertise and that 'our blo& isnt a solid

    one( Eam"les o# remar,s 'ou should avoid inlude0 5u&e

    "otentialDQ$ A li#etime o""ortunit'DQ$ 3' loss is 'our &ainDQeondl'$

    don@t h'"othesi+e %hat the blo& ould be earnin&( ome "eo"le list

    blo&s that are ma,in& 1 "er month urrentl'$ and the' &o on

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    sa'in&0 This blo& has the "otential to ma,e 7$ "er month

    easil'DQ I# 'ou ,ne% this #or ertain 'ou %ould not be sellin& the

    advertisin& s"ae #or suh a lo% "rieS(

    7( Ans%er to ever' omment

    Even i# 'ou %rite a r'stal lear desri"tion "eo"le %ill still have

    Buestions$ and the' %ill as, them throu&h the omment setion( Its

    im"ortant to ans%er to ever' sin&le omment$ as this %ont onl'

    enoura&e these ommenters to %ant to advertise on 'our blo&$ but it

    %ill also im"rove the overall redibilit'(

    9( 5ave a "lausible reason #or advertisin&One o# the #irst thin&s "eo"le %ill as, 'ou is %h' 'ou are advertisin&;

    I# there is no "lausible reason$ the' %ill ri&htl' assume that the blo& is

    &oin& do%nhill$ and that 'ou %ant to &et rid o# it be#ore it beomes

    %orthless( In #at it %ould be a &ood idea to inlude the reason #or

    advertisin&( .ou de#initel' need to #ind one that #its %ith 'our blo&$

    and doesn@t anno' 'our readers %ith ads that have nothin& to do %ith

    'ou blo&(

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    Thats the most ommon lih amon&st blo&&ers$ onlinee"erts and internet entre"reneurs( Im sure 'ou heard it

    be#ore( I utili+ed this advie m'sel#( It &oes li,e this0 I# 'ou

    %ant to ma,e mone' online$ 'ou &ot "i, a to"i that 'oure

    "assionate about( .ou need to en*o' it$ else it %ont %or,(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Millionaires


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    )ritin& About )hat .ou Love;

    Thats the most ommon lih amon&st blo&&ers$ online e"erts and

    internet entre"reneurs( Im sure 'ou heard it be#ore( I utili+ed thisadvie m'sel#( It &oes li,e this0 I# 'ou %ant to ma,e mone' online$ 'ou

    &ot "i, a to"i that 'oure "assionate about( .ou need to en*o' it$ else

    it %ont %or,(

    I used to a&ree %ith it$ one hundred "erent( Latel'$ ho%ever$ I

    started allin& into Buestion that rule( Creatin& a site on a to"i that

    'ou love is ertainl' a &reat tehniBue$ and it does %or, %ell #or man'

    individuals$ but Im not sure i# its the onl' %a' to &o( The #irst #la% I

    see on that rule is the #ollo%in& #at0 i# the nihe or to"i 'ou love isnt

    a "ro#itable one$ it %ill be "rett' hard to ma,e a lot o# mone' online

    %ith it no matter %hat 'ou do(

    u""ose 'ou love tea( hould 'ou %rite about it i# 'ou %ant to ma,e

    mone' online; I am not sure( .ou ould ertainl' reate a "o"ular

    %ebsite around tea$ but i# 'ou deided to &o %ith a more "ro#itablenihe instead$ %hile "uttin& the same e##ort and time$ 'ou ould end

    u" ma,in& muh more inome(

    One ar&ument that "eo"le use to ba, u" the 'ou &ot %rite about

    %hat 'ou loveQ theor' is the #at that i# 'ou hoose a to"i merel'

    beause it is "ro#itable$ soon 'ou %ill lose the motivation( I# 'ou %rite

    about somethin& 'ou love$ on the other hand$ 'ou %ill have ontent

    #or 'ears to ome( This is "artiall' true$ but not om"letel'$ beause

    some "eo"le &et motivated b' the "ure desire o# ma,in& mone' or

    beomin& suess#ul(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Millionaires


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    In other %ords$ i# the' start a %ebsite on a "ro#itable nihe and see

    that their e##orts is brin&in& a &ood amount o# mone'$ the' %ill &et

    motivated no matter %hat the to"i is( The' %ill even do researh and

    learn about it i# needed( o %hat is m' "osition no%; I thin, that both

    strate&ies an %or,(

    Choosin& a nihe or to"i beause 'ou love it is a &ood route to

    suess$ but hoosin& a "ro#itable one and a""roahin& it

    sienti#iall' an be eBuall' suess#ul( .ou need to tr' m' assistant

    in harat %ho an do that #or 'ou #or /

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Millionaires


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    Cha"ter :0Generatin& evenue 8rom 1lo&&in&0 8at or 8ition;

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    I# I brin& u" m' blo& #ol,s roll their e'es or smile in an PI do notunderstand but o,a'Q ,ind o# %a'( I# I brin& u" the #at that I

    ma,e inome blo&&in&$ ho%ever$ I abru"tl' have their


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    3a,in& 3one' 8at; Or #ition;

    I# I brin& u" m' blo& #ol,s roll their e'es or smile in an I do not

    understand but o,a'Q ,ind o# %a'( I# I brin& u" the #at that I ma,e

    inome blo&&in&$ ho%ever$ I abru"tl' have their attention(

    The one"t seems eas' enou&h( I %rite about issues that I li,e$

    individuals read it$ and I ma,e "ro#it o## the advertisin&( To those o#

    us %ho@ve been doin& it #or a %hile$ its sim"le( To the novie blo&&er

    %ho is *ust &ettin& in the business$ all the same$ it is im"ortant to

    reo&ni+e %hat 'ou are &ettin& into(

    I# 'ou are ne% to blo&&in& and interested in doin& it #or earnin&s$ here

    are a ou"le thin&s to bear in mind be#ore dediatin& 'oursel#(

    lo&&in& is sim"le( lo&&in& #or "ro#it is harder( I %ill not &o as #ar as

    to sa' it is hard to dra% a seondar' inome #rom blo&&in&$ but it is

    de#initel' harder than most individuals thin,( It is not *ust about

    reatin& material and sla""in& u" some advertisements( Good

    %ritin&$ "ro"er tin"latin&$ advertisement "laement$ develo"in& anaudieneS there are a lot o# s,ills reBuired to ma,e a blo& #ruit#ul$ all

    o# %hih 'ou %ill need to learn(

    .ou need to blo& #or the lon& run or not at all( A vast ma*orit' o# blo&s

    bomb in the #irst #e% months$ #allin& under ne&let and disuse( A

    Cou"le blo&s see earnin&s durin& the #irst #e% months( 6nless 'ou are

    able to sti, %ith it #or at least a 'ear$ 'ou %ill "robabl' never see an'

    return #or 'our e##ort( Pi, a nihe that 'ou en*o' and sti, %ith it(

    General "ur"ose or multi-to"i blo&s have di##iult' develo"in& a

    readershi"( rainstorm the to"is that 'ou are about most$ then "i,

    one and blo& about it elusivel'(

    tart %ith one blo&( I# 'ou have a lot o# items on 'our list o# "ossible

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    to"is$ don@t &ive in to the tem"tation to start a di##erent blo& #or eah

    one( ' dividin& 'our e##ort bet%een several blo&s$ 'ou inrease the

    li,elihood that all o# them %ill #ail( Put all o# 'our e##ort into one blo&

    to start( One 'ou &et the han& o# thin&s$ then 'ou mi&ht onsider

    branhin& out %ith additional blo&s(

    I# 'ou@re unsure$ test drive it( The #at is that man' "eo"le do not have

    the drive or stamina to blo& #or inome suess#ull'( I# 'ou are not

    sure$ tr' a starter blo& on a #ree servie suh as lo&&er or

    )ordPress(om( 8eel it out #or a #e% %ee,s( I#$ b' the end o# this time$

    'ou have stu, %ith it and #ind 'ou li,e blo&&in& is ri&ht #or 'ou$ &o

    ahead and ommit to the e##ort( This advie a""lies eBuall' %ell totest drivin& ne% to"is i# 'ou@re unsure %hat to %rite about(

    Plae advertisements %isel'( ome individuals reommend not

    "lain& advertisements on a blo& until its matured some%hat( Others

    advoate "uttin& them u" ri&ht a%a'( There are re%ards and ris,s to

    both a""roahes( Uust ma,e ertain to "lae 'our advertisements

    tat#ull' so as not to over%helm 'our readers( Put the user e"erienein the #irst "lae(

    En*o' 'oursel#( This is the real ,e' to suess#ul blo&&in&( I# 'ou "i, a

    to"i that 'ou en*o' and blo& about it %ith "assion #or months and

    'ears on end$ 'our blo& %ill build a readershi"$ &enerate inome$ and

    &enerall' be a suess( I#$ ho%ever$ 'our blo& beomes a hore to

    maintain$ it %ill inevitabl' #ail( Thus$ i# 'ou ,ee" u" %ith 'our blo&

    and 'ou love it$ it %ill sueed and &enerate "ro#it( I# 'ou do not do

    'our researh$ %rite about thin&s that are not o# interest$ and

    &enerall' don@t ,ee" u" %ith it$ 'our blo& %ill inevitabl' #ail(

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    )hen lients bu' 'our "rodut or servie #or the #irst time the' reall'

    ma,e a trial "urhase( I# the're &rati#ied the'll ,ee" omin& ba, to

    'ou( 3a,in& a bene#iial "rodut isnt the end o# the stor'( A lot o#

    business o%ners ma,e the same error( As soon as a "rodut is

    "urhased the' #or&et the bu'er( I# 'ou %ant to hold a ustomer #or

    re"eat "urhases 'ou should im"rove 'our ustomer servie( Provide

    &reat servie to a bu'er %ho@s bou&ht a "rodut or servie( The'll

    ertainl' ome ba, to 'ou as ever'one "re#ers sa#e$ #amiliar and

    Bualit' "roduts(

    Providin& &ood Bualit' "rodut or servie is *ust the start o# the stor'(

    4on@t tr' to #ool the bu'er( )hen a em"tor &ets a &ood "rodut #rom'ou at a #air "rie he develo"s ertain e"etations( No% its 'our

    res"onsibilit' to live u" to that e"etation b' ,ee"in& u" the Bualit'(

    I# the' dont &et &ood "roduts in the 2nd or /rd "urhase the'll

    s%ith to another brand( emember that 'our om"etitors are there

    to dra% in their attention( rand lo'alt' not onl' earns 'ou "rom"t

    "ro#its but maimi+es 'our revenue in the lon& haul(

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    )ra""in& 6"

    emember$ advertisin& doesn@t have to be a lon& hard o&nitive

    "roess( Even on a minor sale$ "ersonal blo&s an de#initel'

    &enerate revenue( The Net and soial net%or,in& sites ma,e this

    easier than ever be#ore( Advertisin& in 'our blo& an be #un$ and

    more si&ni#iantl'$ ver' re%ardin&( emember$ human,ind runs dee"

    %ith onsumer a%areness( .ou an ma,e mone' o## 'our blo&(

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    -eommended -esoures

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  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Millionaires
