Blackmoor Character

Y ou work as a cursor, in the Imperial Security Services. It is your sworn duty to protect the Empire from within from threats both foreign and domestic. Special Agent T omasson is your immediate superior, operating out of V estfold Operations. Y our Section Chief has assigned you to eyes-on-the-ground detail for the visiting entertainer known as “Aimeel.” It is not known if this is her real name. Her nationality is also uncertain: she has no cellular data on record with the Imperial Gene Bank, no records of her birth, education, or early life can be found. When asked by Immigration and Extra-cultural Affairs bureau officials for something on the record, they were coolly referred to the T wilight Accords, probably the second oldest do cument on record in the Empire, next to Uther’s W rit of Separation from Thonia. Aimeel’s manager Henrietta Drachenfels only puts forth that her ward is of half-sidhe descent, and thus is allowed protection und er the Accords. Oddly enough, the woman has also submitted a Claimant to the Throne petition, asking for genetic- comparison data to be released to an independent lab of her choosing. There have, however, been reports of this girl Aimeel and her retinue having had contact with elements deemed dangerous to the Empire’s security . They have held talks with representatives of the Druid’s High Council, as well as members of the elven Returnist movement. The story that these talks are in  preparation for the songstress’ tour is thin, shaky at best. That she is in contact with these rogu e elements is cause enough for alarm an d warrants further observation. The fact that she is positioning herself to stake a claim for the very throne of the Empire makes her a Yel low Level threat. You are to observe, to see just what her intentions are, and report back your findings. Until she is caught breaking one of the tenets of the Twilight Accords, she is untouchable. Any breach of the accords on the Empire’ s behalf is inexcusable, and will result in immediate suspension and full disciplinary investigation action. The Accords are very dry , at times very vague, and eerily specific at others. It is essentially a non- interference pact between the Men of Blackmoor and the Twilight Empire of the Sidhe. Provided Men do not provoke the ire of the sidhe, they in turn will not use their 'gifts' against subjects under the Banners of the North. It goes on to list what sorts of acts and interactions are permissible between the two Empires, and how renumeration is to be made in the event of such breaches. It is signed by d ozens of barons and fey lords, most notably then-baron Uther Andahar and Queens of the Summer and Winter courts of the Twilight Empire of Fey. Thus, have you found yourself attending the interview at CrystalVi ew3's studios.... The Crown does not wish to e ven have the appea rance of any interest in a po p idol. Y ou are free to disclose that you work for the government. If pressed, your cover is that you work in the Ministry of Guilds and Finance (the department which would oversee the "recording industry"). Y our cover identity for this mission will be Eric Greystone, with complete pap ers and background materials to support it. ACHIEVEMENT POINTS: 2 Starting equipment : comm-gear linked to surveillance detail skyvan, dress clothes, CF shortcoat,

Transcript of Blackmoor Character

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You work as a cursor, in the Imperial Security Services. It is your sworn duty to protect the Empire

from within from threats both foreign and domestic. Special Agent Tomasson is your immediate

superior, operating out of Vestfold Operations.

Your Section Chief has assigned you to eyes-on-the-ground detail for the visiting entertainer known as

“Aimeel.” It is not known if this is her real name. Her nationality is also uncertain: she has no cellular 

data on record with the Imperial Gene Bank, no records of her birth, education, or early life can befound. When asked by Immigration and Extra-cultural Affairs bureau officials for something on the

record, they were coolly referred to the Twilight Accords, probably the second oldest document on

record in the Empire, next to Uther’s Writ of Separation from Thonia.

Aimeel’s manager Henrietta Drachenfels only puts forth that her ward is of half-sidhe descent, and thus

is allowed protection under the Accords.

Oddly enough, the woman has also submitted a Claimant to the Throne petition, asking for genetic-

comparison data to be released to an independent lab of her choosing.

There have, however, been reports of this girl Aimeel and her retinue having had contact with elements

deemed dangerous to the Empire’s security. They have held talks with representatives of the Druid’s

High Council, as well as members of the elven Returnist movement. The story that these talks are in preparation for the songstress’ tour is thin, shaky at best.

That she is in contact with these rogue elements is cause enough for alarm and warrants further observation. The fact that she is positioning herself to stake a claim for the very throne of the Empire

makes her a Yellow Level threat. You are to observe, to see just what her intentions are, and report back 

your findings. Until she is caught breaking one of the tenets of the Twilight Accords, she is

untouchable. Any breach of the accords on the Empire’s behalf is inexcusable, and will result inimmediate suspension and full disciplinary investigation action.

The Accords are very dry, at times very vague, and eerily specific at others. It is essentially a non-interference pact between the Men of Blackmoor and the Twilight Empire of the Sidhe. Provided Men

do not provoke the ire of the sidhe, they in turn will not use their 'gifts' against subjects under the

Banners of the North. It goes on to list what sorts of acts and interactions are permissible between thetwo Empires, and how renumeration is to be made in the event of such breaches. It is signed by dozens

of barons and fey lords, most notably then-baron Uther Andahar and Queens of the Summer and Winter 

courts of the Twilight Empire of Fey.

Thus, have you found yourself attending the interview at CrystalView3's studios....

The Crown does not wish to even have the appearance of any interest in a pop idol. You are free todisclose that you work for the government. If pressed, your cover is that you work in the Ministry of 

Guilds and Finance (the department which would oversee the "recording industry").

Your cover identity for this mission will be Eric Greystone, with complete papers and background

materials to support it.


Starting equipment: comm-gear linked to surveillance detail skyvan, dress clothes, CF shortcoat,

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combat knife, dataslate. Pistol, 9mm charge.

You could swap the "Space Vehicle" for "Air Vehicle." They cost the same number of skill points. This

would cover smaller craft: gyrocopters (up to six seaters), any of the line of vectored-thrust vehicles(think cars/trucks/vans that have maneuvering jets rather than wheels), and perhaps something the likes

of a Cessna for something fixed-wing.

OK then, sounds good! I'll take the Air Vehicle skill, and consider myself On His Majesty's Secret


Yes, by all means, if you'd like to swap it (rifle skill and rifle) for -pistol (skill point cost is the same),

we'll do that. You'll have been equipped with a 9mm charge pistol, statted as follows:

Range is in meters. "Md. F" indicates firing mode: single shot per phase. "Actions" indicates you couldtake up to 4 shots per round (1 per phase if you had that many actions Most heroes only have 2 per 



Weapon Skill Acc Md Range Type Damage (O/G/A)

Pistol, 9mm ch Mod [i]pistol[/i] 0 F 8/16/60 HI/O d4+1w/d6+1w/d4m

Actions Clip Size Clip Cost Hide Mass Avail Cost4 15 50 +3 1 Com 400

"Hide" is the penalty to an opponent's Awareness- perception check to notice the weapon.

Pistol, 9mm charge: In this weapon, the firing pin and chemical explosive combination of a PL 5

firearm is replaced by a powerful contact delivering a massive shock to the cartridge, which is powered

 by an electrochemical propellant. On firing, the propellant is converted into a white-hot plasma that

expands more powerfully and smoothly than a chemical explosive. The result is a weapon that fires aslug with much higher muzzle velocity than earlier firearms.

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