Blackboard Attendance Options

Blackboard Attendance Options 15 week Blackboard Template 4 Column Blackboard Template Google Sheets Andrea Gilbert Instructional Designer

Transcript of Blackboard Attendance Options

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Blackboard Attendance Options• 15 week Blackboard

Template• 4 Column Blackboard

Template• Google Sheets

Andrea GilbertInstructional Designer

Page 2: Blackboard Attendance Options


•Name and department

•How do you keep track of attendance now?

•What do you hope learn from this training?

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•Blackboard currently does not have a built in option for keeping track of attendance.

•We have several options to keep track of attendance within Blackboard.

•You can customize the options using the templates we provide.

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15 Week Template

Highlights: •Columns for 1, 2, 3 or 4 days per week for

a 15 week semester. •Keep track of attendance for single days

of class based on a points system (default is 1 point)

•You can use in your final grade calculations.

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15 Week Template

Enter any value between 0 and 1:

Add 1 (P), 0.9 (E) or exempt grade, 0.5 (T), or 0 (A)

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15 Week Template

Grading Schema: You can adjust the grading schema to reflect your attendance grading system by adding more criteria. Currently, the schema is set to:

P=Present 100%E=Excused Absence between 90%-99%T=Tardy between 50-90%A=Absent 0%-50%

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15 Week Template

Edit Column Information: You can edit the column information on each column to change the column name if desired. You can also adjust the number of points possible.

(W1D1=Week 1 Day1)

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15 Week Template

Delete Column: You can delete extra columns as needed, by clicking the chevron to the right of the title and select “delete column”.

Display of Total Attendance Grade: You can display a total attendance grade in percentage or score to students and use this column to include in your final grade calculations.

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15 Week Template

Exempt Status: You have the option to exempt a day of attendance for excused absences or if a student is added late to the class.

Smart View: A smart view called Attendance will be automatically included in the Grade Center. You can use the smart view to sort the attendance columns

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Demo 15 Week Template

•What it looks like for instructor vs. student

•How to edit•Templates available in the Blackboard

Attendance Training (Option 1)

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4 Column Template

Highlights: •Each time a student is present for class,

just increase the present column by one. •For excused, tardy, absent just add 1 point

to the corresponding column. •Present column will display the total

points for attendance. •Add quick comments as needed

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4 Column Template

After each class, increase the present column by 1 point.

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4 Column Template

Running Total: You can keep a running total points (or average) in the present column and set the points possible to the total number of days of class or total points.

Each day that a student is present, increase their points in the present column.

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4 Column Template

Edit Column Information: It is very easy to edit the “Present” Column to fit your class grading structure.

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4 Column Template

Quick Comments: If students are excused, tardy, absent, you can also keep track of these values. Ultimately, you can add quick comments in if students are absent on certain days.

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Demo 4 Column Template

•What it looks like for instructor vs. student

•How to edit•Templates available in the Blackboard

Attendance Training (Option 2)

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Google Sheets

Highlights:•Google Spreadsheet Template•Attendance is recorded electronically and

a hidden web link can be stored on the Blackboard Course Menu

•Access to your roster anywhere

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Google Sheets Template

•Master Template September-December 2015

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Google Sheets

Web Link in Blackboard: The template keeps track of days present, absent, excused, and tardy •Totals the absences, excused, tardy, and

days present. •Add a web link on your course menu in

Blackboard and hide it from your students:

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Google Sheets

Copy Template: •Click on the template link to copy. Sign

into Google Drive or create a new account.

•Go to file•Make copy•Enter a new name

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Google Sheets

•To share the link: In the top right corner, click the button that says “share”.

•You should see the following screen. You will need to click the icon that says “get shareable link”.

•Copy the link

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Google Sheets

To insert the link into your Blackboard Course Menu: •Click on the plus sign in the top upper left

corner of your menu and choose Web Link•Give it a name and paste in the URL for

your spreadsheet from Google. •Don’t make it available to users.

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Demo Google Sheets

•What it looks like for instructor •How to edit•Template available in the Blackboard

Attendance Training (Option 3)

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What option will work for you?

•After reviewing the three options, which option will work best for you for your needs?

•Download the appropriate templates and Import into your own class

•Take the Check out Survey on Blackboard to complete this training.

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For More Help

Andrea GilbertInstructional [email protected] Campus292-3429Office: 3-151E