Black Liberation Army Political Dictionary

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Transcript of Black Liberation Army Political Dictionary

  • 8/7/2019 Black Liberation Army Political Dictionary


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    Black Liberation Rrmy (8LH)Political Dictionary

    C O O R D I N A T I N G C O M M I T T E E

  • 8/7/2019 Black Liberation Army Political Dictionary


    Way of life: A set of socially set of, values and ofinstitutional means for their pursuit andattainment together with a set of established oremerging habits of behavior corresponding tothem. To be distinctive for a group of people, a wayof life must include at least some major social orpolitical values and institutions that are different intime from those existing in the past or different inplace from those prevailing among other groups ofpeople, or both. .

    Absolute equalitarianism: The narrow and fixedview that "all things are equal" and that everysituation, person or policy should be approachedand dealt with in uniform manner regardless of theactual circumstances; conditions and need.Agent provocateur: One who joins a suspectedgroup in order to encourage its members to commitillegal acts in which they may then be busted for,He/She pretends to be sympathetic toward the aimsof the group that he infiltrates.WeHare - warfare state: A state (elgl USA) whichaims both to satisfy the expanding, economicappetites of an increasing self-interested populationand to achieve domination over other powers and


    Amerikan ideology: Economic developmentregardless of the cost to human beings; a fewadvancing at the expense of everyone else, and allwhites advancing on the backs of blacks and otherpeoples' of color.Domestic Neo-Colonialism: The use of black faces

    inhigh "places", as a cover for white power is calledNeo-Colonialism. Neo-Colonialism simply meansthat direct white power or white power in its ownname is rep-laced by mdirect white power or whitepower in the name of black people.

    Anarchism: The philosophy of total freedomwithout any governmental structure, or state. Itnegates the necessity of the dictatorship of theproletariat to re-educate and organize the massesand protect the gains of the revolution as atransitory stage in the development towards truecommunism where the state will wither away.Fifth Column: (Name applied to rebelsympathizers in madrid in 1936 when four rebelcolumns were advancing on the city) A group ofsecret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy thatengages in espionage or sabotage within defenselines or national borders.

    Aatomation: The process of using mechanical orelectronic machines to do routine repetitive workautomatically, instead of employing human handsand minds.28 1

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    Blade A political designation to refer not only toAfro-Americans, but to people of color who areengaged in revolutionary struggle in the U.S. andall over the world. It should not be taken to meanthe domination of Afro-Americans or the exclusionof other people of color from black revolutionaryorganizations.

    This is a continuous process of transfonning oldunities to new ones, in a continuous cycle. this isprincipled unity and struggle of theoxy and practice,which any organized body must engage in if itwishes to succeed in accomplishing its statedobjectives for which it is limited in a particularform.

    Black mllaborator: Those few blacks brought intothe capitalist system at all levels, including suchhigh levels as black capitalist, project directors,administrators, etc., who have enough of a stake inthe operation of the system to cooperate. inpacification programs against their black brothers &sisters..,The House Nigers. .Black revolutioDary power: The taking of statepower by black americans (afro-americans) in orderto revolutionize the entire country on the basis oftheir enriched concept of man/ woman.

    Vacillate: To shuck and jive. To waiver from oneside to the other.Value of existing capital: That already invested inthe means of production-when newer and moremodem means of production are constantly beingcreated.Value of labor power: Determined by value of thenecessities required to produce, develop, maintainand perpetuate the labor power.

    Bourgeoisie: The rich and super rich. The rulingelite who own and manage the means ofproduction, viz: Rockefeller, Mellon, Dupont, etc.They are the real rulers in a capitalist society whodictate policy and has everyone else either workingfor them to maintain the status-quo, or those whomust slave for them in order to survive.

    Variable capital: Capital invested inlabor. Only thecapital invested in labor can produce varyingquantities of surplus values, depending on howlong and how hard you work the workers.VaDpard party: The instrument by means ofwhich the militancy and the rebellion of therevolutionary social forces can be transformed frompurely reflexive, trial and error reactions, intopurposeful, planned and pragmatic struggles forpower.2 27

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    Deory: .Set of ideas assumptions tnd principlesupon which one attempts to prove. a . certainconclusion. .By Any Means Necessary: One of Malcolm X'sfamous statements advocating the taking ofwhatever extreme actions required to WIn ourlibera tion.Totalitarianism: A repressive form of government

    where' strict controls on all aspects of life areimposed on society and the regime inpower hastotal and complete authority and say so., ~ - 1 f~ _."; :.

    Cadre: Framework; a nucleus of trained,experienced activists in an organization capable ofassuming leadership and/or training andeducating, (instructing) others to perfonnfunctional roles;Truth: The laws that determine how a thing works;objective reality. Revolution is an effort to discoveror to create truth, not to prove what is true.United front: Long term alliances cfsocial.classesand groups- women" youth, workers; cultural,regional, political- on a clear cut political program.Unity: 'The working' together of two separateentities..: .. . . ,.. ; ,. ,. ,.... ,

    Capitalism: An economic system based upon themyth of free enterprise and private ownership ofthe means of production and profit i.e. US.A,France, Britan, W. Germany.

    .... 't.

    Capitalist accumulation: The major part of theprofits derived from the exploitation of labor isreinvested in new and more advanced means ofproduction .Uaity-Criticiam-Uaity: The process of the membersof a group, unit or organization united on a set ofprinciples and objectives to; struggle internallybehind closed dOI)l'Samong themselves by working(practice) together, cbserving and analyzing eachothers errors and then offering constructivecriticism. to each other to correct errors andovercome any shortcomings in order to strengtheneach other and thus advance the group, unit ororganization towards its stated objectives.

    Civill'ights: Rights that any society gives to everyindividual in that society if it treasures itslegitimacy, or right to existClass society: A tier system where the people areseparated into different categories based upon theirfinancial relationships to the means of production;

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    Cliqueism: The tendency to form into Iittle groupsbased upon emotional or opportunistic alliances,which negates overall organizational unity.Collective: A cooperative unit or organization thatutilizes its strength in unity to struggle for common'goals and objectives.Coloaialism: foreign domination of a country orpeople where the economic, political and militarystructure is controlled and run by the occupyingforce.Communism: Social system based, on collectiveownership of the means of production, the absenceof classes as well as the absence of any stateapparatus, government control, etc..Consllnt apilll: Capital invested in machinerywhose value is simply transferred into the finishedproduct on a pro data basis.Conslructive criticism: .The positive correcting andpointing out of mistaken .ideas and incorrectpractices, and the offering of concrete practicalsolutions that builds instead of tears down. . '.ConlradictioD: The basis two-sideness of all things,opposites, their birth, growth and development andtransformations.


    Status-quo: The present existing state of affairs;keepingthingsjust as they are.Strike: A stoppage of activity by a body of people,.usuallyfor the purpose of expressing a grievance orof forcing management to comply with theirdemands ..Subjedivism: Injecting ones emotions, passions,feelings in analysis which result inthe narrow-one.sided Imethod of drawing situation; and all of itsrela ling factors. . ,.Surplus,' value: The "value which the workersproduce over and above the value of. his laborpower; capitalist profit. ' .System: .The thousands of words, object actions,thoughts, methods of doing things and attitudes ofjudgment The "way" all these things are puttogether fora common goal is called a system. :: ;

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    Technological development: The level reached byscience' and mdustry shown in what articles a re.produced man hies" to . cope with hisenvironment .. : ; :Terrorism: Terrorism is the deliberate, systematicmurder, maiming, and menacing of the innocent toinspire fear inorder to gain political ends. *


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    Thus, the revolutionary army is distinguished fromconventional armies by its members consciousnessof the anny's political task; its practice. ofdemocracy ...Coap: Overthrow.

    Self-consciousness: The capacity to reflect upon andlearn from past experiences and practices and out ofthese reflections, to develop programs and plans forthe future.

    Coap ~' e~t The successful overthrow of existingau~onty m one audacious stroke, usually, by asection of the armed forces. Another name forCoup d' etat is a putsh.Coap de grace: A death blow or shot administeredto end the suffering of one mortally wounded Adecisive finishing blow or event. .Coanter. revoIDtio~: Someone or something thatgoes agamst revolutionary principles and practices.Cy~cal concept of change; The idea that things justcontinue to go around until they return to Wherethey started, or inits more modem formulation". ithas always been this way and itwill always be thisway".

    Self-aiticism: Process of an individual or group.Socialism: A social system where' the means ofproduction are owned collectively by the peoplethru the states, where the basis for production is forthe peoples welfare, not profit The people areorganized on all levels of society and play the activerole in the management and decision makingprocess. The peoples' right to the basic necessities oflife is protected" most social services such aseducation, health and child care are free. the peopleare, represented by a Peoples Government who arededicated to upholding the principles of society andserving the people and humanity, unselfishly,regardless of sacrifice and free from corruption,People work and contribute to society according totheir ability and receive according to their needsand conditions. There is no ruling class noroppressed; no huge corporations or privateownership of means of production, industry, socialservices, etc. ..A society where the profit motive hasbeen replaced with the concern for mankind.

    Demoaacy: A system Where the people enjoy thefreedom .and ~ to pursue their own destiny.They are actively involved in the governingpro~~ an~ have the right to vote, criticize andparticipate m the choosing of leaders, policy andprograms.



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    Demoaatic Centralism: The unity between freedomand discipline. Within any organization or society,you cannot do without democracy, nor withoutcentralism. Every member of society is afforded thefreedom to speak hisl her optnlon, makesuggestions and criticize any errors on all levels, aslong as the unity and discipline of the whole ismaintained Any organized society must haverules, principles and guidelines within which allmembers of society are expected to observe andrespect. The principles are determined andgoverned by the needs, health and will of thepeople themselves.Detente; The mellowing out and relaxing of hostileand strained relations between two or morenations, as between Russia and amerikkka.

    Revisionism: Deviation from and themanipulation and modification of the correctrevolutionary- line (or of any particular belief orpractice) to suite one's own personal vested interestRevolt: An organized attempt to seize power,usually by a section of the armed forces, withoutprior organization of the masses in struggle andwithout any clear set of social objectives.

    Dialedics: The study of contradictions within thevery essence of things. The scientific analyticalapproach to studying contradictions within naturetaking into account the historical development andthe interaction of related things. Dialectics holdsthat nothing exists independent, isolated orunoonnected from each other, but that allphenomena are connected and part of the whole.They are dependent upon and determined by eachother.

    Revolution: A complete and radical change fromone social system into another. The violent andcomplete struggle waged by the people to ridthemselves of an oppressive system of governmentinto a more progressive and humane society. Thisincludes not only the political structure, but also,the philosophy and ideology, mode of production,relations of production as well ali the spiritual andsocial mentality and out look of society.


    RevolutiODaIY army: An anned group of activiststhat arises from within and on the side of anoppressed group for the expressed purpose ofcarrying out the political tasks of a class or group,one of which is primarily to wage the armedstruggle to eliminate the oppressor's armedprotection forces that are used to repress - by anymeans necessary - the revolutionary- thrust of theoppressed to liberate themselves and direct theirdestiny toward new and greater human and socialrelations among the oppressed and those whoformerly oppressed them.


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    Racism; The philosophy and practices whichpursues or condones the systematic oppression ofanother racebecause that race isbelieved inferior.Dialecticsalsoholds that all things are ina constantstate of motion, i.e. changes.They move from aqualitative level with constant small changes to aqualitative level with their very essence orcharacter make a giant leap to a new existence.Thesechanges follow a definite pattern determinedby the external and internal contradictions withinthemselves. This being that all phenomena aremade up of opposite forces, i.e, internalcontradictions, which are the basis for change andthat all external forces, i.e, external contradictions,interact and become the conditions or impetuous tochange.

    Reactionary; Characterized by tendencies towardbackward and repressive status-quo. Those forceswhich oppose revolutionary change and activelywork to prevent or destroy any progressivemovement, country, etc...Rebellion: an attack upon existing, authority bymembers or an oppressed group, usually with theintention on the part of the rebels to take statepower. Itis usually spontaneous.Reformism: The amending and making of internalchanges within a system, such asby changing laws,introducing and funding or poverty programs tothe people, without changing the whole system forwhat it is.

    Dogmatic To be rigid and unbending; failing totake into account the changing conditions or thedifferencesbetween one situation and another.

    RelatioDs ,!f production: These are relations inwhich people in a given society must arrange andenter into by necessity to perpetuate humanexistence. Since the birth of class societies,' theserelations, where the property holders cam toexercisea relationship of dominance} exploitationand wealth over the property less. Other forms oftheserelations arebetween master and slave, feudallord and serf, landlord and peasant, capitalist andworker, etc...

    Dollar Imperialism: Sham independence wherebyone country is independent inname only and oftenrely on countries like the united states for economicaid which tum the country accepting the aid into apuppet state.Seedollar diplomacy.DoUar Diplomacy: Diplomacy based solely oneconomic factors diplomacy orchestrated toprimarily further state or private financial andcommercial interests.


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    Economics: The study of social laws governing theproduction and distribution of the material meansof satisfying human needs.Marx classified them as the most potentiallyrevolutionary class because of their sheer numbersas well as their social consciousness and needswhich is directly tied to the whole process ofproduction.Emotionalism: The practice of acting out ofpassions, feelings and the spirit of the atmosphere.

    Spontaneity. . Propaganda: .the publicized activity by which theparty or revolutionary organization politicizes themasses.Empire: Empire in these modern times representsthe highest developed stage of a capitalist nationthat is characterized by expanding its spheres ofinfluence throughout the world, through usingmilitary, coup and financial-economic means togain control over peoples and lands. Examples:Ireland as part of the British; Puerto Rico andPhilippines as part of the U.S. empire; SouthMolluean Islands as part of the Indonesian empire.

    Purpose: The reason for being or doing.

    Empiricism: The practice of analyzing situations ina subjective manner based only upon individual orpersonal knowledge and experience, negatingexternal investigation, history and knowledge.

    Patch ism: .The negative tendency of comrades,particularly leadership, to jump into. a situationissuing commands without any investigation as tothe circumstances of the situation. A rommandistand arrogant practice, lack of patience andunderstanding.Putsch: A secretly plotted and suddenly executedattempt to overthrow a government. See Coup D'Etat pgtshist One who advocates or organizes aputsch.Equalitarianism: Concepts advocating, orcharacterized by the belief that all men/womenshould have equal political, social and economicrights.Quisling: . (kwiz-lin) Traitor: Vidkun Quisling -1945 Norwegian' politician. A Traitor whocollaborates with the invaders of his/her countryespecially by serving in a puppet government.OuisJingism.


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    Principles: The fundamental grounds on which ahuman being. organization, movement, cause .~rconcept stands. Its basic aspects are expressed mterms of rules, codes; ethics, laws and statements ofphilosophical truths, which explains all exann;nednatural, social and universal spheres, andj or.guideshuman thought and actions. to transforming thehuman world for the benefit of the human being.

    Ethics: The study of standards of conduct andmoral judgment (moral philosophy). Deals withones social relations with friends, family andassociates, irrespective of citizenship.Exploitation: The unjust method of using peoplefor profit and advantage.

    Produdion: . The human activity which adaptsnatural resources to human needs. A process ofacquiring the. material necessities of life, i.e,production of food, clothing, oil, etc.Progressive: That perso~ organization, action,movements, phenomena or train of events inmovingl raising the . human, social economic,political and scientific level of social. ..that whichmoves man/wornan forward into the future, awayfrom the pastProletariat. Largest class which comprises themajority of the working masses. They must selltheir labor power in order to survive. Theyrepresent the-lowest levelof the employed, lowestwages, less benefits and rights and us~ally ~velittle or no. power or control over their workingconditions, management and planning. it is theclass that has the most to lose due to the advent ofincreased technology, automation and cybernationbecause they are being driven out of their jobs intothe ranks of the unemployed.

    -&temal causes"- Concepts of Change: Amechanical way of thinking which attributeschange only to others or outside forces. Applied tohuman beings, it- acts as a barrier to revolutionarythinking because it leads the oppressed to dependon others or on changes in external conditions tomake changes inand for them.Fascism: A repressive form of government thattakes on police state characteristics, in that, anforms of political, economical and social oppositionis forcibly suppressed to maintain the status-quo ..Forces of production: In order to produce,instruments or production are necessary - tools,machines means of transport, etc ... But these do notproduce anything by themselves. The forces ofproduction, therefore, consists of the instrumentsof production, and people, with their productionexperience and skill, who use these instruments.


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    Feudal.ism: A repressive system of governmentwhere the common masses of the people - vassals-renders services to the oppressor - lords - and inreturn receives protection and use of land.

    Petit-bourgeoise: The middle class or privilegeworker who enjoys a relatively comfortable level ofexistence. The small businessmen, entrepreneursand self-employed Artist, entertainers, doctors,lawyers and athletes belong to this dass. They donot own or control the major means of production,but their main aspiration is to obtain the status,wealth and power of the bourgeoisie.

    Freed~m: To understand the world, .theenvironment around us, the forces that are actingon us, and to have the choice to deal with them sothat the hannony of us which nature providesgreater development for us.General coDtradiction of capitalism: Socialized (orgroup) laborbut private ownership and profit

    Philistine: a person regarded as smugly Ita1TOW andconventional in his views and tactics, lacking inand indifferent to cultural and aesthetic values,etc... Bourgeoisie, materialistic.

    .aGrasp each end to pull forward the middle"': Thismeans, on the one hand, spending time with unitswhich had achieved conspicuous successes,mastering their methods and helping them toadvance still further. And on the other hand,working with units where failures have oCCUITed,giving them guidance and help. After theexperience of both the backward and advanced hasbeen summed up, lessons are drawn andpublicized for the benefit of the mass of averageunits- "the middlell- so that similar mistakes mightbe avoided and successes achieved on the broadestpossible front

    Philosophy: World outlook; how one perceives,understands and interprets life in general. Methodof understanding the world history, contradictionsand the development of things.Policy: The objectives and goals which a group(organization, state, nations, . internationalorganizations) sets for itself, plus the meansadopted toward the postulated goalPolitics: A process by which the political and socialdecisions involving the organization of society aremade. The method of solving contradictions.

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    New international: The growing !body' I ofdeveloping nations, representing a revolutionaryhumanist force of billions which imperialismcannot destroy short of atomic warfare powerfulenough to destroy the entire planet.

    Growth and split A method used for expansion (inthe peoples' war, Vietnam), when a particular unithad developed to sufficient strength, an individualor group of individuals was detached to form thenucleus of another unit

    New man/woman: One who is politicallyconscious, creative and socially responsible. Onewho puts politics in command of economics andwill always work together for the best interest oftheir communities.Objectivism: The method of analysis .which takesinto account the entirety of the situation.Approaching a situation open-mindedly, whollyand completely, without prejudice.

    Hegemony: World wide occupation, control andmanipulation by an imperialistic power overunderdeveloped countries through economic,military and political domination.Historical materialism: The dialectical andmaterialist approach to understanding the historyand development of society, understanding thesource and origins of social ideas, theories, politicalphilosophies and institutions, ie. the spiritual lifeof society. The spiritual life of society is determinedby the condition of the material life of society.Oppression: Unjust. and cruel exercise of authority

    to deny people their human rights, as well as, theirright to a decent healthy life. Intolerable livingconditions such as inadequate health, education,medical ~, housing, etc...

    Humane: Beliefs, thoughts or actions that arecentered on mankind and are concerned withhelping all of humanity (men &women) move to ahigher level of development and existence.Organic composition of capital: The changing

    proportion of capital invested in labor compared tothat invested inmachinery.OHoman: Footstool.

    Humanism: A system of reflections aboutman/woman that regard him/her as the supremegood, and aim to guarantee in practice the bestconditions for human happiness.

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    Idealism: The concept that states that mind isprimary and matter is secondary; and that all thingsoriginate from the idea and that matter is only areflection of what exists in the mind, as oneperceives it The physical world can only beconceived as relative to, or dependent on the mind,spirit, or experience.

    Mojo: An Afro-american term meaning magicpowers or influence. In political sense, it means themagical hands of the people, their power to definepolitical, social, economical, spiritual and militaryphenomena, and make or cause to move in adesired manner, ie. to bring about revolutionaryadvancement to the evolution ofman! womankind.Ideology: A system set of principles and beliefsrelating to life, culture, politics,. etc. Integratedassertions, theories and aims that constitute a socio-political programMorale: The moral or mental condition of theindividual or group with respect to murage,discipline, confidence, enthusiasm and willingnessto endure hardship or sacrifice.Ideological strugle: The non-antagonistic, non-physical striving verbally and through practicebetween different. ideologies in trying to provethemselves correct and those opposing incorrect.

    Imperulism: The exploitation, rape and subsequentoppression practiced by one nation over another forgreed and profit The extension of capitalism intothe international arena.

    Morality: The code of human conduct with setstandards for the individual or group in relation toother individuals and groups. Differing fromcustom, it implies consciousness (consciousrecognition) or acceptance of a desirable value.

    Individualism; A narrow selfish approach oroutlook based upon putting oneself before theinterest of the people, organization, and comrades.Abourgeoisie tendency expressed in the "bootstrap"theory.

    Neo-Colonialism: Foreign domination of a countryor people by an imperialist power where theeconomic, political and military structure ismanned and ron by the native bourgeoisie. Theimperialist maintain control of the economybecause they continue to own the means ofproduction, and the client state is totally dependentmilitarily and politically for their survival, ie.Brazil, Philippines and Zaire.

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    Metaphysim: Spookism. That which, exists outsideof reality and cannot be perceived by the five senses.This concept states that the idea is only true andpermanent reality. Knowledge derived fromacceptance of pre-existent ideas is the only genuineand valid wisdom, i.e, religion, which is based onbelief of Divine Word.

    Initiative: The self-reliant exerasmg of one'simagination, creativity and the will to tackle allproblems, and fervently develop new strategies andprograms. Being in the forefront and taking thelead, ie. to "Seize the time."

    ~ind behind the gun": (Viet Namese) This meansthat propaganda must precede the organization ofthe oppressed masses into physical bases or units ofarmed struggle. Only when a people have beenimbued with a new vision of themselves in a newpolitical role, can they exercise, to the fullest, theirspecially humane qualities of will and courage, ofinitiative and ingenuity, of intelligence and skill, ofcreativity and unity.Mode of production: The way in which peopleproduce and exchange. their means of life. Everysociety is based on this, which is which ultimatelydetermines the character of all social activities andinstitutionS: The mode of production is alwayssocial, for the material goods required by thecommunity are produced by the labor of many whocarry on a mutual exchange of activities inproducing the social product which is distributedamong the community. The forces of productionconsist of entering into certain. relations ofproduction in order to employ certain forces ofproduction. and differences in the forces, andrelations of production. Example: Slavery,feudalism, capitalism, socialism, communism.

    ID8Drl'ection: A concentrated attack upon existingauthority by members of a oppressed group, usuallywith the intention of taking power, if onlytemporarily during the course of revolutionarystruggles. or at the culmination of a process ofrevolutionary struggles.Irresponsible aiticism: frivolous and irrelevantcorrecting or pointing out of minor and needlesspoints, which, instead of building, tears down andobstructs progressive growth and development.Nit-picking which tends to side tract one from whatreally has to be done. Ungrounded and unfoundedcriticism. Criticizing without investigation andthinking first.Islam: Way of life that connotes total submissionand obedience to Allah - Creator of the universeand all therein. The scientific and practical,economical, social, cultural and military life of alltrue Muslims (believers). The laws and doctrines ofIslam are explicitly laid out in the Holy Qur' an andthrough the Sunnah (traditions of the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him).



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    Islam state: A system of government based uponthe belief in one God. The Islamic state is structuredunder the universal principles of the Holy QuI"an.Managerial class: The managers of the capitalistenterprises and institutions who are involved inthe day to day running of affairs, ie. governmentofficials, politicians, judges, corporate executives,etc. . .. "Juche: The principle is that people must rely, first,on their creativity, human powers and naturalresources to advance humanly and naturally.

    ~ckey: A flunky. Footman. To wait upon or serveslavishly. Also lacqgey.

    Mass line: The political guiding principle of" arevolutionary organization that must provideconcrete programs for the systematictransformation, stage of the oppressed massesthrough collective struggles.tiberation: The state of freedom from a repressiveor exploitative existence, where the people havegained control of their own lives and the right toself-detennination. "Lumpen proletariat: The under class, unemployed,marginally employed and those who live outside ofthe law, ie. criminal element. The aged, infirmed;and disabled are a lso part of this class because theyare marginally employed, therefore, not a securepart of the productive process. Those on welfare,social security are also members of this class.

    Materialism: The "concept that matter is first andthat the world ismaterial All ideas and theories aresecondary or subject to mass interaction with thematerial world. Matter and nature are objectivereality existing outside independent of our mind.Matter is primary, since it is the source of ideas,sensations and consciousness. The idea isseoondary, derivative, since it .i s a reflection ofmatter determined by how man perceives natureand its development The only real objective realityis the material world, ie. matter.

    Machine politics: Typical of a highly organizedpolitical organization called a "machine". "TheMachine" is ruthless, impersonal, interested onlyin results rather than in forms or programs" andpolitical ideology. Usually under the command of aboss. Spoils, favors and patronage supply the "oil"for the machine, and ruthless, often lawless men,the "muscle", (The politics of mayors Daley andRizzo are examples.)

    Means of production: The means which" saycapitalism, needs to undertake production,normally including factories, industrial plants, inwhich to produce, machinery and tools with whichto fashion raw materials, and the new materialsthemselves, including auxiliary materials such asfuel and oil.
