Bizconnect for eOdisha Award 2013

MF Biz-Connect Technology for Rural India A MMFSL BITS initiativ

Transcript of Bizconnect for eOdisha Award 2013

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MF Biz-Connect

Technology for Rural IndiaA MMFSL BITS initiative

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Apart from faster processing of loan, the key factors which triggered MMFSL BITS team to initiate MMFSL Biz Connect were : Infrastructure, Resource, Connectivity and Electricity, Constraints in Rural India - resulting delays in processing of loans, causing adverse affect on business volumes. Inadequate customer data to meet financial inclusion and compliances. Customer dissatisfaction – Due to delay in processing of business proposals. Affect on Employee confidence level - Unable to achieve the business targets. Unable to capture data on the fly : The loan pertinent data was being captured in predefined stationeries and was handed over to Back office team for data entry into the system. This data transition obviously results delay in information flow. Dependency on Back office team for data entry : The Business team was heavily dependent upon Back office / data entry team for business proposals to go online. Erroneous data entry due to duplication of work – In addition to delay, the duplication of data entry often results in erroneous data entries. Heavy paper usage for data consolidation. Difficulties in handling high business volumes during month ends. High enslavement on non-portable IT assets (PCs, Printers, Routers, UPSs, leased-circuits) for data processing. Unavailability of effective mechanism to monitor TAT on business proposals. Insufficient data, for legal recovery, against fraud customers.

Triggers for Innovation

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This handheld solution called “Business Hand Held Device” is capable of :1.Capturing Text and Multimedia Data : Apart from text data pertinent to business proposals, the Hand held device is capable of capturing –

a. Biometric impression and algorithm , b. Still Photographs, c. Audiod. Videoe. E-Signatures of pertinent entities.

2.Upload any data, anytime from anywhere : The data saved in the Hand held device could be uploaded to central server from field, either via GPRS or Ethernet.3.Extended Power backup : The device holds power backup for continuous 10 hours of operation. Its standby and idle mode options further extend the backup during idle time.4.Thermal Printing : Allows immediate printout of necessary documents in approved formats.5.Friendly User-Interface : 3.5’ TFT with touch screen capabilities and QWERTY keypad for ease of use.6.Easy up gradation : The sustainable modular hardware design, allows easy up gradation to match the upcoming mobility trends. (without replacement)

Key Features of the Project

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The device is equipped with most recent technology, such that it is the only product available in its category. The factors which makes it unique are :

First ever cost effective, EPOS Device used in India integrating Biometric, VOICE, PHOTO & VIDEO.

Capitalizing - Available technology at affordable cost.

Integration of the best of existing technologies to derive business benefit & Project Goal.

Highly scalable – Designed and Built on Dynamic Concept, where entire application can be Centrally - configured, customized and deployed with zero downtime.

Works with, Solar / Bike charger – Keeps business alive even in worst power conditions.

Green IT Implementation

Modular Hardware approach – Does not demand replacement for up gradation.

Uniqueness of the solution

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The implementation has benefited entities as mentioned below:Management : Organization’s competitive edge: Processing Loans in just 2 Hrs Instant data on liquidity of funds. Fewer errors and discrepancies: Controlled Data Entry errors & Frauds. Improved Portfolio Health Cost benefits: Paperless operations & min. electric consumption. Effective utilization of manpower : Eliminating duplication of data entry efforts. Minimum impact of power problems on business processes. One Device for multiple verticals.Customer : Branch at door step. Immediate processing of loans.Employees : Engagement & Confidence Levels of Business Employees improved. Minimum Manual efforts and Maximum Business Growth. Incentives and returns – Business targets made easy.Business Partners (Mahindra Dealers) : Instant generation of Leads and assignment to MMFSL executives, resulting in higher business volumes.Group Companies : In addition to loan processing data, the data captured by MMFSL field force are being used by group companies for strategic planning. Ex: Mahindra Tractor / Automotive division, Plan their production strategy based on Monsoon information captured and uploaded by MMFSL executives from all parts of country.

Benefits Post Implementation

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Deployment of this Green IT Solution, empowered MMFSL to handle the challenge of rural connectivity. This sustainable, open source solution enabled business team to capitalize the rural potential via Mobility, using cloud computing in a secured network environment.

The project enabled MMFSL to meet financial inclusion, collecting adequate customer data to handle operational risk and compliance. It’s Back to back connectivity with Document management system, delivered a paperless business model. Finally resulting in Employee engagement with timely incentives.

Overall Impact of the Solution

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The hardware is designed on Modular approach, which offers the flexibility of upgrading individual module , rather than replacing the entire unit. Similarly the Software is built on Open source and Dynamic Concept, where entire application can be configured and customized centrally without need of development team or third party vendors.

The product is a capable of handling MMFSL requirement for minimum next 3 years, and can easily be upgraded to match the rapid pace of emerging technologies and upcoming organizational needs.

Potential for long term Sustainability of the


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1. Restrict size of Multimedia data< 10 KB (Voice, Fingerprint and Photographs) for hassle-free upload.2. Customized hardware within Budgeted cost.3. Integration of various multimedia and communication modules to meet MMFSL business processing needs.4. Multilayered Motherboard development for customized requirement.5. Customized Linux Kernel to support wide array of integrated hardware.6. Maintaining Modular Hardware approach for scalability.7. Maintain user friendly physical characteristics.8. Combination of Wired and Wireless communication technology for data exchange.9. Tie-up / Develop Service & Support Centers across the Nation

Key Challenges

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Hardware Capability :1. Voice Recording & Playback on integrated hands free speaker2. Bio-Metric Scanning and Recognition3. Digital Still Photography 4. Touch Screen Selection & Input5. Thermal Printer6. With GPRS, Ethernet, USB & UART Connectivity options7. QWERT Keyboard8. Ready and Tested for : IrDA, Bluetooth, Wi Fi, GPS, 3G, Magnetic Card Reader, RFID, Optical Mouse, Contact /Contact less smart cards, 1D & 2D bar code reader.

Hardware Configuration : The Final Product named “BIZ Connect HHD” thus had the following Specifications:1. 32 Bit ARM 9 Processor2. 256 MB NAND Flash Memory 3. 64 MB RAM (up gradable to 2 GB)4. 3.5 “ QVGA Touch screen TFT5. High speed Thermal Printer6. 500 Dpi Finger print Biometric Sensor7. 1.3 MP Camera

Technical Details / Key Technologies

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Product Software Details : OS : Kernel 2.6.35 Programming language : C++ GUI Framework : QT 4.6.3 Database (Handheld Terminal) : SQlite, MYSQL client Database (Server end): SQL server 2008, MYSQL

Key Technologies used Open Source. Cloud Computing Client Server Mobile Communication Blend of OS and Embedded Technology

Key Challenges

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MMFSL Biz Connect is all about production and deployment of a customized, full featured, multimedia enabled, portable handheld solution to meet MMFSL

business processing needs. The Vision behind the project is to empower MMFSL Business team with mobile technology, as to accomplish business processing tasks with minimum dependency, duplicity and lead time. The focus is solely upon customer centricity, enabling mobile branch at customers door step. An

initiative and footstep towards Green, Paperless and Transparent business model, ensuring uninterrupted services to customers, even in worst power


Innovation problem statement – what are we trying to achieve through the innovation :

Overcome ICE (Infrastructure & Resource, Connectivity and Electricity) constraint.

Organization’s competitive edge: Loan Processing in just 2 HrsImproved Portfolio Health (UID)

Meet Financial InclusionRISE - Business process automation.

Eliminating duplication of Manual efforts.

MMFSL Biz Connect is all about production and deployment of a customized, full featured, multimedia enabled, portable handheld solution to meet MMFSL

business processing needs. The Vision behind the project is to empower MMFSL Business team with mobile technology, as to accomplish business processing tasks with minimum dependency, duplicity and lead time. The focus is solely upon customer centricity, enabling mobile branch at customers door step. An

initiative and footstep towards Green, Paperless and Transparent business model, ensuring uninterrupted services to customers, even in worst power


Innovation problem statement – what are we trying to achieve through the innovation :

Overcome ICE (Infrastructure & Resource, Connectivity and Electricity) constraint.

Organization’s competitive edge: Loan Processing in just 2 HrsImproved Portfolio Health (UID)

Meet Financial InclusionRISE - Business process automation.

Eliminating duplication of Manual efforts.Project Presentation & Submitted by;

Mr. Prasant Kumar Mishra