Bits DaVinci2[1]



Bits de Doman de Da Vinci para preescolar

Transcript of Bits DaVinci2[1]

Division: ArtCategory: Great Art MasterpiecesSet: Great Art Masterpieces of Leonardo da VinciBit of Intelligence: Portrait of a Musician1st Magnitude: Portrait of a Musician as li!ely painted "y Leonardo da Vinci alt#oug# t#at attri"ution is de"ated$%nd Magnitude: Portrait of a Musician as painted in Milan$ &rd Magnitude: Portrait of a Musician is oil on panel$'t# Magnitude: (#e su")ect Portrait of a Musician is un!non$ Potential su")ects include to i*portant court *usicians in Milan during t#at period:+ranc#ino Gaffurio and ,os-uin des Pr.s$ /t# Magnitude: Portrait of a Musician s#os a *usician #olding a s#eet of *usic$ It as not until 101' t#at t#e #and and s#eet of *usic ere discovered underneat# overpaintings$ 2t# Magnitude: Portrait of a Musician as co*pleted in 1'01$ 3t# Magnitude: (#e Portrait of a Musician is traditional in style$4t# Magnitude: If t#e picture is Leonardo5s or!6 t#is is t#e only portrait of a *an e7ecuted "y Leonardo$0t# Magnitude: (oday Portrait of a Musician is located in Pinacoteca A*"rosiana in Milan$11t# Magnitude: Leonardo da Vinci is notorious for leaving #is or!s unfinis#ed$Division: ArtCategory: Great Art MasterpiecesSet: Great Art Masterpieces of Leonardo da VinciBit of Intelligence: Madonna and C#ild it# St Anne and t#e 8oung St ,o#n1st Magnitude: Madonna and C#ild it# St Anne and t#e 8oung St ,o#n as created "y Leonardo da Vinci$%nd Magnitude: Madonna and C#ild it# St Anne and t#e 8oung St ,o#n as li!ely created in +lorence$ &rd Magnitude: Madonna and C#ild it# St Anne and t#e 8oung St ,o#n is a cartoon$'t# Magnitude: (#e su")ects of Madonna and C#ild it# St Anne and t#e 8oung St ,o#n are Mary6 ,esus6 Mary5s *ot#er 9St Anne: and St ,o#n$ /t# Magnitude: Madonna and C#ild it# St Anne and t#e 8oung St ,o#n consists is si*ilar to Virgin of t#e ;oc!s #oever t#e open triangle is reduced into a pyra*id of interloc!ing for*s6 t#e figures increase in scale and t#e roc!y landscape recedes into t#e distance$ ,esus leans toards St ,o#n to "less #i*$ Saint Anne5s forear*6 "arely s!etc#ed in6 is prop#eticallyraised to