Bitotsav' 15 Entertainment Quiz Tic-Tac-Toe


Transcript of Bitotsav' 15 Entertainment Quiz Tic-Tac-Toe


• You get divided into teams of two. Three teams in each group.

• You play Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock to choose a side.

• X or O? Decide and get divided.

• Now, we pose a question to each of the three teams in each group, one at a time.

• You get it right, +20 to that team. You don’t, too bad. Passes to the corresponding team of the other group.

• As expected, get it right, you get to place your mark on the game board.

• In case neither group gets it, corresponding audience side gets it. They get it, that group gets to mark the board.

• Normal tic-tac-toe rules apply for a win.

• The group that wins get an extra +60 (divided equally among the three teams)

Another round comes to an end. So why are you still here?