Bite The Ballot Manifesto

There is a revolution awaiting warriors I recognise many righteous soldiers I will fight with you or alone Like the king I am reclaim my throne Me nah wait for your recognition Me jus fire upon you with verbal ammunition Me, One, I speak or myself And nobody else Every one of you has a voice To speak or not, it is your choice But silence is not golden Silence is the truth stolen And stealing of the truth Is exactly what dem do to the youts Miseducation relative deprivation Mislead young minds’ motivation Dealers, hustlers living bullet time Their lives could end in the space of a rhyme They get all the attention While the good them get no mention Young boys growing up with no direction No protection on his erection Sowing his seeds But not fulfilling their needs Young girls left to raise children alone No job and kicked out of home On the benefit system Where you fill in forms and no one listens Please listen up when I speak How many homeless you seen this week? Begging for change I said begging for change


Bite the ballot

Transcript of Bite The Ballot Manifesto

Page 1: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

There is a revolution awaiting w

arriors I recognise m

any righteous soldiersI w

ill fight with you or alone

Like the king I am reclaim

my throne

Me nah w

ait for your recognition M

e jus fire upon you with verbal am


Me, O

ne, I speak or m

yself And nobody else

Every one of you has a voice To speak or not, it is your choiceBut silence is not golden Silence is the truth stolenA

nd stealing of the truth Is exactly w

hat dem do to the youts

Miseducation relative deprivation

Mislead young m

inds’ motivation

Dealers, hustlers living bullet tim

e Their lives could end in the space of a rhym

eThey get all the attention W

hile the good them get no m

entionYoung boys grow

ing up with no direction

No protection on his erection

Sowing his seeds

But not fulfilling their needsYoung girls left to raise children alone N

o job and kicked out of home

On the benefit system


here you fill in forms and no one listens

Please listen up when I speak


many hom

eless you seen this week?

Begging for change I said begging for change

Don’t just be a sym

pathiser See through the m

ist, be a realiserSee w

hat has been done To brother, sister, daughter, sonThe revolution a go com

e The revolution begins w

ith oneBut one is m

uch stronger If he listens to those w

ho’ve lived longerListen to the w

isdom of the elders


want fi tell you if you w

ant to knowW

hen’s the last time you saw

your grandma or grandfather

It’s time to go

With an open m

ind and loving soul A

s a comm

unity, as a whole

There’s so much to be told

You think dem lost it cos dem

got oldN

o, dem just stopped sharing

Cos you done stopped caringIf you are now

prepared to hear Revolution m

ay begin this yearG

o forth with w

hat you have been told Tell young girl she’s w

orth more than gold

Tell young boy what a m

an’s about The truth nah w

hisper, the truth does shoutW

e are the revolution W

e are the solutionW

e hold the keyA

nd it begins with you and m


e are the revolution W

e are the solution W

e hold the key A

nd it begins with unity.

Page 2: Bite The Ballot Manifesto


Introduction 2The Youth Vote 2My Manifesto 2Partners 2Policy Recommendations 3 Education 5 Health 9 Jobs 12 Transport 15 Housing 17 Police and Crime 19Quotes from Party Leaders 21Collaborators 24

Page 3: Bite The Ballot Manifesto



Bite the Ballot aims to encourage young people to make informed decisions at the ballot box. We want inspire young people to take ownership of their individual and collective futures and become the generation that champions change in politics. We aspire to reverse the pattern of poor electoral turnout, and in giving young people a voice, we hope to make their votes and opinions count in the political arena.

The Youth Vote

The general consensus seems to be that the youth of today are politically apathetic. After all, even though there was a 7% increase in the numbers of 18-24 year olds voting in the 2010 general election (44%), that’s still less than the overall turnout of 65% and is still only half of all eligible young people. Some would say that’s proof enough that young people just don’t care.

But if we look deeper into the heart of the matter, you find studies † which show that young people are considerably more motivated by issues rather than party allegiances. In one particular study 67% said they were interested in national issues but only 38% said they were interested in ‘politics’. That is why this booklet aims to address issues.

My Manifesto

My Manifesto is not a representative sample of the youth vote in the UK. Our resources were limited, and as such many hurdles were met along the way – however, over 5000 young people, most of whom were not previously interested or engaging in politics at all, have helped shape this booklet through surveys, focus groups and our Rock Enrol national tour. It is built with their life experiences, our experiences in the sector, and the experience of our collaborators, in mind.

We hope more than anything that this is food for thought, and can inspire everyone to see the true value of the youth vote.


Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust

The Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust seeks to correct the imbalance of power by strengthening the hand of individuals, groups and organisations who strive for reform. The Trust aims to foster political developments central to a healthy democratic process, be it reform, civil liberties or social justice.

Hansard Society

The Hansard Society is the UK’s leading independent, non-partisan political research charity. They aim to strengthen democracy and encourage greater public involvement in politics. At the heart of their work is the principle that civic society is most effective when its citizens are connected with the institutions and individuals who represent them in the democratic process.

† Citizenship Commission, HeadsUp; Re-engaging Young People In Voting, IDeA 2

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Education Health Jobs Transport Housing Police and Crime


Page 6: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

educationOver 96% of young people considered education the most important policy area. From the survey, focus groups and national tour however, it is clear that the national curriculum is not preparing our young people for life after school.

Policy Recommendations: 1

Political education

We recommend giving every young person key life skills vital for their futures by providing:

The two key principles to political education are to establish why politics is important and how it affects the individual.

Estimated 2010 general election turnout by age and gender

How Britain Voted in 2010, Ipsos MORI


The key to every democratic society is the support, development and inclusion of socially aware young people. This encourages personal and social responsibility and goes a long way to reducing the “doesn’t affect me” mindset.

How can this feature within schools:

Covered in form time, Citizenship,

PSHE, External






18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+



64%44% 55% 66% 69% 73% 76%

“Teach us about politics- give us real everyday examples, tell us that it affects our everyday lives, where we go, what we do, how we can get involved”


“It suits whoever is in power, for us not to have it [political education]”

Page 7: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

Financial education


Prepare young people for the world of work by providing skills, advice and experience.

Why?To reduce the number of young people in financial difficulty and improve the finances of future generations. This is done by providing basic practical knowledge of finances, with an emphasis on how to take responsibility for your own financial future.


Every prospective employee should possess certain essential skills to enter the workforce such as: • Time management • Critical thinking • Basiccommunication • Computerliteracy

Careers advice & experience

Help young people plan realistic career paths by providing:

• Tailoredinformationonapprenticeships, university, further education and vocational courses

• Informationonavailable career paths

• Industryprofessionalssupplyingcareers advice first hand

• Peertopeernetworks:allowthosethat have left school a few years ago to come back and relay their experiences


£5,662per annum

according to ACEVO

The financial cost to the UK in 2012 is expected to be around

as the number of 18-24 year olds not in Education, Employment or Training and claiming benefits, cost the exchequer an average

Brits are declared insolvent/bankrupt

County Court Judgments are issued

new debt cases come to The Citizens Advice Bureaus

307 1556 8308 90homes are repossessed

every day in the UK:

Equip young people with the skills to make informed decisions when it comes to their finances and credit rating, emphasizing risks, rewards and responsibilities.

Office of National Statistics

How can this feature within schools:

Integrate real life examples into the national curriculum,

teaching about loans, mortgages and repayments in maths and practical money management in PSHE

How can this feature within schools:

Covered in form time (supporting young peoples

personal developments)

Citizenship, PSHE, Careers,

External facilitation,

Drop down days


Page 8: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

educationPolicy Recommendations: 2


We recommend raising awareness, encouraging responsibility and promoting the wellbeing of young people in society through the enhancement of these areas:

To promote a stronger sense of local community by exploring and celebrating diversity and challenging misconceptions between cultures.

Begin to have the conversations that are often avoided by teachers for being too controversial. Facilitate key topics such as racism, gang culture and abuse.

“Schools need to start building relationships with companies and create stepping-stones for their Students”

HealthMany young people fall victim to stigmatisation and poor health and may become dependent on the state due to a lack of education on:

Sexual Health and Parenthood Mental Health Physical Health and Disabilities

How can this feature within schools:

Covered in form time (supporting young peoples personal

developments)Citizenship, PSHE, Careers,

External facilitation,Drop down days


Page 9: Bite The Ballot Manifesto






My Manifesto, 2012

“Teach people how to think critically and how to challenge what they hear and see”

Do you think it’s more important to set government policies that...

guarantee citizens an equal opportunity

guarantee all citizens an equal outcome


would like to reduce the tuition fee cap well below £9,000

58.5%said they want EMA restored


Young people want to learn about and understand how to influence the changes taking place in our environment.

said they would place greater emphasis on life skills


How can this feature within schools:

Covered in form time (supporting young peoples

personal developments)Citizenship, PSHE, Careers,

External facilitation,Drop down days

“If we talk about things more in school in an open and engaging way it will reduce the fear of the unknown and the stigmas related to those fears”


Page 10: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

healthYoung people highlighted health as a major concern. Better understanding through education and improved services, including a stronger commitment to healthy eating topped the list as the most crucial areas to help encourage a healthier population.

We recommend engaging young people in health campaigns, services and education initiatives by:

involving them in the design, development and evaluation of youth-friendly health services and initiatives, locally and nationally.

using celebrities and social media in national paediatric health campaigns.

Policy Recommendations: 1

My Manifesto, 2012

No age0




11-14 15-16

More support to tackle alcohol and drug abuse

It is estimated that 40.7% of 16-24 year olds have used one or more illicit drugs in their lifetime and 11.6% in the last month.




17-18 19-21 22-25





My Manifesto, 2012; British Crime Survey, London: Home Office


Page 11: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

Policy Recommendations: 2We recommend guaranteeing ‘food equality’ for all school students by

extending current rules that ban unhealthy food and drink in state-operated primary and secondary schools.

granting local authorities the power to prohibit the number of fast food businesses operating and opening near schools and on local high streets, especially in areas of socioeconomic deprivation.

incentivising food retailers near schools to sell healthy meals, snacks and drinks


of academy schools are selling at least one of the food products, which were banned when they were state-run.

of young people think healthy eating is an important issue.

The Dispatches School Dinner Survey, Channel 4 Dispatches, June 2012 “I passionately believe that this is taking a huge step in the wrong direction as far as taking care of our children and the future of this country is concerned” Jamie Oliver

My Manifesto, 2012


Page 12: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

healthPolicy Recommendations: 3

We recommend improving the content and delivery of health-related subjects in every school by:

making personal, social, health and economic education (PSHEE) a compulsory and central part of the national curriculum, with special focus on drugs and alcohol, sex and relationships and mental health issues.

conducting a nationwide inspection of how food technology is taught, with particular focus on how schools can promote the benefits of healthy eating.

of young people believe that better health counselling services are an important part of the future of health

children between the ages of 1 and 15 has a mental health disorder.1in10

71%The Office of National Statistics Mental health in children and young people in Great Britain, 2005


Page 13: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

Who should have primary responsibility for funding more apprenticeships? Business/employers should fund them - 55.0%The government (tax-payers) should fund them - 20.7%The apprentice should make a contribution to their own training - 11.2%We don’t need more apprenticeship schemes - 2.5%Don’t know - 10.7%

My Manifesto, 2012

jobsFor professional traineeships to be offered by leading firms in media, law, management consultancy and the think tank sector. Especially for school leavers that want practical experience instead od degrees. E.g. journalism traineeships at the BBC.

Post 18 ‘gap year grants’ for young people to fund the transition years between school and work to supplement the income of low paid and unpaid internships, to be used to fund labour costs in creating a startup or pay for volunteering programs overseas.

of 18-24 year olds have worked for free

while the same can be said for only

of their parents’ generation.

20% 2-3%

With so many young people unemployed or disillusioned with the current jobs market, it’s no wonder that jobs was the third most important policy area for young people, especially those aged 18 and above. Below are our recommendations for the future of employment.

We recommend parties to encourage professional traineeships with industry leaders:

We recommend the introduction of Gap year grants:

Policy Recommendations: 1

Policy Recommendations: 2



Page 14: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

jobsPolicy Recommendations: 3

The challenges of a globalised labour market require a stronger welfare state not a weaker one. Especially not a weaker one in the eyes of the most affected. Young people with low paid jobs consider housing benefit absolutely essential to their everyday lives.

more working people, (an 86% increase since 2009) are now reliant on housing benefit to help them pay the rising rents on their home.

of young people would like more opportunities for work experience when at school.


Department for Work and Pensions, August 2012

My Manifesto, 2012

We recommend investment in welfare:



Page 15: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

Equality audits for medium and large employers to ensure that private and public companies are promoting underrepresented and discriminated groups; those who are disproportionately unemployed.

Firms employing 20 or more people, who who fail to meet local quotas set by inequality coefficients must trigger action - especially if they receive public money or are publicly traded e.g. think tanks, The BBC, councils and FTSE 100 companies.

The research, based on interviews with 2,000 16-30 year olds, also shows how more than a third of unemployed young people

claim they have not received any responses to job applications in the past year.

Princes Trust

We recommend equality in employment audits for underrepresented groups:

Policy Recommendations: 4

“The number of black and ethnic minority workers making it to the highest levels of management

- the boardroom - is very small and in some cases too small to analyse” The Office of National Statistics (ONS) Race to the Top Report


Larger organizations and public services should lead by example by being diverse at all levels of management.

Three in five

describe looking for work as


61%Princes Trust


Page 16: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

transportWe recommend a flat discounted rate regardless of peak fares

of young people said discounts for bus and train travel were a priority

Current discounts only apply to students on off-peak fares. However the rise in fares means that off-peak prices are hugely daunting to young people newly out of education, those looking for a job or those on low incomes.


With 86% of young people stating that transport was an important policy area to them and their futures, we delved deeper to uncover which issues were at the heart of their concerns.

Policy Recommendations: 1

“If they want a mobile work force they need to have real subsidies to help young people get to and from work because when you factor in the cost of transport it works out most people are working for less than minimum wage”

“They give us a free bus pass around Stockport but I can’t use it before half 9. So I need all [ job] interviews to be in the afternoon”

“If it becomes cheaper for me to get anywhere by public transport – I’ll do it”


My Manifesto, 2012

Page 17: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

Policy Recommendations: 3We recommend greener services across the UK

Incentivise more local transport routes to invest in greener alternatives:•Cyclingtrainingandsafetyforyoungpeople•Energyefficientbuses

More than one in five students have considered dropping out of further education because of financial difficulties.Transport costs are the biggest expenditure associated with participation in post–16 education.

have requested more cycle routes

Nearly half of 16–18 year old students say they find their transport costs hard to meet.

of students have missed college at some point in the previous year because they could not afford transport costs.



Campaign for better transport, Youth Select committee inquiry

We recommend increased routes and services especially in rural areas

Policy Recommendations: 2

There is a genuine need for a greater number of bus and train services especially in rural locations. Young people often feel isolated in these areas.

of young people want more bus routes across the UK



My Manifesto, 2012

Page 18: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

housingOur research has shown that young people are seriously concerned about the current state of housing. Many rely on support to meet the costs of rent, and many are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet. We want to reverse this trend and champion the voices of those who’re often most affected, but least consulted, when it comes to the problems of unaffordable private sector rent, social housing and homelessness.

Policy Recommendations: 1We recommend tackling unaffordable private sector rent by:


•cappingtheamountthatprivatelandlordscancharge young people earning the minimum wage

•makingmorehomesavailablebyputtingemptyproperties to better use


the cost of privately renting a home has risen by

since 2007



There are 8.5 million renters in England (including 1 in 4 Londoners) and in the capital renters pay on average between

of their wage in rent42-46%

Rentonomy, 2012

82% of young people who took the

My Manifesto survey consider affordable rent levels as a matter of importance.

My Manifesto, 2012


Page 19: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

Setting low rents for those receiving housing benefit while earning the minimum wage ensure that any re-assessment of young people receiving housing benefit is based on need, not age.

We recommend protecting young people in social housing by:

Policy Recommendations: 2

417,830 more working people, (an 86% increase since 2009) are now reliant on housing benefit to help them pay the rising rents on their home.

Department for Work and Pensions, 2012

Policy Recommendations: 3

We recommend extending emergency accommodation schemes by: Funding emergency short-term

accommodation for young homeless people in all Local Authorities.

Homelessness has risen by

over the last two years 26% Home Truths 2012,

The National Housing Federation

• There are 8.5 million renters in England and about half are under 35• Rents have risen twice as fast as average wages over the last ten years• In London, a family needs to earn £51,900 per year to affordably

rent a two bedroom home• Shelter sees an 80% increase in the demand for homelessness advice

statistics and figures from


Page 20: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

police & crime

Between September and November 2012, the SHM Foundation Political Academy ran a campaign called ‘Force Forward’ to get 16-25 year olds to have their say about crime and policing in the lead-up to the Police and Crime Commissioner elections. We combined their findings with our research to recommended the following.

“Develop trust and work closer to under-represented communities as well as young people”

We recommend strengthening police presence in areas where it is most needed:

We recommend tackling serious drug crime:

Policy Recommendations: 1

The lack of police visibility in the most troubled areas makes young people feel more vulnerable.

Young people are particularly concerned about the dealers and producers of drugs in their areas, and they see this as the ultimate root of much of the crime that exists in their communities.

Policy Recommendations: 2

Knife AmnestyMore security & searches in schoolsHarsher punishments or sentencesMore use of police stop and searchOther

What is the best way to tackle knife crime?

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

My Manifesto, 2012 19

Page 21: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

We recommend strengthening the relationship between the police and the community:

This relationship is often regarded as broken and there is a lack of trust and understanding between the police and young people in particular.

Many young people who live in postcodes or estates with high crime feel particularly targeted, as do those from ethnic minority groups. This experience of being stopped, questioned and moved along on a regular basis has a very negative impact on trust and the relationship with the police.

Policy Recommendations: 3


feel that the police never or rarely treat young people fairly

think the relationship with the police is broken to a large extent or completely

think the police often or always act differently towards people depending on their appearance or background

think that more riots are likely if the relationship with the police and young people doesn’t change

My Manifesto, 2012







How do you feel the Media represents young people?

“Invest some time to work with younger people and by doing so you’re potentially reducing crime before it even happens!”














Help young

people feel

comfortable to

break the ‘code

of silence’


Page 22: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

what the parties said:

David Cameron, Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party

“I am delighted to offer my support for the excellent Bite the Ballot campaign. It is essential that young people feel empowered to vote, to debate the issues that concern them, to listen to the views of their peers, and to in turn have their views listened to.

I always find it deeply concerning when young people tell me that they do not vote, that they do not feel that politicians understand them and the challenges that they face, or that they think that voting is simply not for them.

I sincerely hope that the Bite the Ballot campaign continues to be a great success in reaching out to those young people across the United Kingdom who had previously not considered, or not wanted to exercise their fundamental democratic right to vote.”

ed Miliband, Leader of the Labour Party

“The fact of the matter is that a lot of young people across the country do not vote because they can’t see enough proposed for them in politics or party manifestos, and subsequently, feel disengaged and alienated from the political processes.

In the current situation, where not even 50% of 18-24 year-olds exercise their right to vote, Bite the Ballot’s My Manifesto is a very timely and important piece of research that will indicate what young people across the country really care about and would like to see implemented after 2015.

The Labour party is a very strong supporter of increasing youth participation in politics. I personally feel very strongly that youth vote can make a big change in the next General Elections and would be happy to look at the final outcome of this research and urge others to do the same.”

Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the Liberal Democrats

“Politicians of all parties know that we need to do more to get young people involved in politics, so I’m a huge supporter of Bite the Ballot’s work. From balancing our books to tackling Climate Change the UK faces huge challenges in the coming years. And it is important that young people make sure their voices are heard in the debates around how we address those challenges - the ‘My Manifesto’ project is a great way to help make that happen.”

Win the Youth Vote in 2015


Page 23: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

education health jobslabour No young person in Britain should be long-termed unemployed.

Conservatives We will reduce youth part of our strategy for tackling poverty and inequality.

liberal Democrats Set the minimum wage equal for all people over 16.

green Party Our major and immediate priority is the creation of an extra million jobs and training places.

Respect We need to get people working again.

Scottish National Party We will argue for Scotland to have greater responsibility for employment policy make sure local communities benefit from skills and employment support that is fully co-ordinated.

alliance Investment in skilling the workforce can be the single most effective means for making our economy more competitive.

Sinn Fein Public investment and capital build projects must be underpinned by social objectives to ensure that maximum jobs are created.

Conservatives A Conservative government will not accept another generation consigned to an uncertain future of worklessness and dependency.

labour Education is the key to personal fulfilment, economic prosperity and social mobility.

liberal Democrats Liberal Denocrats want every child to receive an excellent education to unlock children’s potential and to ensure that they can succeed in life.

DUP Not everyone’s gifts and talents will be academic so a tailored system of schools is necessary.

Respect Investing in improved education at all levels lifts economic performance and will help generate prospects that all communities can benefit from.

Social and Democratic labour Party The SDLP will continue to fight for the educational and social needs of our children and young people.

alliance Alliance regards education as a key investment for society as a whole and for allowing every person to develop to their full potential.

Plaid Cymru Giving our children a strong start in life is vital, not only for their future, but for the future of Wales.

Conservatives We will turn the Department of Health into a Department for Public Health so that the promotion of good health and prevention of illness get the attention they need.

labour Wherever necessary, we will act to protect children’s health from tobacco, alcohol and sunbeds.

liberal Democrats Liberal Democrats believe that one important way to improve the NHS is to make care flexible, designed to suit what patients need, not what managers want.

green Party Provide free school meals for all – with locally sourced or fair-trade and (where possible) organic food, and with a vegetarian option. This will encourage healthy eating, combat obesity, improve concentration and end the stigma associated with free school meals.

Scottish National Party We are acting to tackle obesity and promote physical activity.

alliance We would address the structural underfunding of mental health services, particularly with respect to children and young people.


Page 24: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

what the parties said:

housing police & crimetransportConservatives We will make it easier for everyone to get onto the housing ladder.

labour That everyone has access to a decent home at a price they can afford is a central Labour ambition.

liberal Democrats Liberal Democrats will bring 250,000 empty homes back into use.

green Party we will legislate to change the law so that for 16 and 17 year olds the right to housing is met solely through supported housing.

DUP Owning or renting a safe, secure and high standard home is such a fundamental matter for most people.

Respect Respect stands for a huge programme of quality, affordable, low-energy council home building to create employment and provide everyone with the home they need.

Sinn Fein Sinn Féin believes that an enforceable right to housing should be enshrined in domestic law across the island.

Conservatives We will reform the police...getting then out of police stations and onto the street, fighting and preventing crime.

labour On drugs, our message is clear: we will not tolerate illegal drug use.

liberal Democrats Liberal Democrats believe in strong communities, where local people can feel free from the threat of crime.

DUP In order to tackle anti-social behaviour, we need the maximum number of police officers on the streets meeting and listening to the public.

Scottish National Party continue to advocate a community and multi-agency partnership approach to policing.

alliance Supporting police resourcing in a manner that allows more visible policing on the streets.

labour Britain needs to invest in modern, high-capacity and low-carbon transport infrastructure.

Conservatives We will support sustainable travel initiatives that work best for local communities.

liberal Democrats Britain needs a well-run, efficient transport system.

Respect Revive the British rail system. More buses, with better services, and low fares in every town.


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Revolution - by Dean Atta (as featured on the cover of My Manifesto)

authorsMevan Babakar Symeon Brown Rose DowlingPeter Lesniak Eugene MensahCharlotte Parsons Michael Sani Oliver Sidorczuk Annique Simpson

Designed by Simon Cohen (Simon Inc Ltd)Printed by Bishops Printers

Our thanks to Everyone who took the surveyEveryone who attended focus groupsEveryone who has registered to voteThe Rock Enrol teamThe Joseph Rowntree Reform TrustThe Hansard Society Rock the VoteThe Peer Outreach WorkersCathrine Lyn-Scott and Lianna Yianni from London Flair PRLaura-Jane Rawlings from Youth Employment UKKelly Loftus from The Princess TrustPeter Jefferys from ShelterDeclan Wilkes from MyBnkPhilippa de Lacy from pfegJemma Rivet from SlenkyMichael SkellyPeter CobrinDominique Moore, Sam Pepper & Jamal EdwardsGareth GatrellScruffy Bear PicturesRed Scar

Bite the Ballot CIC6 Chancel StreetSouthwarkSE1 [email protected]

Page 27: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

What are your thoughts on what you have seen and read here? Would these policies shape the way you vote? Tell us, tell each other, and let’s start sharing our views and opinions and start making these changes a reality.


Sign up for the newsletter at to stay up to date on the fight to have something to vote for in 2015.

Make sure you and your friends visit your MP and let them know the things you care about. Make sure you make an informed decision in 2015. Vote for the things you care about, vote for the person who upholds those views. And if no one does, then make sure you go to the polling station and abstain. Power comes in numbers and we all have a role to play in the future of our lives and the lives of others.

Are you registered to vote?

Policy writers will create policies to win votes and if you want to be considered you have to be registered.

Join the 3,167 young people who have registered in 2012 as a result of Bite the Ballot, over 3,000 of whom didn’t know what the register was or the benefits of being on it.

Find out more at

WHAT next?this is

just the beginning

Page 28: Bite The Ballot Manifesto

There is a revolution awaiting w

arriors I recognise m

any righteous soldiersI w

ill fight with you or alone

Like the king I am reclaim

my throne

Me nah w

ait for your recognition M

e jus fire upon you with verbal am


Me, O

ne, I speak or m

yself And nobody else

Every one of you has a voice To speak or not, it is your choiceBut silence is not golden Silence is the truth stolenA

nd stealing of the truth Is exactly w

hat dem do to the youts

Miseducation relative deprivation

Mislead young m

inds’ motivation

Dealers, hustlers living bullet tim

e Their lives could end in the space of a rhym

eThey get all the attention W

hile the good them get no m

entionYoung boys grow

ing up with no direction

No protection on his erection

Sowing his seeds

But not fulfilling their needsYoung girls left to raise children alone N

o job and kicked out of home

On the benefit system


here you fill in forms and no one listens

Please listen up when I speak


many hom

eless you seen this week?

Begging for change I said begging for change

Don’t just be a sym

pathiser See through the m

ist, be a realiserSee w

hat has been done To brother, sister, daughter, sonThe revolution a go com

e The revolution begins w

ith oneBut one is m

uch stronger If he listens to those w

ho’ve lived longerListen to the w

isdom of the elders


want fi tell you if you w

ant to knowW

hen’s the last time you saw

your grandma or grandfather

It’s time to go

With an open m

ind and loving soul A

s a comm

unity, as a whole

There’s so much to be told

You think dem lost it cos dem

got oldN

o, dem just stopped sharing

Cos you done stopped caringIf you are now

prepared to hear Revolution m

ay begin this yearG

o forth with w

hat you have been told Tell young girl she’s w

orth more than gold

Tell young boy what a m

an’s about The truth nah w

hisper, the truth does shoutW

e are the revolution W

e are the solutionW

e hold the keyA

nd it begins with you and m


e are the revolution W

e are the solution W

e hold the key A

nd it begins with unity.