Bite back - Survival Techniques for Technical Authors

Jang F.M. Graat IF UnLtd B.V. (NL) Bite back ! survival techniques for technical writers 10th meeting of the STC-Transalpine Chapter October 15-16, 2003 - Böblingen, Germany


This was a fun presentation to give to an audience of tech writers, back in 2003. As a Philosopher and Psychologist, I was able to give people some real insights in their usual personalities and communication styles - and show them some non-aggressive methods to cope with more extravert, more aggressive bosses and co-workers.

Transcript of Bite back - Survival Techniques for Technical Authors

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Jang F.M. GraatIF UnLtd B.V. (NL)

Bite back !survival techniques for technical writers

10th meeting of the STC-Transalpine ChapterOctober 15-16, 2003 - Böblingen, Germany

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Frustration in our jobsImpossible deadlines

Inadequate equipment

No test environment

Unhelpful colleagues

Products that keep changing

Full responsibility for the documentation

What’s this talk about ?

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Managers...... obey their superiors

... put on the pressure

... do not accept excuses

... do not need to listen

... can only see the cost factor

... don’t understand what employees do

How do people cope ?

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Developers...... couldn’t care less

... are cool, no matter what

... don’t need anyone else

... live in their own universe

... often hide in a cloud of “Technese”

... can always blame the Devil, i.e. “Bugs”

How do people cope ?

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Technical writers...... run after those with the info

... are always last to finish

... say they need no recognition

... do their work in their own time

... are kind to others by profession

... are too sympathetic for their health

How do people cope ?

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Communication...... is our trade

... is our main talent

... is our biggest trap

We are technical listeners

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Communicative behaviourAnne-Lies Hustings


Sub-Assertive Aggressive

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Sub-assertiveputting the other’s goals first

not wanting to hurt the other

speaking with lots of hesitation

long sentences, phrased as questions

smiling a lot, even when you’re angry

Styles of communicating (1)

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Aggressivedominating the conversation

not listening to other’s views

pointing finger, eye contact

stress on too many words

no breaks between sentences

Styles of communicating (2)

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as-ser-tive, adj. 1. confidently aggressive or self-assured; positive; aggressive; dogmatic. 2. having a distinctive or pronounced taste or aroma.

as-sert, v.t. 1. to state with assurance, confidence, or force; state strongly or positively; affirm. 2. to maintain or defend (claims, rights, etc.). 3. to state as having existence; affirm; postulate. 4. assert oneself, to insist on one’s rights, declare one’s views forcefully, etc.

Some definitions (Webster’s)

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Assertive in Theory

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Manuel J. Smith, Ph.D.ISBN 0-553-26390-0

Declaration of Assertive Rights

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You have the right to judge your own behaviour, thoughts, and emotions, and to take the responsibility for their initiation and consequences upon yourself.

Assertive Right #1

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You have the right ...... to offer no excuses or reasons to justify your behaviour

... to judge whether you are responsible for finding solutions to other people’s problems

... to change your mind

Further Assertive Rights

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You have the right ...... to say “I don’t know”

... to make mistakes - and be responsible for them

... to be independent of the goodwill of others before coping with them

Further Assertive Rights

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You have the right ...... to be illogical in making decisions

... to say “I don’t understand”

... to say “I don’t care”

Further Assertive Rights

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Assertive in Practice

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PersistenceTechnique: “broken record”

don’t get side-tracked

keep repeating a phrase,but don’t get angry or loud

offer or accept a compromise only when your self-esteem is not in question

feel good about yourself

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Establish an equal relationshipespecially with the developers

Pick up “free information”stuff told without being asked

Self-disclosurerelate to the free information

Social communication

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Requesting a justification“It is wrong to act like that”

“This is a proven bad habit.”

“Why do you always ... ?”

Not all criticism is manipulative“I don’t like what you do”

“I want something else”

Manipulative criticism

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“Fogging”Negative assertionNegative inquiry

Coping with manipulation

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Answer to critique by agreeing:“You are right, I am being irrational about this.”

“You are probably right about that.”

“I understand that you see it that way.”

Respond only to what the critic says,not to what is (or seems to be) implied.Takes the wind out of the critic’s sails


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Assertively accept a negative or action“You’re right. That was a dumb thing to do.”

Takes away the guilt and anxietyguilt can be used to manipulate you

anxiety leads to defensiveness and counter-criticism, which feeds the critic’s energy

Negative assertion

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Actively prompt more (specific) criticismNOT: “What makes you think this is bad ?”

“I don’t understand. What is it about my action that is bad ?”

Be assertive, i.e. clear and calm, about itget the critic to specify exactly what is wrong

take away the emotional response

Negative inquiry

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Closing remarks

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Don’t get emotionalIf you feel bad about what you’ve done, why not admit it was a stupid thing to do ?If you feel OK about your actions, why feel guilty ?Take responsibility for your actions and the consequences