Birds around our school

Birds around our school Endemic birds

Transcript of Birds around our school

Birds around our school

Endemic birds

Andorinha – swallow

Avestruz- ostrich

Birds at school – Pardais, sparrow


Cegonha - stork

Cotovia - Lark

Felosa - white-throat

Gaivinas - Tern

Gaivota - Seagull

Galinha de água – water hen

Melro – Blackbird

Milhafre - Goshawk

Pardal - Sparrow

Peneireiro - Kestrel

Pintassilgo - goldfinch

Pisco - Robin

Pombos - Pigeons

Pato - Duck

Rola - turtledove

Da nossa janela…From our window…

St Benedict KindergartenOeiras - Portugal

Photos taken: Oeiras, Valejas,Queluz and BarcarenaSome from google images

Music: Tchaikovsky