BIP powerpoint presentation

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Transcript of BIP powerpoint presentation

  • 1.Nicholas Scroggs
    Creekside Elementary
    UNC: EDUC517
    Kathleen Nichols
    Crazy Kids and How They Behave

2. Philosophy of Classroom Management
Classroom Management is important in any and every classroom.Without some type of classroom management in place, many, if not all classrooms can easily fall into disarray.
As teachers, we need to remember that classroom management is dynamic.We need to create a well structured environment where all students can participate in classroom activities, complete work with other students or individually without being disturbed and can express their opinions and thoughts without the consequence of reproach from the teacher or other students.
To create such an environment, teachers (sometimes in collaboration with students) need to develop classroom rules, as well as positive and negative consequences that correlate to those rules.Teachers also need to model the created rules to make sure that students understand what the rules mean and what is expected of them.
Positive and negative consequences to following or breaking the classroom rules should be a major component to any style of classroom management.Students need to be rewarded for following the rules at least twice as much as negative consequences for breaking the rules.By doing so, students will be able to see that following the rules is not only for the teachers benefit, but also for theirs as well.
3. Classroom Community
Classroom community is the creation of a community of learners in the classroom where all learners have equal access to academic and social success.A classroom community should be similar to a family with many children.The teacher supplies support, educational opportunities and new challenge problems similar to a parent.The students should supply support and advise other students on problems or issues that they do not want to address to the teacher similar to a sibling.Additionally, parents of students must feel comfortable enough with their childs teacher so they can volunteer in the classroom or communicate any issues.
Creating a classroom community at the beginning of any new school year will be a major asset down the line for all students and teachers and managing the classroom.
To create a successful classroom community I would implement a multi-step system. Before the beginning of the year, I would make contact with every parent in my classroom to learn as mush as possible about their child.Then, I would also tell parents about my expectations for their children in the classroom.Once school begins, students will develop the classroom rules and consequences.We will practice appropriate behavior during specific situations, such as how to communicate during a group discussion.
4. Profile of Student
Individual Student Profile
Name (Pseudonym): J.T.
Age: 11Date of Birth: 4/23/1999
Sex: Male
Race: African American
Current Grade: 5th Grade
Homeroom Teacher: Matson
English/Math Teacher: Shusle, Scroggs
J.T. is a very charismatic student.When talking to him on a personal level, he seems very intelligent, and is very articulate.He is interested in mechanics, movies, and sports, even though he is unable to play any sports because of family issues.This is currently his 3rd year at Creekside.Before the entering the fifth grade, J.T. was labeled as a behavior issue.He constantly disrupted classes, was disrespectful to adults and was constantly sent to the office for reprimands or punishments.Upon entering fifth grade, J.T. showed a massive improvement in both his social skills and behavioral outbursts.
5. Student Strength and Needs
Works well with Individual Instruction
Works well in small groups
Verbal Articulation
Likes Technology
Very Honest
Helping Others
Creating Simple Connections
Increased Attention Span
Note Taking Skills
Grammar and Spelling
Turning in Work
Organizational Skills
Study Habits
Reading for Self
Completing Assignments
6. Data Collection
During the BIP process, I collected information from observations using the duration based observation form in conjunction with Microsoft Excel to keep track of the work he turned in on time, as well as his grades.
The duration based observations were collected only during the first couple of weeks of observations in an effort to get a sense of when and why J.T. lost focus during classroom lessons.
I used a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet to monitor and track all the assignments J.T. was to turn in during my student teaching.This allowed me to review his work, how well he was doing from week to week, and if his grades actually improved any because of this plan.
7. Data Collection
Grades and Work Completed Data (Excel Spreadsheet)
8. Data Collection
9. Behavior Intervention Plan
The Behavior Intervention Plan I created for J.T. focused only on three of his needs:

  • Turning in Assigned work

After a few weeks of observation, I realized that J.T. had the ability to easily complete his class work and homework.I felt that J.T. failed to do his work for multiple reasons including his lack of independence, his interest in the work assigned, and his stamina.To get J.T. to turn in more of his work I decided to continually update him on his grade and show him how not turning in work negatively affected his grade.If he completed all his work on time he would receive a reward.If he failed to complete his work he would complete his missing work with me during lunch and recess.
10. Behavior Intervention Plan

  • Attention Span

This part of his BIP focused on his stamina for paying attention in class and his ability to complete work assigned.To try and improve his stamina I differentiated his work load.I started by supplying simple work I knew that he could complete easily without much assistance.I believed that once J.T. realized thathecould complete the work he was assigned he would be more likely to complete it.I used the duration based observation form to make notes of when he was not paying attention.Once a week I would show him the notes to show him how often he was off task.We would then discuss why he was off task and mutually decide on how to help him stay on task during long stretches.
11. Behavior Intervention Plan
Independence (Self Discipline)
To make J.T. more independent I decided to follow a similar plan using constant updates of grades, differentiation of assignments and a strategy that where I would begin giving him as much assistance as possible and slowly weaning off that assistance to see if he would continue to complete assigned work.While no official notes where gathered for this part of the BIP, I did make mental notes of when he completed his work independently.
12. Student Progress

  • Turning in Assigned Work

Since this part of his BIP was my main goal, I constantly checked to see if J.T. was completing his work.When he completed all of the work assigned on time, he received an award like candy or extra recess time.If he did not complete the assigned work he would have to spend his lunch and recess time with me.Sadly, he only received a reward only 1 out of the 6 weeks that he was on the plan.

  • Attention Span

Throughout the BIP, J.T. showed that his attention span was a major issue.It was very difficult for him to stay on task longer than 15 minutes at any given time.

  • Independence (Self-Discipline)

At first, J.T. showed that he could complete the work with assistance from an adult. After the second week of this plan, I began trying to wean him off the extra assistance by simply giving him the assistance only when requested.After this point, I was hoping that he would begin completing his work without any assistance.
13. Intervention Results
The results were mixed.While J.T. showed massive improvement in completing his work during the implementation of his BIP, once assistance was removed, he slid back into his old habits of not completing his work.As for improving his attention span and independence, the BIP was a failure.The method for improving his attention span seemed to back fire.He got so used to the extra assistance from me or my CT that when I began removing the assistance, he failed to continue complete his work.Providing the extra assistance seemed to make him more dependent on others to assist with his work.
14. Technology
Microsoft Excel:

  • This program was used to monitor J.T. assignment completion.Missing assignments could be easily identified when they were not turned in on time.

  • The only week J.T. completed and turned in his assigned work he requested more computer time.I allowed him 10 extra minutes playing games on this website.