Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1

BIOLOGY FORM 5 NOTES CHAPTER 1 : TRANSPORT CHAPTER 1: TRANSPORT 1.1 THE IMPORT ANCE OF HAVING A TRANSPOR T SYSTEM IN SOME MUL TICELLULAR ORGANISMS 1. The distri!ti"# "$ $""d %#d "&'(e# thr "!(h"!t the "d' "$ %)) )i*i#( "r(%#is+s %#d the re+"*%) "$ ,%ste -r"d!ts s!h %s %r"# di"&ide is -er$"r+ed ' % tr%#s-"rt s'ste+. /. The r%te "$ e&h%#(e "$ s!st%#es i# %# "r(%#is+ de-e#ds "#: 0% The t"t%) %re% t " *")!+e 0TSA2V r%ti" 3 The )%r(er the TSA2V r%ti"4 the $%ster the di!si"# "$ s!st%#es 0 The dist%#e et,ee# the s"!r e "$ s!st%#es %#d th e "d' e))s 3 The s+%))er the dist%#e et,ee# the s"!re "$ s!st%#es %#d the "d' e))s4 the $%ster the di!si"# "$ s!st%#es 0 The "#e#tr%ti"# (r%die#t et,ee# the s"!re %#d the "d' e))s 3 The hi(her the "#e#tr%ti"# (r%die#t et,ee# the s"!re %#d the "d' e))s4 the $%ster the di!si"# "$ s!st%#es 6. I# !#ie))!)%r "r(%#is+s ,ith )%r(e TSA2V r%ti"4 "&'(e# %# di!se thr"!(h the e)) s!r$%e %#d re%h the e#ter "$ the e)) e%si)'. Si+i)%r)'4 ,%ste -r"d!ts %# e r%-id)' re+"*ed $r"+ the e)) ' si+-)e di!si"#. 7. 8h' the )%r(e +!)tie))!)%r "r(%#is+s %##"t de-e#d "# si+-)e di!si"# thr"!(h the "d' s!r$%e %)"#e t" s!--)' the "&'(e# %#d #!trie#ts #eeded ' the e))s9

Transcript of Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1

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1. The distri !ti"# "$ $""d %#d "&'(e# thr"!(h"!t the "d' "$ %)) )i*i#( "r(%#is+s%#d the re+"*%) "$ ,%ste -r"d! ts s! h %s %r "# di"&ide is -er$"r+ed ' %tr%#s-"rt s'ste+.

/. The r%te "$ e& h%#(e "$ s! st%# es i# %# "r(%#is+ de-e#ds "#:

0% The t"t%) %re% t" *")!+e 0TSA2V r%ti"

3 The )%r(er the TSA2V r%ti"4 the $%ster the di !si"# "$ s! st%# es

0 The dist%# e et,ee# the s"!r e "$ s! st%# es %#d the "d' e))s

3 The s+%))er the dist%# e et,ee# the s"!r e "$ s! st%# es %#d the "d'

e))s4 the $%ster the di !si"# "$ s! st%# es

0 The "# e#tr%ti"# (r%die#t et,ee# the s"!r e %#d the "d' e))s

3 The hi(her the "# e#tr%ti"# (r%die#t et,ee# the s"!r e %#d the "d'e))s4 the $%ster the di !si"# "$ s! st%# es

6. I# !#i e))!)%r "r(%#is+s ,ith )%r(e TSA2V r%ti"4 "&'(e# %# di !se thr"!(h the

e)) s!r$% e %#d re% h the e#ter "$ the e)) e%si)'. Si+i)%r)'4 ,%ste -r"d! ts %# er%-id)' re+"*ed $r"+ the e)) ' si+-)e di !si"#.

7. 8h' the )%r(e +!)ti e))!)%r "r(%#is+s %##"t de-e#d "# si+-)e di !si"#thr"!(h the "d' s!r$% e %)"#e t" s!--)' the "&'(e# %#d #!trie#ts #eeded ' the


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0% The t"t%) %re% t" *")!+e 0TSA2V r%ti" is s+%))er

0 The e))s %re sit!%ted $%r %,%' $r"+ the e&ter#%) e#*ir"#+e#t


1. The r")e "$ the ir !)%t"r' s'ste+:

0% t" tr%#s-"rt #!trie#t %#d "&'(e# t" e))s

0 t" %rr' the ,%ste +%teri%)s %,%' $r"+ e))s0 t" -r"te t the "d' %(%i#st i#$e ti"#

/. Three +% "r "+-"#e#ts "$ the ir !)%t"r' s'ste+:

0% B)""d ; % t'-e "$ "##e ti*e tiss!e +%de !- "$ )i<!id -)%s+%4 s!s-e#ded )""de))s %#d -)%te)ets

0 He%rt ; % +!s !)%r -!+- th%t ir !)%tes )""d thr"!(h"!t the "d'

0 B)""d *esse)s ; r%# hed *esse)s "#sisti#( "$ %rteries4 %-i))%ries %#d *ei#s.

1./.1 B)""d %#d H%e+")'+-h

1. B)""d ; is the +edi!+ "$ tr%#s-"rt i# h!+%#s %#d %#i+%)s

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/. H%e+")'+-h is the )""d3)i=e #!triti*e >!id ?))s the e#tire "d' %*it'0h%e+" "e) "$ %rthr"-"ds s! h %s i#se ts4 %#d s!rr"!#ds %)) e))s

6. The $!# ti"#s "$ )""d:

0% tr%#s-"rts "&'(e# $r"+ )!#(s t" the e))s thr"!(h"!t the "d'4 %#d %r "#di"&ide $r"+ the e))s t" the )!#(s

0 tr%#s-"rts #!trie#ts4 h"r+"#e %#d ,%ste -r"d! ts

0 he)-s t" re(!)%te the -H "$ "d' >!id4 the "d' te+-er%t!re %#d the ,%ter"#te#t "$ e))s

0d )""d )"ts t" -r"te t the "d' %(%i#st e& essi*e )""d )"ss $"))",i#( i# i# !r'

0e -r"te ts the "d' %(%i#st dise%ses

7. The $!# ti"#s "$ h%e+")'+-h:

0% tr%#s-"rts ,%ter4 i#"r(%#i s%)ts %#d "r(%#i "+-"!#ds thr"!(h"!t theh%e+" "e)

@ !#)i=e )""d4 h%e+")'+-h d"es #"t tr%#s-"rt res-ir%t"r' (%ses.

5. The "+-"siti"# "$ h!+%# )""d

C"#stit!e#tsM% "r F!# ti"#


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3 s"di!+4 -"t%ssi!+4 +%(#esi!+4 %) i!+4 h)"ride4 %#d i %r "#%te

P)%s+% -r"tei#s:

A) !+i#

Fi ri#"(e#

I++!#"()" !)i#s


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iss")*ed s! st%# es

3 #!trie#ts s! h %s ()! "se4 *it%+i#s4 ,%ste -r"d! ts %#d res-ir%t"r' (%ses

Er'thr" 'tes

Le! " 'tes


Er'thr" 'tes 0Red )""d e))s

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3 It is sh%-ed )i=e i "# %*e dis . It is thi##er %t the e#ter th%# its ed(es. It iss+%))4 % "!t .5 +i r"+etre i# di%+eters.

0t" -r"*ide % )%r(e s!r$% e %re% t" *")!+e r%ti" $"r (%ses e& h%#(e

3 It d"es #"t h%*e #! )e!s.

0t" "#t%i# +"re h%e+"()" i#4 % "!t /5 +i))i"# h%e+"()" i# i# e% h er'thr" 'tes

3 H%e+"()" i# is %# "&'(e#3 %rr'i#( -i(+e#t ,hi h (i*es the er'thr" 'tes red")"!r.

3 It is e)%sti 4 it %# s<!eeDe thr"!(h %-i))%ries s+%))er th%# itse)$ i# di%+eter.3 There %re % "!t 54 4 red )""d e))s i# e% h ! i +i))i+eter "$ )""d

3 The )i$e s-%# "$ %# er'thr" 'te is "#)' 1/ d%'s. 8he# the' %re ,"r# "!t4the' %re destr"'ed i# the s-)ee# %#d the )i*er.

3 Er'thr" 'tes %re -r"d! ed ' the "#e +%rr", "$ the )"#( "#es4 ri s4 s=!))%#d *erte r%e.

Le! " 'tes 08hite )""d e))s

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3 Le! " 'tes %re ")"!r)ess %#d d" #"t "#t%i# h%e+"()" i#.

3 E% h Le! " 'te is irre(!)%r i# sh%-e %#d "#t%i#s % #! )e!s.

3 It %# +"*e. It %# h%#(e its sh%-e %#d s<!eeDe thr"!(h the ,%)) "$ the ?#e)""d %-i))%ries i#t" the s-% es %+"#( the tiss!e e))s.

3 The' %re )%r(er th%# er'thr" 'tes %#d $e,er i# #!+ er.

3 There %re "#)' 54 t" 1 4 ,hite )""d e))s i# e% h ! i +i))i+eter "$

)""d. The r%ti" "$ er'thr" 'tes t" Le! " 'tes is :13 The )i$e s-%# is "#)' % $e, d%'s i# the )""d stre%+

3 The' %re +%de $r"+ ste+ e))s i# "#e +%rr",

3 Le! " 'tes %re )%ssi?ed i#t":

0% Gr%#!)%r )e! " 'tes

3 i# )!de #e!tr"-hi)s4 e%si#"-hi)s4 %s"-hi)s

3 #e!tr"-hi)s: %re -h%(" 'tes4 ,hi h e#(!)$ %#d di(est % teri% %#d de%d e))s

3 e%si#"-hi)s: re)e%se e#D'+es th%t "+ %t i#>%++%ti"# i# %))er(i re% ti"#4%#d =i)) -%r%siti ,"r+s

3 %s"-hi)s: i#*")*e i# "+ %ti#( i#>%++%t"r' %#d %))er(i re% ti"#s

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0 A(r%#!)%r )e! " 'tes:

3 i# )!de )'+-h" 'tes %#d +"#" 'tes

3 )'+-h" 'tes: -r"d! e i++!#e res-"#se %(%i#st $"rei(# s! st%# es.L'+-h" 'tes %re -r"d! ed ' the )'+-h ()%#ds "r )'+-h #"des

3 +"#"s 'tes: %re -h%(" 'tes

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3 P)%te)ets %re e))s $r%(+e#ts $r"+ "#e +%rr",

3 The' h%*e #" #! )e!s

3 The' %re i#*")*ed i# the -r" ess "$ )""d )"tti#(.

The di ere# es et,ee# er'thr" 'tes %#d )e! " 'tes

Er'thr" 'tes

Le! " 'tes

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1.1.1 H!+%# B)""d Vesse)s

1. There %re 6 t'-es "$ h!+%# )""d *esse)s:

0% Arteries

3 Arteries %re )""d *esse)s th%t %rr' )""d %,%' $r"+ the he%rt.3 The $!# ti"# "$ %rteries is t" tr%#s-"rt )""d <!i =)' %#d %t hi(h -ress!re t"the tiss!e

3 The ,%)) "$ %rteries "#sists "$ e-ithe)i%)4 s+""th +!s )e %#d "##e ti*etiss!e.

3 Arteries h%*e ,%))s th%t %re thi =4 +!s !)%r %#d e)%sti .

The thi = e)%sti ,%))s he)- t" +%i#t%i# the hi(h )""d -ress!re i# the %rter'

The e)%sti it' -er+its stret hi#( %#d re "i)i#( "$ the %rter' ,%)). These he)- t"-!sh the )""d %)"#(.

The e)%sti ,%))s "$ the %rteries %)s" -re*e#t the %rteries $r"+ !rsti#( %s)""d !#der hi(h -ress!re s!r(es thr"!(h the+.

3 The e)%sti )%'er is +! h thi =er i# the (re%t %rteries #e%r the he%rt4 s! h %s%"rt% 0the +%i# %rter' )e%*i#( the he%rt

3 Arteries r%# h i#t" s+%))er *esse)s %))ed %rteri")es %s the' re% h the tiss!et" ,hi h the' %re tr%#s-"rti#( )""d.

3 The %rteri")es "#ti#!e t" r%# h %#d e*e#t!%))' $"r+ % #et,"r= "$%-i))%ries.

0 C%-i))%ries

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3 C%-i))%ries %re thi#3,%))ed 0"#e3 e)) thi = )""d *esse)s ,hi h %))", r%-id(%se"!s e& h%#(e t" " !r et,ee# the )""d %#d e))s *i% di !si"#.

3 The' %rr' )""d $r"+ % s+%)) %rter' 0%rteri")e t" % s+%)) *ei# 0*e#!)e

0 Vei#s

3 Vei#s %re )""d *esse)s ,hi h "#*e' )""d t",%rds the he%rt

3 The ,%))s "$ *ei#s %)s" "#sist "$ e-ithe)i%)4 s+""th +!s )e %#d "##e ti*etiss!e. H",e*er4 the s+""th +!s )e )%'er i# *ei#s is thi##er th%# i# %rteries.

3 The )""d i# *ei#s >",s !#der )", -ress!re

3 The *ei#s h%*e )%r(e )!+e# %#d *%)*es th%t +%i#t%i# the "#e3,%' >", "$)""d %#d t" -re*e#t % =>", "$ )""d.

3 The +"*e+e#t "$ )""d %)"#( the *ei#s is %ssisted ' the % ti"# "$ thes=e)et%) +!s )es "# the *ei#s. M!s !)%r e&er ise i# re%ses the -ress!re e&erted "#the *ei#s %#d +"*es the )""d %)"#( +"re <!i =)'.

1. The di ere# es et,ee# %rteries4 *ei#s %#d %-i))%ries




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O#e dr"- "$ )""d "#t%i#s % h%)$ % dr"- "$ -)%s+%4 5 MILLION Red B)""d Ce))s4 1 Th"!s%#d 8hite B)""d Ce))s %#d /5 Th"!s%#d P)%te)ets.

Y"! h%*e th"!s%#ds "$ +i)es "$ )""d *esse)s i# '"!r "d'. Bi)) N'e the S ie# eG!' )%i+s th%t '"! "!)d ,r%- '"!r )""d *esse)s %r"!#d the e<!%t"r T8ICE

ee- '"!r he%rt he%)th'...itJs ("i#( t" h%*e t" e%t % "!t 6 BILLION ti+es d!ri#('"!r )i$eti+e

1.1.1 The H!+%# He%rt

1. The he%rt is sit!%ted et,ee# the t," )!#(s i# the th"r% i %*it'.

/. The he%rt ,ei(hs et,ee# %#d 15 "!# es 0/ t" 7/5 (r%+s %#d is % )itt)e)%r(er th%# the siDe "$ '"!r ?st.

6. The $!# ti"# "$ the he%rt:

@ t" -!+- )""d4 ,hi h %rries %)) the *it%) +%teri%) th%t he)- the "d' $!# ti"# %#dt" -!+- )""d4 ,hi h %rries ,%ste -r"d! ts th%t the "d' d"es #"t #eed.

7. It !s!%))' e%ts $r"+ K t" 1 ti+es -er +i#!te4 !t %# (" +! h $%ster ,he#it #eeds t". It e%ts % "!t 1 4 ti+es % d%'4 +"re th%# 6 +i))i"# ti+es -er'e%r4 %#d % "!t /.5 i))i"# ti+es i# % 3'e%r )i$eti+e.

5. 8ith e% h he%rt e%t4 )""d is se#t thr"!(h"!t "!r "dies4 %rr'i#( "&'(e# %#d#!trie#ts t" %)) "$ "!r e))s. E% h d%'4 /4 (%))"#s 0+"re th%# 45 )iters "$ )""dtr%*e) +%#' ti+es thr"!(h % "!t K 4 +i)es 0 K45K =i)"+eters "$ )""d *esse)sth%t r%# h %#d r"ss4 )i#=i#( the e))s "$ "!r "r(%#s %#d "d' -%rts.

1. The h!+%# he%rt "#t%i#s 7 h%+ ers.

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3 The t," !--er h%+ ers %re %tri% %#d the )",er h%+ ers %re *e#tri )es.

3 Atri% re ei*e )""d ret!r#i#( t" the he%rt ,hi)e the *e#tri )es -!+- )""d "!t"$ the he%rt.

/. The >", "$ )""d thr"!(h he%rt:

3 The s!-eri"r *e#% %*% %#d the i#$eri"r *e#% %*% %rr' de"&'(e#%ted )""dt" the ri(ht %tri!+.

3 As )""d ?))s the ri(ht %tri!+4 the ri(ht %tri!+ "#tr% ts %#d -!shes the)""d i#t" the ri(ht *e#tri )es thr"!(h tri !s-id *%)*e.

3 8he# the ri(ht *e#tri )e "#tr% ts4 the tri !s-id *%)*e is )"sed4 %#d )""d is-!shed "!t thr"!(h se+i3)!#%r *%)*e i#t" the -!)+"#%r' %rteries.

3 e"&'(e#%ted )""d is -!+-ed t" the )!#(s.

3 O&'(e#%ted )""d $r"+ the )!#(s is r"!(ht % = t" the he%rt ' ,%' "$ the-!)+"#%r' *ei#s ,hi h "-e# t" the )e$t %tri!+.

3 8he# the )e$t %tri!+ "#tr% ts4 the )""d e#ters the )e$t *e#tri )e *i%i !s-id *%)*e.

3 8he# the )e$t *e#tri )e "#tr% ts4 )""d )e%*es ' ,%' "$ % )%r(e %rter'4 the%"rt% thr"!(h %#"ther se+i3)!#%r *%)*e.

3 Fr"+ %"rt%4 )""d is distri !ted t" %)) -%rts "$ the "d' 0e&-e t )!#(s .

6. The +!s !)%r ,%)) "$ the )e$t *e#tri )e is thi =er th%# the ,%)) "$ the ri(ht*e#tri )e

3 e %!se )e$t *e#tri )e #eeds t" -!+- )""d t" %)) -%rts "$ the "d'. The ri(ht*e#tri )e "#)' #eeds t" -!+- )""d t" the )!#(s.

7. The he%rt h%s *%)*es th%t %))", )""d t" >", i# "#)' "#e dire ti"#.3 The *%)*e et,ee# the ri(ht %tri!+ %#d ri(ht *e#tri )e is %))ed tri !s-id*%)*e the *%)*e et,ee# the )e$t %tri!+ %#d )e$t *e#tri )e is %))ed i !s-id *%)*e.

These *%)*es -re*e#t )""d $r"+ >",i#( % = i#t" the %tri%.

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 16/39

3 The se+i3)!#%r *%)*es %re )" %ted %t the -"i#t ,here the -!)+"#%r' %rter'%#d %"rt% )e%*e the he%rt. These *%)*es -re*e#t )""d $r"+ >",i#( % = i#t" the*e#tri )es ,he# the *e#tri )es re)%&.

5. The )""d i# the -!)+"#%r' %rteries is %t % )",er -ress!re th%# the )""d i# the%"rt%.

3 This (i*es s! ie#t ti+e $"r (%se"!s e& h%#(e t" " !r i# the )!#(s.

K. The ri(ht side "$ the he%rt is "+-)ete)' se-%r%ted $r"+ the )e$t side "$ thehe%rt ' % +!s !)%r ,%)) %))ed +edi%# se-t!+ ,hi h r!#s d",# the +idd)e "$ thehe%rt.

3 I# this ,%'4 de"&'(e#%ted )""d i# the ri(ht side is !#% )e t" +i& ,ith the"&'(e#%ted )""d i# the )e$t side "$ the he%rt.

. M"de "$ % ti"# "$ the he%rt

3 The t," %tri% "$ the he%rt ,"r= si+!)t%#e"!s)'. The' re)%& %t the s%+e ti+et" re ei*e the )""d $r"+ the *ei#s. The ri(ht %tri!+ re ei*es )""d $r"+ the t,"*e#% %*%e ,hi)e the )e$t %tri!+ re ei*es )""d $r"+ the -!)+"#%r' *ei#s.

3 The t," %tri% the "#tr% t %t the s%+e ti+e4 $"r i#( the )""d i#t" there)%&ed *e#tri )es.

3 A$ter % s)i(ht -%!se4 the t," *e#tri )es "#tr% t si+!)t%#e"!s)'4 $"r i#( the)""d $r"+ the )e$t %#d ri(ht *e#tri )es i#t" %"rt% %#d -!)+"#%r' %rteries

res-e ti*e)'.

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3 Me%#,hi)e the % =>", "$ )""d i#t" the %tri% is -re*e#ted ' the s!dde#)"si#( "$ the tri !s-id %#d the i !s-id *%)*es.

3 The )"si#( "$ these *%)*es -r"d! es % )"!d )! s"!#d ,hi h ,e %# he%ri# % he%rt e%t.

3 A$ter the *e#tri )es h%*e $!))' "#tr% ted4 the' st%rt t" re)%&. As the' re)%&4the )""d i# the %rteries te#ds t" >", % = i#t" the *e#tri )es4 !t this is -re*e#ted

' the s!dde# )"si#( "$ the se+i3)!#%r *%)*es. The )"s!re "$ these *%)*es-r"d! es % s"$t d!- s"!#d.

3 There$"re4 *e#tri !)%r "#tr% ti"# "r s'st")e +%=es % )! s"!#d %#d the*e#tri !)%r re)%&%ti"# "r di%st")e +%=es % d!- s"!#d.

3 A s'st")e %#d % di%st")e +%=e !- "#e he%rt e%t.

3 The %*er%(e #"r+%) he%rt e%t "$ %# %d!)t is % "!t / ti+es -er +i#!te.

3 N"ti e th%t the %tri% %#d the *e#tri )es ,"r= %)ter#%te)'. 8he# the %tri%"#tr% t4 the *e#tri )es re)%& %#d *i e *ers%.

1.1.1 The Cir !)%ti"# O$ B)""d I# H!+%#

The -!+-i#( "$ the he%rt

1. The he%rt is +%de !- "$ str"#( +!s )e4 %))ed %rdi% +!s )e.

3 The %rdi% +!s )e e))s %re i#ter "##e ted. This %))",s e)e tri %) si(#%)s t"e "#d! ted r%-id)' thr"!(h the he%rt4 %#d the s%+e ti+e sti+!)%te the %rdi%

+!s )e e))s t" "#tr% t i# % ""rdi#%ted ,%'.

3 C%rdi% +!s )e is +'"(e#i ; it "#tr% ts %#d re)%&es ,ith"!t the #eed t"re ei*e i+-!)ses $r"+ the #er*"!s s'ste+.

/. The "#tr% ti"# "$ the he%rt is i#iti%ted %#d ""rdi#%ted ' % -% e+%=er.

3 The -% e+%=er is % )!ster "$ s-e i%)iDed he%rt +!s )e e))s th%t sets ther%te %t ,hi h the he%rt "#tr% ts.

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3 The -% e+%=er is )" %ted i# the ,%)) "$ the ri(ht %tri!+.

3 It (e#er%tes e)e tri %) i+-!)ses ,hi h s-re%d r%-id)' "*er ,%))s "$ "th %tri%%si#( the %tri% t" "#tr% t i# % rh'th+i %) -%tter#.

3 The he%rtQs -ri+%r' -% e+%=er is %))ed the si#"%tri%) 0SA #"de.

6. Fr"+ the SA #"de4 the i+-!)ses re% h the %tri"*e#tri !)%r 0AV #"de.

3 The AV #"de is )" %ted %t the >""r "$ the ri(ht %tri!+.

7. Fr"+ the AV #"de4 s-e i%)iDed +!s )e ? res %))ed !#d)e "$ His ? res4 !#d)er%# hes %#d P!r=i# e ? res "#d! t the si(#%)s t" the %-e& "$ the he%rt %#d

thr"!(h"!t the ,%)) "$ the *e#tri )es4 %!si#( the *e#tri %)s t" "#tr% ts %#d -!sh)""d "!t t" the )!#(s %#d "d'.

5. The -% e+%=er is re(!)%ted '

0% -%r%s'+-%theti #er*e ; s)",s d",# the -% e+%=er

0 s'+-%theti #er*e ; s-eeds !- the -% e+%=er

K. The -% e+%=er %)s" "#tr"))ed ' h"r+"#e %dre#%)i#e ; i# re%ses he%rt e%tr%te d!ri#( +"+e#t "$ $e%r "r thre%t.

1.1.1 H", B)""d Press!re Is Re(!)%ted

1. B)""d -ress!re is the $"r e "$ the )""d e&erted "# the ,%))s "$ the )""d*esse)s

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 19/39

/. At rest4 % he%)th' %d!)t ,i)) h%*e % )""d -ress!re "$ 1/ 2 ++ H(. The !--er?(!re4 1/ re$ers t" the s'st")i 0*e#tri !)%r "#tr% ti"# -ress!re ,hi)e the )",er?(!re4 re$ers t" the di%st")i 0*e#tri !)%r re)%&%ti"# -ress!re.

6. B)""d -ress!re *%ries i# di ere#t -%rts "$ the "d'4 ei#( hi(hest #e%r the%"rt% %#d e "+i#( ,e%=er the $!rther %,%' the %rteries %re $r"+ the he%rt. It is)", i# *ei#s %#d it re% hes %)+"st ++ H( i# the *e#% %*%e4 !st e$"re the *e#%

%*%e "-e# i#t" the ri(ht %tri!+ "$ the he%rt.

7. A -ers"#Qs )""d -ress!re %# e +e%s!red ' s-h'(+"+%#"+eter.

5. B)""d -ress!re is re(!)%ted ' % #e(%ti*e $eed % = +e h%#is+. B%r"re e-t"rs)" %ted i# the %r h "$ %"rt% %#d %r"tid %rteries 0 %rteries i# the #e = th%t s!--)')""d t" the r%i# 4 dete t )""d -ress!re >",i#( thr"!(h the+. The' se#d

i+-!)ses "#ti#!"!s)' t" the %rdi"*%s !)%r e#ter i# the +ed!))% " )"#(%t% i# ther%i# t" he)- re(!)%te )""d -ress!re.

1.1.1 The Cir !)%t"r' S'ste+ I# H!+%#4 Fish A#d A+-hi i%#s

1. The ir !)%t"r' s'ste+ "$ )%r(e +!)ti e))!)%r "r(%#is+s %# e di*ided i#t" t,"t'-es:

0% The "-e# ir !)%t"r' s'ste+

3 E&%+-)e: The ir !)%t"r' s'ste+ i# i#se ts

3 O#e "r +"re he%rts -!+- the h%e+")'+-h thr"!(h *esse)s i#t" theh%e+" "e).

3 The h%e+" "e) "#t%i#s s"$t i#ter#%) "r(%#s %#d is ?))ed ,ith h%e+")'+-h.

3 Che+i %) e& h%#(e " !rs et,ee# the h%e+")'+-h %#d the "d' e))s.

3 H%e+")'+-h >",s "!t $r"+ the he%rts i#t" the h%e+" "e) ,he# the he%rts"#tr% t. 8he# the he%rt re)%&4 h%e+")'+-h is dr%,# % = i#t" the he%rts thr"!(h

% -"ses %))ed "sti%.

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 20/39

0 The )"sed ir !)%t"r' s'ste+

3 E&%+-)e: The ir !)%t"r' s'ste+ i# %)) *erte r%tes4 i# )!des h!+%#4 +"))!s=s0e.(. s<!id %#d s#%i)s 4 %#d %##e)id 0e.(. e%rth,"r+

3 B)""d is "#?#ed i# *esse)s.

3 O#e "r +"re he%rts -!+- )""d i#t" +% "r *esse)s th%t r%# h i#t" s+%))er*esse)s i# "r(%#s.

3 Che+i %) e& h%#(e " !rs et,ee# the )""d %#d the i#terstiti%) >!id %#dthe "d' e))s4 %#d et,ee# the i#terstiti%) >!id %#d the "d' e))s.

/. The )"sed ir !)%t"r' s'ste+ %# e di*ided i#t" t," t'-es:

0% Si#()e ir !)%t"r' s'ste+

3 B)""d >",s thr"!(h the he%rt "#)' "# e i# e% h "+-)ete ir !)%ti"# "$ the"d'

0 "! )e ir !)%t"r' s'ste+

3 B)""d >",s thr"!(h the he%rt t,i e i# e% h "+-)ete ir !)%ti"# "$ the "d'

6. There %re t," ,%'s )""d ir !)%ti"#:

0% S'ste+%ti ir !)%ti"#

3 B)""d ir !)%ti"# $r"+ he%rt t" %)) -%rts "$ the "d' e& e-t )!#(s.

3 The "&'(e#%ted )""d is -!+-ed t" the "d' tiss!es thr"!(h )e$t *e#tri )e t"%"rt% %#d %rteries.

3 I# %-i))%ries4 he+i %) e& h%#(e " !rs et,ee# the )""d %#d thei#terstiti%) >!id %#d the "d' e))s.

3 The# de"&'(e#%ted )""d is %rried % = t" the he%rt thr"!(h *ei#s %#d*e#% %*%e t" the ri(ht %tri!+.

0 P!)+"#%r' ir !)%ti"#

3 B)""d ir !)%ti"# $r"+ he%rt t" the )!#(s %#d % = t" the he%rt.

3 The de"&'(e#%ted )""d is -!+-ed $r"+ the ri(ht *e#tri )e thr"!(h the-!)+"#%r' %rteries t" the )!#(s.

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 21/39

3 I# the )!#(s4 %r "# di"&ide is re)e%sed %#d the "&'(e# is t%=e# i# $r"+ the%ir.

3 The#4 the "&'(e#%ted )""d is %rried % = t" the he%rt thr"!(h -!)+"#%r'*ei# t" the )e$t %tri!+.

7. The ir !)%t"r' s'ste+ i# ?sh

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 22/39

3 A ?sh h%s % he%rt ,ith t," +%i# h%+ ers4 "#e %tri!+ %#d "#e *e#tri )e.

3 B)""d )e%*i#( the *e#tri )e ,i)) tr%*e) t" the (i))s %-i))%ries ,here (%se"!se& h%#(e " !rs.

3 The (i)) %-i))%ries "#*er(e i#t" % *esse) th%t %ries the "&'(e#%ted )""d t"the s'ste+i %-i))%ries.

3 I# the s'ste+i %-i))%ries4 "&'(e# di !ses i#t" the tiss!es ,hi)e the %r "#di"&ide di !ses "!t "$ the tiss!e %#d i#t" the %-i))%ries.

3 The de"&'(e#%ted )""d the# ret!r#s t" the %tri!+ "$ the he%rt *i% *ei#s.

3 I# the ir !)%t"r' s'ste+ i# ?sh4 )""d >",s i# "#)' "#e ir !it4 he# e4 it is%))ed % si#()e ir !)%t"r' s'ste+.

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5. The ir !)%t"r' s'ste+ i# $r"(s %#d %+-hi i%#

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 24/39

3 Fr"(s %#d "ther %+-hi i%#s h%*e % three3 h%+ ered he%rt4 ,ith t," %tri%%#d "#e *e#tri )e.

3 e"&'(e#%ted )""d $r"+ the "d' is de)i*ered i#t" the ri(ht %tri!+ %#d"&'(e#%ted )""d $r"+ the )!#( is de)i*ered i#t" the )e$t %tri!+.

3 B)""d $"r+ the "th %tri% the# e#ters % si#()e *e#tri )e.

3 The *e#tri )e the# -!+-s )""d thr"!(h the -!)+" !t%#e"!s ir !)%ti"# %#dthe s'ste+i ir !)%ti"#.

3 The -!)+" !t%#e"!s ir !)%ti"# )e%ds t" the )!#(s %#d s=i# ,here the(%se"!s e& h%#(e " !rs. O&'(e#%ted )""d ret!r#s the )e$t %tri!+ "$ the he%rt.

3 The s'ste+i ir !)%ti"# %rries "&'(e#%ted )""d t" "d' tiss!es %#d the#ret!r#s de"&'(e#%ted )""d t" the ri(ht %tri!+.

3 B)""ds i# the i# $r"(s %#d %+-hi i%# >",s i# t," se-%r%te ir !)%ti"#s: the-!)+" !t%#e"!s ir !)%ti"# %#d the s'ste+i ir !)%ti"#4 it is %))ed % d"! )eir !)%t"r' s'ste+.

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 25/39

K. The ir !)%t"r' s'ste+ i# h!+%#s %#d "ther +%++%)s

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 26/39

3 H!+%#s h%*e % $"!r3 h%+ ered he%rt4 t," %tri% %#d t," "+-)ete)'se-%r%ted *e#tri )es.

3 e"&'(e#%ted )""d %#d "&'(e#%ted )""d d" #"t +i&:

@ t" e#s!re e ie#t %#d r%-id +"*e+e#t "$ the hi(h)' "&'(e#%ted )""d t" the"r(%#s "$ the "d'.

3 I# the -!)+"#%r' ir !)%ti"#4 the de"&'(e#%ted )""d is -!+-ed $r"+ theri(ht *e#tri )e thr"!(h the -!)+"#%r' %rteries t" the )!#(s ,here it -%sses thr"!(hthe )""d %-i))%ries. C%r "# di"&ide is re)e%sed %#d the "&'(e# is t%=e# i# $r"+ the%ir. The#4 the "&'(e#%ted )""d is %rried % = t" the he%rt thr"!(h -!)+"#%r' *ei#t" the )e$t %tri!+

3 I# the s'ste+i ir !)%ti"#4 The "&'(e#%ted )""d is -!+-ed t" the "d'tiss!es thr"!(h )e$t *e#tri )e t" %"rt% %#d %rteries. I# %-i))%ries4 he+i %) %#d(%se"!s e& h%#(e " !r et,ee# the )""d %#d the "d' tiss!es. The#de"&'(e#%ted )""d is %rried % = t" the he%rt thr"!(h *ei#s %#d *e#% %*%e t"the ri(ht %tri!+.

3 B)""d i# h!+%#s >",s i# t," se-%r%te ir !)%ti"#s: the -!)+"#%r' ir !)%ti"#%#d the s'ste+i ir !)%ti"#4 it is %))ed % d"! )e ir !)%t"r' s'ste+

. The %d*%#t%(es "$ % d"! )e ir !)%ti"#:

0% B)""d e#teri#( the )!#(s is %t % )", -ress!re. This e#s!res th%t the )""d is ,e))

"&'(e#%ted e$"re it ret!r#s t" the he%rt.0 B)""d )e%*i#( the he%rt $"r the s'ste+i ir !)%ti"# is %t hi(h -ress!re. Thise#s!res th%t "&'(e#%ted )""d is distri !ted t" the "d' tiss!es %t % $%ster r%te.0This he)- t" +%i#t%i# the hi(h +et% ")i r%te i# +%++%)s .


1./.1 The #e essit' "$ )""d )"tti#(

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 27/39

3 B)""d )"tti#( st"-s "r +i#i+iDes )""d )"ss %t the site "$ d%+%(ed )""d*esse)s t" -re*e#t e& essi*e )eedi#( %$ter i# !r'.

1././ B)""d )"tti#(

1. I# the %se ,he# the d%+%(e "$ the *esse) is s+%))

3 8he# % )""d *esse) is d%+%(ed4 the "##e ti*e tiss!e i# the *esse) ,%)) ise&-"sed t" )""d. P)%te)ets sti = r%-id)' t" $"r+ -)%te)et -)!( 0%# %((re(%ti"# "$sti =' -)%te)ets t" st"- )""d )"ss "+-)ete)' i$ the d%+%(e t" the *esse) is s+%)).

/. I# the %se ,he# the d%+%(e "$ the *esse) is se*ere

3 The )!+-ed -)%te)ets4 the d%+%(ed e))s %#d )"tti#( $% t"rs i# the -)%s+%,i)) $"r+ % ti*%t"rs4 thr"+ "-)%sti#s.

3 Thr"+ "-)%sti#s4 t"(ether ,ith the he)- "$ %) i!+ %#d *it%+i# 4 "#*ert-r"thr"+ i# 0%# i#% ti*e -)%s+% -r"tei# t" thr"+ i# 0%# % ti*e -)%s+% -r"tei# .

3 Thr"+ i# %t%)'ses the "#*ersi"# "$ the s")! )e -r"tei# ? ri#"(e# -rese#ti# the )""d -)%s+% i#t" the i#s")! )e -r"tei# ? ri#.

3 Fi ri# is % ? r"!s -r"tei# ,hi h $"r+s % +esh "*er the ,"!#d tr%--i#( red

)""d e))s %#d se%)i#( the ,"!#d.3 The res!)ti#( )"t h%rde#s "# e&-"s!re t" %ir t" $"r+ % s % .

1.1.1 Pr" )e+s re)%ted t" )""d )"tti#(

1. H%e+"-hi)i%

3 A# i#herited dise%se %!sed ' % )% = "$ -%rti !)%r )"tti#( $% t"rs i# the)""d

3 A -ers"# ,ith this dise%se +%' die d!e t" e& essi*e )eedi#( $r"+ +i#"r!ts %#d r!ises. He +%' %)s" e&-erie# e s-"#t%#e"!s i#ter#%) )eedi#(.

/. Thr"+ "sis

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 28/39

3 B)""d d"es #"t #"r+%))' )"t i# i#t% t )""d *esse)s. This is e %!se "$ the% ti"# "$ % #!+ er "$ %#ti "%(!)%#ts s! h %s he-%ri# ir !)%ti#( i# the )""dstre%+.

3 B!t s"+eti+es4 )""d )"ts +%' $"r+ ,ithi# the )""d *esse)s d!e t" *%ri"!s$% t"rs s! h %s:

e$e ts i# the *esse) ,%))s

B)""d >",s t" s)",)'

C%!si#( )"tti#( $% t"rs t" % !+!)%te %#d i#iti%te % )"t.

3 C)"t $"r+%ti"# i#side %# !# r"=e# )""d *esse) is %))ed Thr"+ "sis.

3 The )"t is %))ed thr"+ !s. S"+eti+es4 the thr"+ !s +%' e "+edis)"d(ed %#d tr%*e) i# the )""dstre%+.

3 A )""d )"t th%t r%*e)s i# the )""dstre%+ is %))ed %# e+ ")!s. Thee+ ")!s is s,e-t %)"#( !#ti) it e "+es )"d(ed i# %rter' ,hi h is t"" s+%)) t" -%ss.8he# this h%--e#s4 )""d >", i# the )""d *esse) is st"--ed.

3 I$ the )"t " !rs i# % "r"#%r' %rter'4 %# %re% "$ he%rt +!s )e +%' die "r e-er+%#e#t)' d%+%(ed e %!se "$ %# i#%de<!%te s!--)' "$ "&'(e# t" th%t %re%. This

%# )e%d t" % he%rt %tt% =.

3 I$ the )"t )" =s )""d >", t" the r%i#4 it %# res!)t i# % str"=e.


1.1.1 F"r+%ti"# A#d C"+-"siti"# O$ I#terstiti%) F)!id

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 29/39

1. B)""d th%t e#ters the %rteri%) e#d "$ % %-i))%r' is !#der hi(h -ress!re ,hi h%!se >!id t" )e%= "#ti#!"!s)' $r"+ the )""d i#t" the s-% es et,ee# the e))s.

This >!id is =#",# %s i#terstiti%) >!id.

/. I#terstiti%) >!id is i+-"rt%#t t" e))s e %!se it is thr"!(h this >!id th%t thee& h%#(e "$ +%teri%)s et,ee# )""d %-i))%ries %#d e))s " !rs. N!trie#ts %#d"&'(e# di !se $r"+ the )""d thr"!(h the i#terstiti%) >!id i#t" "d' e))s. 8%ste-r"d! ts %#d %r "# di"&ide di !se $r"+ the "d' e))s thr"!(h the i#terstiti%) >!idi#t" the )""d.

6. I#terstiti%) >!id "#sists "$:


iss")*e #!trie#ts


Fr"+ the )""d

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 30/39


8%ste -r"d! ts


S+%)) -r"tei#s

7. It d"es #"t "#t%i#

The -)%s+% -r"tei#s: %) !+i#4 ()" !)i# %#d ? ri#"(e#

The er'thr" 'tes


@ e %!se the' %re t"" )%r(e t" -%ss thr"!(h the %-i))%ries.

5. It "#t%i#s )e! " 'tes ,hi h %# ""De thr"!(h the "-e#i#(s et,ee# the%-i))%ries.

1. The )""d -ress!re %t the %rteri%) e#d "$ the %-i))%ries is hi(h4 s" )""d -)%s+%0,ith"!t -)%s+% -r"tei#4 er'thr" 'tes %#d -)%te)ets is $"r ed "!t thr"!(h the

%-i))%ries ,%))s i#t" the s-% es et,ee# the e))s 0i#ter e))!)%r s-% es .

/. The >!id is %))ed i#terstiti%) >!id.

6. I$ the )""d -)%s+% "#ti#!"!s)' +"*ed "!t "$ the )""d %-i))%ries4 the )""d,"!)d )"se $%r t"" +! h )i<!id. T" -re*e#t this4 s"+e "$ the i#terstiti%) >!id is% s"r ed i#t" the )""d %-i))%ries %t the *e#"!s e#d "$ %-i))%ries.

7. B)""d -)%s+% %t the *e#"!s e#d "$ %-i))%ries is h'-ert"#i "+-%red t" thes!rr"!#di#( i#terstiti%) >!id. B)""d -ress!re is %)s" +! h )",er %t the *e#"!s e#d "$


8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 31/39

5. As % res!)t4 5 "$ i#terstiti%) >!id th%t "#t%i#s ,%ter4 +i#er%) s%)ts %#d ,%ste-r"d! ts >", % = i#t" the %-i))%ries. The >!id +!st e ret!r#ed t" the ir !)%t"r's'ste+ t" +%i#t%i# #"r+%) )""d *")!+e.

K. The 15 "$ i#terstiti%) >!id is "))e ted %s )'+-h %#d ret!r#s t" the )""dthr"!(h % #et,"r= "$ *esse)s =#",# %s the )'+-h%ti s'ste+.

1.1.1 The Str! t!re O$ L'+-h%ti S'ste+

1. The )'+-h%ti s'ste+ is % #et,"r= "$ )'+-h %-i))%ries %#d )%r(er *esse)s.

/. The )'+-h %-i))%ries %re )i#d3e#ded t! es "r )"sed %t "#e e#d. The' %re)" %ted i# the s-% es et,ee# the e))s.

6. M%i# $!# ti"#s "$ )'+-h%ti s'ste+:

t" "))e t %#d ret!r# i#terstiti%) >!id4 i# )!di#( -)%s+% -r"tei# t" the )""d4

%#d th!s he)- +%i#t%i# >!id %)%# e t" de$e#d the "d' %(%i#st dise%se ' -r"d! i#( )'+-h" 'tes

t" % s"r )i-ids $r"+ the i#testi#e %#d tr%#s-"rt the+ t" the )""d

7. The L'+-h%ti S'ste+ i# )!des

L'+-h #"des )" %ted %)"#( the -%ths "$ "))e ti#( *esse)s

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 32/39

Is")%ted #"d!)es "$ )'+-h%ti -%t hes i# the i#testi#%) ,%))

S-e i%)iDed )'+-h%ti "r(%#s s! h %s the "#e +%rr",4 th'+!s4 %#d s-)ee#

3 The s-)ee# ser*es %s % reser*"ir $"r )""d4 %#d ?)ters "r -!ri?es the )""d%#d )'+-h >!id th%t >",s thr"!(h it. I$ the s-)ee# is d%+%(ed "r re+"*ed4 thei#di*id!%) is +"re s!s e-ti )e t" i#$e ti"#s.

3 The th'+!s se retes % h"r+"#e4 th'+"si#4 th%t %!ses -re3T3 e))s t" +%t!re0i# the th'+!s i#t" T3 e))s.

5. The i#terstiti%) >!id ,hi h is #"t % s"r ed i#t" the )""dstre%+ dr%i#s i#t" the)'+-h %-i))%ries. It is =#",# %s )'+-h. L'+-h is % tr%#s-%re#t 'e))",ish >!id ,ithi#the )'+-h%ti s'ste+ th%t is "+-"sed -ri+%ri)' "$ i#terstiti%) >!id %#d)'+-h" 'tes.

K. The )'+-h %-i))%ries !#ite t" $"r+ )%r(er )'+-h%ti *esse)s. 8ithi# the)'+-h%ti *esse)s4 there %re "#e3,%' *%)*es th%t

e#s!re the "#ti#!"!s >", "$ the )'+-h %,%' $r"+ the tiss!es.

-re*e#t the % = >", "$ the )'+-h

. The )'+-h #"des )" %ted %t i#ter*%)s %)"#( the )'+-h%ti *esse)s. The$!# ti"#s "$ )'+-h #"des %re:

0% e$e#se $!# ti"#s33?)tr%ti"# %#d -h%(" 't"sis

3 The str! t!re "$ the si#!s h%##e)s ,ithi# the )'+-h #"des s)",s the )'+-h>", thr"!(h the+.

3 This (i*es the reti !)"e#d"the)i%) e))s th%t )i#e the h%##e)s ti+e t" re+"*e+i r""r(%#is+s %#d "ther i# !ri"!s -%rti )es 0s""t $r"+ the )'+-h %#d-h%(" 't"se the+.

3 S"+eti+es s! h )%r(e #!+ ers "$ +i r""r(%#is+s e#ter the #"de th%t the-h%(" 'tes %##"t destr"' e#"!(h "$ the+ t" -re*e#t their i# !ri#( the #"de. A#i#$e ti"# "$ the #"de4 %de#itis4 the# res!)ts.

0 -r"d! e %#d st"re )'+-h" 'tes th%t he)- t" de$e#d the "d' %(%i#st i#$e ti"#.

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. Fr"+ the )'+-h%ti *esse)s4 )'+-h e*e#t!%))' -%sses i#t" "#e "$ t," +%i#h%##e)s:

The th"r% i d! t

3 re ei*es )'+-h $r"+ the )e$t he%d4 #e = %#d hest4 the )e$t !--er )i+ %#dthe e#tire "d' e)", the ri s.

The ri(ht )'+-h%ti d! t

3 re ei*es )'+-h $r"+ the ri(ht %r+4 sh"!)der %re%4 %#d the ri(ht side "$ thehe%d %#d #e =.

. The th"r% i d! t e+-ties its )'+-h i#t" the )e$t s! )%*i%# *ei# %#d the ri(ht)'+-h%ti d! t e+-ties its )'+-h i#t" the ri(ht s! )%*i%# *ei#. He# e4 )'+-hdr%i#s % = i#t" the )""d.

1 . L'+-h +"*es t",%rd the s! )%*i%# *ei# ,ith the he)- "$:

O#e3,%' *%)*es

M!s !)%r "#tr% ti"#

I#testi#%) +"*e+e#ts

Press!re h%#(es th%t " !r d!ri#( i#h%)%ti"# %#d e&h%)%ti"#.

1.1./ The R")e O$ L'+-h%ti S'ste+ I# Tr%#s-"rt

1. The )'+-h%ti s'ste+ "))e ts %#d ret!r#s i#terstiti%) >!id4 i# )!di#( -)%s+%-r"tei# t" the )""d4 %#d th!s he)- +%i#t%i# >!id %)%# e.

3 This is r! i%) e %!se ,%ter4 #!trie#ts %#d "ther +")e !)es "#ti#!"!s)')e%= "!r "$ the )""d %-i))%ries i#t" the s!rr"!#di#( "d' tiss!es. I$ e& ess >!id is#"t ret!r#ed t" the )""dstre%+4 "d' tiss!e ,i)) e "+e s,"))e# e %!se t"" +! h>!id is ret%i#ed.

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3 A# e& essi*e % !+!)%ti"# "$ i#terstiti%) >!id i# the s-% es et,ee# the"d' e))s ,i)) res!)t i# % "#diti"# =#",# %s "ede+%.

3 Oede+% +%' e %!sed ' % )" =ed )'+-h%ti *esse).

/. The )'+-h%ti s'ste+ "))e ts )i-ids $r"+ the i#testi#e %#d tr%#s-"rt the+ t"the )""d *i% )% te%)s i# the *i))i "$ s+%)) i#testi#e3

3 L% te%)s %re )'+-h %-i))%ries i# ,hi h dr"-)ets "$ )i-ids %#d $%t3s")! )e*it%+i#s %re tr%#s-"rted t" the )""dstre%+.

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 35/39



P%th"(e#s %re dise%se3 %!si#( +i r""r(%#is+s.

3 E&%+-)es: % teri%4 *ir!ses %#d -%r%sites.

A#ti(e#s %re +")e !)es %rried "r -r"d! ed ' +i r""r(%#is+s th%t i#iti%te%#ti "d' -r"d! ti"#

A#ti "dies %re -r"tei#s -r"d! ed ' i++!#e s'ste+ e))s th%t i#d t" $"rei(#

+")e !)es %#d +i r""r(%#is+s4 %#d i#% ti*%te the+.

I++!#it' is the "d'Js %-% i)it' t" re-e) $"rei(# s! st%# es %#d e))s.

I++!#e res-"#se is the i#ter% ti*e et,ee# %#ti "d' %#d %#ti(e# ,hi hres!)t i# the %#ti(e# ei#( e)i+i#%ted $r"+ the "d'

The ir !)%t"r' s'ste+ %)s" de$e#ds the "d' %(%i#st $"rei(# "dies4 es-e i%))'dise%se3 %!si#( +i r""r(%#is+s.

There %re 6 )i#es "$ de$e# e +e h%#is+s:

i. The ?rst )i#e "$ de$e# e

ii. The se "#d )i#e "$ de$e# e

iii. The third )i#e "$ de$e# e

The ?rst %#d se "#d )i#es "$ de$e# e %re #"#3s-e i? de$e# es ; the' d" #"tdi ere#ti%te "#e -%th"(e# $r"+ %#"ther.

The third )i#e "$ de$e# e is % s-e i? de$e# e ; it re "(#iDes s-e i? -%th"(e# %#dde$e#s the "d' %(%i#st the+.

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 36/39

The First Li#e "$ e$e# e

1. The ?rst )i#e "$ de$e# e "#sists "$ -h'si %) %#d he+i %) %rriers th%t -re*e#t-%th"(e#s $r"+ e#teri#( the "d'.

/. B%rriers t" e#tr' %re

0% S=i#

3 The s=i# is % -%ssi*e %rrier t" i#$e ti"!s %(e#ts s! h %s % teri% %#d


3 The "!ter )%'er "$ the s=i# is t"!(h %#d -r"*ides % -h'si %) %rrier th%t isi+-er+e% )e t" % teri% %#d *ir!ses.

3 The "#ti#!%) sheddi#( "$ de%d s=i# e))s +%=es it di !)t "$ % teri% t"(r", "# the s=i#

3 The s=i# %)s" % ts %s he+i %) %rrier %s it se retes se !+. Se !+ $"r+s %-r"te ti*e ?)+ "*er the s=i#.

3 I# %ddi ti"#4 s,e%t e& reted ' the s=i# "#t%i#s )'s"D'+e4 %# e#D'+e%-% )e "$ re%=i#( d",# the e)) ,%))s "$ ert%i# % teri%.

0 M! "!s +e+ r%#es

3 M! !s +e+ r%#es )i#i#( the res-ir%t"r'4 di(esti*e4 !ri#%r'4 %#d re-r"d! ti*etr% ts se rete +! !s th%t "#t%i# )'s"D'+e ,hi h tr%-s %#d destr"' % teri%.

3 E&%+-)e: the +! "!s +e+ r%#e "$ the #"se h%s +! !s3 "%ted h%irs th%ttr%- %#d ?)ter +i r""r(%#is+s4 d!st %#d -"))!t%#ts $r"+ i#h%)ed %ir.

8/16/2019 Biology Form 5 Notes Chapter 1 37/39

0 Te%rs %#d s%)i*%

3 Te%rs %#d s%)i*% %)s" se rete )'s"D'+e ,hi h he)-s -r"te t the e'es %#d+"!th $r"+ % teri%) i#*%si"#

0d H'dr" h)"ri % id se reted ' the st"+% h

3 P%th"(e#s th%t (%i# e#tr' i#t" the "d' *i% $""d %#d dri#=s "#s!+ed %redestr"'ed ' the h'dr" h)"ri % id se reted ' the st"+% h

The Se "#d Li#e "$ e$e# e

1. es-ite the -h'si %) %#d he+i %) %rriers4 -%th"(e#s +%' sti)) % )e t" (%i#e#tr' i#t" "!r "d'. T" ?(ht %(%i#st these -%th"(e#s4 the "d' h%s % se "#d )i#e "$de$e# e4 %))ed -h%(" 't"sis.

/. Ph"(" 't"sis is the -r" ess ' ,hi h -h%(" 'ti ,hite )""d e))s 0-h%(" 'tese#(!)$ %#d i#(est +i r""r(%#is+s "r "ther -%rti )es s! h %s e))!)%r de ris.

6. The t," +%i# t'-es "$ -h%(" 'tes %re:

0% Ne!tr"-hi)s

3 $"!#d i# the )""d

0 M"#" 'tes 2 +% r"-h%(es

3 $"!#d i# the i#terstiti%) >!id

7. 8he# %# i#$e ti"# " !rs4 #e!tr"-hi)s %#d +"#" 'tes +i(r%te t" the i#$e ted%re%. !ri#( +i(r%ti"#4 +"#" 'tes e#)%r(e %#d de*e)"- i#t" +% r"-h%(es.

5. The st%(es "$ -h%(" 't"sis:

0i 8he# % -h%(" 'te e# "!#ters %# i#*%di#( -%th"(e#4 the -h%(" 'te e#(!)$sthe -%th"(e#.

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0ii A$ter the -%th"(e# is e#(!)$ed %#d dr%,# i#side the -h%(" 'te4 the e#D'+e)'s"D'+e =i))s the -%th"(e#.

The Third Li#e "$ e$e# e

The third )i#e "$ de$e# e is i++!#e s'ste+. It is % s-e i? "r t%r(eted de$e# e.

!ri#( %# i#$e ti"#4 the i++!#e s'ste+ ide#ti?es the %#ti(e#s i#*%di#( the "d'.

The %#ti(e#s i#d! e the )'+-h" 'tes t" re)e%se %#ti "dies i#t" the )""dstre%+ t"

destr"' % -%rti !)%r %#ti(e#.

The +e h%#is+ !sed ' %#ti "dies t" destr"' %#ti(e#s:

The V%ri"!s T'-e "$ I++!#it'

1. There %re t," t'-es "$ i++!#it':

0% A ti*e i++!#it'

3 the "d' +%=es its ",# %#ti "dies i# res-"#se t" sti+!)%ti"# ' %# %#ti(e#.

0 P%ssi*e i++!#it'

3 the "d' re ei*es %#ti "dies $r"+ %# "!tside s"!r e.


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The h!+%# i++!#"de? ie# ' *ir!s 0HIV is % *ir!s th%t %tt% =s the i++!#es'ste+.

I#$e ti"# ' the HIV Vir!s res!)ts i# % <!ired i++!#"de? ie# ' s'#dr"+e 0AI S .

The *ir!s re-r"d! es i#side the )'+-h" 'tes %#d =i)) the+ i# -r" ess. Si# e thei++!#e s'ste+ "$ % -ers"# is ,e%=e#ed4 the "d' is -r"#e t" i#$e ti"#s.E*e#t!%))'4 the i++!#e s'ste+ "))%-se %#d the *i ti+ dies "$ %# i#$e ti"#.