Biology 2 nd 9 Week District Assessment Review Gregor Mendel.

Biology 2 nd 9 Week District Assessment Review Gregor Mendel

Transcript of Biology 2 nd 9 Week District Assessment Review Gregor Mendel.

Page 1: Biology 2 nd 9 Week District Assessment Review Gregor Mendel.

Biology 2nd 9 Week District Assessment Review

Gregor Mendel

Page 2: Biology 2 nd 9 Week District Assessment Review Gregor Mendel.

1. When using Punnett Squares to show inherited probability, a capital letter stands for the ___________ allele.


Page 3: Biology 2 nd 9 Week District Assessment Review Gregor Mendel.

2. Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces:


3. How many gametes does Meiosis produce?


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4. Define Haploid-Cell with half the number of chromosomes (n) as a diploid (2n) cell.

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5. Meiosis Results in how many daughter cells and what type of cell?

4 haploid daughter cells

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6. What is happening to the cells when cancer forms?

Uncontrolled cell growth

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7. Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces gametes (egg and sperm). Gametes have how many chromosomes as compared to the original parent cell?


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8. What is the DNA segment from which this section of mRNA was transcribed?




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Review Chargaff’s Rules about DNA

Explained:• The amount of guanine is roughly equal to cytosine• The amount of adenine is roughly equal to thymine.

• DNA should have a 1:1 ratio (base Pair Rule)

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9. What is a valid conclusion that can be drawn from this data below considering Chargaff’s rule?

The amount of adenine roughly equals the amount of thymine and the amount of guanine roughly equals the amount of cytosine.

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10. What type of image is this and what is it used for?

Karyotype mapPicture of someone's chromosomes in order to detect chromosomal disorders.

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11. Identify the location of the defect and the name of the disorder?

Trisomy #21Down Syndrome

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12. Define Phenotype and give examples:The actual characteristic displayed or expressed by the individual. Ex: brown eyes, blond hair, purple flowers, tall, dwarf, etc.)

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13. Using the Punnett square how many offspring will have blue eyes if

A = blue and a = brown?


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Review - Sex Linked Traits

• Sex Chromosomes– Female = XX– Male = XY

• Sex linked traits are carried on the X chromosome

• Ex. Hemophilia, red-green colorblindness

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14. Using the Punnett square below, how many offsprings will have color blindness? One

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15. Gametes have how many chromosomes if the parent started with 8?

4 – Half the Number (image starts with 4 ends with 2)

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16. What is a stop codon?Stop codons stop translation or the making of proteins by stringing amino acids together.

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17. What happened to the original DNA code for the amino acid sequence?

The polypeptide chain changed because of a point mutation

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18. What are stem cells?Unspecialized cell that can develop into a specialized cell under the right conditions

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19. What signals stem cells to become specialized cells such as nerve or skin cells?

• DNA• RNA• Environmental


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A- amino acidB- tRNAC- anticodonD- codonE- mRNAF- RibosomeG-polypeptide

21. Define the process of what is happening at the red arrow! tRNAs attaches the anticodon’s to the codon’s on the mRNA strand which adds the amino acid to the polypeptide chain

20. Label the parts below :

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22. Central Dogma of Protein Synthesis…Fill in the missing parts!

DNA RNA protein trait? ?



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23. When the stop codon is reached, a chain of amino acids have been formed. This chain will fold and a ________ is made for the cell.


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24. In pea plants, a Yellow pea plant (Y) is dominant to the green pea plant (y). The cross of both plants is represented in the Punnett square below. Predict the percentage of the offspring that will likely be heterozygous Yellow.


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25. Identify the amino acid chain from the following RNA strand: AUGCACAAUAAGGUCUGA

Methionine, Histidine, Asparagine, Lysine,

Valine, Stop

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26. Give the process in which mRNA attaches to the ribosome and a protein in assembled.


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27. Give the process in which mRNA is synthesized from the template DNA strand.


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28. What are the stages of mitosis?

1. Prophase2. Metaphase3. Anaphase4. Telophase

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29. Identify the 3 parts of Interphase and what is happening?

1. G1 phase – cell growth

2. S phase – replication of DNA

3. G2 phase – replication of organelles for cell division

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30. What is the difference between rRNA and tRNA when it comes to translation of mRNA into proteins?

tRNAs transports amino acids

rRNA works with proteins to form the ribosome

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31. Give 3 reasons why cells divide?

1. Growth 2. Repair 3. Replacement

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32. Rosalind Franklin was the 1st scientist to state that the backbone of DNA was sugar & phosphate. Who developed the model?

Watson and Crick

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33. What is this an xray of?


34. What is the shape of DNA?

Double Helix

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Deletion (the D part of the chromosome is left out)

35. What type of mutation is represented below?

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Insertion (part BC of a chromosome breaks off and attaches to its sister chromatid)

36. What type of mutation is represented below?

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37. What is a Frameshift Mutation

Example: The dog bit the cat. The dob itt hec at.

A nitrogen base is either deleted or added.

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38. What is a substitution mutation?

The amino acid chain was altered by a change to the sequence

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39. Identify the phase of mitosis occurring in the cell


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40. Identify the phase of mitosis occurring in the cell


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41. Identify the phase of mitosis occurring in the cell


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42. Identify the phase of mitosis occurring in the cell


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43. In which stage of Interphase is the cell’s DNA copied?

S Phase

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44. What type of complementary molecule is being produced and how do you know?

Complementary mRNA strand is produced from a segment of DNAUracil is present

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45. Name of this type of chart and what it is used for?

• Pedigree• Shows pattern of inheritance of a specific trait

through a family

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46. According to the chart above which of the following amino acid is coded for by the DNA codon GCT? CGA - Arginine

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47. According to the chart above which of the following amino acid is coded for by the DNA codon TCC? AGG - Arginine

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48. According to the chart above which of the following amino acid is coded for by the DNA codon TAC? AUG - Methionine

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49. GUG codes for which amino acid?


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50. What connects the complementary nucleotides?

Hydrogen Bonds

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51. What is important about Crossing Over?

Creates genetic variation in gametes

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52. The correct sequence between genes and their expression is:

DNA RNA Protein Trait? ?

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54. How are Proteins Made?

To make a protein, a cell must put a chain of amino acids together in the right order.

53. Which molecule initiates protein synthesis?

DNA will provide the codes to build a protein.

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55. Which molecule is responsible for your traits and what makes it unique?

DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid Genetic information exists

in the sequence of the nucleotides on the DNA Strand

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56. In pea plants, purple flowers (P) are dominant to white flowers (p). If two heterozygous purple plants are crossed, what percent of the offspring will probably be white?

P p




pp25% White

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57. Give 4 characteristics of gene regulation?

Occurs in Eukaryotes and ProkaryotesEach cell expresses, or turns on, only a

fraction of its genes. The rest of the genes are repressed, or turned off.

Different genes are active at different times.This process can determine the amount of

protein product that is made by a gene at any given time.

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58. In parrots, a sharp beak (A) is dominant to a dull beak (a), and shiny feathers (L) is dominant to dull feathers (l). If a parrot has the genotype of Aall, what are the possible genetic combinations of its offspring?

A. Al, alB. AL, alC. AL, AL, alD. Al, al, aA, AL

Genotype: Aall

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59. In cats, the allele for Yellow fur (E) is dominant over the allele for black fur (e) and the allele for short fur (F) is dominant over the allele for long fur (f). What percentage of the offspring from a EeFf x eeff cross would be expected to be heterozygous for both traits?

EF Ef eF efef EeFf Eeff eeFf eeff
