Biol2402 Exami Ss2012 Part1

Name:____________________________________________________________ July 23, 2012 BIOL 2402 EXAM I - PARTI CH 18-21 MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Figure 20-1 The Heart Use Figure 20- 1 to answer the following questions: 1) Identify the structure labeled "8." A) moderator band B) pectinate muscles C) papillary muscles D) chordae tendineae E) trabeculae carneae 1) 2) Identify the structure labeled "6." A) cusp of tricuspid valve B) aortic semilunar valve C) ligamentum arteriosum D) bicuspid valve E) pulmonary semilunar valve 2) 1

Transcript of Biol2402 Exami Ss2012 Part1

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Name:____________________________________________________________ July 23, 2012BIOL 2402 EXAM I - PARTI

CH 18-21

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Figure 20-1 The HeartUse Figure 20-1 to answer the following questions:

1) Identify the structure labeled "8."A) moderator bandB) pectinate musclesC) papillary musclesD) chordae tendineaeE) trabeculae carneae


2) Identify the structure labeled "6."A) cusp of tricuspid valveB) aortic semilunar valveC) ligamentum arteriosumD) bicuspid valveE) pulmonary semilunar valve



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3) Which of the following are involved in the pulmonary circuit?A) inferior vena cava, right atrium, aortaB) left ventricle, pulmonary veins, right atriumC) right ventricle, pulmonary veins, aortaD) right ventricle, pulmonary trunk, left atriumE) superior vena cava, right atrium, left ventricle


4) Which of the following changes doesn't occur during exercise compared to rest?A) kidney blood flow is lowerB) heart blood flow is higherC) abdominal viscera blood flow is lowerD) skin blood flow is lowerE) cardiac output is higher


5) The vascular pressure that declines from roughly 35 mm Hg to about 18 mm Hg is theA) diastolic pressure.B) venous pressure.C) pulse pressure.D) capillary hydrostatic pressure.E) peripheral pressure.


6) Pinealocytes produceA) melanin.B) FSH.C) melatonin.D) MSH.E) LH.


7) Hormones can operate on the ________ level of organization.A) tissueB) organC) cellularD) organismicE) All of the answers are correct.



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Figure 19-1 The Origins and Differentiation of Formed ElementsUse Figure 19-1 to answer the following questions:

8) Identify the cell labeled "2."A) lymphocyteB) neutrophilC) eosinophilD) monocyteE) basophil


9) Damage to cells of the zona fasciculata of the suprarenal cortex would result inA) increased volume of urine formation.B) decreased levels of sodium ion in the blood.C) the loss of axillary and pubic hair.D) increased water retention.E) decreased ability to convert amino acids to glucose.


10) The hormone that dominates during the alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS)isA) aldosterone.B) epinephrine.C) thyroid hormone.D) testosterone.E) cortisol.


11) Plasma thromboplastin is a factor in the ________ pathway.A) fibrinolyticB) extrinsicC) commonD) retractionE) intrinsic



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Figure 20-2 Cardiac CycleUse Figure 20-2 to answer the following questions:

12) What volume is labeled "G" on the graph?A) end-systolic volumeB) stroke volumeC) ejection fractionD) cardiac outputE) end-diastolic volume


13) Which layer of a blood vessel contains concentric sheets of smooth muscle tissue?A) tunica externaB) tunica intimaC) external elastic membraneD) tunica mediaE) internal elastic membrane



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14) Relative to the lumen, which of these vessels has the thickest tunica media?A) arteriolesB) veinsC) arteriesD) venulesE) capillaries


15) The C cells of the thyroid gland produceA) triiodothyronine.B) PTH.C) TSH.D) thyroxine.E) calcitonin.


16) The hormone produced by the pars intermedia of the adenohypophysis during early childhoodisA) ADH. B) FSH. C) TSH. D) ACTH. E) MSH.


17) Platelets are pinched off from giant multinucleated cells in the bone marrow calledA) normoblasts.B) erythroblasts.C) megakaryocytes.D) lymphoblasts.E) myeloblasts.


18) The marginal branch and posterior interventricular branch are branches of theA) left coronary artery.B) circumflex artery.C) coronary sinus.D) right coronary artery.E) aorta.


19) The delta cells of the pancreatic islets produceA) peptide P.B) glucagon.C) insulin.D) somatostatin.E) cortisol.


20) Which of these statements about melatonin is false?A) exposure to light stimulates productionB) exposure to light inhibits productionC) made from serotoninD) produced by pinealocytesE) inhibits releases of GnRH



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21) Which of these is true about the atrial reflex?A) also called Bainbridge reflexB) triggered by increasing venous returnC) triggered by atrial mechanoreceptorsD) depends on sympathetic innervationE) All of the answers are correct.


22) Transferrin is an example of which kind of plasma protein?A) apolipoproteinB) steroid-binding proteinC) metalloproteinD) hormone-binding proteinE) transport albumin


23) ________ involves a cascade of reactions leading to the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin.A) The platelet phaseB) CoagulationC) RetractionD) FibrinolysisE) Vascular spasm


24) The pituitary hormone that promotes egg development in ovaries and sperm development intestes isA) TSH. B) LH. C) FSH. D) ACTH. E) GH.


25) If the force of ventricular contraction increases, what will happen to the end-systolic volume?A) increaseB) decreaseC) reduced to zeroD) fluctuate rapidlyE) remain the same


26) During ventricular systole, theA) pressure in the aorta remains constant.B) atria are contracting.C) AV valves are closed.D) pressure in the ventricles remains constant.E) blood is entering the ventricles.


27) Elevated levels of the hormones ANP and BNP will produce increasedA) salt and water loss through the kidneys.B) venous return and preload.C) blood pressure.D) blood volume.E) sodium ion levels in blood.



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28) Too little secretion of cortisol and aldosterone causesA) Cushing disease.B) diabetes mellitus.C) goiter.D) Addison disease.E) diabetes insipidus.


Figure 21-1 ArteriesUse Figure 21-1 to answer the following questions:

29) Identify the artery labeled "16."A) inferior mesentericB) celiacC) axillaryD) splenicE) superior mesenteric



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30) The hypophyseal portal systemA) carries neurosecretions to the anterior lobe of the pituitary.B) has two capillary plexuses connected by short veins.C) is a blood connection between the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary.D) carries ADH and oxytocin.E) All of the answers are correct.


31) When a blood clot forms on a ruptured plaque in a coronary artery, the condition is referred to asa(n)A) coronary spasm.B) myocardial infarction.C) pulmonary embolism.D) coronary thrombosis.E) angina pectoris.


32) Depolarization of the atria corresponds to the EKG'sA) S-T segment.B) QRS complex.C) T wave.D) P wave.E) QT interval.


33) In cardiac muscleA) calcium ions play no role in the process of contraction.B) calcium ions do not bind to troponin molecules.C) calcium ions play an important role in repolarizing the membrane after the depolarizationphase.

D) about 20 percent of the calcium ion required for contraction comes from outside the cell.E) calcium ions are not released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.


34) The most abundant proteins in blood plasma areA) transport proteins.B) lipoproteins.C) fibrinogens.D) albumins.E) globulins.


35) ________ are chemical messengers that are released in one tissue and transported in thebloodstream to alter the activities of specific cells in other tissues.A) HormonesB) NeuropeptidesC) AntigensD) Humoral antibodiesE) Neurotransmitters



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36) The first heart sound is heard when theA) atria contract.B) AV valves open.C) semilunar valves close.D) blood enters the aorta.E) AV valves close.


37) Hormones that dominate during the resistance phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS)are theA) glucocorticoids.B) catecholamines.C) androgens.D) gonadotropins.E) mineralocorticoids.


38) Most of the protein factors that are required for clotting are synthesized byA) the liver.B) the spleen.C) the kidneys.D) megakaryocytes.E) platelets.


39) Fear can result inA) increased stimulation of the cardioinhibitory center by higher brain centers.B) decreased heart rate.C) decreased blood pressure.D) increased stimulation of the cardioaccelerator center by higher brain centers.E) parasympathetic stimulation.


40) The intrinsic pathway of coagulation is activated by theA) activation of Factor XII exposed to collagen.B) release of tissue factor (Factor III) by damaged endothelium.C) release of heparin from the liver.D) sticking of platelets to damaged tissue.E) conversion of prothrombin to thrombin.


Please answer the following essay questions as complete as possible.

41) The intracellular protein ________ binds calcium ion. This complex can then activateenzymes.


42) Adipocytes produce a peptide hormone called ________ that acts on the hypothalamus. 42)

43) Two hormones that have opposing effects are called ________. 43)

44) The inner portion of the suprarenal gland is the ________. 44)

45) The consistent pattern of hormonal and physiological responses to stresses of differentkinds is called the ________.



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46) Hormones that produce different but complementary results are called ________. 46)

47) Approximately 45% of the blood volume is composed of the ________ . 47)

48) After blood is fractionated, its components are ________ for the purpose of analysis. 48)

49) Erythropoiesis is stimulated by a kidney-derived hormone called ________. 49)

50) The ________ is a procedure that is used to determine the number of each of the varioustypes of white blood cells.


51) The heart lies within the ________ cavity. 51)

52) The muscle layer of the heart is the ________. 52)

53) The ________ lines the chambers of the heart, covers the heart valves, and is continuouswith the endothelium.


54) Oxygen is added to blood as it flows through the ________ circuit. 54)

55) As the left ventricle contracts, it bulges into the ________. 55)

56) The ________ is a remnant of an important fetal blood vessel that once linked thepulmonary and systemic circuits.


57) The heart has four chambers, two small thin-walled atria and two large muscular________.


58) The two types of cardiac muscle cells involved in a normal heartbeat include specializedcells of the conducting system and ________ cells.


59) The relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle is called ________. 59)

60) As the heart rate slows, ________ gets longer. 60)

61) Abnormal heart sounds caused by turbulent flow through faulty valves are called________.


62) The backward flow of blood from a ventricle to its atrium or from a outflow vessel to itsventricle is called ________.


63) ________ conduct fluid from the interstitial space back to the venous system. (Note: Besure to capitalize the first letter of your answer).


64) The term ________ refers to the pressure in the arterial side of the circulatory system. 64)

65) The blood vessel that supplies blood to the head and neck is the ________. 65)


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66) The common carotid artery divides to form the ________ and ________ carotid arteries. 66)

67) The blood vessel that supplies venous blood to the liver is the ________. 67)

68) The inferior portion of the spinal cord and the abdominal wall receive blood from the________.


69) Blood from the brain is drained by the ________. 69)

70) The vein in the arm commonly sampled for blood by venipuncture is the ________. 70)